#No more old sad man neta
yesyourstalker · 11 months
Neta: uhhhhh......*yawn* good morning everyone....
Mahi: morning Neta.....you look different
Neta: yeah don't get used to it.... I'm just letting the red fade out they look a little orange. Next week my tentacles are going to go back to being................. Green..... Mahi
Mahi: do you like it?
Neta: it's green! You dyed your fins green!?!? Oh my cod you look........ you look.... you look................... Hm......... You look good mahi I like it.
Mahi: yeah... I thought I'd mess with ya when you came back..
Neta: hahaha well you did throw me off a bit. Uhhehe................ You do look like someone I used to know.......... just like him...... What made you want to dye your fins green anyway?.... You trying to be like your manager? Hmmm hmm? You want to be like me???
Mahi: shut up...... No... I just wanted to change my look........ I chose green.
Neta: and you chose the exact same green that I wear.. mmmmmm sounds like you want to be meeeeer awwww I'm flattered
Mahi: nooo this green is a little bit darker and earthy you have green ink 24.....I have ink 45... So it's not the same........ it's a lot closer to my grandpa's fin color more than anything
Neta: heheheheh... Well! Whatever I like it on you! [Ruffles head]......hahah..............................................
Mahi: what? I'm staring at?!
Neta:you look.....................so familiar..... someone I used to know
Mahi: who? An old military friend? Are they dead? Please don't tell me that I look like a dead soldier.
Neta: mmmmmmmmmm ehhhhhhhhh.......never mind
Mahi: what?! What do you mean never mind? Who do I look like besides my grandpa?
Neta: I don't know! Shut up. Forget about it. You just look like someone I used to hang out with.............. They look just like the old man
Candi: morning everyone! Sorry I'm late I had to drop my kid off to school.... Notice something different?
Neta: mmmmm... Uhhhh.... You got your finger tip dipped? Looks nice. I like the pink.
Candi: ok. anything else you notice? Mmmm anything look different?
Candi:........... ....... Really ???
Neta:....................................... Your lip gloss is pinker?
Mahi: Neta her tentacles are blue! oh my cod....
Neta: oh.... OH... oh! Ohhh my cod.... they are blue!! Nice baby blue..... It looks cute.
Candi: yeah!.... heh... Yeah.....*sigh*..... Thought you would notice
Neta: I'm sorry
Candi: no! No! it's fine! It's-
Neta: I'm going to be very honest. I kind of forgot what most of you guys look like... Hehehe....
Mahi: old fuck
Neta: it's not about my age! It's just I..... I just have a lot on my mind..ok I can't remember every single body modification you kids do to yourselves!!!..I'm not old!
Mahi: hahahahaha all right grandpa...
Mahi belongs to @fish-at-fish-fish-resort
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natty1730 · 1 year
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Chapter 1 : Leaving Brazil
No One’s P.O.V
“Avó I don't understand; I know there have been getting along recently between us, but Rússia? Папа? Papai?”
Daisy was grabbing a bowl from the cabinet from the kitchen and serving herself muesli. “Margarita , I know your Papai isn't a great guy, but he is young and I am getting too old to take care of you.” Daisy’s grandma said with a sad sigh. “Avó this is a completely different place! My entire life is here in Brasile , everything that I have ever known is here!. I will be a stranger to Papai and I will be an outcast in Rússia” she said to her Avó with anger. “Is it because I haven’t been home and been in the city more than here? I know I haven’t been here, but my band has the biggest break of our lives Avó, if the band breaks up because I have moved away, our hard work will be for nothing!” Avó grabbed her cane from where she was sitting and stood up. From her chair and walk towards her Neta. Daisy tears were spilling from her dark chocolate eyes. Her grandma wiped her tears from Daisy’s cheek. “I know you work so hard for your dreams Florzinha, but you need to understand that I won’t be there for you always, and I know my time will be up soon, and I just want what is best for you, and what is best for you is to be in Rússia with your papai.” Her Avó’s hand was still on her cheek and she held Avó's hand. Still with tears. “Your papai misses you so much.” Daisy took Avó's hand and put it down and she said, “I can’t leave you, I promise Mamã, that I’ll take care of you,” Avó's tears slip down, she can no longer contain her tears. Avó said “And I promised your Mamã, that I will take care of you.” She tried to calm her granddaughter down. “Know no more crying for the both of us.I already bought your plane ticket, and you need to start packing for tomorrow.”
Daisy’s P.O.V
The following day was just a jumble of feelings. Before Daisy traveled to the airport. She could feel her sadness rising up. “You're still fluent in Russian right?" Said Tia Rosita“Yeah of course. It's hard to not be fluent in Russian when your father is from Russia." Daisy snapped back while leaning back in the old airport chair. "Margarita don’t be like that, I know you're upset with this and all, but please don't get attached to your Tia Rosita . “Sorry." Daisy halfheartedly mumbled while playing with the sleeves of her jacket. "Hm it looks like they're starting to board.” Said Tia Rosita
“Grab your suitcase c'mon" As Daisy was grabbing her suitcase she accidentally stepped on a man's foot behind her. She turned around to see a tall grown man with blonde styled hair and eyeliner. "Oh shit I'm sorry for stepping on your foot." The man stared at her with immense eye contact and smiled even brighter. "Oh no worries! Enjoy your flight!" She awkwardly smiled and walked with her suitcase
Meanwhile later on her trip “ No look I'm telling you when I stepped on his foot he literally just stared into my soul, like a " Daisy said while eating a complimentary bag of peanuts the flight staff gave her . “Yes yes, I believe you. Now but please be quiet, we still have 19 hours left on this plane, and I want to spend those hours asleep."said Tia Rosita, leaning her head into the neck pillow, next to the window. Daisy plugged in her headphones into the phone to listen to music. “I'm sorry for staring into your soul, I can assure you that those were not my intentions! But I thank you for the compliment!" Daisy froze and turned her head to see that the man was sitting right behind her. She choked up, not knowing what to say and just gave him a quick smile before sinking into her seat, deeply embarrassed. 'Just my luck. Shit I need to start paying attention to my surroundings more often.' Daisy thought as she played her music and munched on her peanuts.
