#So. I don’t hate gray wing.
lionblaze03-2 · 4 months
personally I don’t hate gray wing nearly as much as everyone else because he’s a great example of having rose colored glasses just because ‘well, he’s family’, and not realizing until far too late that that essentially ruined his life and made him amount to almost nothing. Because clear sky is his brother, he wants to assume the best of him. Surely, my brother would never. Surely he didn’t mean it like that. Surely he’ll do better next time. He’s my brother. He COULDN’T be a bad guy. So he keeps giving him chances, over and over and over again, until it’s completely destroyed him. Until he can no longer breathe, his lungs full of toxic smoke that clear sky abandoned him to breathe in, until he is under his claws, nearly killed under the moonlight, until his people are battered again and again, until borders become inevitable. But he never, ever realizes, because- it’s his brother. Surely, his brother will do better next time. Surely, he didn’t mean it. Surely, he will change.
And believing that is the death of him.
#It was always to my understanding that he died early BECAUSE of the lung damage#And that the fire and leaving gray wing behind was on clear sky. I don’t remember how but I remember it was#Clear sky’s actions got gray wing killed in the end. But he loved his stupid brother so much he was blind to see it until he literally died#Hell. And even after.#Because- they’re brothers. Surely. Hell do better next time.#Like people who keep forgiving their family over and over#Ohhh but hes changed!!! No he hasn’t. He may pretend for 10 minutes but he’s going back after another#but it’s my mom/dad/brother… I HAVE to have a relationship with them… because… yknow… family….#When really the best thing to do when you have a clear sky is cut that fucker off#Because he will slowly drain the life out of you and everyone around you#BUT. I don’t HATE the person who doesn’t cut off their family member#I feel SORRY for them. That they can’t realize how badly they’re hurting themselves keeping this up#So. I don’t hate gray wing.#Clear sky is a bastard and I’d say I hate him as a person tho. but not as a character either#Because he’s a villain and those motivate plot. I know they change their mind later. But I didn’t. I didn’t forget#And I choose to believe the powers that be didn’t either. Given skyclan all dies within the next decade and stays gone for generations#But I guess none of that is CANON text. It’s just also not NOT canon. It’s not an AU au because it like#COULD be why. They just didn’t say one way or the other#Anyway gray wing is really just like. A pathetic wet mop of a guy#Definitely no wise sage#But I do not hate him. I cried when he died at the end of path of stars#I pity that he never got to live a life free of all that toxicity because ‘but we family’.#Like a lot of older. Perhaps religious raised. People I grew up around with shitty family members#No you don’t owe it to anybody no you don’t have to respect thy father and mother if they don’t respect you#You never asked to be born. Etc etc#But that. They gave me something and family is family and blood is thicker than water attitude#Is very common around rural religious areas. Which is. What I think of the clans as. Backwoods evangelicals#ESPECIALLY in the early days#Well. Bulls’ shit is thicker than blood. And that’s what your life is gonna be full of if you stick with toxic people because of blood#Anyway whatever none of this means anything. Just. Saying words
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felinecyan · 3 months
Perfectly Fine
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[Keigo Takami x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: Hawks plays off that everything is “perfectly fine,” but you know better than to believe him.
WC: 2186
Category: Hurt/Comfort, Soft!Reader, Slight Angst
I don’t know why I’m so obsessed with Hawks and angst, I blame Conan Gray being stuck in my head 24/7, but here you go! 😀👍
You knew he wasn't okay.
You saw him every day. You spent more time with him than anyone else in his life. He had always been so bright and so positive that it was jarring when you realized just how exhausted he truly was.
He tried. He tried so hard. He was smiling and making jokes like normal. It was so hard not to get caught up in his infectious positivity. But you knew him well enough to see through it all.
And his eyes said it all.
They weren't as bright and golden as they normally were. They looked dim. The dark circles underneath were a clear indication that he hadn't been sleeping well lately—or at all.
This was the one thing you absolutely despised about Keigo. His independence was a good aspect to have for a pro-hero, but not when it was detrimental to his own health.
He was always doing things on his own. He was a people pleaser, so of course, he didn't want to ask for help. It was his problem, so he'd handle it himself.
And you wished you could just knock some sense into that bird brain of his.
The last straw was when he came home in the middle of the night, completely disheveled, and collapsed on the couch.
It wasn't uncommon for him to come home late, and you were usually already asleep, but tonight was different. Tonight, you were still awake.
And it was almost 3 am.
You had heard him enter the house. You were about to get up to greet him, but his heavy footsteps had paused at the doorway. The silence continued for a few seconds until you heard him stumble and collapse onto the couch.
You got up immediately and rushed into the living room. Your heart broke at the sight of him.
He was sitting on the floor with his back on the couch. He had taken off his jacket and boots. His wings were limp, and the feathers were ruffled and messy. His head was in his hands, and his hair was an absolute mess.
"Keigo," you whispered, walking up to him.
You had a million questions going through your mind, but you were also worried he was hurt, so you decided to keep it simple.
"Are you okay?"
He didn't move. Not even his wings.
He did speak, however, but you wished he hadn't.
"Perfectly fine."
The words were like poison. His tone was so cold, so dark, so unlike him. You hated it. You had to force yourself not to recoil in disgust.
Just as he said those words, he made himself even worse by letting out a dry, humorless chuckle. It was so unnatural and wrong coming from him.
It scared you. It angered you. You couldn't understand how he could be like this.
You knelt down in front of him, placing your hands over his.
"Keigo," you murmured. "I’m begging you. Please don't do this."
"Do what?" His eyes met yours, completely focused. It was almost unnerving. "What am I doing?"
"You're pushing me away," you stated, trying to keep your voice from cracking. "Again."
His gaze lingered for a few moments before his eyes trailed to the floor. He let out a sigh, sounding almost irritated.
"I told you, I'm fine," he muttered, his expression hardening. "You should get some sleep."
His tone was much harsher than before, and it was beginning to frustrate you.
"I can't do that," you whispered.
"Why not?"
"Because I can't, Keigo," you said, your voice rising. "You make it so… so difficult for me to just sit back and watch you do this. You keep saying that everything is fine, but it isn't. It's not. You know it's not."
He was silent, and you were beginning to think that he was refusing to respond to you.
"You've been coming home at weird hours, and you don't even try to hide the fact that you're exhausted. Your eyes have bags under them, and your wings are a complete mess. You look so pale, Keigo."
"If you say you're fine one more time," your voice was trembling, and your eyes were starting to burn. "I swear, I will throw myself out of this window."
That made a small smile creep onto his face. It wasn’t genuine, but it was a start.
"As much as I love pancakes, you know I wouldn’t let you go through with that," he said, his tone becoming lighter.
You didn't hesitate.
"Then why are you making me go through with this?"
You didn't miss the small flinch he did. If you’d been in this situation a couple of years ago, you would’ve missed it.
But not anymore. You knew him better than anyone.
"We’re supposed to be partners, remember? You’re a harder book to read, Keigo, and I’m sorry I’m too easy for you, but we should be able to trust each other."
He only looked down and let out a sigh. He was trying so hard to keep his composure, but his emotions were beginning to break through.
You reached forward and gently placed your hand on his cheek, turning his face so he would look at you.
"And if something is bothering you, you should want to tell me. But I can’t help but feel like I'm not good enough to be someone you can confide in because if you did, then maybe you wouldn't look like this right now." You brushed a lock of his golden hair away from his forehead.
He looked so tired. So defeated.
And he was. You could tell by the look in his eyes that he was struggling with himself. It was as if he were weighing his options.
Stay silent or talk to you.
Stay strong or admit his weakness.
You wanted him to choose the latter. You needed him to choose the latter. If he was going to keep pretending everything was fine, your heart couldn’t take it.
A moment of silence passed, and then two, and then three. It was like an eternity had gone by.
Then, finally, the room was filled with his deep, shaky exhale. The environment changed. The air was thicker. You felt the tension and the stress and the sadness.
"I'm not the person you deserve."
It was such a simple phrase, but you were stunned. He sounded so broken, and you didn’t understand why.
"I don't deserve you," he repeated, his voice barely a whisper. “I never did."
You were just speechless. You were expecting his troubles to be something along the lines of work or the Hero Public Safety Commission. It probably still is, but you weren’t expecting him to feel… insecure about himself.
"That’s…" You shook your head. "No, Keigo, that's not true. Why would you think that?"
"Why wouldn't I think that?"
He didn't wait for your response.
"I'm too focused on being a hero," he started, his expression hardening again. "I'm always out. I'm never here. Sure, I kidnap you and make you my hostage every once in a while, but even then, I'm always thinking about work. Always thinking about how I can save more people. I'm always busy, and when I'm not, I'm exhausted."
His hands tightened into fists.
"You deserve someone who can be here with you all the time. Someone who can take the time to actually appreciate you, not just a text here and there, or a quick phone call, or a stupid note. You deserve someone who doesn’t have to leave the house before the sun even rises."
Your eyes were beginning to water, and you tried not to sniffle, but it was becoming more and more difficult to control yourself.
"You deserve a life where you can relax. You deserve someone who you know is always going to be there when you need it. I can't be that for you, and it's frustrating because I really wish I could."
"Oh, Takami," you whispered, pulling him towards you.
His arms wrapped around your waist, and his face was buried in the crook of your neck. He was holding onto you as if he were hanging on for dear life.
"I hate being like this." His voice was muffled, but you could still hear the disgust in his tone.
"Like what?"
"So pathetic," he grumbled. "I hate acting like a kid. Like an immature, needy little… little child."
He had trouble getting the last word out. You couldn't tell whether it was because he was frustrated or ashamed, or both.
"Hey," you whispered, running your fingers through his hair. It seemed to always soothe him. "It’s not immaturity, and it definitely is not childish. It’s just being human."
You could feel him let out a long, deep exhale.
"You are the Number 2 Pro-Hero. You're a very busy man. I knew it then, and I know it now. I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to be with you."
You paused, taking a deep breath.
"Yes, sometimes I get lonely, and I miss you, and it sucks. Sometimes, I want to lock you in the house and not let you leave until the end of the world, but that wouldn't be fair to your fangirls.”
That earned a small chuckle from him.
"And it wouldn't be fair to all those innocent people who need you too. I don't like having to share you with the entire city, but that's just the way it is, and it's something I knew I had to get used to."
His arms squeezed around your waist. You felt his warm breath on your neck, which made you shiver slightly.
"And it's not your fault, either. We will have times like these, where you're too busy, and we won't see each other for a while, but at the end of the day, I'm still going to be waiting for you. At the end of the day, we’ll be perfectly fine."
"What a sap," he mumbled, though you could hear the smile in his voice.
"Hey! I'm trying to be romantic!" You playfully smacked his shoulder. "Be grateful."
He chuckled and pulled away from the embrace. You didn't want him to at first, but when you saw his expression, you smiled.
He was grinning. He was finally genuinely happy. There was a twinkle in his eye, and his wings were perked up. His feathers were starting to look much cleaner and fluffier. He was starting to look like his old self.
"I'll make a mental note of that," he replied, a mischievous smile tugging at his lips. "You are the cutest sap ever."
"Shut up." You rolled your eyes and let out a laugh. "Go to bed, bird boy."
"Wait, wait, wait, hold on," he said, holding his hands up. "You're not going to give me a good night kiss?"
You scoffed.
"And you say you’re not childish."
"No, seriously."
Before you could ask him what he meant, he grabbed your waist and pulled you onto his lap. Your arms instinctively went around his neck, and you squealed and caught off guard.
"Hey!" You protested, trying to glare at him, but it was hard to do when he was looking at you with such adoration.
"C'mere," he hummed, resting his forehead against yours. "Let's see how good of a kisser you really are."
"Okay, no, let's not," you said, leaning away from him. "That was awful. That was worse than awful."
"Oh, c'mon!" He chuckled, his eyes full of amusement. "I've been waiting to use that for ages."
"Well, don't," you said, shaking your head. "That just made me want to turn into a pancake even more."
"It’s too bad we don't have syrup," he joked, giving you a quick wink. "Guess I'll have to improvise."
"That's it," you said, trying to push him away, but he only laughed and pulled you closer.
"Stop trying to avoid the inevitable, darling," he murmured, his eyes meeting yours.
"Please don't say anything else," you begged, your face growing warm. "Please. I'm not kidding, Takami."
"Neither am I."
And this… This was what everything was worth.
Keigo looked so content. He was happy. He was relaxed. He wasn't thinking about anything but this moment. He wasn't overthinking things. He wasn't forcing himself to stay positive.
