#Nobody's buying it Benedick...
When you show up to a masquerade with the express purpose of setting your best friend up with your nemesis's cousin, and said nemesis calls your ass out while pretending not to recognize you and then you try to play the wounded party:
"She told me, not thinking I had been myself, that  I was the prince's jester, that I was duller than a great thaw; huddling jest upon jest with such impossible conveyance upon me that I stood like a man at a mark, with a whole army shooting at me. She speaks poniards, and every word stabs" (Much Ado, 2.1.242-248).
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andi mack band au (or a story?)
Jonah, TJ and Marty form a band called the trio™.
They have been together for a ridiculously long time. Band formed when they were 15-16 (now they're around 20-21). It became popular very quickly, but since they were very young, their recording company and producer have seen the potential of having 3 cute young boys and manufactured their whole image. 
Now they're one of those typical boybands, making mostly pop music for the masses. They are like any typical disney channel band (jonah brothers in 2007 or big time rush on nickelodeon), but popular.
Jonah is a lead singer and guitarist, TJ is on the keyboard (and also sings) and Marty is on drums.  
Jonah may be a lead but TJ is most popular among fans since he has that "womanizer bad boy" persona (and Jonah isn't interacting with fans that much ever since he had to be institutionalized a few years back because stress from a tour caused him a major breakdown).
TJ doesn't realize that he is gay for a very long time since he has been in so many relationships with girls that he doesn't even get a chance to think about it. 
The GHC are all university students and childhood friends, going to the same university (they never met the dumbass trio before). 
Andi is like obsessed with the band and specifically Jonah.Cyrus and Buffy couldn't care less about them. They think that just thinks the band is fake (which they are) and that their music is overrated (which it kinda is).
So one day Andi drags Cyrus and Buffy to Amber Kippen's (famous model) birthday party because she knows that Amber's brother and his band will be there. Something serious occurs and two squads get to know each other that night. (my ideas are that either someone gets hurt, drugged or they all get kicked out of the party together - idk yet) 
TJ gets super interested in Cyrus who doesn't buy his fake ass persona and believes he is much more than that but also doesn't hesitate to drag him for his bullshit. So TJ finds every opportunity to hang out with him. (Their story is basically just Starstruck, except nobody suspects they may be into each other because the whole world is convinced TJ is extremely straight)
Major drama in their relationship starts when TJ realizes he may be non-platonically into Cyrus and his internalized homophobia can't accept it so he gets involved with Kira (fan of his) just to prove it to himself and everyone else. 
Muffy meeting is 90% the same as in AM. Buffy is like "yeah I don't know this dude from a band my BFF has been obsessing over for years" and Marty pretends to buy it. When their crews start getting close, they become banter buddies. 
Muffy relationship is a lot like Benedick and Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing. They make take shots at one another, kinda think they hate each other (and around their friends act like they do) but without realizing it, they love spending time together. They become closer and ultimately start dating when major drama occurs with other characters (maybe with tyrus) and they gang up to help their mutual friends. 
Andi tries real hard to get close to Jonah (like in AM) and they get together as a pair for a little while, but it's mostly because Andi loves the unreal image of Jonah the media presents and Jonah just really wants people to love him. In the end, they realize that their relationship isn't very good for either of them and instead become great friends. Jonah helps Andi gets some more confidence in her art talent, she starts to invest more in her career (she transfers to an art college). Andi helps Jonah realize that he doesn't need to please everyone and truly become his own person.
Optionally I have ambi subplot planned out (but it's not necessary for the story since i mostly want Andi and Jonah to grow as people, but I love ambi so): Amber used to date Jonah, but they broke up because Jonah (as much as I love him) was terrible as a boyfriend. Their relationship was very similar to Amber and Jonah dating in  AM s3.  Amber comes off as a bitch from the start, kinda sabotaging Andi's attempts to get closer to Jonah. Everyone thinks it's because Amber is the evil ex who doesn't want them to be together. In the end it shows up that Amber just wanted to protect Andi from getting hurt because she knew Jonah was not ready for a real serious relationship. She probably wouldn't care if it was anyone else, but Amber has been smitten by Andi from the first moment they met. 
As all the ships get together and the story ends, the band breaks up. They realize that they lost their way and it all became a burden, something that does more harm than good. 
4 months timeskip - the dumbass trio meets again, deciding to try it again with the band because they missed playing together. This time it's entirely different - their band has a  new name and they start playing indie rock/alternative rock. After years, Jonah starts writing songs again, TJ starts mixing music to give them something new, Cyrus works as their new manager because he is freaking good at it.
Buffy always makes jokes about how the band is just rip off from BTVS s6 villain group with the same name.
Andi later starts an art blog and becomes really famous on instagram.
Buffy has a basketball scholaship on university.
First song Jonah Beck ever wrote was totaly “I cried”, which is a huge flop and quickly becomes a meme.
Before getting back together, all dumbass trio members try a solo career, they all fail tragically.
Jonah writes “I cried” which isn’t just unsuccesfull - that song is so embarassing it starts a very popular meme. Jonah gets over it, when his next song “Being around you” becomes no. 1 hit in american charts.
TJ tries it as rapper, but all his songs are either about his boyfriend or about food so most of his views on YT come from his strong fanbase.
Marty mixes music. He only puts few of them on YT before people start begging him to stop. One of his mixes is called Old McDonald had a farm remix and goes kinda like this: “moooo, demolition sounds, screeeeeaaachhh,,,,, badum dum dun...oik oik,,,scraasshh,,,”. He later says that it was meant as joke. It was not.  @thelonious-the-pianoplaying-dork 
tagglist of people who seemed interested:  @dancerdramatic14 @gay-tyrus-trash @mrhearteyeskippen
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greenrevolutionary · 5 years
Nothing in my life will be as relatable as Benedick in 'Much Ado About Nothing' (1993), sitting in a bush and making monkeybird noises to try to mislead the guys tricking him into thinking that Beatrice is in love with him.
And nobody actually buying his act.
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mst3kproject · 6 years
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307: Daddy-O
I am nearly convinced that Alphabet Antics represents some kind of early MKULTRA experiment. There’s something about the juxtaposition of the chaotic imagery and the narrator’s soothing voice… like it’s trying to put me into a trance and a seizure at the same time.  I don’t yet feel any need to ask my neighbours if they’re communists but it might take a while to sink in.
On to the movie.  Our hero is Phil, who’s sort of a prototype of Buffalo Bill from Riding With Death in that he’s a singer, a trucker, and a racecar driver all in one.  As the film opens he’s just met a girl named Janet who’s even worse at both driving and social skills than he is – clearly they were made for each other.  Sure enough, they team up to investigate the death of Phil’s nerdy friend Sonny, and discover he was making deliveries for a drug ring.  Unusually for a movie like this, they do end up agreeing to call the cops, but only after they have committed several more crimes, and this waiting nearly gets them both killed.
I don’t like Daddy-O, but that’s not so much because of anything the movie does wrong as just because it’s not the kind of film I enjoy.  As MST3K features go, it’s actually not bad – not great, certainly, but solid enough.  The race scenes aren’t all that exciting, but we’re never at a loss for what’s going on.  The exposition can be clunky, but it tells us what we need to know.  The main character doesn’t make much of an impression, but we’re only gonna be spending seventy-three minutes with him and there’s enough going on that it doesn’t matter, and the movie never tries to do anything that’s beyond its meager budget.
