vonlipvig · 6 months
Oh stars above, I'm happy you managed to kiss your best friend that also in love with you since you were both kids. God the Voice of Rizia and Herald post gonna have an field day dissecting this royal scandal also i saw that stats on your royal authority sheesh you need a major help when the royal decree of decriminalizing homosexuality, yes you heard me right. There's a royal decree about that. So you got to gather royal authority in the future.
do not worry about that. no, really, it's all under control! because WHEN we get zille back, and WHEN we get our rightful half of the gas field from the traitorous hands of that palesian idiot, then it's all going to be fine! the international community will see that we are the ones who are right and true, and neither smolak or reinhart will be able to change that. and so, every rizian will look at what we've accomplished and go 'huh, that romus guy is actually pretty badass!', and boom. instant authority boost.
(^the desperate prayers of a cursed man)
...in the meantime, every decree that gives me authority is gonna get signed. i don't care if it's the 'send all poor children to be eaten by the witch that lives in the forests of montaklar' decree, IT'S GETTING SIGNED.
(and if not, this will be a beautiful tragedy lmao).
0 notes
blue-cypress · 11 months
Time to post about my fave vanilla romdram ahahah
Okay so like this season was really nice overall just like wonderfully made a produced it didn't feel rushed (except the random ass FOUR MONTH time skip at the end)
Mel's pregnancy arc came to a sad end that I didn't expect, but in hindsight I probably should have. There were some times where they would say things about the pregnancy and I would go 'the fuck I thought you were only telling your boss his wife and your sister about this, why are you telling this to these random extras we'll never see again??' Brie and Brady made me sad especially cause of the reason she broke up with him. Mike literally had the same secrets as him and she's still choosing to date him, which bugs the shit out of me. Also I still don't trust Mike, I get off vibes from him. Preacher is the man Bo Burnham was talking about in lower your expectations cause this man is everything. He's thoughtful strong attractive will hide a body for you can cook!! And he's dating a woman who lied about her relationship status and wanted to keep things casual even though she didn't say that at the beginning of their relationship. Also her ex is really possessive of her and she keeps telling Preacher "oh its fine, he's harmless" and then two seconds later the ex is like " she's always gonna choose her job over you, and guess what, I'm part of that job". Lizzie and Denny. God they're cute and all but he's in love with her and she loves him. Like they said that to each other with Lizzie specifically saying "love" rather than "in love". Also Dennys grandma was a biiiiiitch. Hated her. "I was doing it cause I loved you!" 'It' being lying about being in love with someone else cause I know you don't want a baby so I'm not gonna tell you I'm having a baby and never speak to you for 50 (30? I don't fucking know man) years. And then telling denny she wanted him to go back to college even though he wants to live the rest of his healthy life with someone he loves?? Bitch behavior. Going back to Mike quickly, whenever brie and Brady had a fight or argument, he would just swoop in and flirt with her, even though he knew she was dating brady, huge red flag to me. Him getting shot did nothing for me, it just gave Brady more trauma. And the fire, it got the BnB, lily's farm, Muriels house, but god forbid the bar burns down. Speaking of the fire, nick was a terrible mayor and jo Ellen shouldn't have told her husband about hopes fender bender. Hope may not be in tip top shape, but she was delegating better than nick could have dreamed. One thing i didnt really like, however, was Mel and Jack planning to buy the land of lily's farm and rebuilding said farm. Like I don't know why but it feels weird to me. I'm not even gonna touch on Cameron or Charmaine cause I am not ready to type out my rants on these two. All in all, amazing how in 5 months half of Virgin River burned down- paiges abusive husband held her hostage, died, got buried on the side of the road that's coming back to bite preacher in the ass- abusive husband's BROTHER came to Virgin river, held Paige hotage, got arrested- Jack got shot by the brother- brie came to town and had a miscarriage- Lilly (a forty ish year old woman) gave birth then died of breast cancer- Hope got into a car accident so bad she was missing for almost an entire season- Mel got pregnant and then also had a miscarriage- Tara's sister Ava came to town and revealed she had mentioned-once-disease-that-i-cant-rememeber-the-name-of AND that she is one of now two lesbians in the show- Charmaine got dumped, pregnant, engaged, was forced to give away her dog, had a high risk/high maintenance pregnacy, then BAM we barely ever saw her or heard about her pregnancy for the entire latest season also Calvin is her baby daddy?? You know what I'm just gonna stop- Jack's cabin was set on fire- hope and doc went from on the verge of divorce to happily married and probably some other things I missed.
Also the only gay people in this are Ava, Hannah (who I'm pretty sure didn't have a name until season 2), and two extras named Johnny and Adrian.
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thirdeyesherry · 11 months
I just need to verbalise these thoughts I have in regards to the ofmd s2 finale, so don't mind me and be on your way.
My fear going into the last episode was that there were A LOT of loose ends to tie up and 25 minutes would never be able to do that. We got 28, if that counts for anything. But the thing is that this was a 2-3 episode plot put into one. It was rushed, because clearly they didn't want to leave anything hanging. I'm very grateful for that. I blame max for the bad pacing, but I am also a bit let down about the things set up that never fully got explored the way they deserved. When it comes to other things, they're not even properly set up. They just happen because there is no time to set them up. Izzy getting his makeup on for example. There would have been so much fun to see a more proper set up for that. That the makeup and singing would resolve something that had been set up properly prior to it. Now instead it's just a part of his self discovery that we get tidbits of through the season. I'm not complaining about it, just saying it deserved to get explored more. That would have been so nice.
I don't agree with the people who are mad at Izzy's death though. It was not greatly executred, as all in that episode is rushed, but his death did not come from nowhere. I do wish it'd have been more of a sacrifical death, instead of him just straight up getting shot and then just not saying anything about it. His death is just an accident and feel somehow amateurish, misunderstand me correctly. They could have made a point of his death being caused by him not being as quick with his wooden leg or something. But this just happens. I'm curious to see how many seconds actually pass between him getting shot and him being buried. So rushed man. But to blame Djenks for falling into the "kill your gays" trope for killing Izzy... dude? Are you right in the head? Every fucking character in this show is queer, they wouldn't be able to kill a single fucking character if that was true. Which is part of the beauty of it. They didn't kill off the queer, they killed off a character. We have come to a point in time where a show can kill the queer without it being a trope. Also, if we're being honest here... Izzy is one of the least queer coded characters on the show. Some will disagree with me on that, especially the more unhinged izzy stans, but let me just point out that no one got mad at Lucious being killed in the last season because it was in some way homophobic. And Lucious if quite literally the gayest of the bunch (as in the closest to the stereotype). It's not "bury your gays" just because a queer character dies. That's not the endgoal here, to never have queer characters die. It's to get to a point where it's not a trope, one you can see from miles ahead. "Oh, there's a gay guy in this war movie, he's gonna die." "Oh look, she got a girlfriend but she'll probably be dead by the end of the season." Like do you see the difference?
I'm rambling now so I'll just stop because I got to ramble about the things my brain couldn't let go.
0 notes
genuflecting · 1 year
I've had a bunch of things circling around my head for days and they don't seem to want to leave on their own, so I'm going to try writing them out in a long post that no one had to read, but if you're nosy like me you're welcome to and I promise the bad vibes can't past it past the readmore, you can check them at the door
the guy I like wasn't at the party I went to last weekend and no one there even had his contact info (I got brave and asked the person who I thought knew him but it turned out to be a dead end) so now I have to wait for the group's every other month party and hope he turns up to that, which will probably be a Halloween party so that'll be an interesting extra element. I've just been so hung up on it cause my attraction to people in real life is so incredibly rare and I want to act on this, but it feels so out of my control and if I'm this sad at not seeing him for two months I'm gonna be REALLY really sad if four months later I still don't see him. I wish my taste in people was broader so I could just. not feel so lonely!
I think the loneliness/striking out has mutated alongside dysphoria into me feeling extremely dysmorphic and sad lately, which I like a lot less than my hopeful new outlook I had for the few months before that
I'm feeling very tired of being misgendered absolutely constantly in public, and especially of feeling like my mom just sees me as "woman lite". I almost wish she just saw me as a man, but I specifically don't identify with a binary gender because I don't want people to lug in all their gendered baggage and assumptions and bury me in them, so instead I'm stuck with not being seen as a man at all.
The dysphoria seems to have been fanned by not seeing that guy at the party and feeling insecure about that, but especially by the interaction at said event where (someone who is also nonbinary) made weird and gross biologically essentialist comments (cited in another post, man I wish tumblr had citations honestly, I know I'm a fucking nerd but how fun would that be, anyway). I went through a period of feeling way more confident in my body and how my gender (and sex, frankly) are congruous with my identity and that I can be a gay guy who isn't questioned or dissonant, and that just felt so regressed by that interaction and my doubts of how people perceive me and, by extension of anxiety, how the guy I like might see me.
