#No-Sideburns „Chase“ Stabbington
the-anxiety-academy · 2 years
New OC: Hannah Westergaard
Amino Wiki: HW
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Full name: Princess Hannah Westergaard
Gender: Female
Born: 19 January 2007, Isle of the Lost
Age: 8
Height: 4'2
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Dark Ginger
Species: Human
Other Physical Features: Freckles, large scar on left cheek
Prince Hans Westergaard (father)
Princess Drizella Tremaine (mother)
Princess Hallie Westergaard (older sister)
Prince Hugo Westergaard (older brother)
Princess Dizzy Tremaine (older sister)
Princess Evie Grimhilde (half-sister)
Lady Tremaine (grandmother)
Anastasia Tremaine (aunt)
Anthony Tremaine (cousin)
Rudi Westergaard/ Patchy Stabbington (uncle)
Madame Medusa (aunt)
Rami Stabbington/Westergaard (cousin)
Runo Westergaard/ Sideburns Stabbington (uncle)
Ginny Gothel (cousin)
Prince Lars Westergaard (uncle)
Princess Charlotte La Bouff-Westergaard (aunt)
Princess Chloe Westergaard (cousin)
Princess Cinderella (step-aunt)
Prince Chad Charming (step-cousin)
Best Friend: Chloe La Bouff-Westergaard
Ginny Gothel
Isa de la Cruz
Rosie Boggs
Uma's Crew
Queen Anna
King Kristoff
Princess Krissy
The Silver's Revenge
Likes: Colouring, drawing, blue, art, horse riding, acting, dancing, bunnies, horses, baking, singing, TV, bows, braids, her family, her father, blue tulips, bubblegum, Uma's crew, cats, flamingos, cartoons, summer
Dislikes: Auradon, class, dogs, the quiet, reading, fighting, bugs, fire, rain, loud noises, the Silver's Revenge, scary movies, night time
Favourite Colour: Blue
Favourite Food: Jelly and Ice cream
Favourite Drink: Hot Chocolate
Favourite Animal: Bunny
Ribs - Lorde
Chasing the Sun - the Wanted
Feel It Still - Portugal. The man
Summer - Calvin Harris
Something Just Like This - The Chainsmokers
She's the youngest of the Westergaard family and the loneliest. Her older siblings and cousins often exclude her and the adults of the Manor are always busy, either working or arguing amongst themselves.
Her siblings and cousins tease her alot, especially for being scared of such things as Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy (despite being the ones to give her those fears in the first place).
So Hannah spends most her time out in the stable with her best friend Sitron(her father's horse) and her friends, Rosie, George and Isa. The four friends are often picked on and bullied for being 'soft' and not being evil.
So, despite excluding her and teasing her, Hallie, Hugo, Rami, Rodney and Riley find themselves defending her from the bullies and protecting her from the rest of the Isle.
Out of her whole family, Hannah's closest relatives are Dizzy (her older sister) and Chloe (her oldest cousin).
Hannah and Dizzy have the smaller age gap of 5 years and spend their time together in Curl up 'n' Die taking care of the shop and playing together when their grandmother isn't looking.
Hannah and Chloe have a more distant relationship with Chloe being in Auradon. The 2 girls send each other letters regularly, every week, and keep each other up to date about the family, both Hannah's side (Hans, Drizella, Rudi/Patchy, Runo/Sideburns, Anastasia, her siblings and their cousins) and Chloe's side (Lars, Charlotte, their 9 other uncles and their tons of cousins).
Chloe's letters are what excites Hannah every week and keep her hoping to get of the Isle.
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Tell me about your ocs:
Nellie, Elliot,Cedric, Ping, Charles, Chase, and Kuzco Jr
Okay. So, Nellie is the bio daughter of Cruella de Vil and therefore Carlos‘s (half?)sister, but Cruella sold her to traffickers as a newborn and that‘s how she ended up with the Tremaines. She has black hair, except for a trademark white patch in the front. She actually has this thing where she has a different skin color where she has white hair than he does with the black hair (it‘s, like, chocolate-caramel ish under the black hair and just plain rosy under the white hair) and heterochromic eyes (one‘s very dark brown, the other‘s bright very bright brown, which at some point counts as different eye colors. She‘s a year old, so she really just likes the basic stuff, her toys, her mama, her siblings, maybe some of the other babies on the isle.
