#OH AND ALSO OMG THANK YOU FOR somehow setting me up for that realisation re: Eunjae
mythvoiced · 2 years
💋💯👨‍❤️‍👨 for eunjae and sarang!!
@ofgentleresolve | sex+romance headcanons!
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💋 How many people has my muse slept with? I will learn how to make Vietnamese iced coffee and then I will make barrels of it and then I’ll ship it your way with me attached to it snotty and sniffling in chibi modus blabbering something about how much I stan you and also thank you so much for your interest in Eunjae, I- 🥺 BUT ONTO THE QUESTION, good question, I do think Eunjae has had a few semi-relationships or otherwise not very long-lasting relationship with physical intimacy. In their early twenties, probably, when they were still sort of trying to figure out whether relationships were even something they were truly interested in at the time. I do believe it never reached a double digit number, nor came all too close, they realised relatively early on that this entire romance and sex thing isn’t very high on their priority list. I mean, they’re not opposed to it, but they won’t seek it.
💯 What is my muse’s ideal date? Something most definitely lazy as hell and very tranquil. Eunjae adores comfortable silences, moments spent together just enjoying one another’s presence, sharing a space while perhaps engaging in individual hobbies or even getting some work done. Let’s say, if Eunjae could spend an afternoon with someone they liked where they’re sitting nearby or even cuddling, with both reading maybe, stuff like this. This doesn’t work as well for most in terms of a first date, as in, the cuddling and it being in Eunjae’s bedroom most likely for maximum cosy, but an ideal first date would still have similar vibes.
A picnic, maybe, or at a library date, or even shopping, idle and with no real purpose, tranquil and cosy.
💑 What are my muse’s requirements for a potential partner? Eunjae is more selective than other muses featured on mythvoiced, that’s true, but they’re also simultaneously more open-minded? It’s an interesting balance/contrast (look at me, tooting my own horn~) because it has Eunjae potentially dating people of all sorts of personality types and walks of life and you name it, going from the soft-spoken autistically-coded librarian to the trauma-riddled tattooed owner of a strip club ( @wantedformanysins​ shoutout ♥), but at THE SAME TIME, it will have them date very, very little and take a hot minute to not reject advances.
So they’re not looking for something specific in terms of occupation, appearance, energy-level, mental health even, anything that could define a type. But they’re looking for a few of very specific traits that could be found in just anyone but have to be there: tranquillity.
It’s basically their only requirement, Eunjae wants and needs and would like someone who they can relax around, unwind with, someone who calms their hypervigilance if that makes sense. If you get loud and rowdy in a bar but have this tranquillity, Eunjae would probably choose you over a gentle intellectual who’s always on high alert for this or this other reason. 
Someone who wouldn’t agitate them by constantly vibrating out of their skin. This doesn’t mean, for example, that they wouldn’t date bundles of energy, excitable people SUCH AS MYSELF, I’m lying, I’m tired most of the time, BUT I GET EXCITED, anyways, they’d date such people too, if the energy wasn’t coming out of this deep agitation, this nervous agitation, this energy of ‘I can’t stop moving because the thoughts will get me if I do’ or ‘oh god oh god am I-’, Samuel energy, for example.
But ALSO! Someone who sees them as an equal and they can easily slip into a routine with, where awkward smooths into casual super quick (because Eunjae just goes into things by skipping the awkward phases, at least on their part).
AND Eunjae is VERY stern when it comes to their moral code, so it’s always an instant rejection if something doesn’t vibe with them in that context.
ALSO!!!!! I reached the end of this and spontaneously realised Eunjae might actually be interested in male-aligned people as well, after all so allow me to create a dust cloud by NYOOMING to correcting that in their about--
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💋 How many people has my muse slept with? Not as many as she continues to insinuate she has slept with. Sarang enjoys using two personas above all other available to her: the femme fatale and the innocent flower girl (sort of), basically the exact opposite ends of the spectrum, usually changed up slightly to fit particular interests in given cases (eg. she usually goes for ditsy when ‘playing nice’ but full innocent flower girl is also possible). When the latter comes into play, obviously she hasn’t slept with a single soul, what do you mean puts index to lower lip? When the former is needed, she will most likely have slept with more people than her target, solely to give that air of sexual superiority. It’s a game, it’s a craft, it’s an art, and she’s good at it.