He was just being him, finally. The rest of the night the discussion wasn’t brought up again, and it didn’t need to. You both knew exactly what the other was thinking… feeling. And sure, there’s no doubt there’ll be another time when he will be stressed out again, overworking himself and pushing himself too hard, but you would be there to pull him back down.
You would be there to remind him that everything would be okay and that no matter how hard he tries to fix it all on his own, you would simply remind him that he doesn’t have to do that anymore.
He doesn’t need to keep hiding behind that smile; the only smile he should ever have is the real one.
The one where he truly is perfectly fine.
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art · 11 months
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Creator Spotlight: GDBee Art (@prinnay)
Geneva Bowers is inspired by the wonders of the natural world around us, and enjoys manipulating colors to create art full of mood and feelings.
Check out our interview with Geneva below!
How did you get started with art? Did you originally have a background in art?
I’m going to say yes because that’s all I’ve known how to do. It started because I wanted to draw better horses than my sister, and it just spiraled from there. People started asking me to draw things because they saw me drawing horses. I was like, well, I can draw things that aren’t horses, and then it was just kind of all I did. 
Have you ever had an art block? If so, how did you overcome it?
I have one right now! Honestly, with time, and I also collect art books; I think I have a couple hundred. If I really want to draw something, then I just flip through those and try to steal some ideas.
Which three famous artists (dead or alive) would you invite to your dinner party?
I mean, of course Van Gogh…I’m really inspired by Impressionism and Post-Impressionism, so I would invite Van Gogh, Monet, and Julie Dillon to a dinner party.
Have you ever wanted to dive into another medium before?
Yeah, actually, I currently am! I’m trying to do more traditional painting. I used to do a lot of acrylics, but I haven’t done it in years, and now I’m kind of bad at it. I’m trying to get into actual impressionistic art with oils and oil pastels. I’m like failing, but you know, you get there. Just fail until it looks presentable. 
If there is one thing you want your audience to remember about your work, what would it be?
I guess it’s more of a feeling. I create art because I’m inspired by things around me, like certain video games. For example, I have been inspired by a Japanese RPG called Chrono Cross on PlayStation 1. They make me feel a certain type of inspiration to create something, so that’s kind of like what I’m hoping to leave behind. 
Have any of your projects surprised you with their outcome?
Yeah! I did this Weapon Faerie series where I took three prompts: a weapon, a winged insect, and an herb, which I combined to make different characters. So, a faerie with a spiked club or a butterfly faerie with a katana. I made 13 of those, and they kind of took off! I wasn’t expecting that at all.
What is the hardest part of your process?
My whole art style is coloring, like the way it’s colored… but I hate the coloring process, haha. I like doing the color combos, but I don’t like the blending and shading. That takes like one-trillion years. It’s the part where I’m most likely to give up. You know how art kind of looks ugly before it looks good? I’m trying to trust that process. 
What do you wish you knew when you started creating art that you know now?
I guess one big thing would be knowing how to use lights and darks. When I do color, it is definitely colorful, but when you switch it to black and white, you see that everything’s the same tone of gray. I’ve learned that if you just use some brighter colors and some darker shades, you create a bigger impact in the end. So, now, when I paint something digital, I make it black and white for a moment to see where all the hues are, and if something is weirdly dark or not dark enough, I can change it.
Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
Oh, @feefal definitely inspires me. She does a lot of spooky art.
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msmk11 · 2 months
mk’s mad dash
All of August, one x reader fic a day.
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A/n: School is coming up faster than I'd like, so I want to do a little mini end of summer writing extravaganza before September hits. I'll be posting one short fic a day, and by the end of the month I will have at least one fic written for EVERY character I write for! Happy reading!
8/1 - Johanna Mason- ‘A Moment For Yourself’
You show Johanna a kindness she hasn’t felt in
8/2- Tangerine- ‘Not a Lady’
Tangerine meets his match in cursing.
8/3- Natasha Romanoff- ‘A Way to Relax’
Natasha’s been stressed lately, so you come up
with a way to help her relax.
8/4- Remus Lupin- ‘Aftercare’
Aftercare with Remus.
8/5- Lucy Gray Baird- ‘Wrapped Up In a Bow’
You buy Lucy Gray a present.
8/6- Mary MacDonald- ‘Distraction’
You don’t want to watch a movie with Mary.
8/7- Fred Weasley- ‘Sixth Love Language’
You prank Fred for the first time.
8/8- Coriolanus Snow- ‘Maybe’
The death and birth of hope.
8/9- Peeta Mellark- ‘I Made You A Pie’
You and Peeta get into your first fight.
8/10- Hermione Granger- ‘Whatever You Say, Dear’
You hate airports. Thank God for your girlfriend.
8/11- George Weasley- ‘Serenity’
A peaceful summer afternoon at the Burrow.
8/12- Regulus Black- ‘Trou Noir’
Mourning your husband, Regulus Black.
8/13- Katniss Everdeen- ‘A Tiny Favor’
You ask Katniss to braid your hair.
8/14- Dorcas Meadowes- ‘The Barista’
The most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen is a
barista at your local coffee shop.
8/15- Haymitch Abernathy- ‘Wish You Were Sober’
We don’t always get what we want.
8/16- Finnick Odair- ‘Five More Minutes’
“Five more minutes.” A phrase you’ve said many
times but only now really mean.
8/17- Ron Weasley- ‘I Love You First’
Ron’s used to being second.
8/18- Sirius Black- ‘The Infamous Wings’
You catch Sirius trying on your eyeliner.
8/19- Ginny Weasley- ‘What The Flying Fuck’
Your girlfriend tries to teach you how to fly.
8/20- Tigris Snow- ‘Don’t Call Me Baby’
Tigris has been taught to assume the worst.
8/21- Harry Potter- ‘Pretty Boy’
You love to make your boyfriend blush.
8/22- Marlene McKinnon- ‘Oblivious’
You never notice when boys flirt with you.
8/23- Poly!Marauders- ‘This Is Fucking Stupid’
In which you all try and share a bed for the first
8/24- James Potter- ‘Rumor Has It’
There’s a rumor going around that you and
costar!James are dating.
8/25- Lily Evans- ‘Rounds’
You are assigned Prefect rounds with your rival.
8/26- Peter Parker- ‘Its Not A Costume’
You mess around in Peter’s suit.
8/27- Wanda Maximoff- ‘Are They Gone?’
You and Wanda on a mission together.
8/28- Tony Stark- ‘Never Ever’
CEO!Tony Stark doesn’t take people out to lunch.
8/29- Sejanus Plinth- ‘I Know’
Your boyfriend is a walking, bleeding heart.
8/30- Peter Pettigrew- ‘Say It’
Peter is nervous to ask you out.
8/31- Yelena Belova- ‘This Thing Called A Date’
You take Yelena on her first ever date.
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yourejinx · 1 year
Undeniable Bonds
   Azriel x F. Reader
Warnings: angst, as per usual. Not proof read.
word count: 4713.
Author’s note: I’m sorry I’m so late with this. I gave Mor a sibling. And I may have changed some things from the cannon books. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it. 
“What did you do to him?” Rhys asked mentally, an amused glint on his violet eyes as he looked over to where Azriel and Cassian were training the Valkyries. 
“What do you mean?” I raised an eyebrow at him, wiping away the sweat of my forehead and taking a sip from my jar of water. 
It had been a while since Rhysand joined me in training. He didn’t have much time these days between being High Lord and a father, and a husband. But lately he’s been under more pressure and needed to blow up some steam. 
I dared a look at the Shadowsinger, he was teaching Gwyn some defensive stances, being his brooding self, scowl and all. There was nothing particularly out of the ordinary. 
“He’s been more irritable these past weeks.”  Rhysand took a step back, adopting a fighting stance once again and flaring his wings. I couldn’t help the smirk from showing on my face, I had made him sweat enough for him to bring out his Illyrian side. 
Behind us Cass chuckled and I grinned at him, he winked at me in return. Rhys just threw him an annoyed stare and rolled his shoulders. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, he seems fine. For his usual self, that is.”  I shrugged. Brought my fists up and started to circle him slowly.  
“No, I could’ve sworn he hissed at Nesta this morning.”  His face lit up with wicked delight and he swung for me, aiming for my supposedly exposed left side. The oldest trick in Amren’s book:  “Let them come to you girl, let them think you defenseless.”
I caught his upper arm, twisted it and turned him around so that he was facing Cassian now. The Valkyries were looking. He tensed. “But he took one look at you, and decided to shut his mouth? Strange.”
“Well, I wouldn’t know. I’ve been too busy avoiding him as of late.”
One of his wings flung open and I released his arm to avoid the hit. He flashed a feline smile at me and lifted his right leg, trying to land a kick to my upper thigh. 
I jumped out of his range, bracing my weight on his shoulders and landing behind him, quick on my feet. A second later, I dropped down low and sweeped out his legs from under him, throwing him on his royal ass. 
He went down with a gasp, arms splayed out and eyes wide. 
“I’m a little out of shape, it seems.” He coughed. 
“You think?” I grinned down at him, offering a hand to help him stand up. 
Somebody whistled and I turned my head to look at Nesta, she was grinning amusedly. “Would you like to join the Valkyries?”
Beside her, Cassian snorted. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”  
“And why is that?” She snapped her golden-brown head to Cass. I almost pitied him, I would hate to be on the receiving end of that cold stare. 
“That would be a fight of egos. Y/N already leads her own legion of warriors in battle.”
“I could do both”. I replied instantly. Arms crossed and head cocked to the side. 
“Yeah? And who would command the Valkyries?” Cassian asked with a knowing look.
 I had more experience in battles and a little more than two centuries of training, the answer seemed logical enough. But I replied instead:  
“Well, Nesta of course. I wouldn’t dream of taking her spot, we females should support each other.” I winked at her. She smiled. “But maybe when I grow tired of ordering males around.” 
Nesta looked satisfied enough, a little bit of mischief dancing in those gray eyes. 
I waited for Azriel’s retort about me not being capable of following orders, but it never came. He fixed his stare at me instead, as if contemplating my answer. Weird. 
“See, I told you he’s been acting strange.” Rhys purred into my mind. 
“Get out of my head.” I scowled at him. He chuckled. 
“I think he’s really trying not to snap at you.”
“Not my problem.”
“Maybe you could try to work on a truce?” 
I rolled my eyes at him. “I already told him I won’t fight him, it’s the same thing.” 
“Well, it is easier not to fight him if you’re avoiding him. Why not try and get along instead?” 
“Oh yeah, maybe we could hang out and braid each other’s hair too.” I fought the urge to stick my tongue out at the High Lord. He laughed. 
“I’m just saying, give it a try. He may be willing too. Solstice is a couple of days ahead, it’ll be a good time for make up and make out”  
My reply died in my mouth as I caught a glimpse of auburn hair out of the corner of my eye. Lucien was walking towards us, clad in a pristine dark gray tunic and matching pants, arms crossed behind his back. He looked expectant…. shit, I was supposed to accompany him to the Dawn Court today. My eyes widened and I started to frantically grab my things. 
“Oh fuck. I’m sorry Lucien, I totally forgot. Five minutes, I’ll shower and then we can leave.” I said hurrying up the steps to the House and throwing Rhysand a glare. He gave me a lazy smile.  
“Just think about it.” 
“Remind me again, why did you have to come?” Lucien asked, an auburn eyebrow going up, russet eye shining in the late sun’s glow like a warm liquid flame on a cold day. 
Lucien was a very handsome, very intelligent male. I don’t understand why Elain would avoid him like the plague, he’s very nice and polite, and definitely not hard on the eyes. But then again, she had a not so discrete fixation with my mate. No, that wasn’t right. I had no business letting this stupid forsaken territorial Cauldron-made bond fill me with negative feelings. Azriel wasn’t mine, not in the way that counts. 
I shook my head and stopped snooping around the books, putting my best smile on display. 
“To escort you of course. We can’t have our emissary run into danger now, can we?”
“So, you’re not just avoiding the Shadow singer?”
“Why would I do that?” 
“I don’t know, but I’d avoid him too if I had anywhere else to go instead of having to sit back and watch him flirt with my mate.” 
I walked over to the window, the light pink and orange sky merged with the fluffy clouds so beautifully I wished I could paint it. Must be nice, to just be soft and beautiful and lovable, all the things I would never be. I have been built tough since a very young age, forced to be strong in order to survive, the only soft spot I ever had was ripped from me when I turned sixteen. Never again. Never again I would allow myself to be weak. 