Elliot is the younger son of Esmeralda and Phoebus Chateaupers. He looks a lot like his mom, dark complexion, green eyes, frizzy black hair. He loves to ride horses or annoy his big brother or hang out with his friends, Kisho and Max and Henry.
Cedric is the son of Amos Slade (the fox and the hound) and aunt Sarah (lady and the tramp). He‘s a pale kid with bright brown hair and brown eyes. He‘s a big fan of animals, since his parents have a farm, and takes care of them a great deal. He also likes to hunt.
Ping is, as you may know, Shang Jr and Lonnie‘s younger brother. He looks a lot like his mother did when she was disguised as Ping (which is also where his name comes from). He only really has one friend except his siblings, and that‘s Ping, even thought they refuse to call each other friends. He likes sports.
Charles is the son of Charlotte la Bouff. He looks like a cherub. He‘s a sweet boy but insanely spoiled. He likes attention, especially from his mom, but also bakes pretty good.
Chase is the second-oldest of the four Stabbington cousins. His dad was Sideburns and his legal name is No-Sideburns Stabbington. He, like his cousins, has bright red hair and bright blue eyes. He never went to school but is a pretty smart fella and likes board games or riddles, though he can‘t read.
Kuzco Jr is obviously Kuzco‘s son. He‘s also super spoiled and a little shit. He looks just like his dad and wants to be just like him.
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gothealed · 4 years
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          NINA GOTHEL          -          ARCS
inspired by @zzozo   <3
          the youngest daughter of mother gothel ,   nina grew up isolated and almost entirely alone on the isle of the lost ,   with only her mother and her older half-sister ginny as company .   an introvert at heart ,   she preferred to keep to herself rather than make allies with other isle born children or dedicate herself to a gang or faction .   she reasons that it is too much baggage ,   that other people are too much weight to carry ,   but she knows that it is truly because no one really cares about her .   when most ask what their opinion of her is ,   they would say that she is dull and entirely forgettable ;   that there was nothing remarkable about her ,   even with her legendary heritage .   she certainly wasn’t comparable to her older sister ,   that’s for sure .
          it isn’t until the day she is fleeing a group of bog boys that she meets james stabbington ,   the son of sideburns stabbington .   and suddenly ,   something has changed in her ;   he tells her she’s beautiful ,   and unique ,   and clever ,   and she can’t help herself .   she opens herself up to him ,   despite the worry in her gut that warns her against it .   she’s sure that it couldn’t end too horribly .
          she had been wrong .   it couldn’t have ended more terribly ,   in fact .   after he had stolen half of nina’s personal belongings ,   made himself comfortable in her bed ,   inserted himself into every crevice of her life ,   the other shoe drops .   he tells her that the sex was alright ,   but that he felt it was time to move on .   and it all comes rushing to her head ,   that she had just been a toy ,   a plaything ,   that she had given him everything she had and he had taken it and had no intention of giving anything to her .   and he had tried to walk away ,   but she wasn’t going to let him get away with this .   in a blind fit of rage ,   she grabs the first thing she sees ,   a baseball bat ,   and chases after him .   when she’s finished ,   his nose is permanently crooked and scarred ,   and she leaves him practically unconscious on the ground .   she feels empty and used up .
          but despite her revenge ,   he still manages to get the upper hand on her .   when he recovers ,   the rumours begin to spread .   how she’s crazy and possessive ,   how he had attempted to break off the relationship and she had thrown a fit and attacked him ,   wanting to ruin his face so no one could ever want him again .   then rumours spread that she was easy ,   that she slept with all of his friends while they were together ;   in fact ,   she slept with anything with a heartbeat ,   according to him .   the rumours were nasty and they did not hold back ;   and it had its desired effect .   no one would go anywhere near nina gothel ,   not unless they thought they could take her home with them .   and the worst part hadn’t even been that ,   but the aftermath of her mother finding out she had been disobediant and sneaking a boy into the house and seeing him in secret .
