#Nothin much just lil sketch or two
warverse · 2 years
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Just some War Asriel sketches
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insomniamamma · 4 years
Prickle: Ezra x F! Reader
A/n: Okay, so don’t know what the hell this is. I was trying to go to sleep a few days ago and this just kind of popped in there, the idea of Ez giving the reader a weird nickname. I swear I have a more serious, put together fic in the works, but this demanded my attention first. I meant this to be short, but I suck at keeping things short.
warnings: language, angst, mild violence, lil bit of fluff, no beta
He calls you Artichoke. Since hiring you on, Ezra has thrown a string of nicknames at you, mostly botanical or avian, some referencing things you have never heard of, and this is the one that stuck. Cee is Little Bird most of the time, until she indulges in teen-age surliness and then she's Channel Rat. You are Artichoke. Which would be fine, except you don't have the foggiest idea of what an artichoke is. Nothing about the word triggers anything in your brain.
You are not so well-travelled as Ezra and Cee. You grew up on Falnost, a dusty little fly speck of a moon, only colonized because it orbits a gas giant with lush rings, perfect for ice-mining operations. Falnost has one port city that caters to people who come downworld on leave. The rest is cattle and corn. Nothing to do but pull rocks out of the ground, dig irrigation ditches and spread the sandy dirt with live bacteria concentrates in hopes of convincing the ground to grow something. Not a place for fancy words or much beyond a standard technical education. You scrimped and saved and bought your passage off-world as soon as you could, and you've been drifting ever since. Puggart Bench was the closest you've been to civilization, and even that seemed overwhelming and a bit weird. You suspect artichoke is something from the inner worlds, but you have no idea what it could be. What if it's something bad, or nasty like a channel rat? What if Ezra's been making fun of you, calling you this name?           It started two drops ago on Sammana. You were there to harvest lattice corals. Sammana once had a deep liquid ocean, but now all that was left were vast, glittering salt-flats. It was hot on Sammana. The air, while not toxic, stank like sun-dried shit. The corals themselves were fragile and you had to dig through the salt-pan with hand tools to get to them. By the end of the first day, your hands were raw and sobbing from a hundred salt-burnt cuts. You were hired on as muscle, but Ezra's been teaching you the trade as well. Many hands make light work, he said, and dimpled at his own joke, being down one hand himself.           The dig did not go well. The corals you were finding were few and of mediocre quality at best. Enough to keep you fueled and flying, but little else. There was less than a cycle before you had to catch the slingback and even Ezra's mood was dark.             "I'm callin it," he said, after a small and brittle coral crumbled in his hand. "We got enough to get us onto the next job. Fueled and flying, right?"             "Fueled and flying," you echoed back, grabbing the railgun and taking point. Camp was some ways and the sun overhead felt like a physical weight grinding down on you. The railgun was heavy, sweat ran into your eyes and pooled under your body armor. So much miserable effort for so little reward. Today's pull was a pittance, a little extra fuel, a little extra data bandwidth and that's all. You swiped the sweat from your eyes for the hundredth time today. You were over it. Camp resolved itself out of the heat-glitter rising up from the salt crusted ground, the drop pod sitting in a crater of shattered salt, the tent next to it, hooked up to the pod's RTG by a thick braided cable. The tent's flaps were open. Someone was moving inside.             "Oh, hell no!" You pelted towards camp, railgun raised, the figure paused, and then continued rifling through the tent. He had your trophy case at his feet, what little you've been able to collect over the last cycles and this bastard meant to take all of it.            "Hands in the air motherfucker!" The thief dropped his haul and raised his hands. "The fuck out of the tent, right fucking now!" You felt Ezra and Cee behind you, heard their hard breaths.            "I didn't mean nothin," he says, "I thought this camp was abandoned--" And something snapped in you. Never in your life had you been this angry.            "Bullshit you did! Abandoned with the pod still hot?" You primed the railgun, and aimed through the scope right between this dumbass's eyes, and then you felt Ezra's hand on your arm. He spoke low and close to your ear.            "Ease up on the rails, there, Artichoke, ain't no need for bloodshed yet." And for as angry as you were, you did as he asked, relaxed your stance some. Ezra walked toward the kid, no mercenary, this, just some dumb local.            "My friend here wants to shoot you," Ezra said, "And she is well within her rights to do so. We have toiled long to get what little we could out of this bitter ground."            "I'm sorry!" said the would-be thief, "I didn't mean nothin--"            "What you meant or didn't mean is not the issue here," said Ezra, "What you do next is going to determine whether you walk away or I tell my over-eager associate here to indulge her violent nature. Here's what is going to happen. My partner, Cee, knows every stitch of equipment we own. You  will dump your pack for her, turn out your pockets and give back everything that's ours. One aggressive move and Artichoke here will kill you. Rely on it. You do what I say and you get to walk away with your life. Clear?"           "Clear," he said. He dumped his pack as instructed and Cee picked through the contents, reclaiming several items.           "We're good,"said Cee, and gave the thief a shove, "Get out of here." He turned and started running, you fired a few shots that crackled into the salt-pan at his heels.           Later, as you broke camp, you and Ezra got into the first real argument you'd had. So far you've managed to keep things professional, but the anger was still there, hot and pulsing behind your eyes.           "You should have let me shoot him,"           "It doesn't always have to come down to shooting," said Ezra, "Things turned out right in the end. We kept our harvest and that foolish boy gets to keep on breathing."            "He was trying to steal our whole harvest," your voice rose, "Gods be damned, Ezra, you know what that means. You of all people--"            "He was a kid," Ezra's eyes were wide and dark, "Not much older than our Cee. Would you have that kind of blood on your hands?" There was no good answer. Ezra had all the words, you struggled with them. There was no way to speak back. Ezra sensed something shift in you, something in the slump of your shoulders. He laid his hand on your upper arm, gave a brief squeeze.           "It's alright, Artichoke, We're all safe. It's alright."