BUT in actuality? Considering how old she is, she did most definitely not have as much sex as she could have had, honestly. She’s got a healthy libido and isn’t above a one-night stand or a more casual, physical relationship, she finds no shame in it, nor reason to not engage if everyone involved is consenting. Truth is, though, she doesn’t often have the time or mental energy to say ‘yknow what? let’s go sleep with someone!’. She’ll have periods of time where she’s probably staying somewhere a while and maybe connects with someone and there’s something there, but then she can go full months without even thinking about it. Less because of libido and more because of the social aspect of it.
SO, mathematically applied to her approximate age, I’d say, not a surprising nor an exaggerated amount! Unlike her brother lmao who’s bordering on hypersexuality-
💯 What is my muse’s ideal date? ANSWERED, she too would enjoy some tranquillity for a date that is genuine and not meant to serve any purpose, you know, get her into any place, close to any people, because she’d like to have some lows to her constant highs, some resting to the adrenaline and the constant movement, metaphorical as well.
She likes really mundane dates, that I’d like to repeat properly, things that make her forget the unnatural ways of her life. She enjoys going on mundane dates, visiting stands, going shopping, she’s like a soldier waiting for someone to tell her the war is over please come home, sit down and relax.
💑 What are my muse’s requirements for a potential partner? HMM!!! Sarang might also be a bit more difficult than, say, someone who is more casual about interpersonal relationships, like Thanh who dates like regular real-life people and is not a 600+ year old immortal who’s done a lot of bad stuff- BUT I DIGRESS.
Confidence. Sarang isn’t very compatible, at least not in this context, with people who are too indecisive or unsure. She doesn’t judge it, she simply isn’t compatible with it, she’s someone who is certain of her decisions or at the very least finds ways to take action even in those scenarios in which she’s filled with doubt. She doesn’t have the patience, the calm to wait, to carry the other person along, because she knows she will end up taking every decision instead, and she’d rather not have that be the dynamic in a relationship.
Maturity, self-awareness, a certain understanding of the world, she doesn’t judge people who believe in things blindly, who are idealistic to the point of it blocking away the reality of the world, if that’s how you want to live the world, if you’r granted this privilege, all the more power to you. But in a romantic context, in a relationship, she can’t do it. She needs someone who isn’t cynical per se but masks it claiming to be realistic, she needs someone who understands that the world is painted in grey tones and that it’s not as pretty as people want it to be but still beautiful because of its imperfections, that people lie and that promises get broken. She doesn’t want it to look like hard shells and permanent squints and ‘back in my day’s’ and anti-hero attitude, she’s not asking for that don’t worry, she’s just asking for... consciousness. Acknowledgement. Because she can’t fit into a worldview that doesn’t have space for something as morally grey, bloodied and imperfect as her.
Those are the major ones, I think. Goes to say that things such as ‘being faithful’ and all that stuff are to be taken for granted, as in, I won’t even mention them, these are things that should be a given.
She could also never be with someone who judges her. Not in a casual way, but morally, deeply. She knows she’s no saint, and she does not mind having certain things discussed or even some of her past being reason why someone wouldn’t want to be with her, but please do not use it as a weapon against her, don’t weaponise her sins to win arguments, to gain some weird sense of superiority, it will genuinely hurt her almost more than anything else.
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allie1804-fan · 3 years
Malaise  (Chapter 2 - An Evening with Tara)
Chapter 1
Warnings:Explicit content
They started the evening out by the pool,  sharing a glass of the Chablis while they made small talk and waited for the Chinese delivery. When it came, they set everything up on the kitchen island and both tucked in hungrily. He liked that she wasn’t one of those women who picked at her food. She was in good shape nonetheless, not needing to eat like a bird to keep that way.
“That was delicious as usual, and thank you for remembering the wine”
“Of course” he grinned, tapping his head to indicate he had all the important info  stored up there.  “shall we go back out to digest by the pool?”
He was in no hurry to get to the action between the sheets, enjoying her company and also knowing that she would be gone not long after they finished. She never stayed the night  - one of her ‘rules’. It could be broken for a fee but she’d told him she preferred to stick to certain boundaries and he was fine with that.
They talked about his travels for the latest shoot which had taken him to South America  - his first time doing a shoot there and he’d got to explore a little afterwards.
“Any intimate adventures with the locals” Tara asked giving him a wink. She’d been servicing him for about 3 years by now and had his permission to ask certain personal questions.
Keanu blushed and laughed
“But you’re  still not one for settling down?”
“Nope, neeeeeever gonna happen!”
“You sure about that?”
He cocked an eyebrow at her  and took a sip of his wine whilst holding her gaze.
