084392 · 1 year
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i still wish nebby couldve stayed with lillie in the end...
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zizz-asdf-re-r-o-u · 3 months
a BUNCH of Garu/Karu meta, part 2: eyes, Karu-fronting units, In Defense of Sexy Garu/Karu, Leroy & Garu conspiracy, Update to Rei/Gramps theory, general "character development"
So over here I wrote a bunch of Garu/Karu meta zizz-asdf-re-r-o-u.tumblr.com/post/737197419853398016/ and I knew that eventually I'd wanna write more, so here's part 2!
Once again, disclaimer that I have not played every event nor watched every intimacy rooms so I am definitely missing some lore. If anyone has additional info to my questions, lemme know! Also, spoilers everywhere!
A) Blue eyes or yellow eyes?
In a couple comments of phaerlax's fics, he suggested that Karu's eyes are actually blue and I thought I'd follow up with some ~canon~ evidence.
Ch7- every mention of their switching involves language, attitude, and mannerisms, nothing about eye color.
Ch13- Kolt is about to kidnap Garu when Karu takes over. It's very fast and happens all in 1 sentence so there isn't space to mention any eye colors, but Kolt doesn't realize they've switched until Karu has kicked him in the face
Master's Gift- when Karu is pretending to be Garu, Eiden realizes it with the language and voice again, not eyes.
Howling Cyclone- when Garu suddenly takes over with no one around, the text narration only says "the wolf yokai closes and opens his eyes before dashing..." No mention of eye color and this time its from the third person text narration, rather than Eiden or any other character's POV.
Misty Vale- when the young wolves encounter Karu, they don't realize that Garu has switched until Karu announces to call him that.
Binary Starlight- no mention of eye color, but the modeling people, store owners, and Karu's fans, only refer to him as Karu or Mr Wolf Yokai, including when it's Garu taking Karu's place during the competition announcements.
Some people might have noticed this by now, but Garu's ally units all have blue eyes in their sprites. But when you're actually battling, OG SSR/SR/R/N are all Karu voice lines. HC & EG Garu seem to have more Garu battle voice lines than Karu voice lines. I don't have all of them, so if anyone is willing to help me look into EB and FF Garu, please do! In a cool meta way, the fact that the sprites have blue eyes yet its Karu's voice coming out, indicates to me that Karu's eyes are probably blue.
And lastly- have you noticed Garu's battle loading screen pose, OG loading homepage, Bliss promotional pic with everyone's OG poses + new Dante/Blade/Rei, and Garu's sprite in the opening animated sequence? He's manspreading and has an angry face. Yes, we've seen Garu angry a number of times, but in the new loading homepage with Rei and Dante, Garu is smiling and Garu's angry face is usually still quite cute. I think the OG version is Karu and he has blue eyes there.
B) Karu Fronting Units
Ok so slightly following up from that last bit. I had a idea once, where it would've been cool for Karu to front in the offensive/defensive units, such as strikers and guardians, and Garu to front in the supportive units, such as buffers and healers. Especially since the battle voice lines already do that (see point above). This would be extra cool cause it lines up with their lore/personalities and DID system. Karu is the protector alter, doing a lot of the Dead Zone surviving, and it'd make sense for him to do offensive/defensive battle units.
But also- Binary Starlight Garu should have totally been Karu fronting. Frozen Echoes, while Garu is onscreen more often, is about Karu wanting to sing and then getting kidnapped. But more importantly, the intimacy stories are about Karu's modeling competition. He's also a striker and, as mentioned, I thought it would be cool to have Karu being the strikers.
Endless Banquet Garu probably would have been nice to be a Karu unit because part of it is about Karu wanting to go to the yokai festival, but it was also Garu's 1st event SSR, so it makes sense that he wouldn't be.
So here's to me sending out into the universe that we get a future Karu main event SSR. He's still missing a saboteur and I can see a saboteur going either Garu or Karu.
C) In Defense of Sexy Garu/Karu
People's biggest problem with Garu is usually how young he looks and acts. You are not wrong if you are uncomfortable with Garu/Karu being sexualized! That is totally valid! This section is not for you. This section is for ignorant haters. (Garu/Karu are just fictional characters so I don't think too defensively on this so I won't be offended if you still do.)
First up- Garu/Karu is not a shota. Shotacon is defined as underage/prepubescent/pubescent boys in an erotic/sexualized manner. And yes there are muscle shotas. But Garu is not one of them. Depending on the lore, Garu is 19-33+ (possibly older, see that other post where I calculated his possible age) and he has a young adult proportioned body. However, he has a major babyface and acts puppylike/borderline childlike and does appear younger than the rest of the cast. So it's possible that he's shota-adjacent and I can see why people think he'd be the "1000 year old loli/shota" characters.