          Since that crazy day on Sammana, you've been Artichoke, and you don't know what to make of it. You can't ask Ezra directly. Ezra has ten different words for everything. You don't always understand him. You don't know if he's doing it on purpose, but sometimes he makes you feel stupid. You can imagine his self-satisfied smile as he explains the why of your nickname. You're not about to ask him. So you decide to ask Cee.           It's morning and you hand Cee a dented metal cup with fake coffee in it. Ezra shoots you a look and you shoot him one right back. You shouldn't give her coffee, he'd said, it'll stunt her growth, to which you'd said, Kevva's sakes, she was processing Jhata Balu at twelve. I think she can handle a cup of coffee. Ezra is a morning person, one of the things about him that infuriates you. You and Cee have barely joined the land of the living and he's up and about and doing maintenance on his suit. One handed, he struggles, but you've learned not to offer help. You did once and the look he gave you made you want to strap your body armor a little tighter. So you just tune out the string of muttered curses coming from the other end of the tent. You've learned to tell when Ezra is talking to himself.           "Hey, Cee?"           "Mmmh?"           "What's an artichoke?" You pitch your voice low, but there's heat prickling in your neck. Cee sips her coffee and smiles, a slow, one sided grin, like she's been expecting the question.            "It's a Terran plant," she says, and pulls her battered notebook and pen from under her pillow, furrows her brow as she sketches. She turns the notebook so you can see. "It looks kind of like this." And now you are even more confused, presenting with what looks like a scaly ball on a thick stem. What this has to do with you, you can't even guess.
          "Why does he call me that?" You ask, and Cee just stares over her coffee cup like she's staring into the black hole at the center of the galaxy, "Cee! Why does he call me that?" Cee smirks and jerks her head up. And the fact of the relative silence hits you, Ezra's muttered string of curses is done and you hear him chuckle close and behind. You bow your head, heat rushing to your face. 
          "If you wanted to know the reason for your moniker you could have just asked," says Ezra, you're not looking at him, but you can practically hear him smirk. He's gone and done it again, set a snare of words, and you've bumbled into it. You clench your hands and jaw and turn to face him, best to absorb whatever little humiliation he has planned for you so you can get back to your coffee.           "Fine," you say, and it comes out angrier than intended. It is too early in the morning for this. "Why do you call me Artichoke?" His brows furrow briefly and his smirk softens into a warmer smile, the kind that crinkles his eyes at the corners. He squeezes your upper arm, like on Sammana, but there's no body armor between you.           "I call you Artichoke because I believe that, like an artichoke, you conceal beneath your prickly exterior a tender, delectable heart." He drops you a wink and then jams his helmet on and out the tent flaps into the sticky heat of day.          "Good one, Ez," Cee calls to his retreating back and the purr of the zippers pulled back up, "Real subtle."           "What. The. Utter fuck?" You mutter into your cup of shit fake coffee. You shake your head. You and Cee suck down your coffee in silence for a beat.           "You know he likes you, right?" Says Cee.           "Well, I should hope so," you say, "We're crew." Cee is giving you a look of pity and condescention that somehow only teenagers can manage. Oh.           "Oh. Oh no! No no no no no!" The realization comes pouring out of you and Cee giggles. "Nope! Not in a million years! Hard no!" But part of you thinks this is wrong even as you say it. Part of you likes the idea of being Ezra's artichoke, his tough and prickly thing with soft insides. Part of you wonders what would happen if you let him in beneath your spiky outer layers, just a little.
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bl597 · 4 years
Hello, sweetheart. I was wondering if you could write something about Sirius. Basically he is really good at painting and he is in relationship with the reader. He goes like- you'll be my muse. And while he paints, he keeps on muttering how beautiful the reader is and all that fluffy stuff. Bonus points if the reader is a lil insecure of her features. Thank you!
hello, honey!! hope you enjoy it!! 💖
warnings: so sweet it might rotten your teeth, young!sirius x reader, english is not my first language, so I'm sorry for any mistakes! requests are open!
my masterlist ♡
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Sirius Orion Black might look like a bad boy and a heartbreaker to whoever looks at him. But, in reality, he was the biggest sweetheart you've ever met. You and Sirius have been dating for almost two years now and ever since the first moment you two started dating, he treated you like you were the most precious thing in the whole world.
