#OC: Skye Riss
sith-as-heck · 2 years
Skye and Obi Wan - rose lilly and bluebell
Rose- Who’s the Romantic one? Easily Skye, she watches far too many Holodramas and thinks every date needs to involve wine, flowers and sunsets.
 Lilly- Who’s the fun one? Oddly enough, Obi-Wan, compared to Skye his upbringing was feral, he convinced her to go skinny dipping in one of Theed’s grand fountains once.
Bluebell- Who’s more emotional? Skye, Obi-Wan as a Jedi has learnt to control his emotions, Skye has not.
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sith-as-heck · 1 year
Skye 🧣
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What Skye would wear to one of Mon Mothma's "Dinner parties"
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sith-as-heck · 1 year
💕 Skye
Skye and Bail, tbh like they would be the power couple of the galaxy.
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sith-as-heck · 2 years
The Riss family. (Plus Obi and Alex)
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sith-as-heck · 2 years
WIP Wednesday!
@wokenhardies @darth-caillic @sterling-writes
This weeks snippet is a two for one because I have two WIPS running:
The first is from Heart of a rebel
Space, the void was staring her in the face with a thousand unblinking eyes and it still scared her less than the conversation behind her.
The Imperial Pilots uniform was rough, it was slightly too small but given the circumstance, it would do.
Skye looked the part in her stolen ISB uniform, the cap fit perfectly on top of her hair, as if made for her, Cassian and Lokki looked perfectly sterile in the white stormtrooper armor. 
It was like looking into a mirror into some sort of nightmare, a world where everything was evil.
The prison shuttle appeared on the radar, it pinged. 
Skye straightened up, the mask of her disguise falling into place.
“Right gentlemen..” she nodded towards Azena “Madam..This is where the fun begins.”
“You and I have different versions of fun.” Lokki quipped, putting his helmet on “This helmet is horrible.”
“They call them bucket heads for a reason.” Cassian responded, following suit. 
“Enough, focus.” 
Skye turned to Azena again
“Make contact.”
“Yes Ma’am..”
The second is from my Jeron fic, Absent which is more of a original work set in the star wars universe do idk if I could call it fanficiton
“Jeron..” She greeted with a small smile “It's good to see you.”
“And you..” He smiled “How…How are you?”
“I’m good..I work with the Governor now, as his aide.”
Jeron wasn’t surprised, it was always her goal to go into politics, she was more like his Mother than he was.
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sith-as-heck · 2 years
Its Skye who makes Cassian Fulcrum btw, she’s the Aliance’s spymaster as well as a compatent pilot.
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sith-as-heck · 2 years
Thinking about Skye learning from Bail that Obi-Wan is still alive.
Going off the idea that she knows he's alive just not where.
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sith-as-heck · 2 years
There is totally a rumour on the holonet that Lokki is Mon Mothma’s boy toy.
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sith-as-heck · 2 years
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#as someone who spent like five hours in jail on sunday can confirm that the only way to not scream like a howler monkey is to dissacate like
My Top Posts in 2022:
A soft moment.
A glimpse into Maul and Lyn’Ri’s home life with the Twins.
Anyone visiting the home of the Crimson Dawn would relay the information that it is a place of horrors on the planet of Dathomir, That the ghosts of the long dead witches still haunt the desolate wastes. They would say that Maul, the syndicate's leader, who remains hidden in shadows half of the time, was a man to be scared of, a beast whose very presence makes your blood turn to ice. They would tell his bodyguard, an unassuming pink Twi’lek, that you shouldn’t blink in her presence in case she takes the second of lost sight to slit your throat.
In the living quarters, Lyn’Ri and Maul were completely different, Only those extremely close to them knew that the building held a treasure more important to them than stolen credits and gifted gems.
Tempest and Rogue, were small, They barely reached Maul’s durasteel shin, yet to him, they were the universe. 
There was Tempest, with her crimson skin and bright pink eyes with tufts of pink hair and Rogue, with strands of jet black hair, dark red eyes and pink skin.
They were the perfect mixture of their parents.
Currently, Maul was sitting on the floor, crossed legged and amusing the girls by using the Force to lift their wooden blocks into the air. 
Tempest giggles and reaches for the one closest to her, Maul smiles and moves it away from her chubby fingers, causing her eyebrows to knit together in annoyance.
“If you want something, little one, you must get it yourself.” 
“I don’t think a two year old needs to be taught the harsh truth of life just yet.” Lyn’Ri walks over and picks the block out of the air, handing it to Tempest, who grins and sticks it in her mouth to chew on. 