Seeing a post where someone in the comments conflated dom/sub with top/bottom and also made the most "clearly hasn't had sex, doesn't know what they're talking about" reference to being a "top in real life, bottom in bed" and vice versa and I just wish I could make people stop using all of those terms if they don't know what they mean. oh, you're anally receptive in your daily non-sexual life? No wonder being on tumblr set me back with my understanding of sex and relationships, people just talk about it with zero grounding in reality
Then seeing a guy refer to "transition scars" in a piece of art's replies (where the cis male artist gave a character very tired vine patterns in place of top surgery scars) and then I went to the commenter's blog and his bio said that he's distrustful of fandoms predominantly made up of women fetishizing m/m ships, ie all of them, and I'm just like Man, way to do one of the worst things you can do for trans men while claiming the most superficial support. the way I still have to reassure myself that that's not what I'm doing when I experience attraction to another man as a man, because of fear mongering arguments like that.
Lastly in the vein of maybe I should stop opening the notes of posts at all, is seeing someone claim that the "mauraders fandom" is a "totally separate" fandom from the hateful wizard books and not related, thus they shouldn't be accused of promoting transphobic work, and someone had to break down for them exactly how stupid that argument is. The fact that they're apparently telling themselves that explains why the acquaintance I know who I already wasn't comfortable being friends with because she still goes to Catholic church with her family was comfortable referencing reading mauraders fanfiction while knowing she was in front of a trans person. It was just so much to realize the fact that this is just a continuation of the same bullshit people have been spewing for years about death of the author, in front of my trans literature major ass who has actually read roland barthes and knows that's not even kinda what the essay is about.
Anyways I'm tired, trans, and angry, and I would just like some critical thought, gender affirmation, and gay sex as a treat.
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eolewyn1010 · 3 years
LGBTQIA+ characters and representation in season 1 of Charité
I'm gonna talk about what's in the title, but first things first: Warnings.
Spoilers for all three seasons of "Charité". Duh.
This is all personal opinion and should not be taken for objective truth.
I'll do this by quality, not chronology, by which I mean I'll talk about season 1, season 3, then season 2, in that order.
For season 1, here there be mentions of self-harm.
I'm gonna get babbly; buckle up. We'll be here for a while. I wanted to do this in one go, but that got way long, so I'm splitting it by seasons.
Now with that out of the way, let's go into why season 1 pissed me off so badly with how it treated its lesbian character Therese. But credit where it's due, we have queer representation in a setting that would, historically, be dead-silent about such a thing as queer people even existing. (I maintain that Heinrich von Minckwitz is about as straight as a diamond-studded rainbow, but that'd be a queer-coded villain, an entirely different minefield, and also difficult to prove on canon.) We do get a lesbian character. Shame that it's for nothing.
Therese crushes on Ida, as two other characters already have - I don't know why they're all so after this frankly very bland girl (no offense against Alicia von Rittberg because I've seen her play better, but I'm afraid she wasn't given much to do with Ida), though it feels kinda like a Mary Sue effect. She's the main character, so of course she has three admirers at once. Thing is, while Ida does end up single, the arcs about the two dudes in love with her are brought to a conclusion. Therese's lovestory goes absolutely nowhere. Shes given no agency to do anything with it beyond longing gazes and an angsty kiss. They tied a nice bow around that via Bury Your Gays and tossed it away so that Ida never has to deal with it. And yes, it definitely is a Bury Your Gays, whether or not tuberculosis is everywhere and the Tuberculin is useless - Therese is not the only named character who falls ill, but (aside from one-episode stars), she's the only one who dies. Hell, Dr. Ehrlich recovers from tuberculosis all by himself, Stine gets miraculously healed from advanced diphtheria within freaking seconds. Therese dies, and she dies an ugly death, and gets tormented on the way there (I'm not over the lung puncture scene). Fuck y'all queer audience, amirite? *siiigh*
And Ida never adresses this. She's Therese's best friend, she breaks down entirely when Therese dies, but talk to her about the feelings Therese has for her? Nah. That dumbass girl seriously goes, "oh, you must be my bridesmaid when I marry Georg!" which makes her come across as extremely lacking in empathy. Although that's at least par for the course; she makes eyes at Georg while Therese is standing by and then asks her all innocently, "why can't we be friends anymore?", she gets kissed by her and then proceeds to use Therese as a marriage councellor because we can't have two women talk about anything else than a man for a minute here (I swear, if it wasn't for Nurse Edith, not a single episode of this season would pass the Bechdel test). And yeah, there is the setting. Nobody in that time would talk about such a thing as a woman being in love with another woman, right? Except, Therese does talk about it. As she's dying, she confesses her feelings to Ida... who just doesn't reply at all. I guess it sucks when your friend has feelings for you that you can't reciprocate and you don't want to hurt them, but Therese is hurting about this all the time. Ida could have had the respect to talk to her about it, if only to say, "I don't feel the same way." There's no point when she acknowledges Therese's feelings - and it would have been good for her as a character to do so, it would have made her stronger. An ally, not someone who's like, "if I don't see it, it's not there." Which is just... meh. Both for an upfront, fearless female protagonist and for a best friend.
The only character who does adress Therese's feelings is the matron - and amazingly, she doesn't do so exclusively in a negative way. I mean, she does initially call it an "unnatural attachment" because she's very much a strict and conservatively religious woman, but the narrative doesn't support that she maintains this point of view. It's made very clear that, for all her griping, Matron Martha has a high opinion of Therese; she grieves deeply when Therese falls ill and dies - and she's of the opinion that, in Heaven, Therese will be rewarded for her life's work. It's Therese who brings up her feelings for Ida as a reason why she'd go to hell; Matron Martha thinks of her first and foremost as a dutiful deaconess and hard-working nurse who has done a lot of good for a lot of people. She goes out of her way to make things easier for her, allows her to die at home, at Charité, even though she was very much against that at first, has Ida take care of her because it'll make Therese feel better, permits the use of an experimental medicament just because there could be a little hope in it. After Therese's death, she doesn't beat around the bush. She says to Ida, with no judgement or disparaging tone whatsoever, "Therese loved you very much." She calls it love, not a deviation or a sin or whatever idiots of the time might have called it otherwise. And Ida... doesn't say anything. How's it feel when a stuck-up old deaconess with an explicit allergy against progress is a better ally than you, huh, Ida? She's such a passive brat. Anyway.
The point is, Therese wasn't treated well by the story, her love for Ida was milked for all the drama it was worth without any intention to ever deal with it in a way that would have included the person in question. She doesn't get to do anything about it herself, for herself. She kisses Ida, she retreats, she suffers. She cuts herself, because we can't have a queer character be emotionally healthy. Breaking her and killing her slowly was more tragic than having her grow past the heartbreak, I guess. Also, that she felt tuberculosis was God's punishment for her being gay - the Bury Your Gays actually backs that up. Thanks, I hate it. Now, take it away, goddammit.
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COSMIC - S3:E3; Chapter Three, The Case of The Missing Lifeguard - [Pt. 1]
A Will Byers x Reader Series
𝘌𝘭 𝘨𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘉𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳. 𝘞𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭𝘴 𝘵𝘳𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘥, 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘔𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘓𝘶𝘤𝘢𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘋&𝘋. 𝘋𝘶𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘚𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘴𝘱𝘺 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘴, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘙𝘰𝘣𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘱𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘙𝘶𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘢𝘯 𝘮𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘨𝘦.
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⚠️: more Billy/Mind Flayer shenanigans, more Y/n being Not Straight™️ and slight, whatever the huffy, whiney hell Hopper was during a majority of the season
📝: yall, idk how to describe hairstyles so I'm gonna clear it up now; the hairstyle Y/n is doing on El is the coil ponytail she wears at the end in That Scene™️ 🥲🚚👋📝🛣
Yes, I regret the whole "sisters" failsafe I put in specifically to stop myself. But as it turns out, no I cannot suppress the gay. So innocent, mutual pining ahead! 🥳🎉🌈
A pair of sock-covered feet bounce happily on the carpeted floor as Madonna's Angel blasts through the radio on the dresser. Max jumps back and forth on El's bedroom carpet, singing into the hairbrush she had found on the nightstand. Beside her, sitting on the bed is the girl herself, sporting her new colorful look; engrossed in a selection of teen magazines that are splayed out before her.
