#OTA 2.0
timeskip · 2 years
I keep wanting to like... genuinely write down my thoughts on AINI but like. suffice to say I’m conflicted. (This post contains no spoilers.)
I can’t decide if I liked it despite it’s glaring flaws or if I was too disappointed to justify even that. I had a lot of fun with it, I loved parts of it, I ENJOYED IT!!! But I ended the game (excluding the secret ending) with this feeling in my chest like... this was so disconnected from my emotions. A deep hole in me where love SHOULD have been, and it was absent.
I actually really loved the game up to a certain point--after I finished my first side Mizuki ending I have to say it kind of went downhill? But a story is not only it’s beginning, but also it’s ending. It’s not as if it turned HORRIBLE after that point, either--this is no Zero Time Dilemma. I felt like it was building and building and building, and then the twists came in and explained it all and it just... didn’t fit. Some of the characters they focused on are so good, but it’s still not the same as the first game’s interconnection. The main twist was SO COOL for a minute, as I processed it, and then I thought about it and it fell apart. I wish they hadn’t done that. It’s the MAIN TWIST, and I wish they hadn’t done it.
This game is flawed. The central mystery is VERY solid despite the twist’s flaws, and though I don’t think most returning characters were necessary (a lot of them fell to the wayside) I do genuinely adore Ryuki, and I’m glad Mizuki got some spotlight regardless of how it was her side that let me down.
If anything, I wish they had tightened their story. I wish they had committed to it either being a new story with fewer ties to the first game, or committed to it being a direct sequel. I wish they’d fixed the issues, but genuinely based on things I’ve seen, a lot of reviewers GENUINELY LOVED IT!!! And that’s valid!!! There’s a lot of things to love, but if you’re going into the game with love for these characters, with wanting to see them grow and change and progress and be important, you WILL be let down.
And yet... there were so many moments that genuinely made me feel things. I wanted the characters they DID focus on to be happy (...except that I don’t care for Kizuna and Lien, goddamn they missed the mark with that by making Ota 2.0 and giving him so much screen time) and unravelling the mystery was so genuinely cool. Even if I wish the characters had been more interconnected, I can’t deny that I’m having SO much fun drawing them. I just feel like when I talk about the game, there’s a big asterisk. I loved the creepiness of some scenes as you learn more about what exactly is happening, BUT there’s not as great a follow up to it. I loved the mystery and I loved the backstories of so many characters connecting together, BUT there was something related to that which made me raise my eyebrows and that I still don’t care for. I care about these characters BUT I wish they’d used them differently.
I could write essays upon essays on my thoughts. I haven’t looked around the whole fandom, but I think I agree with a lot of people that it’s a VERY flawed game, that it doesn’t deliver everything I wanted even if I enjoyed it overall.
If you care about the plot and the twists, I’ve seen people love them enough to make the game one of their favorite Uchikoshi games. I’ve also seen people make all sorts of complaints, and a lot of what people find not good enough from this game vary wildly. Some people hate things I liked, some people love things that I think weakened the story. I don’t think it’s a BAD GAME by any means, but you just... might have a better time if you’re not looking for a continuation to the first game’s character writing.
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gynohorror · 2 years
talking about lien and how off putting his relationship with kizuna is. obviously there are spoilers so putting this under a read more
i want to like lien or to care about his relationship with kizuna but i can't. i just sort of feel... indifferent. but i don't hate him. i think his desire to grow and change his life is # relatable and novel ingress is one of my favorite soundtracks. i also thought the communication issues he has with kizzy were realistic and handled decently.
but how we get there is just...ugh. any semblance of autonomy kizzy has feels vapid because in the end they still got together. despite the fact he proposed to her literally after just meeting her, stalked her, and was persistent and followed her everywhere; he still "got the girl". like it is telling that when kizzy says she'll give him 6 years to get to know each others it's awkward and commented that she shouldn't have given in because his behavior basically aimed to wear her down. ...and the fact she's just graduating high school. idk it feels a bit gross. like you made a slightly more likeable ota 2.0 and then instead of his advances being rightfully shot down and ignored they are instead pushed aside because his love is genuine or whatever. i think i would have cared more about kizzy and lien if he wasn't a damn weirdo in the beginning. i'd love to hear other ppls thoughts on this.
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trawexonline · 2 months
Hotel API
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Hotel API
There has never been a better way for you to develop your Hotel Booking Platform using content from multiple supplier sources that can meet the exact requirements of your customers. Trawex offers a variety of connections and APIs to suit your business model, providing access to the extensive global Hotel content and best negotiated deals, all through a single API Integration
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entrepalabrasmx · 3 months
Prueba de manejo: BlueCruise, una nueva era de manejo autónomo
Ford se embarcó en un viaje de más de 160 mil km por Estados Unidos y Canadá para probar la tecnología de conducción autónoma en carretera de BlueCruise
Los vehículos Ford F-150 2021 y Mustang Mach-E 2021 equipados con el Paquete de preparación Ford Co-Pilot360 ™ Active 2.0 podrán recibir BlueCruise a finales de este año a través de una actualización de software inalámbrica.
Los vehículos Ford podrán adquirirla en los próximos años, a medida que Ford continúe sumando carreteras adicionales y brindando nuevas capacidades de conducción autónoma.
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Ford comenzará a ofrecer BlueCruise, su nuevo sistema de conducción autónoma para carretera a finales de este año, después de 805 mil km de pruebas de desarrollo que le permitieron perfeccionar la tecnología en un viaje por diversas rutas de Estados Unidos y Canadá.
El año pasado, Ford envió una flota de 10 vehículos de prueba, cinco modelos F-150 y cinco SUV Mustang Mach-E, para completar una última prueba que los conductores llamaron "Madre de todos los viajes". La prueba cubrió más de 160 mil km a través de 37 estados y cinco provincias canadienses para desafiar a BlueCruise contra una amplia gama de condiciones de la carretera, el clima y el tráfico.
"Hay complejidades en las carreteras y condiciones de manejo que simplemente no se pueden reproducir en un laboratorio", dijo Hau Thai-Tang, director de operaciones y plataforma de productos de Ford. "Enviar estos vehículos para una experiencia de conducción en el mundo real es solo una de las muchas formas en la que nos aseguramos de que la tecnología BlueCruise ofrezca confianza y conveniencia a los conductores de todo el continente".
