hotrobenhnany · 4 years
Thuốc acetylcystein: Công dụng, liều lượng, cách dùng chi tiết
Acetylcystein là thuốc được dùng nhằm điều trị nhiều bệnh khác nhau liên quan đến phổi như viêm phế quản, hen suyễn, viêm phổi. Để hiểu rõ hơn về công dụng, liều lượng, giá thành, địa chỉ mua thuốc acetylcystein, mời bạn cùng tìm hiểu qua bài viết!
Nội dung chính trong bài Thuốc acetylcystein là thuốc gì? Tác dụng thuốc acetylcystein 200mg trị bệnh gì? Phân loại thuốc acetylcystein Thuốc acetylcystein dạng gói Thuốc acetylcystein dạng viên Liều lượng sử dụng acetylcystein Thuốc acetylcystein giá bao tiền, mua ở đâu? Thuốc acetylcystein là thuốc gì? Acetylcystein là thuốc N – acetyl (dẫn chất) của L – cystein – tên một amino – acid tự nhiên. Thuốc giúp tiêu chất nhầy, giải độc khi sử dụng quá liều paracetamol.
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Thuốc acetylcystein là thuốc gì? Thuốc acetylcystein là thuốc gì?
Thành phần từ acetylcystein, tá dược vừa đủ 1 gói/viên 200mg.
Dược động học: Sau khi uống, thuốc tham gia vào phản ứng sulfhydryl – disulfide, số ít hấp thu ở biểu mô phổi. Acetylcystein hấp thu nhanh sau khoảng 30 phút đến 1 tiếng, chuyển hóa ở thành ruột và gan.
Acetylcystein không được tự ý sử dụng hoặc kết hợp với các loại thuốc khác. Thuốc có thể gây ra một số tác dụng phụ như buồn nôn, nôn, buồn ngủ, phát ban.
Tác dụng thuốc acetylcystein 200mg trị bệnh gì? Acetylcystein được sử dụng để điều trị nhiều bệnh khác nhau. Trong đó có điều trị long đờm, viêm phế quản, các bệnh hô hấp, quá liều dùng paracetamol, điều trị không có nước mắt.
Điều trị long đờm Với nguyên lý tách đôi disulfua trong mucoprotein, thuốc giúp giảm độ quánh của đờm, tống đờm ra hiệu quả bằng đường ho. Phù hợp để điều trị các bệnh về đường hô hấp như viêm phế quản cấp, mạn tính. Sau khi sử dụng thuốc, cố gắng ho ra dịch nhầy. Nếu không được hãy tìm cách hút ra để tránh tình trạng dịch nhầy hình thành trong phổi, ảnh hưởng đến hô hấp.
Điều trị long đờm Điều trị long đờm
Tuy nhiên không phải bất cứ trường hợp ho có đờm nào cũng có thể sử dụng thuốc acetylcystein. Người bệnh cần được xác định nguyên nhân gây bệnh, tình trạng sức khỏe trước khi dùng thuốc.
Ngoài ra, người bệnh có thể tham khảo một số thuốc có công dụng tương tự acetylcystein được dùng để điều trị long đờm hiệu quả gồm: flemex 375mg và dacodex. Bạn đọc chú ý tham khảo chi tiết thông tin của hai loại thuốc này để sử dụng đúng bệnh, đúng thời điểm!
Điều trị quá liều paracetamol Thuốc Acetylcystein giúp bảo vệ gan khỏi tác hại quá liều paracetamol trong vòng 10-12 giờ. Vì vậy, khi sử dụng quá liều cần được điều trị ngay để đảm bảo hiệu quả tốt.
Acetylcystein cũng có tác dụng điều trị quá liều paracetamol bằng cách đưa nồng độ glutathion của gan về trạng thái ban đầu.Thuốc Acetylcysteine giúp ức chế chuyển hóa paracetamol, giảm các tác dụng phụ do dùng thuốc quá liều.