“Margarita! Acordar, we're about to land!" Tia Rosita shook her awake, as Daisy sat up straighter and tightened her seatbelt. “Remember that weird guy I was talking about earlier? Well he's sitting behind us and heard everything I said." Tia gasped as she slowly peered over the seat to look at this mysterious guy Margarita had been talking about. "Seriously, that's him? He looks pretty normal to me, although it's pretty funny he heard you. Karma é um Puta." Tia said giggling close to her ear. Daisy just rolled her eyes and prepared for landing. The airport was packed with families and people trying to find their flight. “Ok Margarita so the plan is we take a taxi over to Do pai, I drop you off and make sure you are Com este cabrón and then I go back home ." Rosita told her as they both walked towards the airport exit. “Tia, how come you don’t like papai?” Daisy said as she stared at the woman as cars passed . Tia sighs and looks at her niece, “look, the reason I don’t like you dad is, the things he did to your Mamã was unforgivable.”Daisy turns her head and looks at her Tia and asks “What he did to her?” Rosita put out of her purse her box of cigarettes and took one out of the box and lit one, then she puffed the smoke out. “He cheated on my sister, with another woman, that’s what he did to her” said it with anguish.
Alright c'mon Margarita the taxi's here, grab that suitcase and I'll grab the other." Tia said while grabbing one of the suitcases. Daisy looked behind her and saw a familiar head of blonde hair, so she took her bag and quickly got in the car. They both stepped inside the car as the driver started to drive off. "The address is Rublevo-Uspenskoye Shosse, 17, Gorki-2, Moscow Oblast, Russia, 143033" Tia Rosita said as Daisy looked out the moving window. Her Tia patting Daisy’s back. The car ride was quiet, but once the car pulled into a small white apartment in the richest neighborhood , both Tia Rosita and Daisy were shocked. "Um sir, is this the correct address?" asked the driver. "da." He responded, curtly. "Okay Margarita grab the bags so I can talk to papai." Tia left the car and headed to the front door, leaving the girl to grab both of their bags.
Before leaving the car Daisy muttered a quick thanks in Russian for the driver, as she headed to the front with her bags. As Daisy was walking to the door she could hear a little bit of the conversion Sam and her dad were having. “Look Ivan, she is your responsibility now, my mother is old and she no longer takes care of her.Margarita is a good girl and she won’t cause any problems and she has good manners, she is a respectable young lady as you always wanted. Daisy walked up the steps with the suitcases to see Tia Rosita
Her papai was a man with Black hair and was a bit wavy like her’s . He stroked his black mustache, while staring at Daisy . “Мой дорогой, welcome home. I will take your bags . I suspect you want to say goodbye to your Тетя?" He asked with a deep voice. "Uhm yes thank you." Daisy said, trying not to grimace at the vibes he was giving off. He took her t bags, and walked away. "Listen Margarita , if anything bad ever happens to you please don't be afraid to call me. We both know that dad isn't the best guy, so if he ever does anything to you, call me." Daisy hugged her sister as they both said their goodbyes. "I love you Tia." "I love you too Margarita ." Rosita pulled away and walked back to the taxi, leaving Daisy alone in front of the spacious apartment .
As she walked inside the apartment there was a hallway that led to the living room. The hallway had a white walls and a mirror and a table with a vase with white roses. She walked to the living room, it had white walls and a grand crystal chandelier in the ceiling. The room had a white choch and white curtains, with curbed full with books and a grand piano. Daisy looked at the whole room and was amazed by the room, it was so different from her home back in Brazil, her house was full of colors that missed match with everything. The whole apartment was white with no stains of color. "I have some rules to follow since you now live here." Daisy’s papai said as he sipped his tea. Daisy sat down. "When you address me it will always be father or sir. You will always show respect to me. Absolutely no boys will enter this door without my permission. Also no dye hair is allowed, Do you play any instruments?" The man asked, staring intently at his daughter. "Yes I-" Her father stopped her. "Address me as father or sir." He responded coldly. "Oh sorry sir. But yes father, me and my friends used to have a band, and we actually won a lot of contests." Her father laughed a cruel laugh and looked upon her face. "Oh my dear, that's not real music. But what instruments can you play?" The man asked, holding his tea.
“Well, father. I can play the guitar, piano, and violin." Daisy said, looking down at her teacup. "Hmm, violin... yes, I can work with that. Do you play well?" "Yes, sir, I haven't played in a while. But when I last played, I could play some Mozart pieces." The father smiled and nodded his head. "Good, good. We have a grand piano in the living room. I will find you a great teacher immediately, and you will start playing as soon as possible." Daisy nodded her head as she drank the rest of the tea. “Well, it’s late, and I think you must be exhausted from your trip here,” her father said, leaving his team on a small coffee table on the side of his chair and standing up. “Yes, I am exhausted. We should go to bed.” She said. He nodded, and he guided her to her room. They walked upstairs, and her father guided her to a small hallway with doors. “Your room is in the west hallway, and mine is in the north hallway. That’s your door. “ said her father. He left his bedroom, and she walked through her bedroom. She opened her door, her bedroom was plain and white it didn’t have any color or any posters. Daisy was disappointed with her room, though she thought she could decorate it and paint the walls later. For now, she was tired from her trip.
🌼Outfit reference 🌼
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hoe-doroki · 4 years
Hi there! I don't think I've requested anything from you before ( my memory is awful though)
Anyhow I was wondering if I could get some Izuku smut with a female reader.
The scene is youre out with your girls, ( mina, hagakure, Momo) at the club having a good time. You see this green eyed stranger looking at you across the room.
His boys hype him up to ask you to dance and it ends up turning into following him back home ( I LIVE for soft dom! Deku!)
Thanks for taking the time to read and answer this!
Ugh, sorry this took so long, nonnie! You sent this in just as I was being eaten alive by a fic that’s wayyyyy longer than it needs to be. But I’m here now and you said the magic words: soft dom. Yesssss. I went college!AU for this and I hate clubs (drinking, dancing, flirting, no thanks) so I projected that on the reader a bit. Oopsie! It was hard to keep Izuku in character for this, but I did my best. Anyway, hope you like!
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minors do not interact
warnings: 18+, Kaminari and M*neta leering, spanking, slight exhibitionism, alcohol (not drunk sex, though), dirty talk
rating: explicit, 18+
wc: 5k
edit: I no longer write x reader but here’s my old masterlist - mobile | desktop
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Sometimes people looked at you, Mina, Momo, and Tooru and wondered how you were friends. People who had only known each of you as you were in college could never put it together. But the answer was simple: you’d been friends since high school. You were rapidly becoming different people, but those three were still your girls through and through.
That was how you, Mina, Tooru, and Momo ended up in the club that day. Two friends who really wanted to go—Mina and Tooru—and two friends who really didn’t—you and Momo. These things happen when you become friends years before you could be allowed in any club. Your college friends never would have invited you on an excursion like this—hell, none of them would ever be seen at a club either. But when Mina and Tooru showed up at your door begging you to go out and experience your twenties, you couldn’t say no. Now you were spilling out of the car Mina had called and walking on high heeled booties to a club you’d heard of but never been to.
“Obviously you actually wanted to go, Momo, otherwise you wouldn’t be wearing a top like that.”
