magicbringsmalice 9 months
I just realized I don't post here that much, oopsies! :(
Well, have Nova's design in GL2!
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Isn't she such a beauty?
Have a few fun facts about her! There will be a few spoilers.
-She's UnderWizard!Ink, obviously. And yes, she's a female.
-She keeps that small dagger in case she doesn't have broomie around to defend herself with.
-Like any other Ink AU, she does indeed have a poor memory. This results in her often forgetting her own things, or something someone told her a while ago. This is why she's good at keeping secrets-/hj
-Actually likes showing a bit of bone (skin??).
-Shorter than the rest of the UnderWizard cast. :,)
-Currently 34 years old. She was 21 when she first met Lotus (UnderMalice!Ink)
-She doesn't have magic, so she relies on her own physical strength and weapons to fight. She learned martial arts for a reason.
-Her broomie is thin and actually pretty easy to use. Compare it to a martial arts stick. Even a random person can easily pick it up.
-She loves whiskey and may or may not have created an addiction towards it.
-Pretty darn confident, if I do say so myself. She isn't gonna hesitate to call you out on something and/or be straight-forward about it.
-She loves to paint, she even taught her own children how to mix colors and make random shades, and how to paint landscapes. "Portraits are still a bit hard for them, baby steps-" , she says.
Not so fun facts about her. (TW! sexual assault, alcohol, suicide.)
-Nova was a painting brought to life by the same man that painted her, who knew dark magic. The man proceeded to sexually assault her until it got to a point Nova snapped. She poisoned him by forcing a vial of mercury down his throat.
-She struggles with depression, caused from her past trauma and the other events that happen as the story goes on. Hence explaining her addiction with whiskey.
-She's one of the few characters in the cast who is quite easy to break, unfortunately. Simply by reminding her she has no purpose there, just an extra created by a foul man. Or by threatening to kill her loved ones.
-The protector hates when someone touches her back or pulls her hair. Unless it's someone she trusts.
-Her fate in the Bad Ending ends with Nova taking her own life. (Once Lotus turns into stone, she sees no purpose anymore.)
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magicbringsmalice 1 year
Hello everyone,
If KOSA does end up passing, because I am not entirely sure, I'm talking to my friend and he's assuring me it won't happen, but I'm still scared and on edge..
Anywho, if that goddamn bill ends up passing, I want you all to know you're dear to me. Being in Tumblr has been a great journey, and all of you are amazing.
@candied-skulls-and-licorice, @sourpatchfr, @angel-beloved, @nightskymyth, @anotherrosesthatfell, thank you for putting up with me and for being like a real family to me, I love you guys. I am grateful we met, it was a pleasure to get to know you. I love you so so much, and if I could I'd crawl through your screens and give you all big hugs. If this bill gets passed we won't be able to see eachother again, but..I'll do my best to hold on for you all. Thank you for the good memories, thank you for making my day talking about our characters, thank you for the lovely roleplays and for putting up with me at certain times. I love you, and I will forever appreciate you. You guys are my real family. I'm glad I managed to be there for you, I will miss you all dearly..Maybe one day we'll be able to see eachother again. Stay strong for me stars, Cherry loves you
@fandomsoda, @koshka-in-the-corner, @sunnymainecoon You guys are gems, bright stars even. I enjoyed drawing North and Spook in Magma with you Sunny, I wouldn't stop laughing from how silly we were. Koshka, I enjoyed our roleplays with Neri and Rev, and your company is very appreciated. Soda, I appreciate how we were almost on the same wavelength about things. It was really nice knowing you
@nyx-mrbones-2360 We haven't talked in a while, but I still remember when we used to talk about Tex and Krono and how fun it was making this ship. You're awesome and neat
@thvnderhashira It was fun talking to you for even brief moments, I will never forget your Cross fanarts, or Mauve. Thank you for being so sweet, I really appreciate you
@nithmere Thank you for the memes Psina, your art was always really lovely and a sight for my eyes. Thank you for everything, you're a gem.
