#O'Donnell quadruplets
unfortunate-arrow · 2 years
Happy FFWF!! How did the O'Donnell ladies (both born into the family and married into it) deal with pregnancy? Did they come to terms with the changes in the body quickly or needed time to adjust? Were they scared of childbirth? Did they have their mothers/female figures with them all along?
— Neither Cara nor Rowan were ever pregnant. Instead, they chose to adopt their daughter.
— Penny handled her second pregnancy better than her first. It took her a long time to become comfortable with the changes in her body that first time. She was generally uncomfortable and had rather a lot of morning sickness. Thankfully, her second pregnancy was very different and she was much more comfortable. Penny wasn’t scared of childbirth. Ryan was the one who freaked out about it. She was concerned about it, but was pretty chill with the whole thing. Penny’s mother, Susan, was a big help throughout her pregnancies. She didn’t have her mother around throughout the duration, but when she got scared, she knew she could turn to her mother.
— Sara handled pregnancy quite gracefully. She didn’t love it, but she didn’t hate it either and was pregnant four separate times. It took her a few weeks to come to terms with her body’s changes during her first pregnancy, but her husband’s unwavering love and support helped her come to terms with it. Her first and third pregnancies were quite easy, while her second one was a bit more difficult and her fourth was very difficult. She handled all four with grace, though. The only times that Sara was scared of childbirth was with her first and fourth children. She was scared with her first pregnancy as she had never done it before and had made the mistake of listening to horror stories. Her fourth pregnancy was just more difficult and that made everything more stressful. Sara did not have her mother with her as her mother passed away when Sara was a baby. However, her sister, sisters-in-law, and friends were all there for her to lean on.
— Ruth had mixed feelings about pregnancy. She didn’t love it, but it wasn’t her least favorite thing. She came to terms with her changing body pretty quickly, but her second pregnancy was a bit more difficult as she was having twins. That second pregnancy was the one where she was scared of childbirth. She knew that her husband, as a quadruplet, had been born prematurely and that stressed her about their twins. Ruth’s relationship with her mother is very rocky and her paternal grandmother served as the main mother figure in her life. However, her grandmother passed away shortly before her first child was born and Ruth swore to name her first daughter after her grandmother.
— Ailis O’Donnell didn’t mind pregnancy. She got pregnant easily the first time and that was a smooth pregnancy. However, her parents did pass away shortly before she gave birth to their eldest grandson, so that was quite stressful for her. The quads’ pregnancy was much more stressful. Aside from having quadruplets, she was on the older side and it occurred years after her eldest son. Ailis was really only scared of childbirth with the quads. They came early, because you know quadruplets, and that was stressful for Ailis and her husband. For the quads, she didn’t have her mother with her. However, her mother-in-law, Rose was quite helpful and Ailis had always adored her husband’s mother.
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unfortunate-arrow · 4 years
Birthday, Part 1: Gift Shopping
[Wendy @drinkyoursoupbitch , Alice @mizutoyama , and Betty @hphmbetty ]
Barnaby frowned. There was nothing in this book shop that made him think of Sara. Okay, that wasn’t actually true, but there was nothing that made him think that it would be the perfect birthday present to give her. Yeah, he’d told her that his sweater could be an early birthday gift, but he still needed to get her something! And it had to be perfect and not too romantic. No one actually knew that they’d been kinda dating. 
He glanced over to the four other members of his group. Betty and Penny were looking through some cookbooks. Alice stood in front of a large table that held some really big books. He wasn’t actually sure where Wendy was, though. The blue haired girl also stood out, and not only because of her hair. She was also tall. 
“I can’t figure out which one,” Alice moaned. 
“Irish! Always Irish. If there’s one about Irish architecture, go for that one,” Wendy called from behind one of the book shelves. 
“Sure. There’s one on medieval Irish architecture.” 
“He’ll think it’s brilliant. He’s already told Flitwick he’s going to be an architect!” 
Barnaby sighed. Conor O’Donnell was one of the most intelligent people he had ever met. Most people didn’t get that immediately, as the Ravenclaw boy had a stutter and often struggled to get his words out. It was their loss. 
“Does anyone want to get anything else at this bookstore?” Penny asked in her no-nonsense tone. 
“No,” comes a few exclamations and Barnaby shook his head, shoving his hands into his jean pockets. 
Barnaby, Wendy, Penny, and Betty stood outside of the bookshop while Alice paid for the big book. Barnaby watched the muggles walk by and thought hard. Maybe a necklace or is that too romantic? It’s Sara. She deserves something special!, he thought, running a hand through his hair. 
“What’s bugging you?” Wendy asked, nudging him in the ribs. 
“Nothing. Just thinking,” he answered. 
“About what?” 
“Just about what to get the O’Donnells for their birthday.” 
“Any O’Donnell in specific?” Wendy raised her eyebrows at him. 
His cheeks flushed and he itched the back of his head. “Uh… no.” 
“Really, not a certain Hufflepuff?” Betty asked, grinning as she joined in the conversation. 
Barnaby swallowed. He knew they were just pulling his leg, but his cheeks still flushed. “Well, I already got the other three something.” He scratched the back of his head, again.
“Okay, so what are you thinking about for Sara, then?” Wendy asked. 
“Maybe a necklace or something. I don’t know.” 
“How about a bracelet? There’s a small shop down the street.” 
“Okay. We could look there.” 
Once Alice had reappeared, carrying the large book in a bag in her arms, the small group made their way to the aforementioned small shop. It was a cute little, touristy type shop, but it was quite interesting as well. Barnaby had never seen a place with quite so many trinkets that had no real purpose but to look pretty. 
“Hey, what about this Barnaby?” Wendy called, pointing to a display. 
Barnaby walked over to the display case. It held braided leather bracelets like the ones that Sara and her siblings would wear. Only these ones didn’t have those little metal plates with the weird symbols that Sara and Conor said were Celtic. 
“Sure. But I also kind of want to get her one of those little creature things,” he said, picking up a bracelet that was woven light blue and green leather. It was pretty and reminded Barnaby of Sara’s eyes. 
He walked over to the small shelf of little ceramic animals. He gently picked up a small panda. It was adorable, even if Barnaby didn’t recognize what it was. 
“Uh, Penny, could you pay for these for me?” he asked, holding up the bracelet and panda.
“Sure,” Penny agreed. 
Penny sighed. They’d just exited a craft store where Betty had picked up an empty scrapbook. They had all almost gotten gifts for all four O’Donnells. Penny knew that she was the only one still trying to figure out what to get someone. Well, Ryan. She’d already gotten a few small things for Cara, Sara, and Conor, but for the life of her, she couldn’t figure out what to get Ryan. 
“So, does anyone else still need to get something?” Alice asked. 
“I do. I need something for Ryan,” Penny said, raising her hand. 
“So, have you two started dating?” Betty asked with a smirk. 
“No. Ryan’s a friend.” Penny could feel heat rising in her cheeks. 
“Yes. Okay, yes, he’s cute and funny and sweet, but we’re not dating!” 
“You went to the Celestial Ball together and he was your Valentine!” 
“We’re not dating, though!” 
“Do you want to?” Wendy asked. 
“I don’t know! Okay?” 
“Alright. So, Ryan likes muggle sports, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, quidditch…” 
“Wait. I remember him talking about football and rugby a few times. There’s a sports store nearby. We could look there to see if there’s a shirt or something I could get him.” 
The group of five, each member laden with at least two bags, made their way down the street, towards the sports store. The bell on the door rang as the group entered and a salesman hurried towards them. 
“What can I do for you?” he asked. 
“I’m looking for something to get a friend for his birthday,” Penny answered. 
“What does he enjoy?” 
“He likes football and rugby.” 
“We have a large collection of football jerseys. Do you know what team he supports?” 
Penny frowned and quickly turned to the others in the group. “What team does he like?” 
“I think I’ve heard Conor mention the Finn Harps or something,” Wendy offered. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. We don’t carry teams outside of the Premier League,” the man said. 
“Oh. Do you have an Ireland national team jersey?” Penny asked.
“No, I’m quite sorry. We do not. We do have rugby shirts and jerseys, if you’re interested in that.” 
“Sure. Do you have any red and yellow striped ones?” 
“Yes, we do. Right this way.” 
The man led the group to the back of the store where rugby shirts hung on the walls. Penny quickly found one she liked and held it up to her friends. 
“What do you think? Can you see Ryan in it?” she asked.
“Wait. I’ve seen Conor wearing these a lot,” Wendy said. 
“Yeah, and then Andre complains about it. Says they’re not stylish enough,” Alice agreed. 
“I could see Ryan wearing it. He and Conor dress fairly similar,” Barnaby said. 
“Yeah. Nice call on the Gryffindor colors,” Betty said smirking. 
“It’s not too expensive, either. I’ll be back in a moment. I’m going to go pay,” Penny said. 
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unfortunate-arrow · 4 years
Birthday, Part 2: Party Planning
[Check out part 1, gift shopping.]
[Carewyn @carewyncromwell , Spencer and Becca @hphmbetty , Malcolm @cursebreakerelmswood and Artemis @no-moon-nor-stars ]
The kitchen table at the Burrow was overflowing. There were twelve occupants at the table, and they had a lot of different lists. They had about a week to get everything together, as the O’Donnell quads turned 16 on the 18th and it was the 12th. Aside from it being August, the quads’ birthday also happened to be a Friday, which made it a lot easier to throw the surprise party on their actual birthday. 
“So, where do we want to start? Food, music, decor?” Rowan Khanna asked, gesturing to the mess on the table in front of her. 