Tooru wasn’t hiding the fact that she was ogling Momo’s very prominently displayed chest, all but bursting out of the deep v-neck she had paired with a short skirt.
“It’s only sensible for me to wear a top like this,” Momo said, her voice firm despite awkward fidgets to put her breasts a little more away. “Places like these are so hot that a shirt with a higher neckline would be soaked with cleavage sweat in a minute.”
“Mhmm, right,” Tooru said, flouncing away in her own crop top and shorts, eager to enter the club.
You’d gone simple, just tossing on a bodycon dress that you’d ordinarily pair with a sweater and tights, but that Mina had convinced you to wear on its own tonight. You crossed your arms, the chill of the evening seeping past the thin fabric even just in the short time it took to get from the heated car to the sweaty bar.
Tooru had run to the door and was nearly bouncing, waiting for the rest of you to catch up. Mina jogged over to her, looking the coolest of all of you in her black mesh crop top with nothing but a bra underneath and shorts that had the lacy scalloped hem of her underwear peaking out the top of. You hurried after them, just eager to get out of the cold. Tooru whipped the door open and the three of you piled in all at once, flashed your IDs, and then you were in.
The sound of the bass had thrummed loudly even outside, but once inside, your senses were overloaded. The music was deafening, the smell of alcohol bitter and heady, and the heat of sweaty bodies oppressive as Mina grabbed your wrist and dragged you through the crowd.
Even with Mina clearing the way, you had to elbow your way to the bar. This was the easiest part of the night—a task, something to do aside from trying and failing to work up the nerve to dance. Over the music, you yelled, “Whiskey ginger, well is fine,” to the bartender and turned to your girlfriends.
Mina and Tooru were already swinging their hips as they waited for their drinks, shimmying against each other to the beat. You and Momo were a little stiffer, not quite having the nerve or confidence to let your bodies be taken by the music.
“Girl’s night!” Mina cheered once everyone had a drink in hand. Glasses clinked and Tooru took a healthy gulp of her drink
“Can’t dance if you’re worried about spilling your drink,” Tooru said.
“Not with that attitude!” Mina said. She thrust her beer bottle in the air and then grabbed Tooru’s hand and the two of them stumbled into the mass of writhing bodies.
“You gonna follow them?” Momo asked, chewing on the straw of her drink.
“Not yet.” You had to shuffle away from the bar to make room for other patrons, moving to lean against one of the walls. “Maybe a bit of liquid courage.”
“It probably would have been wiser to do shots.”
You looked around, noticing how many people were already sending glances Momo’s way. You could draw direct lines all around the room between men’s leering eyes and Momo’s partially exposed chest, already beginning to glisten with sweat. You pursed your lips. It was nice to have Momo around as a fellow shy dancer, but it was discouraging to always be the one next to the prettiest girl in the room. People were looking right through you.
“You’ll probably get some sent your way soon enough,” you muttered.
“What?” Momo asked, her voice loud over the music.
“Nothing!” you replied. You squeezed the lime wedge into your drink and swirled it, drinking thirstily.
You hoped for one of two things. For the night to pass by quickly or for, unlikely though it was, something exciting to happen. Bars and clubs were predictable. Just once, you wanted to be surprised.
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“Woah, look at her.”
Midoriya tried and failed to follow his friend’s gaze into one of the dark corners of the bar. Mineta was a good foot shorter than Midoriya, so it was hard to tell exactly where his line of sight was taking him. Kaminari seemed to hone in right away, though, pointing eagerly at the wall near the bar.
“Good find, Mineta,” Kaminari said. “Damn she’s hot.”
Midoriya followed Kaminari’s finger and noticed two girls huddled close together, sipping their drinks and observing the crowd, occasionally leaning over to talk to each other. One was dressed in a top and skirt and the other in a tight dress. The second girl’s hips were moving to the beat just slightly, as though she might not even know herself that she was doing it. She laughed at something her friend said, smile opening wide and fearlessly.
“Wow,” Midoriya said, eyes locked on her.
“What, did Mineta finally find a girl to meet your ridiculously high standards?” Kaminari asked, clapping Midoriya on the back.
“Maybe,” Midoriya murmured, watching as she waved to some other girls in the crowd.
“About time,” Mineta said. “I’ve never seen more perfect tits in my life.”
That snapped Midoriya out of his focus and he looked down at his friend, whose eyes were unblinking, scarily locked straight ahead. “What?”
“That plunging neckline perfectly showing what it would look like if I had my hands on either side of them,” he continued, his voice distant. Luckily, Kaminari smacked him upside the head.
“If you’re saying it loud enough to be heard over the music, you’re saying it too loud,” Kaminari chastised. “Besides, if Midoriya finally found a girl he likes, you should give him first dibs.”
“What?” Mineta asked, turning towards Kaminari, outraged.
“Wait, wait, I think there’s been a misunderstanding,” Midoriya said, waving his hands in front of him before his friends could have it out. “The girl I was looking at isn’t wearing a plunging neckline. Look there.”
Midoriya pointed in your direction as subtly as he could, smiling as he caught another glimpse of your beautiful laugh.
“Oh, her friend,” Mineta said.
“Yeah, that tracks,” Kaminari added, looking between Midoriya and you. “Well, you should go for it, man! Try your luck!”
Midoriya looked at Kaminari, brows furrowed. “Did you guys invite me just to get me laid or something?”
“Of course not,” Mineta said. “Your innocent face makes us look less like two fuckboys and the girls will trust us more. You’re our cover.”
“Purely selfish reasons then, okay,” Midoriya muttered. “Okay, yeah, I’ll go talk to her.”
“Do it!” Kaminari said, giving you a thumbs up. He kicked the back of Midoriya’s calf and sent him tumbling into the crowd. Amidst a song of sorrys, Midoriya made his uncertain way toward you.
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Three men had already tried their luck with Momo in as many songs. She’d kindly refused each advance—no level of drunkenness had ever led Momo to so much as a sloppy makeout and you weren’t sure how many times hell would have to freeze over for that to change. You joked about each of the guys and their sad pick-up attempts, but, still, it had you feeling low. None of the guys even pretended to be interested in you. They went straight for Momo, trying their darndest to keep their eyes on hers and not drift south.
“Hello, uh, miss…”
You nearly rolled your eyes as you looked up from your drink, half gone already, to find another sucker that Momo would have to reject. As soon as your eyes landed on him, you were struck by how different this one was from the others. He didn’t look like the usual meathead dude-bro who swung by. He had a round face and freckles smattered under the roundest green eyes you’d ever seen. He looked sheepish already, anticipating the rejection he’d get from talking to a girl so far out of his league.
