#dragon age for ts
loquaciousquark · 1 year
29 and 39 for the domesticity questions annnnnd
shadow for the wip meme?
29: how do they refer to the other in public? how do other people refer to the other? (i.e. “my partner”, “ask your father”, ”dad and papa”, ”how’s your wife?”, etc)
Before they get married, Hawke refers to him as her lover 99% of the time unless she needs to be painfully formal, in which case probably "friend" or "companion." Once they get married, she calls him her husband whenever context is needed.
Hilariously, for as much as I've written him, I can't see Fenris calling Hawke anything besides his friend or eventually wife. Has this really never come up in a fic? I can't believe it, and yet, all I'm landing on is "friend!" Ha! As I keep thinking about it, I don't see him ever willingly telling a stranger the nature of his relationship to Hawke (lest it be exploited or endangered), and for anyone who knows them already, he'd just use her name. After they're married, he might very rarely call her his wife in a place where using her name might bring danger or unwanted recognition, but I can't see it happening often.
In the context of the question, I can see both of them telling the children, "Ask your mother/father." I don't think either of them ever uses "partner" though.
I did just have a brief flash of Leda learning to say "Hawke" first instead of "Mama" because that's all she ever heard Fenris call her, which really made me laugh.
39: morning routine?
Fenris gets up early. Morning exercises, coffee, extremely light breakfast (I'm seeing grains, fruits), and a handful of chores--get them out of the way as soon as possible. Post-game, there's always small things that need to be done on a farm, and he'd want to do them before the sun gets hot anyway.
Hawke doesn't sleep nearly as late as I do, but she does sleep later than Fenris. Tea, probably a huge breakfast with eggs and buckets of bacon, nice and disgustingly greasy. Correspondence before anything else, then checking with Fenris as to the day's calendar. God knows she can't keep one together.
WIP meme: "shadow." There are 27 instances of "shadow" in this fic, but this is one of my favorites.
Seamstresses and tailors descended in clouds of frothy tulle and endless white bunting, and chandlers erected gold candelabra in every corner of the castle which might have ever once dreamily considered casting a shadow.
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hauntedfalcon · 1 year
hot damn they made a Cassandra Pentaghast NPC
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iapetusneume · 1 year
*rolls around in your beautiful alistair thoughts like a field of fresh flowers*
he's YOUNG. like, young young. and he literally lost everything he knew and everyone he cared about in one moment of betrayal. idk, maybe we shouldn't expect perfection from like a 19 year old scared out of his mind lol
I was thinking after that post I wasn't done talking about this, lol.
See, another thing that's hard to make the judgement call on if Alistair deferring to The Warden after Ostagar is a Wisdom vs Intelligence choice is really dependent on the player's Warden, and how they're playing them. Are they playing a politically-savvy Warden? Someone who is ridiculously charismatic? Are they playing someone who is feeling wildly like a fish-out-of-water, and are trying to keep their head down to survive? Are they extremely headstrong and stubborn? Who knows! That's up to the player.
And sure, we do have some dialogue options during Ostagar, but I'm sure that Alistair and the Warden talked a little bit more, no matter how one feels for Alistair. At least when they went out into the Wilds.
This is why I say Alistair's decision to defer is potentially a lack of wisdom. And yeah! 19! How wise were any of us at 19? I'm pretty smart, and I know I've made a lot of dumb choices when I was young. Especially when involving emotions! And his father-figure and friends just died!
Also, I wouldn't be surprised with him trying to crack jokes to try to deflect and not think about the grief, or all the stress they're under. (Zevran does this too.)
There's also the whole "secret royal bastard" thing. He's trying to be very careful about who knows about that, because he knows it's going to cause complications if it gets out. (And he's right, it does.)
And if we follow Alistair down the possible different paths he can take in the other games, how wise he is varies widely. And even if he ends up a drunk in the Hanged Man... I still don't think he's stupid. I think, by that point, he's a man broken by grief.
Also also, something something people who were denied a childhood often try to get it back as adults in various ways, and that's a trauma response.