“Well, we’ve already sent the invitations and know that the O’Donnells aren’t doing anything that night, so maybe music?” Ash Khanna suggested. 
“I have a lot of records I could bring!” Carewyn suggested. 
“Okay.” Rowan reached onto the table and grabbed a piece of paper. She wrote the word “music” in big letters at the top. “So, which groups do we want?” 
“We need The Who for Conor. Ryan really likes The Beatles as well as The Rolling Stones. Cara likes the Stones as well. Sara’s good with more poppy stuff like Duran Duran,” Malcolm said. 
“Okay. Anything else?” 
“The Weird Sisters!” Carewyn exclaimed. 
“Okay! Spencer, Becca, Artemis any suggestions?” 
“Uh, I think I’ve heard Conor talk about U2 and R.E.M.,” Becca said. 
“Oh! How about Elton John or David Bowie?” Carewyn asked. 
“Sure. We could probably use one or two more groups after that,” Rowan said, continuing to jot down what the suggestions were. 
“How about Bruce Springsteen and the Clash?” Malcolm asked. 
“Okay. I think that’s good for music.”
“Shouldn’t we have some more wizarding music?” Charlie asked. 
“I haven’t heard them talk too much about wizarding music,” Bill said. “Usually, it’s muggle music.” 
“We should move on. Food or decor?” Rowan said, taking charge once again. 
She placed the paper with music down onto the table, and reached for another empty piece of parchment. 
“How about decor?” Artemis asked. 
“Sure,” Rowan said, writing the word “decor” in big letters at the top. “So, what kind of decorations do we want?” 
“The Bats!” Malcolm exclaimed. He got a few odd looks. He sighed. “The Ballycastle Bats, you know, the quidditch team. Let’s just have a couple Bats logos, maybe a Kenmare Kestrels logo as well.” 
“Well, three out of the four do like quidditch,” Penny commented. 
“Yeah. It doesn’t need to be a lot. Just a couple.” 
“Alright, you’ll be completely in charge of that, Malcolm,” Rowan said, jotting down “Bats” and “Malcolm.” 
“I think we should have red, green, blue, and yellow streamers and stuff,” Carewyn said. 
“I agree. That way each O’Donnell gets some individual recognition,” Artemis said. 
“Yeah. Maybe we put out like different tables and decorate each corner of the yard differently. Like a Ryan corner and Sara corner and Cara corner and Conor corner. Guests can put the individual gifts in each corner and then one in the middle or somewhere for the all four gifts.” 
“That’s a pretty good idea,” Rowan said, jotting down Carewyn’s idea. 
“Oh, Gracie and Tessa Chiva volunteered to bring some string lights for us to hang up,” Spencer said. 
“Ok. Does anyone else have any more decor ideas?” 
“Maybe we hang the Irish flag!” Tonks offered, smirking slightly. 
Rowan shook her head. “I‘ll put it down, but I don’t know if we’ll use it,” she said. 
“That’s fine.”
Rowan placed the decorations list onto the table and took another sheet of parchment. She wrote the word “food” in big letters at the top of the paper. 
“So, what’s on the menu?” Rowan asked. 
“Well, Mum volunteered to make the bulk of the actual like dinner,” Charlie said. 
“Okay. So what do we want for dinner, since the party starts at 6:30?” 
“It’s not dinner, exactly, but I can try and make soda bread. It’s a fairly traditional Irish bread,” Malcolm offered. 
“Sure. What should we add for dinner, though?” Rowan said, not looking up from the parchment as she jotted down Malcolm’s offer. 
“How's spaghetti? It’s simple and easy and I know the O’Donnells all like it. We could have a couple side dishes as well,” Penny suggested. 
Rowan watched as the majority of the group nodded. “Okay, so we need a few sides then. What do we think would work?” 
“Meatballs!” “Chips!” “Mashed potatoes!” “Garlic bread!” “Let’s add ham as a main dish!” Rowan jotted down the different suggestions. They didn’t seem too overwhelming. 
“How about we let Mrs. Weasley figure out what’s too much?” Rowan asked. 
“Mum’ll be fine doing whatever. She’ll enlist me and Charlie and our other siblings to help,” Bill said. 
“Okay, if you’re sure. We can move on to snacks and dessert, then.” 
“I’m positive.” 
Rowan sighed. “So who wants to bring what desserts or snacks?”
“I’ll bake chocolate chip cookies!” Spencer exclaimed, smiling. 
“I’m going to make red velvet brownies,” Carewyn said. 
“The Chiva twins said they’ll bring monkey bread,” Barnaby added. 
“Okay. Ash and I can bring cupcakes,” Rowan said, jotting down everything that had just been said. “Now, snacks. What do we need?” 
“Goldfish crackers. Conor’s addicted to them,” Artemis said. “They’re a muggle snack.” 
“Okay. Anything else?” 
“How about crisps of some type? The brand Tayto is big in Ireland,” Malcolm said. 
“Sure. Maybe we do a couple brands of crisps,” Rowan said. 
The group continued to add and debate things for a good fifteen more minutes. Then, before they adjourned for the night, they went through and assigned people jobs for the decorating. They agreed to meet on the 18th at 4:30 in order to start decorating, and made the agreement to send out reminders to all the invitees telling them to arrive between 6 and 6:30. They also double checked that they had actually agreed to invite the quads, because if they hadn’t it wouldn’t have been a great thing. 
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unfortunate-arrow · 4 years
Pool Party
[For @chrisception13‘s HPHM pool party.]
“Ah, suck it!” Conor yelled, glaring at Ryan. 
The two brothers were waist deep in a pool, both dressed in swim trunks. Although Ryan's were a bright red, while Conor’s were a forest green. They’d been invited to a pool party by a Hufflepuff that they’d seen around. Apparently, all of their year had been invited. The quads had never really gone swimming. They’d barely even waded in the ocean by their house as it was in Donegal, and it rarely went above 70. 
“You suck it!” Ryan yelled back, sending a large wave towards Conor with his arms. 
“Hey, dumbasses! Try not to soak everyone!” Cara shouted, glaring at her brothers. 
“You’re as much of a dumbass as we are!”
Cara offered her brother the middle finger. Then, in a flash, Ryan and Conor were by the ledge where Cara was sitting. She wore a dark blue swimsuit. Two sets of hands grabbed her ankles and pulled her into the pool with a loud splash. She resurfaced and glared at the two boys. 
“That’s what you get for calling us dumbasses,” Ryan said, smirking. 
“Oh yeah?” Cara asked. She leaned over and pushed her brother’s head under water. “That’s what you get for calling me a dumbass. Don’t you dare think about getting away, Conor Lorcan. You’re next.” 
Conor froze, his blue eyes going slightly wide. “Why I didn’t call y-y-you a dumbasssss?” 
“You helped him pull me in.” 
Cara jumped and pushed her other brother’s head under the water. Conor sputtered as he resurfaced. It didn’t take long before the three siblings had entered a water war. It escalated quickly with more and more people joining in. 
Sara shook her head, laughing. She knew it was only a matter of time before Ryan, Cara, and Conor drew her into the war, especially as it looked like teams had begun forming. She wore a light purple swimsuit and her glasses. She was leaning against Barnaby, who had one arm slung around her shoulders. 
“Do you want to go join Ryan, Cara, and Conor?” he asked. 
“Nah. They’ll pull me eventually. Actually, I should just put my glasses with our bags. I mean Conor’s not wearing his and it’s not like it was at the beginning of last year, where he just hated them,” Sara said. 
“You’re rambling a little, Sara.” 
“Yeah, I know.” 
A loud yell of “suck it” reverberated through the air and Sara groaned. It didn’t long for the other brother to snap back with “no way, you suck it!” 
“Are those your siblings?” a boy asked her. 
“Yeah,” Sara answered. 
“Are they always like this?” 
Ryan was half out of the pool when he called her, “Hey, Sara! Come join us! It’s us, Malcolm and Wendy on a team!” 
Sara sighed and pushed off Barnaby. “I’ve got to go help them. They’ll come pull me in if I don’t,” she said. 
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unfortunate-arrow · 4 years
Not Fine
[Featuring Wendy @drinkyoursoupbitch, Neely @cursebreakerfarrier, and Montague @montaguehphm.]
The sunlight was nearly blinding and Conor O’Donnell squeezed his eyes shut. He reached blindly onto his nightstand, accidentally knocking things off, until he wrapped his fingers around his aviator sunglasses. He blindly shoved them on and sat up. He quickly lay back down, though, as a wave of nausea swept through his body. Once it passed, he stood up quickly, hoping to avoid another wave of nausea. He didn’t. His body swayed and he leaned heavily against one of the posts of his four poster bed. He reached into his trunk and pulled out clothes at random. He ended up with a pair of gray trousers, a white dress shirt and his Ravenclaw tie. He grabbed his bag, and after shoving his eyeglasses into one of the front pockets, slung it across his shoulder. 
He stumbled his way down the stairs to the great hall, stopping only to ride out a few waves of nausea. His eyes fluttered shut for a second before opening again. Once in the Great Hall, he swallowed back the nausea as the smells of breakfast overwhelmed him. Conor stumbled his way to the table where his siblings and a few of their friends were.
“Whoa, Con, you look like something the cat dragged in,” his brother, Ryan, commented. 
“Suck me, Ry. Suck me,” Conor snarled, reaching across the table for a piece of toast. 
“What crawled up your…?” 
“Ryan! Leave him alone for a few minutes,” his sister, Sara exclaimed. 
“I’m not wrong, though. He looks like something the cat dragged in.” 
