r0-boat · 2 months
Beauty and the Red Beast
OC Pecha x Holt
Pecha belongs to @peachypede! Thank you so much for commissioning this writing :)
I hope you like it!
Wc: 1.3k
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Holt's farm was unique. Usually, farmers had their property spanning for miles on a flat plane. But Holt's property is still very large. His property only extends outward into a densely wooded area.
Pecha has only seen Holt go beyond its trees when he tells her he is going for a smoke late in the evening every day since the hybrids and animals stay clear of that part of the farm: the wrestling trees and vastness of the wilderness entrenched the women.
Her duties were finished, and her boss left the property for groceries and farming supplies.
With boredom stirring within, she makes her way to the edge of the property. A fence separated the forest from familiarity.
Her heart skips a beat, remembering her childhood years, looking for wild edible berries, mushrooms, nuts, and veggies!
Having never been to this place before, who knows what she could find?
With that, the brown-haired girl hopped the fence.
Walking into the forest without a second thought.
She felt the cool autumn breeze in her hair. She danced underneath the tree canopies, feeling the soft, fertile soil beneath her boots along with gentle crunches of the fallen leaves. It was around the perfect time to find mushrooms, as the soil was ripe with nutrients and dead plant matter. Pecha journeyed far enough before she started to look, her eyes wide with wonder, looking at the bark under leaves in logs. She had heard that even the residents stay clear of the forest. It was out of season for game hunting.
Mushrooms and wild berries she'd only seen in books growing wildly, abundantly, and beautifully. From thorny blackberries to ripened blueberries, tiny puffball mushrooms. She should have brought her basket! When she turned around, she saw a vast puffball mushroom. Her mouth hung open in awe before smiling wide. Despite not having a basket, she was sure that she could bring it all home.
"I could make dinner with this!"
She murmured. She could use the leftover meat and vegetables they've kept from the farm to make a mushroom stew.
She touched the puffball mushroom, preparing to pull it until She heard the wrestling of the trees, then the flapping of feathers.
Pecha stopped dead in her tracks as she felt a presence. A shadowy silhouette casted on the ground before her, showing a figure with giant wings, a sight that made her hair stand on end.
"Hello, human girl. What are you doing in the forest all by yourself?" A voice melodic yet sinister.
Pecha slowly turned her head; her heart stopped.
A hybrid. Brown and white feathers covering its masculine body. His piercing eyes glow a faint gold in the setting sun are that of an owl as he stares Pecha down like prey. Its skin is porcelain white, decorated with brown feathers. With a grin full of sharp teeth.
Pecha was frozen, her hands shaking. The owl's heartbeat, which towered over the cowering woman, expanded his brown wings, blocking out any light as he inspected the human girl beneath him.
"Where is your mate dear?"
He purred. He reaches out to touch her. His human hands looked more like talons, his claws sharp and monstrous, coming closer to her face. Pecha, stricken with fear to even speak, could only muster a whimper as she tilted her head away, her eyes screwed shut, tears forming in her eyes when she felt the gentle caress of the creature.
"Do you not have one?" The creature speaks again; his smile widens. His talons scratch into the tree bark as he practically pins her to the ground; his other hand on Pecha's cheek moves to her quivering lip and chin.
"Then I shall be a good-"
He rotates his head, and a red blur tackles him to the ground. A giant red wolf pins his wings, holding the harpy to the ground.
The owl harpy screeches in pain, feeling the wolf's cause to dig into its delicate wings. Before He could bear its teeth at the hybrid's throat. The harpy swings its talons into the Red Wolf, cutting deep. Holt held in pain, his grip loosening for the heartbeat to escape. Its wing hurt, bleeding but not broken, as he took off to the sky, flying as fast as he could away from the human girl and the werewolf.
Pecha was covering her ears, burying her head in between her legs as she curled herself against the tree.
Holt nudges his nose against the poor girl. He rolls his tongue across her forehead to get her attention. Pecha's eyes, red from crying, looked up into his eyes; when she looked up at him, she was no longer scared, looking at the beast in awe. Looking deep into his eyes, she knew who it was. She wasn't afraid. How could she be? After he had just saved her life.