A través de actualizaciones de software inalámbricas OTA (over-the-air), BlueCruise llegará a finales de este año en los modelos 2021 F-150 y 2021 Mustang Mach-E equipados con Ford Co-Pilot360 ™ Active 2.0. Las actualizaciones de software inalámbricas permiten a los propietarios de determinados vehículos Ford actualizar el software desde la comodidad de su garaje.
Ford tiene como objetivo vender más de 100,000 vehículos equipados con BlueCruise en el primer año, según las ventas de la compañía y sus proyecciones.
BlueCruise, la evolución de la tecnología Ford Co-Pilot 360
Utilizando tecnologías avanzadas de detección de radar y cámara basada en el control de crucero adaptativo inteligente con Stop-and-Go, asistencia de centrado de carril y reconocimiento de señales de velocidad, BlueCruise agrega un nuevo nivel de conveniencia para los conductores con vehículos equipados con la tecnología Ford Co-Pilot360. La función permite que un conductor opere con manos libres en secciones precalificadas de carreteras divididas llamadas Zonas Azules de Manos Libres. Una cámara orientada al conductor en el grupo de instrumentos monitorea la mirada y la posición de la cabeza para ayudar a garantizar que los ojos del conductor permanezcan en la carretera.
Actualmente, más de 160 km de carreteras en América del Norte son zonas azules señaladas en el sistema de mapeo GPS de Ford. BlueCruise usa iluminación azul en el grupo de instrumentos digitales para indicar cuando el vehículo está en una zona de manos libres.
Además del modo de manos libres completo, los vehículos equipados también contarán con el modo de centrado de carril, el cual funciona en la mayoría de las carreteras con líneas de carril y ayuda a mantener el vehículo centrado, pero requiere que los conductores mantengan las manos en el volante. En cualquier modo, una señal visual en el grupo de instrumentos notifica a los conductores cuando necesitan poner su atención a la carretera o retomar el control del vehículo.
BlueCruise es una tecnología de asistencia al conductor SAE Nivel 2 que ofrece una verdadera experiencia de conducción manos libres que no requiere que las manos del conductor permanezcan en contacto con el volante, a menos que lo indiquen las alertas del vehículo.
Y a diferencia de otros sistemas, BlueCruise se comunica con los conductores de diferentes maneras: el grupo de instrumentos cambia para comunicar que la función está en modo manos libres a través de texto y señales de iluminación azul, efectivas incluso para aquellos con daltonismo.
La “Madre de todos los viajes” se convierte en la prueba de manejo definitiva de Ford
De los 10 vehículos de prueba, uno partía desde Palo Alto, California y los otros de Dearborn, Michigan; pasaron gran parte de noviembre y diciembre del año pasado recorriendo Estados Unidos y Canadá. Los conductores de prueba buscaron todas las condiciones y escenarios de conducción posibles, monitoreando el desempeño del sistema, recolectando datos y destacando áreas donde se podrían realizar mejoras.
El viaje marcó la parte final de un proceso de desarrollo que abarcó cerca de un millón de kilómetros en una serie de pruebas de manejo más cortas, cada una diseñada para evaluar un aspecto específico de BlueCruise. Además, permitió al sistema buscar variaciones en la señalización de la carretera, las marcas de los carriles, las rampas de salida, los patrones de tráfico y el clima.
Revive la prueba de manejo
Más carreteras y características por venir
Más allá de la F-150 2021 y Mustang Mach-E 2021, algunos otros vehículos Ford recibirán la tecnología de conducción manos libres BlueCruise, mientras los propietarios actuales continúan recibiendo actualizaciones de software inalámbricas para agregar nuevas características y capacidades en los próximos años.
Se planean futuras mejoras para incluir la Asistencia de cambio de carril, que permitirá que el vehículo cambie de carril con solo un toque en el indicador de señal de giro, y la Asistencia de velocidad predictiva, que ajustará la velocidad del vehículo para las curvas de la carretera, glorietas y más.
Ford también planea ofrecer actualizaciones periódicas de mapeo para que la tecnología reconozca cambios, además de miles de kilómetros adicionales de carreteras planificadas.
Por el momento, la tecnología se encuentra solo disponible en Estados Unidos y Canadá, y esperamos que llegue pronto a México, ¿te gustaría?
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mdshariful · 4 months
We now have the new Retroid Pocket 4pro Android console available, which surprises us by including a powerful MediaTek Dimensity 1100 processor. A Mediatek processor with which we can run many emulators without problems, even the PS2 one. A very powerful chip that this time comes with a small fan to ensure adequate cooling for maximum performance. The operating system is Android 13, with OTA updates, so apart from emulators we can install all kinds of games from the Play Store. A very interesting laptop due to its power, because it allows you to run systems like the PS2, which was not available to this type of Chinese consoles. Naturally, the price of the hardware that supports it is quite high, although it will surely drop significantly in the short term. Specifications of Retroid Pocket 4 pro Feature Specification Processor MediaTek Dimensity 1100, 6 nm CPU Octa Core - 4 ARM Cortex-A78 (2.6 GHz) + 4 ARM Cortex-A55 (2.0 GHz) GPU ARM Mali-G77 MC9 RAM 8 GB LPDDR4x Storage 128 GB UFS 3.1 Micro SD Card Slot Up to 512 GB capacity Display 4.7-inch IPS touchscreen Resolution 1334 x 750 pixels Brightness 500 nits Wireless Connectivity Wi-Fi 6 Bluetooth Bluetooth 5.2 Ports 3.5 mm audio jack, microHDMI, USB-C Battery 5000 mAh with fast charging Audio Dual speakers Controls D-Pad, stylus, 2 analog triggers, 4 triggers Screen and other notable features Its display is a 4.7-inch IPS touchscreen with a resolution of 1334 x 750 pixels and a maximum brightness of 500 nits. We have Wi-Fi 6 wireless connectivity, Bluetooth 5.2, vibration motor, 3.5mm audio jack, microHDMI output and a USB-C for charging, data and DisplayPort video output. The battery is 5000 mAh with fast charging and we have a pair of speakers for audio. As you can see, the controls are a d-pad, a stylus, a pair of analog triggers, and four triggers. Price and Availability The new Retroid Pocket 4pro can be purchased on AliExpress starting at $315 with free shipping.