Next- puppy play! Have you heard of animal roleplay and specifically leather puppies? Have you met someone whose done puppyplay? Seems an awful lot like Garu right? You'd be right! I'm more of a handler, but a lot (though not all) of the (western) puppy players I know go into a (dumbed down) puppy headspace, act hyper, head scratches, play fetch, bark, treats, and "treats". (Naturally, IA studio is writing from the Asian perspective so the scene might be different there & they probably didn't consult any puppy players anyways, but there's no set "rules".) Sound familiar?
I'm like 99% sure Garu/Karu is supposed to represent puppy play, not shotas. There's a reason the most common imagery of a leather puppy is a pup hood, some kind of gag, collar, chest harness, jockstrap, butt plug tail, and leather boots. Also sound familiar? It's very close to OG SSR and SR Garu, and when the devs gave BS Garu a jockstrap, that sealed the deal. Same with when they made Garu/Karu an omega in the A/B/O event.
Now that we agreed that Garu/Karu is puppy play and not shotacon, one common factor amongst puppyplayers is the sexycute factor. As in, the puppy could be acting cute and affectionate and puppylike while getting fucked. Head scratches while doing a blowjob. And so on. NU Carnival characters fill a variety of sexy roles and while we have 2 other yokai, Garu is the one that fills the puppy play role. He's not a furry, but he's the closest thing for those who are into it. And of course, he (and Kuya) are the token kemonomimi. I'd argue that Garu is actually more human that most puppies I've seen/played with since he is primarily bipedal and talks fully in a human language.
So yeah its fine to sexualize them because of the sexy archetype they fulfill!
D) Leroy and Garu Conspiracy
So this is a wild and possibly impossible conspiracy theory. At the end of Gambler's Paradise, we get a scene between Aster and Rei talking about a mysterious "that group". In ch 13, Rei tells us that Council of Sorcery is trying to replace the need for Huey's essence. Throughout Gambler's Paradise, we find out that Leroy is a recent imperfect familiar that was a result of experiments with Huey's essence. Throughout Misty Vale and Ch 13, we get hints that Garu might have been experimented on by the Council long ago.
So my conspiracy theory is that both Leroy and Garu were experimented on by the same Council of Sorcery, even if they were from different departments. Garu was possibly more than a decade or several decades ago and Leroy was within the past couple months or year cause he didn't start causing chaos in Aster's casinos until recently. This means that either there are different departments focusing on different experiments, but also totally possible that back then, they were experimenting on removing Huey's essence and now they're working on replicating Huey's essence.
Bonus weird similarity between Garu, Leroy, and Morvay- they all really REALLY like eating their choice of preferred food, and get hungry very easily. (Ok Garu technically might be super hungry cause he had very little food for many many years, but still)
E) Update to Rei is Gramps/Garu/Karu backstory
Here I theorized that Rei might be Gramps and other people have theorized or drawn fanart of this too. HOWEVER, Howling Cyclone does have a major problem in that we see Gramp's ghost.
What i propose to fix this: we don't know when ch13 or Eerie Escapade happened and realistically it's probably because Rei wasn't created as a character yet. But I can explain this lore away with saying even if Rei died "long ago", we dont know when he was reborn. And hey, maybe for all we know, the Gramps ghost was actually Father, realizing that even if Garu has Eiden, Karu could use some more support and decided to go revive Rei. :shrug: Or maybe they'll retcon the Howling Cyclone ghost like they retconned Aster's dick.
F) Garu/Karu's ~Character Development~ (not H scene specific)
(Warning for rambling!) So in my post about whether or not Kuya has character development and if it's even necessary, I mentioned that Garu & Karu needed character development. In various replies (but not my post), one comparison I've brought up between Kuya and Garu/Karu(+Zuko) is the difference between slow gradual changes and the heroes journey. And I thought I'd elaborate on that some more.
To clarify on Kuya- he's over 200 years old and has been changing slowly over time since forever. He started the story already having changed over time and will probably not stop going through this kind of slow gradual change, simply due to the fact that time passes and he's immortal. And while Eiden plays a part in present day, overall Kuya is not having major story beats causing massive changes.
The cool thing about Nu Carnival's cast, as evidenced by Kuya, is that everyone is on different points of their ~character development~ and Garu/Karu is starting from their very beginning. Yakumo is also starting from the very beginning. Whereas someone like Dante, Olivine, and Edmond are already somewhere further down the adventure. Or they have a different kind of character development path like Kuya, Rei, and Blade.
