#OOH and sergeant bosco is constantly on the belcher’s case but somehow the family always outsmarts him
duckmine · 2 years
mort being completely oblivious to the cannibals he lives right next too is a hilarious thought shshskahdk- i feel like the craziest thing about the original concept is that the belchers would have actually been EATING people. and selling them as burgers to everyone else too. anyone else think about how likely it could have been that they’d just kill hugo (and possibly ron) in the first episode? or what if kids & teachers from wagstaff just started disappearing
WAIT actually tho! imagine if in the pilot they actually like (jokingly) threatened to turn hugo into a burger if he tried to shut their business down LOL. oh and if the kids and teachers started disappearing.. idk why but something tells me labonz would be first dhsjdhkw. i think frond would be the one spared long enough to also find out and try to warn everybody about the belchers but it’s fricken frond so no one cares especially mr. ambrose. so when frond is like desperately trying to warn anybody else mr. ambrose mysteriously disappears until it’s revealed he was murdered-
LMAO WAIT imagine it’s like a courage the cowardly dog type bit and frond is always so close to getting killed but like by the force of funny sitcom he’s just slightly spared and he’s trying so hard to protect the school and even nurture the kids but still nobody understands what’s happening or why there’s such an increasing amount of people going missing.
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