Conor bit into the piece of toast as his siblings dissolved into bickering. It settled like a rock in his stomach, so he dropped the rest onto the table. He rode another wave of nausea as he stood, but if he didn’t get out of here, he was sure that he was going to vomit and that wouldn’t be pretty. 
He turned around and quickly walked away from the table, swallowing as a combination of nausea and a pounding in the back of his head attacked his body. He swayed and Sara’s hands landed on his shoulders. 
“Conor, are you sure you’re okay?” she asked carefully.
“F-f-f-f-f-fine,” Conor answered, his cheeks flaming.
“Then why are you wearing sunglasses and not your regular glasses?” 
“No-no r-r-r-reason.” 
“Okay. But you can tell me if you’re not feeling well. You don’t look very good.” 
“I’m f-f-f-fine.” 
Sara nodded but looked at him skeptically and let him go. Conor shoved his hands into his pockets and made his way through the hallways to his first class. 
Classes went well until arithmancy. He had been bugged a little about his glasses and the fact that he was paler than normal. Wendy had been the one who badgered him the most during their classes about both his glasses and his loss of color. Then again, to most people he probably didn’t look all that different. It was that Irish paleness, after all. Although, Conor didn’t have the dark hair that his father had had to make him look even paler. 
“Alright, we will be breaking down into groups of four. So please listen for your last name as I group you off,” Professor Sinistra said. 
Conor closed his eyes. The pounding in his head had only gotten worse as the day had gone by and he was seriously considering switching to his eyeglasses. The only debate was either increasing the nausea or having a killer headache. 
“Group 5: Donohue, Gordon, Laurie, and O’Donnell,” she called. 
He stood up and swallowed the nausea back as the pounding in his head worsened. He walked to the corner where a familiar head of blue hair was with two other boys with dark hair. Conor dropped himself into the seat next to Wendy and rubbed his temples. 
“Headache?” Wendy asked and he nodded. “You know if you wore your glasses you wouldn’t have a headache.” 
Conor sighed and dug into the front pocket of his bag. He set the case down on the table and opened it. He pulled out the sleek black frames and placed the aviator glasses into the case instead before sliding the normal eyeglasses on. 
“So, should we introduce ourselves properly? I mean obviously I recognize you as we’re all Ravenclaws, but I’m not totally sure I know your names,” one of the boys, the one with glasses whose name Conor couldn’t quite remember said. 
“Sure. I’m Wendy Gordon,” Wendy said. 
“I’m Montague Donohue, but you could call me Monty, if you’d like.” 
“I’m Neely Laurie,” the other boy said. 
“C-Conor O’Donnell,” Conor said, the heat rising in his cheeks. 
The four teens spread out their notes on the two tables and turned to the board. Conor waved a piece of parchment and loosened his tie. Damn, it’s really fecking hot in here, he thought. His cheeks were still fairly flushed and Wendy shot him a concerned glance. Once Professor Sinistra had finished explaining their project, she turned to him. 
“You still look like crap,” she said. 
“I’m f-f-fine,” Conor said. 
“If you say so. So the project.” 
It didn’t take long for the four teens to start working on the project. It wasn’t too difficult, but the numbers were starting to swim before his eyes. It also felt like the temperature in the room had dropped fifty degrees and the pounding in his head was getting louder. 
“F-f-f-f-f-f-f shit,” Conor swore as the word got stuck. 
Wendy laughed, while Montague and Neely looked slightly horrified and confused. 
“You lads have heard him swear before right?” Wendy asked and the two boys shook their heads. 
“You swear often?” Neely asked. 
“J-just when the-the words get s-s-st-st-stuck. Shit,” Conor answered. 
“He usually will use shit or feck or occasionally fuck. He’ll even swear in Irish,” Wendy said, smirking. 
Conor rolled his eyes, and rubbed his temples with his index fingers. He slid his glasses down for a moment. Black spots dashed across his vision, and he slid his eyes shut. He could make out Wendy and Neely and Montague talking, but it all sounded like it was underwater. He opened his eyes again and pushed his glasses back up his nose. Damn, I think I have a migraine, he thought. The heat in the room increased again and Conor untied his tie a second time, letting the silky material dangle around his neck. He glanced down at the paper again and the world went black. 
The room was bright and Conor squinted, his eyes trying to adjust to the sudden influx of light. The only problem, once he’d adjusted to the sudden brightness, was that everything was very blurry. Someone handed him his glasses and he slid them on. The hospital wing, shit, he thought. There were six people around his bed; Ryan, Cara, Sara, Wendy, Neely, and Montague. 
“W-what happened?” Conor asked. 
“You passed out, mate. Professor Sinistra asked Montague, Neely and I to take you to Madam Pomfrey,” Wendy said. 
“She had to cool you down before administering the pepper-up potion. Your temperature was 103!” Montague exclaimed and Conor winced, only partially because of the headache that, thankfully, had very much lessened. 
“Yeah, Professor Sinistra is giving us until next week to finish the project,” Neely added. 
“You’re an idiot, Con, that’s what happened,” Ryan said and Conor couldn’t help but offer his brother the middle finger. Ryan, naturally, returned it. 
“You know you can tell people if you don’t feel well,” Sara said, squeezing his hand. Huh, Conor hadn’t even realized that she was holding his hand. 
“It’s like his damn eyesight,” Cara said and Conor glared at her. 
“I’m fine now!” he snapped. 
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unfortunate-arrow · 4 years
The July Ball (pt 2)
[Part 1] [Featuring Tessa & Gracie Chiva from @danceworshipper , Sydney Phoenix from @hufflepuffs-honor , & Henri & Genevieve Rys from @daniella-gisele-rys.]
Part 2: Introductions
The quadruplets stood as still as they possibly could as their uncle quietly assessed their outfits. He gave each twelve-year-old his full and intense scrutiny in order to make sure that they properly met his high standards. 
“You are all dressed appropriately. Now, remember that I expect each and every one of you to be on your best behavior. Otherwise you will face my wrath. Conor, I do expect that your ridiculous stammer will not show up at my ball,” Doyle said, glaring fiercely at all four of the quads. 
“Yes, sir,” came the chorus of replies from the quadruplets. 
“Now, guests should be arriving in a few moments. You should stand at the left side of the doorway. After my greetings, you four shall make your greetings. Answer any questions that my guests may ask. Then you shall be seated in the table in the far right corner. You will find your name and take your seat. There will be no seat switchings.” 
The quads nodded. Doyle gave a dismissive wave of his hand. They took that as their cue and assembled on the left side of the doorway that led to the large ballroom. After some quiet, nonverbal squabbling, the siblings arranged themselves in birth order. Ryan stood the closest to the ballroom, as he was the oldest. Cara was next to Ryan, and Sara was next to Conor, who stood the furthest away, as he was the youngest. 
The first people to arrive were a couple. The man was tall and had long blond hair. His wife also had blond hair. Doyle smiled widely and offered his hand to both of them. 
“Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa. How lovely to see you,” Doyle said, shaking their hands. 
“Doyle, it is quite nice to see you as well. Who are these?” the man, Lucius, asked. 
“These are my nieces and nephews. They shall be entering their third year at Hogwarts in September. Unfortunately, Cara is the only one in Slytherin.” 
“Ah, well.” The couple turned to the quadruplets. 
“Hi, Mr. Malfoy, I’m Ryan.” Ryan stuck out his hand and shook Malfoy’s hand, before shaking his wife’s hand. 
“Hello, I’m Cara.” Like Ryan, Cara shook the man’s hand before shaking his wife’s hand. 
“How is Slytherin treating you?” Mr. Malfoy asked. 
“Quite well, sir.” 
“Good, good.” 
“Hi. I’m Sara.” Similarly, Sara also shook the hands of both Malfoys. 
“H-hi. I’m Conor.” Conor shook Mr. Malfoy’s hand as he felt his cheeks flame. 
Mr. Malfoy hummed and then walked with his wife into the ballroom as another couple along with a boy about the quads’ age popped into the room. 
“Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Lee, what a pleasure to see you,” Doyle said, smiling at the couple. 
“Doyle, it is nice to see you as well. This is our son, Barnaby,” the man said, shaking Doyle’s hand. 
“These are my nieces and nephews. Ryan, Cara, Sara, and Conor. Cara is in Slytherin.” 
The man looked over all four of them as did his wife. “She must be aware of our son, then.” He then walked into the ballroom, bringing his wife and son with them. 
“You didn’t tell me that Barnaby was cute!” Sara hissed into Cara’s ear as their uncle greeted another man. 
“He’s not,” Cara hissed back. 
“Yes he is. He’s adorable!” 
Cara rolled her eyes and smiled carefully at the man in front of them. It didn’t take long for a flood of people to start joining the line. Most didn’t pay much attention to the quads and after a few more introductions, Doyle stopped addressing his nieces and nephews. 
It wasn’t until a couple with two girls showed up. The girls were identical in features, but in actual appearance, they were very different. One had dark brown hair and dark green eyes, while the other had white hair and bright, almost neon green eyes. The man, most likely their father, shifted on his feet and his eyes darted around as if he was paranoid that someone was watching him. His wife rested one hand on his arm. 
“Jason, Clarissa, nice to see you again,” Doyle said, smiling at them. 
“Doyle, it’s been too long,” the man said. 
“Are these your daughters?” 
“Yes, they are Tessa and Gracie. Are those four the nieces and nephews you mentioned in the invitation?” 
“Yes. Ryan, Cara, Sara, and Conor.” 