Now for Garu/Karu. So the classic heroes journey is a story template where the protagonist gets a call to adventure, meets various character archetypes, endures many trials, and returns changed in some way. Obviously it's not a 1:1 matchup with Garu/Karu's story, but he does get a call to adventure (joining the clan), meets a mentor(the clan members), and is currently still enduring many trials. This is what I mean by he has a big "heroes journey development". And using this pattern, we can predict that Garu/Karu will continue enduring more tests, before encountering a major ordeal, conquering it, returning back a changed man.
Now why is Garu, or more specifically, Karu's character development important or necessary? Much like how Yakumo started out his heroes journey as a "newbie", Garu and especially Karu start out as "newbies", with limited empowerment, not that many skills yet, MANY basic things to learn (and amnesia, or at least Garu has amnesia. Karu is debatable). Karu has big dreams, really big dreams, and while they're played for laughs, he absolutely sucks at those big dreams. He's either going to achieve those big dreams, change those big dreams, or lose his delusions of grandeur and that will be character development. His current stage in life, lack of power (and stamina lol), trauma, and unfortunate circumstances are preventing him from achieving those big dreams. Garu is more chill and mostly just wants to have Fun with his Master and help people where he can (including helping Karu). However, he also lacks power, is a newbie to things, and got that traumaTM that just causes him problems. Garu also kind of represents the coming of age plot- they may have gained basic survival skills in the Dead Zone & had no social skills, but have also started dabbling in learning and leadership in Forgotten Fruit, Eerie Escapade, and Misty Vale. He's slowly becoming braver. They also didn't know how to read before meeting Yakumo & Olivine, but now they can sort of write sentences!
As for their role in the story & how it ties in with character development. He's the cutesy comic relief like Blade or Topper, but also, as mentioned in my Kuya post, that they're a victim of the Gemstone plotTM. SPOILER TERRITORY. One major conflict that the plot is coming against in the main storyline is altars going haywire and the Council of Sorcery and Garu (and possibly Leroy) might be the key to solving this mystery. However, with his amnesia and limited empowerment, they can't really progress with it. Therefore, it is crucial for Garu/Karu to experience ~character development~ to move forward.
If you got this far, thanks for indulging in this longass analysis post on my favorite wolfboys to roll around in thinky thoughts. Possibly more to come as more ~lore~ is revealed.
Once again, I haven't played every event or intimacy room, so if you've got answers to my questions or additional contributions, please lemme know!
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p-h03n1-x · 3 years
Hello I saw translation link on your blog. Thank you for that. I have been meaning to ask but was too shy (not same anon) if you can also direct people to 5 chapter's of DD's assistant repo, confession of a paparazzi, zz own oasis post, 100 points of candy summary, 49 years 2019 and 2020 edition or anything else remaining. I hope I am not asking too much. Sometimes get confused with what is ok to ask or not. Still thank you for your blog. It brings me happiness in my messed up life.
Hi Anon! There’s a saying that goes that the only stupidest question is the one that’s not asked. Sometimes the asks remind me of old rumors or stuff I always meant to write but was too lazy to do so. The ask box is a good way for me to get started so don’t hesitate to ask.
For your questions, I have a disclaimer. These are a combination of new and old materials, and for the links that I will be sharing, at the time of writing and posting, these are active links. Those who will be reading this at a much later time might find those deleted by the OP already.
Anyone who wants to provide an input or share materials, you are more than welcome!
And one more thing before you click under the cut, keep in mind that all of these are nothing but rumors, theories of 🤡🐢 and nothing more than fan fiction.
For the DD’s assistant - here’s a Weibo link. The full English translation as of now is yet to be published so we’ll have to wait and I’ve not gotten to reading it as of this time so I can’t tell much about it.
And while you didn’t ask for it, here’s the translation for the rumor from GG’s assistant.
For GG’s Oasis post, I assume you’re referring to the wrap up post that was published 3.17. Here’s a post I made on that. This particular Oasis post was published / went live 00:42 (1st pic below), though it was done by 00:24 (2nd pic below), and it’s such a coincidence according to 🐢 that that’s also the same time he posted DD’s bday greeting years ago (3rd pic)
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The BJYX 49 candies, there are a couple of YouTube vids from XiaoMan M, link is here:
The new 49 candies is in bits and pieces, there was a YouTube English translation before but that’s been taken down. The only one I know are screenshots of the translations watermarked with OP name and can’t be shared.
There’s been a lot of old and new materials released lat week and I don’t know if one of them is the Confession of a paparazzi. For the 100 points, that’s about their Oasis points which users accumulate based on their activity like when you log in, likes, comments, even giving water points etc. While I’m a user of Oasis, all the math just fly through my head so I don’t follow this one.