You felt the jolt of an elbow in your ribs and looked at Momo who was giving you intense eyes, eyebrows raised. She looked at you and then at the boy with the green hair, tilting her head, and suddenly you realized that you were “miss.”
“Oh, hello,” you said, unable to hide the confusion on your face.
“I’m Izuku,” the man said, smiling softly at you. “Would you, um, care to dance?”
You smiled. It sounded like this boy was expecting a waltz instead of the hips that were grinding against each other in the middle of this dance floor.
“I’m… not sure,” you said, so unfamiliar with the procedure here that you were floundering.  “You see, I don’t really dance.”
The boy breathed out what looked to be a sigh of relief and you suddenly noticed the muscles bulging under his t-shirt. His cute, innocent face was hiding a man who was seriously stacked. “The truth is, I don’t usually dance either. I was pressured into coming here by some friends.”
You looked over at Momo. “We know the feeling.”
“Ah, I’m so sorry, I didn’t get your names,” Izuku said, suddenly looking between the two of you.
Momo looked at you for a second then said, “I’m Momo and this is Y/N. It’s nice to meet you, Izuku.”
“You as well,” Izuku said to Momo before turning back to you. “You know, the thing about dancing is that if you just start and let go of everything, it can actually be kind of fun.”
This boy sounded just like Mina, the same argument she made every time she dragged you and Momo to one of these things. Sometimes you managed to let your guard down enough to enjoy it, sometimes not.
“It’s also more fun with someone else.”
Izuku was looking at you hopefully, and that just made his eyes even wider, such a dark forest green in the dim light of the club. You could feel yourself being pulled to him, like a string between you growing taut when Momo put a hand on your arm. “I’ll hold your drink and just come back when you want it, okay?”
Momo was giving you an intent gaze and you knew she was offering you an out. Try dancing with the boy and, if it wasn’t turning out well, say that you needed to go back to your friend. Easy.
“Okay,” you said, taking one more sip before handing your drink off to her. Then you extended you hand toward Izuku, who took it with his broadest smile yet, and led you into the mosh pit.
There was no sign of Mina or Tooru anywhere, haven fallen invisible in the throng of people. So it was just you and Izuku and a hundred strangers, all feeling the music sync with their heartbeats and then their hips, sending them moving.
You started facing each other, your hips moving from side to side, the rhythm slowly moving up so that your shoulders were shimmying, head bobbing. Izuku grinned, bopping along excitedly. He wasn’t a smooth dancer, not cool or rhythmic, but he didn’t seem to care. He put his hands lightly on your hips, encouraging you to move a little more. Asking you to let go.
You let your hips follow his touch and laughed when he rocked you from side to side, totally out of line with anything that might be sensual or suggestive. It was silly and you realized that maybe you’d been putting too much pressure to look a certain way, to be a certain kind of person. Music was for everyone, dancing was for everyone. Izuku seemed to know that already.
You wrapped your arms around his waist, giving yourself into the joy as the two of you rocked, free of expectation or anyone else’s experience. Before you knew it, the music had changed, the next song slightly slower, and your motions smoothed out to match. Izuku slid one of his hands back into yours and raised it over your head, initiating a turn. You went along and the next thing you knew, your back was pressed against his muscular chest, hips moving in tandem.
“Is this okay?” he asked.
You could feel all corners of him pressed against you and you couldn’t help but push back into him. His chest was broader than it seemed, and you could feel the crease of his pecs, of his abs. His hands were on your hips, strong arms brushing your sides. You brought one hand up to touch his bare bicep, feeling how hard it was even unflexed.
Suddenly, you could feel Izuku’s breath on your jaw, the flutter of his lips brushing against the sensitive skin. You tilted your head, exposing the long column of your neck to him. He took that as invitation enough and pressed a kiss to it. He kissed up to your jawline and just behind your ear. He gave the lightest of sucks before you pulled away and offered him your mouth.
He took it eagerly, your lips moving at the same pace as your gyrating hips. You lost yourself in the feeling, the anonymity of kissing, hidden in a crowd of people. The rhythmic dance of your hips lulling you into a kind of easy complacency as you felt Izuku’s hand on the back of your neck, keeping your lips against his. The other one crept forward on your thigh, awfully close to your center, to the hem of your too-short skirt. He never breached either line, though. Just kept his hand there, suggesting where it could go.
“Come home with me,” you whispered when you separated for breath.
“What?” Izuku asked, face flushed, voice just carrying over the music.
You twisted back around so that you were face to face so that you could press your lips right up against his ear. “Come home with me, Izuku.”
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You called for a car and sent Momo a text saying that you were going home. You hoped that Momo, Mina, and Tooru wouldn’t want to come back to your shared home anytime soon—Momo was smart enough to figure that out herself.
Twenty minutes later and you were home, you were horny, and you had someone willing and able to solve that.
“You’re not drunk, are you?” Izuku asked while you unlocked the door and ushered him in, kicking off your shoes as quickly as you could.
“Half a drink,” you said quickly. “You?”
“Perfect,” you said, and you wrapped your arms around him once again, pulling him in for a kiss.
Izuku did you one better, grabbing hold of your thighs and picking you up like you weighed nothing. Your dress rose up over your hips and your center fell right against his crotch, grinding into it.
You were ready to give directions to your room, but Izuku didn’t carry you further than the living room before slamming your back against a wall and pressing his hips into yours. You gasped at the impact, but it was nothing painful—just surprising. Izuku dug his fingers into your thighs and said, “You seemed awfully eager for this. Desperate enough to handle a little roughness, princess? Or did you think this was gonna be easy?”
The epithet of princess send your heart plunging to your core, heat spreading throughout you. His voice was low, much lower than it had been at the club and your thighs clenched around him. “I thought…maybe…”
He’d been so sweet at the club, shy almost. You tasted his tongue on yours and he hadn’t been lying—no alcohol. The only taste passing between the two of you was the tang from your whiskey ginger. But now his grip on you and the low growl in his voice was telling you another story.
“Do you wanna be rough or do you wanna be a little princess? Or maybe both?”
“Both,” you keened desperately, breathlessly.
“I shoulda known, you grinding down on my cock like that,” he said, nibbling your exposed neck. “Can’t wait for me to fuck you, can you?”
He pulled back so you slid an inch down the wall, but his grip was tight enough to keep you from falling any further. Then his hips slammed back into yours, as though you were fucking already.
“Shit,” you whispered as he bit down on your collarbone.
“If you’re good, I’ll give you what you want,” he said. “If you’re not, it’s going to be a very long night.”
That half threat was almost enough to trigger your backtalk, see exactly what he had in mind to turn this night into a long one. But, by the same coin, you wanted to see what he had planned already.