“I think so,  why do you ask that?”
“No-one’s getting any younger around here are they I guess, and you seem, different somehow tonight,  I can’t put my finger on it – sorry I didn’t mean to pry”
“No it’s OK , I have been, I don’t know, a bit out of sorts lately I guess  - nothing that some time between the sheets with you won’t put right though”
He grinned broadly, stood and held out his hand to her. She rose and he pulled her to him for a deep kiss. Kisses were something Tara didn’t  give to all her clients but had agreed to with him.  It was something many women in her profession held back on and she had with him initially. She remembered the night he’d persuaded her to allow it.  They had been making love but each time she had been about to come, he’d slow down and lift his head from being buried in her neck and look at her expectantly. Eventually she realised she wasn’t going to come unless she kissed him.  The little pecks she tried initially didn’t cut it  - only when she’d kissed him with the passion he knew she felt had he relented and brought her the release she craved. After that, they always kissed tongue deep before and during sex.
After their kiss, they took their glasses and what remained of the wine and walked hand in hand to his room where he took off his shirt and lay down on the bed – his signal to her to undress in front of him. She was wearing an elegant blue jump suit with wide legs that slipped to the floor in one fluid motion once undone, leaving her standing in pale blue lace underwear which contrasted with a light golden tan.  Keanu could feel his hard on grow and press against the zipper of his jeans.  He beckoned her to approach the bed and he slid across to sit on the edge, pulling her to him, kissing her breasts through the soft lace. He reached round and unclipped her bra, letting a nipple fall into his mouth making them both moan as he flicked it with his warm tongue. As he sucked and flicked her nipples, he was easing her panties down over her hips and legs until she could step out of them. Keanu then shuffled back to his original position and moved one of the pillows so his head was well placed for her and waited for her to join him.
She crawled onto the bed, her hair cascading down and brushing over his belly as she moved across him. She nibbled on his nipples as she made her way up into the position he wanted, astride his chest and gradually moved up until her pussy was hovering above him tantalisingly. He could smell her and it made him moan loudly and grab her ass cheeks to pull her to his mouth. Tara grabbed the headboard and let him feast on her. He soon had her quivering and panting as he drank her down, poking his tongue up inside her while gently circling his hands over her ass. Her clit was hardening as he swirled his tongue round and round the hood. Then he took a moment to ease off the pressure, giving the nub tender little kisses for a few seconds, holding her right on the cliff edge. Finally he relented and opened his mouth wider to take her all in before he sucked firmly, his hands gripping her butt so she couldn’t move away.
“ahhh god Keanu yes, that’s it, oh Jesus, aggggggggggggh”
Her legs were shaking with the tension as she came, juices flooding his mouth and her moans carrying on as the endorphins flooded her body, a pink flush spreading across her breasts. Her head lolled back for a moment and then she eased off him falling flat on her back in momentary exhaustion.
“OK?” he asked grinning widely  as he hovered above her.
“mmmm” she purred with cat like contentment “just give me a minute to come back down to earth”
It was unusual for her to say anything like that to a client, after all she was on their time not her own but this was  one of his requests - that she behave more like a lover for their sessions and so she usually took a moment to recover from his ministrations before they moved onto round 2. While she lay there, hazy in the aftermath, he stood and took off his pants and boxers and stood at the edge of the bed, pulling on his hard cock to relieve some of the pent up tension. She stretched and asked
“How do you want me?”
“get on your knees, please honey”
She did as she was told and he pulled her towards him to position her just how he wanted. He probed her first gently with two fingers.
“so wet, so tight” he whispered before bending his knees slightly and slowly pushing in. She was still spasming slightly from her earlier orgasm and his entry made her draw in her breath. He was the largest of her regular clients and, pro though she was, it always took her a few minutes to get used to his girth.
“You OK?”
“always with you” she moaned, pushing her butt towards him so he slid all the way in and squeezing her muscles around him.
“God Tara, yes just like that”
Her movements spurred him on and it only took him a few minutes to make her come and rapidly reach his peak too, groaning loudly.
The final part of their ‘usual’ was what you might call ‘aftercare’. She wiped herself clean of his come while he went to pee and he then re-joined her in the bed under the covers. They sipped their wine and thanked each other for the good time -  even though they both knew this was a business transaction, they were respectful of each other. Then they put their glasses down,  Keanu turned away and she cuddled up to his back. He would be asleep soon and he knew she’d be gone when he woke up. That was the deal and they always stuck to it.