Điều trị hội chứng khô mắt Thuốc giúp điều trị chứng khô mắt trong một số trường hợp theo chỉ định của bác sĩ. Trong trường hợp này, thuốc thường được kết hợp với các loại thuốc khác dành riêng cho mắt. Vì vậy, người bệnh không nên tự ý sử dụng acetylcystein.
Xem thêm: Thuốc trị sỏi thận tốt nhất hiện nay bào mòn ngay mà hiệu quả
Phân loại thuốc acetylcystein Để đảm bảo thuốc phát huy tối đa tác dụng của dược chất, Acetylcystein được bào chế thành hai loại dạng viên và dạng gói. Cách bào chế thuốc dựa theo yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến quá trình hấp thu và giải phóng dược chất cơ thể người bệnh như lứa tuổi, tình trạng sức khỏe, tình trạng bệnh.
Thuốc acetylcystein dạng gói Acetylcystein dạng gói thuốc bột, mỗi gói 200mg. Dạng bào chế này hỗn hợp giữa bột tá dược và bột dược chất. Dược chất ở dạng này bền hơn dạng lỏng, hòa tan tốt hơn dạng viên. Tuy nhiên, người dùng sẽ cảm nhận mùi vị khó chịu của dược chất rõ hơn so với dạng viên.
Thuốc acetylcystein dạng viên Viên nén acetylcystein 200 mg. Thuốc bào chế dạng viên có tác dụng giải phóng các dược chất kéo dài. Dạng viên giúp điều trị bệnh kéo dài, ưu điểm của dạng bào chế này là dược chất ổn định hơn dạng lỏng. Tuy nhiên có thể khó nuốt với một số đối tượng như người già, trẻ em.
Các bác sĩ sẽ kê đơn loại thuốc tùy vào lứa tuổi, tình trạng sức khỏe của người bệnh. Khi sử dụng thuốc acetylcystein cần đảm bảo tuân thủ liều lượng, thời gian và hướng dẫn để hạn chế tác dụng phụ không mong muốn.
Liều lượng sử dụng acetylcystein Liều dùng thuốc acetylcystein căn cứ theo tình trạng bệnh lý, độ tuổi, chỉ định của bác sĩ.
Liều lượng sử dụng acetylcystein Liều lượng sử dụng acetylcystein
Liều dùng điều trị tiêu đờm:
Người lớn và trẻ trên 7 tuổi: Ngày 3 lần, mỗi lần 200mg. Tối đa không quá 600mg/ngày. Trẻ em 2-7 tuổi: Ngày 2 lần. Mỗi lần 200mg. Tối đa không quá 400mg/ngày Trẻ em dưới 2 tuổi: Ngày 2-3 lần, mỗi lần 50mg. Cần cẩn trọng khi sử dụng bởi trẻ em dưới 2 tuổi thường khó khạc ra đờm chủ động, dễ dẫn đến suy hô hấp. Chỉ sử dụng thuốc cho trẻ dưới 2 tuổi khi có chỉ định của bác sĩ. Liều dùng giải độc do quá liều paracetamol
Liều sử dụng đầu tiên uống 140mg/kg. Các liều tiếp theo uống 70mg/kg và cách 4 giờ 1 lần.Thuốc Acetylcystein có hiệu quả giải độc cao trong thời gian là 8 giờ. Nếu sau 15 giờ thuốc không có tác dụng cần liên hệ với các cơ sở y tế để được tư vấn kịp thời.
Nếu quên liều, hãy dùng khi nhớ ra. Trường hợp sắp đến thời điểm dùng liều tiếp theo, bạn nên bỏ qua liều quên. Hãy dùng theo đúng kế hoạch, không sử dụng 2 liều cùng lúc. Nếu phát hiện cơ thể có các biểu hiện bất thường như suy hô hấp, huyết áp giảm, đông máu…. bạn nên ngưng dùng thuốc và đến ngay bệnh viện thăm khám.