          with no more privacy ,   no friends to defend her ,   and nowhere to run ,   she watches the limo carry the core four through the barrier and hopes to god that they succeed in taking the barrier down .   not for the sake of evil ,   but so she can run far away from this place ,   from these people ,   and never look back .   in the meantime ,   all she has to cope is cheap booze and the cigarette addiction that james gave her .
          the barrier doesn’t come down ,   and so nina is left stuck in dire circumstances that she has no control over .   all she can do now is control how she protects herself ,   how she guards everything about herself .   she completely shuts out anyone who tries to get close ,   and practically stops appearing in public altogether to avoid the unwanted propositions thrown her way at every turn .   she carries as many knives as she can possibly hold on her body ,   all concealed beneath her clothes ,   perfectly unassuming until someone gets too close .   if she had been dependent on booze and cigarettes before ,   it was ten times worse now ;   it’s a crutch now ,   it’s something she cannot last a day without .   the cigarettes calm her anxiety ,   soothes the shaking in her hands that stems from her exhaustion ,   her lack of sleep ,   her shitty life at home .   the alcohol tamps down the emotions she so desperately wants to stop feeling ,   muffles them ,   makes them harder to pay attention to .   it’s the only thing she feels she can depend upon now .
          time passes on agonizingly slow .   she drinks and smokes like her life depends on it .   she wants to hide in her house but can’t stand being around her mother .   but going out in public means getting harassed .   she lives at an impasse ,   until the cotillion happens ,   until uma nearly gives them a taste of freedom once more .   stupidly ,   she allows herself to hope that escape was in her grasp .   but it’s all for naught ,   and uma disappears into the sea like she never even existed .   and nina retreats into darkness again .
          she’s at her wit’s end ,   it seems .   no matter how many people she beats back ,   she can’t even seem to find the peace she’s desperately searching for .   drinking herself into a stupor just makes her miserable ,   but she can’t seem to stop .   the nightmares torment her ,   and when it isn’t nightmares ,   she can’t seem to get to sleep without a drink or a smoke .   and though a handful of people have managed to at least insert themselves into her life in some way ,   though there are people that have become a part of her life ,   she still can’t find the bravery to open herself up to them .   it frightens her too much ,   the thought of letting herself become open and vulnerable to a person who could easily use it all against her .   she holds everyone at an arm’s length most days ,   though they may get lucky if they catch her truly wasted .
          and then ,   to her shock ,   the barrier comes down .   freedom is in her grasp ,   it’s close enough to touch ,   and she grasps for it like her life depends on it .   it does .   she will go anywhere ,   any place where the traces of her past cannot be found .
𝐀𝐑𝐂 𝐕 :   𝐓𝐇���� 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐄  ( graphic by @magdiron )
          unbeknownst to almost everyone on the isle and in auradon ,   the demon sorceress zhan tiri had been contained and shipped off to the isle to prevent her from every attempting to gain control of the sundrop and the moonstone ever again .   as extra precaution ,   she had been contained in an ancient amulet guarded by yen sid ,   and even should she break free of her prison ,   the barrier would have kept her contained .   when the barrier came down ,   clean up crews ventured to purge the isle of anything dangerous that could potentially cause harm .   one clumsy crewman accidentally knocked over the case that held zhan tiri’s amulet ,   causing it to crack open and the spirit to escape without a trace .   a mad search occurs to search for the demon ,   but it’s too late .   zhan tiri attempts to immediately go for the sundrop and moonstone ,   but finds that the museum has barriers in place to prevent spirits like her from entering .   
          at this point ,   nina is adjusting slowly to the environment of auradon .   she opts into attenting auradon prep for a single year ,   to fine tune any skills that could potentially get her a decent job to support herself in the adult world .   in the meantime ,   she discovers that she has a second half-sister in cassandra ,   a close friend of queen rapunzel and prince consort eugene .   reluctantly ,   she accepts cass’ offer to let her stay in her home ,   and even begins to form a rather pleasant relationship with her .   though she is wary of rapunzel and eugene ,   she does not shy away from them .   on one night ,   after experiencing a crippling night terror involving her mother ,   she leaves the house and steps into the woods to get some fresh air ,   but comes upon a shadow with glowing eyes that leaps at her ,   causing her to black out .   the next thing she knows ,   she’s waking up in a hospital bed after cass found her unconscious in the grass .   the following month brings a series of episodes that cause nina to fall into a faint ;   every time it happens ,   she sees a series of flashing images like a flower ,   an opal ,   glowing spikes erupting from the floor ,   beaming golden light ,   then nothing .   she has no memory of any of it upon waking .   it would become bad enough that cass would insist that nina come home until they get a diagnosis ,   but nina asks to at least hold out until the break .