“I’m good,” you whimpered.
“You are?” Izuku asked. “Prove it.”
He pressed his chest into yours, and you felt your breasts flatten against his pecs, your ribs trapped from a deep breath by his thick forearms.
“Strip and suck my cock.”
You unwrapped your legs from his waist and he released you to the ground. Your dress was stretchy and off in an instant, thrown to the floor, panties soon to follow. Then you were on your knees undoing his dark jeans and pulling out his long, plump cock.
“That’s a good girl,” he said, stroking your hair.
Preening at the praise, you wrapped your lips around your teeth, and swallowed him as far as you could go in one go. You wanted to be a good girl, after all.
“Shit,” Izuku said, keeping a light grip on the back of your head, but letting you do what you want, setting your own pace. You wasted no time with playful licks and kisses, immediately bobbing your head up and down and stroking the rest with your hand.
The noises that Izuku made, little huffs and whines, were cute, showing glimpses of the shy boy who had approached you at the club. He took off his shirt and you could see his abs in all their glory, even better than you’d imagined. As you sucked him off, you brought a hand up to the ridges of his lower abs and rubbed lightly, enjoying the hard muscle. After a trip down to his balls, sucking one into his mouth and you kept up your firm strokes, Izuku pulled you off, breathing heavily.
“That’s good. You’ve proven that you’re a good girl, princess.”
“I did?” you asked shyly, giving his cock a long lick just to make sure.
“Yes,” Izuku shuddered. “Stand against the wall.”
“Here?” you asked.
There were windows all over your living room, giving a clear view to the street and, more importantly, from the street into your apartment. More than that, there was no telling when your housemates would get home and, even if they knew you’d brought a boy home, they’d hardly expect him to be fucking you in the living room.
“Was I unclear, princess?”
“No,” you said, and you went to stand facing the wall. Izuku came up behind you and knocked your legs further apart, and then reached in front of you, rubbing two fingers from your slit up to your clit in a couple firm strokes. You gasped, your head falling forward, but before you could get used to the rough touch, he was gone.
“Where do you keep your condoms?” he asked casually.
“In my nightstand,” you said, moving to stand straight. He pushed your hands back against the wall, warning you not to move.
“Which room is yours?”
“The far one on the left,” you said, only turning your head to look over your shoulder.
“Good,” he said. “Don’t move.”
Then he was gone, leaving you naked, legs spread in your living room. You could feel how drenched you were—Izuku had taken a whole globule of your wetness and spread it all over your pussy. Now, standing spread, you could feel the cold air from the room on you when all you wanted was heat.
Izuku took his time in coming back, slow footfalls making their way back to the living room. You saw a box of condoms drop on the couch next to you and heard the telltale sound of one of the packages being ripped open. The next thing you knew, Izuku’s hands were on your hips, just like at the club, only now his cock was free, sliding in the slick of your pussy.
You gasped, pushing harder against the wall and thrusting your ass back toward Izuku. “Please,” you whimpered.
“Oh, you don’t have to ask,” Izuku said casually. “I know exactly what your slutty pussy wants. I can feel it dripping all over my cock. And you’ve been very good, princess, but that doesn’t mean that you’re in charge. Understand?”
“Yes, Izuku.”
You were pushed forward by the sudden force of a slap against your ass, then Izuku’s chest pressing firmly back into yours, his teeth by your ear. “Yes, who?”
“Yes, sir,” you whispered.
“That’s better.”
He went back to thrusting, one of his hands snaking around your front, through your curls to spread your lips. Your puffy clit was exposed to the air and Izuku’s fingers spreading the skin provided just the slightest bit of pressure, but not nearly enough. You whined, bending more into him, aching for more contact than the occasional brush of his cock skating across your clit. But you wanted to be a good girl too.
“Okay, sweetheart,” Izuku said, his thrusts coming to a stop as the head of his cock butterflied your opening. “You’ve been very patient. Are you ready for your reward?”
“Yes, sir,” you breathed.
You groaned in relief as he split you open, sinking into you just as he pulled his fingers in a hard, slow stroke up your clit.
“You like that, princess?” Izuku asked, making his thrusts slow and deep, his finger’s strokes on your clit languid and intentional.
“Yes,” you moaned, rocking your weight back onto your heels as you met Izuku’s every plunge.
“You feel so good,” Izuku said, his voice becoming softer and more breathy as he got lost in the feel of you. His right hand began spinning circles on your clit, the left wrapped around your middle, fingertips rubbing almost tenderly along your side.
You could only pant, leaning your head back on his shoulder as Izuku’s thrusts sped up, your climax rising within you. “Fuck,” you murmured as his left hand fell to your hip, changing the angle so that he was now pounding your g-spot with every go. He continued like that for a minute, each hit bringing you higher and higher until he suddenly stopped.
“What?” you asked, and the next thing you knew, you were being pushed to the arm of your couch, a hand to the small of your back pressing your spine parallel to the floor, and—before you knew what was happening—he was back in you, going full speed.
You gasped, your head falling down, nipples rubbing against the fabric of the couch as your tits were sent swinging. That sensation caught you, sending fresh sparks through you.
“Are you close, Princess?” Izuku breathed, his quick thrusts breaking his voice.
“Yes, sir.”
“Touch yourself, then.”
You followed his instruction immediately, snaking your hand down to your clit and rubbing it with your practiced touch. The feeling of your cold fingers against your scorching clit, Izuku’s hot cock railing in and out of you, and the occasional spark of your nipples rubbing against the couch had you on the edge of your peak in no time.
“You gonna cum, baby? You gonna cum on my cock?”
“Yes,” you whispered, the heat in your stomach burning, almost unbearable as you reached your cusp.
“I’m close too, Y/N,” Izuku whispered. “God, you’re so perfect.”
He leaned forward and pressed a kiss onto your shoulder just as you shattered around him, keening as you rubbed yourself through your orgasm.
“Fuck,” he said, and you felt his thrusts become jagged, barely leaving you every time before plunging balls deep back into you. He shuddered and, before long, he finished too, taking slow, easy thrusts in and out of you before falling fully on your back, wrapping his arms around your middle.
He stayed there for just a moment before pulling out, taking off his condom and knotting it. You’d collapsed onto the arm of your sofa, face falling down the side as you tried to get your breath back under you, the feeling back into your legs.
“Was that too much?” Izuku asked, his voice soft and gentle again as he came in front of you, gently putting his fingers under your chin to bring your face back to him.
“No, that was amazing,” you said.
Izuku smiled and brought your lips to his for a quick kiss. “I’m glad. Where do you keep your water glasses?”
“Cabinet above the sink.”