One of the things he's the best at is drawing and painting. He adores it and makes the most lovely pieces you laid your eyes on. He had this natural talent to transform anything in something so beautiful and exquisite in just a few lines and brush strokes. It was extraordinary and you admired it a lot.
Sirius have been hiding himself behind a sketchbook for the last weeks, always drawing something randomly. You sometimes tried to look at it to see what had him so concentrated, but he never let you and always hide it from you. It was a bit weird, but you would never pressure him to do something he didn't want to, so you just stopped trying to look at it and respected his space.
Even though you wanted so badly to see what he had been spending his time on, you didn't want to see anything without his consent, because that was wrong and he would get really upset if you did. So you decided to try and ignore it, just focus on something else so you could 'forget' about it.
You were just chilling now, wearing his oversized red and gold sweater while reading a book when you heard someone murmuring something you couldn't really hear. Looking up you saw Sirius drawing something, brows furrowed and bottom lip between his teeth, quill softly tracing the parchment in a shape you didn't know.
“Beautiful” you heard him say quietly, quickly glancing at you before turning his attention back to the parchment in front of him.
“Honey? What're you doing?” you asked softly, watching as his lips curved themselves in a smile when you two locked eyes.
“Nothin', love” he winked at you before turning back to the parchment once again.
You huffed, trying to ignore your curiosity while you opened the book again to read it.
Today was yours and Sirius' 2nd year anniversary and the the day couldn't be more lovely; it was a Sunday, which means you have no classes for the rest of the day, the weather is fantastic and the flowers in the garden outside look as beautiful as ever. You woke up earlier than you would do in a weekend just so you could plan the perfect day for you and Sirius.
First, you would have breakfast and then you would walk around the castle for a while. Second, you would have a small picnic next to the Black Lake. Then you would give him the gift you had bought: the set of paints and brushes and a new sketchbook. You heard him saying he needed to buy more things for painting, since his were almost at the end, so you just bought it to him. Then, after that, you would go to the Astronomy tower to stargaze while having dinner and stay there before coming back to the common room.
You had just finished your breakfast and were ready to start your day. Gently pulling Sirius by his hand, you lead him to outside the castle for a walk. He whined, telling you it was too early and that you should be sleeping right now, to which you only replied with a playful eye roll.
After a few minutes you two arrived at the perfect spot for the picnic: under a big, beautiful tree. You both then started unpacking the things, putting all the food and drinks on top of the tablecloth before sitting down next to each other, so you could lay in each other's arms while enjoying the view and the food.
You spent a good part of your day there, just goofing around and kissing, telling how much you love each other. Sirius then suddenly got up, saying that it was already time to go and you furrowed your brows, asking him what happened.
“Well, I have a surprise for you too, and we should go to where it is now!” he exclaimed, packing the things up and putting it back in the bag you brought them.
“Wait, Sirius! I forgot to give you your gift!” you grabbed the bag and started looking for the red small box with a golden ribbon, before handing it to him with a nervous smile “I think you may like this.”
He smiled, giving you a quick peck before carefully opening the box, smiling widely when he saw what was inside. “You didn't have to, love.” he said softly, pulling you into a hug.
“Yeah, but I wanted to. Besides, you've been talking about it for months, and since it is our anniversary today, I thought it would be a nice gift.”
“Thank you, baby.” he kissed you once again before pulling you with him to the "secret" place.
About five minutes later you arrived at the Gryffindor tower, but Sirius didn't stop; instead, he led you to the boys' dorm, not stopping untill you reached the door of his dorm. He then turned around to you, telling you to close your eyes, which you, a little unsure, did.
Then he held your hand, gently leading you to the right way so you wouldn't bump into something. Before he told you to finally open your eyes, you heard someone – probably James – yelling something like “Please don't do anything on my bed!” and then someone – probably Remus – telling him to shut up and you giggled.
When you finally opened your eyes, you gasped, already feeling your eyes watering. The beds were at the corner of the dorm, and there was a small table and two chairs in the middle of the room, petals of red roses all over across the floor, leading you to the table. The room was dark, only illuminated by the light of small candles placed on random places. It was the most romantic and beautiful thing someone ever did to you, and you were almost crying right now.
Two strong arms wrapped around your waist pulled you closer to Sirius' embrace, a smile on both your faces. Turning around to face him, you wrapped your arms tightly around his neck, hiding your face in his chest. “The dumbasses really know how to decorate places.” he chuckled whilst placing a kiss on your cheek “Happy anniversary, love.”
“Happy anniversary, honey. I love you.”
You both had a lovely dinner, softly talking about your weeks and all the exciting stuff that happened to you. After eating and quietly talking for a while, he got up and looked for something on his drawer and then came back to you, giving you a little box with a wide smile.