          their last day of classes end up entailing a trip to the museum of cultural history .   nina isn’t exactly thrilled by it ,   but she attends anyway ,   out of sheer curiousity .   at the mid-point of the tour ,   they come across the exhibit for the sundrop and the moonstone ,   encased in a magical barrier .   they seem familiar to her .   she begins to feel lightheaded and nauseous ,   ready to pass out again ,   but this time ,   she doesn’t :   instead ,   she feels something take control of her limbs ,   feels magic crackling at her fingertips ,   she watches the barrier holding the moonstone drop .   her mouth opens and a voice that is not her own spills out ,   people scream and jump out of her way as she moves forward against her will .   her mind screams for help ,   she tries to fight the possession ,   but there is nothing she can do ;   zhan tiri has taken full control of her body ,   and she watches her hand grab the moonstone and knows that there may not be a chance for her at redemption .
          the moonstone’s magic sears her flesh ,   but zhan tiri is delighted by this .   the transformation is agony for the human vessel ,   but the demon sings as the black rocks begin to shoot up from the ground ,   as light blinds every eye in the room .   when the dust settles ,   nina is transformed ;   neon turquoise hair ,   practically glowing along with the eyes to match .   the power is electrifying ,   and for the first time in her life ,   and entire room of people are cowering in fear of her ,   but for once ,   it is the last thing she’s ever wanted .   she tries to scream for help ,   but nothing comes out ;   zhan tiri has full control ,   and the crone’s voice drawls from her lips instead of her own .   before the demon can even attempt to reach for the sundrop ,   the alarms begin to sound ,   and reinforcements have already begun to barrel into the room to disarm the newly freed demon .   zhan tiri decides to leave the sundrop for later ,   and uses her vessel’s new powers to make their grand escape .
          the moonstone debacle nearly kills nina .   auradon’s best healers fought to keep her alive in the aftermath of not only the moonstone being ripped away from her ,   but the process of having zhan tiri exorcised from her body .   her body was never meant to wield that much power ,   nor was it meant to handle being possessed for such a long period of time as well .   when she awakens ,   she waits for the inevitable punishment that will surely be given for what has happened ,   but king ben seems to have the opposite idea .   while she had been preparing for a lifetime of imprisonment ,   he had already been fully informed on the circumstances of the incident by multiple witnesses ,   as well as the testimony of rapunzel ,   eugene ,   and cassandra .   though they barely knew her ,   they vouched for her innocent and pleaded for mercy on her .   and it was granted ,   much to her complete and utter shock .
          the incident had too great of a toll on her body for her to return to school without having to repeat the year ,   so she opts to instead drop out .   her body’s recovery is long ;   physical therapy is required for her to regain the use of her legs ,   and a lot of her fine motor skills are shot for a long time .   and unfortunately ,   the incident has left her with the choice to either drink and smoke herself to death or to choose to become sober ,   for the sake of her own health and safety .   therapy is made mandatory for her recovery as well ,   much to her chagrin ,   but she goes because cass asks her to .   when she is ready and willing ,   she already has a position lined up for her in rapunzel’s castle .   and she thinks ,   perhaps ,   that things might turn out alright after all .
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keeperofhounds · 5 years
Lost & Found (Chapter One)
I got a new story that I’ve worked on for a little while. I don’t own Tangled this is a fan work not for profit.
Special thanks to my beta reader @rachelbethhines and special thanks to Varian 66 on Discord for their part in developing this story.
We all know how the original story started. We all know how it ended too. Let’s see an alternate take if Eugene were to have been adopted rather than being alone for most of his life.