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arafatssss1267 · 5 months
Discussing how to design an intelligent driving safety evaluation
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When I first studied these two HE Tuber products, I regarded them as the same type of product. However, with in-depth research and internal product project experience, I increasingly felt that these two products are not the same type. The most important thing is that their names are just right in their respective product positioning.
1. Understand “safety points” & “smart driving points”
First, learn about "safety points" and "intelligent driving points" from the official website and related forums. If you are very familiar with "safety points" and "intelligent driving points", you can skip this chapter and start reading from Chapter 2.
1.1 Tesla safety score
The author has already introduced the safety score in the previous product article, which evaluates the driving behavior of the car owner based on relevant safety factors and calculates a score that predicts the possibility of a collision in future driving. Tesla calculates and summarizes the daily safety scores of car owners (up to 30 days). The score ranges from 0 to 100. The higher the score, the safer the driving (safety scores are not currently available in China). This also means that if you want to improve your scores, you must ensure safe driving behavior .
In the safety score introduction on Tesla’s official website, it is not difficult to see that the goal of the “safety score” is to stimulate car owners to drive safely and affect insurance costs .
Later, in Musk’s Twitter history, it was found that the safety score was also used as a screening condition for the release of the FSD ( Tesla Fully Autonomous Driving) function , as shown in the picture below Musk’s tweet in 2022 (in the official website introduction This part is not mentioned):
Let’s take a look at Tesla’s official website’s introduction to safety score version 2.0 factors. The safety score factors include both assisted driving behaviors and manual driving behaviors.
1.2 Xpeng Smart Driving Score
Intelligent driving points help car owners understand the safety boundaries of intelligent assisted driving and improve intelligent driving safety awareness . Users (vehicle binders) can open "intelligent driving points" by passing the Xiaopeng Motors Intelligent Assisted Driving Safety Test and being authorized. The initial score is 100 points and the update cycle is 12 months. The date when the owner binds the vehicle for the first time is Initial date. Each user's "Smart Driving Points" will be reset annually. After the user completes all pending tasks, the system will automatically reset and restore full points on the "annual initialization date".
In addition to the aforementioned "enhancement of smart driving safety awareness", it is not difficult to find from the smart driving introduction on Xiaopeng's official website that its goals also include "Xpeng OTA (system upgrade) public beta rights", which means giving priority to trial new functions. In addition, you can improve your scores by studying relevant content and taking exams .
At the same time, the calculation of "intelligent driving points" focuses on factors in the assisted driving state, including frequency of hands-off, take-over response, fatigue frequency, and lack of attention. The following figure is an explanation of the deduction factors introduced in the official forum:
2. Understand “safety points” & “smart driving points”
Through the study of safety scores in the previous chapter and the composition of "factor types", it is not difficult to see that the names of the two are just right: Tesla calls products (models) that include "manual driving & assisted driving" behaviors For safety points, Xpeng refers to products (models) that only include "assisted driving" behavior as smart driving points.
I mentioned at the beginning that the two products are not the same, so let’s take a comprehensive look at them (in the table below, the same parts are shown in blue, and the different parts are shown in red):
Excluding the incentive part, it is not difficult to see that safety points are a relatively long-term (up to 30 days) behavior accumulation, and only safe driving can increase points. The smart driving score is a short-term user attention span. Although the update cycle is 12 months, you can get a perfect score within 12 months as long as you pass the study and exam. Refer to Baidu Encyclopedia’s explanation of “habits” and “consciousness”:
Habits refer to the lifestyle developed over time; consciousness, "consciousness" is the human brain's awareness of internal and external phenomena in the brain. Like a computer's memory, it can only temporarily hold perceived information. ‍
Baidu Encyclopedia:
Putting aside the scientific nature of "30 days can be used as a periodic ruler to measure habits", focusing on the characteristics of the "update cycle" and "point improvement methods", we can analyze that: safety points measure habits , and smart driving points measure awareness . This exactly matches the "goal" of both (minus the incentive part).
But what are the reasons for these two products to develop in different directions? Here are two questions for you:
Do you seldom check your Zhima Credit score, but enjoy the value brought by Zhima Credit score, such as no deposit required for power banks?
Have you postponed opening Meiyou every day during the aunt period, checking the last recorded date and searching/publishing related posts?
The above two products are both to C, but Sesame Credit is a " to C data product ", that is, a product that mainly relies on data visualization display, pays more attention to efficiency , and pays more attention to the scenario calls (number of times) of its application . Meiyou is a " C-end product with data attributes ", that is, although there will be visual data display, it hopes that users can find a sense of belonging in the community and pay attention to user activity and retention .
In previous product articles, the author has introduced the differences between C-side products and B-side products, and has also done a special analysis of data visualization products. Combining the above-mentioned Sesame Credit scores and Meiyou content, the intelligent driving safety evaluation product supports the following two design methods:
Returning to the two products of safety points and smart driving points, regardless of whether the user checks the safety points frequently or not, the user's insurance cost will be affected by the size of the safety points. The focus is on the application of safety points in other businesses. At the same time, in the previous article "Learning Products with Liang Ning 20: Redesigning Tesla's Safety Score Incentive System" I wrote: Tesla will spend time to solve the problem of inaccurate models that users complained about on the Internet. Therefore, the security score is a data product of to C.
However, Xpeng did not follow the path of Tesla, allowing scores to be updated freely (scores are improved through study/examination, and there is no limit on the safety score’s sliding window of up to 30 days), and the accuracy of the scores is no longer the user’s responsibility. focus point. As can also be seen in the official website introduction in the previous screenshot, when the smart driving score decreases, the system will push reminders and corresponding learning content, thereby increasing the link between the product and the user. Therefore, smart driving points are C-end products with data attributes .
3. How to design an intelligent driving safety evaluation system
After understanding Tesla’s safety scores and Xpeng’s smart driving scores, let’s finally talk about how to design this product. The author believes that when designing this product, we need to think beyond the product and from the perspective of users and revenue—that is, two issues that car companies need to pay attention to:
Users can trust the evaluation system;
Can bring benefits to the company.
