#Noah sebastian xOC
bloodylullaby · 1 month
Give Me Something Beautiful
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Summary: Morrigan's ordinary life takes an extraordinary turn when Noah Sebastian, the lead singer of Bad Omens, stumbles upon her quaint little shop, adorned with her captivating photography. Intrigued by her talent and drawn to her genuine spirit, Noah invites Morrigan to capture the essence of his band's concert through her lens. As they spend time together, their initial friendship blossoms into a deep and meaningful connection, fueled by their shared love for art and music. Despite the challenges they face as their worlds collide, Morrigan and Noah navigate the complexities of fame and intimacy, ultimately finding solace and strength in each other's arms. Through their journey from strangers to lovers, they discover that amidst life's chaos, true beauty lies in the simple moments shared between two souls who are destined to be together.
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x OC
Content Warning: None
Word Count: 2131
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Chapter One
On this serene Tuesday afternoon, I find myself confined within the cramped confines of our little shop. While my mother diligently dusts the shelves, I take the initiative to prop the front door ajar, inviting a much-needed breeze to alleviate the stuffiness. Inhaling deeply, I relish the crisp air and bask briefly in the warmth of the sun before reluctantly retreating back inside. Resuming my place behind the counter, I indulge in stealing moments to immerse myself in the pages of my book, grateful that Tuesdays typically grant me respite from constant activity. Lost in the midst of a chapter, the gentle chime of the doorbell interrupts my reverie, signaling the arrival of a visitor. Offering a polite greeting without lifting my eyes from the text, I inadvertently incur my mother's exasperated sigh and a playful tap on the head as she tends to the customer, eliciting a suppressed chuckle from them.
"Ah, hello there," my mother greeted warmly, her tone tinged with a hint of amusement. "Please pardon my daughter's absent-mindedness today. What brings you to our establishment on this delightful Tuesday afternoon?" I arched an eyebrow, sensing my mother's subtle attempt to nudge me into the present moment. Peering over the edge of my book, I was met with a sight that momentarily stole my breath. Standing before us was a man of striking beauty, as if carved by the hands of ancient gods and bestowed upon our mundane world as a divine offering. 
His laughter danced briefly, accompanied by a fleeting glance in my direction before refocusing on my mother. With hair cascading gracefully to the nape of his neck, he loomed over my mother with a commanding presence, dwarfing her petite stature of 5'3". Yet, even at my height of 5'7", I couldn't escape the sensation of being enveloped by his towering figure. His form was adorned with a canvas of intricate tattoos, boldly displayed by the black muscle tank that hugged his torso, revealing a tapestry of ink that adorned his neck, arms, and hands. Though his attire hinted at a concealed canvas beneath his black skinny jeans, I couldn't help but imagine that his legs bore a similar testament to his artistic expression.
As they engaged in their quiet conversation, I slowly pivoted in my chair, directing my gaze towards the wall to regain my composure, determined not to betray any hint of teenage infatuation. After a moment, satisfied that I appeared composed, I turned back around and placed my book on the counter. Their soft laughter reached my ears, prompting me to glance up and witness my mother guiding him by the arm towards me.
"Oh, Morrigan, this is Noah," my mother introduced with a hint of excitement in her voice, employing the sweet tone she often used when attempting to play matchmaker. "He's in town with his band. Isn't that wonderful?" Noah and I exchanged a brief smile, acknowledging the subtle matchmaking efforts of my mother.
"Yeah, mom, that's pretty cool," I responded, nodding in agreement. Then, meeting Noah's gaze, I continued, "During our tourist season, we tend to have a few small bands passing through. It's always nice to see fellow artists stopping by, whether it's to check out the scene or play a small show." His smile widened slightly, and he tilted his head in understanding.
"Really? That's neat. So, are you also in a band?" Noah inquired, his tone exuding a comforting warmth that caught me slightly off guard. Despite feeling a hint of fluster, I swiftly reigned in any unprofessional emotions, reminding myself of the setting and his status as a customer.
"Oh, no, I'm a photographer," I responded. "I love seeing people from different artistic backgrounds coming through our small town. Most of the artwork in this store is created by my family and me, along with a few pieces from other local artists who sell through us." Noah nodded thoughtfully, his gaze sweeping around the store.
"Wow, the way you guys have your mom-and-pop shop selling your art is unique. I find that highly inspiring," Noah remarked, his eyes sparkling with genuine admiration. He was ticking all the boxes, leaving me thoroughly impressed.
My mother, bursting with excitement, promptly took him on a tour of the store, guiding him around while sharing stories about the various artworks created by our family and local artists. When they reached the section showcasing my dad's paintings, I could see the awe in Noah's expression. It always warmed my heart to witness such genuine delight when people admired my father's talent.
As Noah browsed through the paintings, my mother shot me a mischievous look, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. I couldn't help but roll my eyes and chuckle at her antics; she was relentless in her matchmaking endeavors. I noticed her discreetly saying something to Noah as he glanced in the direction of my photographs. A nervous pang struck me as they began to make their way towards that section. Every time someone entered that part of the store, my heart would race. I took my photography seriously, always hoping that others would appreciate them as much as I did. Despite usually receiving positive feedback, self-doubt still lingered within me.
"Wow, these are beautiful," Noah exclaimed, holding up a couple of my photographs. I felt a surge of nervous energy coursing through me as my mother excused herself and made her way towards me.
"He's quite the cutie, huh?" my mother whispered, her words barely audible. All I could manage in response was a nod, eliciting a small chuckle from her. "Well, I told him I had some things to attend to in the other part of the store. If he needs anything, just direct him to you," she added, giving me a knowing look. I raised an eyebrow skeptically, fully aware that she had no pressing tasks awaiting her elsewhere. Another laugh escaped her lips before she sauntered off to the other section of the store, leaving me feeling slightly lightheaded. Attempting to steady myself, I began to focus on my breathing exercises when suddenly, a tall shadow loomed over me, interrupting my thoughts.