Izuku gave you another kiss, this time on the cheek, and then he was gone. You stayed still for a few more moments, your breath back in both hands, the heat seeping from your face slowly but steadily. You pressed yourself up, curling your spine like a cat to fight against the deep sway you’d had against the couch and the wall and gave a little shimmy to work out the kinks. You took a quick trip to the bathroom, then you went around and scooped up all the pieces of clothing that had been thrown hither and yon and carted them back to your room. You’d just flipped on the light switch and dropped them in a pile on the floor when Izuku came back with a glass of water and a wash cloth.
“You got up,” he said.
“I just didn’t want my roommates to get home to find me fucked out against the couch,” you said with a smile, taking the glass he handed to you. “We have house rules.”
“That’s fair,” Izuku said as you took a glug of water. “Lie back on the bed.”
His voice was far less demanding than before, but you went along anyway. You set the water glass on the nightstand and then lay down, allowing Izuku to spread your legs. Some of the old heat returned to your face and you looked away from him as he took the washcloth to your center.
“There’s no need to be embarrassed,” he said.
“It’s just different,” you squeaked. “After we’re done…In the full light and you’re just down there looking at me.”
“It’s only for a moment longer,” Izuku said as he cleaned you. True to his word, he took the washcloth away after a moment, pressed a kiss to the inside of your thigh, and said, “You’re beautiful.”
The washcloth was added to the stack of clothes on the floor, and then Izuku was back in front of you, running his fingers lightly along the outside of your thigh.
“Thanks for tonight,” he said softly.
You sat up, putting a hand on his arm. “Stay.”
“Can I?”
His eyes were wide and innocent, like he hadn’t just fucked you raw in plain sight of the neighbors. Like he hadn’t spanked you and called you princess.
“Of course,” you said.
“I’m glad.” He smiled. “Cuddling is kind of my favorite part.”
“Is it, now?”
“I’ll prove it,” Izuku said, flipping off the light and climbing into bed behind you as you settled in. Then he had you wrapped tight in his arms, pulled flush against his chest. He let out a deep, satisfied sigh into your neck and said, “It’s just the best.”
“It kind of is,” you said, snuggling back against him.
There were a few more murmurs shared between you two but, slowly, the words fell loose, eyes falling closed. Your breathing evened out, and then there was nothing but Izuku’s arms and breath around yours.
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“There’s a box of condoms on the couch!” you heard Mina screech a couple hours later, jolting you out of your deep sleep. You felt Izuku’s arms tighten protectively around you as he too let out a sharp intake of breath. “Our girl fucked!”
“Ooh, what a surprise!” Tooru cheered.
“Out here?” you heard Momo groan, her voice much more tired than Mina’s or Tooru’s.
“Dammit,” you whispered, and Izuku giggled behind you.
“That was my fault, I’m sorry.”
“Shh, just go back to sleep,” you said. “If we wake up early, we can sneak you out before any of them are up.”
“So long as I get to see you again,” Izuku murmured, nuzzling back into your shoulder.
Your chest warmed and you pulled Izuku’s arms closer against you, gripping them tightly before your hold fell lax in sleep. Tooru was right—you’d gotten the surprise you’d wanted.
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Israeli Remy
This is for @anxious-mom And @ierindoodles @sanders-sides-nationaltiesau
Born and raised in Tel Aviv. Center kid. Has had like five birthdays in a row at Max Brenner.
Dizingof center is a seemingly normal, if confusing shopping mall to an outsider. The only thing noteworthy about it is how easy it is to get lost in there, the place is a maze. But if you know the place well enough to not get lost, you also know that it's a safe haven for all teen outcasts. Seeing as so many different rejects hang out there, from emos, to weebs, to comic book nerds and more, they all have one collective name. Center kids. And Remy is definitely one of them.
Max Brenner is like if Willy Wonka had settled for a nice cozy restaurant instead of an entire factory. Very cute and sweet. You can order real food there too but you will be judged. By me because literally wtf you do not go to Max Brenner to eat food.
He also like Azrieli, it's just that the towers are so very high and the bridge is so soft under his feet and no he does not have a fear of heights he has a fear of falling!
Took capoeira 4 years in elementary even though he wanted to take ballet. In middle school he stopped caring what people think and took ballet and belly dancing.
Started going to muses art school as soon as he was old enough. Loved every minute. It was a lot further from his house but it was still in Tel Aviv so it wasnt an impossible trip to make every morning.
Cofix has saved him and his coffee loving ass, quality coffee that is affordable and made to go? Umm yes please!
Has heard legends of Starbucks and how they use to exist in Israel but nearly cried when he actually saw one for the first time.
Rises for his national anthem out of habit even though he thinks the song that was the runner up for being the anthem should have been picked instead. Jerusalem of gold is just so much better.
Speaking of Jerusalem, all the religious hate crimes are why he left. If a young ally can get stabbed in the Jerusalem pride parade by a man with a radical "religious" agenda, then he sure as hell ain't safe, not even in the liberal, progressive Tel Aviv.
And yes, he is aware things aren't that better in the US but his cousin owns a small business there so he figured he might as well go and help if he's leaving the country anyway.
The guys are really surprised by his beautiful singing in Hebrew. The only Hebrew they ever hear out of his mouth is curse words, so hearing him sing Naomi Shemer for the first time was a pleasant surprise.
Can talk with and without a Hebrew accent. Likes using the accent to annoy people. He's fully aware of how annoying an Israeli accent is in English.
Btw about those curse words in Hebrew, he uses them A LOT.
but also terms of endearment like "Kapara" "Motek" "Mami" and for Roman "Nasich Sheli" (the last one means my prince but the others are kinda hard to explain)
Also he has festigal marathons every Hannuka. The others sometimes join him but they don't really know whats going on in any of these shows.
Speaking of Hunukka he isn't very religious but tries to follow some traditions. He doesn't eat on yom kippur (day of atonement), he lights the menorah on Hanukkah, he even organized a Seder pesach for his friends for passover.
He couldnt build a sukkah for Sukkot though and was very sad about it.
When he doesn't wanna talk to/hear someone he sings the annoying song. "yesh li shir shemeatzben anashim, hashir sheli meatzben anashim, meah tapuchim al haetz, echad nafal vehitpotzetz" (that was the weirdest thing I've ever had to write)
(it's bassicaly the bottles of milk on the wall song but with an intro about how this song annoys people and instead of bottles of milk on the wall it's apples falling from a tree)
Absolutely went nuts during Eurovision last year. Sang toy 24/7 for like a month. Neta barzily is a goddess don't @ him or me
Is appalled at the fact the desert hummus exists
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emotionsofthesoul · 6 years
Chapter 4 _ Porque Placerville?
