manybrokenquills · 8 months
"What happend to you? Why are you blue???"
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theory-chicken · 1 month
Debut Trailer 1: Choose-Chosen
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For some reason tumblr has an image limit on posts (?) so i will be linking all the images
I know it sucks and is annoying but i don't want to make multiple parts for all the different pictures i want to use
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We were desperate in our desire to transform.
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Into vampires?
Its shown in the children of Vamfield webtoon that they didn't know they were vampires when they were being raised in the orphanage but once they found out they wanted to use their powers and become more powerful
This could also mean they just want to succeed irl but whatever lmao
We believed that there lay dreams unknown.
Because every path is stained with tears.
We keep our fists fiercely clenched,
Nothing to say lol (*´ ˘ `*)
not knowing it to be a blessing or a curse,
That's all
lest we loose what we hold in our hands
They are afraid of loosing something?
This line + two previous say they are holding onto something because they are afraid to loose it
What? I honestly have no idea \_(._.)_/
Blood-red moonlight blazes
Why red? [Images]
Unquenchable thirst flares with fury.
*cracks knuckles*
The unquenchable thirst is obviously for blood bc ya know vAmPiReS
Assuming the "flares with fury" means they suddenly have bloodlust and not that it only comes up when there mad it follows children of Vamfield again [Images]
When jungwon (jakah) is accidentally cut they go vampire mode
The others look up to us in veneration
Veneration:noun; great respect; reverence. "the traditional veneration of saints"
Who's looking up to them?
As far as we know there the only vampires that are "human like" if that's what you would call it
and we look upon them with envy.
The others look up to them, they envy the others
Who are the others?
Normal people?
Why do we desire what we cannot aquire?
Ohoo got a little rhyming going on there i see
Okay but so many questions
What do they desire?
Why must we walk along an endless line?
Oh boy
Here comes all the walk the line and manifesto stuff
Many of their intros and outros talk about this "line" that they are forced to walk on
I always think of it as the social norms and them wanting to break out of it to create their own "line"
This most likely is relating to their irl thing where they want to connect with engenes and forge their own path
But im not sure what it has to do with lore?
It does show up later in the outro for day one and in manifesto but im not sure what its significance is
Maybe its a sign there switching worlds or something because im like 91.3% sure carnival takes place in some sort of a flipped world
Idk tho tell me your thoughts i guess
At dawn, the sun rises to menace and bless our fleshy selves.
Well we know they can be in the sun...
Or can they? [Images]
This still confuses me lmao because i was pretty sure they could go out in the sun?
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Well i hope your ready for the actual video part of this because that was just the words part😀
(im not going crazy thinking about doing this for every song)
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Throughout the whole thing there's words on the screen that have a hyphen connecting them
I think this is alluding to their later comebacks with hyphens ex: drunk-dazed, blessed-cursed, tamed-dashed
Some of them, like drunk-dazed, are synonyms or just go together well
Others, like blessed-cursed, dont
Im guessing this is just irl stuff
Yey our first thing we know *applause*
And it suddenly takes a dark turn
Us-The Others
Again, not a clue who the others are but we do know they are the opposites of eachother
If your wondering why this sounds familiar its bc they have a song called mortal on orange blood
Is this a hint to a new song?
Probably not
These words also align with the words jake is saying btw.
There's a lot of shots of forest or just trees in general and i don't know if they were just going for effect but i think the only other time a forest appears in their mvs is in tamed-dashed bc they come out of it
Also the orphanage where they were raised was surrounded by a forest which might have been the one they come out of in tamed-dashed but idk
There's so much more going on now that we have the new webtoon😭 (everybody say thank you to hybe)
Anyways i have one more thing to say because it caught my eye
At 0:25-0:28 there's this shot of a hand and it looks so familiar but for the life of me i cannot figure out why😭
I have a hunch i remembered it from dark blood era but i watched the trailer and i couldn't find anything
If anyone else thinks it looks familiar PLEASE tell me where you think its from because i cant be the only one ;・_・)
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This took an obnoxiously long time...
Likes, comments, and reblogs are much appreciated ⌯' ▾ '⌯
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fandom-sheep · 3 years
Fundy Lore Stream (30 MAR 21)
Delayed Live Blog 1/1
I’m in class, but the favorite streamer is going.
Accidentally started off silent sounds like we’re going well
“No panic” no we shall panic
Time to split my brain between descriptive statistics and lore
Quiet intro
Hooray bed! Pretty bed!
Ooo Dessert? This seems fun.
It’s all dessert? Always has been.
Up da tower.
