#Not sure how the Matt & Bria thing would play out here
drachenfalter · 2 years
Treasure Maps of the Boiling Isles
Okay, I just realized that this
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is the first treasure map we've seen in the show that wasn't a scam or trap.
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When Luz and Eda followed such maps, they were both lead into a trap. And for me, Eda sorta expecting it implies that fake treasure maps are just a common thing on the B.I.
So now I'm suddenly thinking about an AU where the map to the Looking Glass Ruins was actually a trap. Because it easily could have been one.
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briamichellewrites · 8 months
“I’m buying a castle in France. Do you want to come?”
It was a lazy Sunday afternoon. Bria was using her monitor to talk to herself while zooming around the house. She had taken a bath after breakfast, then a nap after lunch. Since they had been busy the previous day, they decided to have a quiet day at home. Mike was watching his wife while playing with the animals. She was in one of her weird moods, so he was letting her be. Her mind was probably tired. He was going to be back in the studio.
Tina and Rachel were coming over. So he didn’t have to worry about her being home alone. Rascal used his paw to clean his face before going back to playing. Neither he nor Misty understood why his human was going around in circles. Humans were strange creatures like that. He jumped up to catch a toy that Mike had thrown at him.
He almost fell on Misty. She grumbled a little. Mike rubbed her head and told her she was okay. She went back to chewing on her bone. Did it taste good? Yes. It tasted like plastic. It also gave her something to chew on that didn’t make the humans angry. She learned that as a puppy after accidentally eating a pair of shoes he had accidentally left by the door. Thankfully, they weren’t expensive. Instead of yelling at her, he gave her one of her toys and told her to chew on that.
She learned her lesson. He tried not to be too angry because she didn’t know any better. The shoes were thrown away in the garbage bin because they were destroyed. Bria stopped at where they were playing. Did she wear herself out?
“Yes, but I don’t want to take another nap. I just want to sit here for a while.”
“That’s fine. You can stay there.”
He noticed how she was breathing. It was as if she was out of breath, which had never happened before. He checked her heart. It was beating quickly. How was she feeling other than tired? She felt like she had gone running. He was going to keep an eye on her heart and he would mention it to Tina when she came over in the morning. Even if it was nothing, he wanted to be one hundred percent sure.
He asked her to let him know if she felt like she couldn’t breathe because then he would take her to the hospital. She promised she would. After a while, her heart rate dropped to a normal rhythm. He was happy, though still cautious.
Tina did a basic inventory of her vitals while she was still in bed the following morning. Her heart rate was normal, as was her blood pressure. He had a right to be concerned. She would keep an eye on her during the day. He thanked her. After saying goodbye, he got his stuff and left. He was running later than usual. This time, he had a good excuse.
He shared it with the band members when he came in ten minutes late. Brad determined it was a good reason. He didn’t tolerate lateness because he wanted to stay on schedule. Things like sleeping in, forgetting, or going back to retrieve a forgotten item were not good enough reasons. Mike had a great reason. He sat down and they officially started working. His phone was in his pocket, just in case of an emergency.
“What do you think, Miss Bria?”
“It’s Monday.”
“That’s right. It is Monday. Did you have a fun weekend?”
“Yes. Mike and I spent the afternoon at Target because I needed new clothes. We then had dinner with Brad and his friends, George and Matt. They came over. I ended up going to bed around nine-thirty. Then, I slept in yesterday and then took a nap.”
“It sounds like you had fun. What’s your friend’s name?”
“Brad. He was busy working on movies, so he wanted to visit when he was home.”
Mike tried to remain focused but his mind was distracted. He checked his phone during breaks to see if he missed anything. Phoenix threatened to take his phone away from him, so he could concentrate. He determined that was a good idea, so he handed the phone to him. They all knew that whenever something happened with Bria, even if it was minor, he became obsessed with it.
He could not escape the anxiety in his mind. Not until he got home and saw that she was okay. They didn’t blame him for being stressed out, though they didn’t want him to obsess over something he couldn’t control in the moment.
