#No you don’t owe it to anybody no you don’t have to respect thy father and mother if they don’t respect you
lionblaze03-2 · 4 months
personally I don’t hate gray wing nearly as much as everyone else because he’s a great example of having rose colored glasses just because ‘well, he’s family’, and not realizing until far too late that that essentially ruined his life and made him amount to almost nothing. Because clear sky is his brother, he wants to assume the best of him. Surely, my brother would never. Surely he didn’t mean it like that. Surely he’ll do better next time. He’s my brother. He COULDN’T be a bad guy. So he keeps giving him chances, over and over and over again, until it’s completely destroyed him. Until he can no longer breathe, his lungs full of toxic smoke that clear sky abandoned him to breathe in, until he is under his claws, nearly killed under the moonlight, until his people are battered again and again, until borders become inevitable. But he never, ever realizes, because- it’s his brother. Surely, his brother will do better next time. Surely, he didn’t mean it. Surely, he will change.
And believing that is the death of him.
#It was always to my understanding that he died early BECAUSE of the lung damage#And that the fire and leaving gray wing behind was on clear sky. I don’t remember how but I remember it was#Clear sky’s actions got gray wing killed in the end. But he loved his stupid brother so much he was blind to see it until he literally died#Hell. And even after.#Because- they’re brothers. Surely. Hell do better next time.#Like people who keep forgiving their family over and over#Ohhh but hes changed!!! No he hasn’t. He may pretend for 10 minutes but he’s going back after another#but it’s my mom/dad/brother… I HAVE to have a relationship with them… because… yknow… family….#When really the best thing to do when you have a clear sky is cut that fucker off#Because he will slowly drain the life out of you and everyone around you#BUT. I don’t HATE the person who doesn’t cut off their family member#I feel SORRY for them. That they can’t realize how badly they’re hurting themselves keeping this up#So. I don’t hate gray wing.#Clear sky is a bastard and I’d say I hate him as a person tho. but not as a character either#Because he’s a villain and those motivate plot. I know they change their mind later. But I didn’t. I didn’t forget#And I choose to believe the powers that be didn’t either. Given skyclan all dies within the next decade and stays gone for generations#But I guess none of that is CANON text. It’s just also not NOT canon. It’s not an AU au because it like#COULD be why. They just didn’t say one way or the other#Anyway gray wing is really just like. A pathetic wet mop of a guy#Definitely no wise sage#But I do not hate him. I cried when he died at the end of path of stars#I pity that he never got to live a life free of all that toxicity because ‘but we family’.#Like a lot of older. Perhaps religious raised. People I grew up around with shitty family members#No you don’t owe it to anybody no you don’t have to respect thy father and mother if they don’t respect you#You never asked to be born. Etc etc#But that. They gave me something and family is family and blood is thicker than water attitude#Is very common around rural religious areas. Which is. What I think of the clans as. Backwoods evangelicals#ESPECIALLY in the early days#Well. Bulls’ shit is thicker than blood. And that’s what your life is gonna be full of if you stick with toxic people because of blood#Anyway whatever none of this means anything. Just. Saying words
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rpmemestorehouse · 3 years
Dark Souls  (2011) Starters
Change wording as needed
“…I'm done for, I'm afraid…”
“Regrettably, I have failed in my mission…But perhaps you can keep the torch lit… ”
“Well, what do we have here? You must be a new arrival.”
“What are you looking at? Don't try anything clever. You might regret it.”
“Don't you ever repair your weapons?”
“Bloody hell, what is it now? You ask too many questions.”
“What's wrong? Get a bit of scare out there?”
“You never give up, do you? I don't know how you do it.”
“Now, that's just embarrassing. How'd you let me do that to you?”
“I am [Name]. Have you business with us?”
“Oh woe is me. I am unworthy, deathly so…”
“What is it, fool? Driven to madness by emotion?”
“What the…what did I do wrong…”
“Too bad for you, I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing.”
“No need to hide your reaction. I get that look all the time! Hah hah hah!”
“I have a proposition, if you have a moment.”
