#OC: Braith Ossory
askweisswolf · 2 years
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“I love you.
… that felt disgusting to write.”
I still haven’t recovered from my Syfynmance feels after playing chapter 5 part 1 of @exilethegame so please enjoy a pre-exile moment of my girls getting to be soft. Drawn by the absolutely wonderful @jroahn, thank you so much!
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askweisswolf · 2 years
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I love all three of my Commanders from @exilethegame equally I say lyingly, like a liar. 
Thank you so much @kaereth for the beautiful artwork, Braith looks great!
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askweisswolf · 2 years
So this fic is a combination of two things: the prompt from this kissing post, “ “A kiss so desperate that the two wind around each other, refusing to let go until they are finished.” from @night-triumphantt for my girls Braith and Syfyn, and the fact that ages ago @the-rebel-archivist sent me this post ages ago in reference to them and I uh... well. I combined them, why not?
In Braith’s defense, she hadn’t particularly thought her course of action through. Her mind tended to get cloudy when nights of the full moon were part of the equation; what she actually did on those nights tended to vary on how much the blood in her veins decided it hated her at that particular moment, but restlessness to the point of distraction as the sky began to darken was a constant. When she’d felt the familiar itch under her skin, it had been almost too easy to shift the covers aside and slip out of bed to do something to ease it.
Or at least it would have been, if she’d been alone.
The only reason Braith didn’t immediately shriek as she felt a hand rest on her hip was because she’d been intimately acquainted with that hand only a few hours beforehand–she winced, hesitated, then shifted to flop onto her back in the bed, rolling onto her side to meet Syfyn’s thoroughly unimpressed, shockingly clear silver eyes.
Gods, it was still disconcerting how quickly the woman could launch herself from a deep sleep into utter wakefulness. 
“Why are you up?” The words were soft despite the gruff tone, Syfyn’s arm curling around Braith and pulling her closer as her feathers puffed up in the night air. “Did something happen?”
“Nothing happened.” It was simultaneously reassuring and firm, and Syfyn’s gaze softened slightly as Braith’s fingers brushed her cheek. “Sorry. The moon was getting to me.”
She didn’t need to explain with Syfyn; it was a relief, really, the way her partner sighed at the words and shook her head, taking a moment to absently stretch. Braith waited, reasonably sure of what to expect–the blonde was no stranger to her late night wanderings even now. She’d let her go to burn this off, probably drift back to sleep until either Braith returned or it was early enough for her to quietly slip out.
Syfyn didn’t let her go.
“No fucking awoo,” it was a sigh, as the taller woman closed her eyes.
Braith blinked. “Hm?”
The next movement was either too fast for Braith to react to, or she was so comfortable with Syfyn at this point that she wasn’t keeping her guard up; either way, there was only a slight but quick shift and the smaller woman was muffling a very canine yelp into Syfyn’s neck as she tugged her closer and shifted, easily settling on top of her and curling her wings around them both like a cocoon. Braith blinked into the darkness before she relaxed, laughing softly as her hands settled on the other woman’s back. “Sy?”
“No awoo right now.” It was murmured right into her neck, and Braith chuckled again at how matter of fact Syfyn sounded. “It’s late.”
“Is it?” “It’s not awoo time. It’s sleeping time. Go the fuck to bed.”
Braith smiled, absently letting her fingers circle near the base of Syfyn’s wings. “Is that an order?” she whispered, and her smile became a smirk as she felt the other woman subtly shiver against her. Even in the darkness, she could see the way the touch had her feathers puffing up, and encouraged Braith repeated the motion, digging her claws into her skin gently this time for that extra edge.
Syfyn eased back then, her eyes practically white in the darkness, and Braith only had a moment to take a breath before the other woman was kissing her, her fingers brushing against her cheek as she pressed the two of them together so thoroughly the Commander forgot where she began and Syfyn ended.
It had always been like that, when Braith really thought about it for long enough. She didn’t know what would happen to her if one day it wasn’t like that.
When Syfyn pulled away, it was a moment that both lasted for eternity and ended in the blink of an eye; she lingered a little longer, brushing her lips chastely against Braith’s, before she shifted and nuzzled back into her neck with a sigh. Braith took a deep, ragged breath, and smiled in the darkness.
“... No awoo, huh?” It was hoarse, and so smug she felt Syfyn huff against her neck, and her second in command shifted to nip gently at her skin.
“Go to sleep, Braith.”
Braith laughed, soft and breathless, and closed her eyes. “Only because I love you.”
