#Notechis lamia bitty
Shattered!Dream Lamia
Name: Notechis
Species: Tiger snake(Notechis scutatus) and and Black mamba(Dendroaspis polylepis)
Size: 24 - 34 feet total, 2.8 - 5.8 feet standing (fullsize) 20 - 40 inches total, 5 - 9 inches standing (mini) 26 - 56 feet total, 6 - 8 feet standing(bara)
Venom: Yes
Personality: Mischievous, negative, sassy,
Likes: Horror movies, scary things, being cared about,
Dislikes: Feeling alone/ignored/forgotten,
Compatibility: They can control nightmares, and can make them better or worse, depending much they like the person they are affecting they can make them much worse or get rid of them completely, and while they don't mind helping their owners/other bitties they hate to be used just or this reason,
They can also feed off negative emotions and are known for lessening some mental illnesses(such as anxiety, paranoia, depression, and more) and are often adopted by people with these illnesses,
These bitties like scary things though they prefer to not be seen as scary, unless they dislike who sees them as such, then they thing its funny,
They are super sassy and sarcastic, often making little quips and are known for annoying other bitties,
They enjoy annoying others and it might as well be their hobby, though they rarely start fights,
Feeding habits: They do not mind any kind of diet, and will eat live meat, though prefer cooked and seasoned food,
Additional info: They are poisonous and should not be handled by hand! if attempted or touched by accident you should clean the area as soon as possible!
The poison easily seeps through the skin and the side affects vary and severity slightly, though it always worsen negative emotions, said emotions also vary but depression/sadness, paranoia and anxiety are the most common ones,
The poison is only in effect when handled skin to skin contact,
They are not always goopy! This does not mean they are not poisonous!
Zone: N/A, Inside
In Universe: They are seen as a strange bitty, and are often called a 'bad sans' type,
Difficulty: Basic - Intermediate
Main colors: Yellow, black,
Secondary colors: Black, brown, gray,
Extra: Small cobra like hood, though noticeably smaller and thinner,
Additional info: Brighter on the bottom and has thick dark stripes that can be mistaken for bands on top,
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