"You took these?" Noah asked, holding up two photographs. One depicted a Victorian-style portrait of a lady adorned in elegant attire with a pumpkin head, clearly inspired by the show "Over The Garden Wall." The other captured a dynamic action shot of crowd surfing, showcasing a sea of hands supporting the subject amidst the energetic atmosphere of a live concert. Sheepishly, I nodded, meeting his gaze. "You are very talented," he remarked, his smile widening in awe. "I would like to purchase these, please," he added, his soft tone mirroring his gentle smile.
"Y-yeah, of course," I stammered, feeling a flush of warmth spread across my cheeks. "That'll be $25," I added, my voice barely above a whisper. Noah reached into his wallet and withdrew two crisp twenty-dollar bills, handing them over with a smile that mirrored the appreciation in his eyes.
"Keep the change; give yourself more credit for your work," Noah insisted, his voice soft yet firm as he met my astonished gaze. I blinked in disbelief, overwhelmed by his unexpected generosity and the validation he offered for my artistic efforts.
"Are you sure? $40 seems like a lot for just two pictures taken by someone who isn't considered a professional," I hesitated, feeling a mix of gratitude and disbelief at his generosity. Noah simply smiled and nodded, his expression genuine and unwavering. It warmed my heart to receive such praise in such a sincere manner. The only other people who had ever expressed such belief in my talent were my parents, but their words carried the weight of unconditional love. Noah's encouragement felt different, coming from someone outside my family circle, making it all the more meaningful.
"Well, thank you so much, Noah; I truly appreciate your kindness," I murmured, feeling a rush of gratitude coursing through me as I avoided meeting his gaze. With meticulous care, I packed the photographs for him, ensuring they were safely secured in a bag. Finally, summoning a bit of courage, I dared to meet his eyes, offering a shy but genuine smile of appreciation.
"If I paid you, would you come to my show tonight and do action shots like that for me?" Noah's question hung in the air, catching me off guard. I stared at him for a moment, feeling a mix of surprise and confusion wash over me as I processed his request. The prospect of being hired to capture action shots at his show tonight seemed both thrilling and daunting, leaving me momentarily at a loss for words.
"Why would you want me to do that? Even small bands have their own photographer," I questioned, feeling a flutter of uncertainty mixed with excitement at the prospect. As my heart began to race, Noah chuckled softly, his expression hinting at amusement tinged with genuine interest. His response only added to my intrigue.
"We do, but I like your style and think it would be fun for both of us," Noah explained, a gleam of excitement dancing in his eyes. I couldn't help but notice a hint of amusement in his demeanor whenever I referred to his band as "small," which only added to the intriguing dynamic between us. His genuine interest in my photography style and the prospect of collaborating sparked a surge of excitement within me, overshadowing any lingering doubts.
"Is there something about your band you're not telling me?" I inquired, unable to suppress a curious smile as I met his gaze. Noah's smile broadened, his eyes sparkling with a playful glint that hinted at hidden secrets and untold stories waiting to be shared.
"Possibly," Noah replied cryptically, his tone teasing and enigmatic. I couldn't help but cross my arms and raise my eyebrows in response, silently urging him to divulge more about the intriguing mysteries surrounding his band.
"Am I going to get abducted tonight if I do go?" I quipped with a playful grin, trying to add to the light mood with a touch of humor. Noah chuckled in response, his laughter echoing in the air as he shot me a playful yet reassuring look.
"No, not at all. Trust me, I think it would be a good opportunity for everyone involved," Noah reassured me, his sincerity evident in his tone and expression. I couldn't help but chew my lip nervously as I pondered his proposition. It had been a while since I had been to a concert, and the idea of capturing action shots for his band stirred a mix of excitement and apprehension within me. Taking a deep breath, I made a conscious effort to push aside the anxiety and consider the potential benefits of seizing this opportunity.
"Alright, I'll go. But under one condition," I announced, meeting Noah's gaze with a sense of resolve. His eyebrow arched in curiosity, prompting me to unveil my condition.
"What is your condition?" Noah inquired, his interest piqued as he leaned in slightly, awaiting my response. Sensing his anticipation, I took a moment to gather my thoughts before speaking.
“My condition is that I get the full creative freedom to capture the essence of your band's performance," I replied, a hint of determination in my tone.“Also, instead of money, I would like my payment in the form of a drink and possibly food since I’ll be out.” He laughs and nods his head.
"Sounds like a plan. We'll be performing at the Center Theatre for the Performing Arts at eight tonight. You can show up at 7. I'll make sure they have your name so they'll let you in. Speaking of which, I've realized I haven't even asked for your name," Noah remarked, a hint of sheepishness coloring his tone. I smiled warmly at him, appreciating his openness and the friendly rapport we were building.
"My name is Morrigan Emerson," I stated with a slight nod, extending my hand toward him. Noah met my gesture with a gentle grasp, shaking my hand firmly yet with a touch of warmth that conveyed his sincerity.
"It's nice to meet you, Morrigan; my name is Noah Sebastian," he replied, his voice warm and his smile charming. "So, I'll see you at 7?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.
"Yes, I'll see you at 7," I confirmed with a smile as Noah bid his goodbyes and made his way out the door. As soon as he was out of sight, I couldn't contain my excitement any longer. With a little skip in my step, I did a little dance of anticipation. Not only would I have the opportunity to capture some outstanding shots, but I would also get to spend time with a charming boy.
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