She closed her eyes after the words, relaxing under the steady warmth and weight of Syfyn. The itch was still under her skin, but it had eased down to something she could ignore until morning. It was almost embarrassingly easy to fall asleep after that, but before she slipped under completely, able to ignore the moon for once–
“I love you, too.”
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askweisswolf · 2 years
One day I will write something from Braith’s perspective. Today is not that day.
Dialogue prompt, “You cut your hair.”
There were a million ways Syfyn wanted to start this conversation.
On the surface, it was simple enough; she and Braith would be working together on the Queen’s mission. It would help them both to clear the air now, to discuss and work through any lingering feelings about… what had happened between them in the past.
Braith’s arm cracks under her foot as easily as her claws tore into her flesh three years ago, and she screams. She screams and Syfyn hears it, but she also hears her sigh, she hears her laugh, she hears every sound she’s ever made and it’s all swirling together in her head until she can’t think straight.
I would never hurt you, she’d said, right before Braith had hurt her.
She would never–
Braith must have heard her as she approached, but she gave no indication of it. That was fine; if she wanted to ignore her until the moment she was by her side, Syfyn could accept that. Her former–partner, lover, heart, soul–friend was leaning over some old Southern maps, and as Syfyn stepped closer the only indication she gave that she heard her approach was the subtle shift away from her.
Syfyn stopped some distance away, stayed still.
For a moment, it was silent between them. She waited, but Braith’s eyes never left the maps. Finally, she cleared her throat and ignored the way the ex-Commander’s shoulders subtly tensed at the sound.
What Syfyn wanted to say was, I know we have to work together. What Syfyn wanted to say was, The past won’t impact our shared duty. What Syfyn wanted to say was, I won’t make this hard if you won’t.
(What Syfyn wanted to say was, Why did you do it? What Syfyn wanted to say was, Did you know I meant it, when I said you could kill me? What Syfyn wanted to say was, Do you know I still hate you and I think I always might?)
What Syfyn actually said was, “You cut your hair.”
Whatever Braith had braced herself for as her old friend approached, it clearly wasn’t that; she blinked owlishly, and ice blue eyes finally lifted from the papers on the war table to look at Syfyn. She blinked again, reaching back to run her fingers through her short ponytail, and swallowed. “Oh,” she said, and it was weak. “You noticed.”
Of course Syfyn had noticed. She’d gotten a good look at Braith on the float, after all; it had been almost painfully noticeable. If the White Wolf had been defined by her long, blood red braid, Braith Ossory seemed defined by the utter lack of it. Her hair now was short and messy, pulled back out of her eyes without thought or care.
“I did,” was all she said, and Braith nodded after a moment, lowering her hand. There was a strange expression in her eyes–some kind of war that Syfyn realized she couldn’t read, not like she’d been able to before–and after another moment the redhead pressed her lips together.
She didn’t say anything more.
Syfyn didn’t ask.
What Syfyn wanted to say was, Why? What Syfyn wanted to say was, Was the reminder of what you’d done too painful, you coward? What Syfyn wanted to say was, Were the memories of us really that bad?
What Syfyn did was say nothing. Braith shuffled from foot to foot, and finally lowered her gaze back to the maps without a word. She didn’t say anything, either.
For a moment, Syfyn’s gaze slid back over that short ponytail. Silver eyes traced the dark red strands, ragged and messy along the edges, finding the end of them all too soon.
She felt her fingers twitch, and quietly shifted to fold her hands behind her back. Braith didn’t notice.
She would have noticed before.
What Syfyn wanted to say was, I hate you. What Syfyn wanted to say was, Gods help me but I think I still love you. What Syfyn wanted to say was, I don’t know how I feel and I’m terrified a part of me wants to find out.
Syfyn said none of those things. After a moment, tucking her wings against her back, she turned and walked away, back to the spot she’d left.
She didn’t feel Braith’s eyes on her as she left.
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askweisswolf · 2 years
What Form of Love Do You Embody?
I was tagged by @ava-du-mortain to run a few of my OCs through this generator, I only did four since I’m a bit burned out BUT it was a lot of fun and thank you for tagging me! Please enjoy my two Sidesteps/my one detective/my one Commander.
Also going to tag (if you want) @eskcl @alienasuranas @the-rebel-archivist @maburito​
Mary Gillis:
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John Roberts:
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Annabelle O’Shea:
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Braith Ossory:
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askweisswolf · 2 years
Gonna try to post some more IF OC stuff, so enjoy this piece I wrote pretty much right after Braith decided she wanted to be a Syfynmancer.