Rogue gets to her feet and grabs one of the floating blocks.
“Rogue understands what I meant.” Maul gestures to her “Perhaps Tempest has inherited your softness.”
Lyn’Ri laughs, only Maul would call her soft. 
“She can afford such a weakness.” Lyn’Ri ruffles Tempest's hair “She has us to protect her.”
Maul makes a noise of agreement, He would die to protect his little ones, no one will ever hurt them for as long as his hearts beat.
13 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
its in my blog description but in case you didn’t see:
If you ship: 
Clonsest, Obikin, Rexsoka or Reylo (not to mention the people who ship Obi and Leia but I’m certain those are trolls because no ones that brain dead) UNFOLLOW ME.
Also if you fetishise:
The clones
I hope someone takes a baseball bat to your knee caps.
16 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
I have so many thoughts about Anakin Skywalker and no doubt could write for pages upon pages about the tragedy of his character but when I see him all I can think is
‘Ooo pretty boy’
20 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
WIP Meme!
@wokenhardies tagged me on my main for this, so here we go <3
Rules: write the last sentence of your WIP.
‘He grins and she chuckles, How amazing how one person can make her feel so much better.’
 Tagging: @starcrossedjedis  and Anyone who see’s this can tag me in their own &lt;3
62 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The animators of TCW and its spin offs really said here’s a almost realistic Liam Neeson but we refuse to unwhitewash our clones
70 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sith-as-heck · 2 years
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The fact that Obi-Wan and Skye looked like this when they first met is breaking my heart.
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sith-as-heck · 2 years
Thinking about how actually badass Skye is.
She’s best friends with the former Queen of Naboo.
She’s one of the leaders of a Militia groups in which she goes around the galaxy in a old star fighter she fixed herself and takes on droids who’s only purpose in life is to fly and fight and she wins.
She has a secret son with a Jedi and only tells him when confronted with it.
She’s one of the first people to rebel against the Empire and is known to speak out against the regime, The only reason she isn’t in prison is because she has powerful friends.
When she’s a old woman she see’s another fascist government rising up, goes ‘Not again, not on my watch’ and gets back into the same old star fighter.
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sith-as-heck · 2 years
Thinking about Skye celebrating the end of the Empire and the Death Star, She finally meets the Twins, She’s met Leia before, of course, but now she can tell her about Padme, can finally share her true past with her, Can talk about her best friend without feeling sad.
But then she hears the name Kenobi mentioned by Luke, who tells her of the old man in the desert, who informs her sadly that the old man was killed by Vader in order for them to escape his clutches. 
Darth Vader killed the two most important people in Skye’s life, and she doesn’t know how to deal with that.
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sith-as-heck · 2 years
Old friends not forgotten.
Skye visits Padme on her birthday.
It had been forty years since Padme Amidala-Naberrie had been murdered, The sculpted statue that stood watch over her tomb hadn’t aged a day, keeping her as beautiful as she had been then.
Skye wasn’t as lucky, Her red hair had turned gray and her once flawless skin was now wrinkled with age.
She should be lucky, she was one of the few from those times who was still alive.  
Padme had grandchildren, and was soon to have great-grandchildren. 
Placing flowers on top of the stone tomb, Skye felt tears forming. 
“You would be so proud of who your children became, Pads.” 
A tear rolled down her cheek
“If Obi-Wan is with you, Tell him to keep an eye on Lokki.” She chuckles to herself “And if Anakin is there…well, I hope he knows how badly he messed up.” 
She was a crazy old woman now, talking to the dead, but hadn’t Ashoka said that when we die we return to the Force? So were they truely dead?
Sometimes when Skye caught a glance at Kora, Luke’s daughter, she saw Padme, the same soft features and warm eyes.
She saw Obi-Wan everytime she looked at Lokki. He was looking more and more like his Father everyday.
And Leia, who had her Mother’s spirit but her Father’s arrogance.  
“I fear it won’t be long before I see you again myself.” She shrugged, her shoulders stiff “But then again, perhaps there’s a few more years left in me. If I die, who'll tame the Skywalkers?” 
She smiled again
“I’ll leave you, You don’t want to listen to an old woman’s rambles.” She ran her hands along the cold stone “Happy birthday Pads.”
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sith-as-heck · 2 years
Obi-Wan and Skye love each other so much that they can’t be together.
Their romantic relationship ends at the end of the clone wars, they both know its to dangerous to be together, and so they go their separate ways.