“So, what do you say? Why not help one another on this lonely journey?”
“The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!”
“Oh, there you are. You've been quiet these days.”
“If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me! Oh, no, dear me. Pretend you didn't hear that! Hah hah hah!”
“I am blessed to have found such a brave companion!”
“Forgive me, I was just pondering…about my poor fortune.”
“Was it all a lie? Have I done this all, for nothing?”
“You seem to have your wits about you, hmm? Then you are a welcome customer!”
“Hmph. What a waste of time. Go and fall off a cliff.”
“I'm [Name], of [Place]. If you require smithing, then speak to me.”
“The nice thing about weapons… they never betray you. So, pay them a little respect, eh?”
“I've only heard legends of such specimens…”
“Curses, you damn backstabber…”
“I truly appreciate this, and I guarantee a reward, only later.”
“I was once grateful to you, but if this is our fate, so be it!”
“…Not enough for you? Well, let's not be greedy, now…”
“How dare you come prancing about!”
“Care to pay for a useful tip?”
“I'm considering a change of location…”
“Our futures are murky. Let's not be too friendly, now.”
“I thought you were wiser, but I thought wrong!”
“‘Tis a terrible pity. Like a moth flittering towards a flame.”
“How many times will these lambs rush to slaughter?”
“Greetings. I am [Name], the pardoner.”
“Good tidings, thou art welcome. Laudable is thy dedication to sin.”
“ Somebody! Please, let me out of here! Somebody, anybody!”
“Incidentally, would you care to learn any sorceries? You're clearly talented, and besides, I owe you.
“Oh, hello, you made it! Then, let us begin.”
“ …You! Yes, you! Here, over here!…Please…You must help me…”
“I would have been her supper without you. Being eaten alive! I shudder to think…”
“I will not forget my debt to you.”
“Pyromancy is the art of casting fire. Produce flame, the channel it; just as our ancestors did.”
“When I gave you that flame, I gave you a part of myself. Please take good care of it.”
“This is wrong! You were my friend!”
“I adore trinkets and oddities, so I trade for them.”
“I didn't expect to meet anybody here. I suppose great minds think alike, eh?”
“I am not often revealed to walkers of flesh. You have a gift.”
“Very well. You shall be my pupil.”
“Always fear the flame, lest you be devoured by it, and lose yourself.”
“…Now I roam these parts, feigning ablution, and pretending to seek answers.”
“… Hmmm…I have a favour to ask…”
"I am blessed to have met you. I suppose I can call you fool no longer…”
“Well, young pupil, you must have patience. Do not let it bother you.”
“Do not mind me, it does not hurt terribly.”
“You know, I still remember… Your beautiful, silky face… If only I could gaze upon it once more…”
“[Name], what was that? Is something troubling you?”
“I am happy, truly. I have you, don't I?”
“Oh dear… What have we here? Are you a new servant?”
“I pray that you will mind your manners!”
“I knew it! I knew it! You will not get away with this!”
“Why, youuuuu monster…!”
“…Now…you're just like me…Your dedication is fully apparent.”
“Quite honestly, I have run flat up against a wall. Or, a gate, I should say. The thing just won't budge.”
“Still closed…Still closed…Mmm…”
“I'll think of something. We can overcome this, together!”
“This Knight of [Place] hereby commends you!”
“No worries! Adventuring is my life; I'm prepared for the worst.”
“...By my knighthood, I am ashamed to ask…”
“I feel like I'm always thanking you…I curse my own inability.”
“Ahh, you think you're different? That you can handle it? Yes, I remember that feeling. For I was the same.”
“ Yes, yes, you soon shall see…the putrid fate we both share…”
“Mm, you seem quite lucid! A rare thing in these times.”
“This place is melting my mind. The inactivity is repressive!”
“Don't frown with regret; peer forward with your head held high.”
“You have great potential. Don't go and die over nothing.”
“Alas I'm imprisoned once again. I don't suppose you could stage me a getaway?”
“That makes twice. I must be sure to repay you.”