“What is it?” you asked, already smiling.
“Open it!”
You started delicately opening the box, trying not to demage the package so much, furrowing when you saw what was inside it. You took the small black sketch book out of the box, raising a brow at Sirius. “Your sketchbook?”
“Open it, silly!” he excitedly said, trying to hide his enormous smile.
Giggling you turned your attention back to the sketchbook you were holding and started carefully flipping through the pages, smiling when you saw the first one.
“To my beautiful and amazing muse who makes me happy everyday and who inspired me to do all of this, (Y/n) (Y/l/n). I love you.
– Sirius Black, 1976.”
He gave you a small smile, as if encouraging you to keep going, which you gladly did.
The pages were mainly filled with draws of you. You on dates with Sirius, you alone, you discussing about something with Remus, your eyes, lips, nose, mouth, hands, thighs, just you. It was amazing how he could turn all the little flaws that you insisted on pointing into something so beautiful and graceful, or the way he perfectly manages to capture all your emotions in only one page.
There was a draw of you sleeping on his bed, cuddling his pillow while wearing his shirt, and then another draw of you studying with him, brows furrowed as you were too concentrated on the potions homework to even notice your boyfriend drawing you. And then there was the sketch of you in his red sweater last week, peacefully reading your book with a small smile.
When you finished carefully looking at every page, you were left speechless. It was the best gift you've ever received and you couldn't seem to find the right words to express how grateful and amazed you were. You then looked at him with teary eyes and a weak yet big smile on your lips before throwing yourself in his arms, whispering how much you loved it and how much you love him.
“I'm glad you loved it.” he chuckled quietly, kissing the top of your head before cupping your cheeks with both his hands softly, making you look at him. “You are my muse, love, and when I just think about you I am able to do the most amazing works in the world, because you inspire me. I am the luckiest man alive to have someone like you by my side. I love you with all my heart, (Y/n).”
At this point you couldn't stop the tears from falling anymore, every word he said making more and more happy tears freely run down your face as the big smile on your face never faded. “I love you so much, Siri, you're the best boyfriend and best friend someone could ever ask for, and I am so glad to have you with me. I am completely and utterly enamoured by you, my love.”
And that was how you spent the rest of the night: hugging each other as tight as you could, kissing and exchanging “I love you”s all the time. You couldn't think of anything better in the whole world than being in Sirius arms for the rest of the night, just loving each other.
taglist ♡
@bwitchd @fific7 @iamak20 @msmimimerton @grierpilots @idontknowwhatthisisfam @imseeinggred @kashishwrites @tsuukichan
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voooorhees · 4 years
Wax Statues
Vincent sinclair x female reader
cw: sick reader
It was weird how you befriended the Sinclairs, one moment you were walking down the highway and the next you were in Lester's truck talking about bones. Lester somehow managed to talk Bo into keeping you around, claiming that you “could help liven up the town!”
So here you are now, sitting at the kitchen table with Lester and Bo eating the dinner you had cooked, or well, you weren’t eating
“What’s wrong darlin’? Everything good over there?” Lester spoke softly, eyes meeting yours. “You look a lil pale-“ He was abruptly cut off by his older brother “If you’re gonna get sick, don’t do it here” Bo said sharply “Jeez Bo don’t be a bitch right now, the lil lady ain’t feeling good. How about i take your plate and you go lay down?” You nodded. “Yeah Les that would be nice, thank you” you said, voice slightly trembling as you stood and the room started spinning. “Do you think you can help me to my room? I’m a little dizzy” Lester quickly set down your plate on the counter, grabbing onto your arm “Oh! Be careful there darlin’ I got you” You managed a small “thank you” to him as he helped you walk to your bedroom and into your bed. “You ain’t looking too well sugar, I gotta help Bo with something but i’ll send Vincent up with some medicine” he said as he set a hand onto your forehead, “Oh yeah i’ll go get him now, you’re a little warm but you know i can’t keep Bo waiting” You nodded again and told him to keep Bo in check (which you know won’t happen) but you were kinda excited to see the other twin, you don’t see him often and it’s usually in passing. You knew Vincent was very quiet and wasn’t one to speak but you were always happy to see him- something Bo would mess around with you with. “How come you get so happy to see Vince? He ain’t nothin special sugar, he just works and that’s it. He ain’t much of a talker either so i don’t see why you’re happy to see him, you got me and les to talk to” you remembered Bo saying one afternoon after Vincent brought him a tool he needed. You remember how he moved so lithely, he was quiet and his demeanor seemed gentle (even though you knew what they do) and his hair framed his masked face in such an entrancing way. To say the least you were enamored by him. He was different You were thrown from the memory as a soft knock echoed from your door “come in, it’s unlocked” you spoke, heart beating fast as you anticipated seeing Vince The door handle turned quietly and it was pushed open. Vincent’s long hair flowed in as he peaked his head through the door, checking to see if you were in bed. He pushed the door open more and fully stepped in, leaving it open slightly. “Hey