The music, meanwhile, is pretty good.  I’m not gonna run out and buy the album (was there an album?) but the songs are quite catchy in a good way, and the score as a whole isn’t bad. I guess that makes sense, since the John Williams who wrote it was in fact that John Williams.  Like Vilmos Zsigmund shooting Mixed-Up Zombies or J. J. Abrams mixing sound for Nightbeast, everybody’s gotta start somewhere.  The music even approaches having some story relevance: the first song Phil sings is Rock Candy Baby, about a woman whose defining feature is her sweetness, and whom the narrator views as a possession (Rock Candy Baby, you’re mine).  Wait’ll I Get You Home suggests a less innocent relationship, in which both parties are a little more aggressive – he directs this towards Marcia, but we are meant to see that his tastes have changed as he grows to like the abrasive Janet.
Why he likes her I don’t know. I don’t know why any of us are supposed to like Janet (it’s so weird to think there was a time when that name could belong to a cute blonde in a sports car, rather than a woman who wants to speak to your manager).  She’s smug and rude the first time we meet her, lies in the knowledge that the road workers will take her side because boobies, and only changes her attitude towards Phil when she realizes he could make a pretty convincing case that she’s a murderer.  She’s supposed to be a ‘liberated woman’, doing what she wants and keeping the company that pleases her, but Phil disapproves of this and so does the movie.
The way Phil behaves towards Janet isn’t particularly admirable, either.  He talks down to her and manhandles her, and declares several times that if she were a man he’d punch her.  I hope nobody in my audience is the type of clown who’d ask ‘if women are equal does that mean men are allowed to hit them?’ but in case somebody is: I don’t think people should hit each other at all, outside of in self-defense or sports that require it.  Since neither of these apply to Phil and Janet then no, he should not hit her, no matter how obnoxious she’s being, and this would be true if she were a man, too.
Why are we supposed to root for these two to hook up?  None of their interactions are romantic and their arguments, rather than building sexual tension, just make it look like they can’t stand each other.  The ‘rivals to lovers’ trope was already old when Shakespeare did it, but Much Ado About Nothing makes it clear from the beginning that Beatrice and Benedick are actually rather fond of each other and enjoy their insult contests.  When our first interaction between our romantic leads has one party threatening to deck the other, that doesn’t work.
Another character I don’t quite get is Daddy-O’s criminal mastermind, Mr. Sidney Chillas.  Between his way of talking and his love of steam baths and manicures, I have a feeling he might be a gay stereotype of some sort, but I don’t know enough about the 50’s mindset to say.  He seems to think very highly of himself, particularly his intellect, and yet his reasons for hiring Phil don’t make much sense.  If he were half as smart as he claimed to be he would have turned this man away as soon as he learned that Phil had been taking an interest in Sonny’s death – or at least watched him far more closely, as he implied to his lackeys he would.
Is this the joke, that Chillas thinks he’s smart and he’s not? If so, it should be a repeated source of humour, rather than just a single doozy of a stupid mistake.  Or is he actually supposed to be a brilliant strategist and businessman?  Because if that’s the case, then I don’t buy it.
Chillas’ questionable intelligence is linked to another thing in the plot that doesn’t work – it seems to be a complete coincidence that he decides he wants to hire Phil.  When I sat down to watch the movie again, I remembered it as Phil deliberately seeking employment with Chillas in order to find out what happened to Sonny.  I think this is supposed to be part of the reason, but it’s mostly implied, and it’s Chillas who approaches Phil in the club to talk employment with him.  At this point he should have already seen that Phil was hanging out with Sonny the night the latter was murdered.  Or if Chillas sought out Phil specifically to keep an eye on him (or indeed, both), that would work, too, but Chillas specifically says he does not find Phil suspicious.  The movie has already had a big coincidence when Sonny just happens to die along the route where Phil and Janet were racing.  It’s not allowed a second one.
Other than that, though, the movie works pretty well.  Events follow one another in a fairly logical sequence, and the clue that Sonny left exists for a reason other than being A Clue. Daddy-O really isn’t trying to teach us anything, but that’s okay.  All a movie really has to do is tell an engaging story, although ones that don’t have a psychological theme often end up feeling, as this one does, a bit unsatisfying.  The only thing it really emphasizes and returns to is that women are bad drivers.
Janet’s driving and her bad manners are the focus of what I guess is her character arc – at the beginning she’s driving like a madwoman and nearly causing accidents just to entertain herself, at the end she’s using her skills to deliver Chillas’ lackeys to the police.  At the beginning she’s rude and abrasive to Phil, by the end she’s fallen in love with him.  We’re not given any better a reason why she likes him than for him to like her. He’s been a jerk to her, too.
Phil’s arc is supposed to be falling in love with Janet, and that’s pretty much it.  He doesn’t learn anything much about himself or the world in the process.  It seems like he ought to confront the fact that his best friend, Sonny, didn’t trust him with the truth – shouldn’t there be some angst about that, or the fact that Sonny didn’t ask Phil for help paying for his mother’s treatment rather than turning to a life of crime?  Between that and the fact that Janet turns out to be a lot nicer once you get to know her, the movie could have been about how you can never be sure you know somebody, but they didn’t bother.
The friendship between Phil and Sonny was particularly poorly-handled. Phil says, some people have brothers, I had Sonny, but this is the epitome of telling rather than showing.  When we see the two interact, Sonny refuses to talk about what’s bothering, gives Phil a locker key, and vanishes.  We know nothing about Sonny other than that he apparently wasn’t too bright (he hid the drugs in his locker at a gym owned by a guy he must know works for Chillas), and so we find it hard to get involved in Phil’s quest to find out what happened to him.  We believe far more in Phil’s driving skills because we saw those in the opening sequence. It’s disappointing that the later scenes mostly just show him at a steering wheel in front of a projection screen, but because we’ve already seen him on the road, we can believe in it.
The problems in Daddy-O are pretty easy to pick out, and could have been fixed with just one more script rewrite – none of them would have required more money or even better actors, and they would have made the whole story much more satisfying and meaningful.  The movie as it is works well enough for a crummy B-picture, but just a little more work could have made it an A.  It was also supposed to be career musician Dick Contino’s big break into film, but he ended up being in only four movies between 1958 and 1960 before deciding it just wasn’t worth it.  Since one of the other three was Girls Town, that means no less than half his entire filmography was featured on MST3K!
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insultcalligrapher · 6 years
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I move that all women pull that line of Beatrice’s out when men are talking and nobody gives a shit about their mansplaning. 
[image description: a cream colored card with black modern calligraphy that reads: “beatrice: it is a wonder you are still talking, Signor Benedick - nobody marks you. benedick: my dear lady disdain! are you let living?”]
If you like my lettering, please consider buying me a coffee or some supplies! I’ll write you something as a thank you! 
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antirrhinum-magus · 5 years
1 Aug 1862
Dear Mum and Dad,
We have made it to Stillwater.  It is Very Cold here and the people are Mean except for at the Temple of Geshtiana where they are all Very Friendly, so we are staying with them tonight and they are not even charging us.  Alexander has Opinions again but he won’t tell me what they are.  But it is Warm and it is nice to sleep in a bed and everything is Very Fancy and Alexander even got a Bath, which is good because he got very shot by Kites earlier and it made him Ornery, and they’re not even mad that we didn’t find their Goddess yet.  