Quite a lot of things to read, hope you find this helpful. Find a quiet happy place like Jingshi, and enjoy reading 😂
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twominwol · 3 years
Cheesy Baby Cheese 🤭
TM's short drama during the SuperM As We Wish was no doubt a bit cringe but adorable at the same time. It was also cliche but none the less sweet.
Each SuperM members were asked what kind of proposal they wanted. Taemin said he wanted a proposal like he saw in the movie Love Actually which use a sketchbook.
So the main idea for each story was from them. Like Mark, he said the proposal was about his parent's love story.
But I also think there might be some plots added by the producer/writer to complete the story line or to make it more interesting
Here are points that I think connected to 2min 😝🤪
- White car
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MH's car that he won in Dream Team 2011 was "white". He used it for years and only bought a new one end of 2018.
There was also part where TM said to the girl that he can be his chaffeur for the rest of his life. I cant confirmed from where and when but I do remember MH used to drive TM around too.
- Lots of blue colored items
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MH color in SHINee is 'blue'.
The young girl dress was more to pearl aqua blue, the SHINee color.
- The star
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The young girl was wearing a bracelet and has a 'star' charm. It was a bit blur but the shape really looks like a star. Both TM and MH used to wear bracelet all the time. Also there was a 'star' on that boy's bag too. SHINee on their debut stage was introduced as "Five Stars from the Universe". So here both of them are SHINee. 😁
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Ok now let see the story line.
I didnt mean to be disrespectful to TM whatsoever but in this short drama's story line I will say that the boy represented MH and the girl was TM. The important things here were the characters being portrayed and not the gender.
-The 1st scene showed was the boy has a soccer ball with him. Now, who doesn't know MH obsession with soccer. The boy wore an overall and has the ball at his feet really similar to MH's IG profile pic. Note that MH only created the IG account on Dec 2020 which was after this drama came out. Meaning that TM must has seen the pic and put it on the boy character.
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-The girl then asks if the boy was not from the neighborhood. Note that MH was from Incheon while TM was from Seoul which also where SM Ent is located.
-The story then went to the girl said to the boy she will introduce him to the others. Note that TM joined SM Ent before MH did.
-The boy then was flustered and seemed to be shy as he begun to like the girl.
-Then see Kai's reaction when Mark said that "So that's what happened when they were kids". Kai who is TM's bf should have known that was TM's own experience. He realised that the plot was about TM's very own love story.
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-After Kai's "reaction" he said that "So his love for her(in this case he was talking about the boy and girl character) continued ever since they were kids."
2min met each other when TM was in 6th grade(elementary school).
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[TM IG Live 230826 : TM said that even though it's their 15th anniversary but MH has known him since he was in elementary school, so it has been 18 years]
TM also admitted before that his first relationship was when he was in the elementary school.
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They met each other when they were young and still kids, TM was around 12 and MH only 2 years older than him.
They might be each other crush at first, then hoobae-dongsaeng and finally as lover. Maybe 🥰
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Vipassana Meditation – My Journey
First time I heard about Vipassana Meditation in the Kopan monastery when I was taking a November course in November 2017.
November Course at Kopan Monastery
It was One Month Meditation course, based on the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha. We got Lam Rim book and the course was based on the content of that book. The course was full of learning about Body, mind, and speech; and meditating on Karma-the law of cause and effect, Impermanence, death, guru devotion, rebirth, the Three Jewels: Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, the Four Noble Truths, the nature of our Mind, Conventional and Ultimate Truth.
During the whole month, we have to follow Five Precepts i.e
-to abstain from killing any being
-to abstain from stealing
-to abstain from sexual misconduct
-to abstain from wrong speech
-to abstain from intoxicants
It was also a great place to connect with people having an interest in spirituality, how we can become a better person through reflection and understanding concepts like; Emptiness; Samatha, Equanimity, Bodhicitta. Lama Zopa Rinpoche, the founder and spiritual director of Kopan and the FPMT taught during the last 10 days.
In Kopan, I understand all these concepts on an intellectual level. It was an experiential course and when I was meditating on rebirth, I experienced something at a deep level. I don’t have words to explain that.
Some of my group mates and spiritual mates were talking about Vipassana meditation during our group discussion. I heard the word Vipassana for the first time and got curious. I was able to know from my research, that anyone can learn Vipassana in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Random pic from November Course. These pic are taken at the end of the course.