Vinny” was all you could manage without your voice shaking. He nodded his greeting and went to walk over to you. Suddenly you felt your whole body get hot and your vision went blurry. You were gonna say something until everything went black and you fell out of the bed. Vincent quickly ran over to you, picking you up bridal style and sat down on the bed with you in his arms, he really didn’t know what to do now. He pulled out the medicine he was going to give you and set it next to him, but a realization hit him. He was holding you and he could see all the details on you. The way your hair fell and how your eyes were closed or even the way your hands fell limply to your side. A thought crossed his mind, something he had been trying to ignore for the longest time, “She is the best artwork i’ve ever seen. An Utter masterpiece, something carved by the hands of a god” he thought, bringing a hand to move some hair out of your face. He sat there with you for a bit, admiring all the little details you carried up close, memorizing it all so he could sketch it out later. He was mesmerized A soft groan came out of you as you woke up, curious on who was holding you. Looking up your eyes met the sharp blue of his
“Oh hi there” you mustered, grinning like a fool. “ ‘re you ok?”. You let out a small laugh, “Yeah i’m okay now that you’re here, did i faint?” you spoke, looking into his piercing blue eye. You really didn’t expect him to speak but he caught you off guard
“yeah you did” he smiled under his mask, his voice was rough from not using it too often
“you have a nice voice vince, could i hear it more often?” you said, sitting up in his lap now, he looked shocked. He just shook his head and laughed faintly
“You need medicine” he laughed. “you dont look too well. Pale.” he said, handing you some pills that he had taken out of the bottle. You took them with the glass of water that was on your nightstand. He went to stand up with you still in his lap, so you instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck so you wouldn’t fall and he held onto you by your thighs. The tension in the air was thick and suffocating, there was no denying the feeling. Vincent’s brain was going too fast to process was just happened, he tried to speak but he just stammered
“You need a nap” he managed to get out, very flustered and face hot enough that he thought it was going to melt his mask. He set you down onto the bed and pulled the blanket over you
“ ‘f you need anythin’ let me know” Vince said on his way out your room.
“I will, and thank you for taking care of me vince, it means a lot. I’ll call for you if i need anything i can’t get myself.” He shook his head in understanment and softly closed the door. You laid there, heart beating quick as his footsteps faded. You had an idea for later but for now you laid down to sleep, you truely were exhausted but your mind was going 100mph thinking about all that just happened. The morning was going to be interesting
//note// so this is my first kinda full length story, so if y'all like this then i can make a part two and whatnot 💜
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chordstrvck-blog · 5 years
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sharp gray eyes size up their unwanted companion through a lung-staled waft of smoke. “ ‘ey. ”  a tip of the chin. cigarette ash darts to pavement. crunch. eddie grinds that shit in, real good. nothin’ like a pair of trusty docs to do the trick. “ what the fuck’s your damage ? ”
or alternatively :  yo, yo, whassgood ?  the name’s liana ( she/her/hers ) and i am so friggin’ hyped to bring you my spoopy lil’ music man, eddie williams !!  below the cut you’ll find a big hodge-podged mess of facts, potential connects, and other delicious chips of info. his favorites are hoppin’ jalapeno crunch tators, thanks for fuckin’ askin’. (   imagine how heartbroken he’ll be when frito lay discontinues them in the 90′s... rest in spaghetti never forgetti.    )
— ❝ wait is that THOMAS HAYES ? or is that KEITH EDISON “EDDIE” WILLIAMS who arrived in las vegas TWENTY-THREE years ago? HE is TWENTY-THREE years old. last time i checked they were a GUITARIST IN CRIMSON & CLOVER / ARTIST AT ATOMIC TATTOOS . rumour has it they’re very BEGUILING and very HARUM-SCARUM. the CISMALE reminds me of SAY WHAT YOU WILL BY FASTWAY.
eddie is the lovely ivy williams [ @poiseonxivy​ ] ’s older brother !  they grew up in a contentious household here in vegas, with an abusive alcoholic for a father and a complacent/despondent mother. fed up with the abuse and chaos, their mother walked out on them when eddie was 13. he and ivy caught her in the act, and this savage kid called her out for being a coward and opened the fuckin’ door for her. “ die in a ditch, ”  is the last thing he ever said to that sorry waste of a woman.
naturally, things with their father only got worse. he was quick to provoke and impossible to please. the williams siblings had to step up to upkeep their home, make sure bills got paid, etc., all while receiving the worst of it from their father. ivy, as the youngest, was blamed for the family’s downfall. eddie got berated and slurred at for his tendency to peruse his sister’s things, paint his middle fingers interesting colors, ask her to do his makeup on halloween. his father was the first person to ever look eddie in the eye and call him a faggot, and, well... that shit dug deep.
it’s not that he’s overly concerned about it. hell, labels are fuckin’ dumb, alright? he’d sooner be gagged with a spoon than told he has to live his life all boxed up. he doesn’t care that the lady at the bar’s stunning and so is the guy pourin’ her drink, alright? what he does care about is... what if he is that thing his dad said? what if he... what if he is the man his dipshit dad saw in him ?