We met an Irritating Elf who likes to play with words and doesn’t believe in the Stillwater Giant, even though they’re building a statue of it right in the middle of the town.  He didn’t have very many clues about the Towheaded Man because I guess a lot of people here are Towheaded, and he liked being Unhelpful.  So then we went to the Temple of Geshtiana and talked to their Priestess about the Woman with the Rose-Colored Jewel and it turns out she lives right here.  Or, I guess, is buried right here.  Or was buried right here because somebody stole her.  We gave them the Pillowcase full of Water from the Palace of Geshtiana in Celestis and after that they were willing to talk to us about All The Things.  Brigit - that’s the High Priestess, she’s very young but she’s been very young for a long Long time - told us that the woman was named Persephone and that this whole temple was built by her Lover to house her Tomb.  She also said that the Body and the Garden were Incorruptible due to the influence of the Goddess.  But when we got out to the garden it was Slightly Corrupted - the leaves were turning brown, stuff like that that isn’t supposed to happen - and it’s been that way for like a Week.  So we thought that there might be something Up.  And we were right, because when we got to the Tomb it was Empty!  Somebody stole Persephone through a tunnel!  (Alexander said he was surprised by how Technologickal everything was - why do you need Technology on a Tomb anyway?)
We told Brigit we would go get her back for them, and I sent a Badger down the tunnel to see where it came out.  His name is Ruffles and he is a Very Good Badger.  He even found some Clues!  Some fabric and some blue fur like in Sky’s coat that she got from Captain Teach in the Future.  And the tunnel came out right next to Stanley Hippington!  Can you believe it?  The Stanley Hippington!  In real life!  Only...he wasn’t very nice.  He was all paranoid about his research and he called us all specimens and he stuck his hand in Alexander’s mouth and he tried to buy Sky.  Alexander says that that’s just what Scientists are like, but you guys are Scientists and you aren’t like that, so I think Alexander knows some Very Bad people at the University.  But he was Very Rude to us and didn’t even come along when we kept following the trail even though he thought it was made by the Stillwater Giant.
I...think we might have got the wrong trail though, because we didn’t find the Thief or the Body or the Stillwater Giant.  We just found a lot of Kites who tried to kill us.  Harold caught their leader though and convinced them to stop, and it turns out they were attacking us because they thought we worked for the Evil One.  They told us about a Pale Man in a Ragged Cloak who commands Great Power but is also a Great Fool.  He lives in the Future and hires people to steal Bodies and hide them up in the Pass all frozen so he can come back and get them later, when it gets to be the Future.  I’m not sure how that works though.  Maybe he can Mind Control people back in time.  That’s terrifying.
They said they would let us go if we agreed to go kill him for them.  I don’t know why everybody always wants us to murder people.  We didn’t exactly agree but I think they’re going to be real mad if we don’t, and they did very nearly kill Alexander... but also Ruffles ate a few of their faces so maybe it balances out?  They worship the Earth Itself which is very cool, and don’t like things being buried in it.  I guess they burn their dead so they turn back into earth?  Or, ashes.  I don’t know, it was interesting, but also very cold, and Alexander was dying, so we didn’t talk to them too long, and then they all ran away because the Guy turned up.  We tried to hide too but it didn’t work out but that was okay because he wasn’t trying to kill us he was just trying to sell us stuff and also he was Kerlin.
So yeah we met this guy called Bobh and he had a mule and a bunch of Junk and a Jewel in his head.  He gave us tubes of cocoa which is an odd way to serve cocoa but it was very delicious all the same.  And Alexander bought all his Junk, so now he will maybe stop complaining all the time about not having Things.  It was very strange to meet someone with a God-Jewel who was Alive.  He said he was born with it, and he knew it had a God in it, and they were Friends.  So I guess the people with the Jewels are just regular people after all?  That is, their own independent people and not made out of the God.  He also said that nobody else could see it, which is Very Interesting.  We tried to talk to Kerlin, but all I got was a vision of Bobh being Lonely.  But he said it was okay to take the God out if we replaced him with a New Friend, and he didn’t want Calvin, and he would even fix the Scales for us.  Alexander really didn’t want to, but we eventually agreed to give him Beatrice, and now Benedick is mad at us.  I think we should turn him off so he doesn’t spy on us to Praetor.  So then Bobh fixed the Scales (although he fixed them to look like tin cans held up by tubes, and I hope Kaitan won’t be mad about it) and we freed Kerlin and he gave Harold his Blessing (and was a little bit rude about Alexander) and then He left.  So this was probably the Quixotic Wanderer Moorindal was talking about, which I guess is really convenient.  
OH!  and he also said that it was Sky’s fiance Malaak who had a jewel in his head, it was just on the back not the front.  We all felt very silly for missing it.  So I guess we can talk to Makaal (it has to be Makaal doesn’t it?) when we go back for Sky to get Married Properly.  Except that we’re still exiled aren’t we...  I don’t know, but it is Very Good to know about.
So now we’re back at the Temple of Geshtiana.  I guess tomorrow we will go into Hardin’s pass to get Persephone back and free Geshtiana.  I don���t know if we are still planning to go to the Wheel Clan.  Halcyon said it was the place we most need to go but least need to be, which is very Ominous.
I don’t think I’ve started to Disappear yet.  Alexander thinks I’m not going to, but he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.  Anyway, we’ve seen that Living Souls have a much greater Temporal Elasticity than Artifacts, which probably explains it.  I will keep writing until I do.  Maybe it will help.
All my love,
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September 10, 2017
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As a Wellness Coach I love training and coaching people to optimum results using the  DENAS PCM 6.
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I'll reveal the REAL reason why some of the so called SCENAR and DENAS PCM 6 “experts” can leave you worse off than before, because they do not know this strategy that I discovered in a 2 year long study on hundreds of clients back in 2008 to 2010 before I was shut down.  
This study that I am in the process of organizing contains over 70 hours of teleconferences and 450 pages of transcript that became the basis of the online training you'll get as part of my bonuses.
It's a reason very few “experts” talk about... yet it's one that every serious SCENAR / DENAS / ENART / COSMODIC / AVAZZIA / RITM user with virtually any health issue absolutely must know in order to succeed.
Now just a word of warning,
The Odds Are Against You Unless You Really Get This:
I'm the furthest thing from a pessimist, but the numbers don't lie.
Are you aware that MRI scans for the back are on the rise and linked to high costs and relatively low success rates while physical therapy proves more effective.  Source: Deyo R. A. et al (2009) Overtreating Chronic Back Pain: Time to Back Off?
Or, that a APTA survey highlighted that almost two-thirds of Americans experience low back pain, yet 37% of the population do not see a professional to relieve their symptoms?
And as frightening as it may sound, data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) proved that the number of Medicare beneficiaries purchasing a TENS unit (an inferior SCENAR type device), doubled between 2006 and 2010.
Surprise surprise …
and here's another one:
although the use of TENS treatment was on the rise in people on Medicare, in 2012 CMS stopped reimbursing patients for TENS units for the treatment of chronic LBP.
Altogether those numbers do not bode well for you ... and you absolutely need an edge.
I believe there is a way of approaching things that helps you avoid becoming just another number inside a medical nightmare statistic...
Why You Should Listen To Me 
In case you don't know me already, my name is Benedick Howard.
++ Bachelor of Science, development engineer for General Electric. ++ 30 years experience coaching people worldwide with chronic pain. ++ A profound understanding of SCENAR microcurrent application for solving the underlying causes of chronic pain. ++ I have been featured on British Television talking about SCENAR live in front of  8 million people and on PBS worldwide. ++ 66 years at the University of Hard Knocks! ++ and I have a passion for the Ukulele, Ashtanga yoga, jogging, Frisbee and raw food off grid living in Hawaii
Now, how did I go from a nobody to someone folks all over the world turn to for advice?