The week went by in flash. The girls stayed in touch all week and even called each other before bed two nights in a row. It was now Saturday and they couldn’t be any happier to wake up and see each other.
Valentina went to pick up Juliana who gave the driver directions to where they would be eating. Before they went to pay, Juliana got them a pair of popsicles the restaurant owners make and handed one to Valentina. They headed back to the car and Valentina told her driver to drop them off on 21st and J St.
As they walked around, Valentina took some pictures when she saw something interesting but continued with her popsicle.
“Oye Juliana, this is the best paleta, I’ve ever tried. Thank you. Y los tacos? Ni se diga. Great choice.” Valentina told Juliana honestly.
“Thanks. I love that place. It’s my favorite. I mean I don’t really know any other places but I wouldn’t change that for the world; they remind me of home. Anyway, I have a question. Why Placerville of all places? Everything is here in Sacramento, your family’s company is here, your school is here? Why do you live in the middle of nowhere?” Juliana asked genuinely interested.
“Well, that’s a great question and has an even better story. When my mom was 22 she came to California on Vacation and she was driving towards Lake Tahoe to meet some friends and thought she was lost. She stopped to ask for directions and she just so happened to ask my dad who was also on vacation and had no idea. They chatted for a bit and turns out they were both from Mexico City. They exchanged numbers and she went on her way. When she returned to Mexico City they reconnected and eventually fell in love and decided to get married. They always said Placerville would be the perfect place to raise a family so when the time came, they made the move. We’ve been there ever since. My dad chose Sacramento for business because it’s the nearest city and it’s where the state capitol resides.” Valentina said thinking fondly of the story her mother used to always tell her.
Juliana smiled tenderly at Valentina, “Val that’s so sweet. Tell me a little about your mom, was she as amazing as you are?”
“She was incredible Juls. I was very young when she passed but she was always so kind to everyone around her. She taught me how to use my first camera. I got my love for photography from her. One of these days you should come over so I can show you her images, we have them all around the house. Every now and then when I miss her I just sit in my room and stare at her favorite picture. When she passed it became my only outlet. She taught me so much and I just wish I could have had more time with her but I guess everything happens for a reason. She’s the one that taught me to take care of everyone around me including our beloved employees. For instance Chivis, she’s been like an aunt to me. I love her so much, she was there when my mom died and helped the family grieve. She became our rock and I don’t know where any of us would be without her. & Alirio, that man is a saint. He’s been my driver since before I can remember and he’s always so protective of me. My parents knew him back in Mexico and according to Alirio, when I was born my mom called him and offered him the job saying they were going to need someone to protect their princess and they wanted that someone to be him. He’s protected me as his own ever since.” Valentina said finding a bench as they reached K and 13th.
As they reached the bench that said HEAR THE ART. It gave Valentina portrait idea. She told Juliana to sit there and pose. She snapped an image using the rule of thirds and having Juliana sit in front of the word HEAR and have THE ART to her left. Valentina wanted to capture the real art that was Juliana Valdes.
“Val, thank you for sharing that with me. Your mom sounds like she was great woman and mother. I’m sure she’s taking care of you every step of the way. I’m glad you had a good support system.” Juliana said genuinely now that they were sitting on the bench facing each other sitting crisscross apple sauce.
“My dad eventually shipped me off to Canada for a year to try and distract me. & I guess it worked, I had my fun. I met a boy named Charles who I actually lost my virginity to, we tried everything together. I’ll tell you sometime Juls, I’ve had 3 boyfriends and honestly sex has never been what everyone says it’s supposed to be like. There weren’t any fireworks. Not even with the last guy.” Valentina said trying to change the sad subject.
“Neta, wait so you’ve never actually fallen in love?” Juliana asked surprised because the girl in front of her has the biggest heart and wears it on her sleeve.
“Really. I don’t know, I don’t really believe in it, you know. I mean I guess it happens for some like my parents and now my dad and Lucia but I don’t know. I’ve always seen love as a reason, an excuse really, to sell things on the 14th of September. I mean February. See I don’t even know the date. If I’m honest there’s probably something wrong with me. But what about you, how have your experience been?” Valentina said in a joking matter.
“Val there’s nothing wrong with you. I’m sure one day you’ll find someone you can be 100% comfortable with and feel everything everyone says is possible. As for me, there’s not really much to tell. I’ve never dated anyone let alone had sex.  I’m not in a rush though.” Juliana said.
“Wey estas hablando en serio? No!” Valentina said laughing.
“Ya Val don’t make fun of me!” Juliana said holding onto Valentina’s hands.
“No babe I’m not laughing at you! You have a world of possibilities to explore! This is incredible! It’s the best news I’ve heard all day!” Valentina said completely excited for her friend.
“Stop Val, please.” Juliana said shifting her gaze to her lap.
“Don’t worry, you’re not missing anything.” Valentina said with a smile and a giggle.
They continued on their walk down 13th and reached the capital grounds. Valentina showed Juliana around, from the Rose Garden on 15th to the state capitol and all the memorials in between. They took some pictures around there and returned back to K St. Valentina took Juliana by the hand as they walked under the interwoven trees by the IMAX and showed her Maya’s Kitchen telling her it’s her favorite restaurant and they must come back on a girls day just to eat there. They walked down K until they reached 7th and Valentina took Juliana around the Golden 1 Center showing her all the little details what were put into that block only the eye of a photographer could catch. She showed her the fancy hotel that was made just for the arena. Then they walked across the bridged over traffic and cut through the little shopping area to reach the tunnel towards Old Sacramento. Valentina gave Juliana a very interesting tour full of rich history and funny facts of that little town. She took her to her favorite place in all of Old Sac, Evangeline’s Costume Mansion. She  showed Juliana the details on all three floors and they ended up buying halloween costumes. Well, more like Valentina insisted on paying for their costumes and persuading Juliana to be Lena Luthor while she dressed up as Supergirl. By the time they were out of Evangeline’s they were starving so they went over to Steamers and had a pair of burgers and raspberry lemonade. Afterwards they continues their tour and Valentina snapped images of Tower Bridge right as the sun was setting. They decided to buy tickets to the Ghost Underground Tour and Juliana scared Valentina multiple times during said tour.
As the night came to a close Valentina called her driver to pick them up outside of Candy Heaven. On their ride home Juliana agreed to visit Valentina’s home that following Monday.
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yesyourstalker · 10 months
Mahi: hello?
Neta: Hey Mahi don't come into work today. Don't come into work tomorrow or the day after that.
Mahi: Why what's happening?
Neta: *sigh* turn on the news..... I swear it's always me.
News channel: salmonoids have invaded the barnacle and dime mall. We advise everyone to steer clear of the surrounding area. Volunteers and employees of the grizz-co company must arrive as soon as possible to fix the issue. We will keep you all updated on further information we'll receive. In other news is turf war...... ruining our kids education??