“I don’t care about those things.” I mused, the smile had long since slipped off my face. 
“Watching your mate openly flirt with another?” he asked tentatively. My head snapped in his direction, not in shock but in warning.  I wasn’t sure what he read on my face but he added, “I can see things more clearly than others,” – he pointed to his metal eye – “and we both have been cursed with the same affliction, it is easier to know where to look.” 
I thought back to the times I’ve seen Azriel and Elain interact, how gentle and caring he had been with her, how she had blushed and smiled warmly at him. The look of heartache, of longing in Lucien’s face… had I been wearing the same look all this time? I wasn’t even sure I wanted Azriel to look at me like that, I just…it was enough for me if he didn’t hate me.
But the way he stared at me this morning, as if he didn’t know what to make of me, it reminded me of the first time we met…curiosity, that’s what it was.  
If there was a tiny possibility of us getting along, maybe I should listen to Rhysand.
But now was not the time to think about that. 
 I clicked my tongue. “Wasn’t your friend supposed to be here already?”
Lucien sighed and took a seat in front of me, I turned my head back to the clouds. 
“She’s running a little late, will be here any second.” 
Maybe it was stupid of me to ask it outloud but if someone may understand, if someone may have an answer that would be him.
“Would you forgive her for treating you so poorly?” My eyes found his through the reflection on the window glass. 
He knew I meant Elain. 
“If she ever asks for it, then yes. If not…then what choice do I have but to forgive in order to move on?” 
A small smile played on my lips. “You’re too good, Prince Charming. Couldn’t be me.”
He let out a small sensual laugh. “You’re good too, little raven, more than you give yourself credit for.” 
“I’m so sorry I’m late” said a dark haired female bursting through the door. She carried a bag full of the Cauldron-knows-what, it tinkled with every step she took. “I hope you didn’t wait for too long.” She flashed a radiant smile at Lucien, genuine joy dancing in her onyx eyes at the sight of the Autumn male.
“It’s ok, we just got here.” He returned the smile.  
I had to bite down my tongue to prevent myself from commenting on it. I leaned closer, peering over Lucien’s shoulder to the artifacts she displayed on the table. There were all sorts of things, medical instruments, prosthetics, cartography tools…this girl was very talented. 
“What is this?” I asked, pointing to a small, gleaming golden sphere, intricately carved with what looked to be a diamond at its center, surrounded by three gold rings. Her eyes snapped at me as if she just realized I was in the room as well. 
“Nuan, meet Y/N, she works for Rhysand. Y/N this is Nuan.” 
“Nice to meet you Y/N.” She shook my hand. “That is – uh– a personal project, that I don’t know how it got here.” She chucked the piece back into the bag. 
“Well, what does it do?” 
“Nothing, yet. It’s just a prototype, more pretty than useful. It was supposed to be a soul locator, it should be embedded with a location spell and it’ll guide you to your loved one wherever they are, or anyone whose essence is entwined with the stone.” 
“Brilliant.” I murmured under my breath but they heard it. 
She smiled again. “Thank you.”
Something started to take form in my head, an idea, a little bit ridiculous and a little bit hopeful. A present for Solstice and a peace offering. 
“Would you be willing to make something for me? I’ll pay you of course.” I said, already feeling the regret climbing up my mind. 
“Sure, what did you have in mind?”  
Mor’s warm brown eyes met me through the full-length mirror in her room, she was dressed in  a wine-colored dress that hugged every curve in her flawless body, long blond curls cascading over her shoulders and bold red lips adorned by a breathtaking smile. She was gorgeous, ethereal, in a way that didn’t make me want to rip the skin off of my own bones. How could someone be so similar yet so different to their own family? Mor’s brother had been brutally beautiful, in the way only a lethal predator would be. Blonde hair, strong, sharp features, and those dark eyes that could drag you into a pit of pure despair. 
Some days it was particularly hard to look at Mor and not think of him, but unlike that beast of a male, she made me feel welcome and safe. I just had to breathe a couple of times and remind myself where I was at. 
“You look like the night sky” her voice shook me out of my thoughts. 
I smiled back at her and took one last glance at my figure in the mirror. I was clad in a fitting glimmering black dress, thin straps tied to the back of my neck, the fabric pooled atop the valley of my breasts, just under my cleavage and generously hugged them at the sides from where the skirt flowed like liquid to the floor. Mor had applied a delicate shiny powder to the top of my lids, some mascara and a rosé lip gloss. 
I couldn’t stop staring at my obsidian black eyes, the thick lashes adorning them, the only thing I had inherited from my mother — such a beautiful tortured female she had been; but that was as far as my resemblance to her went, the harshness of my face…I had to thank my father for that, and the centuries of relentless anger. Only Mor could make such a face look beautiful. And I was grateful for that.   
My sight moved to the small white scar atop of my right cheekbone, so pale it contrasted with my sun-kissed skin, and my hand rose on its own accord to graze the scarred tissue. It should have healed and disappeared on its own, it looked almost insignificant for it to leave a mark, but the cut had been deep enough to sever bone, and at the time I had refused to see a healer.   
“What are you thinking of?” Mor asked softly. I turned around to face her. 
“I’ve never apologized to you for what I did to your brother,” My voice came out a little strangled. 
“And you never have to. You don’t apologize for surviving.” She frowned. “I am very aware of how cruel and evil my family is.”
“He was your only brother, Mor.” 
“He was a monster, just like my father. You’re more family to me than he ever was.” She started and gave a little gentle squeeze to my arm. “You can talk to me, you know? About what…— about what happened. If you’d like. You don’t have to carry that weight alone.”
“I know, trust me I know..” I said, closing my fingers around the mark on my wrist “But I still can’t talk about it, the way you still can’t talk about what happened with Eris.”  
She understood, more than anyone ever would. So she didn’t say anything else, instead she wrapped her arms around me in one of those tight embraces that help you put your soul back together a little bit. 
“We’re gonna be late for dinner.” I laughed, she reluctantly let go. 
“I got you a present” Mor pulled out a dark blue velvet box from her nightstand “Just don’t flash it around Amren if you wanna keep it.” She joked. 
Inside sat a silver necklace encrusted with diamonds and lilac crystals. It was by far the most beautiful thing I’ve ever owned. She made quick work of wrapping it around my neck and carefully set it atop my collarbones. 
“Thank you, it is gorgeous, truly. Your present is down stairs, along with the rest” I said with an apologetic smile. 
She smirked knowingly. “Except for that one,” a manicured finger pointed to the little black box with a blue ribbon sitting on the corner of her desk. I blushed. I was still debating whether it was a good idea  to bring it or not. “Who’s the lucky one?” she wiggled her eyebrows. 
“Oh shut up, I already regret it.” 
She laughed. “Well, if your dress doesn’t leave him speechless that sure will.” She winked, linked my arm to hers and winnowed us to the River House. 
 The evening was going uneventfully, I had convinced Lucien to at least join us for dinner and had spent a good amount of time just speaking with him, waiting for everyone else to gather. He was having a tough time adjusting to this Court, if it weren’t for the job Rhysand had offered that had him traveling most of the time I’m pretty sure he would hardly interact with anyone here. Not to mention his situation with Elain…so I figured he could use a friendly face and an invitation to be part of the group. 
We were half way through some appetizers, chatting animatedly about the time he spent in the human lands when I felt him. His dark stare was charged with something I couldn’t quite place and for some reason it made me nervous.  I was used to lust, and hate and loathing; had seen many males direct that same looks at me through the years, but this was different. Azriel wasn’t wearing his typical bored expression, nor the harsh one he seemed to reserve just for me. It was strange but not completely unpleasant. 
Lucien caught sight of what had drifted my attention away from the conversation and politely excused himself to fetch more wine in time for Cassian to step up, Azriel closely behind. 
The general let out a low flirty whistle. “Now, that’s a dress” he spun me around while I laughed. “Looking good, Y/N” 
“Thank you Cass. It’s nice to see you with a shirt on for a change” I joked. He stuck his tongue out at me. 
“I just know you love to see me shirtless” He winked and went to say hi to Mor.  
Azriel was still standing beside me, a little awkward and more tense than before. His wings had gone taut behind his back. I met his hazel stare and brace myself for a nasty comment. None came.
“Hi” he said. 
It was odd to be standing next to each other and for once not being in a yelling match throwing insults left and right. 
“Hi,” My reply came out softer than I expected. Still I couldn’t fully let my guard down. 
“I haven’t seen you around much these days.”
“Yeah, I’ve been busy.”
“Rhys told me you were helping Helion with something” Azriel’s dark eyebrow raised in curiosity. 
It was partially true, I’ve been coming and going between our courts, Helion has been showing me around the archives where I was to work if I decided to accept the offer. It was a beautiful place and his people had been nothing short of welcoming. But I didn’t want to think about that just yet, after tonight I still have three days to give him an answer.  
 “ Yes, he needed me to go through some stuff, research. Why were you looking for me?” I asked, mirroring his expression. 
 “I- I wanted to tell you that I tracked a pattern in the route of the missing fae, it goes all the way up to Vallahan.” 
“You think the Court of Nightmares is trading slaves to Vallahan?” 
“It’s a possibility. But since we don’t have any jurisdiction there, I thought that maybe we could intercept the caravan before they crossed the border out of Prythian.”
“You want me to come with you?”
I couldn’t help the incredulous look from my face, as if he had grown a second head. 
“Sure, it is your mission after all.” he shrugged, taking a sip from his wine. 
“What happened to you’re not as good as you think you are?” I mused, repeating his words. 
“I was quick to judge, and you were right. I shouldn’t have said what I said.” 
“No, you shouldn’t have. But I guess that’s what we do, isn’t it? Fight and yell and hurt.”
I wanted to ask him why, why does he hate me so much? We weren’t always like this, where had it gone wrong? But the words died in my throat, it was a conversation I wasn’t sure I was ready to have. Even now, I could feel the tension between us, gnawing at my insides, at the bond I had buried so deep that it felt more like a phantom limb than an actual living thing. 
I could treat him with dignity but I wouldn’t trust my most vulnerable side to him. To bring the subject up was to let him see the anguish of these years, the anger and the tears I had shed because of it. That was simply out of the table. 
“Yeah, I guess it is.”  Azriel averted his gaze away, at the rest of the party, to Lucien and Cassian. 
“Do you enjoy it?” I asked. His wings twitched. 
“No. Do you?” 
I shook my head. “Then why do we keep up with it?”
“I don’t know, maybe I just don’t know how else to act around you.”
“You’re not a dick to anyone else though, just me. I’ve seen it.” 
“And you don’t deserve it, I shouldn’t let you affect me that much” 
My eyes snapped back to his, he seemed shocked for a moment, realizing what he just said. He opened his mouth, maybe to try and explain what he meant by that but then Feyre walked in, along with her sisters. Elain was the embodiment of beauty and grace, dressed in a baby pink gown with a pattern of roses embroidered into the bodice. She looked lovely, and of course I wasn’t the only one who thought that. I caught Lucien frozen in his spot, eyes glued to the middle Archeron sister. I didn’t want to see if Azriel was watching too. 
“She’s gorgeous.” I murmured, suddenly very aware of myself. 
Don’t you dare compare yourself. Mor’s sharp voice sounded in my head as a reminder. 
I could feel Azriel’s assessing stare boring into me and I turned to face him. He kept silent for a long minute, just staring, eyebrows furrowed. What was he looking for in my face? I couldn’t fight the blush from creeping up my cheeks. Had he known what I was thinking?
“She is,” he stated, his voice a velvet murmur. 
I could have sworn something inside of me thrummed with the sound of it in a pleasant way. And the feeling was enough to startle me. 
Before I could attempt to open my mouth, a familiar figure appeared in my peripheral vision, just behind his back. 
  Elain, in all her radiant beauty capturing the attention of everyone in the room, approached Azriel with a gentle smile. The Shadowsinger's eyes flickered towards Elain, momentarily captivated by her presence. I couldn’t stand the awful feeling of being overshadowed. This was actually the first time in years I had a civil-enough conversation with Azriel, and it was short-lived. 
I had to excuse myself, to retreat from the scene that had turned uncomfortable, if not a bit sour. Forcing a polite smile I turned to walk away and addressed Azriel, "I’m going to check on Cass. You know…this was actually not awful, Shadowsinger."
Azriel's gaze shifted back to me, a flicker of regret in his eyes. It was gone half a second later.  "Perhaps we can continue this conversation another time."
With a nod, I  made my way toward the exit, still very confused and shaken up with unspoken emotions. I couldn't bear to witness Azriel's attention fully claimed by Elain, the realization of an unrequited longing becoming too painful to endure. 