Let’s talk about “users can trust the evaluation system” first. We receive a lot of information in our daily life, but we often believe the information posted by people with V or official accounts. This is because they are authoritative and reliable. Therefore, the premise of designing a smart driving scoring safety system is that users recognize smart driving. That is, the function itself is safe and reliable. Tesla is indeed worth learning from this point. It has really managed to move ahead with food and supplies before troops are deployed. The safety score will be developed and released in 2021, and Tesla began to release quarterly safety data in 2018 (official website data as shown below):
It can be seen from the earliest public safety data that the accident rate when Tesla's intelligent driving function was activated at that time was already lower than the official vehicle accident rate in the United States, as shown in the figure below:
Let’s talk about “being able to bring benefits to the company”. Income includes financial income in a narrow sense, which is the basis for the company's survival. In addition, as a product, it can promote users' penetration of product functions and bring indirect benefits to the company. In summary, a summary of the concerns of car companies is as follows:
The company needs different design directions for different business goals. Assuming that the company does not disclose its security data to the outside world, it can try to follow the path of Xiaopeng: making scores more flexible (raising scores through study/examination). , Reduce users’ focus on scores (scientific nature). However, the company still needs to realize that its own evaluation attributes still cannot avoid users' challenges, and may even bring risks to the company's profits (reducing functional experience). Therefore, when selecting factors for the evaluation model, it must ensure that users cannot be restricted from usin
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vendorclix · 8 months
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Restyling di Jeep Wrangler per il mercato americano
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La nuova Jeep Wrangler arriverà in Europa verso la fine dell'anno. Maggiori dettagli del nuovo modello per il mercato europeo, fa sapere Jeep, saranno comunicati nel quarto trimestre del 2023. Nel Vecchio Continente, comunque, il fuoristrada continuerà ad essere disponibile solamente in versione Plug-in. In America, invece, sarà commercializzato con una più ampia gamma di propulsori. Con il facelift arrivano alcuni piccoli ritocchi al design. In particolare, Jeep ha rivisto il paraurti e la griglia che, adesso, può contare su feritoie nere, cronici in grigio neutro metallizzato e bordo in tinta. Le modifiche al frontale hanno permesso anche di montare un nuovo verricello disponibile già di serie per i modelli Rubicon. Inoltre, arrivano nuovi cerchi di serie e opzionali, da 17 a 20 pollici, in abbinamento a pneumatici da 32 a 35 pollici. Jeep continua a voler offrire molteplici possibilità di personalizzazione per la sua Wrangler attraverso un ampio catalogo di accessori. Il fuoristrada potrà essere scelto in 10 colorazioni tra cui Anvil, Earl, Firecracker Red, Granite Crystal, Silver Zynith, High Velocity, Hydro Blue, Sarge, Bright White e nero. Per quanto riguarda gli interni, troviamo il nuovo sistema infotainment Uconnect 5 con display touch da 12,3 pollici e supporti ad Apple CarPlay ed Android Auto. Presenti anche gli aggiornamenti OTA. La Wrangler offre un totale di sette porte USB di tipo A e C per entrambe le file dei sedili. La Wrangler sarà il primo modello Jeep a proporre, sul mercato americano, il sistema Trails Offroad che rende la pianificazione di viaggi in fuoristrada più facile. Trails Offroad offre 62 guide dettagliate per altrettanti tracciati tra cui il Rubicon Trail in California, l’Hell’s Revenge nello Utah e il Jericho Mountain nel New Hampshire.  Sulle versioni High Altitude, Rubicon X e Rubicon 392, il pack premium di serie per l’abitacolo aggiunge vetro anteriore acustico, moquette più spessa e schiuma fonoassorbente supplementare nella testata del parabrezza, nel cofano anteriore e nei montanti B per un maggior comfort durante la guida. La Jeep Wrangler sarà disponibile sul mercato americano nelle motorizzazioni 4 cilindri 2.0 litri (270 CV), V6 3.6 litri (285 CV) e V8 6.4 litri (470 CV). Ovviamente non mancherà la versione Plug-in (375 CV) che, come accennato all'inizio, sarà quella proposta sul mercato del Vecchio Continente. Tra le ulteriori novità del restyling, una capacità di traino che sale a 2.267 kg grazie anche alla presenza del nuovo assale posteriore rigido Dana 44 HD full-float (modello Rubicon). La Wrangler 4xe (Plug-in) offre la Jeep 4xe Power Box, che dispone di quattro prese da 120 V e 30 A di uscita totale per consentire al pacco batteria di alimentare dispositivi esterni. Non rimane, dunque, che attendere l'arrivo dei dettagli delle specifiche del modello per il mercato europeo. Read the full article
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anantradingpvtltd · 1 year
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] From the manufacturer 1 Tech Specs 2 33W Super Charger 3 7GB Ram 4 1080P FHD+ Display 5 Colors 1 Helio G85 2 Robust Gaming 3 Splash Resistant 4 Soplay 5 DTS Stereo Sound Effect 1 PIC Film 2 Document Correction 3 Phone Cloner 4 Privacy Guardian 5 Voice Changer 1 48MP AI Triple Camera 2 Super Night Mode 2.0 3 Autofocus 4 2K Time-Lapse 5 Video Bokeh 6.8"FHD+Dot-in display | 90.52% screen to body ratio | 500nits Max Brightness | 120Hz Touch Sampling Rate 33W Super Fast Charger for rapid charging | Type C 5000mAh battery | Upto 63 days long standby time Helio G85 Blazing Fast Gaming Processor | 1GHz Mali G52 GPU for Gaming greatness RAM Expansion up to 7GB (this may need an OTA update) [ad_2]
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rollibar · 2 years
Blackberry link not recognizing q10
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#Blackberry link not recognizing q10 how to
#Blackberry link not recognizing q10 update
#Blackberry link not recognizing q10 software
#Blackberry link not recognizing q10 Pc
#Blackberry link not recognizing q10 update
Are you aware of any update or that the appliance needs of the operating system installed? If so, complete the upgrade so that plugged into the computer.Replace the battery of the device and let it boot.
#Blackberry link not recognizing q10 Pc
Connect to the PC and launch the BlackBerry Desktop Software.
Please HELP as I can't use my phone and its my business phone!