Van? That’s not where that’s supposed to be.
Is this prerecorded? I think so from the scuffed bit?
If it’s prerecorded his acting is looking good.
Just a fox and some rabbits.
Fundy in the van? Broken button?
Knock knock anyone home?
My class is talking t-tests and z-scores and I don’t care.
Where is the streamer?
Boy probably built this and is still wondering where the path leads.
Creepy basement. No. Yes. No. Yes.
Oh sky switching between light and dark. Very cinematic.
Ah we’re talking article critiques in my class. I know this.
Oh look. An ominous book. Nothing bad ever comes from ominous books.
Long book from the fox to da fox
Complicated Fundy lore let’s go
Dream world? It’s not real? Is this a dream? Nightmare?
“You are not real” oh no wait I don’t like the heartbeats.
I really don’t like the heartbeats.
Oh we awoke. That was spooky.
I maybe guessed right though. It was a dream/nightmare thing.
Oh wait never mind. Still in the dessert.
Chatting to chat. Prank boy things it’s a prank.
Empty chest, empty inventory. (Just didn’t want to recreate it did he? Lol)
Seems like a video game to me. Lol
No don’t make the boy alone. He’s already so alone in normal story.
Already going crazy and yelling at things.
Yelling at the Wilbur name tag disappearing
Boy still thinks it’s a prank. Prankster trying to rationalize everything.
Back to the basement?
Wait is the basement closer.
I loved the “I’m not going insane” he toned that just right for it to sound like normal.
Book time again. What did I say nothing good comes from ominous books.
If we see him writing these books I will cry.
Nope. Don’t keep reading. Home again home again jiggidy jig.
Why did we keep reading. *distress sounds*
Wake up time. Of no the heartbeats back.
Back to sleep come on. Don’t try to figure this out.
Again falling back onto pranks. Back onto prankster feelings.
Please don’t cry. I don’t want to see the fanart.
No please don’t laugh either! I want to see this less!
This is going to be so angsty.
All the angst art incoming. Brace yourselves!
He’s still thinking it’s a prank. A bad prank. But he thinks it’s others.
I’m going to cry if he keeps on talking about how he’s always the one hurt.
Oh wait the house is so much closer!
Just go to bed. Please. Do what it suggested.
My stream just goofed! Panic!
I don’t know what’s happening but I like the mods comforting us telling us we are real
Ok I’m back. We’re waiting for night to sleep
He’s still talking about it being a prank.
Oh I’m going to cry about the “you were always there for me every time. Except sometimes. When I needed you the most” (not direct quote)
Please Fundy. We are going to cry. Stop talking about things disappearing.
Your chat can cry on command Fundy. Please.
Stop. Stop looking at that. Stop walking.
Where are my tissues? I’m going to need em.
Where’s the van???
Wait. Egg? No FIRE!
Wait... is that the van blown up. That’s not a good omen. Not a good memory.
No you don’t want to find out!
Unreliable narrator is my favorite trope, but good heavens I’m going to cry and continue screaming into the void.
Yes yes. Hello again.
I hate how long the books are. So many pages is stressful.
No we don’t want to truth. We want to go H O M E
Please. Book Fundy. Help us out.
I agree with book Fundy! Just stop!
Oh no wake up. Gotta mentally prepare myself for heartbeats.... it stopped...
Oh no. We’re not waking up!
he is.... I’m worried.
We’re listening. I’m taking notes.
My class ended btw.
Don’t join him? Who he? Who him?
This has a Wilbur vibe to it. Is this past lore? Is this future Fundy telling past Fundy not to join Wilbur.
Making that thing red because if that’s what happens. I’m calling it.
Other book? Glowing book?
Today? By Fundy?
Oh no. Remember?
Odd illness. Oh no. In dream Insomnia?
Oh no. We have another who can manipulate reality. Time travel is getting too complicated.
I agree. No no no.
We can’t leave. We kept reading.
I know this. It’s night. It won’t work.
Don’t throw it away. We’re already invested. We need that.
Sometimes it easier to believe a lie than the truth.
He sounds so stressed.
Please. Just finish the book.
Wake up. And we have.
Oh. him...
Screaming I agree.
No no no. I agree.
Sleeping in the roof bed.
Wait what...
He got to him. Quiet heart beats?
Other noises.
So this is connected to Quackity somehow
I’m glad the chat is filled with comforting role play reminders.
Ok the end of stream reminders pole was nice. All is forgiven.
Here are the reminders. And for lore purposes because they mean something here is the title and tags. Permadeath and hard mode are what has me most concerned.
Anyway I’ve got another class.
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