Let me tell you what you're about to receive is raw and unfiltered, and it isn't all wine and roses.
And I don't believe in sugarcoating the truth, but I do believe the lessons I learned along the way will save you months, even years of frustration and pain.
Here's how: I struggled with chronic pain for decades from the age of 14.
Back in 1965 my father was demolishing a small outbuilding on the farm in England and he had told me not to go there. Never the less I climbed over the rubble to take a look, and out of nowhere, a block from the partially standing wall fell on my head.
I saw stars and fell unconscious cutting my knees, and in that instant my life was changed. I came to with blood pouring down my face, I stumbled into the the farmhouse.
My mother's face turned white as she got out the disinfectant and began to clean me up.  
All she would say was “Your Dad told you not to go there”, because of my injuries I did not get a whipping, not that time anyway.
Needless to say the pain in my neck hurt bad for weeks. In that instant I could not run cross country anymore. After the doctors suggested surgery, but could not guarantee any results.
Of course I refused.
Over the years the pain got worse. I had dizzy fits. I developed asthma. And in my 20's and 30's my lower back pain and frozen upper back got worse, the onslaughts of pain more debilitating.
Down the road I learned to live with pain, yet deep inside I knew from within and my dreams that there had to be a solution (despite the doctors naysaying)
and consequently I set out on a journey to do the impossible ...
Many times my dreams have been a source of inspiration for me and showed me how to think out of the box. And as a development engineer for GE I helped create a couple of patents, but the corporatized world was not for me.
I figured I'd rather be poor than pay taxes that are used to make war and kill people.
Believe me I remember the day when everything changed for me.
In March 1982 I discovered Yoga and took weekly classes with an understanding instructor who nurtured me and I trusted her.
And little by little I learned how to stretch my tight seized up muscles.
Despite it being incredibly painful to stretch I stuck with it and was beginning to become more flexible.
Then after 5 1/2 months my yoga teacher went to India, never to return...
“That's Life” as Frank Sinatra says.
I tried another class (there was not much choice in Toronto in the 80's), I did not have the rapport with the instructor and I ended up flat on my back for a week.
Then in 1984 after returning from a year in Africa traveling 12,000 miles overland and visiting many tribes like the Dogons and the Ituri pygmies...
I came back to Canada in culture shock ...
However, I meditated and prayed and set my goals and by 1987 I was invited and accepted to take over the research of a naturopath Dr Randall Baer's Starcrest Academy.
I expanded on his concepts around the USA and into Canada, collecting data, and based on my engineering skills and dreams I invented a sound healing environment.
This is how it works, laying inside the environment that we named the “DreamWeaver” you actually FEEL the music.
And that really helped me manage the pain.
But if I did anything too physical it would bite me in the back.
Over the years these sound environments and the training I developed went worldwide.
From my earlier yoga experience I had seen a window of opportunity that would open up again years later in Los Angeles in 1999.
Meantime I was still on a path of at times massive pain, feeling irritable and incapacitated and of little worth to the world.
I was stressed and in an unhealthy relationship, and my ex God bless her, suggested I try out an Ashtanga yoga studio on Sunset Boulevard close to where we lived.
So for 6 months I went 6 days a week. I explained to the instructor Noah, what was going on for me and he skillfully nurtured me over the months into the demanding Ashtanga sequence.
… it was simply amazing.
I even started running again. But around the five month mark I kept getting the message to quit for a while. I was energetically depleted and addicted to the dopamine highs.
One day after yoga I came out of the studio a little dazed, walked to the cross walk and began to cross the street …
then all hell let loose …
Screeching tires, billowing acrid smoke and one of cars side swept me. I fell, bruised and scraped but OK.
Another cosmic 2x4 lesson ...
I got up brushed myself off and feeling embarrassed ran shaking to my home and right away used the sound healing environment to calm my nerves.
Whew that was a close shave.
And still I occasionally did my practice until I moved to London in 2001.
It was there, one day I was introduced to SCENAR in a pub, used it for a year then trained to the Master's level with Professor Revenko.
All of a sudden, after helping many clients, I was on live TV in front of 8 million people with the my sound healing and SCENAR work.
.. and got back into my now 6 days a week yoga practice in the amazing spacious Ashtanga studios, until returning to Hawaii in 2003.
Then, it was during my years of practice in Hawaii that a whole new level of pain surfaced one day out of the blue...
One morning I woke up alone and unable to move even to get out of bed.
Desperate, that is when I intuited a new SCENAR application strategy that finally worked to prove that the doctors were wrong, my chronic pain was curable.
You see over the years the Ashtanga Yoga was stretching deeper into my body.
The engineer in me tested this strategy when the opportunity happened for years with other clients and in 70 hours of weekly teleconference training sessions, so I knew we were onto something BIG.
Sometime later I ripped one of the intertransversal muscles deep in my lumbar …
.. within hours my sciatica hurt so much I could barely walk.
And now using the data I had collected over the years and by modifying my earlier discovery I was able to heal the torn muscles in a remarkable 12 days.
Most importantly: I finally knew how to reverse my chronic pain, after 40 plus years.
And furthermore aside from the chronic pain for which the SCENAR type technology is infamous, there is a whole list of stuff it can do.
So keep reading and I'll show you details of the $1574 worth of bonuses, and my 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Your Bonus:
In the members only training area you'll get lifetime access to the video instructions for all of the 24 preset programs built into the DENAS PCM 6.
And there's more:
If you have a child or are microcurrent sensitive I'll include those videos too.
And the Welcome, Unboxing and Orientation videos ... all essential detailed instructions you need to have to get going and to succeed. This is a true bonus for FREE so that you can rest assured that you know how to apply your DENAS PCM 6 for about any health situation you can imagine to boost your energy, solve your pain and even solve the underlying causes.
You might be curious “Why the change of heart?”
February 1st 2017 out of the blue I got Shingles, real bad, and I did not know what it was then. The pain was excruciating. I was intolerant to microcurrent and so I had to resort to some drastic measures like using chlorine gas, the details I'll share later as a blog post.
I lost weight and by the end of the month I weighed only 120 lbs. I've always been a light weight, but not a featherweight!
As my Ukulele teacher Andy rightly remarked “Shingles make you see God”,
Through this experience I reconnected into the spiritual realm for the first time since my boys were kidnapped in 2003 and the years of emotional pain, court appearances, traveling to the mainland to search for them and the loss that only those who have gone through the CPS Family Court nightmare can truly relate to.
However painful as it was the Shingles gave me time to review my life and make a bucket list of unfinished business, and for that I am eternally humbled.
I used to be known as the most expensive high end wellness coach and trainer in this niche, and it attracted some awesome clients like:
++ Gold medalist sports coach ++ Corporate executives ++ Coaches ++ Doctors ++ Chiropractors ++ Massage Therapists ++ An Delta airline pilot ++ University management staff ++ Nutritional experts ++ and others whose testimonies you can find on this site eBodyFUSION.
So, as my bucket list grew, and my dreams got clearer and clearer during February, March and April, as I slowly recovered, I realized that I had been sitting on 450 pages of case history transcripts and 70 hours of teleconference recordings that I had not released to the public.
My testing and irrefutable proof of the phenomenal results that can be obtained even with the simplest microcurrent technology.
Right now at the time of writing it's in process of going public and I did a quick pre-launch video about the “ebodyFUSION T Archives”.
