#Oakland Starcatcher
Oakland SCWT Recap:
My cousin said the instrumental music they play at the start of the show made him feel like he was waiting in line to go on a Disneyland ride and he’s so right
After The Falling Sky Josh was like “I hope we passed the audition” (nice Beatles nod there dude)
Josh introduced Lover, Leaver by saying “We’re gonna do a harder one now, just pure sex” and then Jake tore into the opening notes
Sam and Josh had their dawgs OUT for basically the whole show
Sam kept trying to tune his bass while playing his solo on Lover, Leaver and Jake and Josh were off to the side of the stage, pointing and low key laughing at him
I think Josh might have been held up backstage when he left during the Lover, Leaver jam session because he was singing along while offstage
Danny was having a field day spinning his drum sticks around, standing up behind his kit, and sticking his tongue out
Jake for the most part stayed off the catwalk…I think he’s still scarred from the amp
Josh stopped mid-monologue to tell a fan in the pit that he loved them, and he grabbed a necklace from someone and put it on in the middle of a song
Jake did the Rockin Robin riff and we got Rhapsody in Blue from Sam and Danny before Light My Love!! They also did their finger wiggle thing at each other when Danny came back on stage for the encore
Jake also played a bit of Norwegian Wood before Meeting The Master and I almost died
Danny’s solo went HARD and everyone chanted “DANNY! DANNY! DANNY!” When he finished, he pretended to shoot an arrow over to the b stage where Sam and Josh were applauding him. Josh mentioned that was the first time they got the timing right on that one
Sam and Josh chugged tequila on the b stage
Josh introduced Jake as a rock n’ roll Sherpa again before The Archer
Jake was literally on fire playing the guitar. Oh, and the stage caught on fire again - a stage hand had to come out with a fire extinguisher
Also god with that long tail on his coat, he was leaning a little bit too close to those flames during The Archer…I was so stressed out
Josh needed someone to carry his train behind him when he re-entered the stage for Sacred the Thread
Jake got really into his solo during Farewell For Now and had to book it back to Josh at center stage to sing the harmonies
Danny was singing along and mimicking Josh for holding out the last line of Farewell For Now
Someone in the pit had a sign that said Resurrect Oliver Fucking Reed and I love them
I’m pretty sure Sam and Josh pretended to either fence or play badminton or something on stage after their last song, and Danny did a pretty impressive golf swing. Jake tried to chuck a pick into the stands on the right side, waved, and then took off
That’s all I can remember right now but GOD they put on a hell of a show!!!
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umasstheatreguild · 7 years
2017 Fall A-Team Listing
Hello!!! Thank you to everyone who applied for our Artistic Team for the Fall 2017 Semester. We had so much fun getting to know each of you and hearing your wonderful ideas for each of our shows.
Please look below to find out where you were placed (note the show you are assigned to and if you are a team member or head), and then at the bottom of this post is information about our first meeting.
If you wish to not accept your placement, feel as though there was a mistake with your placement, or have any other questions, comments, or concerns about where you were assigned, please reach out to us immediately via our email ([email protected]) with the subject line “A-Team Placement”.
We are looking forward to this incredible, art-filled semester!
Best, Jessie Panton (UMTG Musical Producer) & Darby Adler (UMTG Play Producer)
Lights: Head - Alex Wu Team - Nick Flanagan
Movement Coach: Sarah Williams
Props: Head - Jaime Phillips
Team -  Lydia Carroll Henry Power Nicole Polanksy Andrea Whalen Katie Formosi Emily Formato Tori Green
Hair and Makeup: Head of Hair - Haley Bishop Head of Makeup - Shannon Hirsh H&M Team - Althea McCrory Eliza Greenberg Izzy Marseille Katie McGovern Eliza Going Mia Antinoro
Costumes: Head - Amelia Winer
Team - Carl McDonald Karly Derrigo Diana Konarski
Dramaturgs: Monica Duggan and Eileen Vandewalle
Stage Managers: Kate Beckly and Izzy Kerr
Assistant Stage Manager: Nicole Boulanger
Lights: Head - Shannon Kelly Team - Samantha Klein
Sound: Head - Drew Hoener Team - Claudia Mokdad
Props: Head - Brian Belleville
Team - Linnea Poulos Colin Conkey
Hair and Makeup: Head -  Michelle Oakland
Team - Stefanie Zitka Katarina Maric Blaire Hardison
Dramaturg: Cassie Clark
Choreographer: Erin Hamilton
Costumes: Head - Stephany Pallazolla
Team - Anthony Battista Samantha Eschuk
Stage Manager Brigid Hern
Assistant Stage Manager Jess Dorning
Technical Director: Patrick McMichen
Assistant Technical Director: Wayne Hobby
Build Team: Master Carpenter: Michael Mascio Shop Managers -  Stephanie Fedorchak Justin Schindler
Team -  Aidan Barry Dan Riley Jess Zeliger
Scenic Team: Set Designer (Peter) - Elena Olson Set Designer (Spelling Bee) - Georgine Antonio
Team - Jillian Thomas Nicole Fisco Sarah Moughan
Congratulations everyone!!
Our first meeting will be this Thursday, Sept 28th at 6pm in Bartlett 65. Please bring a notebook, something to write with, a laptop or smart device, and the most up to date copy of your schedule (schedule of both your classes and whatever life events you have). If you can not make this meeting, never fear! Just email us asap ([email protected]) with the subject line “A-Team Meeting Conflict” and we will work with you to get you the information you’ll miss.
Once again, congratulations and we can’t wait to get started!!
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I took this photo of Josh the other night and the photo was sending me, so I thought I'd have a bit of fun with it
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