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regalpotato · 2 years
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Alina Trevelyan does not want to be here. And I love her.
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biserker-kadan · 1 year
Val: You played me like a fiddle!
Solas: Fiddles are actually quite difficult to play, I played you like the cheap Kazoo you are.
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biancadavri · 11 months
just learned that the bg3 fantasy bear sex thing everyone is losing their minds about is not what naturally comes to mind when hearing about fantasy bear sex (pussy from a dwarven dilf) but just some regular ass elf guy with magic or whatever absolutely devastated rn 0/10
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earlgraytay · 2 years
sorry to put Dragon Age politics on your dash- and sorry to scream the same thing I've been screaming since like 2015- but I just saw a take that was bad even by DA Politics standards on my Simblr and I'm Angery.
I get really annoyed when people miss the point of Inquisition, especially the reveals with the elves/templars/etc.
the entire point of DAI from a storytelling perspective is to complicate the narrative you've been given the first two games. it's trying to force the player to confront their in-world prejudices- and it's trying to force the player to do that no matter where on the Dergen Erge Perliticerl Spectrem (TM) they fall.
are you a Grey Warden stan because of DA1? congrats, you get to see all the numerous ways that the Wardens as an organization can fail, how recruiting criminals is actually not a great idea, how the Wardens' sacred quest and insularity make them paranoid and isolationist.
are you a Templar stan for some ungodly reason? congrats, you get to see just how fucked up the Templars are as an organization on every level, and how the dysfunction they've bred leads them to wind up becoming a cult. (and the point is made even more forcefully than it is with the other factions, because Templar stans are dense motherfuckers.)
are you a mage stan? congrats, you get to see that Mages Are Not A Monolith (TM), that different factions of mages want different things, that the fight for Mage Liberation is getting ordinary people caught in the crossfire, and that there is no way to square the circle of "where mages are in society" and "where mages want to be" that will leave every mage happy.
are you an elf stan? congrats, you get to see that elves have not been perfect pure victims for the entirety of their existence. you get to see that history is complicated and awful and written by the victors. you get to see how nationalist factions also try to rewrite history and can get it super, super wrong. you get to see that until very, very recently, elves were part of the world, with everything that entails. but you also get shown-via Sera as a protagonist- elves still deserve a better life and future anyway, because their lives now really are that horrible, and they're still people.
conversely, if you're (say) a qunari anti-stan? you get to meet Bull. you get to see how the Qun does give people's lives some meaning where it might not have been there before. you get to see the consequences of what that philosophy does to the people who are living under it, yes- but you get to see that they are still people, and not just Boss Monsters For You To Murk.
same with Cole and spirits. Same with Varric and the Chantry. Same with Vivienne and circle mages, and same with Dorian and Tevinter. every faction that's been demonized (heh, literally in Cole's case) over the course of the games gets a voice and a face.
you get to see why someone would stay in a society that's toxic as fuck, why someone would try to fight to make it better from the inside. you get to see why someone would stay with the Chantry- they're not just Evil Politics People who occasionally hand out a quest to do Evil Politics Things, it genuinely comes off as a belief system I can see non-evil, non-Mindless-NPC people following in DAI. which makes the atrocities it commits all the worse.
i saw someone calling this DARVO the other day and like??? my guy? I will grant that some parts of how this game were handled weren't great, especially the mythological parts of the fucking elf reveal. but I think you misunderstood the assignment.
the entire point of this game is that there is no clearcut VICTIM and OFFENDER. there are groups of people who are trying to do the right thing by their lights, and sometimes those lights are horribly, horribly wrong.
you get to decide, for yourself, what the Right Thing To Do is, and you get to do it, and you get to see the consequences. but there's no perfect victims for you to white knight for, and there's no faceless abominable evil for you to slay.
there's just people. and people are wonderful, and people are fucked up, and otherwise good people hurt each other because they're afraid.