As I stepped out of the room, into the welcoming chilling air that brought the change of season, it wasn’t Cassian standing in the garden, but Lucien. A conflicted look on his face. 
“Aren’t you freezing out here?” I asked, joining him in the solitude of the night. 
He shook out of whatever trance he had been in, and painted a little smile for me. “No. I’m a male of autumn, remember? I’ve got fire in my veins.” 
I rolled my eyes and chuckled. “Seriously, what are you doing here by yourself?”
“The same as you, it seems.” He took a look behind me, past the open door to the ballroom. 
“I just needed some fresh air” 
“Do you want me to leave?.” 
“No. No, it 's ok. I like the company.” 
“Likewise” he smiled a bit more genuine this time. 
“It’s almost time for presents and I,uh— I got you something.” I reached into that night-filled pocket between worlds and pulled out a small amulet. Completely ignoring the other thing I had storage in there. “I know you love to travel and you always get a piece of those places with you so I thought I could give you this” 
I pushed the amulet into his hand, it was crafted into the shape of a golden fox with a thin chain and a bow attached to its back. He examined the little thing, curiosity shining in his warm eyes. 
“It’s a safe charm from the lands of the north, for travelers and wanderers. Or so they said” I shrugged. 
He turned his attention to me, tucking the amulet into the pocket of his vest, and I could’ve sworn that flame licked his russet eye – bright and alive. 
“You didn’t have to do this. Thank you, I really like it” Lucien’s deep voice was so cheery it made me smile. 
“Sure I did, you’re my friend.” 
“I’m glad we met, little raven.” He smiled. “I got you something as well, it’s inside along with the others, let me get it for you.” 
Before I could reply he was already half way through the door of the ballroom. A couple of seconds later, it was Rhys who emerged in his place. 
“What are you doing here? I thought I saw Lucien rushing past” 
I chuckled. “I just needed to think for a moment.” 
Rhys’s feline smile adorned his dark features like a shooting star, and he folded his arms in front of his chest. “Have you thought about what I suggested?” 
Taking a shuddering breath I answered “yes, in fact I have” 
“And?” he quirked an elegant eyebrow. 
“And I got a peace offering, a present — sort of.” I took the small box out from that in between worlds space, and fiddled with the blue ribbon. “But I don’t know Rhys, maybe it’s too much. It feels weird.”
“Nonsense.” He said, tugging me by the elbow into the house. “Come on, I’ll be the mediator in this situation.”
“It’ll be even more mortifying if you’re watching.” I said, trying to hold my ground. 
But he didn’t listen, Rhys kept dragging me through the rooms, searching for the Shadowsinger. I exchanged looks with Mor at some point, pleading she’ll come to my rescue, she just laughed it off and winked. Traitor. I even tried puppy eyes at Cassian, he was too busy staring at Nesta. 
It wasn’t until Rhys pushed open the doors to the sitting room that he stopped, back going stiff. I peered over his shoulder and the scent struck me harder than the scene developing in front of us. The room was charged with its sweet sickening smell, desire. That’s what it was. I didn’t even register Azriel’s scarred hand drop from Elain’s delicate neck, because my lungs wouldn’t let any air in. He turned to us, to Rhys, sensing the intrusion. 
“Azriel.” Rhys called, his voice as dark as the night. A warning. 
The shadowsinger looked startled, ashamed even, of being caught like this. I couldn’t even look at Elain. 
His hazel eyes found me behind Rhys and his expression turned stone cold. My head was buzzing and it overwhelmed me so much I could only think of getting rid of the damned box in my hand. Its weight was suddenly too heavy for me to carry. 
Violet eyes full of concern slid to me and Rhysand was about to speak but I shook my head. His lips formed a thin line. 
“I – uh, — I’m gonna see if Lucien wants some dessert.” I mused, barely audible for Rhys to hear. My throat felt tight as I attempted to flee. 
Azriel’s vicious voice stopped me dead in my tracks. 
“You…” His anger-twisted face snapped in my direction and he was about to blurt whatever hurtful thing was on his mind but Rhys interrupted him. 
“Azriel, my office. Now.” The High Lord commanded. 
Azriel pinned me to the spot with a cold look. And I couldn’t do anything but stand in the middle of the room, trying to breathe. 
If I forgot about someone, please let me know :) 
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rabid-reads · 23 days
My August Reads Ranked
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1. One Dark Window by Rachel Gillig: This was by far my favorite read this month. I love this book. I love it more than I love The Folk of the Air. More than the Dark Rise series. More than Captive Prince. Because it has EVERYTHING. The plot, the magic system, the characters, the writing, all of it is as equally good as the rest. Even though at the ending there’s a twist that’s sad, I was still EXCITED to see what happens next (more hype than sad). I root for the Nightmare too. “Long live the King.” The writing is show don’t tell and I fucking LOVE IT. I FUCKING LOVE IT. I am so tired of seeing a lot of telling in story books, and all my favs serve show.
2. Bunny by Mona Awad: This wasn’t as dark as I thought it was going to be, but it won me over with the writing. It’s clever, dark and hilarious. Samantha’s dilemma with the bunnies was relatable for me, especially the first smut salon she attends. It was a fun ride, and I enjoyed this book for reasons I wasn’t expecting to. The way Awad describes feelings is spectacular.
3. The Prisoner’s Throne by Holly Black: It was good to be back in Elfhame. I liked Prisoner’s Throne more than Stolen Heir because, of course, Jude and Cardan. I thought Wren and Oak’s story was cute and I had a fun time reading it, but I’m not over Jude and Cardan yet and that’s all I want.
4. The Stolen Heir by Holly Black: At first, I was a bit put off by how Jude-like Wren was, and how Cardan-like Oak was, but I had a good time. If Black wants to go back and write scenes showcasing Jude and Cardan falling in love, I’m all for that. Would love to see the two of them snuggling by a fire.
5. On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King: I knew I’d like this because every time I watch King speak, he’s fun. He’s fun to listen to, he’s fun to read. He’s at his best when he’s shooting the shit. This was a good time.
6. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde: I love the dialogue in this, it can be interpreted in different ways and it’s exciting to think about. I’ve never read anything as quotable as this book. I lived for every time Dorian threw himself on a couch in a fit of angst.
7. The Corsair’s Captive by Ruby Dixon: Dixon never lets me down. It’s another cozy, fun sci-fi romance with the big blue dudes. I have to read her shifter smut; it’s going to be everything.  
8. The Science of Storytelling by Will Storr: I appreciated how blunt this book was, and the information provided was interesting. If you’re looking for a book about why humans tell stories as well as scientific reasons why you should have an existential crisis. This is the one.
9. Victor by Brianna West: The most egregious offense to me was the smut. Because. How are you screwing an Angel, and it’s vanilla? No mention of where his wings are? Nothing special about his equipment? Only fucks in missionary? They could fuck in the air, but we’re going to sidestep that? Other than that the world-building wasn’t there for me, and the writing was a whole lot of telling. The adverb intense descriptions didn’t land for me, and I didn’t care about any of the characters. The fmc was annoying.
10. Haunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton: Zade is so Neil Breen coded. Like, if I found out Breen wrote this character for Carlton, it would make a lot of sense. I hate this book. I don’t know why I do this to myself.  
The books I'm most stoked to read in September are: Monstrilio by Gerardo Samano Cordova, Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett and Two Twisted Crowns by Rachel Gillig.
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ickbite · 4 months
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WEEPING ANGEL! — Megumi one-shot!
megumi fushiguro x weeping angel!reader
she/her pronouns used, misunderstood reader
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Megumi knew he was screwed, his time was coming to an end and he didn’t know what he did to deserve it. His life has only been misfortune after misfortune; his dad was never involved in his life, and then tried to sell him to the Zen’in clan, then he got adopted (which was a plus!), but his adopted dad got sealed despite the fact that he was the strongest.
Even though everything was going fine with Megumi’s life in terms of family and friends (his sister came out of her coma, his dad was freed, his friends force him to play Mario Party every night), by himself was a different story.
He always heard you. You were always there. He never knew what exactly you were, or what exactly you looked like, he just grew aware of the angel statue that he found everywhere he went. You were beautiful; your color was gray, your wings were magnificent, but that’s all you were, a statue… or so he thought.
It started when he was fifteen with the introduction of his friend, Yuji. They were off walking to meet up with the second-years and in the distance Megumi spotted you, a statue whose hands covered her face, with curly hair covering the parts that aren’t visible. After that moment, you followed him everywhere and he was started to grow bothered. You were more than what you led on, he searched the internet for statues like you and they were never found, you’re unique. It grew to a point where he had to ask his Father-Mentor, Gojo.
Gojo sat him down and explained the story of the L/N clan, a family created of statue-like curses, “the L/N clan takes the role of a regular statue, but in actuality, they’re planning something, Megumi.”
“What if it’s just a statue? She’s covering her face every time I see her.”
“The L/N clan, have a powerful asset, they can transport you to a different time, you can be in the 1950s when you were just here two minutes before. As a defense so they can catch their prey off-guard, they turn into stone when they’re looked at, they cover their eyes to avoid looking at each other.”
After that talk, Megumi made sure to stare as long as he could, but you never grew closer until he least expected it. Gojo was just sealed and megumi was alone in Shibuya, trying to figure out how he could possibly unseal him.
His eyes widened as your sweet voice rung in his ears.
“What will you do Fushi?~~~”
He hurriedly turned towards you, you had a big smile on your now stone-face with your eyes closed, hair sprawled around you as you were not face-to-face with Megumi.
“Why now? Out of all days?” He sighed, he raised his hand to your face, cupping it slightly. “You’re cold… what are you exactly?”
After a moment of silence he remembered, turning his back but keeping a distance between them.
“You know what I am, pretty, and I know what you are,” your back touched megumis as you interlocked your hands with his.
He pulled his hands away, “It’s been three years and you still show up, why?”
Your hands found comfort in his hair, “because you’re soooo cute~~~ I couldn’t help myself, I had to follow you,” you pouted.
“Stop putting your hands on me, I don’t know you.”
“But you could! My name is Y/N,” your arms snaked around his neck, rubbing his chest ever so slightly. “You know what I am,” you whispered in his ear, giving it a slight bite.
“You’re in the L/N clan—“
“Puh-lease, we’re angels,” a devilish smirk spread on your face, “my people are sad, we weep and weep, we were excluded from the sorcerer world because of our… unique abilities.”
“You weep? Your people are killers, you send them back in time and feast on their energy.” Megumi’s messy hair fell in front of his eyes.
“We don’t do that to everyone, we do it to enemies who attack us first, the sorcerers hate us because we’re curses, they attack us and kill us. I bet you didn’t see anything about me besides the stone, my eyes are E/C.”
“E/C?” Megumi turned his body to face the girl, her eyes were open and now we really took the chance to look at her, she wasn’t bad looking, beautiful even.
“Megumi! We found a way to free Gojo! C’mon!” Nobara yelled from down the street, “we need you!”
Megumi turned his head towards Nobara to tell her he’s on his way, but when he turned back, you were gone. A sigh escaped him as he started his plan to see you un-stoned.
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animeyanderelover · 7 months
Hi can I please request hcs for yandere poly natsu and Lucy sharing a darling please (female reader if possible💗)
if you want to give her magic maybe magic that’s similar to star dress (made up magic called star script where reader writes the zodiac sign in thin air and reader outfits changes to suit that zodiac sign example : Draco reader gains a dragon appearance from wings to scales while Aquarius could give her water magic to having fins like a mermaid)
hope that makes sense lol , if it’s to confusing you can just give celestial magic I don’t mind 💗
Tw: Yandere themes, obsession, possessive behavior, delusional behavior, clinginess, touchiness, stalking, jealousy
Sharing a s/o
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🔥🗝️Natsu and Lucy are as good as you can get when it comes to a poly relationship in Fairy Tail because not only have they a really strong bond and are willing to share with each other without any huge arguments following but they also see perfectly eye to eye with each other which means that there’s no one being superior to the other nor is one intimidated or scared of the other one. They both share some common traits such as their obsessive tendencies and their clinginess and no one of them is very possessive. If I had to choose one, I’d say Natsu has more potential to be possessive but such a side doesn’t really emerge, especially not since Lucy is the one he is sharing with. Lucy is definitely the one who is chiding Natsu more often though because whilst both of them are certainly on the delusional side, Lucy is still the one who has the better grasp of a thing called common sense. She doesn’t want Natsu to stalk you, especially not via Happy, and there’s Natsu’s daily behavior of just inviting himself over inside your house without knocking. Especially if you’re currently dressing up or taking a bath can Lucy utterly sympathize.