"You must be an angel,"
El bobs her head along with the tune, careful of Y/n's hand weaving through her hair from where she's kneeled behind her on the bed. She grins up at Max before going back to her work, her lips moving as she silently sings along.
"I can see it in your eyes,"
Y/n finishes the last coil behind El's left ear, and pulls it together with the other, merging her hair into a ponytail at the nape of her neck. After she tightens the bright blue scrunchie one last time, she mutters a defeated, "Alright. I tried," before she maneuvers around El across the mattress and allows herself to fall back on the right side of the bed, her head propped up on the rows of pillows. She grabs a magazine, boredly sifting through it while El delicately feels around the back of her head with a smile, admiring Y/n's work.
"Full of wonder and surprise,"
El's attention quickly returns to the magazine in her hands when she flips the page. She has to turn it sideways to see the whole thing. A young man, who El guessed to be just a little older than Steve, was smiling back at her.
Max's singing and dancing come to a slow when she notices El lingering on the page. With a chuckle, she discards the hairbrush from where she found it and kneels beside the bed.
"Oh, you found Ralph Macchio," Max simpers.
"Macchio?" El asks with a smile.
"Yeah," Max nods. "he's the Karate Kid,"
Both and El and Y/n jump when Max suddenly cuts the air in a mock karate chop and yells, "Hai-yah!"
They giggle and Y/n just rolls her eyes playfully. Particularly, at what comes next.
"He's so hot, right?" Max asks.
An amused grin glues itself to Y/n's face as her eyes peek out over the top of magazines to catch El's reaction. Y/n's smile spreads, buried under the pages when she sees El's face lit up in a blush.
"I bet he's an amazing kisser, too," Max says, drawing out a funny look in El's eyes. "Hey, uh,"
Y/n finds her eyes drawn to Max when she feels the old mattress dip a little under her weight. She notices a funny, almost intrigued look on her face.
"is Mike a good kisser?" She asks.
Y/n lets out an involuntarily "Blech!" At the question, discarding her magazine back to the pile with her nose scrunched up in disgust despite the smile still on her lips.
El laughs at Y/n, lightly shoving her knees that sat propped up above her as she shoots her a smile. "Not 'blech',"
Y/n has to readjust her head on the pillows to gawk up at El properly, a funny look hidden in her eyes.
"Wait, so is he like, actually," Y/n makes another face, failing to get through the sentence with a straight face. She laughs a little, putting a mocking tone in her voice. "'good' at kissing?"
El doesn't answer right away, much too confused with the direction this conversation had gone. She blushes again, giving her awaiting friends a bashful shrug.
"I don't know. He's my first boyfriend,"
Max is quick to correct her, but she does so gently. "Ex-boyfriend,"
El's face falls.
But Max is also quick to console her. She lands a gentle hand on El's shoulder, her voice going soft.
"Hey, don't worry about it. Okay?" El still doesn't seem too sure. "He'll come crawling back to you in no time, begging for forgiveness."
Y/n subconsciously fiddles with the ring pop still on her finger, a thin sheet of plastic still covering the candy diamond.
"I guarantee you, him and Lucas are, like, totally wallowing in self-pity and misery right now," Max's face scrunches up as she mocks the aforementioned exes. "They're like, 'Oh, I hope they take us back!'"
Y/n laughs, her left hand lightly smacking Max's arm, grabbing her attention.
"Yeah, but, Mike's probably more like," Max fights a sudden laugh when she catches the knowing look in Y/n's eyes. "'I hope they take us back! They have to—'"
Neither Max nor Y/n can fight the grin breaking out on both their faces as they finish in perfect sync.
-"take us back! Nyeh-nyeh-NYEH!"
Once again delightfully confused, El's stare travels between her newest best friend and her oldest; a warm feeling burrowing deep in her chest and gut, her stomach aflutter as she laughs with them.
"God, what I wouldn't give to see the look on their stupid faces," Max says, shaking her head wistfully.
El goes quiet, something neither of her friends miss.
"What is it?" Max asks.
That seems to snap everything into place, and Y/n props herself up on her hands. There's enough mischief in her eyes to match El's, and she quirks a brow.
"Wait. Are you serious?"
El only smirks, shrugging her shoulders.
"Will someone please tell me what's going on?" Max asks, only to find herself under two impish stares.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
El sits cross-legged against her dresser, the radio switched to static sitting just above her head. In her hands is the multi-colored headband Y/n had gifted to her over the holidays when her hair started to fall in her face. They both knew it could also double as a comfortable, makeshift blindfold in case she ever found herself traveling to the void again.
As she prepared to do now.
She hooks the headband over her head, pulling it down over her eyes as Y/n and Max took a seat.
"Is this really gonna work?" Max asks excitedly from where she's perched on the edge of the bed.
El nods, and Max's face lights up in awe.
"Holy shit, this is insane-!"
"Right, quiet. I'm sorry,"
Y/n chuckles up at her noiselessly, completely understanding the excitement of it all. Particularly, since she had never once witnessed El demonstrating these powers unless it had been necessary.
Then came the waiting part.
Y/n had forgotten about the waiting.
It was all they could do. Wait as they watch El draw in a deep breath, allowing her mind to reach out to the person it had most.
She feels the imaginary water at her feet first, as she always did. It didn't take her as long as it used to to fine-tune the distorted voices cutting in and out, much like what she found her radio to do sometimes. But she did it soon enough.
She's back in the void, for the first time in a long while.
Part of her was worried it would be harder without as much practice as she got last year, but it wasn't.
The image that lay ahead of her was clear, the voices even clearer.
"What did I do wrong? What could I have done wrong?"
He was laying on the couch. The one from his basement. El recognized it immediately.
And he wasn't alone, that much she  had suspected.
"Do I have to go through this again?" Lucas asks, sounding tired.
He was pacing around the couch, rubbing his face. Will was with them, he was hovering over the small table she had sat at only years ago.
"I see them," El says.
Max lowers herself to the carpet, sitting next to Y/n who leans in curiously.
"What are they doing?" Y/n asks.
The crunch of Dorito chips Mike had shoved into his mouth was loud enough to echo out across the entire void. He continues through an obnoxious mouthful.
"I just don't understand what I did to deserve this,"
El has neared them now, and she turns her head curiously to Will when he scoffed. He looked frustrated, and he sounded it too. But El could tell he was trying to fight it for the sake of his friends' feelings.
"Look, it sucks that that happened," he says. "But why don't you guys try and take your mind off of it for-"
"For the last time, Will. No! Not now," Lucas says, turning away just in time to miss the boy's shoulders slump. He back to Mike, releasing a heavy sigh. "You didn't do anything, Mike. That's my whole point. You're the victim here."
El's eyes fall back to Mike, not all sure about what she was feeling.
"I know," he cries out. "It's just, why is she treating me this way?"
"I don't know." Frustrated, he shakes his head. "What did I do wrong? What did I do wrong?!"
"Mike, stop it!" Will has to yell to be heard, but his friends eventually turn their attention his way. "you know what you did wrong!"
They watch him carefully, as does El.
Just grateful to have their attention, he softens just a notch "You messed up, alright? But there's just not much you can do right now,"
"He's right," Lucas sighs, bending over to move Mike's feet out of to make room before taking a seat. "I mean, we told the truth and everything,"
Will let out a bitter laugh. "No, you didn't! You got caught! You told them you were shopping for them, but that's it. You still kept lying about your Nana,"
Max and Y/n watch El carefully, the only indication something had happened came from her angered sigh.
"They lied about Nana," she says finally.
"Oh, I knew it," Max hissed.
Y/n merely placed her forehead in her hands tiredly as she waited for more information.
"But we still tried! That's gotta count for something," Mike cries, stuffing more food into his mouth. "I mean, shouldn't that count for something?"
"Mike, relax. Just... relax," Lucas sighs into his hands yet again, clearly exasperated. "And stop asking rational questions."
"I know, I know. You're right," Mike sighs. His expression quickly turned bitter as he sent his friends a sour look. "Because women act on emotion and not logic,"
"Precisely," Lucas nods. "It's a totally different species."
El's breathing grows deeper and for a moment the pair of friends fear the worst. But the truth was, while El didn't quite exactly know what they were saying, she knew it was foul.
"They say we are 'species'."
-"Come again?"
"'Emotion, not logic."
-"Come again?"
Will shifted on his feet, looking unsure as to what to say, or if he should at all.
"Will is upset,"
Y/n scoffs, looking between Max and El. "He should be if they're saying that shit." She fires, worry briefly taking over her anger over the doubtful thought seeded in her mind. Quickly she leaned forward.