Lưu ý khi uống thuốc acetylcystein:
Với trẻ em, những người thường xuyên nôn khi uống thuốc có thể pha loãng dung dịch gói bột hoặc uống nhiều nước với thuốc viên. Không tự ý kết hợp acetylcystein với bất kỳ thuốc nào khác nếu không được chỉ định Không sử dụng thuốc với bệnh nhân có tiền sử hen suyễn, phụ nữ mang thai hoặc đang cho con bú Nếu cảm giác lượng đờm quá lớn, bạn nên hút đờm trước khi sử dụng thuốc Chú ý đọc kỹ thông tin về thành phần tá dược, nhà sản xuất và hạn sử dụng của thuốc. Thuốc acetylcystein giá bao tiền, mua ở đâu? Thuốc acetylcystein 200g giá bán 40.000 – 80.000 đồng/hộp 10 vỉ x 10 viên. Tùy theo nhà sản xuất, thương hiệu sản xuất thuốc.
Đây là một loại thuốc phổ biến nên bạn có thể tìm mua tại hầu hết các cửa hàng dược phẩm, hiệu thuốc trên toàn quốc.
Thuốc acetylcystein 200mg là thuốc giúp giảm cảm giác khó chịu do đờm ở cổ, quá liều paracetamol. Tuy nhiên, người bệnh cần thận trọng khi sử dụng thuốc. Chỉ sử dụng theo chỉ định của bác sĩ đồng thời tuân thủ lưu ý khi sử dụng để bệnh nhanh khỏi. Chúc bạn nhanh khỏe mạnh!
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giathuocbaonhieu · 5 years
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codex entry: an interview with the hero of ferelden
History will remember Ashinril Mahariel more for her titles than her personhood. She is, after all, a symbol. Like Garahel before her, her name is synonymous with sacrifice, bravery, and elven achievement.
It is important to remember that Warden-Commander Mahariel, arlessa of Amaranthine, Hero of Ferelden, is more than that. She united Ferelden, carved out the first piece of elven-owned land since the Dales, survived a feat of courage previously thought unsurvivable, and became the first elf elevated to nobility in the kingdom. That is indisputable. But she is also a person with dreams and desires, fears and anxieties, and her own designs on life and what she aims to accomplish.
A thesis more easily argued were she not so eager to dismiss it.
“Right now I’m just hoping to accomplish a mid-afternoon snack,” she counters from inside the cupboard. “Afterward, a nap. There might be time in between there to crack some heads together.” Mahariel mulls around the palatial kitchen, rummaging through cabinets as servants continue about preparing dinner looking uneasy. (“We try, believe me, we try,” one such will say to me later, “but she doesn’t like being waited on. Doesn’t want to inconvenience us, she says.”) She settles on an apple, holds it up in the air so the head chef can see, then bites into it when she gets the nod. I follow her out into the hall.
“But you must have a greater scheme, of course,” I insist. Everyone has goals—surely so does the Hero of Ferelden. She stops as if to consider this, then leads us to a plush staircase, on which she sits. “Well, survival. Does that count?”
“No, not really.”
“Pity.” She takes another bite, sucking the juice from between her thumb and forefinger. “In all seriousness, the work doesn’t end with the Blight. Amaranthine still needs rebuilding. Wardens still need training. Darkspawn still need their heads cut off.”
“But that’s the work. What about you?”
“I am the work.”
Mahariel was born to a Dalish clan called Sabrae. Each Clan descends from a different noble house that once ruled the Dales. The heraldry on the flags adorning Sabrae’s aravels likely once belonged to such a noble family, and, in turn, to Ashinril. Her father before her was the Keeper of the Clan, their leader spiritually, strategically, and otherwise.
Her father died before she could know him. Her mother left shortly after her birth. She was raised by her clan.
The Blight orphaned her once more.