@not3nergy-spirit Thanks for the lovely art, and for the sweet words that day! I've always loved your artstyle, keep being you! I appreciate you a lot
@cool-persom Thank you for your amazing art, I will always cherish it! Mersia was a neat character, and I loved her motherly attitude towards Arti. I will never forget the first time we met, your compliments made me laugh a lot. Thanks for being chaotic with me! Ilysm bestie
@shadow-5065 Long time no see but, I remember how we used to interact in my early days in Tumblr. I'm sorry for not checking in on you and starting some sort of conversation myself but..I still really appreciate you. I think you're funny and neat, thanks for supporting me back then <3
@eventide-roses I think you're an amazing person, keep being you! It was nice talking to you for that brief moment. Thanks for being a better mother figure to Angel than I could ever have been, I really appreciate you
@joficeandwind Hope you're doing okay, sorry for not starting some sort of conversation in the dms. I wanna say thank you for treating Angel so nicely, you deserve only the best. It was nice talking to you that day
And to all the people who have followed me, thank you for the support so far. I love you, and stay strong. They won't continue crushing us under their boots for long, in the end our rights will always be valid and they can never change that.
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magicbringsmalice 1 year
Ah yes ideas for Karma wooo <3
So I have this headcanon that the amount of tentacles Nightmare can summon is affected by how strong he is via Negativity
Like, in instances where negativity is potent he can summon a whole bunch but when there鈥檚 not a lot of negativity he can summon very few.
A doodle to illustrate what I mean:
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I don鈥檛 post about this guy very often, if at all, but I thought I鈥檇 drop this lil HC here
since it may or may not be relevant to Splattertale Plot 馃憖 and it鈥檚 also just canon to the Splatterverse (splattertale multiverse) in general, as are all my UTMV headcanons 馃槑
So yeah :3
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magicbringsmalice 1 year
Facts about UnderWizard & UnderMalice characters!~ [Part 1]
[TW for abuse and possessive behavior.]
1-Blood (UW!Fell) found Dusklight (UM!Fell) in Snowdin when the two were young children. Blood couldn't take Dusklight in yet in fear of his abusive mother lashing her anger out on the poor thing as well. So he set up a tent in an area nearby for Dusklight to stay in, and everyday Blood would stop by to give it something to eat for the day, as well as lend his own clothes to it. He made sure to provide Dusk with everything despite his own tough situation. Because of how generous and caring Blood was, Dusklight always admired him and the two saw eachother as siblings.
2-You're probably wondering, what was Dusklight doing in UnderWizard? Simple. It wanted to get away from it's own AU after escaping the lab it was created in. It wanted to go somewhere new and start a fresh life. UnderMalice was too fucked up even for Dusk-
3-It was Blood who taught Dusk how to control it's magic better. In return, Dusklight gave Blood a small portion of it's own power as a way to show it's gratitude. Before being given this power however, all Blood could do was use his own soul magic and summon fire.
4-Nova (UW!Ink) has nowhere to live. She gains nothing from her job as a protector, so she's often forced to steal gold to spend on taverns and stay there for the night. Gotta do what you gotta do for survival.
4-Nova seems to resist the urge and not eat much, instead she tries saving the meals for a day when she really needs them. However..there is one thing she can't resist. And it's whiskey.
5-Nova can run faster compared to the other UnderWizard characters. Her and Eclipse (UW!Blueberror) are rather skinny.
6-Aurora (UM!Cross) and Comet (UM!Dream) used to be best friends, until Aurora was tricked into eating the black apple and turn into Karma. UW!Wicked witnessed it and to this day he still recalls his lover's agonizing screams of pain as he transformed to who he knows today.
7-Karma is known to be hella possessive towards Wicked, always asking where he's gonna go, what he's going to do, the exact time he'll return, etc. Everyone in the mansion wonders how on earth is Wick capable of putting up with him..Wicked really seems unbothered.
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magicbringsmalice 1 year
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