guitarist in el’s band, crimson & clover !  the band formed several years ago and has been playing gigs ever since. it’s definitely made him grow as a guitarist :  you can frequently find eddie chilling on fire escapes experimenting with new riffs and the like. he’s absolutely got that band aesthetic ––  distressed tees, tight pants, leather, leather, leather. doc martens. beat up sneaks. jaw-length hair, wavy. usually teased on stage and left to its own devices off-stage. music has always been an escape for him, especially from the hellscape that was his childhood home. catch him chillin in el’s record shop, cig in hand, blissed out to the latest rock releases blasting in his headphones.
jake wheeler’s next-door neighbor / best friend !  we have yet to plot about this, but that’s a wc eddie fills & we could do something with that, too!
tw: drugs, abusive tendencies, mild violence.  eddie’s genetics do predispose him to addiction. and, unfortunately, this bitch way more than dabbles in a haphazard lifestyle. he’s BIG into psychedelics, stimulants. alcohol. acid. he’ll pulverize the occasional bar asshole’s face. make fights out of nothing. but s’not a problem, alright ? he’s cool. he’s cool.   (  this guy’s a sinkin’ ship in heavy ass denial.  )
art. tattooing.  art has also played a pivotal role in eddie’s life. from a very young age, he created edgy doodles: skeletons in their sunday best, ghost cartoons carrying guns. the late 60′s/early 70′s saw his school notebooks filling with vietnam-inspired strips, doodles, and sketches. he used to draw “tattoos” on his fellow delinquents during detention in sharpie ink. gave himself his first poke tattoo on his ankle  ( a scrawled so what ? )  in eighth grade. now, he works as a tattooist at atomic tattoos. always flirts with the clientele. and they always leave happy.
tw: death. wears a dharma wheel pendant at all times, tucked beneath his shirt or, if he’s shirtless, just out in the open. he’ll say he found it in the street, but it actually belonged to a guy he started seeing his senior year of high school, in secret.  glenn farley. he was older, around 27, but he offered up the first safe place eddie’d ever known. dude disappeared close to eddie’s graduation. eddie stayed angry for a long time, until his photo turned up in the obits :  glenn was killed in a hit-and-run outside a dive bar.
on the topic of sexuality & gender expression :   eddie honestly couldn’t give a flyin’ shit. he’s of the belief that existence shouldn’t be coded or explained. so, yeah, he’s male. and yeah, he’ll be attracted to whomever he pleases. but in a time where that shit’s not too common? not too accepted? he does feel like he’s playing hide-and-seek. it’s exhausting. and... there’s still something that nags him, at the back of his mind, when he decides to hook up with a guy. it’s all tied up with his family history ( see the stuff about his dad above ) .
eddie is very outspoken & unfiltered. he won’t mince his words; he’ll speak bullets without considering the exit wound. 
he’d much rather have coffee and cigarettes than a meal. but if he’s gotta have food? and you’re forcing him? cinnamon waffles with ten gallons of syrup. delicious.
wears rings because hell, if he’s gonna punch you, he wants that shit to hurt.
smells like tobacco and amber and fresh-fallen rain.
likes makeup. tends to get away with some eyeliner/eyeshadow on stage, but typically doesn’t wear any day-to-day. maybe some eyeliner on his waterline, but... he’s learned how to get by.
cross his sister and he’ll eat your face for breakfast.
default greeting: blinking at you like you’re offending him by taking in the same air.
honestly he’s never thought to leave vegas. he likes it here. his crew? they’re good people. as in reckless. fun.
has almost a full sleeve on his left arm, and two bands curling around his right bicep. one ear pierced, but doesn’t always wear an earring there.
can he offer you a winter green lifesaver in this trying time ??
goes by eddie or williams. call him keith and he can’t be held responsible for what happens to you. the only person who’s got keith privileges is his kid sister.
thomas hayes has brown eyes but eddie’s are a staggeringly light blue-gray. they look like ice. he’s 6′1 and that type of lanky that tends to look sleek, enticing, and mildly emaciated. he does have muscle to him, but the guy doesn’t eat very often and he’s on a steady diet of destructive habits, so... he’s got that matty healy circa 2012 vibe going on
potential connects.
chaos crew. they hit the clubs. they try their hand at scheming and tricking the best poker leagues. chug beers, crush the cans, and toss ‘em in front of cars. experiment with drug cocktails and haunt the town. all laughs and dilated pupils and forgetting, forgetting, forgetting the cracks in their ribs, the scabs on their knuckles. nothin’ hurts when your blood pumps this quick.
diner pal.  eddie rolls up to his favorite diner in the wee hours of the morning. 2am, 3am. when he can’t sleep or he’s comin’ down from a heckish night, he’s there, whole pitcher of coffee and a stack of waffles. mussed hair. an entire encyclopedia of wild stories. one night, he stumbled into this person’s booth high as all shit, and they’ve been inviting themselves to one another’s tables ever since. could be a romantic connection. could be platonic.