Flynn Rider felt stones settle in his stomach as he jumped the castle roof. This was wrong so very wrong. Never mind the fact the people he was working with literally threatened him. If it weren’t for that then he wouldn’t even be here. Working to steal a crown of a missing princess whose parents were obviously still grieving.
He looked over at the view provided by the high royal tower seeing the green hills and dense forests he wondered if he could see home if he went a little higher. Flynn Rider may be a no-good thief but even he had some standards when it came to thieving. It also didn’t hurt he had a healthy amount of loyalty to the kingdom instilled in him. Corona was the only kingdom in all the seven kingdoms where he wasn’t wanted for his exploits. It was also the one place he always went back to.
One of his “partners” shoved his shoulder to grab Flynn’s attention, “Hey Rider don’t forget why you're here.”
The thief tried not to glare or show any of his contempt to the pair of brothers watching him, “Come on when am I ever going to get a view like this in another place in Corona.”
The brothers didn’t seem to believe him but left him alone as they got ready for the heist of this kingdoms century. As Flynn watched them pull out the supplies he couldn’t help but admit he was a bit impressed with the Stabbingtons. They were a bit on the stupid side and were more often than not plain goons for better thieves such as himself. The pair were the classic losers who usually got caught whenever a heist got hairy but like roaches, they seemed to always find a way.
Patchy and Sideburns were not ones to mess with when it came to serious crime though. Although while Flynn doubted that they would be able to follow through with their threats he wasn’t willing to risk it either. A lot can go wrong and it was better if he just dealt with them before they had the chance to follow through. Flynn Rider already had plenty of ideas to get rid of them.
“Guys I want a castle,” Flynn said, watching the view.
Sideburns sneered, “Get this job done and it might just happen.”
Patchy grabbed him by the neck of his shirt and securely tied him to the rope. Looking at the floor Flynn saw the sheer amount of guards in the area. Although with how open the space between them and the crown was snatching the crown was going to be a piece of cake. As the Sabbingtons slowly lowered Flynn towards the crown he kept still in an x-formation to keep from swinging too much. He didn’t want to get caught besides his reservations he had a reputation to uphold.
As he was lowered he slowly reached one hand towards the crown while the other held the satchel. None of the royal guards noticed him yet. That’s when he froze at the sound of one of them sneezing. Perfect.
“Oh, hay fever.”
The guard sniffed, not realizing the current situation, “Yeah.”
Flynn had already been rushing out of the skylight, ignoring the cries of stop and wait from the guards. The group of thieves were quick when making their escape running and jumping off the castle roofs. By the time the guards were forming search parties the thieves were already over the bridge and out of the capital. With Flynn making endless commentary at the expense of the guards.
“Can you guys imagine me in a castle? Because I certainly can!” the man cried, holding his satchel up in victory. “Gentlemen this is a very big day!”
The brothers ignored him keeping focus on escaping with their prize. As they headed deeper and deeper into the woods Flynn started to worry, what if they did escape? The worst-case scenario was that the Stabbingtons take the crown and Flynn becomes wanted in Corona. He didn’t want to think about the implications of such a change. It was a good thing everyone thought of him as nothing but a daring pretty boy. It was time to turn up the pretty boy act.
Flynn started gasping for air, placing a hand on a tree to lean against, “Wow, you guys are really in shape.”
Sideburns stared at him annoyed, “Keep running Rider.”
The man was about too when his eyes caught the sight of their wanted poster. This time he didn’t even try to pretend, “Oh, come on your wanted poster is perfect, but nobody can get my nose right. Seriously?”
Horses blared at the distance catching their attention. The royal guard were getting closer and they weren’t far off. In fact, the guards had caught a glimpse of the pair from the nearby cliff.
Running as fast as they could jumping stones and slapping stray tree branches the group ran and ran until they were forced to stop. It was a dead end. Individually, there was no way anyone of them could scale the height on their own without being given a boost. There wouldn’t be enough time and all of them would only get caught. It was just the thought Flynn had after placing his hand on the dead end and turning to the brothers.
“Alright, okay give me a boost and I’ll pull you up.” Flynn bargained, it was a lie of course, why would he even help the guys who threatened him?