“Heavens… the folly of youth. I'm too old for this.”
“If you are the chosen one, a revelation shall visit thee… hat follow thereafter, depends upon you…”
“If not for me, what beacon would there be in this lost city?”
“I shall look forward to fighting alongside you.”
“Expunging fools like you is part of my charge.”
“This land is peaceful, its inhabitants kind, but thou dost not belong.”
“But, why… What seeketh thee?”
“…Traversing the dark? 'Tis but a fairy tale.”
“Well indeed, thou art a strange one! Nevertheless, I feel some liking for thee.”
“Pernicious caitiff.”
“What a fool we have, what a wretched fool we have!”
“Fight and hunt as you like. Whoever's fastest gets the prey. That's the way we do it.”
“Have a look at my sword, for it's the last thing you'll see!”
“I love collecting these things, but I can only keep so many.”
“I see you have a sharp eye for trinkets.”
“You poor fool…you won't be able to run far enough...”
“I cometh from an age long before thine… I can not stay here for long.”
“From my home I was taken, and banish'd to a plane of distortion.”
“My home of [Place] was reduced to ashes, long ago, in my time. I have been alone ever since…”
“Oh, no, don't worry. I've no intention of escape. It's safe here.”
“You really help break the monotony.”
“I won't disappoint you. I'm taskless no longer!”
“Well, this is a surprise. I don't get many visitors, except for ghosts.”
“I do not know whether you are brave, or just foolish, but you do seem to find your share of trouble.”
“I have not seen the sun for a long time. Perhaps I could do with a change…”
“Are you a Cleric or something?”
“You've been a stranger. Ah, good to see you're well, mate.”
“There's a fine stash of treasure right down that hole.”
“The trinkets I'll be stripping off your corpse; that's the real treasure! Nyah hah hah hah!”
“You're still alive, I've said I'm sorry!”
“Oh, we meet again. How many of you are there?”
“Take your higher cause and stuff it, you lousy charlatan!”
“Be gone with you!…You'll spoil my focus.”
“I am [Name], guardian of this sanctuary.”
“We are both strangers in this strange land. But, at least now there are two of us.”
“What? If you've something to say, then say it! Just don't say the wrong thing…”
“Well, you've quite the nerve! I've had enough of you!”
“What? Now you're feeling the heat? You should have thought long and hard…”
“I am here to pay respects to a dear friend. Please, allow me a moment alone.”
“ Hmph, you humans…always taking what you please. Then, I shall do the same.”
“An old friend he was, and thanks to thee…He left this world with honour intact.”
“It is always an honour to speak with thee.”
“Me? There is very little to be said. What good is a dog, with no hares to hunt?”
“…One's demise is always one's own making.”
“…Thou will understand, one day. At thy twilight, old thoughts return, in great waves of nostalgia.”
“I cherish my work. Wood carving is a nuanced art.”
“Good, good. What is bravery, without a dash of recklessness!”
“I see that there is at least one legend among ye humans.”
“I wish to elucidate your fate. Do you seek such enlightenment?”
“Let there be no guilt; let there be no vacillation.”
“Your acquaintance was an honour.”
“I must admit, I am fond of you humans.”
“Warriors as yourself are few.”
“I seek to right the wrongs of the past to discover our true Lord.”
“They failed me, every last one of them. They were strong, but saw not the truth. I am certain that you will prove different.”
“My lord, bless thy safe return.”
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numgul123 · 4 years
55+ Bible Verses About Love that Encourage a Devoted & Fulfilling Life or Marriage
God‘s love is proven to all. By studying the Bible, reflecting on scripture, and conserving religion in Him, we might learn to higher construct a relationship with Him with true agape love and in flip, construct higher relationships with these round us. Take the time to learn over a verse under or replicate in your favourite bible verse about love. Doing so might can help you uncover how you're reflecting God‘s love into the world via your personal love of your self, the romantic love you present to a companion, a father‘s love to his youngsters, or brotherly love proven to a pal or different liked one.