#Blackberry link not recognizing q10 software
I have a Curve 9350, and I received a notification this morning that I got a software update, so I accepted and he is trying to do the update on my real mobile, (not the Manager Office via a PC), but is currently blocked to save the social stream 0% and 9% in all data, and he was blocked for about 3-4 hours. Thank you.īlackBerry Smartphones Software Update Fail Disconnection and reconnection to BB-Link, is more which indicates that an updated version is underway. I moved the app restored in a unused applications folder as you suggested. I had deleted one of the pre-installed applications. Is this a known bug that BB-Link is not check that version is already installed on the device? But this version is already on my device. Software BlackBerry software update available (q10) - is it a known problemīlackBerry link reports that there is a software update available for my Q10. If you performed the update OTA or otherwise circumvented the backup data, then you are indeed no chance.
KB18776 Back up and restore BlackBerry smartphone data on a Mac using BlackBerry Desktop Software 2.0.
If you use a MAC, I don't know how he does things, but maybe this KB is useful:
#Blackberry link not recognizing q10 how to
KB10339 How to use BlackBerry Desktop Manager to restore the data to a BlackBerry smartphone from a backup file.
created more recently is your best candidate and if all goes well, it was created at the time you did the update. If you're on a PC, then look for in your entire hard drive to a file with the extension of the IPD (*.) IPD). If you did the update via your PC, then in the early stages of the process should have been a backup of your data (assuming you do not defeat this feature). Good job on the recovery! But all is not lost for your data. Software of office says "cannot communicate with the device. it's good for something hahahahaīlackBerry software update failed Smartphone, cannot use the phone, but can attach to the computer access to the Internet. Nevermind found the solution me, had using Internet exporer. Please check your internet connection or try again. "This keeps popping up and my internet is on all the time! Why would he do that? the so-called 'pop-up' on the site of BB to run the update from the web is not pop up! it so im so tired of this! Please help me! IM really need a hero of BB! As soon as possible! Problem is that the update maintains not! "An error occurred when downloading software for your device. PLEASE HELP ME! My Blackberry z10 has to update the software and I can only be updated via the BB link or web. Z10 Z10 blackBerry software update failed! :( I recommend using the BlackBerry link to device software update, so there were no interruption as long as the usb cable is not disconnected. I recommend not preforming a more air day because they tend to miss from time to time due to the fall of the signal. It makes me crazy! Someone else had this problem? Have you found a solution? Any comments will be greatly appreciated. Hello world! I am trying to update the latest version of the software on my Z10 using WIFI BT, but he arrived at 34MO and continues to be paid to "interrupted update", I did that there is enough storage space in my camera but still the same events. BlackBerry Blackberry Software Update Fail on Z10 10
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stepsonline · 2 years
Doulci icloud bypass tool review
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If you are going to purchase an iDevice and don't know whether it's iCloud Locked, I strongly suggest using Apple's service to check its status at Apple Activation Lock Status. Plug in your device and iTunes sends the information to Albert, which returns you that dreaded message ("Your device is blah, blah, blah"). The device is afterwards redirected to the Apple default Albert activation server. This time I am using a very different kind of server for the "Man in the Middle" (MITM) attack, provided by "doulCi Kitchen", see line 3 of this section. doulCi Kitchen uses an iDevice as a target with a proxy as go between (whether it be a user computer with regular iTunes or any other software used to activate iDevices). You won't even have to patch fairplayd binary because if you understand the logic, you can do whatever you want. PROXY: Could be by wifi, OTA, itunes or other idevice-management software.ĭoulCi KITCHEN: This is the actual 0 day exploit for all iDevices, including a patched lockwdown binary.
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The following illustration should help explain:
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As I said before, I am not going to release the tool, but I will briefly outline the concept. doulCi Kitchen uses a very nice and easy idea that provides a better iCloud Activation Lock Bypass that can even be longer, depending on how well it is implemented (I am not going to release the tool, but I'll give you the concept write up explaining how it works ). It follows along the same lines as the first doulCi idea (doulCi Server), but this time a different logic and tools are used. doulCi Kitchen is the new version of doulCi, i.e., doulCi 2.0, and it's a new level of iOS hacking concept.
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rentandrelaxus · 2 years
VRS184 - Vacation Rental Marketing 2.0 with Mike Bayer
VRS184 – Vacation Rental Marketing 2.0 with Mike Bayer
Marketing for your vacation rental business can seem like a hard slog. There’s always something to do and be planning, even when you only have a finite number of weeks to rent. It can be overwhelming and often feels like an uphill challenge given the nature of OTAs and their ever-changing demands. The first thing to grasp is that it’s a business, and like any other business there are strategic…
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mdshariful · 10 months
In today's digital period, sensible leisure units have become an integral part of our lives. Suppose you want to improve your TV viewing expertise and unlock a world of limitless leisure potentialities. In that case, the Mecool KH6 6K UHD TV Box is the proper gadget for you. [content-egg-block template=offers_logo_groups] Mecool KH6 Review: Overview With its highly effective Hardware, Android 10.0 working system, 5G WiFi, and spectacular video decoding capabilities, this TV field is designed to ship seamless streaming, gaming, and looking. In this article, we will discover the options and advantages of the Mecool KH6 and why it's a must-have gadget for any leisure fanatic.   