moonkhao · 4 months
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JOONG ARCHEN & DUNK NATACHAI Love Out Loud Fan Fest D2 (May 19th, 2024)
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voiceofthecity · 8 years
The Fading Spark: Ch. 2/?
Series: Little Witch Academia
Pairing: Diana/Akko
Words: 4k+
Read Chapter 1 Here
Read on AO3
Whose stupid idea was it to have transmutation tutoring at the crack of dawn? I could barely keep my eyes open, but considering I passed out while studying again, that shouldn’t be a big surprise. I put on my uniform and packed my bag quietly so I don’t wake up the others. If I accidentally startled them awake again, Sucy promised she was going to poison my drink during lunch later. Last time she did that, it gave me a huge mushroom-looking zit on my chin and it wouldn’t come off for another week! At least Lotte was nice enough to lend me her scarf during that time, but what if I end up worse next time? What if I turn into a gross lizard girl and terrorize the school? What if I end up losing all of my teeth due to accelerated tooth decay? What if it makes my nose into a carrot that you could just eat? I like my nose the way it is! You can’t take away my nose, Sucy! Not for as long as I li-!
“Kagari, You’re late.” That prudish voice called out to me and snapped my train of thought.
Oh. I’m here already. Trapped in an empty classroom with her because apparently, she wants to help me get better at magic. That’s not exactly how this whole rival things works, y’know. But if the so called ‘Luna Nova’s Best’ wants to expose her secrets for me to exploit and use against her, that’s her mistake and my benefit.
I put my bag down and took out the case holding my wand. While getting it out of the case, I looked at the table she was standing behind to see a bunch of different chunks of rocks, crystals, and minerals lined up next to each other. Some of these pieces might be used on the test, but of course, she wasn’t going to let me know which ones.
“You have about two hours before the beginning of your transmutation test. I was told to tell you that if you fail the test, you will be dropped from the class.” She said, keeping that authoritative tone in her voice. I snapped back at her with a witty response.
“I don’t think you’re supposed to say something like that to a student who maaaaay have a tinge of anxiety about this whole thing in her, but go ahead! Put enough stress on me and you just might put a crack in this diamond in the rough.” I planted my foot in front of her’s and tilted my head up to lock eyes with her. She kept that focused stare locked onto mine with a look that says ‘Please focus on the task at hand.’ That's something you don't need to tell me twice.
“Perhaps you are, but we won't know that until your work shows it. Shall we begin?” She said while her eyebrows raised at me, almost like she was doubting my words. I'll make sure that she doesn't make that mistake again. With her wand in hand, she switched her gaze towards the piece of rough grey rock on the table. I think that one is basalt if I remember it right. She closed her eyes to focus her magic into the wand, making it glow at the very tip. I watched her form closely to make sure I knew wha- She knew what she was doing.
“Petra Obumbratio!” She yells out and the rock imploded, creating a cloud of smoke. Once the cloud cleared up, that boring grey rock turned into a small shining ruby. A single “Woah!” escaped my lips, but that was only because I was surprised the ruby was so small. I know if she could, she’d make that jewel as big as my head, but I guess she didn’t want to show off.
“Just like that, Atsuko. Remember, we have two hours. Are you certain you can do it?” She asked while taking a seat on the chair nearby to watch closely. There she goes, doubting me again.
“Oh, don’t worry Diana. I’ve been studying long enough just to watch you be impressed at my skill! Ha ha ha!” I spoke boldly with confidence on my side. Or so I thought. An hour and a half passed and I wasn’t even half way through the ten rocks in front of me! I was doing exactly what that pompous know-it-all was doing, so what the heck am I doing wrong!? Once I finally got the fourth rock to turn into a soapstone, I felt my legs starting to get wobbly and I was even a bit lightheaded. I fell back and sat on a chair, which was weird because that chair wasn’t even there to begin with. I guess Diana caught me before my butt hit the floor and kept me from looking like ore of an idiot than I already was.
“You’re already tiring yourself out too quickly, Atsuko. We don’t have a lot of time left. Is something wrong?” She stood over me and I could almost hear a bit of concern from her voice. I was more frustrated than I already was and just wanted to get this thing over with. In all honesty, her pity was getting more fired up than I already was before. I stood back up and locked eyes with her again, but I wasn’t going to look away as easily as before.
“I don’t know! You’re the one who’s supposed to be helping me, and I’ve been following your instructions since we started! You make everything look so easy, and I don’t know if you’ve forgotten, but I’m not like you. You’re the pride and dignity of this school and everyone wants you here! But everyone looks at me like I’m unwanted and that I shouldn’t be here!” I rose my voice at her, but it was beginning to shake and I could feel myself beginning to choke up on my words.