Bible Verses About Love
Let all that you just do be achieved in love. 1 Corinthians 16:14
Love is affected person, love is variety. It doesn't envy, it doesn't boast, it isn't proud. It doesn't dishonor others, it isn't self-seeking, it isn't simply angered, it retains no document of wrongs. Love doesn't enjoyment of evil however rejoices with the reality. It all the time protects, all the time trusts, all the time hopes, all the time perseveres. Love by no means fails. However the place there are prophecies, they'll stop; the place there are tongues, they are going to be stilled; the place there may be data, it'll cross away.1 Corinthians 13:4-8
There isn't a concern in love, however good love casts out concern. For concern has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. 1 John 4:18
For God so liked the world that he gave his one and solely Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish however have everlasting life. John 3:16
And over all these virtues placed on love, which binds all of them collectively in good unity. Colossians 3:14
So now religion, hope, and love abide, these three; however the biggest of those is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13
Hatred stirs up battle, however love covers over all wrongs. Proverbs 10:12
Whoever doesn't love doesn't know God, as a result of God is love. 1 John 4:8
Love should be honest. Hate what's evil; cling to what's good. Romans 12:9
We love as a result of he first liked us. 1 John 4:19
Because the Father has liked me, so have I liked you. Now stay in my love. When you hold my instructions, you'll stay in my love, simply as I've saved my Father’s instructions and stay in his love. John 15:9-10
However you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, gradual to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. Psalms 86:15
God reveals his love for us in that whereas we have been nonetheless sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
God, being wealthy in mercy, due to the nice love with which he liked us, even once we have been useless in our trespasses, made us alive along with Christ – by grace you have got been saved. Ephesians 2:4-5
See what sort of love the Father has given to us, that we must be referred to as youngsters of God; and so we're. The rationale why the world doesn't know us is that it didn't know him. 1 John 3:1
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy coronary heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy thoughts, and with all thy power: this [is] the primary commandment. Mark 12:30
That is love: not that we liked God, however that he liked us and despatched his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 1 John 4:10
Place me like a seal over your coronary heart, like a seal in your arm; for love is as sturdy as dying, its jealousy unyielding because the grave. It burns like blazing hearth, like a mighty flame. Many waters can not quench love; rivers can not wash it away. If one have been to present all of the wealth of his home for love, it could be totally scorned. Tune of Solomon 8:6-7
If I converse within the tongues of males or of angels, however wouldn't have love, I'm solely a convincing gong or a clanging cymbal. If I've the present of prophecy and might fathom all mysteries and all data, and if I've a religion that may transfer mountains, however wouldn't have love, I'm nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and provides over my physique to hardship that I could boast, however wouldn't have love, I acquire nothing. 1 Corinthians 13:1-3
Many declare to have unfailing love, however a trustworthy one who can discover? The righteous lead innocent lives; blessed are their youngsters after them. Proverbs 20:6-7
And hope doesn't put us to disgrace, as a result of God’s love has been poured out into our hearts via the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. Romans 5:5
Let the morning deliver me phrase of your unfailing love, for I've put my belief in you. Present me the best way I ought to go, for to you I entrust my life. Psalm 143:8
For excellent is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Psalm 57:10
Don't withhold your mercy from me, Lord; might your love and faithfulness all the time shield me. Psalm 40:11
Know subsequently that the LORD your God is God, the trustworthy God  who retains covenant and steadfast love with those that love him and hold his commandments, to a thousand generations Deuteronomy 7:9
You, O Lord, is not going to withhold Your compassion from me; Your lovingkindness and Your reality will frequently protect me. Psalm 40:11
By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has despatched His solely begotten Son into the world in order that we'd dwell via Him. 1 John 4:9
Bible Verses About Loving Thy Neighbor
These 10 Bible verses about exhibiting brotherly like to your family and friends assist to remind us of the scripture surrounding Christ Jesus. Our heavenly father allowed Jesus to put down his life for us and our sins, and in return, God’s phrase is to have us unfold our real love and understanding to our neighbors.
