#OR jazz is like 20 w jason being ~21 while DANNY is 18 and dami is like 14 max. something is wrong here.
sunliv · 1 year
(Dc and dp crossover anon)OH THANK GOD I knew you rb'ing a ship like that had to be a mistake,i was like 'Liv would never'😭I've seen the Jason/Jazz shippers say 'It's an au so it's okay to screw around with ages🙄' like girl what is this???V*ltron????Jason's not into minors,leave my man alone💀
i’m glad you recognized it and pointed it out to me!! i really hadn’t thought abt it, and i’m very thankful for you telling me!! it makes me super uncomfortable, glad you sent a message!!! also thank you🥺🥺i’m so touched u know me so well you were so sure it was a mistake!! thank you <333
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