The man gave the four siblings a once over and nodded at his wife and daughters, who followed him. It seemed as if Jason wanted nothing more than to dissolve into the crowd. The quads didn’t blame him though. Conor, especially, wished that he could disappear as well. 
Doyle’s lips pinched together as a couple with a girl walked in. It was a look that all four siblings saw whenever their uncle talked of their parents and grandparents. It was the look that was reserved for muggles, muggleborns, and so-called blood traitors. 
“Doyle Lynch? I’m Francis Phoenix,” the man said, sticking his hand out for Doyle to shake. Their uncle took his hand and smiled. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Francis. I apologize for how long it’s been since we last met. Is this your daughter?” Doyle asked. 
“Yes, this is my daughter, Sydney, and my wife, Elenor.” 
“These are my nieces and nephews.” 
The couple turned to the quads and smiled. Each quad shook their hands and introduced themselves. 
“What houses are you in at Hogwarts?” Francis asked. 
“I’m in Gryffindor,” Ryan answered. 
“Oh, I was in Gryffindor as well,” Elenor said, smiling at the boy, who nodded. 
“I’m in Slytherin,” Cara said. 
“Are you the first in your family?” Francis asked and Cara shook her head. 
“I’m in Hufflepuff,” Sara said. 
“Oh, Sydney’s in Hufflepuff as well. Do you know her?” Elenor asked. 
“A little. We’ve talked a few times.” Elenor smiled softly at her. 
“I’m in-in-in R-r-r-Ravenclaw,” Conor said, his cheeks flaming and his eyes darting to where their uncle was talking to someone else. 
“Oh, I was in Ravenclaw. Is anyone else in your family in Ravenclaw?” Francis asked, after a few moments of silence. 
“Uh, both Mum and Dad were in Ravenclaw,” Ryan answered at the same time Conor said “Mum and Dad.” 
“Really? I may have met them. What were their names? When did they attend?” 
“Dad was Seán O’Donnell. He was muggleborn. Mum would’ve been Ailis Lynch and she was a pure blood. They graduated in 1953,” Sara answered. 
“They would have been a year younger than me. The names sound familiar, though.” 
The kids smiled as the couple and their daughter walked into the ballroom. It was a long time before the quads were introduced to someone else. It was a couple with two children. 
“These are our children, Henri and Genevieve,” the man said. 
“How nice to meet you. These are my nieces and nephews, Ryan, Cara, Sara, and Conor,” Doyle said and each child made a small wave at their name. 
A while later, once all their guests were greeted, Doyle and the quads made their way into the ballroom. Doyle went to the long head table at the far end of the room, while the quads joined the other six teens at a table in a corner at the opposite side of their uncle. 
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unfortunate-arrow · 4 years
Day 11: K - Kiss.- Cara and Rowan
[Link to the challenge here. Malcolm belongs to @cursebreakerelmswood and Wendy belongs to @drinkyoursoupbitch.]
[Write a kissing scene of any kind! Get creative. 😚]
Cara smiles, watching the small group of people, as most of the other guests have already left. Ryan’s flirting with Penny and she’s fairly certain that they’ve started dating again or are, at the very least, thinking about it. Sara is wrapped in Barnaby’s arms, as they sit curled together on the couch. She spots Wendy, Ben, and Malcolm chatting in a corner. Conor’s in another corner, half-asleep and nursing a large tumbler of whiskey, while pouring over a large sketchbook. Her brother’s pretty buzzed, as his glasses are askew on his face. He’d also spent the last hour telling everyone that he wasn’t stuttering and then proceeding to run through all his trouble sounds. It was endearing to see her normally reserved and stoic brother let loose, though. 
“Hey, whatcha looking at?” Rowan’s voice startles Cara, causing the glass of eggnog she’s been nursing for the past few hours to spill onto the carpet.
The swear words slip out of her mouth before she can stop them and Cara’s cheeks turn the light pink that’s more commonly seen on Conor. 
“I’m sorry, Cara. I didn’t mean to make you spill,” Rowan says, before cleaning the mess up with the flick of her wand. 
“It’s fine, Ro. I forgot that I still had this horrible eggnog in my hand.” 
“It is pretty terrible. Who brought it?” 
“I don’t know. We never had eggnog growing up.” 
“Yeah, we didn’t either.” 
Cara sighs and stands up. She walks across the living room to the kitchen and drops her mug into the sink. She snags a few of the gingerbread men off of the platter on the table as she walks back to the corner where she had been standing. 
“Want one? They’re my grandmother’s recipe. Ryan found it in one of Granddad’s old textbooks,” Cara asks Rowan, offering one of the gingerbread men. 
“No. I don’t care much for gingerbread,” Rowan says. 
“What kind of Christmas sweets do you like then?” 
“Peppermint, like candy canes.” 
“We used to race to see who could finish a candy cane first.” 
“Who won the most often?” 
“Conor?” Rowan asks incredulously. 
“Yeah. Somehow, he was really good at eating a candy cane very quickly.” 
“I’d have thought that you or Ryan would have been the best at that.” 
“Well, Ryan almost choked a few times, but Conor always seemed to be able to eat it faster, without choking.” 
Rowan laughs and Cara follows Rowan’s eyes as they glance over at Sara, Ryan, and Conor. She smiles softly, remembering the stupid candy cane races of their childhood and Hogwarts days. That was always one of the best parts of their holidays. 
“Hey, Sara has some peppermints in one of the cabinets,” Cara exclaims, suddenly.
The two walk quietly across the room, and Cara rummages through her sister’s cabinets. She lets out a triumphant noise when she pulls out of the bag of peppermints. She rips the bag open and drops one into Rowan’s hand. Rowan grins softly and pops the peppermint into her mouth. 
“KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS!” The chants startle both of them. 
“You’re under the mistletoe!” Ryan yells.
Cara sighs and raises her eyes at Rowan. “They’ll stop if we do it.” 
Rowan nods. Cara steps forward and presses her lips to Rowan’s. She can taste the peppermint and hot chocolate that Rowan had drunk earlier. Cara’s stomach flips and her hands are clammy. They break apart when a loud cheer emanates from the group. Cara’s cheeks have turned pink, and Rowan scratches the back of her head. 
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unfortunate-arrow · 4 years
The July Ball
[A three part story, with other mcs (belonging to @danceworshipper, @daniella-gisele-rys & @hufflepuffs-honor) introduced in part 2.]
Part 1: Preparations 
Doyle Lynch cut a tall, imposing figure. His frame was cloaked in black dress robes that gave him a rather sinister vibe. He was not conventionally attractive in the way that his “filthy mudblood” brother-in-law had been as Seán O’Donnell, with his pale skin, dark hair, and light eyes, had represented the best of the Black Irish. Doyle had only met his brother-in-law once, at the funeral of his “blood traitor” parents, when his sister had been pregnant with their oldest son, Cian. Cian’s obsession with the Cursed Vaults at Hogwarts and subsequent disappearance had stained the O’Donnell name. Luckily, though, most people forgot that one branch of the powerful Lynch family was associated with those filthy O’Donnells. Although, Doyle did have custody of all five of his nieces and nephews. He had been granted custody as the only living relative after the death of his mudblood brother-in-law’s parents. He terrified his four twelve-year-old nieces and nephews. 
Doyle Lynch towered over the four quadruplets as he stood at the large desk in the center of his office. “I expect each one of you to present yourselves admirably at my ball tonight. As this shall be the first one that I am graciously allowing you to attend, I have asked a few of my guests to bring their children. Now, if you misbehave…” Doyle snarled, his unsaid threat hanging ominously in the air. The quads nodded furiously, all four too paralyzed to speak. “You are all expected to wear dress robes properly. Ryan, Cara, Sara, you are dismissed. Get out of my sight.” 
The three named children stood up. Ryan dropped what he hoped to be a reassuring pat on his brother’s shoulder. Cara offered him a small smile and Sara squeezed his hand tightly. Once they exited the room, Doyle turned his full attention on his youngest nephew, Conor. 
“I expect you to speak and to speak properly. I do not want any speculation that you are a dimwit or challenged mentally because of your inability to speak properly. Merlin only knows how you got into Ravenclaw with that ridiculous goddamn stammer. You will speak the same way that Ryan, Cara and Sara do. Do you understand me?” 
“Yes, s-s-sir,” Conor answered, cursing himself in his head as he tripped clumsily over the word ‘sir.’ 
“Get out of my sight. And remember that I don’t want to hear your ridiculous stammer.” 
Conor nodded and basically ran out of the office. He found Ryan, Cara, and Sara in the alcove between their rooms, on the other side of the manor. Ryan was laying on his back, his legs and feet resting up against the wall. Cara had a similar position, but on the window bench. Sara sat in one of the dusty armchairs. 
“What did Uncle Doyle want with you?” Cara asked. 
“My st-st-st-stammer,” Conor answered. 
“Well, Uncle Doyle’s an asshat.” Ryan said it so matter of factly that Conor and Cara both broke into a grin.
“Ry! You need to be careful. I don’t want to see him hurt you again,” Sara said softly. 
“Sara, he’s on the other side of the manor in his chambers. He rarely frequents here.” 
“I know that, Ryan! I just don’t want to see you hurt.” 
“When’s this stupid ball, anyways?” Cara asked, interrupting before Ryan and Sara could have a full blown argument. 
“Tonight, s-s-six th-th-thirty,” Conor answered, his cheeks flaming as the words got stuck. 
“How do we handle Conor’s stammer, then?”
“Can you avoid your trigger sounds?” Ryan asked. 