"Wait, he wasn't saying that was he?"
Relief sweep over her when El shakes her head.
She finds her eyes on him again, looking as if he was trying too hard to fit in and not say the wrong thing. El hadn't known him for terribly long, but she knew enough to realize this shouldn't be normal.
"Guys," he says, his eyes darting to the small table he had been setting up. "Come on, it's ready. You already said you'd play a month ago when Dustin got back. I've been planning ever since! And I really think it'll help take your mind off of all this."
Lucas groans.
"Will! We already told you. Not right now," he shakes his head as if scolding a small child.
"They are upset with him."
"Why?" Y/n pressed, sharing an equally concerned look with Max.
"They broke up with you, what else is there to talk about?"
"Easy for you to say, you still have a girlfriend!" Mike throws back.
"'Easy for Will to say,'" El repeats.
Y/n could only imagine what they were putting Will through right now. Or just what her words could mean. Her guilt from having to cancel weighed heavier and heavier.
"He says..."
They all watch, El included, as all his frustrations boil over.
"Well, none of that matters now, does it?!"
Shocked at his outburst, Lucas and Mike break into matching, sour grins nevertheless.
"Then join us, Will," Mike says, sharing a smirk with Lucas. "Join us in trying to figure the greatest mystery of all; the female species!"
"What? What's he saying?" Y/n asked.
But she receives no answer. El had fallen quiet.
El cocks her head, her glare thrown to each boy like daggers, feeling an anger of her own. As well as a protectiveness.
That didn't last long, however. Not moments after, Mike seemed to be challenging his own foul behavior. His mouth opened up wide, letting loose a deep and billowing belch.
"Dude," Mike laughed lazily, gesturing around him as he grinned up at his friends. "You can smell the nacho cheese,"
El recoiled, her upper lip hooking in a grimace both in and out of the void.
She's relieved to see even one of them disgusted by his antics — Will, but it doesn't change her annoyance. But it was better, and far less confusing than Lucas who broke out in a sly grin.
"I get that beat,"
"What?" Mike mumbles in between picking his teeth with his tongue.
Baffled, El looks to Will again whose face pales. He quickly shakes his head, his words pleading.
"Oh, no."
"No, Lucas," Mike says, jumping in. "No!"
El watches curiously as Lucas's grin stretches wider — "No, Lucas!" — and he lifts his right leg — "Lucas! LUCAS!" — and...
El stumbles back in shock when the sound hits suddenly. It echoed louder than the burp had — far louder — and only grows louder as Lucas lifts his leg higher.
El rips the headband off her head to reveal her widened eyes, her shoulders moving and falling in a panicked-like state.
Never blinking, her mouth still wrenched open in shock, she turns to gape at her friends.
"What happened?"
She didn't answer.
"Are you okay?" Y/n pressed, fearing the worst.
She breaks out in a grin, a fit of sudden giggles sent her slouching into the carpet and her head landing in Y/n's lap. Max and Y/n welcomed her reaction with open arms, her infectious laughter spreading to them despite the utter bewilderment they were feeling. Y/n looked down at her friend, trying not to laugh.
El managed to peel her eyes open long enough to see Y/n's crooked smile poking into her view of the ceiling and she loses it all over again.
"What?" She laughs.
"What happened?"
El clutched her aching sides. Every time she tried to speak, the silliness of it all stole her words all over again.
It had been completely revolting and
angering. But it was also the most fun she'd ever had in that horrible place. This also being why it was so hard to wipe the smile from her face.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Will stumbled back as far away as possible from the massive stink cloud he was sure would drown him. Mike had stumbled off the couch, waving at the air as Will buried his nose in his shirt.
"Oh, man," Mike groans. "what the hell, Lucas?"
"Come on, that was impressive,"
"So was Will," Mike shoots him a knowing smirk. "Finally realizing the frustrations of the female species,"
"That wasn't what I said," he shakes his head, growing angrier by the second. "I said it doesn't matter if I have a girlfriend or not right now cause I can't see her! Both of us have to clean up your messes and it's the same reason why we missed our six month anniversary last month,"
Both Mike and Lucas wince. "Congrats?"
Will sighs, throwing himself in his seat at the D&D table.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
The cabin's front door was nearly thrown off its hinges as an inebriated Hopper stumbled across the threshold. The door slammed shut behind him, shaking the room as he huffed and puffed. Several times he nearly lost his balance just standing still, but despite the blurred vision and numbed senses he could still make out the muffled radio from his daughter's room.
That wasn't good. At least, that's all Hopper could comprehend right away before he pieced together why; that always meant Mike was here.
And the door was shut.
"Hey!" No response. "Hey!"
The ache of rejection and embarrassment he had been feeling all night had been drowned in bottles of wine from Enzo's, numbing a great deal when Joyce had failed to show. But it couldn't quite extinguish his anger, and that was all that was left now. And he had no problem channeling that into this moment.
In his drunken state, he manages to march across the living room without stumbling into anything and his voice rises behind his gritted teeth.
"When I say three inches, three-"
A small yelp and a short burst of hot hair stinging his sweating skin and knocking over the lamp on the desk was the first thing he registered after the boom of the door being busted open. Before him, was the sight of El and her friends lounging across her floor, flipping through magazines and gawking up at him.
He realized then what had happened judging by Y/n drawing in a deep breath, and dropping her head into her hands. She had clearly been especially startled being so close to the door and had inadvertently created a mini shockwave that swept across every loose item in the room. He could hear her cursing into her hands as Max glared up at him.
"Do you knock?! Jeez!"
"Yeah!" El repeated. "Jeez!"
At that moment, Hopper couldn't remember a time he had back-pedaled so quickly. He could hear his slurred words stringing together a nervous apology.
"Wo-wo-oh, hey," he gulps. "I'm sorry."
The three girls continue to gawk up at him from the floor.
"I thought that, uh-,"
"If you were expecting Mike, he isn't here," Y/n said.
"We wanted to have a sleepover," El says, still beyond excited at the thought of having one since Y/n told her about them almost a year ago. "Is that...okay?"
The word fell out of Hopper's mouth before he could will it, his entire demeanor melting away in relief.
"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah," he said, his voice going higher than normal as he stumbled through the tension. "Your parents know you guys are here?"
"Yup," Max says, and Y/n nods.
Blazing through the past few moments, or at least attempting to, Hopper waves his arm dismissively and his slurring intensifies.
"Uh, yeah, it's cool. Yeah. That's-That's really cool."
This was great! His "heart-to-heart" had worked. At least the way he did it. He couldn't count on his hands the number of times he had asked El about the others; silently hoping she'd take the hint and get him out of long, awkward discussion. But she never had, she only went on about Mike, and the more the summer stretched on the less he heard about Y/n or—
"Did you need something?" Max asks, snapping him out of his thoughts.
He hadn't realized he had been just standing there, swaying slightly and zoning out.
He was overstepping. He could see that now. And not just because of the embarrassment written all over his daughter's face.
"No, no," he says quickly, shaking his head and making a lazy grab for the doorknob. "Uh, I'll leave. I'll just let you... I'll leave you..."
His voice trails off before being swallowed completely when the door shuts with a click. For a moment, Hopper just stands there processing it all.
A smirk hooked his lips.
No Mike.
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callemreine · 3 years
Brave face, talk so lightly(hide the truth)
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'All my life, I've just wanted to make things easier for them.'
Au August
Day/Prompt: Day 26 - Soulmate
Ship: Prinxiety, brief logicality, creativitwins
Word count: 3k (I'm so sorry I got carried away)
Cw: swearing / brief murder mention / implied death / crying / nightmares(?) / anxiety mention / caps / claustrophobia(?)
A/N: the prompt is your dreams are your soulmate's memories. The title is from the song "Sick of losing soulmates" by dodie. I wrote the first 1/4 of this a few days ago and the rest in one sitting and I couldn't care less about proofreading it so Im so sorry if there are any mistakes ;-;
I see a girl in the distance. She has her back turned. Long chocolate-colored hair tied in a low messy bun. My hand is reaching out to her. I feel this sudden longing to be held by this woman. Craving her caring and loving words. Telling me that everything is going to be alright.
Wait. Why is she getting farther away?
She looks back at me with a sad smile. Everything gets dark. I let my eyes stray from her to look around. When was I in a hospital corridor?
"I'm sorry, Pumpkin. You're gonna have to continue our adventure without me. But, fear not, Little one. I'll always be there by you. You just gotta learn to know where I am,"
She caresses my cheek, giving me the warmest smile I have ever received.
She's gone, suddenly. I touch my cheek, still feeling the ghost of her warm touch. Along with… something wet? Am- Am I crying?