“Atsuko...” She tried to interrupt me, but I kept taking out my frustration on her.
“I’m only wasting your time! Go ahead and leave, Diana! Do it!” I stepped forward to make her take a step back, but she wasn’t budging. I was trying to ignore the tears starting to build up and roll down my cheek. I tried to keep talking, but I got too choked up to speak a single word. I couldn’t help but feel completely pathetic right now. I didn’t want to be the crybaby I was growing up. I wanted to be something greater than that, but right now, it felt like nothing had changed. I was still just a girl too little for a dream too big.
I felt a Diana’s hand grasp onto mine while I wiped the tears off my cheeks. It was a firm grasp, enough to focus my attention back to her, but she was mindful not to squeeze it too tightly. I looked back at her, despite my conscious telling me not to do so. Her expression was one of determination and sympathy, both of which I’ve never seen her like before. It was almost like I was looking at a completely different person; Someone who you could trust and respect. Was this the Diana that everyone saw?
“Atsuko, there’s only one thing holding you back right now, and I think I know exactly what it is.” She says while she sits me down and pulls up the chair she was sitting earlier and positions it in front of me before taking a seat herself.
“You always talk proudly about how you’re going to be the best witch and how amazing you’re going to be. You always talk about wanting to be like, even surpass...” She paused before she could finish her sentence. She was almost in deep thought for those few seconds she trailed off from her words, but she took a deep breath to regain her composure.
“But in reality, you don’t completely believe that you should be here. Your conscious and your heart are in two completely different mindsets, and because of that, your magic is severely limited.” She stood back up and had her wand in her hand again, but she continued talking now that she had my full attention.
“You can memorize every single incantation, every single spell, every single magical ability the world has to offer. But if your heart doesn’t truly believe you can do all of that and be a great witch, you will only be as skilled as a novice.” She spoke while her body moved elegantly towards one of the stones on the table and she demonstrated her prowess once again. This time she turned the crumpled remains of coal into small pieces of a shining diamond. Not stopping there, she levitated the pieces and spoke in the calmest tone I’ve ever heard from her.
“Primum reverti.” The remains before her shifted around and came back together, piece by piece like a jigsaw puzzle until it formed a perfect diamond shape, no bigger than the ruby she created earlier. It floated toward me and dropped before I caught it in my left hand. I looked closely the beautifully radiant gem in my palm, unable to see any flaws or cracks. I focused back on Diana, who was looking at out the window, watching the sun ascend high above clouds, the blue morning sky as vibrant as ever.
“Remember Atsuko, a heart that believes is your magic.” She spoke with a tone of conviction and hope. I think I finally understood what I needed to do. But after she stopped talking, I repeated her words subconsciously, trying to keep my focus, but suddenly I stopped. I just realized something.
“Diana, did you just...?” My words trailed off when I saw her suddenly turned towards me with a hint of embarrassment on her face, another expression I’ve never seen her convey before. Before we could saw anything, the morning bell rung. It was now Eight o’clock. A half hour before the test.
“We’ll continue this another day. You need to get to your test.” She spoke firmly, almost doing a 180 with her facial expression back to the Diana Cavandish I saw when I walked into the room two hours ago. I rushed to get my stuff and climbed up the stairs to the door and turned back to look at her.
“Th-Thanks Diana! I’ll pass with flying colors!”I walked forward with confidence, but that demeanor was broken when I hit my face on the door frame. I ran out after that little mistake. I really hope she didn’t see that.
It was a struggle for Akko to open her eyes, like a massive weight was trying to keep her eyelids shut. Almost out of nowhere, she felt a bitter liquid being poured into her mouth, waking her up immediately. She let out a gargled shriek while frantically moving her arms and legs before she sat up and gulped down whatever substance was in her mouth. She immediately knew the culprit behind her rude wake up call.
“What the heck, Sucy!? I'm not dead y’know!” She scolded her friend, who was seated to her right with an empty vial in her hand, looking back at Akko with those tired faded red eyes.
“I just wanted to make sure. But thankfully, you proved me wrong once again.” Sucy said with a comforting smile, something rarely seen when she isn’t seen gathering new mushrooms to experiment with. Akko suddenly felt someone pull her over to the left and hug her tightly.
“Thank goodness you're okay! We were scared to death about you!” Lotte clung to Akko for a good few seconds, relieved to see her friend alive and well. Akko smiled at her roommates, her friends since day one, happy that they're still with her. That smile was quickly replaced by a small coughing fit with Akko still tasting the bitterness from Sucy’s concoction in her mouth.
“What did you make me drink this time, Sucy?” Akko questioned her.
“The magical energy in your body was almost completely drained, so I made something that should speed up its recovery.”