🔥🗝️Both of them can spend a vast amount of time together with you without growing tired of each other nor more possessive over you. Both are quite outgoing and extroverted, especially Natsu, so there’s always something entertaining happening. Obviously a lot of time is spend in their guild with all their other friends and it is probably around his rivals like Gray or Gajeel that Natsu is the tiniest bit more prone to acting a bit more possessive around you. Lucy is quite quick to put him back to his senses though as she always reminds him that he better not make you uncomfortable or drag you into something just because of his reckless and rowdy behavior that he often shows to others. She knows that Natsu would never actually get you into danger because he loves you too much but he is just acting like a little child when he is around certain people who he just constantly argues with as presumably one way to show his friendship. If Natsu still ends up quarreling with people in his guild in their typical fashion, he sees it through that Lucy makes sure you don’t get involved. Not like he has to tell her that for her to do it.
🔥🗝️Private time with you still happens and in that case the time with Lucy is much more relaxing. She’s just taking a bath with you, dresses up in comfy pajamas with you and is having a girls evening with you. There are occasional times where she catches Natsu and Happy trying to sneak in her house because the poor boy hates being excluded but usually one short conversation is enough for Lucy to express her slightly annoyed emotions due to Natsu’s attempted intrusion before the pink-haired man turns back with the biggest pout on his face. He respects Lucy’s wish though because she always asks him beforehand when she plans to spend an evening alone with you and since he knows that she will allow it him just as much when he’s the one asking her, he has never declined. He’ll just have to endure it until the next day. Then he really is at the doorsteps as early as possible or by chance already inside the house and in a very clingy mood because he didn’t see you for hours. Natsu’s private time with you consists mostly of being outside with you whilst exploring or showing you something, eating or sleeping.
🔥🗝️Both of them are huge on public affection and neither is shy of showing it. It’s constant handholding, cuddles, hugs, kisses or piggybacks. Lucy likes wearing matching bracelets, necklaces and clothes too and she definitely has a lot of that stuff whilst Natsu is mainly focused on the physical affection and he is a bit more extreme with it than Lucy is. He loves piggybacks and tends to get quite excited when he senses that you like it too which has led him a couple of times to sprinting through the streets with Lucy desperately dashing after the two of you to catch up. Considering the fact that he has a sensitive nose due to being a Dragon Slayer, scenting is also a thing. He just enjoys smelling himself on you and considering how often he just can’t resist squashing you in between his arms in a hug, you smell a lot of him. It’s due to his enhanced smelling that he is quick to question you though as soon as you reek overly of something that isn’t his nor Lucy’s smell. On the positive side though, as long as he is there you don’t have to fear getting lost.
🔥🗝️The poor man is even powering through his motion sickness when you want to travel somewhere via train or ship. He’s always sitting there looking miserable though, his face changing from pale to green and back to pale whilst slumping down next to you. He can’t deny that he hasn’t used his sick position whilst on a moving vehicle to get you to coddle him a tad bit more. Lucy is either scolding him for it or she decides to let him have it since she understands that he’s making a small sacrifice to make you happy. If he looks like he’s about to throw up though, she will swiftly separate you two. Both aren’t insanely jealous but if one of more prone to it though, it’s definitely Natsu. He isn’t too afraid to pick a little brawl with someone if they provoke him enough so it’s up to Lucy and you to prevent him from doing so. Overall both are never a serious danger to anyone unless someone has bad intentions in which case both will become very defensive and will use their magic to attack if the situation escalates.
🔥🗝️If their s/o really has Star Script Magic, I feel like Lucy and her will be very engaged in talking about it since it is so similar to Lucy’s Star Dress abilities and even see if they are able to help each other to improve their abilities. Natsu is feeling a little bit left out whenever both of you talk about it since he has Fire Magic and can’t provide anything more useful than Lucy can but for the sake of being part of the conversation, he’s trying to butt in anyways. The pink-haired man is still your biggest hype-man though whenever you use your Star Script Magic and he’s bragging about it to everybody. As soon as someone says something bad about it or you in general though, he’s all ready to throw hands. Lucy and you are most likely training a lot together since both of your abilities are so similar and I can see the zodiac signs even giving you tips on your individual forms and how to improve them. Your relationship with the zodiac signs is definitely a good one too because Lucy sees them as her friends so she has already introduced you to each one of them a long time ago.
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fanofstuff01 · 6 months
So recall for people who didn’t read the first part: Adam fell and accidentally sold his soul to Valentino, he became one of his favorite whores. And became coworkers with Angel. Also this has 2 more chapters. (first part second part)
Does this include a liitle Adamsapple? Maybe one-sided? I have no idea
This has little to no in real life Valentinos, just whatever trigger warning you think that one Angel voicemail scene has applies here. Also you can punch me, I’m an ignorant on alcohol and I might’ve wrote Angel’s exact same voicemail scene on Adam…
Tags: @woah-why-i-am-here @rius-cave @candyhoiic @puparella @fightinsoda @foreverpeachy2010 @dlf24866
I hope you all have a fantastic day/night <3
“You are NOT pretty by any way!” A pink figure screamed.
Angel was running away from an exorcist. He was out of the Hotel and to his luck, he stumbled to her. Normally he’d shoot her, but he knew she wouldn’t hesitate to bring him with herself to the double death. He saw someone trying to stab her, but she just killed him. He guessed she wanted to see Angel try escaping, get tired and then kill Angel sadistically, because she wasn’t flying.
“Oh shit.” He stared at the wall. It was a dead end. This was it. End of his 138 years. He leaned to the wall and closed his eyes but the pain he expected didn’t came. Instead, he felt something on his legs. It was the exorcist. She was unconscious. Maybe even dead.
“I’m sorry Daisy.” Someone familiar spoke. “Come here bitch.”
“Adam?” He asked. He couldn’t believe it.
“I told you to come here. You are fucking bleeding.” He held his hand out to him and Angel took it.
“Did you just..?”
“Don’t think you mean anything to me. Valentino would fucking end me if he finds out I let something happen to you.” He helped him getting up and led him to a place nearby, it seemed like a hotel.
“How did you even know I was there?”
“L- Some other of them chased me down. You were near my hotel. I saw you.” He simply said, looking away. “Are you gonna get inside? You need treatment.” He stood at a door.
“I-I guess.” He was still shocked. What?
“Good. Follow me.”
He kept following the first man and inspected him. Most of the feathers on his right wing were torn off, his clothes were ripped and he had lots of tiny scars all over his body, one on his forehead looked a bit serious, still sort of bleeding. Why is he is more caring about me when he himself is bleeding? He definitely went through something. Maybe something with the angel he said that was following him?
“How did you even managed to take her down so fastly!?”
“I was their fucking leader. I trained them before. Of fucking course I know their weak spots.” He opened a door for Angel. “Get inside.”
“Ooh.” He sat down to a messed up bed as the sinner went to get medical supplies.
“Give me your arm.”
Firstly, he cleaned and disinfected his arm, causing a low hiss. He then took a bandage and started bandaging his left arm as he just stared at him.
They weren’t exactly on the term of friends at that moment. Angel still didn’t forgot who he was, and the other sinner was still hating the whole hell, so they just tolerated eachother. However, he was on the gray area for now to Angel. He knew it could be hard to drop your pride and accept this was your place now.
But no matter which area he was in, he would NOT expect him to be the one to protect him.
“What happened to your wing?”
“None of your fucking business.”
“Are you going to fix that?” He pointed to his head.
“Why did they even show up? Today’s not the extermination day!” Angel was starting to get annoyed.
“I have no fucking idea. And done. You have to be more careful, slut.”
“Ii… Will.” He looked around the room as the former exorcist went to put the supplies back. It was a cool room at all, but it was messed up as hell. Maybe even worse than the one they were in.
“Soo… Do you think there are more of them?” He carefully asked. His colleague didn’t seem to be in the right mindspace. Not that he cared though.
“As I said, I fucking have no idea.” He lied down to his bed and pulled his blankets, completely ignoring the other demon.
“Do you want me to go?”
“Do whatever you want. I don’t care.” He closed his eyes, supposedly trying to go to sleep.
“Hey. Get up.” Angel realized the torned part of his wings were bigger when he lied down, and so was the bleedig point.
“What the fuck.”
“I dunno much about wings, but DO know you can’t ignore the blood lake on your forehead. Sit down. I’ll take care of it.”
“Why would you do that.”
“What do you think Val would do to me if he found out I let YOU die? Was that because of angelic steel?”
“Oh. Yes.” All of his words were blank and emotionless. Even when he asked questions, he wasn’t curious or surprised or any other kinds of things a question could carry. He just wanted the information, and when he got it, it was over. No reaction.
“Okie.” He brought back the supplies he used to the bed. Like he did, he cleaned the blood first. But the other porn demon didn’t flich like he did when he pressed the disinfection cotton to his face. Just one of his eyes twitch. Lastly, he bandaged it. “Is there somethin you can do for your wings?”
“No there isn’t.” He lied down again. Well he could use something to ease the pain but he deserved it.
“Okay… I guess I’ll go then.” He collected the medic kit and put it back.
See you tomorrow?”
“I guess. Goodbye.”
“Bye” What the fuck happened to this fucker?
— Continuing —
“Seriously, you need to stop drinking THAT much at nights. One day you’ll get a hungover on a work day and Josh says Valentino becomes an even bigger piece of shit if he realizes.”
“C’moon, I AM being careful! I’m almost as old as the fuckin Earth is!”
“Just a warning.” They sat down at the bar and Adam put his mask on the table. “Where’s Husker?”
“Him and Bambi left for some important shit I gue-“
“Hey gays!” Someone behind them cheerfully said and alarm bells started to scream in Adam’s head as he recognized the voice. “Why are you so dirty? Do your clothes need washing?”
“Hi Niff! And no, we’re fine. Did you saw that GIANT cockroach on the third floor second bathroom?” Angel calmly said while Adam was frozen.
“No, I haven’t. I should end it!”
“I will never get used to that gremlin.” Adam watched her spinting away, subconsciously putting a hand on his stomach. There were like 9 x’es as a reminder of what got him there. He shook his head and got up from his seat, wanting to get him and Angel a thing or two.
“Can’t expect you to I guess.” He took out his phone and checked his noftications. “Hellify says Verosika released a new single… 10 messages from Husk… I can check them later…”
“You have to right?” He teased. He couldn’t help himself. They weren’t dating at the moment, but he knew how the cat and the spider had a special bond.
“Can you not.”
“Okay, okay. Do you want some? I’m filling for our missing bartender today.”
“I can have one glass. Wine.” Adam took a bottle for himself and one to prepare Angel’s.
“Here it is.”
He took a mouthful and opened his own phone. He didn’t have a lot of messages. Just Valentino’s. Luckily there were only five. He sighed, he’ll listen them later. He put the phone away and watched Angel who looked like he was waiting someone. Well he did.
“When do you think they’ll be back?” The spider drank down his glass and kept looking at the door.
“I dunno. Sad because your bartender is not here to listen you and tell you sweet shit no friend says?” He smirked.
“I am. Sad because you don’t have someone to do that for you?” He said mockingly.
“Meh. Who needs a partner. They always end the same anyway.” He looked away from his friend, drinking endlessly.
“I saw Steve looking at you like that last week.” He scoffed.
“Steve can lick his ass. I’m not gonna get together with anyone. I’m fine like this.” He pretty much muttered the last part to himself. Well he DID wanted someone in his life… But it wasn’t gonna happen. There was no way he’d ever view him in that light anymore. And Adam was not the type to chase impossible dreams.
“Your subconscious hugging your pillow says otherwise though.”
“WHA- Do you fucking watch me when I sleep?!”
“Relaax, I went to wake you up once. You were snuggling to it too much that I was surprised you weren’t tryna fuck it.”
“Oh please.”
They chatted together for a while when they saw someone unfamiliar. A short blue angler fish demon with big red glasses. He looked at the pornstars suspiciously. They returned the favor.
“Who the fuck are you?” The first man asked. Though he seemed familiar to him.
“Who the fuck are YOU? I came here today. I’m a guest.” He coldly asked.
“So are we, smartass.” Angel rolled his eyes. “He asked your name. Mine’s Angel and that’s Adam.”
“Adam? As the-
“First man, yes.”
“Oh. Baxter. Can you give me a whiskey?” He sat down to a seat of the bar. He still didn’t looked like he was comfortable.