“I was tainted,” Mahariel explains. “I was young and foolish, sticking my nose where it shouldn’t have been. Warden-Commander Duncan conscripted me to save my life.”
But conscription is compulsory. Mahariel hadn’t agreed to go with the Wardens.
“I didn’t want to leave my family.”
She became a Grey Warden the night before Ostagar. Both she and King Alistair, then another junior Grey Warden, survived under circumstances she assures me I wouldn’t believe. That isn’t the part of the story I find incredulous.
She amassed an army the likes of which hasn’t before been seen in Ferelden. She recruited the mages after freeing the Circle from demonic possession, the Dalish after breaking a decades-old curse, Redcliffe knights after freeing the arl’s son from yet another demon—how?
“I didn’t have much of a choice, really. When the options are die or do the impossible, you’re going to try like mad to do the impossible.”
“That isn’t the spin the minstrels put on it.”
“I like to serenade my desserts with Light of the Fifth Blight. Those little tarts are way more deserving.”
“But not you?”
“I did—I do—my duty as a Grey Warden. No more or less than Alistair or any other.”
“He speaks highly of you. The minstrels may very well have pulled that tune from him.”
“He’d speak highly of anyone who’s bought him as many souvenirs as I have.” There’s a small smile before her teeth crack once more into the fruit. “He’s a dear friend.”
King Alistair of Ferelden keeps a great deal of friends, but perhaps none so closely as our Hero. She did, after all, ascend him to the throne.
Mahariel’s life in the years since the Blight has been split between Denerim, Amaranthine, and what she refers to as “Warden business”. She’s often the one to bring the throne news from her travels, reporting on anything from the state of the darkspawn conflict to commoner opinion on the latest royal decree. She’s present at the palace often enough to not only have earned her own bedroom, but also to know a significant number of the servants by name.
But while Mahariel has no doubt acclimated to Fereldan life, she wanders the Royal Palace barefooted. Her clothes are plain. Her hair is worn in braids and knots less common among the nobility and more common within the alienage. Her pointed ears are adorned with silver chains that bounce from piercing to piercing, dangling down pendants marked with Elven symbols.
“I don’t [consider myself Fereldan], no.” Her ears twitch as if to emphasize her point—or perhaps to make certain no-one else is nearby. “Ferelden has been my home for much of my life, but my clan…” There’s a certain horror in her eyes before she blinks it away. “My heart will always be Dalish.”
The sales of the recent Tethras book, The Tale of the Champion, have been unprecedented. Historians and guilty pleasure readers alike have created a demand that sellers struggle to fill. The story of the Champion of Kirkwall’s rise to power and infamy has captured the imagination of Thedosians across race, nation, and class lines.
What many don’t realize, however, is that tucked between fight scene and humorous quip, the book also tells the tale of Mahariel’s family’s murder.
The Champion of Kirkwall, aiding her friend and Mahariel’s clanmate, found herself in conflict with their Keeper and the Sabrae clan. The conflict resolved in blood.
Even face-to-face, it’s hard not to see Mahariel as greater than life: tall, proud, beautiful, and commanding. Something about that changes when the subject is broached. It might be her posture, her ears, maybe even the way she’d been chewing on that fruit—but suddenly, she becomes smaller, quieter, and every inch more real.
“Alistair visited Kirkwall—I hear that’s in there too.” There’s a note of disgust in her tone—the likes of which it’s my first time hearing. “He’d established a relationship with the clan through me and Ashalle. He’d heard they were in Kirkwall. They weren’t by the time he arrived.”
And in there, perhaps, we learn of the real Mahariel: Dalish of no clan, hero of a country she won’t claim.
Dalish campfire stories weave tales of elders lost in the Fade, forever separated from reality when their physical body’s connection to the Fade was severed. They’re the type of horror story that words themselves don’t entirely communicate. I imagine what it must have been like, the best of their people cursed to forever wander a shifting landscape of foreign familiarity. I wonder if they withered away into the Fade, consumed by all they had lost, or if they continuing down those eternal pathways carrying on the best they knew how.