In 2018 I went to India for my exchange studies. In mid of 2018 after coming back from India, I went to Vipassana for 10 days in Buddhanilkantha after registering in Jyoti Bhawan, Kathmandu.
1st time Vipassana
The first day (The day you enter the compound where the course will be given) is zero-day. That day, my orientation was given by Rupa Jyoti (former assistant finance minister of Nepal during the reign of King Gyanendra Shah) in Jyoti Bhawan.
From orientation day to last day, we have to follow the same five precepts i.e
-to abstain from killing any being
-to abstain from stealing
-to abstain from sexual misconduct
-to abstain from wrong speech
-to abstain from intoxicants
When we entered the compound of Buddhanilkantha, The noble silence needs to be maintained. Noble silence means no talking, no smiling, no glancing, no notes, no gestures or any attempts to make communication in any form. Communication with the assistant guru and server (Volunteers) at a defined time is allowed but it is recommended to keep it as minimum as possible.
I was a very talkative guy who will just open his mouth on a minuscule thing. It was very difficult for me to maintain my silence. But I tried.
On the second day (it’s the first day of the course), the silence was everywhere from the mourning 4 am till 9 pm. I wasn’t a morning guy so every morning a volunteer comes to wake up me (Thanks to him). Someday he was coming two times in the morning to just wake me up. The first day was Ok. I tried meditating and sitting down for a long time. This is the day, They will teach you Ana-Pana meditation. It is a meditation where one has to sit down in meditation posture and observe his/her breadth. No judgement about the breadth, no question about the breadth, only observation.
All I was doing was trying as they were saying in the speaker. Everything was fine. I was listening attentively to the discourse of 7 pm- 8:30 pm by S.N Goenka. The discourse was a summary of the whole day meditation. His lecture was very useful to understand dhamma or dharma.
If you have to define dharma, you can say, the dharma of fire to burn. If it’s not burning, then it’s not fire. The dharma of Ice to be cold, if it’s not cold then it’s not ice.
On the experience level; I wasn’t experiencing any change. I was just trying my mind to focus on breadth. I was just becoming an observer of breadth. Thousand of different thought about the past or future were coming and going and I was just trying to make my mind observe my breath. I was trying only but I was unsuccessful a thousand times due to lots of other thoughts.
The first three days you do Ana-Pana. I was not understanding much about why I am doing what I am doing. On the third day, I was fed up with the routine and talked with the guru about the distractions of thought during meditation. The guru said it’s normal for the first-timer. Don’t worry much. I started going with the flow.
On the fourth day, you get Vipassana and you start doing Vipassana. Vipassana is making your mind observe the sensation (Any kind; it can be vibration, heaviness, lightness, sweaty, basically any kind) happened all over the body. You start from head to toe. You should start in order so that none of the body parts gets left out.
After that interaction, I was just enjoying donated good meal, good sleep, and the silence around. Not taking much tension about distracted meditation.
On the seventh day, I felt like I should leave the centre and I talked to the volunteer who was always coming to my room in the morning two times in 30 minutes to just wake me up. I said, “I want to leave because I am tired of doing this meditation, I can’t go longer. My different thought is distracting me so much that I am not even able to observe my breath for 5 minutes in one-hour sitting”. He said, “it’s OK. Look, you have completed 7 days. 3 days to go. On the 10th days, you are allowed to talk. You just have to stay silent for the coming 2 days.”
I thought, If I leave without completing the course, I will regret the decision later. I just don’t want to have any regrets in my life. I continued. Those two days, I was skipping meditation session by tricking volunteer (I wouldn’t recommend anyone to do that.) Somehow I finished 10 days Vipassana course.
On the 12th day, you have to donate so that other coming students can have a meal and other facilities. The whole organisation run on donation. There is no fee or any charge. Everyone donate according to their financial condition. Some donate their time and become a volunteer to serve others during the course.
I came home on the 12th day. I wasn’t observing much changes in my behaviour. I was practising the meditation in my room. After 1 year, When I was reflecting on my life one day. I realised so many changes in my behaviour, attitude and a deeper level. That year was very productive.
I got interested to go again for 10 days Vipassana course. This time, I and my friend applied for February 2021 in January for Budhanilkantha and the location was full but they recommend me to apply to Kotadada, Lalitpur. It was unknown territory to me but I was excited to visit a new place. We applied and got our seat reserved. We went.
2nd time Vipassana at Koatdada, Lalitpur
All the facilities are great. There are only 8 Sadhak (male student) and 8 Sadhika (female Student). This time, I was a bit serious. I was trying hard to meditate and make my mind focus on breadth for a long time. Sometimes, I was doing the wrong way. Assistant guru Shree Suresh Shakya Ji was calling me for a private meeting. He was asking me about my unusual breathing. He was guiding me the right way. Slowly, Slowly, I learned the right way.