“No! It’s impossible to avoid th-th-them,” Conor answered, annoyance easily creeping into his voice. 
“Talk as little as you possibly can, then. Don’t offer anything other than a greeting and only answer the questions that they ask. Although, they will probably ask about what houses we’re in.”
“Well, Gryffindor’s easy f-for me. But I’m not in Gryffindor!” 
“Just be yourself, Conor. Your stammer isn’t who you are,” Sara snapped glaring at both her brothers. 
“Yeah, I’m with Sara on this one. The only problem is Uncle Doyle, so maybe talk slower than normal. It might help,” Cara said. 
Conor nodded and ran his hand through his brown hair. The four siblings passed the next two hours trading jokes, insults and possible ways for Conor to avoid stammering in front of the people that their uncle wanted to impress. At precisely five-thirty, a loud pop drew their attention. It belonged to one of the three house elves their uncle owned. 
“Master says Ryan, Cara, Sara and Conor O’Donnell are to prepare for the ball,” he said, in his squeaky little voice. 
“Of course, thank you, Colby,” Sara said, smiling at the small elf. 
The elf nodded and then vanished. Ryan flipped himself over and stood up, dusting off his jeans with his hands. 
“Well, guess it’s time to get ready. Off to the gallows!” Ryan exclaimed, throwing his arms out. His siblings rolled their eyes. 
The two boys split off to one side to their shared bedroom on the left side of the hall. Ryan dropped himself onto his unmade bed, before turning to Conor. 
“So what color dress robes are you going to wear?” he asked, tapping his fingers in a random pattern against the headboard of the bed.
“I don’t know. Maybe navy,” Conor said, rummaging through their shared wardrobe to find the dress robes their uncle had purchased. 
“Uncle Doyle would probably prefer the darker colors. What if I do green? Sara says it compliments my eyes.” 
“S-s-s-sure, if th-that’s what you want.” 
“At least we don’t have to do hair. Are you going to wear your leather bracelet?” 
“No. What about you?” 
“Nah. I will wear Dad’s watch though. But, I won’t wear my sneakers either. Uncle Doyle would throw a hissy fit and then hex me just for fun.” 
“Yeah. I’ll h-h-have Dad’s other watch on, too. I j-just don’t want to st-st-stammer.” 
“He’s a jackass. You can’t control it and didn’t ask for it.” 
Conor shrugged, pulled a set of dark green dress robes out of the wardrobe and threw it at Ryan, who just grinned. Then he grabbed another set of dress robes at random and threw it onto his bed. It didn’t take the two brothers long to change into the dress robes. 
Ryan ran a hand through his hair and then dragged a comb through it, trying to make it look better. He glared distastefully at the black loafers that he had put on underneath the dress robes. He stood up and then glanced at Conor. His brother was dressed identically, just with navy dress robes and black dress shoes. Together, they stepped into the hall to wait for their sisters. 
Meanwhile, in their shared room, Cara and Sara were staring at the four sets of dress robes their uncle had purchased for this occasion. 
“I can’t have anything that clashes with my hair. Uncle Doyle would have a conniption,” Cara said. 
“Take the black one or the navy one, then. After all, we don’t want to kill him,” Sara answered. 
“I wouldn’t mind getting a few licks on him.” 
“Wouldn’t we all. Conor should have the first go at him, though. Ryan could maybe have it as well. After all, Uncle Doyle’s much harsher on them.” 
“Yeah. The nerve that he has to tell Conor that he can’t stammer. It’s not like it’s something he can control!”
“Yep. Do you have any idea who could be attending?”
“No. Uncle Doyle did mention that most of them would be our age, though. Maybe Barnaby Lee will attend with his jackass parents.” 
“Who’s Barnaby?” 
“He’s a Slytherin in our year. He’s not exactly the brightest, but he’s certainly tough. He’s one of Merula’s cronies, though.” 
“Oh. He can’t be too bad though. Can he?” 
“I don’t know, we haven’t really spoken all that much.” 
“Ah. So, black or navy?” 
“Let’s say navy. I’ll be bold tonight.” 
“Okay. I’ll do the purple one. It’s so pretty.” 
“It’ll look great on you, Sara.” 
“The navy will look good on you too, Cara.” 
“Thank you. Are you going to wear your claddagh?” 
“Of course. What about you?” 
“Nah, I think I’ll leave it with my bracelet.” 
The two sisters smiled and quickly changed into their respective set of dress robes. After they finished getting dressed, the two girls braided each other’s hair as braids were much easier to do in a hurry than other hair styles. 
They stepped into the hall and quickly spotted their brothers. Ryan was fiddling with one of the curtain tassels, while Conor was reading a book on the history of Donegal Castle. Both girls grinned. 
“Hey, guys! Looking sharp,” Cara called out, startling both boys. Ryan yelped as he yanked a little too hard on the tassel, causing the curtain to come crashing down. Conor’s head snapped up from his book, his eyes blinking rapidly as if trying to assess the situation. 
“Let’s head down before Uncle Doyle comes up and discovers the curtain is broken,” Sara said before her siblings could say anything.
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unfortunate-arrow · 4 years
💐 - How does your OC handle being unwell or forced to rest in bed? Who cares for them and in what ways? Does your OC enjoy being doted on or are they a terrible patient? Reversed: is your OC good at taking care of others who are ill or in need?
Ryan’s either the whiny, “I’m dying,” man-flu type or the “I’m not sick,” run-myself-into-the-ground type. No one can predict which type he will be when he gets sick. Which type he is really determines how he handles being unwell or forced to rest in bed. The type also determines if he’s a terrible patient or not. The whiny man-flu Ryan enjoys being doted on, while the “I’m not sick” Ryan is a terrible patient. As kids/teens, Ryan’s siblings care for him (at least once they’re living with their uncle), while as an adult, Penny takes care of him once they get together. His siblings do their best, but they’re really just kids and if one of them is sick, it’s likely that at least one other is sick as well. Penny is generally good with a sick Ryan. Depending on which sick Ryan she’s dealing with, she has different tactics. Ryan is generally pretty good at taking care of others who are ill or in need.
Cara handles being unwell or being forced to rest in bed pretty well. When she’s sick all she wants to do is lay in bed, curled in a ball. She’s not a terrible patient, but she gets very picky and specific with what food she wants. For example, if she wants toast with the crusts cut off and the toast is brought to her with crusts, she won’t eat it. She does enjoy being doted on as well. Like with Ryan, as kids/teens, the quads take care of one another, while as an adult Rowan ends up taking care of her once they get together. Rowan’s good at taking care of Cara because she’s learned all the different quirks that sick Cara displays. Cara is good at taking care of others who are ill or in need, even though it’s not her favorite thing.
Sara handles being unwell or being forced to rest in bed well, unless someone else she cares about is also unwell. Then, she will fight through the sickness and try to help them. She’s not a terrible patient, but she doesn’t love being doted on because she tends to feel like a burden, which everyone reminds her that she’s not a burden. As a kid/teen, it’s her siblings that care for her, while as an adult Barnaby cares for her. Barnaby is very kind and sweet, and is aware that most of the time when Sara’s unwell, she just wants him to lay down with her. Sara becomes a healer, so she’s very good at taking care of others who are ill or in need and she really enjoys doing so.
Conor is the “I’m fine,” “I’m not sick,” run-myself-into-the-ground type. He will deny that he’s sick or hurt until he passes out or vomits or when it’s so obvious that he can’t deny it anymore. He’s not a terrible patient, but he’s not a good one either. He wants to be doing something, so the thing that those who care for him have learned, you need to give him a book or something to keep him occupied. He also hates being doted on and will try to get out of bed. As a kid/teen, his siblings take care of him, while as an adult, Ruth takes care of him once they get together. Ruth learns quite quickly that the best way to care for Conor is to back off and only do the bare minimum. Conor’s also very awkward when it comes to taking care of others who are ill or in need. He really only feels comfortable helping those he cares deeply for. He’s good when it’s his wife and sons, but other than that he’s just awkward about it.
Soft asks
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unfortunate-arrow · 4 years
Conor & Barnaby and Ryan & Cara for the brotp asks!
Conor and Barnaby
who steals french fries off the other’s plate
Conor. He’s used to stealing fries from his siblings.
who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail
Conor busts Barnaby out of jail. (Barnaby got arrested for trying to pet an animal he shouldn’t have been petting.)
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues
Conor. He knows his sister.
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes
Conor. Cheating is just part of playing a game with the O’Donnell quads
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk
who starts and who wins the pillow fights
Barnaby starts the pillow fights and wins them.
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush
Neither. It would be really awkward for Conor to say that to his sister.
Ryan and Cara
who steals french fries off the other’s plate
Ryan. He’s a bottomless pit.
who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple
Neither. If they’re asked about being a couple, the person asking is met with a resounding “no fecking way! that’s my brother/sister.”
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail
Cara would have to bust Ryan out of jail.
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues
Ryan. He’s been in a relationship for more time than Cara.
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes
Both. They’re competitive and they once nearly made each other fall off their brooms during a quidditch match.
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk
who starts and who wins the pillow fights
It depends on the day. They’re both quite likely to get into pillow fights.
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush
Both. They like to embarrass one another.
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unfortunate-arrow · 4 years
A Conversation Over Tea
[A continuation of this post by @carewyncromwell. In which Lane Cromwell and the O’Donnell quads discuss a bit of Irish history and books.]
“You’re really nice, Ms. Cromwell. Which is not what we expected because of your name,” Ryan said, earning a flick to the ear from Conor.