Meeting Mahariel gives me certainty in knowing those elders did not perish, but does nothing to sate my pity.
“What’s next for you?”
“Not a clue,” she reaffirms. “But if precedent’s anything to go by, I’m sure it’ll be exciting.”
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giathuocbaonhieu · 5 years
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codex entry: the death of the order
I had two sisters.
Portia Amelia Hyacinth and Payton Bette Augusta. Each named for some handful of distant relatives—a living grab for attention.
Bette was my older sister. She was sent to the Circle at age nine. Portia and I were seven. We both watched as my father promised her she’d be kept safe, as he walked to the Chantry with her hand in his. I didn’t know to cry, then, when I saw my sister wave goodbye, led away by this stranger in armor. I just waved back.
She was no danger. All she could do was throw a barrier when frightened. When she was due for her Harrowing, they made my sister Tranquil instead.
Portia volunteered for the templar order around that time, for reasons I’ll never understand. Her designs on the order may have been honorable. But armies need enemies. Wardens fight the darkspawn. Minrathous fights Par Vollen. The templar order presents civilians as enemy combatants. They have to to believe their work is justified.
When the templars rebelled, so did Portia. My sister believed the order had been treated unfairly by the Chantry, by the Divine Herself. They had been disgraced. The details of the original Inquisition’s treaty violated. They wanted respect.
My other sister, Bette, left unprotected by those who had left her so vulnerable, was slaughtered along all the rest.
Mages are not our enemies. They are our blood, living and dead. The only shame in that is in how we have treated them. In how we have buried them.
Let the rebel mages rebel. I will bury the Order for what they did to Payton Bette Augusta Trevelyan.
--Transcription of the speech delivered by Inquisitor Philomena Marielle Mabel Trevelyan before the assault on Therinfal Redoubt
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codex entry: the nightingale’s files: page 92
Weird news on those spies Lavellan's sending. The girl they've got, the little one with the axe? Not Dalish. Well, not Dalish-Dalish, anyway.
Looks like one Anaïs Lavellan was born in the ass-end of Orlais to a city elf, not off in the woods somewhere to a halla or... however it is the kids do it these days. Clan Lavellan found her dropped in the forest somewhere when she was a kid.
Couldn't tell you what the deal was there. Not sure whether mom left her hoping for wolves or the Dalish--she took off some time afterward. Alienage hasn't heard from her since.
Sounds like Lavellan's claimed her for their own. I'm told she hasn't picked up common yet, but that clan's got more languages on their plate than Orlais's got cheeses, so probably doesn't much matter. Wonder what Elvish sounds like with those Orlesian R's?
Anyway, my Dalish pals say she's a quiet thing. Contemplative-type. Tiny little terror when you toss her a maul though.
Don't think we've got much to worry about here. Neither she nor her Clan are really the pot-stirring type. Best guess, they'll be gone before anybody even knows they're there.
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codex entry: the nightingale’s files: page 13
Are we OK? I didn't do something to piss you off? I'm not being punished for some reason? I feel like I'm being punished.
There's nothing on this guy. Like, anywhere. I'm pretty sure the only people who have any sort of info on him are Qunari, and I'm also pretty sure they'd kill me if I asked.
I'm not even going to forward you my notes this time. They're useless. Here's what I've got:
Big fella. Mage. Hopped from mercenary band to mercenary band. Parents are two Tal-Vashoth named Lady and Saar--rumor says Lady's an ex-saarebas, mouth stitched, tongue cut out, the whole package. Pretty simple story to piece together from there. Nine of the ten whole accounts I got called him some rendition of the phrase "scary powerful"--tenth was some weird account of him saving somebody's garden after he'd nearly set it on fire during a fight.
Look, I'm just here to relay the accounts, not judge them. But it sounds like there's a 90% chance he's dangerous and a 10% chance he's just in it for the daffodils.
