#OOC    /    selena   speaks   (   a   bat   enthusiast  !  )
batfall-a · 1 year
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✨ felt cute , did the sun a favor and started off the long weekend right
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batfall-a · 1 year
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batfall-a · 2 years
*  thought  this  is  worth  saying  again ,   bruce  wayne  /  the  batman  isn’t   really   a   superhero  -  no  he’s  not.   he’s  trying  so  desperately  to  heal  a  city  ,  his  own  trauma  ,  and  the  stain  that  is  his    namesake.  you  cannot  ever  possibly  compare  him  to  c.lark  k.ent  ,   s.piderman  ,  or  any   other  marvel  superhero  that  HAS  an  added   element.  he’s   a  man  at  the  end  of  the  day   with   real   downfalls  ,  and  shortcomings.  that’s  what  makes  him  endearing  is  that  he’s  DEALING  with  a  city  that  will  never  be  free  of  corruption.  in  his  own  way   he’s  relatable  because  we  see  himself  in   him.  he  fails  people  and  the  system  TIME  AFTER  TIME.  
though  he  has  these  times  when  he  does  EXACTLY  what  he’s  meant  to  do.  he  wants  and  is  WILLING  to  take  a  beating  for  the  city  ,  to  go  into  the  world  SELFLESSLY  to  protect  people  who  he  loves.   we  know  that  he  CONSTANTLY  has  a  struggle  with  the  duality  of  being  bruce  wayne  AND  the  batman  ,  it’s   said  within  each  film  and  comic.  
his  failings   are   evident  all  over  gotham  (  the  car  chase ,  beating  the  shit  out  of  people  )  ,   and  while  he  won’t  SINGLE-HANDEDLY  control  the  city  (he  could  he  has  enough  money)  he  still   at  the  end  of  the  day  believes  in   the  goodness  of  people.  
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batfall-a · 1 year
bye ♡ - cya guys on the new blog
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batfall-a · 1 year
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you have tried to be atlas for far too long. your legs tremble and shoulders creak beneath the weight of the world you carry. every step forward is a battle, yet you soldier on... for what? when will you learn that you are allowed to lower your heavy burdens?
tagged by : @takespoint thank you ♡  tagging : @andthriving , @banschivs , @croftborn , @gunbash , @exilae , @fraegiles , @haloholy , @iudicatus , @jokethur , @khronika , @magizat , @neberrie , @pistoiet , @thefixer , @warbyrds & anyone else ♡ 
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batfall-a · 1 year
okay ! so got some things done but ... i'll be working from on drafts from oldest to newest so , that should enable me to get done and stay on track. i'll be around tomorrow as well . just have a b2b meeting and then a 1:1 that always gets moved lmao. anyways thank you guys for being SO patient it means the world.
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batfall-a · 2 years
*  just  using  arthurian  lore  for  my  f.antasy  verse  bc  i’m  lazy  ,  know  it  and  wrote  arthur  once  upon  a  time.  he’s  the  second  heir  which   we  all  know  what  that  means  . . .  spArE.
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batfall-a · 2 years
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batfall-a · 2 years
*   does   anyone  else  remember  the  days  of :   anti-canon divergent!!! the days of ‘  you have to follow canon and how dare you think of something better!!!:////  ’   i  just  remembered  this  bc  . . .   uh  DC  /  marvel  rp  used  to   be  like   this  ,   and  this  is  a  LARGE  reason  why  i  just  didn’t  rp  bruce  sooner.  all  i  knew  were  the  movies  /  1  game.  THANK  GOODNESS  we  got   past  that  and   now   we’ve   ALL  created  such   beautiful  muses  where   we  can  put  in  our  own  headcanons  and   we’re  NOT  tied  to  one  version of  a  character.  just  ?  we’ve  come  so  far  it  makes  me  SO  happy.   we’re so creative 🤍🤍🤍
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batfall-a · 2 years
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the   way  i  screamed  -   !
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batfall-a · 2 years
also . . . gonna say i cannot believe e.zra m.iller is in a fucking movie like ??? WHAT . . .
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batfall-a · 2 years
alfred:  *about wayne enterprises* it’s getting serious bruce it won’t be long until you have nothing left  bruce : i don’t care about that :///////// me : ...welp now you have nothing and i took WE away from you buddy so !!!! watch UR wORDS
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batfall-a · 2 years
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*   this   man  exists   wyd  ?   
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batfall-a · 2 years
some of my fav descriptions of gotham :
“A fleshy fruit rotting sweetly inside a rind of asphalt.” “The night sky teems with the melancholy whippoorwill.” “In a starless sky, anvils hang over the asphalt.” “A splendid cabinet of grotesqueries for the sophisticated degenerate.”
!!!!!! - this is all from batman; the audio adventures
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batfall-a · 2 years
i just want to everyone to know i've updated my rules + put it on my pinned. recently i've been seeing rule 63 muses here . . . and uh - that's something i'm so not obviously okay with. it's honestly not needed - i will not be interacting with said muses. i will be hard-blocking muses who choose to go this route , and erase various sexualities + experiences.
why is it suddenly 2014 on tumblr ?
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batfall-a · 2 years
*   the   line   when   bruce   says  ‘i  don’t  care  what   happens  to   me’   is   RIGHT  on  ,   the   thought   behind  it  ?   nope   but  ,  the  fact  that   he’s   so  WILLING  to   sacrifice  himself  ?   GOOD   STUFF.   like  ,  it’s  said  in  TBM  as   an   EXTREMELY   selfish   line  of  thought   but  ,   the   fact  that  he  doesn’t   fear   death  is   a  BIG   concept  to  me.   like  ,   to   be  who  he   is  he   HAS  to  give  up   parts  of  himself  hence   why   he’s   3+   people.   it’s   a  bit  . . .  unnerving  the  way   he  switches  in   and  out  of   personalities  with   ease  but  ?  he  has   been   expecting  death   and  faced  it  since  such  an   early   age.   it’s  honestly  beautiful  the  way   he   handles  that.   he   is   500%   who   YOU   need   him   to  be  and  wow  :))))   an   icon.
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