“Boys. It’s alright. What do you mean because of my name?” Lane Cromwell asked, smiling gently at the four 14-year-olds.
“Well, our granddad was an Irish history professor and we’ve read a few of his textbooks. And well, we’re Irish, and you know, Oliver Cromwell.” 
“Oh, dear. He is quite a terrible figure to the Irish from what I know about Irish history.” 
“N-not as bad as an G-g-gorta Mór during the 1840s. Granddad’s granddad was the only s-s-s-survivor in the f-family,” Conor said, his cheeks flaming red. 
“What does an Gorta Mór mean?” 
“It means great hunger in Irish Gaelic. Granddad always called it that. He talked about his granddad being the only survivor because Donegal was hit hard,” Sara explained. 
“He’s why we know Irish Gaelic. It was his way of rebelling during the war of independence. He made sure Dad knew and then taught us. He also made sure that Uncle Doyle had to make sure we learned it,” Cara added with a grin. 
“Well, I probably would have liked your grandfather. I haven’t done much with Irish history, either magical or muggle. Did you enjoy the books I brought out?” Lane asked. 
“Yeah. The Tales of Beedle and the Bard are cool. Our grandma rewrote Irish myths, legends, and fairy tales, so we never really read many wizard tales,” Sara said. 
“Oh, those are always enjoyable. I used to read them to Jay and Winnie. What about you, Ryan? Which one were you interested in?” 
“Oh, I liked the one about the monstrosities. It was so weird and fascinating,” Ryan answered. 
“Yes, those are oddly fascinating. What did you like, Conor?” 
“The architecture one. At the bottom of the p-pile,” Conor answered. 
“Most people tend to ignore the history of wizarding architecture. Are you very interested in architecture?” 
“Uh-huh. I’m gonna be an architect when I’m older.” 
“I’m sure you’ll do admirably. Cara, did any book stand out to you?” 
“I liked the fairy tales too. They’re very different then what we have,” Cara replied. 
“I’d be interested in reading your grandmother’s tales. Is there somewhere I can find them?” Lane asked the siblings. 
“Yeah, they’re still in bookstores. Ask if they have anything by Rebecca O’Donnell or R. O’Donnell. Grandma abbreviated on the covers to spite a publisher who rejected her because ‘women can’t sell books.’ It’s in one of the dedications,” Sara explained. 
Lane laughed and smiled at the four children. How so many of her daughter’s peers, especially the sweet, kind ones like the O’Donnell quads, could have such terrible parental figures, eluded her. 
[I’m sorry if Lane’s not very in character.]
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unfortunate-arrow · 4 years
Drunken Confessions
Given the opportunity for unbridled vulnerability, what is one thing your MC would say to each of their friends? Maybe over firewhiskey or a pint of something good? By @drinkyoursoupbitch featuring the O’Donnell quadruplets
Ryan– “You’re awesome. You’re a much better big brother than our dick brother Cian. You’re like a brother to me. I mean you don’t replace Conor, but you could replace Cian.” 
Cara– “You’re amazing, Billy. I guess being one of seven just makes you a great brother or at least able to put up with our bull. You’re a great role model, too.” 
Sara– “I love you, Bill. Not in a romantic way. That’s gross. Plus you love Fleur, while Barnaby’s my love. I love you the same way that I love Conor and Ryan and Cara. You’re a great brother.” 
Conor– “Thank you for everything. For putting up with me when my spells went haywire because the words got stuck. Thanks. You’re pretty cool.” 
Ryan– “You’re a nice guy. I really appreciate your friendship, but if you hurt Sara, you’ll have the full wrath of Conor, Cara and me.” 
Cara– “You’re pretty cool. Plus, if Sara loves you, then you can’t be too terrible. You’re great. Your love of creatures is amazing and you’re a great dueler.” 
Sara– “I love you. You’re amazing and kind and sweet and just the best. I love you so damn much. You’re really, really handsome too. I love you. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. I love you.” 
Conor– “Thank you. For putting up with us, for loving Sara, for understanding the hell we went through. You’re important to me, to us.” 
Ryan– “Dude. I wish I knew you better. You seem great.”  
Cara– “You’re nice. I mean you’re so much like Conor it’s almost freaky. That’s why I broke up with you after our few dates. It was like dating my brother, and that’s not cool in any way shape or form.” 
Sara– “I wish you had let me get to really know you. I know that it was awkward after everything with you and Cara, but I wish we hadn’t let it get very awkward.” 
Conor– “You were a good roommate. I know we never really spent much time together, but you never laughed at me or insinuated that I was less intelligent.” 
Ryan– “You’re really pretty and kind and smart and amazing. I love you so much. You know that right? You know I love you? Cause I do. I really do.” 
Cara– “I like you Penny, but if you hurt him, you deal with us.” 
Sara– “You’re one of my best friends. I’m glad that you’re with my brother. Thank you for befriending us in first year, when we were just the weird quadruplet siblings of the infamous Cian.” 
Conor– “Thanks for helping me with potions and for never teasing me about my stutter.” 
Ryan– “Dude. You’re awesome. I had so much fun in our dorm. Just try to stay out of trouble. None of us want to see you arrested.” 
Cara– “You’re pretty fun. I agree with Ry, though. Don’t get arrested.”
Sara– “You’re very kind. Detention fifth year was very entertaining and you were able to put up with the four of us bickering. Stay out of trouble. You’re too nice to be arrested.” 
Conor– “You’ve never laughed at me when I stutter. Thanks, man.” 
Ryan– “Dude! You’re like a brother to me, too. You’re awesome. You’re just a goddamn well of knowledge about dragons, which, dude, is amazing!” 
Cara– “Charles, Charles, Charles. You should look beyond dragons, mate. You’re awesome though. I love you. Like a brother.” 
Sara– “You’re nice. You’re so passionate about dragons, that it’s cool. I love that about you. Your eyes just light up when you talk about them. It’s like when Barnaby talks about creatures.” 
Conor– “Man, you never once laughed at me. Thank you.” 
Ryan– “You’re cool. I like you. Thanks for being there for my sisters and always being just a good friend to us.” 
Cara– “You’re funny. I like you a lot. You’re such a badass as well. I think that’s really cool.”
Sara– “I love you. You’re like a sister to me. I have such a love-hate relationship with pranks, but you always yank me into wars with you, Tulip, and Cara. You’re so cool, though.” 
Conor– “Thanks for knowing that my stutter wasn’t something to laugh at.” 
Ryan– “Dude. You’re an awesome keeper. Just lay off Conor.”
Cara– “You’re great at quidditch. You’re a very formiddable rival.” 
Sara– “Thank you for always dressing us to the T for events. Your style is pretty cool.” 
Conor– “You’re a brilliant quidditch player, but please stop hiding my clothes. I know my style isn’t up to your code, but it’s mine.” 
Ryan– “You’re so cool. I mean it’s also a plus because you being a werewolf pisses off Uncle Doyle.” 
Cara– “You deserve a hug. You’re really kind and it sucks that you have such a terrible life. You’re also pretty hot.” 
Sara– “You’re amazing. You’re a great friend. You’re also a great roommate. Thank you for getting me that position helping out Madam Pomfrey sixth year.” 
Conor– “You understand what it’s like to be ostracized. I mean it’s different because most people don’t know you’re a werewolf, but everyone knows I stutter.” 
Ryan– “You’re complicated. I don’t know what to think of you. You are better than that dick Cian.” 
Cara– “You’re hot, but not my type. Plus you’re very contradictory. Also, you should apologize to Conor for mocking him in first, second, and third year.” 
Sara– “I forgive you. You still should apologize to Conor, too.” 
Conor– “You deserve to be happy despite everything.” 
Ryan– “You’re brave, Dude. You don’t need to change yourself to fit someone else’s view. You just be who you are.” 
Cara– “You’re not perfect. You don’t have to be. Just be who you want to be, Ben. I like who you are.” 
Sara– “You’re a good friend. It doesn’t matter how brave you are. You were put into Gryffindor for a reason.” 
Conor– “You’ve never laughed at my stutter. That’s been important to me.” 
Ryan– “You’ve been a great friend since we first met all the back in Diagon Alley all those years ago. I love you the same way I love Sara and Cara. Just don’t hurt Cara or you’ll face our wrath.” 
Cara– “You’re gorgeous. Like really, really gorgeous. You’re really smart, too. I love you. You’re amazing.” 
Sara– “You’re my best friend. You mean as much to me as Barnaby and my siblings do. I love you so much. You deserve the world. I hope you’re happy with Cara.”
Conor– “You’re a really good friend. Thank you.” 
Ash: (male!Rowan) 
Ryan– “You’re one of my best friends. I care about you a lot. You’re like a brother to me. Dude, you’re important to me.” 
Cara– “You’re amazing. You’re a great brother and deserve someone who makes you as happy as Rowan makes me.” 
Sara– “You’re another one of my best friends. You’re much braver than you give yourself credit for. I think you deserve the world.” 
Conor– “You’ve been a great friend. Thank you.” 
Ryan– “You’re really nice. I don’t know you well enough to say anything else.” 
Cara– “You're an amazing artist. You should teach me some of your techniques. I love your paintings.” 
Sara– “You’re nice. I wish that I had gotten to know you better.”’
Conor– “Thank you for making me know that my intelligence isn’t limited by my stutter.” 
Cara– “You’re amazing, jerk. I love you.” 
Sara– “You’re great, Ryan. I love you to death. You’re tied for my favorite brother.” 
Conor– “Thanks for always having my back, even if we do fight. Love you.” 
Ryan– “You’re great, jerk. Thanks for making me a better chaser. I love you.” 