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codex entry: the nightingale’s files: page 97
Shit. I'm made.
And by the Void, it’s worse than I thought.
Their Keeper's set me up in my own tent. My own tent. An elf brought me breakfast this morning. Bright, chipper, cheerful. Smiling. As if they hadn't clocked me with a hammer to the head last night.
(Something about a child of the Stone always being welcome with the Dalish. Don't ask. Hell if I know. Have I mentioned they hit me with a hammer!?)
Stone's honest truth, their Keeper brought me to meet with her, to “talk this over”. All smiles and generosity. Please extract me before they cook and eat me or something.
Good news is I'm hearing loads. They talk plenty about this robe they're sending. Ariahris. Their “First”, whatever that means. Every little Dalish parents' dream. Born magic. Good blood lines. Intelligent, cunning, perceptive, but diplomatic. Skilled. Valued. They've won over just about everybody in this damn camp--including their competition. Either they’ve got a knife pressed to their backs I don’t see or they’re good. Real good.
If they're sending them as their spy, it's because they expect some serious shit to go down. Be wary.
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codex entry: the nightingale’s files: page 132
Philomena Marielle Mabel Trevelyan--or Pippa, as she has rather distastefully taken to calling herself--is nothing but a rotten troublemaker.
(Don't worry about retribution from House Trevelyan for my saying so--they've all but disowned the girl.)
She speaks her mind loudly and often, flails her anger about like a weapon, and has no care for noble expectations, behavior, or responsibility. In fact, I have it on good authority that she was the person responsible for the Nug Incident at Chateau Haine two years ago.
(How she even found one, forget four dozen, should be damning enough evidence of her dedication to misdeeds.)
I am sympathetic, of course, to her loss. But the youngest Trevelyan has been dead in all but name for years, and if we thought Philomena difficult to tame before, I cannot begin to imagine the extent of her wildness now.
If the Trevelyans insist on sending her to the Conclave, it is only so they themselves can be rid of her. Maker help us all.
--A report received from a minor noble house in the Free Marches, historically known for their land disputes with the Trevelyans
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codex entry: an intercepted letter, blood-stained
I knew the Champion before he was anybody.
He believed he was being hunted. Haunted by whispers of templar raids, he saw apparitions of heavy armor around every street corner. When I found him, he was fleeing thin air, wild-eyed and frightened, throwing up breath like bile. I offered to help. He accepted.
I hadn't expected a pupil worth keeping, but his talent was undeniable. Apostates are rare throughout Kirkwall, but those who are skilled in as much theory as they are power? Rarer still.
He had a gift for spirit magic. Blood, its sibling school, came just as easily. He was perfect. Sharp. Fluid. Driven. He only refused to assert his domain over another, rejecting what would harm his allies. They were whom he was protecting, you see, this man who would raise the dead but pray to Andraste.
Now he rests in Hightown, open with his apostasy, silent about his magic. Kirkwall has met this man and judged him a saint. I'm curious--what do you think would happen if he were exposed for what he is?
An added note, written in a different hand, reads: "Whose dumb idea was it to get this bastard's opinion? Shit.
I can't get Hawke in on this. Handle it. Quietly."
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codex entry: an unsigned letter in lowtown
Champion? Of who, exactly?
I begged my brother not to join the Order. It was a foolish thing, but he was a foolish boy. Hardheaded. Young. They found his body littered along the coast with his unit like so much waste.
I've spoken with the other recruits. They're frightened--of blood magic, their wards, Meredith, this mage underground--and her. Dispatched half the Order, they says. Communing with blood mages, they says. One of them recruits told me she'll stroll through the Gallows with her mages, whistling. Just whistling. Like she knows you should try but you both know you can't.
It was her. I know it was. No mage leaves little puncture wounds like arrows, no matter what the Knight-Captain claims.