I don't move. I feel stuck. But, also free, somehow. Just unsure of what to do, I guess?
"Roman! Wake up. You idiot!
"Oh, thank all things unholy! I thought someone was in our room, trying to murder us! You were crying, and- and whispering stuff! And it's creeping me the fuck out! And I'm not easily creeped out, you know that" Remus exclaimed as he sat on Roman's chest, grabbing his twin’s shoulders.
"Man, you're soulmate must have some twisted memories," He continued, getting off of Roman and returning to his own bed across the room.
'Yeah. Twisted…' Roman thought.
"You okay there, Sweetie?" Roman heard from where his head was buried on the kitchen counter. "Yeah... Just thinking about my soulmate again," he admitted.
"Another bad dream?" His mom inquired as she sat next to Roman, patting his back. "It's not just that. It's about the move. Like, we're never really sure which of our memories they see, right? But, they've seen all my memories from this place. Like, they know where I've been my entire life…" he trailed off.
"I'm just not sure how they would feel seeing a whole new different place… They don't seem to be in a place to experience a big change right now. All my life, I've just wanted to make things easier for them. And, yeah, my dreams don't really change that much. But, I make an effort, y'know?" Roman looked up at his mom to seek at least some kind of reassurance.
"I understand what you mean, and I think that what you're doing is great. And I know that you're gonna be the bestest thing that's ever gonna happen to them. But, I'm really sorry. We don't really have any choice with this move. I know your soulmate is in a dark place right now, but you can't always do everything for them. You're also your own person," His mom hugged him.
Roman felt like he was hopeless in this situation. And, he was always hoping for the best. For his soulmate or otherwise. Maybe his mom was right about putting himself first sometimes.
Virgil was in his first period when someone he didn't expect to walk into his classroom… walks into his classroom… They were wearing an army green shirt, a denim jacket with neon green highlights and spikes at the bottom, ripped jeans, and platform boots with more spikes and vulgar words written on them. To say that this man was familiar was an understatement. He KNEW this man's entire life THROUGH his dreams.
Virgil felt like he was trespassing someone's life. Like, he wasn't supposed to know the man. And that, they shouldn't be in any way related. Especially to their sibling.
He wasn't really ecstatic about meeting his soulmate. IN SCHOOL NO LESS. It wasn't really an ideal 'meet-your-soulmate' place for someone like Virgil.
"Alright, students, I'm sure you've all noticed that we have a new student right here. Now, why don't you go and introduce yourself, Mister," their teacher said to the denim jacket guy.
"Umm. Sup? I'm Remus Duke Kingsley. Nice to meet you all. And, if you see a guy that looks like me but without the mustache and wears red all the time, he’s always loud, you can’t miss him. That's my twin brother, Roman. The boring one," Remus says, yawning by the end of his introduction.
'HOLY FUCK, TWINS?!' Virgil thought. Fortunately(or unfortunately, depending on which part of Virgil's brain you're asking), Remus already gave him a vague description of who to look out for.
Virgil continues his day and falls into his daily routine, which mostly includes attempting to avoid being perceived by anyone. It usually succeeds if you exclude his friend, Patton, from ‘anyone.’ He only hopes that his soulmate also sees Patton in their dreams cuz, to be honest, Patton is the ray of sunshine everyone needs. Yeah, he was also friends with Logan, but he’s more like a moon if you ask him.
Virgil goes into the cafeteria and sits at their usual table, his back facing the entire cafeteria. He takes out a paper bag from his bag and grabs the sandwich he bought earlier, not waiting for his friends.
A few moments pass before Logan and Patton reach his table. “Hey, kiddo! You alright?” Patton says as he sits down. Virgil just gives them a nod and continues to eat. “I heard this morning that there were new students,” Logan inquires before Patton interrupts “Oh yeah! They’re twins! I have first period with one of them. He’s really nice. Oh! Hey! Roman! Over here!” Patton shouts and waves his arm toward a student that just entered the cafeteria. “Hope you guys don’t mind that I invited him over to sit with us,” He continues and flashes both Virgil and Logan a smile no one could say no to.
“Hey, Patton.” The guy says to Patton. “Hope you guys don’t mind me crashing your table. I’m Roman by the way,” Roman says to the other two. “Pleasure to meet you, Roman. I’m Logan. And, no, we wouldn’t mind at all,” Logan answered him back. Roman looked over to Virgil who just nodded and said his name. Roman then proceeded to sit next to Virgil but not paying him any mind.
And, though Virgil seemed to be calm about the situation, his mind is currently in flames having his anxiety and his gay panic fight over each other. Virgil is currently waiting for who would win, that's why he seems so calm on the outside. After finishing his sandwich, he was trying to think of something he could do to keep himself from leaving and be noticed. He looked over to Logan, attentively listening to Patton talking about the dog he saw this morning. Roman was silently eating his lunch, also listening to Patton, but looking around the cafeteria every once in a while.
It seems that Virgil’s anxiety won the fight because he decided that he doesn’t want to stick around with his friends and his apparent soulmate without doing anything. So, he stands up and excuses himself from the group. "Hey! Wait!" Roman calls after him. Virgil stops a few feet from the table to look back at Roman who was already jogging towards him.
"Virgil, right?" He assures.
Virgil nods. "Ok, there’s just something I wanna ask you. Are those two soulmates?" Roman throws his thumb back, pointing at the two left at the table. "Cuz, as much as how adorable they look together, I kinda don't want to be stuck as a third wheel," he continues.
"Oh. Yeah, those two are soulmates. Sometimes, I wonder if they ever do notice me every time I leave the table," Virgil elaborates, looking back at his friends with a slight smile.
"Umm. Class doesn't start for a few more minutes. I was wondering if I could join you for a while? Wherever you were going…" Roman trailed off, realizing he didn't know where the shorter male was headed.
"Uhh. Yeah, sure. I was just headed to the courtyard to pass the time,"
'Shit. Virgil, why are you doing this?! Why did you agree?! You have anxiety!' Virgil mentally scolded himself.
"Ok. Cool. I'll just go get my stuff," Roman flashed Virgil a smile before heading back to the table.
'Fuck. I am so screwed,' Virgil thought.
"So, what's the deal with those two? I mean, how did they deal with the soulmates thing?" Roman finally spoke a few moments after they found a bench to settle on. "Uhh, well. Logan is my childhood friend and the first day we started high school here, they both had a dream of roll call the other had that day, I guess? They both heard each other's name and boom. You got your glasses gays," Virgil discussed, reminiscing the events that happened that day.
Roman let out a chuckle at Virgil's last words, causing the other's heart to skip a beat. They remain silent for a while, watching the other students passing by.
"What about you?" Roman spoke up.
"What about me?" Virgil glances back.
"I mean, what about you? Have you met your soulmate? Do you know who they are? You just seem like an interesting individual to me, having to stick around knowing you're third-wheeling all the time yet valuing your time with them and your time with yourself all the same. Well, either that or I'm just embarrassed that I think you're uncomfortable with me here…" Roman rambled, rubbing the back of his neck, embarrassed.
Virgil chuckled, "Nah. I just get anxious when meeting new people. Plus, I think you're a pretty nice guy." They smiled at each other, Virgil feeling his face heat up, and looks away immediately. "And, about the soulmate thing. I think I have a clue of who they might be, I just…" he trailed off.
"What's holding you back?" Roman muttered, lowering his head, attempting to catch the other's eye. "I… I just think that my memories aren't that… for them. They're just this amazing and joyful person… I just don't think they deserve to see my bland memories every night,"
The pair fell silent, Roman feeling sympathy for the other. Virgil felt Roman shift in his seat before speaking up, "I don't think anyone's memories are ever bland."
Virgil looks up at Roman who has a far-off look with a slight smile on his lips. "I think that our dreams are what shows us what we're missing in life. What our soulmate has that we need and what we have that they need. You know, what makes you both feel complete when you're with each other," Roman smiled.
Virgil pondered on the other's statement for a while. "Is that... Is that how you feel when you're with your soulmate?" He said, being careful with his words. Roman sighed but remained smiling, "I haven't met them yet. But, what you said earlier reminded me of them. I always think they're a little different. My moms said that dreams are supposed to show my soulmate's memories. But, no one is ever sure which ones we see. Well, my dreams always have one thing in common… There's darkness every time…" Roman trailed off, looking more sad as he continued.