“Suure.” He still tried to recall where he remembered the guy. And it hit him.
“Here Val. My best inventor did what he could do in three days. Right, Bax?” The screen-face said, handing out Adam’s new torture to his owner.
“I did, sir.” He said. He looked as bored as Adam was.
“Awesome! You know Voxy, you should let me borrow your employees more~” He purred.
“Nuh-uh. This guy is useful. Come Baxter. We have our own job. See you Val.” They walked away, leaving Adam with the worst boss in the world.
“Waait… You work for Voxtech don’tcha? You are the fucker who designed this torture!” He pointed at his mask.
“Yes, and? My boss just gave me what I needed to do, I didn’t even knew it was for you.” He looked bored. “Now can you please give me that whiskey?”
“How about-“ He was gonna tell Mr Serious Shithead to go grab it on his own, but Angel gave him a “Just fuckin do it, Charlie would be happy” look. He groaned, he was right. Princess Rainbows wasn’t that bad when you get used to her, not to mention she was the only fucking person in the hotel -besides Angel- who understood he was in depression when he showed up for the first time and didn’t bother him until he was in the right headspace again. He could at least try being nice to her guests.
“Here.” He forced himself to smile “What are you doing here so late anyway?”
“Last time I checked 10 wasn’t late.” He sipped from his glass.
“Whatever.” He shrugged and finished his own bottle. “I’m heading off to bed now. And,” He took his belongings from the table. “Don’t come into my room ever again.”
“What? Worried because I can saw you doing unspeakable?”
“Please.” He chuckled and went to his room. Locking it in case the cyclops might try some shit again when he swas asleep. He lied down to his bed and took his phone out, smile fading. Do it. It’ll be over. He said to himself. It’ll only be worse if you don’t.
He sighed and opened the first one. 
“I’m sorry I wasn’t around that much for the last few hours, I missed you so much… But they told me you went to your stupid little hotel early when I finally managed to go there… And that makes me sad…”
“Of course I get it, you were tired… But you could stay for another hour right… Do you want to play my nerves on purpose..?”
“Oh don’t you worry your head about this baby, I WILL FUCKING MAKE YOU PAY FOR THAT!”
“See you tomorrow, Addie~ And don’t forget: People like you CAN’T have healthy relationships. Partners of people like you are ALWAYS pretending. They are always lying to your face, always knowing you are not ‘special’ for them, always just wanting a piece of a good cake, always using how naive you are, always-“
He got up harshly and threw his phone to the wall. When the fuck did he start crying?
Lilith, Eve, Lute… They all left him. For something better. Something more worthy than him. They saw nothing in him but a toy to play with. And then there was him… Of course he would chase something better, SOMEONE better, he was just dumb enough to think it meant-
Alcohol. That’s what he needed. It might not be a solution, but it was an escape. Escape from reality. Things hurt less when he wasn’t in control of his body. He went to his closet and took out five bottles, completely ignoring the Angel-voiced part of his brain.
Did ya like it? :>
I gotta say this might be my favorite AU of Adam.
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rowretro · 8 months
𝕆𝕙 𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕪 𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕪
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WARNINGS: Not proof read, none I know of
✧taglist✧:  @nikisdubblchococake @enhypensccstarlight @strawbsj @nikipedia07
Y/n decided to take the day off of school, given Sunoo’s recent… incident. She was in the luxurious greenhouse, laid on her front, on the floors, a butterfly rested on her forehand. A blue, Ulysses butterfly. Its wings delicate, as it peacefully rested on the soft skin of the girl’s forehand. She smiled, it’s striking blue color. People tend to connect the color blue with a deeper connection. 
The butterfly flew off, joining the other fluttering little creatures. She sat up, mesmerized by nature’s blessing… her late mother’s blessing. Sunoo stepped in a little later. Seeing the girl, smiling up at the beautiful view, a small white butterfly landed on her cheek making her flinch just a little, the flutter of her eyelash made the butterfly detach from her skin. 
The girl turned around hearing footsteps, she stood up as she brushed off whatever dust rested on her skirt. “Y/n��� I have to go to Hong Kong for a shoot. It'll take about a month, Jay will be staying here while I’m gone… don’t cause him any trouble ok?” Sunoo warned as the girl pouted.
“I don’t want you to leave…” she said, staring at the ground as the male sighed, patting her head. “I’ll be back before you know it sis… I’m leaving in about 2 hours, I know it’s so soon, but there was a last minute change with the flight.” He explained as the girl sighed. She hugged him goodbye 
The girl groaned loudly as she lay on the floor, seeing Jay lock away her car and motorbike keys. “Rules are rules, tiny. Sunoo told me to ban you from your vehicles for a week for that fight you had with Riki.” Jay explained as the girl whined, getting up. “Only 5 minutes in and I already hate you” the girl pouted as Jay sighed. “Why am I always assigned to babysit?” he mumbled to himself. The girl went to her room, then came out approximately 30 minutes later.
She was dressed in a leather, pleated skirt, and a gray, tee with long flounce sleeves, a small rhinestone heart design in the center, as some pretty lines formed wings around it, her makeup was pretty light, the false manga lashes and her moles being the most prominent parts. “Im going out on a walk.” She simply said, slipping her heels on as Jay frowned. “Well there was nothing about not letting you go out, but it’s dark out so be careful.” He simply said, not wanting to be too controlling.
The girl slipped on her leather jacket and left the building, slipping in her earphones as she took a small walk. She just needed some air. She preferred driving in her car, playing  her favorite spotify playlist, and getting herself a few drinks. But God had different plans for her today. As she walked through the alleyway, a motorbike suddenly skidded past her, hitting the wall.
Gasping, y/n pulled out her earphone and approached the rider cautiously. The girl was going to ask if he was ok, but then she recognized the bike, and that board… the male took his helmet off, groaning. “That Motherfucking wanker” Riki mumbled, as he shook his hair out of his face.
Riki then turned to y/n, mad “ugh, you?!” Riki asked, clearly not that thrilled to see you. The girl rolled her eyes as she was about to walk off only to be stopped by Riki. “Where do you think you’re going?” Riki asked, frowning at her, as she just yanked her wrist away from him. “Nishimura I’m not in the mood to put up with your bullshit.” the girl said, her face void of any emotions, the tension was rising, the 2 glaring at each other.
However, a sudden cry broke their glaring contest. y/n turned to where the sound was coming from, approaching the garbage with caution. When she saw what was inside, she audibly gasped, clearly horrified. Y/n gently picked up the little baby, its eyes barely opening as it cried. Riki frowned, approaching the 2 “awh… were you abandoned by your parents?... or maybe they lost you, don’t worry I’ll find them” the girl cooed as she gently rocked the baby, holding it close to her.
“Don’t promise the poor thing, something like that.” Riki warned as the girl rolled her eyes. “Get lost.” she simply said as she walked off with the baby in her hands. “Oi where are you going?!” Riki asked, jogging after her “Taking the baby to a hospital… it’s so tiny and it was in a trash!” Y/n explained.  The girl walked off before getting stopped by Riki again. “Wait- y/n… Let me come with you.”
✧𝕆𝕙 𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕪 𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕪✧
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fandom-monium · 1 year
Sweet Poison - Part 3
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Summary: In which you don't paint in color and Zagreus asks why? “Contrary to popular belief, Elysium don’t take kindly to beings like me.”
WC: 1k
TW: Zagreus (Hades Video game) x Succubus!Reader, GN!Reader, a succubus AND an artist bc sex is just work and food, au where in game Zag commissions the paintings using gems, what if boons actually affected Zagreus, slow build, strangers to friends to lovers trope, sex work, fluff, fluff and humor, mutual pining, idiots in love, mild angst, pheromones, technically it’s succubi magic aura, Zagreus is at least 6 ft convince me otherwise, eventual smut
“So… why?”
“Why black and white? Why not in color?” Without looking up, Zagreus thumbs through one of your old sketchbooks, the light framing his profile in a soft green. Pieces of parchment fall out and he fumbles. You shake your head with a smile, facing your easel once again.
You hate to admit it, but you think you made the right choice welcoming Zagreus into your life. His visits—brief as they are—quickly become a highlight of your day. He’s not around all the time, but when he does happen to stop by, you find the rest of the day to go by quicker, easier. Even work feels less exhausting.
It’s been a long time since you had a friend. Especially someone as easy to talk to as Zagreus. It’s… nice. He’s nice.
To think not too long ago, you tried to bring him to his knees and suck the soul out of him. You’re glad you didn’t. Mostly.
A small part of you would still love to see him on his knees, but you banish the thought as quickly as it came.
Touching Zagreus with even an ounce of your normal power feels sacrilegious. Not that it affected him before, which you still don’t understand. Still, you dampen your aura as a precaution, letting out enough so as not to strain yourself. For some reason it felt wrong to touch him in that way. He’s too good. Pure.
Ironic, considering the amount of times he’s entered your domain splattered in blood. And yet somehow, he still manages to bring you gifts between runs.
You’ve never known someone to be in possession of so much nectar. And he just hands it out freely? The demonic, selfish part of you can’t understand why. Perhaps he’s bored of the stuff. Common in his corner of the Underworld. The thought of this stuff just laying around makes you chuckle. In all seriousness, where he gets it, you suspect he’s got a supplier of some sort, probably in the deepest pits of Taratarus. The Tartarian and Asphodelish marketplaces sure don’t.
They don’t have a lot of things.
“It’s not that I can’t color. I just don’t have any,” You shrug, continuing to sharpen and blend shadows where you see fit. “Trust me. I’ve visited every market in Tartarus and Asphodel; art materials aren’t exactly high in demand.”
Zagreus looks up from your sketchbook, parchment sheets filled to the brim with charcoal and lead. “And Elysium? There’s a grand market by the arena, you know.” He’s not trying to be condescending—you know—but a dull ache forms at the back of your skull, a sour squirm rising in your chest at his ignorance. His naivety.
“And you truly believe they’d serve me?” You scoff.
“Why not?”
You raise an eyebrow, and he meets your gaze, unwavering, like he can’t see the horns, wings, and tail. He is so used to your presence, they no longer register.
That makes you no less a demon. A succubus.
You shake your head, “Contrary to popular belief, Elysium don’t take kindly to beings like me.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.”
You give him a tightlipped smile as his brow furrows, visibly crestfallen. “Don’t worry your pretty, little head, Zagreus. It is what it is.” Turning back to the canvas, you swirl your brush and mix different gray tones on your palette. Oh, why is getting the right shade so difficult?
Sensing the shift in your mood, Zagreus glances down, flipping through your old sketches, all black and white and shades of gray. “But if you had the materials, would you? Draw and paint in color?”
You don’t even have to think, your eyes focused on a particular corner of the painting. “Yes.”
A moment later, stone rumbles and you look up in time to see his footprints cool off. The sketchbook has returned to its rightful place, wedged between the leather-bound novels and trinkets in your bookcase.
Two runs later, Zagreus barges in, gasping for breath like he raced over as soon as he could. There’s burns on his arms, blood sprayed across his face, a gaping wound on his thigh as if he’d been stabbed, but none of that matters—not to him at least—as he holds out a box held with twine to you, his teeth bared in an eager smile.
And when he slaps down a handful of colorful gems for a commission, your cheeks grow sore, unable to stop smiling back.
AN: Succubi!Reader tried to buy colored paint once and it unfortunately did not turn out as they hoped 😔 Good thing Zagreus got the hook up 😌🫰✨️
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draqo-pctter · 1 year
so kiss me // a dramione drabble
words: 817 | tags: eighth year, astronomy tower, love confessions
Hermione shouldn’t have let Draco’s apparent change of heart after Christmas break get under her skin. But, months of tentative friendship and fingers brushing in the Potions classroom had buried themselves beneath her palms and her neck, pushed deeper by the silence and downcast eyes that met her when classes resumed. Draco entered the classroom as the bell rang, and was out of his seat halfway to the door by the time it rang again.
In Muggle Studies, he kept his back angled to her and refused to acknowledge when she answered a question. Arithmancy and Charms passed in much the same fashion. Hermione hoped that, as winter gave way to spring, his sudden change of heart would thaw with the ice that clung to the Whomping Willow. When the songbirds returned and warmth still remained absent from his frigid gray eyes, she knew she had to say something.
Harry had left her the Marauder's Map – an apology for not returning to Hogwarts for Eighth Year. For six months, it had stayed tucked inside her beaded bag, unused and getting bent between an ever changing load of books, quills and parchment. Her finger trailed down hallways and floors as she searched desperately for one name.