Well, another thing that happened is that my body cleaned out deeply and I have become:
++much clearer ++more focused ++reconnected to my life purpose ++and enthused to share
… therefore, I decided to give you exactly what you need to know for FREE.
Below you'll see all the details of the DENAS PCM 6 24 programs and what they address for a huge range of conditions, basically plug and play ... apply and heal.
Benedick Wellness Coach and founder of ebodyfusion
PS DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical professional, I am a Wellness Coach and on the purchase page you'll be acknowledging my disclaimer clause.
 Buy Now
List of the 24 Automated DENAS PCM 6 Programs and what they do:
Buy Now
The DENAS PCM 6 is the best value professional hand held device on the planet - complete with DENAS Therapy videos for all the 24 DENAS PCM 6 Programs.
Just these training modules and being assured that you are doing it right are worth way more than the price of the DENAS PCM 6.
Think of all therapists and money spent and the travel time ...
For now,
Lifetime access to my 24+ Video BONUS that took me years of pain, research and trials and errors that will save you months and years of being in pain. Worth $1128
3 NEW children settings and built in treatment protocols with training video bonus worth your child's health. These setting are used for “sensitive” folks like children and also very stressed adults who are microcurrent sensitive. Video training modules INCLUDED Worth $197
How to use the screen, MED, ultra low frequencies and the 10 frequency sets are basically described in the manual.
But as the application strategies change over time as your body changes you need me hands on to really benefit from those settings and you'll also learn the phenomenal predictive strategies that we discovered last year.
For example the screen pinpoints where you need to spend more time and it's often not where your think it might be is.
This professional wellness coaching upgrade called the ...
Professional Bundle 90 Day 100% Satisfaction eBodyFUSION Training System
and is available on the next sales page after you purchase the DENAS PCM 6 with the FREE 24+ video training.
Note: some of the 24 Automated Programs require the Pad Set, ESPECIALLY if you have persistent chronic situations. Pad Set and video training modules INCLUDED Worth $197
Professional Bundle 90 Day 100% Satisfaction eBodyFUSION Training System includes the probe, massage set, pad set, goggles and foot pad which can be used for earthing while you are sitting on you computer.
together with 90 days 100% Satisfaction Guarantee training.
The DENAS PCM 6 has 24 automated express treatment/prevention programs and 14 advanced modes an all in one solution with earthing frequencies too.
FREE worldwide shipping directly from Russia with guaranteed delivery in 10 - 15 working days. Worth $52.
ALL SALES ARE FINAL, no returns or refunds UNLESS you grab the Professional Bundle 90 Day 100% Satisfaction eBodyFUSION Training System
Let me explain my thoughts about this.
In 15 years of selling these devices they have been close to 100% reliable with the exception of the ports that they fixed in the PCM 6. The pad sets and other accessories have been 100% reliable and the strongest longest lasting available.
Should it break I always have a spare laying around that you can borrow till yours is fixed, think of it as saving you on buying insurance. Takes about 3-4 weeks. Worth $97
Now here is a SHOCKING statistic I saw on Amazon
“84% of all (SCENAR) buyers put it on the shelf in less than a month” Dr Tom.
Whoa 84% put it on the shelf. Were these hopeful impulse purchases, or what that did not have a clue how to use it?
As a wellness coach you can trust that I care about your success and have spent years training and coaching people just like you, keeping the data and continuously improving the range of already phenomenal results.
It can take some time for chronic issues especially in this nnEMF microwaved, blue light, GMO stressful world.
Bottom line I don't care to just sell, sell, sell or to waste your time and money.
Above all you want results, right?
2 Year manufacturer's warranted.
To qualify for the 100% Satisfaction clause, you must complete the 90 day training and weekly assessments. To support you for 90 days will get my 24/7 Facebook support and much more.
Otherwise as I explained I am a wellness coach, it's up to you to do the work. Fair?
Your results will depend on your efforts.
Nobody else on the planet has a 15 year track record of a proven online training system with total bonuses worth $1574
Sign up and I'll send my Free Report about the DENAS PCM 6
Stay in touch and learn more about eBodyFUSION Training and Wellness Coaching for the DENAS PCM 6 and discover how to solve your pain, boost your energy and rejuvenate when you have more time to consider this life changing offer.
Get Instant Access!
Buy Now
The all new automated  DENAS PCM 6 is for you if you want to solve pain, boost energy and rejuvenate.
The DENAS PCM 6 has 24 automated sequences for all common ailments with on screen location and application time suggestions backed up by the DENAS PCM 6 excellent manual.
4 NEW settings for children from birth to 12 years and 14 treatment and prevention modes.
Limited time offer FREE shipping
DENAS PCM 6 Specifications:
Basic Frequencies: 60, 77, 125, 140 and 200 Hz
Modulated Frequencies: 77/10 Hz, 77/20 Hz and 77 AM
Infra Frequencies: 1.0 to 9.9 Hz
24 Automated Programs  that guide you with onscreen instructions
Scheduler - to remind you when to make the next application
Diagnostic modes - 10 Hz MED (Minimum Effective Doze) and 5 second SCREENING
General Specifications for DENAS PCM 6:
2 AA Batteries 1.5v Net weight 0.77 lbs (0.35 kg) Dimensions 145×55×45 mm
The DENAS PCM 6 device generates bipolar electrical pulses, felt as gentle tingles, that dynamically adapts to the changes of the skin impedance as your pain reduces, your energy is boosted and old injuries rejuvenate.
Buy Now
 To get results quickly we recommend 1 hour daily the first week, easily done (especially with the accessories) while you are sitting down or even sleeping.
Remember “Success Loves Speed”
Warranty DENAS MS has a limited one-year warranty against defect of material or workmanship The warranty becomes invalid when: More than one (1) years have passed since purchase or if the unit was damaged because of misuse or improper use.  Units are returned to Russia for repairs - 1 month turnaround - very rare and I'll loan you one if needed.  No need to buy insurance.
No returns, refunds and exchanges with this special offer. Allow 10 - 12 business days for delivery anywhere in the world
You may want to consider the 100% Satisfaction upgrade on the next page.
DISCLAIMER:  The DENAS PCM 6 Training is not medical advice or for the treatment of any medical condition.
Buy Now
FACT:  Did you know that SCENAR and DENAS are microcurrent biofeedback devices originally designed by Dr Alexander Karosev?
I feel the training program, esp. with all the videos, is a big selling point. Since I purchased my DENAS I have directed many friends to your site Benedick. When I talk to them about buying a device I always emphasize the great training that you provide.”
Dr David Ridley MD Tempe Florida
The doctors diagnosed me with nerve impingement, bulging of discs and stenosis along my whole spine. Later I went back for a MRI and the doctors were amazed – “Wow your body is healing itself” to them they could not understand that.”
Billy Jaeschke, Roofer, Mountainview Hawaii
Herniated discs, had hard time turning my head, arm going dead, numb for years.  After a couple of sessions felt the difference immediately.  Gone diabetes sores from legs, arms and chest, no more itching, sleeping better.”
Ruth Smith retired, Salem Oregon
Everybody was giving me different advice for lower back, sciatica and neck.  Lots of pain keeping me up at night. I was miserable for six months.  Now, sleeping at night, minimal soreness.  After healing crisis feeling much better, now it’s really working.”
Jenn Bowers, coach Pahoa Hawaii
Thanks to the training I am able to do my stained glass art without having to endure the pain in my back and hands. Will treat my hands after working all day and will have no pain. Also, have arthritis in right shoulder, pain controlled by the DENAS. No longer use my allergy medicine, treat sinuses freq especially when I have symptoms.”
