#Not a particular playlist persay
obsidianonslaught · 7 years
♪♩♫, ♦, ☯ ,☄ (( ;) also regarding the muse-aimed half of the last one I think I probably know the answer, but did it for the lols
((Answers under the cut~ ♥
♪♩♫ Does music inspire your muse? What’s one song on your playlist that reminds you of your muse?
For Burton, probably not–at least not for his during-series work. He’s very hands-on, but takes those things seriously, likes careful planning of things and relying on his own experiences/his brains to see that the job is done well. Which isn’t to say he isn’t emotional! (I’d argue he’s actually a very emotional character!) And there are definitely points where his emotions over-rule his reasoning and planning and he acts more in-the-moment rather than on the rationality.
Outside of work, possibly! He knows quite a few languages, and music may have very well been something he listened to in order to help him learn. Especially when he was a kid? (Lolly likes to tune to music stations on the radio and Burton lets him play them when they aren’t trying to do anything too serious. And the two of them definitely sing along to stuff that comes on sometimes.)
I like to listen to music in general, but Burton’s stories/interactions/the writing process for him is not particularly inspired by any music. (It’s more like sometimes I listen to stuff and can say to myself, oh hey, I think this song really fits him/this particular situation!) I don’t know if I could pick just one song that reminds me of him? I’ve actually got a little playlist for him, there are a lot of songs that fit. Some highlights I especially associate with him though are Run by AWOLNATION, Dark Side of Me by Coheed and Cambria, Vicarious by Tool, Alabama by 10 Years,  Masterpiece Theatre 2 by Marianas Trench, and The Audience by Coheed and Cambria.
♦ What’s an AU that you’ve always wanted?
Honestly Zoids + His Dark Materials has always been something that’s really interested me? (Burton’s daemon would be a dragon.) I have some headcanon stuff and just general notes I’ve played with for that, and I’ve grown more fond of the idea over time. There’s just a lot of interesting stuff to incorporate and work with, and I like to work with dark stuff in general in my headspace, and there’s a lot of potential for that there (also just adding in fantasy world aesthetic and distopian stuff because that’s one of the things I like to write).
Also I think animal!verse would be really fun (and dragon!verse, but that’s just because I really, really like dragons), in which he’d also be a dragon (though he’d also make a good crow, flying fox, secretary bird?). A very cowardly dragon, all talk and no bite–I imagine like, Blake stomping on his feet while he just sulks about it and maybe gets really snarky. Or him sarcastically coughing smoke into other’s faces while making really bombastic gestures and then acting as if he has no idea that there’s a problem. He slinks around and is remarkably silent when airborne, sometimes when he’s had enough of Blake’s shenanigans and has been sent to collect him, just swoops down, scoops him up, and carries him off for lectures back at base. (One of the more enjoyable moments of the job!)
I also have a more for-fun medieval AU thing. Sandra is a princess who becomes fed up with royal duties and decides to go out and hunt down her father’s murderer. She enlists the help of a very diplomatic dragon (Burton) who can take on a human form and acts as her traveling  companion. They are eventually joined by Sandra’s nephew (Luke) who decides to basically run away with them because he’s a lot more interested in pursuing a life as an inventor than being a nobleman, and a very grumpy for-hire mercenary (Blake). And the four of them just go off and have adventures/get into trouble.
☯ Is there a muse you’ve always wanted to play?
Yes! But I am not sure I would have the time to do any more/am a very shy person and getting into the RP community has always been something very hard for me, I’m not all that sure I would be able to integrate into anything more? Zoids is near and dear to me and is the only series I’ve ever taken up RP like this with, so it’s familiar territory and I’ve been here for a while already. And Burton is likewise a character that is and forever will be very near and dear to me as well–he’s not “easy” to write persay, but I am very comfortable with him and think his general disposition/his character is something that I can compliment with my writing style.
But other muses I’ve wanted to play! Starscream from the Transformers: Prime series (I actually like to do a lot of my own imagining human!verse stuff with him, but as the robot too, yes), and Dartz from Yu-Gi-Oh!: Waking the Dragons. The latter of the two there’s a whole lot of headcanon stuff going back into like, middle or elementary school?, and there things get strange and tangled up in a lot of magic-based things. I think I could theoretically write for both of them, I’ve probably done a lot more of my own (incomplete/incoherent) writing pieces for Star, and more world-building stuff for Dartz (pre-series and post-series), but I’m just really shy and don’t know if I would be biting off more than I could chew!