She's our Champion, they says. We love her, with her winks and her laughs and her flirts and her charm and oh, she's eligible isn't she, the most eligible girl in town--
She's whistling her way through Hightown now.
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codex entry: matchmaking tabris
I know why you worry, but it needn't be so.
It's a perfect match. What weaknesses another suitor may perceive, these two will overlook or, Maker willing, approve of in one another. Like will find like as hand will join hand. Her boldness will inspire his braveness. His understanding will tune her kindness. Her confidence will soothe his insecurity. Their union will flourish with an ease I rarely see in my matches. They need only meet to prove it.
If you would give your blessing, I would finalize this pair with haste. Trouble brews in Highever, and I would rather we not lose our work to it.
This is a good match, Cyrion. Perhaps the best that may come for young Tabris. What reservations you have now will not vanish for the next, and the next may not be so favorable. Love, should her heart prove stubborn, they can always find elsewhere. Many have before, and many will again.
Speak to her. If what you have told me of her is true, she will understand. They both will.
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codex entry: a letter from highever’s former groundskeeper
Warren Cousland is excellent at being what he is--a younger son.
Would I give him any lands to govern? No. Any responsibilities to uphold? No. Would I send him to fancy parties, enroll him in the Tourney, and show him off to any noble girl of marrying age? In a heartbeat.
He's a charming boy in his way. I'm not certain if he flirts because he's nervous or is nervous because he flirts--I'm not certain if he's certain--but he's certainly successful at it. He runs at the mouth but knows when to stop. And I'm not sure what those Grey Wardens have done to him, but he's definitely come back a more thoughtful creature than they took him in as, if no less skittish.
I'm not sure whose foolhardy idea it was to make him prince-consort--they clearly hadn't met him at the time--frankly, I'm surprised Ferelden hasn't caught fire by now. Anora's influence, no doubt. Pity for her, though they seem to get along well enough in public.
I'm certain he's not the one at war meetings, but I did pick up his latest from the bookseller. Not bad. If only he'd found that calling before the throne had found him.
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codex entry: pertaining the warden’s past
If not for the Blight, the sabotage never would have even been discovered. She was just another elf in the Fereldan Circle--no-one noticed her. No-one cared about her. And, as we've come to find out, no-one documented her.
In fact, the only account I've found referencing the Warden at all was in a journal kept by an apprentice since made Tranquil. It references the arrival of a group of intakes from Gwaren a decade and a half ago, including "a trembling elf child with the most frightfully pale eyes [she] had ever seen". I wouldn't have paid it another thought had the minstrel at the local tavern not described her the same way.
So, where did these records go? "Water-damaged", the First Enchanter called it. The hazard of setting your Circle in the middle of a lake. Only none of us realized that water could be so specific as to target one lone elf in a flock of mages.
Surana's entire history, then, is an unknown. Where is she from? Where is her family? Who is she? All we have is the portrait of an uncaring hero who, in the eleventh hour, sacrificed herself for the good of all. And now, thanks to "water damage", we'll never know why.
--An excerpt from historian Ariel DuBois’s personal journal, detailing as-of-yet unwritten and incomplete projects
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codex entry: a letter from clan sabrae
The loss of Mahariel has been a hardship on all of us.
She was always a bright girl. Spirited. Rebellious, in her way. She resisted what was expected of her as one of the People, squirming out of talk about bonding or making light of the hahrens' stories, but we knew that she would come back to us in time.
We did not know we'd have to lose her first.
When that mirror took her--you could see the change. Her recruitment was a fight that burst its way through the entire campground. She proclaimed--loudly, repeatedly--that she wanted to die with her family. Watching her being taken away, knowing she had only stopped fighting because she could no longer, was a moment I'll not forget. We mourned two of our young that night.
I've heard the stories. Warden Mahariel, Hero of the Fifth Blight... the light in the darkest of times. The strength and duty we knew would come have found her. I pray that comfort has as well.
Ghilan'nain guide you home, lethallan. We await you.
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