“Huh. Now that you mention it, my body doesn't feel sore all of a sudden. Thanks a lot, Su-” Akko's praise was interrupted by a small blue mushroom suddenly sprouting out of her cheek. She yelped as it felt like a nail was ripped out of her skin.
“And there's the excess energy.” Sucy smiled before carefully plucking the fungus off her friend’s face, leaving behind a subtle red circle where it grew from. Akko rubbed her face with an expression of irritation, but it softened into one of comfort upon seeing the faces of her loyal companions.
“I'm glad you two are safe. I don't know what I'd do without either one of you.” She expressed her gratitude, which was received by a group hug from both of them. Although she had only known them for less than a year, Akko cherished Lotte and Sucy like the sisters she never had. She more than lucky to be met them when she did. Their moment together however, was put to an abrupt halt as Akko stood back up in a panicked fashion, accidentally picking up Lotte and Sucy before they fell on the floor.
“D-Diana! Where is she? Is she still here?” She asked Lotte.
“I-I think she's on her way meet with the headmistress.” Lotte answered.
“Okay! I'll be back in a minute!” Akko ran off to find the girl who saved her life. She stopped for a second to see where exactly she was. It was almost completely dark above her with torches around the walls, lighting the area around her. She looked to see hundreds of Luna Nova’s student body around her, looking over one another and talking to each other. Akko finally realized she was in the caves underneath the school campus. It was said that there were tombs of witches from the past in these caves, only enhancing the dark and scary atmosphere of the caves. But she shook off that initial fear to find Diana.
Her search didn't take long thankfully. Akko spotted her friend out of the corner of her eye and almost broke into a sprint to get to her. Diana heard the fast approaching Akko call out to her and before she could turn face her, the newly recovered student jumped and hugged her, almost pushing the both of them down had Diana not caught her properly.
“A-Akko! Are you okay?” Diana asked her as she carefully placed her back on her feet. After what happened at the tower, Diana was more than worried about Akko’s condition, even if she looks to have recovered just fine.
“Yeah, Sucy helped fix me up! In fact, I feel more limber and energized than ever! Like nothing can stop me!” Akko talked while stretching and moving her body around to show just how healthy she looked, even though she looked a bit ridiculous doing so. However, she suddenly froze in fear when her name was called out from someone walking towards her and Diana.
“Miss Kagari!” shouted the approaching Professor Finnelan, making beeline towards Akko. The troubled student felt the professor’s anger grow with every step and a strong part of her wanted to run away, but it would make it everything worse than it already was for the both of them.
“What in heaven’s name were you doing on top of the tower in a time of emergency! You looked as if you were on death’s door when I found you and Miss Cavendish!” The professor continued scolding Akko, which she could tell if that anger was out of worry or out of frustration. Diana tried to redirect the professor’s attention to her, but she was too focused on Akko to turn away from her. Until finally, Akko felt a hand placed on her shoulder, startling her until she turned to see who it was beside her.
“Headmistress!” Akko and the professor yelled in surprise, but now was more concerned that she would be yelled at by two faculty members at once. But Headmistress Holbrooke’s tranquil aura helped to calm the situation down. Diana approached her and respectfully bowed her head.
“Headmistress, you said you wanted to see me when everyone arrived safely.” Diana reminded her.
“Yes I did. However right now, I’m quite curious about Miss Kagari and what happened before the professor found you two.” The Headmistress’ words made Akko reflect back on what transpired just moments earlier. Although she doesn’t remember everything clearly, she certainly remembered one thing clearly. A sight that she wouldn’t dare forget. The face of her very idol standing in front of her, with her hand out for an offer of partnership. Suddenly, everything clicked in her head and it became crystal clear.
“Headmistress, I... I remember what happened!” Akko spoke up, unknowingly interrupting Finnelan and Holbrooke’s conversation. All eyes were on her, not making the situation any more nerve wracking for Akko. Never before had her anxiety suddenly spiked as much as it did now and she stuttered her words, looking down at her feet like a child on the verge of crying, which at this point she was going to end up becoming in a few seconds. But her eyes shifted to Diana, who wasn’t looking at her with anticipation. Her sky blue eyes that Akko would sometimes get lost in was giving her a sign of motivation. Diana wanted Akko to know that she was behind her, one hundred percent of the way no matter what. Akko took a deep breath and nodded at the prodigy. She faced her professor and headmistress without hesitation and spoke.
“I climbed up the tower because I wanted to use the Shiny Rod to save the school. It might have been a dumb thing to do, but I was so determined to do it that I would take any risk necessary! But when I got there... I saw Professor Ursula and then something happened. I thought it was impossible, but it really happened, I-I swear to you. P-Please hear me out, Professor, Headmistress!” Akko’s words were stumbling again, but she swallowed her pride and told them.