The Stabbingtons shared a look clearly not believing Flynn’s words. Smart choice.
Sideburns held his hand out, “Give us the satchel first.”
Flynn gasped in fake shock and surprise, “I just, I can’t believe that after all, we’ve been through together that you don’t trust me?”
They only gave him dead looks and silence as they rightly so suspected what his plans were. They have been with him long enough to know how Flynn played the game and they weren’t stupid either. The current partnership they had was doomed to fail from the start, it was based on blackmail and threats. No honor among thieves.
“Owe,” Flynn said, mirroring their dead-eyed look but handing the satchel over to prevent an argument, the sooner he got over the obstacle the sooner he could ditch them.
With teamwork that could happen between brothers, the Stabbingtons made a makeshift ladder with their bodies. Patchy held the feet of his brother while Sideburns was on his shoulders pushing Flynn over the cliff with great difficulty. Flynn, on the other hand, climbed both brothers carelessly even using Sideburn's face as a stepping stool towards the top.
Flynn looked down at the duo from his perch innocently, it looks like neither had noticed they were missing something very important.
“Now help us up pretty boy,” Sideburns ordered, holding his hand out expectantly. Waiting for a hand that wouldn’t be grabbing back.
Flynn took great pleasure in his next actions, “Sorry,” He said, showing off the satchel he snagged while they were distracted, “my hands are full.” Before dashing off deeper into the forest.
The shout that echoed would be embedded in Flynn Rider’s memories for years to come. Now all he had to do was outrun the other people chasing him, easy right?
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nicholasbloom · 5 years
my thoughts on no time like the past
it starts off with rapunzel lance and eugene going over castle duties then she realizes cassandra’s stuff is being thrown out which upsets her eugene tries to convince her to let cassandra go but rapunzel says to him that friends don’t leave friends behind later on rapunzel and pascal come accross an hour glass which sends them to the past they meet a young eugene and lance they soon realize they have become the stabbington brothers and they get thrown in jail rapunzel acts like sideburns to get the guards attention pascal gets the keys and they head to xavier’s shop to learn more about the hour glass rapunzel and pascal meet up with young eugene and lance again and she convinces them to get in the castle to findthe hr glass max eventually spots them and it goes into a chase scene lance gets captured rapunzel convinces eugene to not leave him behind they escape and raps and pascal return to their own time she notices eugene putting cass’s stuff back telling her that he was the one tht told her about crowley putting cass’s stuff in the vault and the ep ends with eugene saying friends don’t leave friends behind what i really enjoyed about this episode is that it teaches to not abandon close friendship even if the other person abandoned you there’s always a way to rekindle friendship which is a very good message for kids and adults
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Uma: Hi, can I take your order? Wolke: I WISH TO DEVOUR THE UNBORN Chase, shaking his head: Eggs. She wants eggs.
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Themis: It only takes a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone. But it takes a lifetime to forget someone. Chase: yesterday you forgot me in a parking lot.
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Wolke: So, What, now I'm just supposed to do anything that Chase  does? I mean, what if he jumped off a cliff? Themis: If Chase were to jump off a cliff, he would've done his due diligence regarding the height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of entry, so yes. If you see Chase jump off a cliff, by all means, jump off a cliff. Wolke: You jump off a cliff! Themis: Gladly. Provided Chase did first.
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Struppi: I'm so tired I could eat a horse. Cass: I identify as a horse and this offends me. Schnee, signing: I identify as offends and this horses me. Themis: I offend horses, identify me. Chase: I think the main question here is why would you eat a horse if you were tired.
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Chase Stabbington’s Application
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Chase: THAT’S IT you're all grounded Chase: Themis no horseback riding Chase: Struppi, no visiting of Felix‘s grave Chase: Cass and Schnee, no playing with Emma Chase: and Wolke,,, is there even anything you love Wolke: revenge Chase: no vengeance for you Wolke: I was gonna say "I‘ll get you for this" but I guess that's off the table
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Chase: holds up picture of Schnee that’s not the shirt I send her to the market with. Wolke: but that‘s the kid, right? Chase: yes. Wolke: cool, I’m off to play Wii now.
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