Barb Wilson artist, Madison Wisconsin
The training helped me to fully understand the basic principles of the DENAS.  And especially the importance of the neuropeptides which motivated me to do the entire body.”
Russ Fleming retired, Santa Cruz California
I have a chronic, autoimmune disease that manifests itself with many different pain syndromes – paresthesia, joint pain, back pain, muscle pain, numbness and pain in the hands and feet. Your training has been helpful with almost all of the above.”
David Barker, broker Phoenix Arizona
This is a fantastic tool!
Chris Hoffman Olympic Gold Medalist coach/trainer USA and China
0 notes
ebodyfusion · 7 years
Free Assessment – worth $47
Learn How
About eBodyFUSION
Free Assessment – worth $47Learn How- Is “The Resonance Effect” The Definitive Reinvention Of Medicine With Frequency Specific Microcurrent?- Serrapeptase Benefits of This Phenomenal Butterfly Enzyme For Chronic Pain, Inflammatory Diseases and Cancer- Blog- DENAS PCM 6 – free pdf- My Ten Month DENAS Vertebra Review Part 1- Wellness Coaching for ProfessionalsShop- DENAS PCM 6 – from $497 with 24+ programs video training bonus worth $1575- VERTEBRA v2- ENART 907- ENART 911 Microcurrent Device | eBodyFusion.com- Avazzia Blue Microcurrent Device | eBodyFusion.com- Avazzia Best Pro 1 Microcurrent Device | eBodyFusion.com- Avazzia Pro Sport Microcurrent Device | eBodyFusion.comAbout eBodyFUSION
Lifetime Access to 24+ videos worth $1575 Special Price:  $497
Upgrade: Professional Bundle 90 Day - 100% Satisfaction eBodyFUSION Microcurrent Ninja Training
Limited time FREE shipping worth $65
"I've been without my original classic DENAS, that I bought from you in 2008, for a few months now and I'm starting to have wrist and foot pain again.  I'm sure it help keep me healthy and am sure it helped me get pregnant in 2009!  What a great machine, can't wait for my DENAS PCM 6 to arrive.  Aloha, Karen ho, Honolulu Hawaii."
Like Karen you need a proven system to solve your pain, boost your energy and rejuvenate even when everything else failed, so click on the green Buy Now button and learn how to do it like a professional and get off the deadly medical treadmil.
 Sign up and I'll send my Free Report about the DENAS PCM 6
Stay in touch and learn more about eBodyFUSION Training and Wellness Coaching for the DENAS PCM 6 and discover how to solve your pain, boost your energy and rejuvenate when you have more time to consider this life changing offer.
Get Instant Access!
Get The Pain Solving Energy Boosting Professional DENAS PCM 6
So You Can Solve Your Pain, Boost Your Energy and Rejuvenate
Buy Now
and learn more about theaccessories and training
September 17, 2017
Special DENAS PCM 6 Report
from the desk of Benedick Howard in Hawaii
As a Wellness Coach I love training and coaching people to optimum results using the  DENAS PCM 6.
Feeling frustrated when it comes to your health and your struggles stressing out over what to do about it, which way to turn, which device to choose, and where to train to guarantee your results?
Or do you feel anxious...angry...even at a loss about your progress and the so called medical health care system and all the kick backs to doctors?
What if I told you that clients of mine are now without chronic health issues and setting realistic physical activity goals and living a life free of pain …
...simply by leveraging the power of 1 new and revolutionary technique that allows them to get around. It's a very unique approach to people with apparently unsolvable health that's turning struggling people looking for solutions into inspiring success stories.
But listen, I get it if this sounds too good to be true. And it's only normal to feel a bit skeptical, even suspicious.
Just let me ask you this: Would hearing more about this new method interest you if I virtually guaranteed it would save you months, even years of continued heartache, pain, disappointment and depression?
And are you an action taker?
If you answered yes to any of the above, I have a big surprise - $1574 of bonuses - because when you buy today, I include my 24+ video online training for FREE and at a price that beats the competition no matter where you look, but hurry this limited special time offer and training will disappear when I get too busy …
So keep reading and you'll see exactly how others are using my system, and how you can too.
I'll reveal the REAL reason why some of the so called SCENAR and DENAS PCM 6 “experts” can leave you worse off than before, because they do not know this strategy that I discovered in a 2 year long study on hundreds of clients back in 2008 to 2010 before I was shut down.  
This study that I am in the process of organizing contains over 70 hours of teleconferences and 450 pages of transcript that became the basis of the online training you'll get as part of my bonuses.
It's a reason very few “experts” talk about... yet it's one that every serious SCENAR / DENAS / ENART / COSMODIC / AVAZZIA / RITM user with virtually any health issue absolutely must know in order to succeed.
Now just a word of warning,
The Odds Are Against You Unless You Really Get This:
I'm the furthest thing from a pessimist, but the numbers don't lie.
Are you aware that MRI scans for the back are on the rise and linked to high costs and relatively low success rates while physical therapy proves more effective.  Source: Deyo R. A. et al (2009) Overtreating Chronic Back Pain: Time to Back Off?
Or, that a APTA survey highlighted that almost two-thirds of Americans experience low back pain, yet 37% of the population do not see a professional to relieve their symptoms?
And as frightening as it may sound, data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) proved that the number of Medicare beneficiaries purchasing a TENS unit (an inferior SCENAR type device), doubled between 2006 and 2010.
Surprise surprise …
and here's another one:
although the use of TENS treatment was on the rise in people on Medicare, in 2012 CMS stopped reimbursing patients for TENS units for the treatment of chronic LBP.
Altogether those numbers do not bode well for you ... and you absolutely need an edge.
I believe there is a way of approaching things that helps you avoid becoming just another number inside a medical nightmare statistic...
Why You Should Listen To Me 
In case you don't know me already, my name is Benedick Howard.
++ Bachelor of Science, development engineer for General Electric. ++ 30 years experience coaching people worldwide with chronic pain. ++ A profound understanding of SCENAR microcurrent application for solving the underlying causes of chronic pain. ++ I have been featured on British Television talking about SCENAR live in front of  8 million people and on PBS worldwide. ++ 66 years at the University of Hard Knocks! ++ and I have a passion for the Ukulele, Ashtanga yoga, jogging, Frisbee and raw food off grid living in Hawaii
Now, how did I go from a nobody to someone folks all over the world turn to for advice?
Let me tell you what you're about to receive is raw and unfiltered, and it isn't all wine and roses.
And I don't believe in sugarcoating the truth, but I do believe the lessons I learned along the way will save you months, even years of frustration and pain.
Here's how: I struggled with chronic pain for decades from the age of 14.
Back in 1965 my father was demolishing a small outbuilding on the farm in England and he had told me not to go there. Never the less I climbed over the rubble to take a look, and out of nowhere, a block from the partially standing wall fell on my head.
I saw stars and fell unconscious cutting my knees, and in that instant my life was changed. I came to with blood pouring down my face, I stumbled into the the farmhouse.
My mother's face turned white as she got out the disinfectant and began to clean me up.  
All she would say was “Your Dad told you not to go there”, because of my injuries I did not get a whipping, not that time anyway.
Needless to say the pain in my neck hurt bad for weeks. In that instant I could not run cross country anymore. After the doctors suggested surgery, but could not guarantee any results.
Of course I refused.