There he was: Draco Malfoy, pacing in circles around the Astronomy Tower. Before she could talk herself out of it, Hermione grabbed her wand and pulled a light jacket over her pajamas. Sneaking out past curfew brought a thrill of excitement she’d missed, tempered only by the anxious energy bubbling up in her chest. The halls were mercifully quiet, and her footsteps didn’t echo off the stone walls as she made her way up to the tower.
His back was to her when Hermione reached the top of the stairs. Tension clung to his shoulders, pulling the white button-up he still wore tight against his skin. Shaggy blond hair blew in the evening breeze, briefly distracting her from the task at hand. And when Draco finally turned mid-step, the oxygen in the air vanished.
Moments passed as the pair studied each other, Hermione at a loss for words and Draco looking like he’d rather jump than be alone with her. She took one step forward, and he thankfully didn’t make a move toward the railing.
“What did I do?” Hermione asked before she lost her nerve. Draco’s eyes were painfully blank as he regained his composure.
“I don’t know–”
“Don’t lie to me, Draco.” Another step forward, fueled by the taste of his name on her tongue. “What did I do?”
A heartbeat, then –
Hermione chewed on her bottom lip as she crossed her arms over her chest. He was beautiful in the moonlight, almost ethereal. If she didn’t know him, she might think he was an angel whose wings had been left behind in Heaven.
“Then why–”
“Granger, please.” Draco ran an uneasy hand through his hair. “Go back to your dorm, and–”
“Not until you tell me why.” Hermione took another step closer, freeing her lip from her teeth. “Tell me why you hate me.”
She watched as a myriad of emotions finally broke through his carefully crafted nonchalance. Grief, frustration, hope – Draco shook his head as if to clear them from his mind.
“I don’t hate you.” He sounded pained. Good, Hermione thought. “I could never hate you.”
“Then why–”
“Because I can’t stand the thought of losing you, Hermione.” She nearly wept at the way he said her name. “Your friendship, your trust – you – I can’t do it. And it isn’t fair to you, either. I might want you, but I refuse to spend every waking moment near you, wanting to kiss you, to touch you, knowing that I can’t. So, it’s best if you just go back to your dorm–”
“So kiss me.”
Hermione tilted her chin up to counteract the flush blooming across her cheeks and neck. Draco stared at her as if he were seeing her for the first time.
“So kiss me.” She shrugged, as if she hadn’t just opened herself up to the first person who could break her if he wanted. “Kiss me, touch me, get to know me. Fuck, I might let you love me, Draco. But you need to–”
He moved faster than she’d expected, his hands winding into her hair and tilting her head back so that he could press his lips to hers. The kiss was frazzled – clumsy, hot, open-mouthed – and Hermione matched him movement for movement. Her lips parted the moment his tongue asked for entrance, and she lost herself in the taste and the smell of him.
They stayed in the Astronomy Tower that night, kissing, touching, and laughing until dawn broke over the horizon. When the first rays of sunrise sparkled in his eyes, Hermione understood what he meant. And she knew that she wouldn’t be able to walk away from him now.
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smooshi-graysimp · 4 months
Meet My Oc: Ron
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Guys please me and my friend @allisterscorner went from “oh before Mico came I imagine that this is what the third member of the Brawlywood trio would look like” “MICO 4EVER” to “So this is Ron silly lover boy, can be a bit intense though and also Colt x Fang x Ron” “Damn… He’s hot” “SIMP”
And it’s all because of a simple convo I imagine:
Ron: Hey! You drop this book (is the princess Diaries)
Fang: *embarrassed* pls don’t tell anyone about this-
Ron: Dw you can say it to me! I LOVE PRINCESSES AND ROMANCE
Fang: *happiness noises*
And then that’s how I ended up shipping them why how- and then my friend immediately went on board with this ship, then I suggested Fang x Colt x Ron? Because I know he also likes Fang x Colt, And he’s like “YES” so here we are
Colt x Fang x Rons ship name: LovelyCowboyArts
Backstory: Due to his parents relationship, he copes with romance stories. Growing up he’s mostly lonely, as girls would find him creepy and guys would find him feminine, both find him delusional, because well if romance movies have a toxic relationships and if you’re so desperate for love then it’s not a good mix. Until, he went onstage and support in programs that help people, which people and Ron learns that he’s not so bad just too intense, Ron tries to limit that. Now he stars and directs in romance movies, that tries shows more healthier relationships, can direct horror sometimes, and definitely makes hurt comfort movies, ex an orphan finding a real family, growing up with abuse and founding real love, lives of Palestinian people, all outside of romance, alongside with songs.
Weapon: Either the microphone or sax, the sax is solely because of careless whisper, went he sings or play the sax, he can pull people in like with Grays cane gadget, but he can also make them fight for him for a couple of secs or went the other fighter dies or the fighter dies. I thought it was stupid that I made him a musician but then I remembered that Lola’s an opera singer and Grays a piano player so I went with this.
Gadget: Honestly idk just like with the weapon I was winging it but ig it’s something like, having your fighters for longer or having more health/healing. The names would be something like “Clingy” “self love” or something.
Some relationships with other brawlers
Hate: Willow, Angelo, because they are anti love in a way, they do toxic relationships
Besties: Lola, Gray, I mean they are in the trio,
Loves and lives in a relationship: Colt Fang because I said so
OMG SO CUTEEEEE: Mico and any animal and about any robot. He loves cute things and animals.
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yourejinx · 1 year
Undeniable Bonds.
Azriel x F. Reader
Warnings: angst, sad, ugly thoughts. 
word count: 3583.
Author’s note: I’m so sorry I’m so late with this. I still don’t know if I like it, but hopefully it isn’t that bad. I know it still is a lot of context, but I promise I’m getting somewhere. 
“CASSIAN!” — Nesta’s warning roar reached my ears and everything seemed to stop. I turned around dragging my sword with me and gutting the Hybern soldier in one go. 
I scanned the area where Cassian’s party was fighting in the skies, then towards the older Archeron sister on the ground next to Amren. Something throbbed inside my veins in warning, as if something hideous had come to life. It took me a heartbeat to understand. The Cauldron. It was going to blast, and Nesta had known where it was aimed at. 
 The Ilyrians had their shields up, Rhys had blasted his magic across the field and Cassian —gods above— Cassian was already racing towards Nesta, and out of the Cauldrons range. Still, something kept pushing, urging me to move. Danger, Danger, Danger it chanted. It hit me a moment later, and all my alarms went off. Where was Azriel? 
Amidst the blinding light and unbearably heat of the blast that followed, I almost missed the faint blue glow trying and failing to contain the blow. There, just behind the ranks, Azriel’s focus was solely in holding that shield up, trying to spare someone, anyone. I could only watch in horror as one of those abhorred gray-skinned creatures approached him fast, claws ready to cut through skin and bone. It was going to behead him. 
I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream like Nesta had to let him know. But my voice failed me, my throat so sore that only a pathetic strangled whisper managed to escape my trembling lips; “No.”
I cursed the mother, the gods and fate itself for not making me a winged creature. 
It was impossible for him to have heard it through this distance, and yet —somehow— as if it had slapped him across the face, he turned towards me. His eyes found mine through ash and gore and despair, and I couldn’t let myself think twice before winnowing right at his back, atop the damned beast aiming for his head. I couldn’t bother with strategy at this point, I just angled my blade against that misshaped chest and pushed to get it through its heart. The creature thrashed and fought fangs and claws to get me off, turning us around in the sky as we plummeted down towards certain death. It was enough, I told myself as the ground inched closer to us. It was enough to get it away from Azriel. 
I braced myself for the impact, my eyes closed shut and my arms gave up as the creature finally stopped moving. But my body never touched the ground. 
Rough, desperate hands were gripping my legs and under my arms, snatching me from the Attor’s grip and up to the skies again. I dared a look at his face, he was forcing his still healing wings far too much but he didn’t seem to care. Hazel orbs were already staring at me. Gaping at me. And I felt it too, the golden string stretching between our souls. Mates, Azriel was my mate. 
“You…” Azriel choked on his words. Eyes wide.
“Later.” I promised, still shaken by the feeling of him. Of his very essence entwining with mine. 
But the war was still raging under our feet. Later never came. 
It had been terrible timing for the bond to snap then. With all that was going on, Amren turning into a living raging flame then vanishing, the Cauldron and the world falling apart…Rhys dying —fucking dying on us — only to come back later. 
We didn't speak about it, Azriel and I. Didn't bother to acknowledge it as time passed and we fell back into routine. The adrenaline of the war worn out. 
It didn't matter anyways, I realized coming back to present time, for he had hated it even then. So I shut it down, and never dared to talk it into existence. 
My mate, the person destined for me, despised me in every way he could. It had to be the saddest joke of them all. 
But he had a right, after all, who would love an unworthy monstrous thing like myself? 
I pushed the little bakery's door open, walking straight to Rhysand's favorite sweets and buying an entire box of them. 
"You're not his fucking sister!", Azriel's words still rang loudly in my head. I had to think carefully how to bring the subject up to Rhys, my decision  to leave this court. Because even if I wanted to deny it, some part of what the Shadowsinger had said resonated with me. I didn't deserve Rhys, didn't deserve any of them. 
It was getting late already, the sun starting its descent behind the mountains casting Velaris in a warm orange glow. Feyre spotted me first through the open window of their shared home and waved at me to come in. Rhys was just a few feet behind her, holding baby Nyx close to his chest. They looked so happy, if not albeit a bit tired due to the still new parenting dynamic. A smile cut its way through my lips at the scene. 
"Y/N, back already?" The High Lady smiled warmly at me. I returned the gesture. 
"Yeah, I wanted to talk to Rhys about something." I said approaching them and placing a kiss atop Nyx's raven hair. I waved the box of sweets in front of Rhysand's nose. "Has Azriel showed up?" 
"No, why?" He asked, snatching the box from my hands with a childish grin and handling the babe to his mate. 
I waved a hand in dismissal. He motioned for me to follow him into his office and out to the open balcony overviewing the river. 
"What 's going on?" 
"Well, we— I didn't found anything that could track back to the missing fae," 
"I sense there's a but somewhere in there.." He said, cocking an eyebrow. 
"But…it felt wrong. There was something strange going on. I'm sorry I don't have any proof to offer you, it was a waste of time." 
He frowned. "It could happen, we weren't certain about it. We'll keep looking, you’re going to catch them." Rhys opened the box, throwing some sweets into his mouth and then offered me some. “You’re not here just for the mission, are you? I’m guessing either this is some kind of bribe or you’re trying to soften the blow.” 
I gave him a half smile, bracing my hands on the railing. His own smile faltered for a moment and concern latched onto his features. “I should brace myself for the blow then,” he commented, resting his back on the railing next to me and searching for my face.
“It’s not that…” I murmured, still not looking directly at him. “You know I love you, right?”
“If you’re going to confess now, please remember my mate is next door” he joked. 
“Ass.” I nudged in the ribs with an elbow. Rhys chuckled to himself. 
“I love you too, idiot. What 's going on?”
I let out a small sigh. How was I supposed to approach the subject? I have never been good with words and there was so much to tell. 
“I mean it, Rhys. You’re my family, you and Feyre, Mor, Cass, Amren…all of you. I’ve never had that, you know? a true family” I glanced at him at last. “I’m sorry if in my excitement I crossed a boundary that I shouldn’t have crossed. I know I’m not your sister, and I will never be her, nor do I intend to occupy her place in your heart. I just… never knew how much I wanted to belong somewhere until I met you guys.”
He frowned deeply. His whole demeanor was serious now. 
“Where is this coming from Y/N? Of course you’re not my sister, she’s been gone for a long time. But you still are my family, you’re my sister in every way that counts except for blood. I don’t understand what my dead sister has to do with anything.”
I shook my head, already regretting my choice of words. 
“You give me way more than what I deserve… I think it’s time for me to really earn my living.”
“Let me see if I understand correctly. You think you don’t deserve your life here, your home, your job, your friends. Because that should’ve belonged to my sister? Who told you that?”
My eyes shut and I breathed deeply through my nose. I didn’t mean to offend him. "I'm grateful for everything you've done for me, but I can't help feeling like I'm living off of you, of your money.” 
“You’re not using my money, you’re using your money. The one you’ve earned by putting your life on the line every single time for us, whenever I asked. You’re not my charity project, you’re my family, and I owe you just as much. So let me ask you again, who put such ideas in your head?” 
“No one Rhys. I had that thought in the back of my mind for a while now and when an opportunity had presented itself I just…I don’t want to be a burden.”
