truths33k3r4 · 6 months
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( TW for minimal description of surgery and needles )
CHAPTER 10 - A Dangerous Game
Leo took a deep breath.
He pulled open a drawer of the cabinet and snapped on his medical gloves.
His hand slowly reached for the syringe he left on the counter as he began speaking truth into his mind. 
 Don’t think about Raph..
 don’t think about Don..
 Mikey will be ok.. 
I will fix it later.
 Right now, I need to focus on the task at hand. I gotta help…what’s her name again- Lotus. ‘
Leo approached the left side of the surgical table and pulled a tray on a wheeled stand close. In it were various tools for the specific procedure he was about to perform. ( Carefully and thoroughly calculated via at least three mental checklists, his medical books Sensei got him for Christmas, and the internet.) Some of the tools reflected the bright lights on the Med Bay ceiling, giving them almost a glow. It kind of looked like the tools were surrounded by a faint magic. 
Leo gave a solemn sigh. If only these tools could perform procedures on their own.. But no. He himself needed to be added to the equation.. Someone who was nervous, and could EASILY make a mistake..
… and mistakes can be graven in such circumstances. 
All it took.. was ONE slip of the hand.. One miscommunication.. One….ACCIDENT.
Leo paused.
‘ If Mikey were here.. he’d joke that I was performing the game ‘Operation’ but in real life. ‘
He recalled the many Saturday nights of his childhood spent with his brothers over the classic boardgame. Since Leo was the oldest, and most careful and focused of his brothers, he was always the doctor. After all, the job took much precision and a VERY steady hand. 
Don would get too stressed and quit as soon as he noticed all the brothers’ eyes on him. ( He would also thoroughly complain of the medical inaccuracies until he “made Raph’s ears bleed.” )
Raph was banned from holding anything that could remotely be USED for a weapon outside of ninja training.( Metal tweezers, the brothers agreed, were validated to be on that list.)
And Mikey…well, back then, Mikey hadn’t yet reached his growthspurt, so his tiny hands would always drop the small plastic organs.
That left.. Leo. 
Thanks to his strangely mature focusing skills, and his trained eye and steady hand, usually he would succeed in his mission the game.
But then came those times when things went wrong.
Leo.. HATED those times; Don’s info-dumping would distract him, or Raph would bop little Mikey on his nose and he’d cry loudly- and Leo would mess up. 
..One wrong move and BZZZZZT! - You’d get a small shock delivered by the metal tweezers. 
That small amount of shock, no where close to lethal, and not even enough to injure a person, would fill Leo with a sense of DREAD that only DEATH could outdo.
After the first time he failed in retrieving the tiny plastic organs and getting that awful zap, he began to slowly shy away from the brother’s usual gamenights. It was just TOO MUCH STRESS. GAMES ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FUN, NOT HEART-ATTACK INDUCING.
His mind, filled with memories and comforted by the glow and warmth of his childhood, suddenly flashed away like a lightning bolt in a dark sky. He blinked, pulling his consciousness back into reality.
‘ Right…. Gotta.. focus. ‘
After cleaning the area with rubbing alcohol, Leo carefully inserted the needle into the back of Lotus’ left calf, pushing down the plunger, and filling the muscle with the numbing agent. Once he was content with the amount in Lotus’ system, he reached for the scalpel.
‘ ….Don’t….mess….up…’
Liquid concentration started beading on his brow as he slid down the blade, making a four inch incision. 
‘ ..FOCUS.. ‘
Leo made sure to keep a steady hand as he reached into the cut with his longest tweezers.
His eyes squinted as he reached deeper into the muscle, keeping his eye on the sheen of the implant. 
After taking a small moment to re-position his fingers, he finally grips onto the small metal dome.
Mentally breathing a huge sigh of relief, Leo began to weave the implant out of the wound. By the utter stillness of his form, one would think he, himself, wasn’t breathing.
… And he might not have been.
Just as Leo nearly took his first physical breath since starting the procedure, something changed.
The muscles in Lotus’ leg tightened.
Leo’s eyes widened in horror as Lotus’ body began to breathe differently. Her fingers at her sides twitched.
He heard a faint whimper.
Leo didn’t move. 
His eyes darted for a second to see a barely awake patient. Her eye lids hung low and her pupils shrank, adjusting to the nearly blinding light above.
“ L..lleooo? “
What do you guys think will happen next? ;) JOIN US NEXT TIME ON- Nope, not doing that-
Hope you guys enjoy! The story is really beginning to pick up now, and it's getting more and more exciting to write the chapters! :)
To God be the glory! :)
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