@penwieldingdreamer @fortheloveoffanfic @kindainlovewithkeanu @ladyreapermc @witty-wallflower @gatsbynouvel @bitchyslut99 @keanureevesisbae @omg-imagine @iworshipkeanureeves @fics-not-tragedies @ficsnroses @kindainlovewithkeanu @paperplanesandwallflowers
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into-september · 6 years
Banana Fish episode 20-21
The short version is that the only things I even like about this show any longer is Max and Yut Lung.
So chalk this up to the proud tradition of watching-stuff-just-to-complain-about-it, because I've invested enough time in this show to be talking about it at length anyway. There's going to be too much to say about its existence as an adaptation, about the timing of the release, about the inexplicable fact that they updated the setting but didn't update the content. If sullen complaints are going to be what it takes for me to get through the last four episodes, then complain I shall, and I'll be sharing it with the internet so that maybe some other lost soul might find comfort in it.
Sailor Moon's ending was spectacular, by the way, by which I mean that I would never have gotten over it if I'd watched the show when it was actually airing and I was actually smack in the middle of the intended audience. But I really loved it a lot okay, and certainly more than this contemporary.
Seriously, guys. Go watch Sailor Moon instead. It's funny and charming and way more entertaining and there are ACTUAL GAY PEOPLE BEING GAY AND SAYING THEY LOVE EACH OTHER AND INDISPUTABLY BEING IN A RELATIONSHIP AND ALSO WOMEN.
Oh, screw it all. I just realised that there have been no named women on this show who were around for more than two episodes (Max's wife and Ash's stepmum. Shorter's sister was at least named in the manga, and possibly Dr. Vegetable's housekeeper who was really working for Yut Lung was, too). I'll be re-watching this with my sister come Christmas break, and I swear I'll COUNT the number of women who aren't background extras because the last woman I recall having lines the nurse who tried to kill Ash some six or seven episodes ago.
- ugh WHY did you have to sully Canon's good name by putting it into this anime and putting it into DINO'S PARTY of all places. Maybe the cellist owed him money.
- I'm pretty sure this whole thing about people adressing Dino as "Monsieur" was just something the mangaka came up with halfway through and introduce because she thought it was cool, and then the anime didn't realise that adaptations are where you take the chance to fix the fuckups of the source material
- Cute how this is America and a mob-boss with more enemies than George Soros and yet no-one thought to pat down the staff and oh, Eiji, showing off that gun is not a good idea if you're trying to be undercover. Mostly I'm just disappointed that the show thinks it needs to remind the viewers that this gun existed, as if EIJI of all characters requesting one at the end of last episode is something we just forget
- Eiji runs at Dino with a gun drawn, is shot down before he gets within ten metres of him. Dino is arrested and is locked up for life. Max adopts Ash, who goes on to use his genius to find a way to cure climate change and cancer. Ibe returns to Japan owing Eiji's family some explanation. Yut Lung lets go of the ghosts of his past. Sing lets go of avenging Shorter. I can quit this anime reasonably satisfied, and turn my attention to re-reading the No. 6 novels and probably moan about the weird pacing or something. WELL THAT WAS A HAPPY ENDING BOY AM I GLAD THERE ARE NOT FOUR EPISODES AND TWENTY MINUTES LEFT OF THIS SHOW OR NOTHING HA HA HA ha
- And there goes Yut Lung with his Eiji hateboner. I KNOW it won't happen but let me hope for the miracle where he gets his wish granted and gets to shoot him in the face personally.
- Yeah Sing, IDK, maybe someone's should've told the civillian to stay home or at least wait behind the wheel of the getaway car so that someone who had fired a gun before could've not missed the child rapist trying to take over the country standing a metre and half away from him.
- Also: Most anticlimatic shootout ever. I thinkthey spent more time talking about the super important party last episode than on showing us the super important party in this one.
- WELL FOR SOMETHING THAT IS GENUINELY INTRIGUING: How upset Yut Lung is about Blanca's betrayal and how emotionally invested he is in whatever the hell it is he wants with Ash. I'm pretty sure he's in a position to get rid of whichever brothers of his he hadn't already killed, and whatever reason he has for cooperating with Dino, it sure as hell isn't because he LIKES him. So why exactly he's got such a personal vendetta against Ash is pretty much the only thing I honestly care about at this point.
