#OK THAT WASN'T MEANT AS A GUILT THING but lol thx for the prompts
okayokay I was /gonna/ send fic prompts but then I just... didn't. Story of my life lol. So: 3. for lavellan and/or 17. for adaar (love those big grey mammas) and/or 14. for tabris (or like literally just mix and match i will read them all okay)
17. a description of your OC’s family by a future historian
Of Adaar’s family, little is known. Barring several truly miraculous steps forward in our relationship with the Qunari, it is probable our knowledge of his genealogy will remain stunted. What we do have, however, are records of his parents, Lady and Saar Adaar, who broke from the Qun as young adults and settled in the Free Marches. In an interview conducted in 9:42 Dragon transcribed below, Chandler Tennyson, former leader of the mercenary band the Ruby Drakes, described the recruitment of the Adaars.
“It wasn’t exactly amicable. Hired to kill ‘em, actually. They were holed up outside some little nowheresville out of Starkhaven and freaking out the little people. Don’t think they actually did anything, mind, aside from Big Mama there charging anybody who got near her girl. But gold’s gold, so we take it.
“We get in there waving our swords around, somebody pops Big Mama off the horn, and it’s like the ground’s been beat like a drum, you know? We all go flying back and in the middle’s the Lady, those big red eyes just staring at us. I won’t do ‘em the disservice of naming names, but half the mercs hit the ground running. Look, you wanna mess with a Qunari, fine. Bring the biggest damn shield you can find, but fine. But any company who’s worth their shit knows you don’t fuck with the magic-y ones.
“Anyway, most our band’s off like inbred mabari and it’s just me, that Orlesian bastard, and some elf thief who only lasted a month, all just kinda holding defensive and begging Andraste we don’t die. And there’s some solid minutes of waiting for one of us to start trying to kill the other again before that shit-for-brains Orlesian starts honest-to-Andraste speaking Qunlat. Shitty, come to find out, but enough. They’re fresh-faced out of Par Vollen and they’ve got nowhere to be. So why not come with us?
“Maker’s honest truth we never scored that good again. Told the contract they were nice and dead. Kept the gold, Big Mama, her big axe, and the Lady. Every thorn in our side decided not to be after that.”
Letters and other documents from the company indicate the Adaars’ involvement for at least another decade, long into the early years of the Inquisitor’s life, before their retirement in 9:26 Dragon. The Orlesian, Évariste Toussaint, a self-described “bard school drop-out” and avid study of language, taught the Adaars Orlesian Sign Language, which would prove instrumental to the band and couple both. Although the exact circumstances are unknown, correspondence from Toussaint indicates the excision of Lady’s tongue as one of several inciting events in their flight from the Qun. Toussaint remained a close family friend until his death in 9:39 Dragon.
Although not physically present for much of their son’s time as Inquisitor, their history with the Inquisition is chronicled through the many letters exchanged between them throughout the years of his leadership.
—Excerpt from All The Inquisition’s Men: A Study of the Inquisitor, His Associates, and Other Pivotal Figures within His Ranks, written and edited by Ariel Dubois, author of other Chantry recommended histories such as The Rise and Fall of the Warden: A History of Ferelden’s Hero from Death To Birth and Beyond, and books not Chantry recommended at all such as The Kiss of the Hawke and Seven Stories To Keep You Company When Your Suitor Won’t. Exercise caution when considering the addition of Dubois to a wholesome Andrastian home.
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