Vipassana is effective way to throw our negative emotion like anger, hatred, lust, fear from inside and stay in equanimity. From my experience, when I get fear, my breath isn’t normal, the sensation in my body is also not normal or it’s completely different.
That fear can be taken out if I just focus my mind on my breath and observe the sensation of my body without doing any reaction. The reaction is the action of body, speech, and mind to overcome any feeling like fear, anger, hatred, abused, or lust. I found that after a few minutes of just observing my breath, my breath becomes normal, the sensation in my body also become normal. That feeling (fear) has thrown out and I am not disturbed/distracted by the same feeling. If I am getting the same feeling again, it is due to other reason.
That experience shows that my feeling and sensation of my body is temporary (impermanent). This is something I felt at my experience level. According to the discourse of S.N. Goenka, If One continue doing Vipassana, One can experience the whole body is made of minute particle which gets created and destroyed in the speed of light. That is emptiness.
I finished the course and came back home. I do Ana-Pana and Vipassana every day.
Benefits of Vipassana in my life
1. Have decreased my stress.
2. I don’t react.
3. Decreased my sleeping quote
Recommend my friends and family to learn Vipassana Meditation.
Random pic. These picture are taken at the end of the course. I have to live like a monk during the course, keeping my need at minimal.
Disclaimer: The author takes full credit and responsibility for the views presented in this article. South Asian Handicraft does not endorse a particular meditation over another.
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jongieslegs · 7 years
[Fan Account - Kim Sungkyu Mini Fanmeet and Live]
Sungkyu’s mini live event! Namba Hatch, Osaka, Japan,  4 Oct 2017 disclaimer: all comments here are as I understood with my lower level japanese and korean, so apologies for any mistranslations!!
Ticket and Fanclub event info Inspirit Japan members got priority ticket sales and a small discount, plus the chance to enter two events: 1. you could submit a video question, which was used in the show (more on this below) 2. ten people could win a meet and greet with Gyu before the show! Event tickets were all assigned seats, no standing. My seat was 1st floor, row G, but other fanclub members I know got row O and even 2nd floor, so it really was a lottery for seats.
Intro After the lights dimmed,  There was no video intro or speaker intro, Gyu just simply walked on stage and began to sing the opening song (Kontrol) Loved hearing and seeing him like this, with no dancers or distractions, just Gyu and a mic. He concentrates so wholly on his songs, he's half hugging the mic with his arm and it really looks if he has his eyes closed for most of them. He only looks up as if to realise we are there much later in the song. wow. How I love that voice. I think other ppl have listed and videoed all the mini-live songs, so I’ll give more detail on all the non-song moments!
After 3 songs the lights go up, and he says hello in Japanese, and the mc and interpreter come on stage and beckon him to sit down on a chair. He sits, and immediately chugs water from a bottle with a straw, and says how happy he is to come to Osaka, even though he feels nervous. The (female) interpreter sits behind him and translates what the mc says into korean, as well as what Gyu says into Japanese. great idea as Gyu doesnt have to worry about trying to speak Japanese and we can just hear his natural Korean. He’s a bit more nervous than I expected, and hesitates a lot at first when he talks, he’s a little shy - used to the other members bumbling around him I guess! But he’s super cute, especially when he laughs, which is a lot tonight. Fan questions The first stage event is 'Sunggyu please teach/tell me’, where four fans (via the fanclub) recorded a video message to ask Gyu. At first we didn’t shout loud enough when this segment was announced, so the mc made us do it again, and Gyu looked very amused by us being told off by the mc. The first q is a girl who wants to know if theres any food he doesn’t eat much, or can't eat. He’s really REALLY hesitant in answering, like saying 'um... I...' and pausing, then 'um...' like he really can’t think of an answer. Then finally he and the mc talk about beef and beef dishes a lot. I think he said he did not eat beef as a child, and these days it is expensive - but I got lost on other details. The second girl records herself playing 'back' on the piano and asks what song he’d like to sing to a girl? (on a date? to woo her? not sure) she’s on the 2nd floor so he strains forward off his chair to wave at her! Firstly he praises her piano playing, then he ends up singing the chorus of 'be mine' acapella to the mc (who is pretending to be the girl) he laughs midway his song, but even does the hand gesture on 'oh!' (YES!) The third fan is a nurse and recorded her video at the hospital- she wasn’t in the audience tonight. she said she’s learning korean and wants to know his favourite word or phrase. again he was really slow and hesitant to