I think that is a much more interesting, nuanced, and adult set of ideas to play with than "Wardens good, darkspawn bad" or "mages good, Chantry bad". and I keep getting really, really pissed that no one else in the fandom seems to grok why the writers are doing this, or care.
it's just a neverending wheel of "grr the Dergen Erge perliticle factions I stan are good, and the ones I anti-stan are bad", regardless of what your Beliefs (TM) are
i'm probably gonna try and play DA4 if it ever comes out, but by god, am I going to be blocking most of the fandom before I do
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Remus: Those words you say, what do they mean?
Janus: What, you mean like 'mendicant?' 'Ultimatum?'
Remus: No, when you’re mad. 'Pish-anty cough-ass.' You’re swearing, I know it.
Janus: 'Vishante Kaffas.' It’s Tevene, relics of the old tongue. We still use the colorful phrases.
Remus: And it means what?
Janus: Literally? 'You shit on my tongue.'
Remus: Why not just say that?
Janus: A mystery for the ages.
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andnatiabrosca · 9 months
Tao icon!! Funny that it would be recognized XD XD XD XD I don't go there much anymore, but the quote was too relatable
shshsh I'm Tao bias (even if I stopped going there really after Xiumin enlisted. last era I was really going there for was ... the war. i think. new album is nice tho.) i saw him in my notifs and HAD to find out who put him there. he had some really good quotes out of that series no?
(I dont manage the acc anymore but I used to write over @hyggeligbirch)
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loquaciousquark · 2 years
I'm not sure if you're doing much fic writing any more, and god knows I'm way late on this, but I recently learned that in one of the "recent" books with Fenris that Danarius had a bastard son (I haven't read it yet)? And I was wondering if you might be considering writing a fic that involves him?
Yes, I saw this as well! I think this was also the first confirmation we had that officially stated "Danarius" was a family name rather than a first name (the son is named Tractus Danarius), and while I have gnashed my teeth for quite literally a decade over reasonable modern name constructions for both Danarius and Fenris, I don't mind that they didn't reveal OG Danarius's first name.
I don't think we know much about Tractus, do we? His picture on the wiki is very evil-looking, and his appearance in Dark Fortress has him recruiting other magisters to work with red lyrium. Fenris overpowers him (I might need to read this one) and leaves him alive at the behest of his traveling party since they're out of time.
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I don't think anything heavy has particularly sparked from Tractus for me, but that door's certainly always open in the back of my mind. I will say I continue to percolate ideas and scenes for the royalty AU (Fenris/Hawke, Fenris is Sebastian's ...why can't I think of the word, all I'm coming up with is chief of police and that ain't it) who's sent to bring betrothed princess Hawke to Sebastian, but they're waylaid on the way and have to travel undercover, etc., etc. However, I HAVE to finish the Than/Zag fic first (only one more chapter!) before I can bring myself to start anything new, especially anything with the potential to be long!
Thanks so much for asking! ❤
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hauntedfalcon · 1 year
“I Never Thought The Evil Wizard I Work For Would Start Using Blood Magic,” Says Woman Who Did Nothing But Uphold Hierarchy Of Evil Wizards Using Blood Magic Society
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winterfollows · 1 year
❛ are you wearing my shirt? ❜ <3
subtle smut starters | @jainenkept
"Maybe I am~." He sing-songs, despite Ignatius' shirt being the only thing he's wearing besides a criminal smile. It swims on him; well-loved, soft linen draping to expose a graceful shoulder and beneath that, a taste of small breast before falling to pool deliciously around his generous hips. "Maybe I grew tired of waiting for someone to finish meeting with his advisors." He tuts, but there's no venom in it. He's in a rare mood; something about being in Ignatius' company again fuels that latent, playful spark in him. "What are you going to do about it? Take it off me~?"
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doomboogie · 1 year
seeing all these DA opinion posts is making me want to play again
But then i remember i lost all of my mods and have to start over so i lose the motivation
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taylorswiftandx · 3 months
Taylor Swift and Myth/Legend/Fantasy
Note: huge thank you to @meandmypagancrew who collaborated with me on this post! This one is very subjective - I ultimately chose to include references specifically relating to the story elements of religion/myth/legend/fantasy/tales, in order to determine what to include here versus what appears on TS and Religious Words/References. TS and Literary References may also be of interest.
