milkbreadtoast · 6 months
me dodging the yeseo simp allegations
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jinnielovebot · 6 years
soft bias tag! ♡
tagged by @bangs-chan @bangchans @seungminty THANK U I LOVE U 
ok for real this tag was actually rlly fun to do :’)))
tagging: @jeongin @himeaegyo @hanjisunng @reosian @3rxcha @doublekn0t @felixeslee @jiisung henlo pls ignore if u have alrdy done this love u btw
DISCLAIMER: i get rlly mushy in this because every hour is softjin hour ;(
who is your bias?
kim seungmin hwang hyunjin!
what made you notice them?
ajsdjahdg his voice!! tbh his voice was actually the reason i got into sk in the first place ahahjsd LMAO can u believe i havent swerved for the last 8 months DAMN im loyal anyways im rlly particular when it comes to rapper n their voices n hyunjins rap part in hellevator just,,,fit in so seamlessly,,,and it just sounded so smooth n perfect nd you bet your sweet arse i did a Phat double take when his part came on in the song
what’s your favorite thing about them?
u want me to pick just one?????????
OKAY LIKE i think my absolute favorite thing abt him that made me LOVE him is like how hardworking he is like duirng the show when jyp criticized him a lot :((((( he still worked super hard even if he was a lil bit discouraged but in the end he!! did!! That!!!!! nd like i love that quality of him and i honestly look up to it like being able to work super hard n want to improve even after lots of criticism is so hard for me but watching him b so motivated n determined just makes me ;;____;; and wow he just alwys wants to learn!! and improve!! wow i m in love with him
OTHER THINGS I LOVE ABOUT HIM include how cute n cuddly he is like,,,,always clinging onto everyone else like how do u not love that and i also love the way he smiles and laughs like my god u thought the sun was bright?? well then u havent seen his smile ://// i love the way his eyes just kinda scrunch up when he laughs and its the Cutest thing EVER and every time he smiles or does his little scrunch thing i rlly. RLLY. just wanna kiss him but u didnt hear that from me ;u;
who would initiate skinship more?
probably him bc im shy af asjdkas and i can imagine just walking beside him when he randomly just takes my hand or swings his lanky af arm around me
who would hog blankets more?
ME bc im needy and i get cold easily :’D
who would be more clingy?
he wld be more physically clingy but i think i wld be more mentally clingy bc i get sad when im apart from people 
who would say ‘i love you’ first?
i think he’d say it first just bc he doesnt seem like he gives any craps LMAO n would just go for it asjkdah i’d be way too shy to say anything first
who would be more easily flustered?
me bc i could just look at him and then get flustered let alone talk to him n be near him 
what cuddling position would you two have?
he’d be the big spoon because have u seen how tall he is and then i’d be the little spoon because have u seen how small i am LMAOO but sometimes i would wanna face him so i can like throw my leg over him like a pillow if u know what i mean
which colors remind you of them and why?
peach and warm pink!! bc he’s a peach :(((( but i think its bc when i think of him i  literally think of the sun and jus t how bright he is
which season would you like to spend with them?
winter!! bc imagine cuddling under blankets and watching movies and eating snacks in the dark w him while we wait for it to be midnight on christmas eve :( and also its sweater weather so him!! wearing hoodies!! all the time!!
i would luv spending summer with him too tho bc imagine all the late night dates we could go on since it doesnt get cold (in cali at least) at night nd spending all day doing dum stuff like the dum lovers we are :(((
who would bake the cookies and who would steal the batter?
LMAO GOOD ONE you can bet u will see us at the store buying premade cookies bc we dont got the time nor the skills to be baking
which one of you would make bad puns and how would the other react?
honestly both of us would make bad puns it would just depend on the day and the other would react like “i suddenly am single” every time
who would want to adopt 50 dogs and cats?
both of us bc we lov kkami and want more friends for kkami :’((
which one of you would nearly burn down the kitchen trying to microwave a pop tart and who would come to the rescue?
this is a trick question bc both of us would burn down the kitchen trying to microwave a pop tart
who likes to lean over tall railings and who pulls them back?
fun fact i’m deathly afraid of heights so he would probably be the one leaning over the railings and then i’m pulling him back telling him how one day he’s gonna fall over n how he should give me all his stuff when he writes his will
what would watching a horror film with them be like?
id be under the blanket and covering my eyes for dear LIFE while hes laughing and tryna pry my hands away from my eyes AND HE’D PROBABLY TRY TO PRANK/SCARE ME LATER AFTER THE MOVIE ASKDJHAHSDKJ
who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt?
im the cheesy flirt bc i barely know how to flirt at all meanwhile
him: is doing nothing at all
me: god can u stop flirting with me already
who is more competitive?
IM SO COMPETITIVE AHSKJD im the type of person that says “wait best out of 3″ LMFAO so i can imagine us making a bet over smthn and then the loser has to pay for food and ill get petty and ask for a best out of 3 match LOL
who would have to be given constant reminders? (remember to eat, don’t forget your keys, etc)
also me bc i get distracted super easily and i forget to eat and sleep literally every day
who sends memes and who sends cute ‘i miss you’ texts at 3AM?
he sends the i miss you texts n then i respond in reaction memes
him: i miss you
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