"Sometimes, they walk out of their house and, suddenly, everything goes dark and I see pairs of eyes staring at me as I walk. Or sometimes, they lie in bed and, suddenly, it's dark again and I'm stuck inside a box too small for me. But, there’s always this one dream that always repeats itself. Though, I'm not sure my soulmate's gonna be comfortable with me sharing," Roman finally snaps out of his trance and looks up at Virgil, looking embarrassed.
At this point, Virgil is now entirely sure that the person in front of him is his soulmate. He feels tears cloud his eyes so he looks away to play off wiping them away before looking back at Roman with pity in his expression. This is exactly what Virgil was afraid of, having his soulmate also experience the darkness that clouds him every day he wakes up.
"Wow… They- I- I don't know what to say… What are you gonna do when you meet them?" Virgil glances at Roman, pity still in his eyes. Roman let out a sigh but smiled, "I'm gonna give them the biggest hug they've ever received and reassure them that I'm always gonna be with them and that they'll never have to feel alone all the time ever again." Roman looked at Virgil with a smile. But, before he could notice the tear that fell from the other's eye, a loud shrill of their school bell rang throughout the courtyard, signaling the start of their next class.
"Talk about first impressions," Roman said with a chuckle, standing up. "Well, see you around, Virgil. I got a few more 'Hi, I'm Roman' to do," he continued, leaving Virgil on the bench.
I hear my converse squeak as I walk through the hallway. There are people around me, but they're all just silhouettes of the same familiar darkness. I'm walking to what seems to be the cafeteria. I sit down and grab my lunch from my bag. A few minutes pass, two figures sit in front of me. There's something familiar about them despite being two black silhouettes.
"Hey, kiddo! You alright?"
"I heard there were new students," Logan?
Wait. Am I…
"Oh yeah! They're twins!"
"I have first period with one of them. He's really nice. Oh! Hey! Roman! Over here!"
Before I could look over to… me…
Darkness. Again.
I hear muffled voices. Too muffled to be recognized.
I stay in darkness for what felt like hours before I get surrounded by light.
Too bright.
There's a silhouette in front of me. It doesn't have any facial features but I can feel it stare at me. Slowly, the light around me doesn't feel too bright anymore. It feels… warm and comforting. Similar to the feeling I have in my chest, along with a squeezing feeling. I feel tears cloud my eyes, but I feel happy, somehow?
I feel someone embrace me. I look up to see the silhouette. Its arms around me, like it's protecting me. I feel secure. I feel loved.
I hug back, breaking down in its arms.
"You don't have to be alone anymore"
I hear my own voice. I break down sobbing, seeking more of the silhouette's warmth.
I stopped sobbing after a while but remained in the silhouette's arms for what felt like hours.
"You gotta wake him up!" I heard a distant voice say in a hushed tone.
"No, he hasn't slept like this since who knows when… Something must've happened yesterday..."
I feel myself slowly drifting from where I was standing.
"We can just tell the school he's sick"
"On the second day?"
I feel someone caress my cheek.
"You can stay too if you want"
"Hey, sweetie," Roman opens his eyes to his mom in front of him.
"What's going on? Why are you all in our room?" Roman asks as he sits up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He eyes Remus standing in front of their mama. Their mom is sitting on the edge of Roman's bed, facing him.
"Well, sweetie. You see, you just had a full night's sleep," their mom explained.
"You looked so peaceful too," their mama added with a smile. Roman stopped to let the events of his dream last night come back to him.
"Roman, is everything ok?" Their mama walked over to him, tucking a few strands of his hair behind his ear. "Yeah… Yeah, I'm okay!" He flashed a smile to his moms, meaning what he said.
Roman hadn't been able to sit still ever since he got to school. 'Late', he should add. Apparently, he overslept while Remus and their moms decide whether to wake him up or not.
When they got to school in the middle of first period, they were excused because their moms were there to explain. With a slightly bent truth, of course.
Roman had to wait three(and a half) classes to talk to Virgil. They didn't have any classes together, to which Roman was bummed to find out. When the bell rang, signaling their lunch break, Roman hurriedly headed to the cafeteria. When he got there, he spotted Virgil just about to sit down at their usual table.
"Uhh. Virgil? Can I talk to you for a sec?" Roman felt awkward, to say the least.
"Uhm. Sure," Virgil replied, standing up. Roman led them under a tree in the courtyard, away from other students. They stayed silent for a while before Virgil spoke up, "So… what'd you wanted to talk about?"
Roman just stared at Virgil for a few moments, examining him, before enveloping him in a tight hug. Virgil stood frozen for a while, surprised at the gesture. He slowly placed his hands on Roman's back, still confused at the sudden affection.
"You're not alone anymore, Pumpkin," Roman said in a gentle voice, cradling the other's head. Virgil froze when he heard the nickname. His expression then softens and hugs Roman tighter, burying his face on the taller male’s shoulder.
"How did you find out?" Roman heard, slightly muffled by his jacket. "Had a dream about yesterday," Roman simply stated, not elaborating more. "What about you? You said you had a clue. Oh! That rhymed,"
They both laughed.
"I have first period with Remus and I recognized him right away," Virgil replied, his face still buried on Roman's shoulder. "Oh, I'm so sorry you have to deal with him," Roman chuckled.
"No, I'm sorry you had to deal with him your entire life,"
"Well, we're not alone anymore now, are we? Roman asked with a serious tone. Virgil parted a few inches from Roman, still holding on to him. He smiled as he looked up at Roman, "No, we're not."
This might be the last one I'll do for AU august but I'm also deciding if I should go back to the prompts I missed when I was sick hmm
I wish I included Remus more in this but it was already 3k words and thats the longest I've ever written so maybe its for the best XD
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sticker fic:
brought to you by the sticker ficcers, @xojo​ and @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover​.
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the narrated version:
"Morning, Sunshine." Says Dean. "Some coffee?"
"SCREW YOU." Says Sam. His glorious hair is wet.
"How dare you!" Says Dean. His mouth's the O-shape of offense. He's also putting on the dead guy robe for some reason.
"BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!" Sam bitchfaces. In his eyes, is a glint which says, as he does - blah, blah, blah, blah. Then, he casts down his gaze. "Well, you are kinda butch."
Dean's eyes widen. His eyebrows don't rise. Instead of surprised, he looks shocked. Then he smirks, and quickly grows a stubble. With completely black eyes, he says. "I'm a demon."
Crowley appears, smirking. "Hello, boys."
"ASSBUTT." Castiel bellows. 
No one had known he was there.
"What's wrong with you?" Says Crowley, after quickly growing a stubble as well.
Castiel folds his arms. It makes the trenchcoat look fitted. You know, like a liar.
"Are you okay?" Sam asks, tucking his hair behind his ear at supersonic speed. No one knows when it happened. But he's Sam Fucking Winchester, so they know it did.
"I don't know!" Dean scratches his ear. He does not know the question was for Castiel. He makes his eyes as sad as they can be - and they can be impressively sad. One eyebrow strays up, floating on a cloud of misery. "I never was."
Sam looks alarmed in a V-neck. 
This is important information. Absolutely integral.
"Cat's out." Says Cas. He's rude, because his lips do a rude thing. And because of what he said. His eyes mock tragedy.
"Shut your face." Dean points. Pointing is rude. He does it anyway. While he does it, Sam grows bangs. "Oh god."
He lies down on the floor.
"Don't say that to me." Says Sam, with dimples of depression. He buries his face in his hands. Must feel pretty, the author conjectures.
"Come on." Dean says. He's frowning, and on a park bench. He looks closer with concentration and develops a double chin. Then he gels his hair really quickly and adds. "You look like a baby."
"SCREW YOU." Says Sam. His hair is wetter. His head is wet as well. Then he dries it with a whoosh no one notices, and looks away in disdain. He is in an open collared shirt. The author hopes you take note of these plot points carefully.
Dean shrieks.
Dean cries at a mirror.
Dean scowls, unimpressed. Ironically, his scowl is impressive. Moreover, it deages him.
Cas shrieks too. His eyes scream horrifiedness. His nostrils flare. You could see his molars, if you tried. The author tries.
Dean looks at a corner. "I don't even care anymore."
Charlie pokes her head out of a yellow car. Not enough is visible to be ugly, but readers are advised to assume it's ugly. "What's up bitches?" She's wearing a seatbelt. Gays are awesome.
"Kind of in the middle of something." Says Dean. His forehead has creases which have no right being pretty. They're pretty.
"I know. I was surprised too." Says Cas.
No one knows what he means.
Sam, suddenly lit in a green light, shows that he doesn't know what he means. He doesn't wait for an explanation, and raises his hand. "That's enough, uh yeah, thanks."
Sam is rude, beautifully.
The author is very helpful with pointing out plot points, as ever.