Rhys relaxed his shoulders a bit, and put a hand atop my shoulder. “What do you mean?”
“A couple of months ago Hellion offered me a position in his court and told me to think about it, it is mine if I want it. I could finally have my own place, and I would still visit you here”
“I can’t tell you not to take it if that’s what you really want, what would make you happy. But don’t do it for the wrong reasons. Everything you have here, you’ve earned it. The only thing I’m offering you for free is my friendship, I don’t think you’re a replacement for my sister, you are your own person and we all love you for you. So please, get that ridiculous idea that you’re a burden out of your thick skull.” He pinched my cheek affectionately, my throat felt tight. “ And as for Hellion… think about it thoroughly, at least stay until Solstice, would you do that for me?” 
I nodded, not trusting my voice. His eyes were always so gentle on me, so understanding. 
“Alright.” I mused. 
Soft knocks sounded from behind us and Feyre poked her head through the half-open door. “Sorry to interrupt you guys but Azriel is here, says it's urgent.” 
Rhys cut a glance at me as if to make sure I was fine before he let the Shadowsinger in. I knew that Rhys suspected about us, about the mating bond, but I never told him and he never asked. My relationship with Azriel has always been strained and Rhysand could absolutely tell it was hurting me, but as long as I wouldn’t bring it up he’d stay out of it. And I appreciated that.
Feyre nodded behind her and fully opened the door to let the Shadowsinger inside. His posture was rigid, wings tucked tight as his eyes fell upon me. “You were right.” He uttered. “I found something back in Spring.”    
I willed my face into neutrality, there was no way in Hell I would let him see how much his words had affected me. “What is it?”
"I found a caravan of females of different ages set to be transported through the river. I broke them free but there was no sign of their captors, however I think there’s something you should see.” Azriel’s face was stoic as ever, revealing nothing about the mission nor our previous conflict. 
I turned to Rhysand once more, “We should go check on them, but Rhys we can’t leave them there. They will strike again, I’m sure of it, and we can’t count on Tamlin either. No one has heard a word of him in months.” 
“We can’t exactly bring an entire court to The Shelter Y/N, those females, they have families. Despite Tamlin being missing, there are still rules and accords with the other courts. It won’t look good. The other High Lords won’t look the other way if we just trespass the borders and start to bring people into our court or if we leave sentinels in there, they will take it as an act of defiance, of me trying to expand these lands and my rule on them.” He had an apologetic look on his face, ever the wise High Lord considering every possible outcome. 
I knew he was right and I would not get mad at him. Still, it frustrated me to no end. 
I chewed on my bottom lip trying to come up with a solution, at least until we found the slavers. 
“What if I talked to Eris?” I offered. “Maybe we could station a small patrol near the border with Autumn under his discretion, maybe he could put some of his own sentinels on guard duty.” 
Azriel snorted. “You trust Eris?”
“It is better than nothing Azriel, what do you propose?” I asked, eyebrows high and tone bitter. 
The Shadowsinger opened his mouth to reply but Rhys's voice cut him off before we got engaged in another fight yet again. "Let me deal with Eris. You go talk to them, learn whatever you can about what happened to them and report back. You two are stuck there until I sort it out with Eris. Lay low, no one can know of your presence other than the survivors. Be extremely careful." 
We both nodded our agreement, not daring another word.  I moved past Azriel to the door and he followed closely behind. I could feel his body heat almost enveloping me, he was way too close to be casual. 
"If you're worried about what I told Rhysand, I left your name out of it. I took full responsibility for it.” 
“Why?” He side-glanced at me. I shrugged. 
“Because I’m tired of explaining myself. If you want to get into an argument with me then go ahead, I won’t bother with it. You can go tell him whatever you please.”
I couldn’t be bothered to try and hide the tiredness of my body and mind out of my face. Two whole centuries of this, insulting each other, hurting each other, it was enough. I’ll handle anything he decides to throw at me but I’m done fighting back. 
Azriel, to my surprise, didn’t say anything as we walked into the open night. 
The night sky had already settled around the city, covering it with its black and dark blue mantle of flickering stars. In my two hundred years of life I had never encountered a more beautiful sight than the one Velaris offered. The Day Court surely will be a huge change, away from everything, from my family and friends, from my favorite cafés and galleries, from the whisper of the quiet darkness that had accompanied me my whole life. 
I tore my eyes away from it, ready to winnow; I could feel Azriel’s stare fixed on my face.
“I’ll fly us there.” He offered so low it could have been dragged away with the wind. 
“There’s no need for that.” 
“You’re tired. Better save some energy, just in case.”    
I turned to face him, eyebrows furrowed, and could have mistaken the look on his eyes for concern if I didn’t know him any better. “What did you find there, Azriel?”
Hazel orbs moved to my left wrist, swift, smooth; I wrapped my hand around it almost unconsciously, and brought my arm to my chest, hiding it from his view. 
“The females in the caravan, they have the same mark you have on your skin.” 
The small crow that had been burned and scarred onto my wrist, branded. My back went rigid. It couldn’t be who I was thinking, that monster died that horrible night two centuries ago. It had to be an imitator, some kind of joke. 
The shadowsinger placed a tentative hand on my elbow and brought me out of my own head. I yanked it back from his touch. “Let's go, I want to see it.” Was my only reply. 
Your whole demeanor had changed the moment he brought up that hideous mark, a reminder of the haunting past. He didn’t have the full story but given your reaction, and the looks on those fae he had freed, it hadn’t been a personal choice. 
Azriel felt bad for being an asshole to you earlier, but he couldn’t bring himself to utter an apology. He hadn’t always been like this, but it was already too late to take it back. You irritated him to no end, the way your scent would flow up his nose and never leave him, day and night it would invade his senses, clouding his mind with that unique water lilies and lemon zest smell of yours. And that big full mouth? always ready to retort to him. Nobody had ever possessed such an innate ability to get under his skin as easily as you did. It made him so mad he could tear at his own hair in frustration. 
Still, deep down, Azriel knew that most of his anger wasn't of your doing, not on purpose at least. He would find the tiniest of excuses to keep you out and away from him, not being ready to face the full truth as to why you affected him so much. You always did. It was easier to just dislike you. 
But in those extremely rare moments when you would let a sliver of a true emotion show around him, his resolve trembled. And the tightness he felt in his chest was much harder to ignore. 
You were silent the whole flight to the Spring Court, something akin to pain haunted your eyes. He didn’t dare speak about it, but something in his stomach twisted at that look. 
For the past hour or so he watched you silently as you talked to the females, inspecting them for injuries aside from the branding, asking them about their captors and being extremely patient with them. A little girl even came up to you, eyelashes wet with tears and begged you to find her mother. Azriel caught the way your face twisted into a grim, even if to the little girl you looked confident enough that you were gonna reunite her with her mother. She had clung to you for the rest of the night until she felt asleep. 
You had a heart, and a kind soul beyond his comprehension, even if he wanted to convince himself that you didn't. It was a lie. He used to tell himself that you were nothing but Hewn City filth, that no one good could ever come out of that place and you would betray them all eventually. Yet there was Mor. And yet, you were here. 
Mor, he hadn't thought about her in a while, not like he used to. He'd like to think the lovely doe-eyed female back home was somehow responsible for it...but he wouldn't dare dig into it much deeper. Somehow his mind always found a way to trick him, bringing thoughts about that other person he couldn't stand. It was not alright to compare. 
Azriel snapped back to reality as you moved to approach him, leaving the little girl under the care of an elderly villager. Even in her slumber, she made grabby hands at your receding figure.
"She seemed kinda reluctant in letting you go." He observed. The barely there ghost of a smile tugged at your lips but it was short lived and maybe, just maybe, he could have imagined it. "I didn't know you had a soft spot for children." 
You sighed softly, tiredly, as you walked beside him to your guarding spot for the night. He did notice the dark circles under your eyes, the way you tried and failed to keep your shoulders from sagging, and was about to offer to just take the guard himself when you spoke. 
"Children are very rare, and precious. It is a blessing to be able to connect with them." Your voice, albeit quiet, was charged with emotion. He thought that was as far as the conversation would go, but you swallowed and after a couple of heartbeats in silence, you spoke again. "I had a little sister once. She reminded me of her."
Maybe it was the rawness and vulnerability of the current situation at hand that had you sharing a little bit with him. Maybe you were so exhausted that you couldn't stop the thoughts from spilling from your lips. Whatever it was, it also compelled him to listen. 
"What happened?" He asked, barely above a whisper. 
You gave him the saddest, tight lip smile he ever saw you wear and something tugged at his very core. "We were born at the wrong place." 
He had judged you wrong, took you up for a cruel, dark creature, never once stopping to think about what you may have endured while you still lived at the Court of Nightmares. Azriel knew it was only a reflection of what he thought of himself. 
He didn’t dare ask about the mark on your wrist, not yet. It felt too personal, and he doubted you would have shared it with him anyways. 
"Listen about earlier..." He started an apology. Voice a little gruff. 
But you cut him out, pinning him with an icy stare, took up the spot on the nearby tree, and didn't talk to him again. 
Tag list: 
@valeridarkness   @hannzoaks   @fall-myriad   @goradgirl   @cmay25 
@feiwelinchen   @katherine-2007  @anniebannanie0315  @cosmic-whispers  @acotarxx
Hope I didn’t forget anyone. Thank you for reading :)
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veinsfullofstars · 7 months
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“Don’t get any ideas, sunshine - you ain’t allowed anywhere near me until you brush ya damn teeth, y’hear me?” “Heh…”
(ID: Kirby series fanart comic of Daroach and Dark Meta Knight having a snack break and learning about certain food preferences. Transcript below the cut. END ID.)
Hey, did you guys know that Daroach canonically hates tomatoes? And DMK barely has any flavor text pertaining to him whatsoever? That means it’s my city now, hehe.
(Also heckin’ around with colored text bubbles. I think it looks neat - what do y'all think?)
UPDATE 03/01/24: Changed DMK's cape from gray to dark red.
Started 02/03/24, finished 02/05/24. NOTE: This was originally posted on my deleted account on 02/05/24.
Panel 1
*DR (left) and DMK (right) sitting side by side on a simple platform facing the viewer, brown paper bags at their sides, a few bits of food on their faces; DR sits with a half-slice of watermelon in both paws, a bite taken out of it, dripping pink juice; DMK - wearing his cape instead of his wings, his mask taken off and set to the side - sits leaning back on one hand and holding a tomato in the other, a bite taken out of it, dripping red-orange juice*
DR: (looking over at DMK, brow cocked) Is that- Dark, are you just eatin’ a raw tomato?
DMK: (mouth full, glancing at DR in disinterest) Mhm, what about it?
Panel 2
*DMK casually tosses the tomato into the air, leaning back and opening his mouth wide to catch it, one incisor prominent; DR grimaces in painfully clear disgust, his ears drooping, and scoots away from him (text popping up beside him reading “cringe”)*
Panel 3
*DMK turned to grin smugly at DR while wiping tomato juice from his mouth, staining the back of his glove; DR continues to lean away from him, giving him a rather deadpan glare, moving the melon slice to one paw and pointing a claw at him with the other*
DR: Ya lucky you’re so attractive, ya friggin’ trash fire.
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clone OC time!! use this picrew and give as many or as few details as you wish <33 (disclaimer: this picrew is not mine!! It was created by @briikase and all rights belong to them.)
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CT-1407, dubbed “Stork” by his fellow medics, earned his name when, on his first deployment, he had to help a heavily pregnant trandoshan woman give birth on the outskirts of an active battlefield. He completed several campaigns with the 104th battalion as a field medic, serving under Commander Wolffe and General Plo Koon before a stray commando droid relieved him of his right leg. His need for a prosthetic ended up in his transfer to the Coruscant Guard, where he became CMO. The gray on his pauldrons symbolize his attachment to his former battalion, the “wings” of his namesake. He is fiercely protective of his vode, hates politicians on principle, only knows how to crochet granny squares, and loves holding babies (he thinks the irony is hilarious). His favorite brother is Thire and his favorite natborn food is tacos.
I don’t have any clone wars mutuals so I’m just gonna tag the mutuals I interact with the most. Sorry if I tag you and you have no idea what I’m yapping about. Conversely, if you happen upon this post and love the clone wars, feel free to interact or send me a message or an ask! I’d love to be mutuals :))
@good-oldfashioned-lover @re-is-back-in-black @amaan-danish @daydream-of-a-wallflower @her-midas-touch @annotated-catastrophe @my-castles-crumbling and anyone else who wants to <33
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