- I like this entire "oniichan" thing between Ash and Eiji, and probably for all the wrong reasons. Just let me compare it to Digimon Frontier, which similarly established the "Takuya-oniichan" dynamic between Takuya (parted from his younger brother) and Tomoki (parted from his older one). Was it profound, on any level? No. Was the relationship between Takuya and Tomoki notable outside of it? No. But the fact that they on some level treated each other as the brothers from which they were parted gave their relationship this little flavour of some more profound psychological issues at hand, even if it was probably just to foreshadow and highlight the Kouji-Kouichi disaster. And even if it's a stretch to apply the same to Ash and Eiji, it would at least explain something if the two of them saw each other as the absent family members: If Ash saw Eiji as a chance to have a Griffin-who-lived, if Eiji saw Ash as subtstitute for his younger sister, then that would go a long way in explaining why the hell they're so irrationally invested in each other's safekeeping. I mean, it makes absolutel no sense because even goddamn Digimon Frontier had more elaborate sibling relationships than Banana Fish has, but let me pretend a bit, okay? Because even oniichan jokes lend more narrative logic than the absolute silence that has been entertained about the love that dared not speak its name in 1892 but if you're going to tell that omg cencorship, LET ME REMIND YOU THAT THIS AIRED ON JAPANESE TV IN 19 FUCKING 92
- Oosa still lives on in our memories
- Oh good, I can appreciate Ash just waking up in time to instantly tear into someone for not being a feral genius child like him
- Eiji takes off on another ill-adviced suicide mission, and Cain speaks for all of us when he knocks Ash out
- Not that I question Cain's decision to have Ash tied up on the bed here, but ouch being tied up on beds is not the thing this boy needs to experience ever
- Other things to be counting upon the re-watch: Ash's body count, now increased with at least one
- On the one hand: How the hell did he just get into that museum just like that. I mean, surely there must be guards? Alarms? Locks on the doors that require more than blunt gun-induced force to open?
But on the other hand: IS THIS ZOOTROPOLIS OR IS THIS ZOOTROPOLIS and I'm fully on board with this if it's going to end with Ash pretending to be hit with Banana fish and fake-killing Eiji in front of Dino's eyes while secretly recording his premature bragging about his evil plans for using this drug to take over the world
- I can't believe I'm seriously hoping they shoot Eiji. What have this show reduced me to. I used to like him.
- oh good, I was hoping that Ash would just shove Yut Lung head first down the stairs and for once the show did not disappoint
I don't think "torture porn" is the right description for this story, and I'm getting the definite impression that The Manga Is Better, but someone being lippy in other fora means that I've got some expectations that I've no doubt will come about, given the story's previous track record. But my orchestra is having the Christmas programme from hell tomorrow and I sure won't be doing this after getting home from that past midnight, so let's just get it over with, shall we.
- Not to get into the fandom's internal debates or anything here, but Eiji ridiculing his sister's doki-doki good luck charm is a pretty good indication of the status of Eiji/Ash and "super canon confirmation" is not it
- I don't know the Japanese word for "hitman" but I sure perked up at recognising it here anyway. Thank you, Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens, a far dumber anime that was ultimately a far greater joy to watch, and which also had a better track record at depicting gay men than Banana Fish has this far, with a good 100% of them being depicted as a) relatively nice guys since they’re the allies of the hero, b) not rapists, c) not pedophiles. 
- My god is Sing actually going to have some plot relevance what is this trickery
- I just realised that we never learn enough about Eiji's babysitters for their names to be worth remembering. Because I actually do think these names were mentioned at some point, but don't ask me what they were.  As far as I can tell, they're Scrawny Guy, Black Guy Who Was Somehow White In The Manga, and Not!Oosa
- In no news, I suppose, Yut Lung is seriously the only thing I'm enjoying about this show all the time Max isn't around, and I'm immensly enjoying his getting his own hands dirty and also his hear being wild and free to symbolise his deteriorating mental control
 - Sing's plot relevance lasted for a full minute and half
- And now also a sugar daddy. I approve.
- Oh this darling show, this is... what, the third? Yeah, the second or third time it's mentioned gay men, and all of them have been when showing us child rapists. Such representation, much progress.
- The one guy I'd LIKE to see Ash kill, and Max stops him. Boo.
- Ash kill count: +1
- It's sad how they just mentioned the French Foreign Legion and my interest just perked 20%, isn't it
- Max goes down like Dr. Marco and Ash, couldn't you just... you know... CALL HIM, THIS IS 2018, YOU HAVE SMARTPHONES
- Ash kill count +2
- A woman? In MY Banana Fish???
- Jesus, I completely forgot that Max is a goddamn Iraq veteran
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