"You done?" Says Claire and her french braid.
Chuck is there now. He has an extremely white mug. It could have coffee inside. It could also have poison. The author does not identify as a journalist, and is not required to be unbiased.
"Do you have any bacon?" Says Chuck. He has curls. They hide the evil under.
"No." Jack says, blank faced for some reason. "You back off. Old man."
"Back off." Says Sam, in a slightly greater font size. One (1) lock of hair strays from his perfect mane, and falls on his face. It's still perfect, the author assures. Then Sam quickly gets shot, and his forehead pierced with metal rods. It's clearly for the vibe. Because Sam says, "I will destroy you." He does not say it periodlessly.
"Yeah. That's right." Says Jack. He pouts, because he's right. He can, because he's Jack.
Sam looks proud of him with a spotted blue tie and shiny, conditioned hair.
The author loves him very much.
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part two, if you're the kind of person who wants it:
Rowena purses her lips, ending up with dimples of discontent.
"Balls!" Bobby cries out. Then he takes off his cap for some reason before adding, "Were you ever nice?"
"Shut up!" Dean yells over his shoulder. He fixes her with an offended stare - as if not shutting up would be offensive on her part.
"I hate to interrupt." Says Rowena, interrupting. "What the hell is this?" She looks appalled. Perhaps she's realized she just interrupted.
He's excellent at delivering backhanded insults like that. The author is proud of his newfound subtlety.
"Gun. Mouth. Now." Dean simply reaffirms Bobby's accusation - because he's awesome like that. "Shut your face." He also says, pointing at them all, to further illustrate his paternal figure's point.
Crowley plants his chin in his palm, and looks at the floor with an unreadable (the author swears she tried) glint in his eyes. "Kill me." Perhaps they're tears.
"Oh, they don't miss me." Cas lets out, matter-of-factly, as he sips from his teacup of coffee.
"I think this was just a minor misunderstanding." Sam steps in, and brings puppy bangs with him to solidify his statement.
The author tries and fails to survive staring at them.
Dean clicks his tongue, and manages to resemble a squirrel to a T. Or an S. Everyone's entitled to spell words differently, English is a weird language.
Sam looks at Dean, irritated. "Make it stop." He grits out, clenching his jaw. He's replaced the bangs with sideburns. They have more potential to seem irritated.
"Maybe." Cas pouts, inexplicably.
"What?" Dean sounds positively aghast - but it's toned down from the years of practise from being in the poetic kind of love with the only angel in the world for him - and thus, only shows up in his eyes.
"You don't understand." Cas picks up a salesboy by his collar. He's so whimsical, the author completely gets why Dean's head over heels for him. Cas keeps everyone - especially salesboys who don't get him pie - on their toes.
"You look like a baby." Dean informs him, all laugh-lines and dimples. "Okay, all right." He says next, gruff, trying to smoothen out the curve of seeming like a goner for Cas.
Cas shoots him a discouraging look. "Ouch." He bites his bottom lip, and closes his eyes - and everyone in a seven mile radius ends up pregnant.
True story.
Also, Narendra Modi shows up, namaste-ing the phenomena that is Cas.
"Shhhhit!" Cas squints. He knows a thing or two about horrible, prejudiced political leaders, from an alternate universe Cas's experiences.
"Oh god." Sam adds, regrowing bangs really quickly.
Modi whispers into his phone, eyes trepidly on everyone in the room, and a hand covering his mouth.
Dean stares, unimpressed. Or so it seems until he says, "You gotta teach me how to do that."
Modi shoots the universal gesture for OK at him.
"I will stab you in your face." Dean declares, with parted hair and an office tie. "I'm gonna get my gun." Now he's got sleep-floofed hair and the dead guy robe. Threatening Dean Winchester sure is impressive like that.
(Maybe he'd wanted to learn right away, and took Modi's OK as dismissal.)
"Maybe you could be a little less... Lord-ly?" Sam cuts in, with his best lawyer impression. Nobody's sure who it's directed to - Dean, the Indian PM, Cas even? - but it doesn't matter because his eyebrows curve like parentheses of reasonability, hair tucked completely behind his ears - and everyone listens to this Sam.
"OKAY." Dean mumbles, sticking a needle in a doll. Or so, the author assumes he's doing.
Sam stares at him blankly for a beat, and then sighs into a smile. His hair's now long enough to curl magnificently at his neck. "You're too precious for the world." He strangles out, basically choking on the sentiment as he grabs Dean, and smushes him into a hug.
Cas smirks, smug.
"Oh, you." Sam pulls back enough to suddenly be in a maroon cardigan as he gazes at his brother through spectacled eyes of adoration.
Dean pulls him in then, bringing Sam down to his height - and Sam's hair escapes the ponytail grandly enough to fall over his face in perfect, messy locks.
The author's already weak heart stutters in her chest, and proceeds to give up entirely.
"Oh. No." Cas exclaims. Probably not for the author, but it's a sweet, borderline necromance-y coincidence. And then, unexplanably, he tilts his head and furrows his brow. "The whore."
Dean sighs, and facepalms. Sam changes into a grey button-up, and looks away into the distance.
The author daydreams too hard about being looked at like that, and loses it entirely.
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YGO Questionnaire Part 2 Electric Boogaloo
So, my gf/bf @howaboutalittlehelpneos tagged me to do this again a... good long while ago, and I had wanted to wait until I'd finished my GX rewatch before trying this again. But ouch oof I accidentally also got through all of 5Ds again before getting to this lol
But the 5Ds rewatch definitely reshaped a lot of my thoughts, so... cracks knuckles. This won't be spoiler free, fair warning~
Favorite Series: ugh the formatting killed my original essay on this but okay GX and 5Ds are pretty tied in my book, now-- I love them equally, but in different ways! GX fulfills my love for subversive coming-of-age stories with a heartwarming, humorous, and also soulcrushing touch, and I love how each season brings a new story and new characters-- it's like reading installments of a novel series, and I think the formatting works wonders for it as a whole. It has some absolutely phenomenal character writing, too-- even the characters I dislike are ones I can appreciate for what they introduce to the story! And honestly, not enough people give the first two seasons of GX the credit it deserves: they're half the charm, really. How are you going to feel the full impact of the heartbreaking content in seasons 3 and 4 if you aren't properly attached to the characters?
But on 5Ds's side of things... it fulfills my love for stories with time loops, found family, human nature, and of course, love and death and how they intertwine. I love how the leading characters are just a bunch of broken kids from broken circumstances who all find a home with each other, and of course, how it highlights class disparity and how fucked up the prison/"justice" systems are. Yea, sure, maybe it underwent executive meddling and all, but I genuinely love it for what it is and I wish more people appreciated it... my only problem with 5Ds is the untwist with Z-ONE and then the ending s m h I adore it overall and I could go off for a long while on it. Overall, these are my two instinctive recommendations for anyone getting into Yugioh!
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(look at these boys they're so important) Favorite Protagonist: Oh, believe me, absolutely nothing has changed here-- Yusei Fudo is and always will be my favorite protagonist, and my rewatch only solidified that.
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I just... love him so much? He's seen so much hell in his life and carries so much guilt on his shoulders, but he still has room in his heart to believe in others and to believe that anyone can defy fate and find hope even at rock bottom. I love that he's initially introduced as this quiet, brooding figure when he really just turns out to be a huge softie who wears his heart on his sleeve half the time and wants to bring about change for Satellite and its people. Plus I just really love that his greatest flaw is something that would ordinarily be a positive trait-- he's Overly self-sacrificial, to the point where he's basically setting himself on fire to keep others warm, and that's not really framed as something Heroic
Just... he makes me so happy. I have two Yusei charms that I ordinarily keep on my keys (one was a gift from Zenzen) and they're a constant source of serotonin for me. He's Peak comfort character for me. Best protag in my book Favorite Rival: Same deal here-- still Manjoume!
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look at him he's so important
While he spends a lot of the anime getting the good old damsel in distress treatment (getting suckered into a cult, getting knocked into a coma, becoming a zombie, getting fucking Killed, etc), I still think his character arc is really well-written overall and I only appreciated it even more when I watched GX again. I love the fact that he's got a soft heart he buries beneath the edgy facade, and that he's simultaneously really sharp and also kind of dense lol. He's just a fun character and watching how he evolves from episode one to episode one hundred eighty is such a satisfying journey.