answer, but eventually talked about a word that means friendship/you use with close friends (??) and he mentioned using it with the infinite members in his answer. If I see a J-inspirit tweet about this one I’ll RT - the details were a bit hard for me to catch. The 4th girl asks, 'you are a superstar, but what do you do to relax on your days off?' His reaction was so funny, he began: 'because I'm a superstar...' and sat up and crossed his legs really flamboyantly haha I think he really liked that question. When relaxing at home, he says he watches game of thrones season 7, and also plays games. Then the mc suggested, doesn’t he think of Inspirit? and he quickly said 'oh yes, of course, number one is thinking of inspirit, then game of thrones, then ... '(but he was laughing, such a cute liar) Hoopla. He just can’t.  Sunggyu had to play hoopla (land a hoop on a stick with a number) to play a random game. oh boy. he was so bad at this game! first of all, the front row fans told him off for being too close to the number board, and he was like 'What!!' the MC too was really shocked they were so strict, lol. then he stepped back and threw, and literally missed every single time, so then he stepped really close and threw all of hoops in the box until finally he got one. his reward- 2x speed dance! at first he looked aghast, but then just laughed and put his ear mic in and was like 'ok. come on!!' he didn’t know which song it would be. it was be mine, and he did a great job-- and looked so cutely pleased with himself when he stopped, a satisfied grin of like ‘nailed it!’. back to the hoops. oh dear. he threw them all at close range and still, still!!!! couldn’t get one! he crouched down briefly in mental breakdown mode, but the mc just blatently slid one on for him lol. his reward-- the mystery box! the mystery box was a cute brown toy dog that walks and barks- you know the kind. omg he was so funny, he looked terrified as he put one hand in then yelled 'what!!!' 'what is it??' 'its moving!!' after a few attempts to touch it he couldn’t guess, so they let him do it again, this time with both hands. he jumped again as he touched it, and even sniffed his hand (???) but then seemed to hear it barking, moved his ear closer to the box. so then he guessed correctly, and laughed like crazy when the box was turned to face him. he said 'no way-- it felt different!' and then held it, said 'cute' petted it, then suddenly pretended to go to slap it, lol. a girl in the audience won the toy after he drew her seat number from a box.
the mc assisted him (basically put the hoop on the numbers as he was hopeless) to get another two rewards. The first was a group photo with us all. He turned away from us to face the camera, but remained standing, which would obviously block a huge part of the audience, lol. So the cameraman was like ‘hey! sit down!’ and he laughed, kinda embarrassed, and did so. 
The second reward was he could draw signed posters for 2 people, but he drew 3 winners instead, so 3 won, hehe. He read the winner’s numbers out in Japanese, and tried speaking a little Japanese to the winners, just the odd word, but he does try! Kyu is so funny to give gifts. (I've noticed this before, he keeps a real physical distance when he gives a prize, unlike L or Jjong who hug or pet fans' heads easily) as he handed people their prizes today, he really looks like the professor formally giving the graduation certificate, like very low bowing and holding out the poster then shaking their hand formally then bowing again. when people won from the 2nd floor, they took a bit longer to get there, so he extended a hand very gentleman-like and helped them up onto the stage - to ‘aaah!’ from inspirits, lol.
Photo time We were given three minutes to take pics, and like the Tokyo shows, he spent each minute at a different part of the stage, and smiled and posed and crouched down a few times for people’s cameras. The stage lights were sooo bright that even though my eyes could see him well, my ipad couldn’t - but other friends got some nice shots, I’m sure plenty will be going around!
A Gyu survey The last prize lottery of the day was for a survey we had to answer and put in a box before the show. the survey has questions all about Gyu. The mc told him noone got all the answers correct, and he was like 'ah, I’m a difficult guy--'
q1- is there a food you haven’t eaten this time in japan? a-ramen q2- on long flights what do you do? a- sleep. he uses an eye mask. (one of the options was talk to the infinite members- heh yeah right) q3-which animal do you think you are like? a-cat. everyone seemed surprised and Gyu was like 'what! why are you surprised? Am I not?' the mc made him do a Japanese cat noise and paw-like gesture (Cats in Japan say 'nyan’) he did it quickly and reluctantly lol. q4- what do you do first thing on a morning? a- drink water. he says he loves to drink water, and his throat always feels dry after sleep. the mc pointed out how nice/interesting his throat looks when he swallows so we got a closeup of him doing that, and he just laughed, like ‘doesn’t everyone look that way?’ q5- immediately after the first tokyo mini live, what did gyu do? a - thanked the staff. 