Mecool KH6 Review: Video Mecool KH6 Review: Specifications Hardware Specifications CPU Allwinner H616  Quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 processor GPU G31-Supports OpenGL ES 1.0/2.0/3.2, Vulkan 1.1, OpenCL2.0 SDRAM Memory capacity up to 4GB FLASH 32GB BLUETOOTH bluetooth 5.0 WiFi Built in 2.4G 5G  WiFi  Support IEEE 802.11 b/g/n/ac LAN Ethernet 10M/100M Main Features OS Android Q Video decorder Supports video decoding up to 4k@60fps Supports multi-formats: H.265 [email protected] up to 4k@60fps,or 6K@30fps VP9 Profile 2 up to  4k@60fps AVS2 Jizhun 10bit Profile up to 4k@60fps H.264 BP/MP/[email protected] up to 4k@30fps H.263 BP up to 1080p@60fps MPEG-4 SP/ASP@L5 up to 1080p@60fps MPEG-2  MP/HL up to 1080p@60fps MPEG-1  MP/HL up to 1080p@60fps Xvid up to 1080p@60fps VP8 up to 1080p@60fps Sorenson Spark up to 1080p@60fps AVS/AVS+ Jizhujn Profile  up to 1080p@60fps WMV9/VC1 SP/MP/AP  up to 1080p@60fps JPEG HFIF file format up to 45MPPS HDR supports 10-bit processing path for HDR video supports SDR/HDR10/Hybird-log gamma EOTF and color space conversion HDR10: compliant with CTA-861.3 and SMPTE ST 2048 3D Graphics Supports OpenGL ES 1.0/2.0/3.2, Vulkan 1.1, OpenCL2.0 Decoder format H.265, AVI, H.264, VC-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DIVD/DIVX, PMP, FLV, MP4, M4V, VOB, 3GP, MKV Music format MP1, MP2, MP3, WMA, OGG, AAC, M4A, FLAC, APE, AMR, RA, WAV Photo format JPEG/BMP/GIF/PNG/TIFF Network Function Miracast, Airpla, Skype chatting, Picasa, Youtube, Primevideo, Flicker, Facebook, Online movies, etc. Language Chinese, English, Germany , Japanese, Korea  etc.  24 languages OTA Support OTA update Port Specifications Port 1 x HDTV 2.0 2 x High speed USB 2.0,support U DISK and USB HDD 1 x TF CARD Support 1~32GB 1 x 3.5 Phone out CVBS&L/R output 1 x RJ45 LAN Ethernet 10M/100M Power Supply DC 5V/2A LED Indicator Power ON: blue; Standby: Red Accessories Accessories 1 x Adapter 1 x Gift Box 1 x IR remote control 1 x HDTV Cable 1 x User Manual Mecool KH6 Review: Highly effective and Enhanced Efficiency The Mecool KH6 has a strong H616 quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 CPU, making specific clean and lag-free efficiency even when dealing with demanding duties. With 4GB of RAM and 32GB of inner storage, this TV field gives ample house for storing your favourite apps, video games, and media records data. Whether or not you're streaming high-definition content material, participating in graphics-intensive video games, or multitasking between apps, the Mecool KH6 delivers seamless and immersive expertise. 6K UHD Decision: Crystal Clear Visuals Expertise in the visible splendour of accurate 6K ultra-high definition decision with the Mecool KH6 TV field. With its H.265 and VP9 video decoding capabilities, this gadget helps stunningly detailed and lifelike visuals at a clean 60 frames per second. Whether or not you're watching films, TV exhibits, or participating in video games, the Mecool KH6 ensures each element is crisp and colours are vibrant. The image's high quality is immersive, taking your leisure expertise to a new st
age. Android 10.0 and Limitless App Decisions Operating on the most recent Android 10.0 working system, the Mecool KH6 gives entry to an unlimited library of apps via the Google Play Retailer. The chances are limitless, from streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and YouTube to gaming apps and social media outlets. Customise your house display screen, set up your favourite apps, and benefit from the full potential of sensible leisure proper at your fingertips. Enhanced Connectivity and Versatility Outfitted with 5G WiFi and Bluetooth 5.0, the Mecool KH6 ensures a secure and quick web connection, allowing seamless streaming and looking. Join WiFi peripherals corresponding to keyboards, mice, and sports controllers through Bluetooth for added comfort and management. Moreover, the TV field affords several connectivity choices with HDMI, USB, and TF card slots, offering versatility in connecting exterior units and increasing storage.   Mecool KH6 Review: Alternative Powkiddy V6 GTMEDIA GTX Combo TV Box Kinhank X6 Smart TV Box Vontar R3 TV Box Yitukeji TV Box YLW Smart TV Box Conclusion The Mecool KH6 6K UHD TV Box combines highly effective hardware, superior options, and a user-friendly interface to redefine your leisure expertise. With its 6K UHD decision, Android 10.0 working system, and seamless connectivity, this TV field affords a gateway to a world of limitless leisure potentialities. [content-egg-block template=offers_logo_groups] Stream your favourite films and TV exhibits, play graphics-intensive video games, browse online, and customise your leisure expertise to fit your preferences. Improve your TV setup with the Mecool KH6 and immerse yourself in a world of sensible leisure by no means earlier.
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arafatssss1267 · 5 months
Discussing how to design an intelligent driving safety evaluation
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When I first studied these two HE Tuber products, I regarded them as the same type of product. However, with in-depth research and internal product project experience, I increasingly felt that these two products are not the same type. The most important thing is that their names are just right in their respective product positioning.
1. Understand “safety points” & “smart driving points”
First, learn about "safety points" and "intelligent driving points" from the official website and related forums. If you are very familiar with "safety points" and "intelligent driving points", you can skip this chapter and start reading from Chapter 2.
1.1 Tesla safety score
The author has already introduced the safety score in the previous product article, which evaluates the driving behavior of the car owner based on relevant safety factors and calculates a score that predicts the possibility of a collision in future driving. Tesla calculates and summarizes the daily safety scores of car owners (up to 30 days). The score ranges from 0 to 100. The higher the score, the safer the driving (safety scores are not currently available in China). This also means that if you want to improve your scores, you must ensure safe driving behavior .
In the safety score introduction on Tesla’s official website, it is not difficult to see that the goal of the “safety score” is to stimulate car owners to drive safely and affect insurance costs .
Later, in Musk’s Twitter history, it was found that the safety score was also used as a screening condition for the release of the FSD ( Tesla Fully Autonomous Driving) function , as shown in the picture below Musk’s tweet in 2022 (in the official website introduction This part is not mentioned):
Let’s take a look at Tesla’s official website’s introduction to safety score version 2.0 factors. The safety score factors include both assisted driving behaviors and manual driving behaviors.
1.2 Xpeng Smart Driving Score
Intelligent driving points help car owners understand the safety boundaries of intelligent assisted driving and improve intelligent driving safety awareness . Users (vehicle binders) can open "intelligent driving points" by passing the Xiaopeng Motors Intelligent Assisted Driving Safety Test and being authorized. The initial score is 100 points and the update cycle is 12 months. The date when the owner binds the vehicle for the first time is Initial date. Each user's "Smart Driving Points" will be reset annually. After the user completes all pending tasks, the system will automatically reset and restore full points on the "annual initialization date".