Sara– “You’re the greatest sister a girl could ask for. I love you so much.” 
Conor– “Thanks for always having my back. Love you.” 
Ryan– “You’re awesome. I love singing with you. You’re one of my favorite sisters.” 
Cara– “You’re the best. You’re such a good sister. I wouldn’t ask for another sister. I love you.” 
Conor– “Thanks for always having my back. Love you.” 
Ryan– “I’m proud of you! I love you. You’re the best brother a guy could ask for.” 
Cara– “I love you, you idiot. I wish that you would talk to us about things more, though.” 
Sara– “I love you, Conor. You’re awesome and great brother. Thanks for all the help with sports.” 
Ruth Callaghan: (who I don’t do enough with) 
Ryan– “You’re nice. How bad can you be if Conor loves you, though? However, just know that if you hurt him, you will face our wrath.” 
Cara– “Thanks for loving Conor and putting up with us and all our craziness. You’re a great sister-in-law.” 
Sara– “You brought Conor out of his shell. Thank you for loving him and putting up with us and all our baggage.” 
Conor– “Is tú mo ghrá. You are so pretty and smart and kind and supportive, mo grá. Thank you for never laughing when I stutter. Is tú mo ghrá.” 
(Is tú mo ghrá means “you are my love” and mo grá means “my love” in Irish Gaelic. Translation was found here.) 
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unfortunate-arrow · 4 years
Hey! Thanks for reblogging my ask game! 😊 2, 13, 15, & 23 please.
2.) Which friend is in detention with MC? And what did they do to get into detention?
Ryan’s the most likely to end up in detention with either Charlie for being in the forbidden forest or his brother, Conor for bickering and just a general lack of respect for the rules. This is especially true when in fifth year Gryffindor and Ravenclaw have potions class together.
Cara is in detention with Tulip for a prank war with Tonks and Sara. 
Sara is in detention with Tonks for the prank war with Tulip and her sister, Cara.
Conor’s in detention with both Barnaby (for staying out past the curfew) and Ryan (for distracting the class with their bickering).
13.)  Which friend always makes MC laugh no matter what mood they’re in?
Ash (male!Rowan) always makes Ryan laugh. Ash knows a lot more about Ryan than most of their other friends do. He’s the only Gryffindor boy aware of the abuse and neglect that their uncle inflicts on the quads, so he makes it his mission to make sure that Ryan laughs. 
Bill can always make Cara laugh. He’s the oldest of seven and like an honorary big brother to Cara and her siblings, so he knows how to make younger siblings feel better. He may not know the details, but he knows enough to make sure that Cara always is able to laugh.
Tonks always makes Sara laugh. Tonks tends to make it her mission to make sure that her dorm mates laugh, especially when they have a bad day. Tonks can always make Rowan, Penny, Chiara and Sara laugh. 
Charlie tends to make Conor laugh. This is because Charlie made it his mission to try and make Conor laugh because it’s well known that the Ravenclaw boy is very reserved and get more than a smirk from him can be quite difficult.
15.)  Which friend does MC have late night talks with in the Kitchens (while snacking away)?
Ryan usually has late night talks in the kitchen with Jae. The two Gryffindor boys tend to end up in the kitchens at the same time. They usually end up snacking on cake or cookies, while talking about whatever pops into their minds.
Cara usually has late night talks with Charlie. They’re not the most common pairing, but they bond over a love of creatures. Cara has also been known to draw Charlie in the kitchens while they eat sweets.
Sara has late night talks with Barnaby. These happen more often before they start dating because the kitchens tend to be one area where they can get privacy and just talk about anything. They have been known to share a piece of cake or pie.
Conor usually has late night talks in the kitchen with Bill. Bill quickly discovered that the best way to get Conor to talk was late at night and decides that the kitchens are their best bet. He usually lets Conor talk about whatever the younger boy would like. They also tend to eat sweets as well.
23.)  Which friend bursts into song and dance (possibly obnoxiously =p) with MC?
Ryan will burst into song and dance with either Sara or Ben. He’s gotten Ben to sing muggle music obnoxiously. Ryan will also do karaoke with Conor, and their go to song is Take on Me by a-ha.
Cara will burst into song and dance with Tonks.
Sara will burst into song and dance with either Ryan or Penny.
Conor does not like to sing, but he will do the occasional karaoke. His usual partner is his brother, Ryan, but Tulip has been known to drag him on stage and force him to sing with her. 
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unfortunate-arrow · 4 years
For the future ask: 5, 15, 20
5.) Where does MC spend the holidays?
Ryan, Cara, Sara, and Conor generally spend the holidays together, with their spouses and children. They normally spend Christmas Eve and Christmas at one of their homes, usually they rotate each year or they’ll rent a large house every few years. Occasionally, they’ll go to a Christmas Eve mass at a nearby Catholic church.
They usually make their grandmother’s gingerbread cookie recipe and a few other ones. The O’Donnell family does a secret Santa gift exchange because there are so many of them (only caveat is you can’t get your sibling (the fankids only), child or spouse). They also have a large Christmas dinner, but it varies what the meal is. Sometimes it’s a traditional feast with ham and such, but other times it’s pizza or pasta. 
Conor celebrates Hanukkah with his wife, Ruth, as she’s Jewish. They usually have Ruth’s father up every few years or they go down to visit him. Ruth usually makes her grandmother’s latkes.
15.) MC’s experience at Bill’s wedding? (Did they attend Bill’s wedding? What did they wear? Did they play a role in it? Were they the bride? =p)
Ryan: Ryan definitely did attend, along with Penny. He didn’t play any important role, and was kind of distracted because no one had seen Conor since Sara and Barnaby’s wedding. He wore a regular muggle suit (black jacket, white button-up, tie, black slacks). Penny did her best to keep him distracted, but then the death eaters attacked. 
Cara: Cara also attended and didn’t play any big role. She also attended with Rowan. She was also distracted because of her brother’s disappearance. She wore traditional dress robes, in a navy blue. She definitely got into a few duels with some of the death eaters.
Sara: Sara attended as well. She was also kind of swept up in newlywed bliss and danced a lot with Barnaby, even though they only swayed. She wore a dark purple dress. She healed a few of the injured after the death eaters attacked and did her best to help the Order fight, but it was kind of difficult to fight from behind Barnaby’s big frame. 
Conor is already answered here.
20.) Did MC join the Order of the Phoenix and/or fight in the Battle of Hogwarts?
All four quadruplets joined the Order, but in different roles. Ryan usually identified cursed objects and then subsequently tried to break the curses, as well as identifying curses on other members. Cara ended up helping guard safe houses because she is a talented dueler. Sara was a healer and during the ministry denial phase would report any gossip she heard. Conor ends up a spy, but not until 1996, as he was out of the wizarding world for a few years as he studied architecture at a muggle university and then gained an apprenticeship with a Dublin-based architect.
All four fought in the Battle of Hogwarts as well. None of them were killed or gravely injured, but Conor’s previous injuries were exacerbated and he passed out from a combination of blood loss and sheer exhaustion. 
Future asks
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unfortunate-arrow · 4 years
The July Ball (pt 3)
[Part 1] [Part 2] [ Featuring Tessa & Gracie Chiva from @danceworshipper , Sydney Phoenix from @hufflepuffs-honor , & Henri & Genevieve Rys from @daniella-gisele-rys.]
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Part 3: Dinner & Dancing
“So, I think we should go around and introduce ourselves. Say our name and house,” Sara said, breaking the silence. “I’ll start. I’m Sara O’Donnell and I’m in Hufflepuff. As all of you are sure to know, I’m a quadruplet.” 
“Alright, alright. I’m Cara O’Donnell and I’m in Slytherin. I’m Sara’s older sister.” Cara smirked at her sister. 
“By twenty-one minutes! Plus we’re all older than Conor!” 
“H-h-hey!” Conor exclaimed. 
“Anyways! Who wants to go next?” 
“I’ll go. I’m Sydney Phoenix and I’m in Hufflepuff with Sara,” the dark haired girl waved at the group from her spot next to Ryan. 
“I’m Genevieve Rys and I’m in Ravenclaw with my twin brother,” another girl with dark hair said. 
“I’m Henri, Genevieve's twin brother and I’m also in Ravenclaw,” the dark haired boy said. 
“I’m Ryan O’Donnell and I’m in Gryffindor. I’m the oldest!” Ryan said, placing all his emphasis on the word “oldest.” Conor leaned over and flicked Ryan on the ear. Ryan retaliated and very quickly, the two brothers were flicking one another. 
“My god! Can you two go ten minutes without attacking each other?” Sara demanded glaring at her brothers. 
“Uh, I’m Barnaby Lee and I’m also in Slytherin,” the boy interrupted before the three siblings could start in on full fledged bickering. 
“I’m Tessa Chiva and I’m in Slytherin as well,” a third girl with dark hair said. 
“I’m Gracie Chiva. I’m Tessa’s twin sister and in Slytherin, too,” the white haired girl said. 
“I’m Conor O’Donnell. I’m in R-R-R-Ravenclaw,” Conor said, trying to ignore the heat that was making its way up his cheeks. 
There was a lengthy swell of awkward silence before food started to appear on their plates. There was roast chicken, mashed potatoes, slabs of beef, green beans, mac n’ cheese, and, in the center of the table, a large bowl filled with rolls. The kids filled their plates and let the sounds of forks and knives fill the silence.
“Suck it!” Ryan exclaimed, smacking Conor’s hand away from the rolls on his plate. 