He drew three winners again for signed posters. one winner  from 2nd floor had put her name on the survey form as 'sunggyu-chan'. this really amused him and the mc. when she cane to the stage he said in formal japanese 'nice to meet you... sunggyu-chan?' lol. When the games were over, he talked a little about what he’s working on now - just everything he already said at the tokyo meets, a solo concert and album, musical, plus infinite comeback and album. He said he wants to be known as infinite’s leader but also the singer kim sung kyu. He’ll work hard for both things and wants to come to osaka again. To finish up, he sang the last two songs, including ‘Because’, (whoop love that older tune) then he waved to everyone, like very cute crazy big grin two-handed waves, before leaving the stage. Hi-touch time! We had to leave our seat with our stuff and line up to high five him on the way out of the venue. Staff were strict about having absolutely nothing in your right hand so you could hi-five him easily. A small screen hid him from view. When I got around it, he was standing behind a table, with staff close by either side. He had a cute small smile, looked kinda tired but also happy. The way Japanese hi-touches work there’s really no time to talk (or think-), so i just grinned and said 'Sunggyu fighting!' as i touched his right hand. Resisted the huge urge to grab it lol! 
No candy for us, unlike Myungsoo’s fanmeet, but that’s cool - hearing Sunggyu’s vocals and seeing his cute yet surprisingly shy self on stage was reward enough!
That’s all for this time-- thanks for reading as always!
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kmp78 · 5 years
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Ok I did a little research and these are my findings, the blue G sweater J is wearing is indeed a bootleg vintage, ridiculous because no matter he has all the original G in world he also has to have the fake, and I can understand why anons didn’t believe it as we know J doesn’t have the rep to be a truth teller so I guess we just don’t believe anything he says anymore, anyway and it does fit him a bit loose. And the one Fakery is wearing is also possibly a fake one only that her horrid wig and arm are covering the fake designs give aways, and it fits her well, not an oversized men’s one.
Now it’s very true that J’s is beaten up and cracked on the logo and Fakery’s even in full color looks brand new. So we have to assume because of this that it is not the same one. 
Now the odd part about this is, that both have the same model of fake G blue sweater, that weekend she trolled it Fakery went back to LA to make that vulgar photoshoot with CB of all people, and now after months of not wearing it, J suddenly photographs himself wearing it again while he’s getting criticism over the new CM, too many strange coincidences, plus we know Fakery is a petty desperado troll that uses J like cray and has a pathetic need to prove herself to HIS fans, and it wouldn’t be the 1st time she’s worn his tops and J has worn them again, and we know all the dumb trolls wear the Leto brothers clothes and troll them one way or the other to make sure people know they saw them, and that these guys love having their tacky friends wearing their clothes, go figure why, but it’s their costume. 
Based on this you would believe it was J’s sweater Fakery was trolling, and now J just wants to push more buttons, but the big problem is J’s sweater wear out that makes it impossible to say this is the case, so I will go on my personal opinion and gut feeling percentages and say it’s 80% option 1 it’s his sweater and both of them are shitty people trolling and pushing people’s buttons to get attention and a reaction, and somehow the wear out doesn’t show on Fakery’s trolling pic and she simply is the same size than J as we’ve seen she looks bigger than him, and option 2 20% it’s not his sweater but anyway she wanted to make people believe it was and J just accidentally wore it again.
We can’t have a definite answer but there are too many coincidences and we know the low character of these desperate troll women J has for friends, and we also know how J rolls and how he loves to play games confuse people and push everyone around to get talk and distractions going. 
I don’t believe J has s*x or a relationship with Fakery but she borrowing his sweater would simply indicate that she met him again with CB while in LA and she wanted to make sure people would know this, as she always does with her nasty and petty behavior. Anyway it’s just sad how J and his pals behave.
PS. People were confusing the pink sweater that many other low grade celebs wore with this bootleg blue vintage, as you can see they’re different.
You don´t believe JL has s*x or a relationship with VK?
I´m legitimately (once again) astonished that people actually think a 47 yo man is just platonic “You braid my hair and I´ll braid yours” besties with (FOR 5 YEARS) with a waify 20-smthg airhead whose “job” it is to walk around in lingerie and heels.
In WHAT UNIVERSE is this in any way realistic?!?!
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kmp78 · 7 years
To answer anon's question, I'm not that anon who saw those posts and I don't know about Twitter, but after someone mentioned IG, I saw that it's true that H's two best friends follow MaddieCarina. There are some pics from a while ago of one of the H bffs (the blonde, Paige, from 1st of Dec, 2016) on her IG. To add to that, SMG's two best friends Mariah and Crystal also follow her. There are more people.
(Disclaimer and rules)
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