Tina and Bria took Misty for a walk around the neighborhood. She had a jacket and her blanket over her lap because it was cold outside. Misty had her tongue out because she was so happy to be outside! The cat was annoying her again, so she was also happy to be away from him for a while. The fresh air felt good on her. She could feel the cold pavement on the bottom of her paws.
It wasn’t too bad. She did her business, which was cleaned up by the human and thrown away. Tina cleaned her hands with sanitizer. She would wash them with soap and water when they got home. Bria stopped to wait for her. I’m coming. When she caught up to her, they continued walking. Misty made sure she was okay. She head-butted her legs, which had become uncovered by the wind. Human, I need help! She bit the blanket and pulled it.
Tina recognized what she was trying to do. She took it from her mouth and repositioned it, so it covered her. Misty smiled satisfied that her human was now warm again. Bria hadn’t noticed the blanket had blown away. Not until she pulled it off. She thanked her and called her a good girl. Yes, I am! Thank you, human! I am a good girl!
Mike thought that was a cute story when he heard about it later. It was likely she hadn’t felt the cold because of her paralysis. She monitored her heart rate and blood pressure multiple times throughout the day. They were all stable. She understood why he was anxious about it. He was just happy nothing happened. Bria came over to them after getting her diaper changed by Rachel. After going over everything, they switched places.
Bria was feeling energetic. She turned on the music before going around the house. Rachel followed her while he made dinner. He also looked through the notes. It was another quiet day. She took her usual nap after lunch for about an hour. They then took Misty for a walk to get some fresh air. The rest of the afternoon was spent playing with the animals.
She mentioned visiting him and his band, but she didn’t know if that was allowed since they were working. He wrote that it was. They loved having her there! It was not a problem. She stopped her zoomies in the kitchen when it was time for dinner. Since she had taken a bath the day before, they could wait until the next day to do that. He suddenly felt like something was missing, so he went over to his stuff. His phone was missing. Phoenix.
He went over to her monitor and asked if he could use it to call him. Okay. He laughed when he heard him asking if he had his phone. Yes, he did. He would give it to him tomorrow. You would lose your head sometimes if it wasn’t attached to your body, Mike. Yes, he would. They said good night before hanging up. He then put the monitor back on her wheelchair.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon @fiickle-nia
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drachenfalter · 3 years
Hi I’m a fan of your idea of Gus moving to Glandus and becoming friends with Bria and the boys in the process. I saw the scene you did of how though the looking glass ruins and couldn’t help but think of two questions. One is Angmar okay because he seems to replace willow in that scene and she got her arm broken in the original episode. And two who gets this AU’s version of Matt’s speech that helps to boost Gus’s sprites before he puts the smack down on the others.
So, first things first, yes, Angmar probably got hurt. Maybe not enough to break his arm, but definitely enough for Gus to feel bad about it. But like Willow, I'm sure he'll get better soon enough.
For the second question, I'm still not entirely sure how TTLGR would play out in this universe, because the initial conditions are very different (especially if Angmar isn't there.):
In one version, Gus initially doesn't join in on the adventure and instead joins Luz on her research quest, encouraged by his new friends (who might secretly agree with Mattholomule about him not being the adventure type). But of course, without him, they fail to defeat the graveyard keeper. Maybe Gus comes in to save them instead? And I guess Luz might give him a pep talk before, while also trying to hype herself up to fix things with Amity.
In another version, he joins in. Matt spends all day trying to convince everyone that Gus is useless and shouldn't be here in the first place, with Bria slowly getting fed up, because Matt is working against her. When they find out it's a graveyard, Bria actually convinces Gus to take her side (because she knows him and because Gus knows Glandus). But Matt wants him gone and knows the best way to do that is to appeal to his morals and get him to stand up to Bria. So in a way, Matt still gives him a pep talk.
(Because I want him to stay friends with the Glandus kids, I'd probably go with option one.)
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