Holt licks her tears away before wincing in pain, his brown, red fur stained with more red on his belly, his fur soaked with blood. Pecha's eyes widen, looking at the gash wound across his stomach.
"Oh no, that looks bad." She says.
Holt was confused…
She didn't look scared, or terrified, or even disgusted. Instead, Pecha patted his head, caressed his cheek, and even played with his ears with a little smile.
Taking a handful of her clothing and ripping it, using it as cloth, She presses it against the wound. Holt grumbled, his tail thumping on the ground. It's stung, but he's been through worse. Holt wasn't even sure why he was letting Pecha touch him. But he knew that he didn't want her to stop.
"Thank you for saving my life, Holt." Pecha smiled. She wanted to wrap his arms around him, but that would only hurt him.
The wolf's eyes widened.
How did she-?!
And why wasn't she scared??
Holt spent all of his life hiding and being a monster. Now, here is this girl that he hired for cheap work, booping his nose, petting him like he were a dog. Her clothing is now ruined as she tries to stop the bleeding on his stomach as she tries to look for other wounds on his big body.
The clothes on her back were all she had, but it was enough to get the wound at least somewhat wrapped up or for it to stop bleeding enough for her to bring him back to the farm.
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r0-boat · 2 years
Holt X Heifer!Peach
Thank you @peachsodama for giving me your OC I hope I didn't butcher them in any way 😭.
Ever since the little Heifer came to the farm she stuck to the former like glue. Which was appropriate given her upbringing; When Holt took her out of an abusive farm, her previous farmer left her neglected. 
While He planned on having her live in the barn with all the other bulls and cattle, she would not move in the back of the truck shaking and shivering, whimpering as she tried to huddle closer to the corner. And hearing that whimpering of fear, those big eyes filling with tears… did something to his icy heart. Her eyes lit up for the first time, feeling a gentle hand on her head and hearing words she would never forget. 
 " Poor girl… don't worry I won't let anything happen to you, I'll protect you".  It wouldn't be wrong to say that Pecha saw him as her knight in shining armor.
And Holt would be lying if he said he didn't spoil her like a Princess. He couldn't help it! One look from her pleading face, and he was a goner. 
Like right now as she peers over the counter, watching Holt's every move as he cuts a Peach into slices. His brown eyes occasionally looked back at her until he finally spoke up, just barely holding back a smile
" Do you want a slice?"
Pecha nods, her eyes gleaming as if she had waited for this her entire life.
Her tail couldn't hide her excitement wagging back and forth as Holt handed her a place of more than just a slice.
As Holt was going to reach for another fruit, he heard a knock at the door.
"ah, ill get it. Stay there and eat your fruit," he says, putting a hand on top of her head before making his way to the front door.
Pecha, however, was too engrossed in the peach to care. Her ears only perked up to the sound of an unknown voice and Holt's. Curiosity peeking, she sets the plate back on the counter before sneaking her way out of the kitchen, careful not to make a sound with her hooves.
With the angle, she hide from behind the wall while still getting a good look at the two.
A human… a female human.
a female with black hair with red at the end of it.
Her face twisting, her tail flicking in annoyance as she gains Holt's approval almost effortlessly. Her pheromones had a hint of earthy pine, yet floral. She looked like those city folk Holt always spoke so poorly of… with her flashy rocks and shiny metal. Her smile seemed pure, but she bet behind those honey-hazel eyes was a wolf in sheep's clothing, ready to strike as soon as her night lowered his guard. But not this one, this one was already taken, and she was going to make that clear!
Pecha couldn't hold back her quiet snarl, her fingernails digging into the wall before moving behind the two humans. Grabbing at Holt's coat clinging to him, glaring daggers at the woman before pulling on it and getting his and the woman's attention.
Holt looked at the heifer, surprised at Peha's sudden demand for him, his hand on her head. Pecha gave a slight smirk leaning into his touch, not taking her eyes off the woman. Only to continue pulling on his jacket, her cheeks puffing up as she huffed in frustration when he stopped.