Mhai: holy shit!! The whole mall is flooded!!.... Thank fuck we're on the second floor!!
Neta: *sigh*.............. We're still going to get damaged..... The mall is going to smell like salmon shit for weeks........ Anyway I got to head out. I just got my slop suit.
Mahi: what you work for grizz-co??
Neta: No, I'm volunteering. I just want to protect my store! I work way too hard just for it to go-
Cirrina: Aunt Candi's here can we go?!
Neta: yeah I'm coming Sweetie! Yeah I got to head out. Bye.
Mahi: mizole babe, let's go.
Mizole: We're going to raid Neta's apartment?
Mahi: yep
* texting *
Mahi: Warabi get up our boss is not home let's break in
Warabi: can't Neta is making me do a shift at Grizz's I'm getting overtime
Mahi: :/ fine is Baja still there?
Warabi: you mean my boyfriend ;p <3
Mahi:..[typeing]..... [Typing].................. Yee
Warabi: no he's with me
Mahi:.... [Typing]........ [Typing]..... Ok
Mizole: you know I expected his place to be a lot shittier......
Mahi: Right? I expected it to be like some sort of depression cave or something.
Mizole: hmm.... So what do you do anyway when you're here?
Mahi: nothing much. Watch TV, play his Nintendo, eat his leftovers, go through his shit........ find some really nice stuff. I took a nice t-shirts and a pair of his old sneakers. They don't fit but they're really nice....... There's a lot of interesting stuff if you look for it.
Mizole:...........hm..... .. If I take the base do you think he's going to notice?
Mahi: put that down. I'm not planning on attending your funeral if you do something stupid.
Mizole: boooooo Mahi stop being such a killjoy I thought you said we can steal whatever we want.
Mahi: I meant stuff he won't miss!
Mizole: what's in this drawer- UH!.....uhhahahahahahahahha! how about this?! You think he'll notice this being gone?!
Mahi: *slams close* I didn't see that! I'm erasing that from my memory. lets go down stairs.
Mizole: hehehehe....I mean it'll be funny-
Mhai: SHUT UP!.......... I saw nothing!...... Let's go.
Mizole: *eating * so.......... Baja. I guess he's here to stay?
Mahi: ugh yeah.. I guess....... He got a job at the Annaki store and is planning on moving here. ..... Pffth
Mizole: Hey, I mean if we're lucky the salmons will destroy the mall and he'll be out of the job.
Mahi: I'll be out of the job too.
Mizole: you got me, don't you? Heheh.. [kiss]
Mahi: I want my own money.........
Mizole: you don't like Baja?
Mahi: It's not that I don't like him...I like him, he's cool. It's fun to boss him around and tell him what to do. Since he's getting close to Warabi....*eating* They're dating now.......... He's going to be around more often.
Mizole: knowing Warabi. It'll probably be 2 months
Mahi:hehe...... What if Baja wants to move in? We have to buy another mattress... He won't be next to me.. What if Warabi wants to move out again? I'll be here by myself........ again........ what if he forgets me and replaces me with Baja.? A taller better looking vers-
Mizole: *eating* Babe shut up that's not going to happen. Ok? Warabi loves you. He's not just going to replace you with that weenie. I mean look at him....... Look at him Mahi! You can punch him in the face and he'll probably apologize to you! You worry too much babe you'll be fine....... And besides if he moves out you can move in with me.
Mahi: really?... Are we really at that stage?
Mizole: I feel like we are. It's a nice upgrade too, an apartment to a big house in the hills. What do you think?
Mahi: .... ... That sounds nice...... really nice.............. nice big house... We need to keep them together.
Warabi: okay, just jiggle the pick. I know there's like three notches annnnnd I.... got it! ..... I knew you guys were going to be here!
Baja: are you at least a little worried that he might find out about this?.......... Oh hello
Mahi: hey
Mizole: hm
Baja: you must mizole.... You're the front man of what floor!
Mizole: and?
Baja: I'm a big fan of yours. When Mahi told me that they were dating you. I was really excited to meet you. I've been following your work for a long time. I was a big fan of you when you were with 'the deep sea divers'
Mizole: Yeah I have a lot of fans that's what happens when you have a tale- you know about the deep sea divers?
Baja: yeah! I saw you guys playing at the conch shell club 8 years ago.... Your first rendition of undertow amazing. I mean I like the final cut of it but your first draft was art!
Mizole:.......... You actually like that?
Baja: yeah!... they had a lot of personality in it. Why did you change it? It was so rugged and aggressive now it's all polished now which I love but the original one had such character
Mizole:............... Wow.....uh.......*humph*. You know heh .... when I got signed to a label they wanted a specific genre and all that....hehehe..........* Inhale* ...... What's with the bag and why is it moving?
Baja: oh They're salmonoids. I got some during my volunteer shift at grizz-co. Got a lot of these little guys. I like to eat them raw.....*eating* I got them for you mahi ait tons of them during my shift.
Mahi: nice! Thanks I like to eat them raw too...*eating* They're juicer too
Warabi: *ugh* I can never get used to that.......Any of y'all know Neta 's finflixs password?
Mhai: bassbaba@86
Mahi: okay so what's the plot of this?
Warabi: okay, so it takes place during the great turf war. Two soldiers one inkling and one octoling who grew up together and are childhood best friends. And the story switches from backstory to backstory until it goes all the way to present day and then it all comes together during the end of the movie. It's really sad like it's so sad.
Baja: Oh I saw this... We had to watch it in school
Mizole: eh
Neta: Why are y'all in my apartment?!
Mahi: *eat* hey boss. you look like shit.......
Baja: AHHHHH... I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I told myself that I wouldn't do this again and I did it again. I'm really sorry I'm so sorry!
Mizole: would you get the fuck up! Stop kissing his ass. It's not going to do shit!
Neta:..................*sigh*........*moan*........... I can't do this today .....*sniff*...... What are you watching?
Warabi: 'war-torn brothers'
Neta: The one based off the book?
Warabi: yeah.....
Neta:............ Cici order something to eat and take a shower okay baby?
Cirrina: ok....You didn't go to my room did you?
Mizole/mahi: no
Cirrina: good Don't want your grody hands all over my stuff.......... Unless it's you baja hi!!
Baja: *waves*
Neta: I'm going to go take a nap......... Maybe have a nice hot bath first........Yeah that sounds nice.......... Nobody bother me and all y'all need to get out of my place by 6!
Mahi and the gang did not leave around 6 they left around 11 but Neta didn't notice. The minute he got out of the tub he passed out @fish-at-fish-fish-resort
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