todayisafridaynight · 2 years
Yakuza live action but they really lean into the homoeroticism and queer coding and go balls to the wall with it. I’m only saying this because one of the production companies and a script writer have been involved with some real fruity shit. When will I have my fruity shit ;-;
i hope we get to see daigo and mine during their bar date and mine says something that makes daigo do a little laugh and after hes done laughing he and mine just stare into each others eyes and its obvious they both want to lean in for a kiss with the low lighting of the bar and the bartender having long since moved away from them and daigos smiling at him hoping he gets the hint and lets him give him a lil smooch but mine's too apprehensive and cant believe daigo would really love him like that so he looks away because daigo's really tempting him with his handsome face and lovely smile and so he clears his throat and tries to move the conversation forward all the while what he really wants is to suck daigo silly under the bar
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peachy-inserts · 5 years
Hello may I ask for a scenario with yandere Shinsou with a deaf fem reader? Like reader has this stoic face most of the time but once she's comfortable with you or she all alone she's actually a pure cinnamon bun who just wants some cuddles and head pats. I guess you can call her a kuudere or something like that?? Thank youuu ☺️
*cracks knuckles* time to get back into touch with baby shinsou, except this time, deranged 
Yandere!Shinsou x Deaf, Fem Reader
Shinsou was always the sadistic type. He loved to watch you suffer, put you through pain, and crush you beneath his foot just to pick you back up and be your big, strong man; a masochist ideology that guided him through life, and through your relationship. He would hurt you intentionally, most of the time unbeknownst to you, and then swoop in like a dove to carry you off under his wing - because what use was he if you didn’t need him?
He simply loved nothing more than you exploit your impairment, instilling fear from behind and as soon as you turned around, flashing his pity eyes and putting on a show of panic. Except it wasn’t a show.
Shinsou would routinely perform this exhibition of distress, and yet every single time he was actually scared for you after the damage had been done, because after all, you were his little darling; what real man wants to see his little darling worried? You were vulnerable. You needed him. Thankfully, he was here to remind you of that.
Oh, the world is so scary - there was no need for you to go out there alone, at least according to your overprotective boyfriend. He was right, though! You depended on him; the world is too dangerous for a lady as fragile as you. And yet, here you were, out in the wilderness of the city, all by your lonesome.
You just needed some laundry detergent; you had texted Shinsou several times that day before leaving, but after the sixth message with no answer you decided it was best to let him do his work. Oh, he was such a good hero! It made you giddy to think about such a brave, courageous man being your own personal defender. As the cashier scanned your items, you stood silent, neither smiling nor frowning, one hand nervously playing with the volume buttons on your phone, anxiously awaiting for a response from Shinsou, while the other one slid your wallet back into your purse.
Nodding your head to the cashier as thanks, and took your purchase and walked out onto the street, scrunching your nose in offense to the smog that covered the city like a woolen blanket. 
“Watch out!” Someone shouted from behind you; you were unaware, only noticing the slight change in the atmosphere around you. Paranoid to be out by yourself, no way of defense, your eyes darted from the right, the left, up and then down, round the back of your head and up into the skylines. Bam!
A young child, no older then eight at the very least, crashed into you, spinning around on his heels and then bouncing off the pavement. Startled, and anxious to begin with, you couldn’t stop yourself from shrieking as your knees gave out and the plastic shopping bag slipped out of your grasp. The detergent busted on impact, spilling all over the sidewalk. 
“I’m so sorry!” The child looked down at you in shock, not knowing what to do. You could read his lips well enough to have gathered what he said, though, and waved your hand in response. He insisted on helping you up, so you let him, all the while showing no emotion on your face; this must have scared him off, because after a few moments of confused staring he made haste back to his clearly disgruntled mother, who rested an infant on her hip and was shouting at the boy for being so reckless.
You watched the small family with a tinge of jealousy; how cute of a family would you guys be? Before you had time to daydream, you felt a tap at your shoulder. Whipping your head back, you saw a tall man of twenty something years, dressed in a pressed suit with polished shoes; a man of importance perhaps.
“Excuse me, ma’am” he pleaded. “I’m so sorry to bother you, but you see, I’ve broken down here, and...” he trailed off, and you could practically see the gears turning in his mind. “Well, I’ve only ever passed through this city once or twice, and my car’s dead. I have a meeting I really need to be at so, please-” he tilted his head ever so slightly as an innocent animal; what a sorry man, you felt bad for him. “I won’t ask to borrow your cellphone, it feels much too intrusive - I just need some change to call my boss at a payphone”.
You looked at him curiously, not knowing what to do; you pointed to your left ear and shook your head, trying to imply that you were deaf. You could make out only a few of his words; he was jittery, and spoke too fast for you to interpret through his lips.
“Ha...” the supposed businessman shuffled his hands around in his pockets. “I’m sure pretty girls like you get weirdos talking to you all the time, but baby I’m just some poor dude trying to get by. I’m a nice guy, promise, and you’ll probably never even see me again. So, come on - just give me a couple bucks and I’ll be out of your way”.
You opened your mouth as if to speak, but quickly shut it. What were you supposed to do? You had never been in such a situation before... what if something happened to you? Shinsou wasn’t there to protect you, after all, so it was very much a possibility. Looking tired and aggravated, the man huffed a couple times, still waiting for a response.
“Oh, come on!” he finally snapped, grabbing your wrist and pulling you closer to him. “Just give me your fucking money already!”.
Terrified, your pupils dilated, and your lips turned white from how taut they were. You made no attempts to pull away; that always ended poorly for you. Tears welled up in your eyes, but you refused to let them fall. Your emotions were for your boyfriend’s pleasure, not anybody else’s. This man did not deserve the satisfaction of having made you scared, either.
Suddenly, he released his grip, falling backward. You closed your eyes; but, then, another figure touched you again. Could they stop touching you? Carefully turning around, you were shocked to see your beloved Shinsou standing with you. Immediately, you flung yourself into his welcoming, protecting arms that held you tight. He was grimacing. Pulling back so that he could see your face, he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, then wiping a stray tear from your cheek. 
It was hard to look him in the eye; he was mad, and although it wasn’t directed towards you, it was difficult to see him in a state of anger, hungry for revenge. 
Later, at home, he sat you down and stroked your cheek. God, he could look at you all day and never get tired of your face. You grinned from ear to ear, lighting his heart on fire and warming him in a way nobody else could. Your smile was only for him, and he was so incredibly honored to be the one and only that you could open up to. You were so sweet, tender, and precious. He’d do anything to make you happy.
Content, recovering from the fear of the day, you buried yourself under his neck. He knew you wouldn’t be able to hear you, but had to voice some things anyways. 
“Ah... I hope now you’ll know better. I’m so glad I was there to save you in time, but God knows what could have happened to you... if only I could hear you promise me to stay with me, that would be a blessing”. He ran his fingers up and down your spine. “You’re too frail to be out alone. Only I can make you happy”. You were truly happy with him; he was always there to lift you up when you were down, and loved him more than anything. He’d do anything to prove his love to you, too.
Ok so ngl im not very proud of this i,,,, dont have a lot of experience w yandere types and wasnt really sure how to go about this but i really hope you liked it !!!
-mod Josie
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