'Taylor Swift'
Picture to Burn: State the obvious, I didn’t get my perfect fantasy
'Fearless (Taylor's Version)'
White Horse: I’m not a princess, this ain’t a fairytale
The Best Day: Don’t know if Snow White’s house is near or far away
The Best Day: It’s the age of princesses and pirate ships and the seven dwarves
Today Was A Fairytale: Today was a fairytale
'Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)’'
Long Live: I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you
Superman: I watch superman fly away
'Red (Taylor's Version)'
State Of Grace: These are the hands of fate, you’re my Achilles heel
'1989 (Taylor’s Version)'
You Are In Love: You understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars
Now That We Don’t Talk: You part the crowd like the Red Sea, don’t even get me started
Suburban Legends: I didn’t come here to make friends, we were born to be suburban legends
Suburban Legends: I had the fantasy that our mismatched star signs would surprise the whole school
I Did Something Bad: They’re burning all the witches even if you aren’t one
(no myths/legends)
invisible string: Isn’t it just so pretty to think all along there was some invisible string tying you to me?
invisible string: A string that pulled me out of all the wrong arms right into that dive bar
mad woman: And women like hunting witches too
willow: As if you were a mythical thing
champagne problems: Your Midas touch on the Chevy door
gold rush: My mind turns your life into folklore
ivy: I wish to know the fatal flaw that makes you long to be magnificently cursed
cowboy like me: Now you hang from my lips like the Gardens of Babylon
Anti-Hero: Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby and I’m a monster on the hill
Labyrinth: Lost in the labyrinth of my mind
Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve: I would’ve stayed on my knees and I damn sure would’ve never danced with the devil at nineteen
Dear Reader: When you aim at the devil, make sure you don’t miss
You’re Losing Me: I’m getting tired, even for a phoenix
'The Tortured Poets Department'
So Long, London: I saw in my mind fairy lights through the mist
But Daddy I Love Him: Screaming, "But, daddy, I love him"
Guilty as Sin?: These fatal fantasies giving way to labored breath
Guilty as Sin?: If it's make believe, why does it feel like a vow we'll both uphold somehow?
Guilty as Sin?: What if I roll the stone away? They're gonna crucify me anyway
Clara Bow: Beauty is a beast that roars down on all fours demanding more
The Albatross: Locked me up in towers, but I'd visit in your dreams
How Did It End?: My beloved ghost and me, sitting in a tree, D-Y-I-N-G
I Hate It Here: And in my fantasies I rise above it
thanK you aIMee: I pushed each boulder up the hill
thanK you aIMee: So I pushed each boulder up that hill
The Prophecy: Cards on the table, mine play out like fools in a fable, oh, it was sinking in
The Prophecy: Poison blood from the wound of the pricked hand
Cassandra: So, they killed Cassandra first 'cause she feared the worst and tried to tell the town
Cassandra: I was in my tower weaving nightmares
Peter: Forgive me, Peter, my lost fearless leader
Peter: And the shelf life of those fantasies has expired
Peter: Lost to the Lost Boys chapter of your life
The Bolter: But none if it is changing that the chariot is waiting
The Manuscript: He said, "No, just a good samaritan"
Other Songs written by Taylor
Beautiful Ghosts: Is this hope just a mystical dream?
Crazier: I was trying to fly but I couldn’t find wings
Official Alternate Releases
Cassandra (Clean Version): When it's "Burn the witch" they're shrieking
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biserker-kadan · 1 year
Aunt 'Ria
Myrinah has been eerily quiet all night; not that she was usually much of a talker but with the way the drinks had been flowing after the last dragon kill, she should at least be flashing sharpened teeth at everyone.
Varric called it her, 'smiling but don't let it fool you' baring of teeth. Obviously different from her everyday 'make wrong move and I'll kill you' baring of teeth.