In addition to the aforementioned "enhancement of smart driving safety awareness", it is not difficult to find from the smart driving introduction on Xiaopeng's official website that its goals also include "Xpeng OTA (system upgrade) public beta rights", which means giving priority to trial new functions. In addition, you can improve your scores by studying relevant content and taking exams .
At the same time, the calculation of "intelligent driving points" focuses on factors in the assisted driving state, including frequency of hands-off, take-over response, fatigue frequency, and lack of attention. The following figure is an explanation of the deduction factors introduced in the official forum:
2. Understand “safety points” & “smart driving points”
Through the study of safety scores in the previous chapter and the composition of "factor types", it is not difficult to see that the names of the two are just right: Tesla calls products (models) that include "manual driving & assisted driving" behaviors For safety points, Xpeng refers to products (models) that only include "assisted driving" behavior as smart driving points.
I mentioned at the beginning that the two products are not the same, so let’s take a comprehensive look at them (in the table below, the same parts are shown in blue, and the different parts are shown in red):
Excluding the incentive part, it is not difficult to see that safety points are a relatively long-term (up to 30 days) behavior accumulation, and only safe driving can increase points. The smart driving score is a short-term user attention span. Although the update cycle is 12 months, you can get a perfect score within 12 months as long as you pass the study and exam. Refer to Baidu Encyclopedia’s explanation of “habits” and “consciousness”:
Habits refer to the lifestyle developed over time; consciousness, "consciousness" is the human brain's awareness of internal and external phenomena in the brain. Like a computer's memory, it can only temporarily hold perceived information. ‍
Baidu Encyclopedia:
Putting aside the scientific nature of "30 days can be used as a periodic ruler to measure habits", focusing on the characteristics of the "update cycle" and "point improvement methods", we can analyze that: safety points measure habits , and smart driving points measure awareness . This exactly matches the "goal" of both (minus the incentive part).
But what are the reasons for these two products to develop in different directions? Here are two questions for you:
Do you seldom check your Zhima Credit score, but enjoy the value brought by Zhima Credit score, such as no deposit required for power bank?
Have you postponed opening Meiyou every day during the aunt period, checking the last recorded date and searching/publishing related posts?
The above two products are both to C, but Sesame Credit is a " to C data product ", that is, a product that mainly relies on data visualization display, pays more attention to efficiency , and pays more attention to the scenario calls (number of times) of its application . Meiyou is a " C-end product with data attributes ", that is, although there will be visual data display, it hopes that users can find a sense of belonging in the community and pay attention to user activity and retention .
In previous product articles, the author has introduced the differences between C-side products and B-side products, and has also done a special analysis of data visualization products. Combining the above-mentioned Sesame Credit scores and Meiyou content, the intelligent driving safety evaluation product supports the following two design methods:
Returning to the two products of safety points and smart driving points, regardless of whether the user checks the safety points frequently or not, the user's insurance cost will be affected by the size of the safety points. The focus is on the application of safety points in other businesses. At the same time, in the previous article "Learning Products with Liang Ning 20: Redesigning Tesla's Safety Score Incentive System" I wrote: Tesla will spend time to solve the problem of inaccurate models that users complained about on the Internet. Therefore, the security score is a data product of to C.
However, Xpeng did not follow the path of Tesla, allowing scores to be updated freely (scores are improved through study/examination, and there is no limit on the safety score’s sliding window of up to 30 days), and the accuracy of the scores is no longer the user’s responsibility. focus point. As can also be seen in the official website introduction in the previous screenshot, when the smart driving score decreases, the system will push reminders and corresponding learning content, thereby increasing the link between the product and the user. Therefore, smart driving points are C-end products with data attributes .
3. How to design an intelligent driving safety evaluation system
After understanding Tesla’s safety scores and Xpeng’s smart driving scores, let’s finally talk about how to design this product. The author believes that when designing this product, we need to think beyond the product and from the perspective of users and revenue—that is, two issues that car companies need to pay attention to:
Users can trust the evaluation system;
Can bring benefits to the company.
Let’s talk about “users can trust the evaluation system” first. We receive a lot of information in our daily life, but we often believe the information posted by people with V or official accounts. This is because they are authoritative and reliable. Therefore, the premise of designing a smart driving scoring safety system is that users recognize smart driving. That is, the function itself is safe and reliable. Tesla is indeed worth learning from this point. It has really managed to move ahead with food and supplies before troops are deployed. The safety score will be developed and released in 2021, and Tesla began to release quarterly safety data in 2018 (official website data as shown below):
It can be seen from the earliest public safety data that the accident rate when Tesla's intelligent driving function was activated at that time was already lower than the official vehicle accident rate in the United States, as shown in the figure below:
Let’s talk about “being able to bring benefits to the company”. Income includes financial income in a narrow sense, which is the basis for the company's survival. In addition, as a product, it can promote users' penetration of product functions and bring indirect benefits to the company. In summary, a summary of the concerns of car companies is as follows:
The company needs different design directions for different business goals. Assuming that the company does not disclose its security data to the outside world, it can try to follow the path of Xiaopeng: making scores more flexible (raising scores through study/examination). , Reduce users’ focus on scores (scientific nature). However, the company still needs to realize that its own evaluation attributes still cannot avoid users' challenges, and may even bring risks to the company's profits (reducing functional experience). Therefore, when selecting factors for the evaluation model, it must ensure that users cannot be restricted from using smart driving functions. (Ultimately affecting the attention of the evaluation system):
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Per la Land Rover Range Rover Velar è arrivato il momento di ricevere un aggiornamento che introduce alcune novità
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Per la Land Rover Range Rover Velar il debutto è arrivato tramite TikTok. Vediamo, adesso, le principali novità. Range Rover Velar misura 4.797 mm lunghezza x 2.147 mm (specchietti inclusi) larghezza x 1.683 mm altezza, con un passo di 2.874 mm. Il bagagliaio può contare su di una capacità di 748 litri (625 litri i modelli PHEV) che può arrivare a 1.811 litri abbattendo gli schienali dei sedili posteriori (1.693 litri i modelli PHEV). Grazie al facelift, Land Rover ha introdotto sulla Velar una nuova griglia a rete, insieme ai nuovi fari Pixel LED e alle luci diurne Signature. Posteriormente, invece, troviamo un nuovo paraurti e nuovi gruppi ottici a LED. Vengono introdotte tre nuove opzioni di colore esterno: Metallic Varesine Blue, Metallic Arroios Grey e Premium Metallic Zadar Grey sono disponibili insieme ai colori solidi Fuji White, Metallic Santorini Black, Hakuba Silver, Ostuni Pearl White, mentre Carpathian Grey e Charente Grey completano la scelta di tonalità Premium Metallic. Il parabrezza inclinato confluisce nel caratteristico tetto sospeso, che può essere richiesto in entrambi i colori della carrozzeria o in Narvik Black. I clienti possono scegliere le Velar S, Dynamic SE, Dynamic HSE e, per la prima volta anche Autobiography. Per quanto riguarda, invece, gli interni, oltre ai classici rivestimenti premium che Land Rover offre, spicca il nuovo sistema infotainment Pivi Pro che può contare su di un display da 11,4 pollici che è stato portato più in alto al centro della plancia. Il display della strumentazione, invece, è da 12,3 pollici. La Velar può disporre anche di un Head-Up Display. Ovviamente, presenti i supporti ad Apple CarPlay e ad Android Auto. Inoltre, troviamo l'integrazione con Amazon Alexa. Il sistema infotaiment dispone pure degli aggiornamenti OTA. La Velar offre nell'abitacolo anche il caricatore wireless per gli smartphone. Inoltre, è disponibile una gamma di sistemi audio Meridian tra cui il Meridian 3D Surround Sound System di serie sulla Velar Autobiography. L'abitacolo può contare pure sul sistema Active Road Noise Cancellation che utilizza sensori e altoparlanti per mascherare l'intrusione del rumore esterno e rendere la cabina più tranquilla. Inoltre, come parte del Comfort Pack, è disponibile il Cabin Air Purification Plus, un avanzato sistema di filtraggio dell'aria che include pure la tecnologia di ionizzazione dell'aria. La Range Rover Velar offre, adesso, un'opzione alternativa ai rivestimenti in pelle. Tale opzione combina il tessuto danese in lana Kvadrat con inserti Ultrafabrics in tessuto di poliuretano, traforati secondo il nuovo tema Diamond Herringbone. Ispirato ai tessuti di sartoria, il misto lana Kvadrat è il 58% più leggero della pelle, ha un aspetto moderno ed una migliore tattilità. La gamma dei motori include una versione benzina, due diesel e un modello Plug-in. La Velar PHEV, in particolare, può contare, adesso, su di una batteria di maggiore capacità che permette di disporre di una più ampia autonomia in modalità solo elettrico. Tutte le unità diesel dispongono, invece, della tecnologia Mild Hybrid. Il benzina P250 quattro cilindri da 2.0 litri eroga 250 CV e 365Nm di coppia e accelera da 0 a 100 km/h in 7,5 secondi. Il diesel D300 da 3,0 litri a sei cilindri in linea sviluppa 300 CV e 650 Nm di coppia e permette un'accelerazione da 0 a 100 km/h in 6,5 secondi. Il motore diesel D200 Ingenium a quattro cilindri da 2,0 litri eroga 204 CV e permette alla Velar di accelerare da 0 a 100 km/h in 8,3 secondi. Per quanto riguarda la versione Plug-in P440e, il powertrain è composto da un motore a benzina Ingenium a quattro cilindri 2,0 litri da 300 CV abbinato ad un'unità elettrica da 105 kW. Complessivamente, a disposizione ci sono 404 CV con 640 Nm di coppia. Per passare da 0 a 100 km/h servono 5,4 secondi. Grazie alla nuova batteria da 19,2 kWh, l'autonomia in elettrico secondo il ciclo WLTP arriva fino a 64 km. L'accumulatore può essere ricaricato in corrente alternata fino a 7,4 kW di potenza e fino a 50 kW in corrente continua. Tutti i propulsori sono abbinati ad un cambio automatico a 8 rapporti e alla trazione integrale. - P400e - 404 CV, 2.0 litri benzina a quattro cilindri PHEV, 640 Nm di coppia a 1.500-4.400 giri/min, cambio automatico a otto velocità, trazione integrale - P250 – 250 CV 2,0-litri quattro cilindri benzina, 365 Nm di coppia a 1.300-4.500 giri/min, cambio automatico a otto velocità, trazione integrale - D200 – 204 CV, 4 cilindri diesel 2.0 litri MHEV, 430 Nm di coppia a 1.750-2.500 giri/min, cambio automatico a otto velocità, trazione integrale - D300 – 300 CV, diesel a sei cilindri da 3,0 litri MHEV, 650 Nm di coppia a 1.500-2.500 giri/min, cambio automatico a otto velocità, trazione integrale Il Terrain Response 2 è accessibile tramite Pivi Pro e consente al conducente di regolare le impostazioni del veicolo in base all'ambiente di guida, con una scelta di modalità Eco, Comfort, Grass-Gravel-Snow, Mud-Ruts, Sand, Dynamic e Automatic. Ogni programma modifica la calibrazione del motore, della trasmissione, del sistema di trazione integrale, delle sospensioni e dei sistemi di controllo della stabilità. Read the full article
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anantradingpvtltd · 1 year
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] From the manufacturer 1 Tech Specs 2 33W Super Charger 3 7GB Ram 4 1080P FHD+ Display 5 Colors 1 Helio G85 2 Robust Gaming 3 Splash Resistant 4 Soplay 5 DTS Stereo Sound Effect 1 PIC Film 2 Document Correction 3 Phone Cloner 4 Privacy Guardian 5 Voice Changer 1 48MP AI Triple Camera 2 Super Night Mode 2.0 3 Autofocus 4 2K Time-Lapse 5 Video Bokeh 6.8"FHD+Dot-in display | 90.52% screen to body ratio | 500nits Max Brightness | 120Hz Touch Sampling Rate 33W Super Fast Charger for rapid charging | Type C 5000mAh battery | Upto 63 days long standby time Helio G85 Blazing Fast Gaming Processor | 1GHz Mali G52 GPU for Gaming greatness RAM Expansion up to 7GB (this may need an OTA update) [ad_2]
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