Plus, props to him for being such a versatile duelist-- 50 wins in a row is HARD as is, let alone with a deck full of cards he just found laying around in the Arctic. Three ace monsters, three different archetypes... he's a really good duelist and I'm proud of him for it
Oh, but honestly, I don't really dislike any of the rivals-- I'm neutral towards Revolver and Reiji, but the remaining four (Kaiba, Manjoume, Jack, and Shark) compel me. yes I accidentally wound up liking Jack Atlas shhh Favorite BFF: Honestly, I really like most of the characters who fit this archetype-- Joey, Crow, Gongenzaka, Soulburner... I still lean a little bit more towards Joey, but I really appreciate all four of them. I'm gonna say Joey again, just because I find his evolution as a character the most compelling, but I appreciate the other three a lot. Soulburner has the best design though Favorite GFF: Oh absolutely still Aki, but I honestly... really love most female Yugioh characters? I'm assuming this is lead girls only, but like. I'm dumb and gay and I love Girls so this is naturally the most difficult one for me to answer lol
Aki just resonates with me the most because she's the prime example of how trauma doesn't always manifest in palatable ways-- when we first meet her, she's angry and lashes out at anyone and anything just because she wants the world to suffer in the same ways she's suffered, and then... we get to watch her grow from that, once she's free from Divine and able to heal the way she needs to heal. I know the second half of 5Ds didn't give her character the attention it deserved, but I'm still proud of her for winding up on the path she did-- seeing her channel her power and energy into wanting to heal and help others was just so good and was one of the few things I really Loved about the 5Ds ending.
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oh, but like. Asuka Tenjoin and Aoi Zaizen are very close seconds for me!!! Aki just has a vice grip on my heart Favorite Villain: Okay, it's still technically Vector-- I think he's the most entertaining, well-written, and effective villain out of all of the ones we've seen so far, but... I also want to add Takuma Saiou and then all of Yliaster as honorable mentions?
As someone fond of tarot myself, I was naturally pretty intrigued by Saiou the first time I watched GX, but my attachment to him only grew the second time around where I actually got the chance to understand his character better. Plus, like... the visuals with him are fucking astounding and he's always so interesting to watch.
As for Yliaster, I just... really love how the big bad of 5Ds turned out to just essentially be a broken man desperate to save anyone and anything and three robotic reconstructions of the friends he'd lost. I still think the untwist with Z-ONE was stupid and I much prefer the idea of him and Yusei being the same person, but I'm still compelled by the other three-- well. Paradox less so, because we don't get a lot of Paradox lore, but. Aporia and Antinomy for sure.
ugh Yugioh has some damn good villains
Favorite Card: now that I actually play the TCG game...
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Stardust is always going to be my favorite of all cards because it checks every box for me (my favorite YGO character's ace monster, space theme, what more could I want), but Aromaseraphy Rosemary has really become one of my aces in my best TCG deck! I'm still mastering irl plays, but I'm happy with my progress and I love my plant gang...
Favorite Episode: alright, here's where there's actually been a Lot of change, so...
Season 0: Episode 16: "Turnabout by a Hair's Breadth - The White-Robed Crisis" -- The more I think about this one, the more I love it; there's a... lot of corruption in the medical industry, and I've seen a lot of it firsthand, so just. Seeing a corrupt doctor get what he deserved at the end was cathartic, in a way? Plus, a Jounouchi-centric episode is always a good time.
Duel Monsters: Episodes 96-97: "Darkness vs. Darkness/One Turn Kill" -- this hasn't changed, I still love seeing Marik and Bakura bitch at each other for two whole episodes LMAO
GX: Episode 152: "Activate Super-Fusion! Rainbow Neos" -- This one hasn't changed and it likely never will-- I take so much pride in seeing Judai push forward, past the fear and guilt he's carrying, all to save Johan... it's cathartic and I never get sick of watching it.
5Ds: sweats. still all of Crash Town, but also episodes 137-147-- the Ark Cradle is one of my favorite parts of 5Ds and one of my favorite YGO arcs period, and even though each duel is a fucking gut punch, I love the emotional intensity and weight in each episode... It hurts but in a mostly good way
Zexal: Episode 143: "The Aloof Duelist 'Nasch': The Destined Final Duel" -- this one hasn't changed! Still hurts, still love it, I still weep over Ryouga Shark Kamishiro on a daily basis
Arc-V: Episodes 81-82: "Our Respective Battlefields/The Ultimate Falcon VS The Black-Feathered Thunder" -- Okay, honestly, this was hard because I... genuinely. really don't like Arc-V very much at all lol (it's just not my cup of tea, but more power to those who do like it!), but I thought this duel was a lot of fun! Shun is my absolute favorite from Arc-V and I really like the friendship he struck up with Crow a lot, so here we are
VRAINS (so far): Episode 25-26: "Virus Deck Operation/Three Draws Leading to Hope" -- honestly I am so biased because I just really love Blue Angel and I loved seeing her get a well-deserved victory like this lol. I'm not done with VRAINS, so this is probably gonna change, but anytime Blue Angel or Soulburner are on screen, I'm happy
Favorite Decks to Use: Aromages will always have my heart, but I adore Cyber Angels too! I'm building my Trickstar deck, my Synchron/Stardust deck (just waiting on Dawn of Majesty...), and my Magician Girls deck, too! Fusion, Ritual, Synchro, XYZ, Pendulum, or Link?: Synchros my beloved... but also Ritual Years in fandom: I've been here for just a little over one year now! and I wuv it... I'm never looking back Who am I tagging: no one I'm too shy
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queen-mihai · 3 years
My posts usually get buried, but I'm gonna make one anyway.
If you're LGBTQ+ and don't want to deal with a fight, I recommend, if at all possible, to move into a city. Doesn't have to be a major city. Just any place where it's not "everybody knows everybody".
Signs you're in a big enough place:
1. If you can't walk from one side of the grocery store to the other in 30 seconds, that's the start of a good sign, but let's go further.
2. That grocery store: if it's about a 10 minute drive (in favorable traffic) from ANOTHER grocery store of about the same size, that's a pretty good sign.
3. If you have to pass at least 3 traffic lights from one store to the next, even better.
4. Auto parts stores and liquor stores. If there's a liquor store the same size as the grocery store, that's a pretty good sign.
5. If there's more than one giant liquor store, that's a great sign. (In America, of course)
6. Take a look at the cars outside as you're driving/riding. How old are they? Mostly 5 years old or less? Another good sign.
5a. ***This is where I'm gonna say ignore the people. Looking at rich neighborhoods can sound a lot like "Look for the yt people", but forget that. There's rich black neighborhoods. There's rich Hispanic neighborhoods. There's rich Asian and rich gay neighborhoods. I've seen them. They're spread out across the country, but they exist.***
Back to 5: The point is, even in inexpensive neighborhoods, people understand that keeping their car up to date and running well will keep them employed and upwardly mobile. What else to look for?
6. Trees. Stay with me, here.
Nice neighborhoods, whether they're expensive or inexpensive, tend to have well maintained trees. Tree maintenance is expensive, and is one of the first things cities and governments tend to pass on if they want to "forget" about a certain part of town in their yearly budget. They'll pass it onto the neighborhood or individual homeowners who very likely may not be able to pay for the maintenance themselves. Are the trees somewhat uniform? Good sign.
Ok, so why a city? Why not the oh-so-friendly countryside? Well, the countryside can be nice, if you're a straight, white, Christian man. If not, you're kinda rolling the dice on if any particular neighborhood is going to accept you. There's some nice ones, but I wouldn't try my luck because being stuck in a neighborhood who is 100% against you can ruin you for life.
There are too many people in a city. That can work in an LGBTQ+ person's advantage because nobody has time to put any level of importance on what kind of clothes you're wearing or who you are kissing in the park. City people will see that and either take their biases and move on, think you look super cute, or get lowkey jealous that they're not the ones kissing in the park. But one way or another, they'll usually MOVE ON.
That's not to say there's no bias in the city. There's plenty of people with nasty upbringing who will, given the chance, try to make your life hell. But the difference is you are less likely to be completely surrounded by those people. And the people who do surround you, are too damn busy dealing with their own shit to be worried about you. "Did you look masculine yesterday and feminine today? Huh. Well, I don't have time to think about that right now, if I don't get my ass to my car, I'm gonna be late for work."
"Was that man wearing chaps and high heels? Oh shit, text....Fuck, my mom is in the hospital again, I better go make sure she's ok. Dude in the heels looked good though. I'll tell mom about him. That'll be fun. Maybe I should get some heels."
Cities have their downsides. They're busy. They're loud. They're expensive. But the very things that make a city a sucky place to live, make it a great place for an LGBTQ+ person to fit in. You're just another face in the crowd. Even if you stand out, it'll just be like a "Huh" reaction rather than people breaking out the torches and pitchforks.
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