“No way, you suck it!” Conor snapped back, reaching a second time to steal a roll, only to get smacked again. 
“Three, two, one! Suck it!” the two boys exclaimed in unison, glaring at one another before dissolving into a whisper argument, where the phrase “suck it” could be heard every three words. 
The six occupants of the table who were not acquainted with Ryan’s and Conor’s behavior stared at them. “Are they always like this?” Gracie asked. 
“Yeah,” Sara answered. Cara smirked and added, “You’re just lucky they didn’t decide to sing it. I can’t tell you how often we have to deal with those two dumbasses yelling or singing ‘suck it’ at one another.” 
“Wow. I think I’m glad I only have one brother if that’s how brothers act,” Sydney said. 
“I think it’s only because we’re all the same age. I’ve never seen another set of brothers act like those two,” Cara said. 
“Ry, Con, knock it off. Oh, and Conor, just take a roll from the bowl, not Ryan’s plate,” Sara exclaimed, exasperatedly. 
“He’s j-just h-hoarding them!” Conor snapped, glaring at his brother. 
“Am not! There are plenty left!” Ryan snapped back.
“Guys! Uncle Doyle,” Cara hissed, effectively ending any further argument on the issue of rolls and whether Ryan was hoarding them or not. 
They fell into another awkward silence. 
“So, uh, why did your uncle look at my step-mom so weirdly?” Sydney asked, breaking the silence. 
“Oh. Is she muggleborn?” Ryan asked. 
“That’s why. Our dad is a ‘filthy mudblood.’” 
“He’s like my parents,” Barnaby said. 
“If by that you mean a jackass, then yes,” Ryan said, earning an elbow to the gut from Conor this time.
“Let me apologize for my brother, Barnaby. He doesn’t think before he speaks,” Sara said, offering the Slytherin boy a shy smile as Ryan faked a hurt gasp. 
“It’s okay. He’s not wrong.” Barnaby returned Sara’s smile, his cheeks turning an unnoticed pink. 
Once dinner had finished, gentle, orchestral music began to fill the ballroom. The adults began to pair off and soon, the ballroom was filled with dancing couples. The kids stood up and moved to the wall, as the tables began to move themselves out of the way. They looked at one another uncomfortably, none quite sure what they should do. 
“Uncle Doyle sh-sh-should have ch-chosen The Who,” Conor muttered under his breath. 
“He wouldn’t touch The Who with a fifty foot pole for two reasons, Con. Firstly, it’s not dancing music,” Cara said. 
“Y-y-you could dance to ‘Bargain’ or ‘Love Ain’t For Keeping.’” 
“Sure you could, Con. Secondly, and most importantly, The Who are a muggle band. Uncle Doyle despises anything muggle-related.” 
“Well, we should probably get on with dancing,” Ryan said interrupting his siblings. 
The kids awkwardly paired off and quietly made their way onto the dance floor. Ryan locked his hands together as his arms wound around Sydney’s neck. The two kids swayed together, with Ryan leading the best he could. 
“So. What are you looking forward to next year?” Sydney asked. 
“Uh. Care of Magical Creatures sounds fun,” Ryan said. 
“Yeah, I think that class will be really fun, too. I love creatures and animals.”
“Yeah, they’re alright. I really like my toad, Lir. Plus, the four of us share a cat, Duchess, and an owl, Archimedes.” 
“Why’d you choose those names?”
“Lir’s a sea god in Irish mythology, but he’s also a king, whose kids were turned into swans. Duchess is from The Aristocats while Archimedes is from The Sword in The Stone. They’re muggle movies.” 
Meanwhile, Conor was awkwardly dancing with Tessa. Ninety-nine percent of the boy’s concentration was on his feet. He did not want to step on Tessa’s feet. He also had no sense of timing which made it hard to do anything fancier than swaying. 
“Do you like quidditch?” Tessa asked, and Conor looked up from his feet, frowning. 
“Huh?” His cheeks felt warm, but at least this time it wasn’t because of his stammer. 
“Do you like quidditch?” 
“Oh. Y-yeah. I play s-s-s-seeker.” His cheeks burned even more. 
“I play chaser. Are you on your house team?”
“Y-yes. After R-R-R-Ryker got h-hurt and quit. Ryan and Cara both play ch-chaser.” 
“What team do you support?” 
“Oh, we s-support the Kenmare Kestrels and the Ballycastle Bats.” 
“You support two teams? Most people only support one.”
“Well, the Bats and Kestrels are the only Irish teams. The Bats are N-n-northern Ireland, which is the UK. The K-kestrels are the R-r-republic. Mum’s mum was from Northern Ireland, while the m-majority of the f-f-family is from the R-r-r-republic.” 
“Wow. You’ve really thought about it.” 
“Eh. Not r-r-really.” 
Meanwhile, Cara had forgone all traditional ideas and had ended up dancing with Gracie. At least, after she had danced with Henri, where the two had also discussed quidditch and classes for the next year. 
“Why didn’t you stare at me like I had two heads?” Gracie asked after a few moments of silence. 
“Well, we’re used to getting stares all the time. We are quadruplets, and Conor stammers. I figured that you wouldn’t want to be stared at. I know I hate it when we get stared at,” Cara answered. 
“Oh. I’ve seen you around the common room and in classes, but nowhere else.” 
“I’m usually hanging out with Ryan, Sara, Conor, Ash and Rowan Khanna, Ben Copper, Penny Haywood, and the two Weasley boys after classes.”
“Oh. So you don’t spend much time in the common room?”
“Nah. Although, Sara will probably pester me to get to know Barnaby better.” 
“He’s not the brightest, but he does have a kind heart.”
“Yeah, he can’t be too bad if Sara likes him. Then again, I’m not sure how many people Hufflepuffs instantly dislike.”
“They are probably the most likely to give people a chance.”
The two girls grinned and kept dancing. 
Meanwhile, Sara found herself with her arms wrapped around Barnaby’s neck. There was something thrilling about being so close to a cute boy. They swayed gently to the music, neither having danced much before. 
“I’m sorry if I step on your toes,” Barnaby said. 
“I’m sorry if I step on your toes, too,” Sara replied 
“Doyle, I don’t know why you invited mudbloods,” a woman said suddenly, her voice carrying throughout the whole ballroom.  
Barnaby groaned, his eyes sliding shut. “That’s my mother.” 
“Come dear, it’s well known that many pure-bloods must interbreed with the less clean. That includes you, Doyle,” a male voice added. 
“My father,” Barnaby groaned again. 
“Yes, I’m aware of my blood status, Lyra, Cygnus.” Doyle’s voice was very intense and nearly every person in the ballroom had frozen. 
“Yes, well, we do all remember that your father had been disowned and only gained this manor because your grandfather was arrested,” Cygnus Lee said. 
“There was no solid evidence that Tadhg Lynch was murdered by my grandfather,” Doyle replied, his voice infused with venom. 
While the loud conversation had started, the ten kids had all drifted back to the chairs against the wall. As it grew more heated, a couple appeared and beckoned Sydney to come with them. The girl waved at the other kids and said, “It was nice to meet you. Hopefully we’ll see more of each other.” It wasn’t long before the Rys twins joined their parents in leaving. It appeared that the loud conversation about “mudbloods” had cleared out nearly half the guests. 
“Well, not everyone can be a part of the sacred twenty-eight,” Doyle snapped. 
“Well, we don’t have any mudbloods in our recent heritage. Your mother was one as was your brother-in-law,” Cygnus said. 
Cara groaned and sighed. “This is why Slytherin has such a bad reputation.” 
“Yep,” Gracie agreed, as both Tessa and Barnaby nodded. The seven remaining kids sighed and listened to the heated debate about blood status. 
“Is he going to hex someone?” Ryan asked, his leg bouncing. 
“My parents may,” Barnaby muttered.
“I hope not,” Sara said. 
“Wait. Did we know that our great-grandfather was arrested for killing his own brother?” Ryan asked. 
“N-no,” Conor answered. 
“Damn. Mum’s side is messed up.” 
“Not as messed as our mother’s side. She’s a Black,” Gracie offered. 
“Yeah, we’ve got Cain and Abel though.”
“Cain and Abel are from a muggle religion, Christianity. Basically, one brother murdered the other.” 
The kids fell back into silence, only interrupting to have a few odd chats here and there. 
“Girls, we’re leaving now,” the paranoid man from before said to the Chiva twins.
“It was nice to meet you guys. Maybe we’ll see you around Hogwarts,” Gracie said, before she and Tessa waved and followed their parents out of the ballroom. 
It was nearing eleven when Doyle finally allowed the quadruplets to head off to bed. Most of the guests had left by then, and all four siblings were dead on their feet 
Ryan grinned, his arms draped over Conor’s and Sara’s shoulders. “Well, at least Uncle Doyle won’t hex us.” 
“That’s ‘cause he was too busy trying to impress all those rich and powerful dudes to notice our bickering,” Cara said, rolling her eyes. 
“Well, he still won’t hex us.”
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unfortunate-arrow · 3 years
Sara & Sophie Friendship Headcanons
-Sara and Sophie would probably first meet in first year, as they're both in Hufflepuff.
-They're both cat animaguses, so there's probably been a moment or two where, while in their animagus forms, they just stare at each other. It's a rather strange sight to see, two cats staring at each other.
-They like to recommend muggle novesl to each other. Sara's are usually romance-based, like Jane Austen's work.
-Sophie didn't realize that Sara was a quadruplet during their first few weeks at Hogwarts. (To be fair, though, most people assumed the O'Donnell siblings were triplets, because Cara had red hair.)
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