"Is that one of your cattle?" the woman asked. Seemingly unaffected by Pecha's actions
Holt responded while patting Pecha's back, trying to calm her.
"Y-yeah… though I don't know what's gotten into her, she's usually as sweet as a peach."
" You haven't changed one bit…" the woman said to Holt with a disappointed look on her face.
He just sighed in response, rubbing the back of his head.  His other arm, now property of Pecha as her arms are wrapped around, nipping at the fabric, her ears flicking in frustration.
" Well, I think I'm going to take my leave… Holt… just think about what we talked about…" the woman said, turning her back. She raised her hand before walking to her car.
Holt said nothing, just waving back letting out another sigh. He closed the door. Pecha hummed triumphantly, thinking she had chased the woman off with pure intimidation. Only for her celebration to be cut short when she looked back at him.
Holt looked deep in thought, with an unreadable emotion on his face.
Her eyes filled with worry letting out a soft whimper, her head tapping his shoulder gently.
Holt just turns, smiling, running his fingers through her hair. " I'm fine, sweetheart…I'm just thinking it's not important."
Pecha's heart melted at that word. That's the word that humans use for their mates.
" Now, let's go back to your fruit."
Pecha bounced, giving him a toothy smile; she had forgotten all about the delicious treat she had left on the counter. And she was more than eager to get back to eating them.
"hehe, there's a good girl."
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r0-boat · 1 year
That's it.
I'm kidnapping Holt.
He's going in my hot guy dungeon.
-- Warden Anon
Listen! no because if Holt and you got together romantically, he would take you to country clubs and show you off. he likes when people look at you then at him with eyes filled with jealousy, only for him to smirk and pull you closer to him.
He wouldn't let anyone touch you.
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r0-boat · 2 years
The Oc Boy's canon scents
( for candle, and cologne lovers)
oak, lavender and sage with a hint of bergamot.
Despite his scent being very bold, it has a gentle undertone that leaves you wanting being very bold it has a soft and calming undertone that leaves you wanting more.
Maple, bourbon with apple and a hint of coffee.
Deep and rich, strong yet sweet. The Maple and bourbon is definitely one bold kick, it definitely gets your attention, and you're rewarded with the soothing smell of apple. The coffee is because he drinks just so much of it.
Sandalwood, leather and amber, with something floral
This probably would just be his old cologne mixed in with the natural smell of the forest.
Cashmere wood and honey, with floral(hibiscus) or citrus, maybe lemongrass
Honey, bc bee goes brrrrrr. For citrus, someone said lemon, which I thought was a good fit. The cashmere wood is not very strong. Actually, his scent, in general, is not strong but still noticeable. Very comforting and can probably put you to sleep.
Mahogany, coconut. Or coconut lime. Or hibiscus, Lotus and vanilla. I can definitely see sea salt as well
Like his fashion choices, he doesn't particularly care how masculine or feminine he appears. If he likes the scent, he's going to use it. Noah prefers more tropical scents that remind him of the ocean.
Cherry, almond, with rose and vanilla.
Sweet delicious, and subtle, you crave to be around him. he may look scary, but his fragrance tells a different story. He has you hooked on his cologne alone, only for him the mysteriously vanish without notifying you. Don't worry; He always comes back.
Bonus Side characters!
Leather, Amber, driftwood, with more Woody or Smoky scents, I can see bourbon too.( more so because he drinks it lol)
Very strong you can smell him before he enters a room. Probably uses his cologne to mask the cigarette smoke, or alcohol if he recently drank.
Cedarwood, tonka, with lavender and other more softer floral scents
Luca uses the same cologne, very loyal to certain brands. He prefers softer, more elegant scents. He doesn't use too much. He just wants to smell nice, not catch attention or be overwhelming. Unfortunately, with a man that looks like prince charming out of a storybook with a smell so seductive and regal, he is bound to get head turns.
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r0-boat · 2 years
Of course Cole and Holt would bond over for football games
Two werewolves LOSING IT bc their team lost
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