#Nova Verlice [UW!Ink]
magicbringsmalice · 9 months
I just realized I don't post here that much, oopsies! :(
Well, have Nova's design in GL2!
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Isn't she such a beauty?
Have a few fun facts about her! There will be a few spoilers.
-She's UnderWizard!Ink, obviously. And yes, she's a female.
-She keeps that small dagger in case she doesn't have broomie around to defend herself with.
-Like any other Ink AU, she does indeed have a poor memory. This results in her often forgetting her own things, or something someone told her a while ago. This is why she's good at keeping secrets-/hj
-Actually likes showing a bit of bone (skin??).
-Shorter than the rest of the UnderWizard cast. :,)
-Currently 34 years old. She was 21 when she first met Lotus (UnderMalice!Ink)
-She doesn't have magic, so she relies on her own physical strength and weapons to fight. She learned martial arts for a reason.
-Her broomie is thin and actually pretty easy to use. Compare it to a martial arts stick. Even a random person can easily pick it up.
-She loves whiskey and may or may not have created an addiction towards it.
-Pretty darn confident, if I do say so myself. She isn't gonna hesitate to call you out on something and/or be straight-forward about it.
-She loves to paint, she even taught her own children how to mix colors and make random shades, and how to paint landscapes. "Portraits are still a bit hard for them, baby steps-" , she says.
Not so fun facts about her. (TW! sexual assault, alcohol, suicide.)
-Nova was a painting brought to life by the same man that painted her, who knew dark magic. The man proceeded to sexually assault her until it got to a point Nova snapped. She poisoned him by forcing a vial of mercury down his throat.
-She struggles with depression, caused from her past trauma and the other events that happen as the story goes on. Hence explaining her addiction with whiskey.
-She's one of the few characters in the cast who is quite easy to break, unfortunately. Simply by reminding her she has no purpose there, just an extra created by a foul man. Or by threatening to kill her loved ones.
-The protector hates when someone touches her back or pulls her hair. Unless it's someone she trusts.
-Her fate in the Bad Ending ends with Nova taking her own life. (Once Lotus turns into stone, she sees no purpose anymore.)
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