I also have some OCs (most of them are Zoids-related), but again, I have enough trouble just trying to keep up with Burton. I’m not so sure I could handle any more/if I would want to necessarily bring them over onto formal RP blogs? I think at one point I tried to do that with one of them but it just didn’t really work out/it was hard for me to keep up and keep track.
☄ Do you think your muse would have liked going to high school sports games? Do you or did you go to high school sports games?
Burton not so much, he keeps to himself and had a lot going on even as a child/teen, so I don’t see him as being interested in high school sports (unless he was there to scout for something/doing some sort of information gathering)? Theater is much more his thing. ;D  
I’m not really a big fan of sports in general and cannot say I ever went to high school sports games! (I’m more reclusive haha.)
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christinemaries · 7 years
September is here and it feels like fall. The days are warm but not too warm. I sat outside of the coffee shop with an ice water and a jacket. twice. it was a longer day. I did get sent home early but not as early as i had anticipated or expected. darren was there and he’s my favourite person to work with because we get into great chats and i feel like i can really be myself with him. he brings out a good side of myself that i really like and strive to spread light to the world. we both are on the same page that the dollar shouldn’t exist and people should have to only work minimally. i reiterated that i would like to ideally put in 5-6 hours per week. he let me pick my playlist when sarah left to do errands and we shared a cheddar chive scone sample. it’s such a treat having fresh baked goods and i really like how sarah prepares her treat. she let me sample some of a cupcake that was so pillowy and buttery. if it was gigantic i would have sunk into it and rolled around. i told darren the comfort i experience in being a passerbyer or traveller in a city. i am too focused on the new to think or worry about what people might think of me. it’s a nice feeling and if i’m curious im going to work hard to ask people anyways. like a man i saw with the solar panel hat. i asked him about it and he responded by taking it off and showing me that there was a screen and music playing. just one of the interesting folk in the neighbourhood. there’s also a man we call 2 hats who is always wearing 2 hats and pushing around a giant cart. the work at backroads isnt hard persay but it does take some concentration with the way we do things. i still dont really make drinks either but more take cash and get people things, much like at the village. a man named jeff spotted me from the village and we had a nice chat about it. he said the fox and coyote population has gone down which has increased the groundhogs. he called them little bears which is highly accurate. i wouldnt agree they are as friendly as he says though because i cant seem to get too close to them without them scampering off. i have only seen one coyote this year and that was with daddy at the dog park. i think they could be confused with city development although the village is sheltered and protected. jeff said he might have a volunteer position for me in the halloween acting scene that takes place. that would be awesome and i’m keen to at some point find an acting group to get myself involved in. now that i’m becoming more grounded. 2 pleasant things in particular occured today. i had enough money for another month’s of riding which is excellent. i gave it to cam who didnt say much but i think he has a lot on his mind. i also talked to dylan, sarah’s friend about foraging and he brought in some of his tomatoes which got turned into brushetta (delicious!!) when i was sitting outside on break, he came by with a book on edible wild plants in north america. i have been dipping in and out of ever since and he said i can borrow it. sarah’s boyfriend, ian, a tree climber also told me there’s a need for climbers and addressed me by my name when i brought him his toast though never formally meeting. i had a chat with a young man about ivy plants today too so that was nice. i went riding after greeting daddy. tex came to me again and enjoyed the apple core i saved him very quickly. he is so good in cross ties and stands very patiently. he didnt hesitate as much going to the grass ring today but spooked when lindsay and her pleasure horse nelly came down to join us. i much prefer riding on my own because then i dont have to think about the other rider and can just focus on what im doing. tex was really good and is getting better at going on a frame. i ride him loosely with one hand and then i frame him up. it’s enjoyable fresh air and i thought to myself very worth the money. i took him to a willow tree along a soybean field after doing some cantering and trot work. he reluctantly backed up at one point but i regained control and trotted him all the way down. we walked the way back which he was very good with. i took a nice unwinding bath and read some more of the plant guide. 
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