Above all, hold loving each other earnestly, since love covers a large number of sins. 1 Peter 4:8
A pal loves always, and a brother is born for adversity. Proverbs 17:17
My command is that this: Love one another as I've liked you. Better love has nobody than this: to put down one’s life for one’s pals. John 15:12-13
Do to others as you'll have them do to you. Luke 6:31
“Crucial one,” answered Jesus, “is that this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all of your coronary heart and with all of your soul and with all of your thoughts and with all of your power.’ The second is that this: ‘Love your neighbor as your self.’There isn't a commandment higher than these.” Mark 12:29-31
Love does no hurt to a neighbor. Subsequently love is the success of the regulation. Romans 13:10
Pricey pals, since God so liked us, we additionally ought to like each other. 1 John 4:11
And he has given us this command: Anybody who loves God should additionally love their brother and sister. 1 John 4:21
That is how we all know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to put down our lives for our brothers and sisters. If anybody has materials possessions and sees a brother or sister in want however has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that individual? Pricey youngsters, allow us to not love with phrases or speech however with actions and in reality. 1 John 3:16-18
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all of your coronary heart and with all of your soul and with all of your thoughts.’ That is the primary and biggest commandment. And the second is prefer it: ‘Love your neighbor as your self.’ All of the Regulation and the Prophets grasp on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37-40
Bible Verses About Love in Marriage
Be utterly humble and mild; be affected person, bearing with each other in love. Ephesians 4:2
Husbands, love your wives, simply as Christ liked the church and gave himself up for her. Ephesians 5:25
Nonetheless, every one in all you additionally should love his spouse as he loves himself, and the spouse should respect her husband. Ephesians 5:33
I thank my God each time I consider you. Philippians 1:3
Subsequently a person shall depart his father and his mom and maintain quick to his spouse, and so they shall turn into one flesh. Genesis 2:24
Subsequently what God has joined collectively, let nobody separate. Mark 10:9
Owe nobody something, besides to like one another, for the one who loves one other has fulfilled the regulation. Romans 13:8
There are three issues that amaze me—no, 4 issues that I don’t perceive: how an eagle glides via the sky, how a snake slithers on a rock, how a ship navigates the ocean, how a person loves a lady. Proverbs 30:18-19
Two are higher than one, as a result of they've a very good return for his or her labor:If both of them falls down, one can assist the opposite up. However pity anybody who falls and has nobody to assist them up. Additionally, if two lie down collectively, they'll hold heat. However how can one hold heat alone? Ecclesiastes 4:9
He who finds a spouse finds what is sweet and receives favor from the LORD. Proverbs 18:22
I'm my beloved’s and my beloved is mine. Tune of Solomon 8:3
I discovered the one my coronary heart loves. Tune of Solomon 3:4
Then the LORD God made a lady from the rib he had taken out of the person, and he introduced her to the person. The person stated, “That is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be referred to as ‘girl,’ for she was taken out of man.” That's the reason a person leaves his father and mom and is united to his spouse, and so they turn into one flesh. Genesis 2:22-24
Could your fountain be blessed, and will you rejoice within the spouse of your youth. A loving doe, a swish deer— might her breasts fulfill you all the time, might you ever be intoxicated together with her love. Proverbs 5:18-19
A spouse of noble character who can discover? She is price excess of rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of worth. She brings him good, not hurt, all the times of her life. Proverbs 31:10-12
So she turned his spouse, and he liked her. Genesis 24:64
Let love and faithfulness by no means depart you; bind them round your neck, write them on the pill of your coronary heart. Proverbs 3:3
By means of love serve each other. Galatians 5:13
In the identical method, you husbands should give honor to your wives. Deal with your spouse with understanding as you reside collectively. She could also be weaker than you're, however she is your equal companion in God’s present of latest life. Deal with her as you need to so your prayers is not going to be hindered. 1 Peter 3:7
Love yesterday, at present and without end. Jeremiah 31:3
So they're now not two, however one. Subsequently what God has joined collectively, let man not separate. Matthew 19:6
I maintain you in my coronary heart, for now we have shared collectively God’s blessings. Philippians 1:7
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