Over the years the pain got worse. I had dizzy fits. I developed asthma. And in my 20's and 30's my lower back pain and frozen upper back got worse, the onslaughts of pain more debilitating.
Down the road I learned to live with pain, yet deep inside I knew from within and my dreams that there had to be a solution (despite the doctors naysaying)
and consequently I set out on a journey to do the impossible ...
Many times my dreams have been a source of inspiration for me and showed me how to think out of the box. And as a development engineer for GE I helped create a couple of patents, but the corporatized world was not for me.
I figured I'd rather be poor than pay taxes that are used to make war and kill people.
Believe me I remember the day when everything changed for me.
In March 1982 I discovered Yoga and took weekly classes with an understanding instructor who nurtured me and I trusted her.
And little by little I learned how to stretch my tight seized up muscles.
Despite it being incredibly painful to stretch I stuck with it and was beginning to become more flexible.
Then after 5 1/2 months my yoga teacher went to India, never to return...
“That's Life” as Frank Sinatra says.
I tried another class (there was not much choice in Toronto in the 80's), I did not have the rapport with the instructor and I ended up flat on my back for a week.
Then in 1984 after returning from a year in Africa traveling 12,000 miles overland and visiting many tribes like the Dogons and the Ituri pygmies...
I came back to Canada in culture shock ...
However, I meditated and prayed and set my goals and by 1987 I was invited and accepted to take over the research of a naturopath Dr Randall Baer's Starcrest Academy.
I expanded on his concepts around the USA and into Canada, collecting data, and based on my engineering skills and dreams I invented a sound healing environment.
This is how it works, laying inside the environment that we named the “DreamWeaver” you actually FEEL the music.
And that really helped me manage the pain.
But if I did anything too physical it would bite me in the back.
Over the years these sound environments and the training I developed went worldwide.
From my earlier yoga experience I had seen a window of opportunity that would open up again years later in Los Angeles in 1999.
Meantime I was still on a path of at times massive pain, feeling irritable and incapacitated and of little worth to the world.
I was stressed and in an unhealthy relationship, and my ex God bless her, suggested I try out an Ashtanga yoga studio on Sunset Boulevard close to where we lived.
So for 6 months I went 6 days a week. I explained to the instructor Noah, what was going on for me and he skillfully nurtured me over the months into the demanding Ashtanga sequence.
… it was simply amazing.
I even started running again. But around the five month mark I kept getting the message to quit for a while. I was energetically depleted and addicted to the dopamine highs.
One day after yoga I came out of the studio a little dazed, walked to the cross walk and began to cross the street …
then all hell let loose …
Screeching tires, billowing acrid smoke and one of cars side swept me. I fell, bruised and scraped but OK.
Another cosmic 2x4 lesson ...
I got up brushed myself off and feeling embarrassed ran shaking to my home and right away used the sound healing environment to calm my nerves.
Whew that was a close shave.
And still I occasionally did my practice until I moved to London in 2001.
It was there, one day I was introduced to SCENAR in a pub, used it for a year then trained to the Master's level with Professor Revenko.
All of a sudden, after helping many clients, I was on live TV in front of 8 million people with the my sound healing and SCENAR work.
.. and got back into my now 6 days a week yoga practice in the amazing spacious Ashtanga studios, until returning to Hawaii in 2003.
Then, it was during my years of practice in Hawaii that a whole new level of pain surfaced one day out of the blue...
One morning I woke up alone and unable to move even to get out of bed.
Desperate, that is when I intuited a new SCENAR application strategy that finally worked to prove that the doctors were wrong, my chronic pain was curable.
You see over the years the Ashtanga Yoga was stretching deeper into my body.
The engineer in me tested this strategy when the opportunity happened for years with other clients and in 70 hours of weekly teleconference training sessions, so I knew we were onto something BIG.
Sometime later I ripped one of the intertransversal muscles deep in my lumbar …
.. within hours my sciatica hurt so much I could barely walk.
And now using the data I had collected over the years and by modifying my earlier discovery I was able to heal the torn muscles in a remarkable 12 days.
Most importantly: I finally knew how to reverse my chronic pain, after 40 plus years.
And furthermore aside from the chronic pain for which the SCENAR type technology is infamous, there is a whole list of stuff it can do.
So keep reading and I'll show you details of the $1574 worth of bonuses, and my 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Your Bonus:
In the members only training area you'll get lifetime access to the video instructions for all of the 24 preset programs built into the DENAS PCM 6.
And there's more:
If you have a child or are microcurrent sensitive I'll include those videos too.
And the Welcome, Unboxing and Orientation videos ... all essential detailed instructions you need to have to get going and to succeed. This is a true bonus for FREE so that you can rest assured that you know how to apply your DENAS PCM 6 for about any health situation you can imagine to boost your energy, solve your pain and even solve the underlying causes.
You might be curious “Why the change of heart?”
February 1st 2017 out of the blue I got Shingles, real bad, and I did not know what it was then. The pain was excruciating. I was intolerant to microcurrent and so I had to resort to some drastic measures like using chlorine gas, the details I'll share later as a blog post.
I lost weight and by the end of the month I weighed only 120 lbs. I've always been a light weight, but not a featherweight!
As my Ukulele teacher Andy rightly remarked “Shingles make you see God”,
Through this experience I reconnected into the spiritual realm for the first time since my boys were kidnapped in 2003 and the years of emotional pain, court appearances, traveling to the mainland to search for them and the loss that only those who have gone through the CPS Family Court nightmare can truly relate to.
However painful as it was the Shingles gave me time to review my life and make a bucket list of unfinished business, and for that I am eternally humbled.
I used to be known as the most expensive high end wellness coach and trainer in this niche, and it attracted some awesome clients like:
++ Gold medalist sports coach ++ Corporate executives ++ Coaches ++ Doctors ++ Chiropractors ++ Massage Therapists ++ An Delta airline pilot ++ University management staff ++ Nutritional experts ++ and others whose testimonies you can find on this site eBodyFUSION.
So, as my bucket list grew, and my dreams got clearer and clearer during February, March and April, as I slowly recovered, I realized that I had been sitting on 450 pages of case history transcripts and 70 hours of teleconference recordings that I had not released to the public.
My testing and irrefutable proof of the phenomenal results that can be obtained even with the simplest microcurrent technology.
Right now at the time of writing it's in process of going public and I did a quick pre-launch video about the “ebodyFUSION T Archives”.
Well, another thing that happened is that my body cleaned out deeply and I have become:
++much clearer ++more focused ++reconnected to my life purpose ++and enthused to share
… therefore, I decided to give you exactly what you need to know for FREE.
Below you'll see all the details of the DENAS PCM 6 24 programs and what they address for a huge range of conditions, basically plug and play ... apply and heal.
Benedick Wellness Coach and founder of eBodyFUSION
PS DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical professional, I am a Wellness Coach and on the purchase page you'll be acknowledging my disclaimer clause.
 Buy Now
List of the 24 Automated DENAS PCM 6 Programs and what they do:
Buy Now
The DENAS PCM 6 is the best value professional hand held device on the planet - complete with DENAS Therapy videos for all the 24 DENAS PCM 6 Programs.
Just these training modules and being assured that you are doing it right are worth way more than the price of the DENAS PCM 6.
Think of all therapists and money spent and the travel time ...
For now,
Lifetime access to my 24+ Video BONUS that took me years of pain, research and trials and errors that will save you months and years of being in pain. Worth $1128
3 NEW children settings and built in treatment protocols with training video bonus worth your child's health. These setting are used for “sensitive” folks like children and also very stressed adults who are microcurrent sensitive. Video training modules INCLUDED Worth $197
How to use the screen, MED, ultra low frequencies and the 10 frequency sets are basically described in the manual.