ex on bad terms.  kid’s got commitment issues. i’d love to give them a source.
fuckbuddies.  they could just be friends who get fucked and do the deed. maybe there’s feelings. maybe it’s a you service me, i’ll service you situation. either way, they’re indulgent. they’re reckless. and they’ve got no regard for any damage they’ll cause.
people he’s tattooed.  
sworn enemies.  acerbic words, gnashing teeth, icy glares. they’ll cross the fuckin’ street just to avoid being within a ten-foot radius of one another.
caretaker.  a friend ( or even stranger ) who’s taken it on themselves to monitor this maelstrom. all i can say is... good friggin’ luck, kid.
obviously there are so many more but this is just a list to get some juices flowing !
if you want to plot, please feel free to message me !!  i’m headed to the gym now but after that i’ll hit up the starter tags !!  so flipping excited to write with you goons !!
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soft-butch-cassidy · 5 years
I was wondering if you had anything else written about cayde and rylaask that you felt up to sharing? because I’ve fallen (haha) so deep and I’ve just been thinking about the tidbits you’ve previously shared all day.
ohh man i,,, have a little bit? i have the scene where they meet, and then like one or two more where cayde’s helping her heal after the fight with the hive and getting to know her and befriend her. and then i skipped ahead to write smut for them sdfkljsdafkl but i do wanna write more with them!! here’s a lil snippet from a scene where cayde asks to draw her! (hopefully the cut works lmao)
He chuckled and twirled his pencil between his fingers. “Hey, Ry.”
She hummed and blinked at him.
“Can I draw you?” he asked.
Rylaask chirped. “Eia. Really?”
“Mhm. Never tried drawing the Eliksni before. You don’t have to do anything, just sit still.”
She settled a little more comfortably. “Okay,” she agreed.
Cayde shifted to face her, sitting cross-legged and flipping to a fresh page. He took a moment to examine her as she looked up at the tree branches above them.
Even with her ten or so feet of height, her broad shoulders, the muscles under her keratin exoskeleton, the vicious scars and still-healing wounds, she didn’t really seem… intimidating, like this. Sprawled out as she was, wearing patched-up clothes instead of armor, it was kind of… just… normal, almost. She didn’t look like the deadly soldier he knew she was. She had the sleeves rolled up on all her arms--she liked the way the grass felt against the edges of her exoskeleton, she had said. Her remaining eyes were half-lidded in contentment, her chest rising and falling evenly, shallower than a human’s breathing and hissing a little through her rebreather.
After a very long silence, she glanced over with a curious chirp. “Okay?” she asked.
Cayde blinked. “Oh, yeah. Yeah, sorry, kinda getting a feel for it,” he said. His fans were a little faster. Why was he self conscious about it?
Rylaask moved her head back. “Take time,” she murmured. “Might sleep… nice, here. Warm.”
Cayde chuckled. “Go ahead,” he said. “Nothin’ like a nap on a warm, sunny afternoon.”
She hummed in agreement, her eyes closing.
Cayde’s pencil scratched softly as he started sketching. There were long pauses as he looked back up at her, examining the shapes of her plating, the angles of her limbs, the curves of her…
Cayde’s pencil fell into the dirt and he cursed as he scrambled for it.
Rylaask looked over again.
“You’re fine,” Cayde said quickly.
She chittered a soft laugh. “You’re funny,” she told him before settling back.
Her silhouette was all but burned into his optics.
She did fall asleep as he drew her, but even in her sleep she didn’t really move. He took his time, but there was something he felt bad about the longer he looked at her.
He realized, of course, real fast, what it was, but he stamped that out.
Stupid. Really stupid. He’d known her all of a week.
For Sky’s sake, she was a damn alien!
He made himself get lost in the scratch of his pencil, the careful lines across the page, darkening shadows, exploring the shapes that he could picture in her form. Long, rounded shapes, which kind of surprised him a little. He hadn’t taken much time to look at the shapes of the Fallen. The Hive were more square, and so were the Vex, but Eliksni and humans had softer silhouettes, rounded edges.
Not too different, indeed.
Cayde could almost feel the sun’s rays moving, slanting. An hour, at least, as he finished a few rough sketches and one more detailed drawing, and started another, closer on her face, detailing the shapes of her plating and the edges of scars and the way her rebreather fit against her mandibles.
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uhtceare-bitch · 5 years
You don’t remember anything .
You didn’t care enough to know the truth .
People say you’re living a lie and to that you say
No shit
Lights flashed
Music was loud enough for you to loose your mind
Sweaty people moving , dancing , making mistakes
The smell of cigarettes and sex roam around the club
You’re sick of it yet you can’t get enough of it , you down your drink in one sip
‘ Just another night I guess ‘
You thought to yourself as you got up
‘ might as well make it a little fun ‘
You went up to one of the girls dancing , you’ve seen her eyeing you ever since you entered the club , you put your hands around her waist , she quickly turned around and looked at you , her shocked face quickly turned to a smug expression , a sly smirk played on her lips
You bite your bottom lip , you two danced , you offered her a drink , you both got tipsy ( just so there’s Consent in this ) , rod a taxi home , made out in the back of the car , barely made it inside , and just as you were taking off your bra
Everything turned black
‘Oh fuck ...’