Instead she was almost...fidgety?
Bull, over the days and weeks and months, had noticed a lot about his Inquisitor. The way she would furrow her brows when someone was testing her patience, how she would clench her fingers when something was too much for her, how she'd worry her bottom lip when she needed some TLC and, of course, how she carried her anger and tension in her shoulders; that was usually when they went out to find dragons. Tonight, however, she was simply bouncing her leg, jaw clenching and unclenching continuously as she fought to keep a smile - not a smirk - off her face.
He leaned into her, "You right boss?"
Without taking her eyes off the tavern door she nodded, "Waiting for someone. An old friend and his...kid."
"Your kid?" Bull had to ask, not that he couldn't have asked with a tad more tact but, it was out there. He would have apologised in fact, if not for the undignified snort that came from her.
"Gods no. Bren's sweet but not mine." She twisted pups tail around her finger and gave it a little pull. With an offended growl, the young dragon stretched up and nipped her cheek in retaliation. Laughing softly, Myrinah ran a finger over his head soothingly, "Pups all the kid I need."
Gazing down Pup, she almost didn't notice the looming figure standing over her. Almost. Bull suddenly tensing, shoulders squaring and arms flexing alerted her, on top of the skinny elf suddenly in her lap.
"Aunt 'Ria!" Arms wrapped themselves around her neck, and around pup. Not that the little monster cared. The little traitor simply started purring and snuggled into the chokehold. Myrinah huffed, acting out upon, but she couldn't pretend she wasn't happy to be wrapped in the arms of her niece. She smiled, kind and warm, and wrapped her own arms around the young girl, "Hello Bren."
Riddick sat beside her, sliding an arm around the back of her chair and making himself comfortable, "Small place."
She chuckled, shoving Bren onto the table; the 18 year old laughing as she picked up an unfinished drink before pouting as Myrinah slyly took it back and finished it.
Bren scowled, huffing playfully when Riddick voiced his approval and instead wiggled her toes in Myrinah's lap, the older woman tickling the bottom of her nieces feet in retaliation.
"Iron Bull." Riddick nodded, out of respect for the Merc leader or something, and held out a hand, smirking. Almost as though he was expecting Bull to forgo the handshake.
Myrinah watched, curiously, as Bull simply shook the younger Qunari's hand. After all the talk of the Tal-Vashoth from Bull, she was expecting some sly comments.
"Riddick. Ben-Hassrath's got some notes on you kid."
Ah, there it is. Like a joke and a threat all rolled into one. Fun.
This is so freaking old. Oh well 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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underacalicosky · 3 months
Tag game: current top 5 fav songs 🎶
Thank you for tagging me @wibzenadarksiderwithasoftheart (and I’m sorry it’s taken so long for me to do this!)
Usual disclaimers: 1) I’m an old. 2) I live with a Swiftie and I get all my music and pop culture info from her. Everything else I listen to is from 20 years ago, I’m not even joking.
The Obikin brainrot is real! Lately anything that isn’t TS is music that reminds me of Obikin or gives me fic inspo. These are the top five songs I’ve been listening to the last couple weeks:
Dragon by Tori Amos. Specifically this live version. This song gives me dragon fantasy Obikin AU ideas.
Cosmic Love by Florence + the Machine. The lyrics influenced some elements of Stars From Our Eyes but I feel like there’s a GFFA fic in there so I’m still listening to this and seeing if something else will come together.
Uptown Girl by Billy Joel. I’ve been marinating on an Obikin AU based on this song for a while.
Sweet Child ‘O Mine by Guns N’ Roses. GFFA fic that’s either same age padawans or guilt ridden Obi-Wan realizing he’s lusting after the padawan he raised.
How Deep Is Your Love covered by The Bird and the Bee. I like the original, too, it’s just that I think her voice is beautiful in this version and it reminds me of Obikin.
Thanks so much the tag! ❤️
No pressure tags for @somethingsteff @briliantlymad @sky-kenobye @kingdomvel @fangeek-girl and anyone who would like to share!
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