lilias-amell · 1 year
oh my god the skins in this 4th anniversary. theyre all so good RIP my orundum supply.
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boredwrites · 1 year
Big Plans
Arthur Morgan X F!Reader
A surprise gift for my dear friend @kal-selfships. Please keep in mind that I have never seen or played RDR2 so I’m sorry if he’s OOC in this omg
Warnings: fluff, not proofread
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A thin ray of morning sunlight filtered through the slightly parted curtains. The golden light landed right on the girl’s eyes, causing her to stir awake. She quietly hissed as she barely opened her eyes and was blinded by the light. As she turned around in bed she noticed her partner was not in bed. The sheets were still a bit warm, indicating he wasn’t gone for long.
A small whine escaped from Y/N's lips as she shuffled forward and laid her head down onto Arthur's pillow. She took a deep breath through her nose, inhaling his scent. Her eyes fell closed again as she brought the covers up over her. She took another deep breath before slipping back into a dreamless sleep.
Arthur walked back into their shared room, only to see his love asleep on his side of the bed. He chuckled as he quieted his steps and slowly walked towards the bed. He very gently cupped Y/N's cheek and ran his thumb across her skin as his eyes held nothing but love and adoration for what he believed was a goddess asleep in the bed.
For a second time this morning, Y/N stirred awake. Her brows furrowed and she opened her eyes, immediately locking eyes with Arthur. A soft smile spread across her face as she felt his hand on her cheek. Her hand reached up and held his.
"Mornin', love," Arthur said, his accent thick.
"Hi," Y/N responded, her voice hoarse from sleep. "Where'd you run off to?"
Arthur chuckled as he looked down and back up to meet Y/N's eyes. "Damn woodpecker again. I swear he's doing it to get on my nerves."
Y/N giggled. "You poor guy."
Arthur sighed as he kicked off his boots and climbed into bed behind Y/N. He wrapped an arm over her waist and hugged her tight against him before relaxing. His nose was buried in her hair, breathing in her scent before contentedly humming. He smiled when he felt her hand hold his and give it a little squeeze. The two laid in silence for a few moments before Y/N spoke up.
“Any plans for today?” She asked, her voice still raspy from sleep. She secretly hoped her dear Arthur wouldn’t have much planned for the day. She wanted him all to herself.
“Yeah, big plans,” Arthur replied.
Y/N frowned at his answer, though she was confused. “What are they?” She asked. If Arthur had big plans for today, why didn’t he tell her beforehand?
Arthur shifted his hold on Y/N and propped himself on his elbow so he could see Y/N’s face. He moved his other arm and tucked some strands of her hair out of her face before resting it back around her. “First, we’ll stay in bed as long as you want. And then I was thinking we could walk around town and I’ll get you something real nice. Or we could stay here and make something sweet, just you and I.”
Arthur kept himself from chuckling when she saw Y/N’s face light up. He smiled as he looked at her, awaiting her answer. She shifted onto her back so she could look straight up at him. A big smile made its way onto her face.
“I like those plans,” she said, resting her hand on the arm around her. “What would you get me if we go into town?”
Arthur put on a face as he pretended to think hard of what to get. Y/N giggled and lightly hit his arm. He chuckled as he looked back down at her. “I saw you eyeing that dress last time we went.”
Y/N quietly gasped as she sat up, a look of surprise and hope in her eyes. “The one in the display window?”
“That’s the one,” Arthur responded with a nod.
Y/N smiled wide as she started to push the covers off of her. “Well, let’s go!”
Arthur laughed at her enthusiasm. “You don’t wanna stay in bed a bit longer?”
Y/N giggled as she started rummaging through the closet for something to wear. “We want to get it before somebody else does, right? We can lay down later today!”
Arthur laughed and got up and made his way behind Y/N, his arms encircling around her. He placed a few short kisses on the back of her neck as he gave her a squeeze. “I like that plan.”
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