“Professor Ursula was nothing but a disguise! She was really Shiny Chariot! She offered me a chance to fight with her and save the school, but she deceived me! If it wasn’t for Diana saving me as quickly as she did, I don’t know where I would be! Please, believe me!”
The three people in front of her have varying looks of surprise and bewilderment. A few seconds passed to let Akko’s words sink in. Akko took a single step back out of worry that she would get yelled at. As truthful as her words were, it wasn’t until now she realized how crazy she made it sound. The most famously known witch in the world was secretly a teacher in Luna Nova and was betraying the school for some unknown reason. Akko looked at Diana, who did look confused for a moment, but she closed her eyes and sighed while looking down at her feet as a sign of regrettable acceptance. Akko turned to the Professor who still kept a look of impatience, but Finnelan looked over at the Headmistress, whose eyes were behind the brim of her hat, making it hard to see what her reaction was. Until she looked up at Akko for a sign of confirmation.
“Is that so, Miss Kagari?” She asked.
“Y-Yes, Headmistress... It’s all true.” Akko responded and nodded in reassurement of her words. Although no one could tell from what they see, Headmistress Holbrook felt certain heartbreak at Akko’s words. Never would she have thought it would come to this. After all the time with her, she would hope that things would be different and she had really changed. But Shiny Chariot’s actions, as told by the very student who was the most heavily influenced by her, had convinced her otherwise.
“...I see. Please give me a moment.” The Headmistress excused herself. The Professor watched her superior walk away with a sense of somber, as if someone dear to her had passed away. She followed behind her, but said not a word to give her a moment of peace. Akko went over to Diana, finally alone with her, but without any particular words to say. Diana took a deep breath and looked up at the roof of the cave shrouded in pitch black darkness. She kept her eyes up while speaking.
“I wish I could have known about this sooner. If I had, perhaps everyone would be safe.” Diana spoke softly, keeping herself from looking at Akko. The guilt she had in her stomach was beginning to eat at her. All those months of trying to figure everything out felt wasted. She wondered if everything she did was a huge waste. She finally lowered her head and faced the girl was so focused on improving for months.
“Is this all a part of Luna Nova’s fate, Akko? Is this part of your fate, perhaps?” Diana questioned Akko, who did her best to answer.
“I’m not sure... Maybe it was, but Diana, you’re the best witch here. Even though everything might be in danger, I’ll still follow you.” Akko stood her ground to Diana, but Diana still couldn’t help but feel the guilt rise in her. She could almost feel herself beginning to break away from the calm and collected demeanor everyone saw her in as her emotions started to show in front of Akko.
“Everyone believes I’m the best, that might be true... But I’m not good enough to be the best. Perhaps not ever.” Diana’s words were quickly met with Akko grabbing onto Diana’s arms. She turned to Akko, face to face with her with tears beginning to build up in her eyes.
“No, Diana! You’ve been the best out of all of us ever since you stepped into this school! And you know what, even the best can’t do everything like everyone expects them to! So you couldn’t predict this as good as you wanted to, but you still got a long way to go! You’re improving and growing just like me!” Akko’s passionate peptalk suddenly toned down as she continued with, “E-Even though you’re still leagues above me.”
Diana couldn’t help but give a giggle to Akko’s comment, which she followed with a laugh of her own. Diana wiped what little tears she had off her face and gave a hug to Akko. If there was one thing Diana thinks she got right, it was tutoring Akko. Not only had both of them improved their magic through their time together, but formed an unlikely companionship that could face any conflict together. Neither one of them regrets giving each other a chance. Diana looked over Akko’s shoulder to see the Headmistress waving her hand to her. Unfortunately, it seemed their moment had to be cut short.
“Thank you, Akko. I believe I am needed now, but we’ll see each other again, okay?” Diana smiled at Akko, keeping her hands holding on to Akko’s for as long as she could. Akko nodded in understanding.
“Alright. Stay safe for me, okay?” Diana nodded, promising Akko to do just that before going to meet with the Headmistress. With all that out of the way, Akko walked back to meet with her roommates again and keep herself recovering for the time being. Amanda, Constanze, and Jasminka appeared to be talking with Sucy and Lotte in the distance, so she rushed over as quickly as she could to meet them.
“So what did you need me for, Headmistress?”
“I’m sure you understand how grave the circumstances are, Miss Cavandish. Right now, this school needs you now more than ever. I only ask if you are up the task to help us stop Shiny Chariot.”
“You have my support Headmistress. But if I may ask, what is Shiny Chariot planning?”
“To alter the very fate of Magic itself.”
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