Skye goes back home to Naboo, raises Lokki, plays the part of noble woman while secretly working with the rebellion, She watches Leia grow up, she invites Leia to Lokki’s birthday parties, she keeps the wolves from the childrens doors.
Both have no idea how important they are.
Obi-Wan goes to Tattooine, he watches over Luke, he tries not to think of Obi-Wan, he’s Ben now.
It isn’t until he meets the Princess and while travelling together Leia causally mentions her ‘Auntie Skye’ and the the wound in his barely beating heart reopens.
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sith-as-heck · 2 years
Working on my Rebels era fic, Because I’m on Lokki kick and have written about Skye telling him about his Father.
“There is no point pestering your grandmother about your father.” 
“Let me guess…He’s a high born knob and she must protect his family's dignity?” 
Skye laughs “Not quite.”
The bed dipped slightly as she sat down
“She never met him.”
She rubbed the duvet, smoothing down wrinkles, or perhaps lost in memories. 
“We met during a celebration on the anniversary of the battle of Naboo..” She smiles to herself “And had a few encounters after..we both had other things to do.” 
Lokki sets down the datapad, surprised at her sudden truthfulness. 
“Then the war happened and well…you know what I was doing then.” 
He nodded 
“He died..during the war..”  
His heart sunk, of course, this story had a sad ending. 
“Key..Sweetheart..” She takes a deep breath “I know you want to know him, And I’m certain he would have loved to be in your life.”
She reached out and clasped his hand, she was shaking slightly 
“But it isn’t possible.” 
“What was his name?”
She paused, closing her eyes. 
He had a name, Ben. 
“Thats all I’ve ever wanted, Mama.”
He rubbed her hand with his thumb
“I know.” 
She wiped away a stray tear. “I miss him and it's painful for me to talk about.”
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sith-as-heck · 3 years
First meeting.
While attending the celebration of the one year anniversary of the battle of Naboo, Obi-Wan notices a beautiful young woman with flaming red hair.
It was hard to believe that the battle of Naboo had happened over a year ago, that it had been that long since Qui-Gon had died and Obi-Wan had taken on Anakin as his padawan. 
It seemed to pass all too fast. 
The feast had lead to a party of sorts, Where the upper classes of Naboo intermingled and drank expensive alcohol, It seemed odd to Obi-Wan, to drink on such a solemn day. 
Padme, who was sitting next to him, seemed to agree as she had seemed to absentmindedly sip her wine while smiling politely at those who came to greet her.
“Are you quite alright my dear?” He asked 
“Huh?” Padme hadn’t been listening at all
“Are you alright?”
“Oh.” Padme nods and flashes him a smile “Yes..just...It doesn’t seem right.” 
“Celebrating?” Obi-Wan nods in agreement “I suppose, It was the end of the Federations occupation of this planet.” He sips his own wine, grimacing as the alcohol burns the back of his throat “No one here knew anyone who died I’d imagine.”
“No..you’re probably right.” Padme turned to look at Obi-Wan fully and rose her glass “We should drink to those who were lost..”
Obi-wan smiles “Qui-Gon wouldn’t let this wine go to waste that's for certain.”
“Then we shall drink for him.”
Padme giggled and moved her glass towards Obi-Wan’s, they clinked together, the noise almost drowned out by everything else. 
A woman in a long green dress approached the table
“M’Lady.” She bowed her head, her long red hair falling like a waterfall over her pale shoulders “Glad I could finally speak to you.”
“Skye!” Padme seemed very happy to see this woman and gestured to the table “Please, Sit.”
“I don’t wish to intrude.”
“Nonsense, sit.”
Skye looked rather sheepish as she sat opposite Obi-Wan
“Obi-Wan, this is one of my oldest friends, Skye Riss, Of House Riss, The Merchants.” Padme pointed to Obi-Wan “Skye, This is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Of the Jedi, He helped defeat the sith lord sent to assassinate me.”  
“A jedi?” Skye’s eyes lit up “I didn’t think Jedi attended parties.”
Obi-Wan smiles “When you get a personal invite from Queen Amidala herself it is quite hard to refuse.”  
Skye laughs, flashing a set of white teeth
“I’m so glad I’m not the only one who feels that way.” Skye looks at Padme “You see? I’m not the only one who despises these things.” 
Now it's turn for Obi-Wan to laugh
“I wouldn’t go that far..despise is a harsh word.” 
Padme shakes her head “Next time I won’t invite you two..”
“You promise?” Skye asks with a smile 
Padme bats a hand at her “Oh behave, Or I’ll tell your Mother.”
“You wouldn’t!”
“I would!”
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