There was something almost endearing about how out of her depth the Commander of Plaithus looked in this moment. The slightly narrowed gaze, the thoughtful frown, it all would have been right at home on a battlefield; Sabir was certain soldiers had been cowed by it in the past. The small display of jewelry in comparison seemed far less impressed with the expression.
Icy blue eyes shifted over to him from the stones she had been studying. “You know…”
Sabir pressed his lips together to resist the smile he could feel coming at the tone of her voice. “Hm?”
“When I asked you to help me with this, Sabir, I actually expected you to help.”
“You wound me,” he gasped, resting a hand over his heart as she straightened up to look at him properly. “I am helping, I’ll have you know.”
Her lips twitched slightly as she crossed her arms over her chest; at least she’d relaxed in the casual clothing she’d put on this for this outing, compared to how stiff she’d been when they’d started out. “Are you?” she drawled, and this time he grinned at the way she indulged him.
“Oh, absolutely. On my word, White Wolf, I’ve been examining this jewelry stand just as closely as you have been for the last…” he paused, fishing out his pocket watch to check the time. “Ten minutes.”
A slim red brow arched at his words, but Sabir’s smile held as he pocketed the watch again. Braith stared at him for a long moment before she finally sighed, her shoulders slumping as she fidgeted with her braid. “You’re making fun of me.”
“Only a little bit.”
“I’m going to hit you.”
“I think that would be a violation of some sort as my bodyguard–” The swipe Braith took at him was clearly broadcasted and not even half-hearted, and Sabir laughed as he bounced back a step to avoid it. It had the effect he’d hoped it would, at least; at the sound of his laughter the small redhead finally smiled, something small and slight, but an improvement all the same over the uncertain mood that had plagued her so far.
Sabir would take it.
Braith sighed, looking away and turning back to the display. “I don’t know what I’m doing,” she admitted, reaching out to absently play with one of the necklaces. “I never even gave this kind of thing a thought until…”
Until Syfyn.
Sabir softened, turning with her to study the display. “You don’t have to overthink it so much, you know.”
Braith snorted, something soft. “I want to do this right.”
What was right in this case, really? Sabir didn’t know. He doubted even Braith herself knew; it wasn’t like she had many examples to choose from when it came to how relationships worked. The queens loved each other, this was true, but to call their relationship healthy? Sabir didn’t even want to think about it, and he knew Braith made an active point not to think about it. Even then, the result of that relationship was standing right beside him; a woman made for war and not love.
Braith was trying, though. That had to count for something no matter how she’d been raised, what she’d been made into.
Sabir nudged her gently. “You’ve already kissed her.”
Braith sighed, rubbing her eyes. “You’re never letting me live that down, are you.”
“Absolutely not.” He grinned. “But my point is it’s already done, Braith. You’ve taken that step, she knows you like her. Now you just have to show her you’re serious.”
“I thought that was what I was doing.” It was muttered, but she was listening.
“No, what you’re doing is overthinking it. You’re getting too into your head about doing it right.” He nodded to the display, now. “You already know what Syfyn likes. She’ll value anything you give her, even if it’s just a rock you found on the side of the road.”
Braith laughed, now. “I’m not that bad at this, Sabir.”
“And thank the gods for that, or I’d say you’re truly hopeless.” His grin softened into a smile when she glanced up at him. “But you’re not hopeless. So stop thinking about it so much and pick out something for her.”
“You make it sound so easy.”
“It’s not that hard.”
Braith held his gaze for a moment before she rubbed the back of her neck, nodding sheepishly. “Right,” she murmured. “Okay. I’m overthinking this, and we have a whole market to check out.”
Sabir didn’t smile. “We do.”
“And you’re sure you’re okay doing this with me? I know I asked, but–it might take awhile.”
“Braith, trust me.” He dropped his hand to her shoulder, squeezed. “I’m happy to be here.”
Her smile reached her eyes this time, and if there was a spring in her step when she turned to lead the way further into the market, well–Sabir decided to be nice and not point it out. This time.
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askweisswolf · 2 years
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So I got tagged by @ava-du-mortain to make some of my OCs using this picrew and I figured hey, it’d be a good chance to show off my IF kids a little bit! Top: Abigail Milton, The Detective (The Wayhaven Chronicles) Bottom left: Braith Ossory, former White Wolf of Plaithus (The Exile) Bottom right: Mary Gillis, Sidestep/Heartbreak (Fallen Hero)
Gonna tag if you guys wanna make yours! @the-rebel-archivist, @maburito, @alienasuranas, @ieyasus
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