But as the application strategies change over time as your body changes you need me hands on to really benefit from those settings and you'll also learn the phenomenal predictive strategies that we discovered last year.
For example the screen pinpoints where you need to spend more time and it's often not where your think it might be is.
This professional wellness coaching upgrade called the ...
Professional Bundle 90 Day 100% Satisfaction eBodyFUSION Training System
and is available on the next sales page after you purchase the DENAS PCM 6 with the FREE 24+ video training.
Note: some of the 24 Automated Programs require the Pad Set, ESPECIALLY if you have persistent chronic situations. Pad Set and video training modules INCLUDED Worth $197
Professional Bundle 90 Day 100% Satisfaction eBodyFUSION Training System includes the probe, massage set, pad set, goggles and foot pad which can be used for earthing while you are sitting on you computer.
together with 90 days 100% Satisfaction Guarantee training.
The DENAS PCM 6 has 24 automated express treatment/prevention programs and 14 advanced modes an all in one solution with earthing frequencies too.
FREE worldwide shipping directly from Russia with guaranteed delivery in 10 - 15 working days. Worth $52.
ALL SALES ARE FINAL, no returns or refunds UNLESS you grab the Professional Bundle 90 Day 100% Satisfaction eBodyFUSION Training System
Let me explain my thoughts about this.
In 15 years of selling these devices they have been close to 100% reliable with the exception of the ports that they fixed in the PCM 6. The pad sets and other accessories have been 100% reliable and the strongest longest lasting available.
Should it break I always have a spare laying around that you can borrow till yours is fixed, think of it as saving you on buying insurance. Takes about 3-4 weeks. Worth $97
Now here is a SHOCKING statistic I saw on Amazon
“84% of all (SCENAR) buyers put it on the shelf in less than a month” Dr Tom.
Whoa 84% put it on the shelf. Were these hopeful impulse purchases, or what that did not have a clue how to use it?
As a wellness coach you can trust that I care about your success and have spent years training and coaching people just like you, keeping the data and continuously improving the range of already phenomenal results.
It can take some time for chronic issues especially in this nnEMF microwaved, blue light, GMO stressful world.
Bottom line I don't care to just sell, sell, sell or to waste your time and money.
Above all you want results, right?
2 Year manufacturer's warranted.
To qualify for the 100% Satisfaction clause, you must complete the 90 day training and weekly assessments. To support you for 90 days will get my 24/7 Facebook support and much more.
Otherwise as I explained I am a wellness coach, it's up to you to do the work. Fair?
Your results will depend on your efforts.
Nobody else on the planet has a 15 year track record of a proven online training system with total bonuses worth $1574
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Stay in touch and learn more about eBodyFUSION Training and Wellness Coaching for the DENAS PCM 6 and discover how to solve your pain, boost your energy and rejuvenate when you have more time to consider this life changing offer.
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The all new automated  DENAS PCM 6 is for you if you want to solve pain, boost energy and rejuvenate.
The DENAS PCM 6 has 24 automated sequences for all common ailments with on screen location and application time suggestions backed up by the DENAS PCM 6 excellent manual.
4 NEW settings for children from birth to 12 years and 14 treatment and prevention modes.
Limited time offer FREE shipping
DENAS PCM 6 Specifications:
Basic Frequencies: 60, 77, 125, 140 and 200 Hz
Modulated Frequencies: 77/10 Hz, 77/20 Hz and 77 AM
Infra Frequencies: 1.0 to 9.9 Hz
24 Automated Programs  that guide you with onscreen instructions
Scheduler - to remind you when to make the next application
Diagnostic modes - 10 Hz MED (Minimum Effective Doze) and 5 second SCREENING
General Specifications for DENAS PCM 6:
2 AA Batteries 1.5v Net weight 0.77 lbs (0.35 kg) Dimensions 145×55×45 mm
The DENAS PCM 6 device generates bipolar electrical pulses, felt as gentle tingles, that dynamically adapts to the changes of the skin impedance as your pain reduces, your energy is boosted and old injuries rejuvenate.
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 To get results quickly we recommend 1 hour daily the first week, easily done (especially with the accessories) while you are sitting down or even sleeping.
Remember “Success Loves Speed”
Warranty DENAS MS has a limited one-year warranty against defect of material or workmanship The warranty becomes invalid when: More than one (1) years have passed since purchase or if the unit was damaged because of misuse or improper use.  Units are returned to Russia for repairs - 1 month turnaround - very rare and I'll loan you one if needed.  No need to buy insurance.
No returns, refunds and exchanges with this special offer. Allow 10 - 12 business days for delivery anywhere in the world
You may want to consider the 100% Satisfaction upgrade on the next page.
DISCLAIMER:  The DENAS PCM 6 Training is not medical advice or for the treatment of any medical condition.
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FACT:  Did you know that SCENAR and DENAS are microcurrent biofeedback devices originally designed by Dr Alexander Karosev?
I feel the training program, esp. with all the videos, is a big selling point. Since I purchased my DENAS I have directed many friends to your site Benedick. When I talk to them about buying a device I always emphasize the great training that you provide.”
Dr David Ridley MD Tempe Florida
The doctors diagnosed me with nerve impingement, bulging of discs and stenosis along my whole spine. Later I went back for a MRI and the doctors were amazed – “Wow your body is healing itself” to them they could not understand that.”
Billy Jaeschke, Roofer, Mountainview Hawaii
Herniated discs, had hard time turning my head, arm going dead, numb for years.  After a couple of sessions felt the difference immediately.  Gone diabetes sores from legs, arms and chest, no more itching, sleeping better.”
Ruth Smith retired, Salem Oregon
Everybody was giving me different advice for lower back, sciatica and neck.  Lots of pain keeping me up at night. I was miserable for six months.  Now, sleeping at night, minimal soreness.  After healing crisis feeling much better, now it’s really working.”
Jenn Bowers, coach Pahoa Hawaii
Thanks to the training I am able to do my stained glass art without having to endure the pain in my back and hands. Will treat my hands after working all day and will have no pain. Also, have arthritis in right shoulder, pain controlled by the DENAS. No longer use my allergy medicine, treat sinuses freq especially when I have symptoms.”
Barb Wilson artist, Madison Wisconsin
The training helped me to fully understand the basic principles of the DENAS.  And especially the importance of the neuropeptides which motivated me to do the entire body.”
Russ Fleming retired, Santa Cruz California
I have a chronic, autoimmune disease that manifests itself with many different pain syndromes – paresthesia, joint pain, back pain, muscle pain, numbness and pain in the hands and feet. Your training has been helpful with almost all of the above.”
David Barker, broker Phoenix Arizona
This is a fantastic tool!
Chris Hoffman Olympic Gold Medalist coach/trainer USA and China
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Stay in touch and learn more about eBodyFUSION Training and Wellness Coaching for the DENAS PCM 6 and discover how to solve your pain, boost your energy and rejuvenate
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Disclaimer:  the 1980's Russian's SCENAR clinical trials on 18,255 people achieved 88.50% average cure rates, and naturally your results will vary according to various factors.  The results you get are because of the powerful cascade of beneficial effects of electricity on your body, animals and even plants. The success stories on this site illustrate what others have obtained with my training and coaching and your success will depend on you to regularly self apply your DENAS PCM 6.
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