You quickly looked for your dress , and as soon as you slipped the black tight dress
You were standing in front of him
Your ‘dad’
You gave him an awkward smile
“ heh heh , hey ‘ere dad ... heh “ you rubbed your curly hair as he ‘looked ‘ down at you
“ lathos , how’ve you been , sweetheart ?” He said to you , you sighed realising you’re not in trouble for once
“ I’m okay , da- sir, just a bit uh bored ?”
He nodded “ well you’re in luck , I have a mission for you “
“ what ? Do I have to babysit another one a ya little failures? “ I said sarcastically, chuckling , dad stayed quite
“ no , that was just not funny “
“ okay whatever , boomer...”
Afo sighed “ you remember tomura ? “
“ no’ really ?”
“ the kid you met when you were four , he was playing with your rockets and puppies and destroyed your biggest rocket on accident “
“ oh , that little shit “
“ I see you still haven’t recovered from that “
“ nah b , that fucker destroyed my fuckin’ rocket !”
“ well you’ll be joining his league , you need to help him , lathos, you’re a very strong person , you may underestimate yourself , but I knew your worth as soon as I laid eyes on you , and let me tell you , you’re worth a lot , kiddo “
You knew this was all sweet talk but , again , you really didn’t care
You nodded and closed your eyes ,when you opened them you saw a bunch of suitcases and bags of your stuff , you reached into your jacket pocket and took out the small paper , and it read :
This is the address for the bar
I booked you a plane ticket and rented you an apartment near the place
Don’t disappoint me
You took a picture of the address and threw the paper in the trash can
‘ god I hope they got some good drinks ‘
A short plane ride
And a long car ride later
You have arrived to your apartment , you unlocked it and threw all of your shit inside , it was a good apartment , you didn’t care much for the place , the in,y thing you’ll be using it for is either sex and showering , maybe sleeping
Speaking of showering , you really needed a shower
You hopped in the shower and took a very short and fast shower , changed into a black turtleneck , jeans , a coat and some black platforms
You looked at your messy curly hair and decided to keep it fucking messy because who cares honestly
You got out and locked the door of your apartment
The walk to the address afo gave you was quite short , like five minutes
You kicked the door open and got in
All eyes were in you , and quickly everyone was on their guard , some taking out their weapons
“ freeze , you’ unde’ arrest for not havin’ enough swag , got on ya knees ya kinky sluts , pew pew “ you finger-gunned your way into the bar and sat down on the stools
“ so which one a ya ugly freaks is uuuuuh tomorrow sugar rockie ? Was that the name ?“
A boy with grey hair got up , he had a hand covering his face , you looked at him
“ it’s shigiraki tomura , you must be lathos ? You’re way more annoying than I thought you will be..” he said , obviously annoyed with your little entrance and first impression
“ ‘ey ‘an , I may be annoyin’ but I a’ Least ....... yeah I’ve gots nothin’ ha “ you smirked at him “ well other than that , boss sent me here , so I guess you have a mission for me ? “
Tomura sat down on a stool that was three stools away from yours
“ well yeah we need more members , and master said you’re great , strong independent person , I’m not so sure about the first one “
“ ‘ey you calle’ me strong AN’ independent, see at least I gots somthin’ “ you gave him a wink making him shake his head
“ what’s your quirk ?”
“ aargh , we doin’ the whole introduction thing huh ? Aight , ‘ell , names lathos , original quirk is hypnotising , pretty explanatory from ma eyes ye? , afo gave me two qui’ks because I di’nt uuuuh ionno why u gots these but who cares , he gave me ; ice , ya know ice, bone’ water and I gots supe’ learnin , basically , am pretty sma’t heh heh”
A cute girl with messy buns came up to you “ hiiiii , my names toga !~ “ you grinned and as you were about to shake her hand , she pulled me into a hug , you hugged her back and took her little knife and threw it right near the black haired dude’s head
“ nice ta meetcha toga , youre pretty cute , I like ya outfit “ she pulled out another knife and grinned at you
“ okay then , do whatever you want , we have a mission tomorrow, get here at 9 pm sharp , you’re late you’re fired “
“ wait I’m hired ? Ha I gots an incel boss now heheh “ your little comment made earn another glare from the grey blueish haired boy
“ I like you , you seem fun “ you heard a deep , yet soft voice talk behind you , it was the black haired dude “ oh hey , sorry tha knife kinda went near u without any warnin’”
“ oh it’s all good , I’m Dabi “
“ Dabi , that’s a stupid name
Ay y’all serve drinks ‘ere or something ? Issa bar right ?”
I decided to do a lil sketch of lathos’ eyes bc yeet
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