#Oh also there is an annual which I read as kid where Scorpion tries to get revenge on Jameson for turning him into a freak
ask-cloverfield · 11 months
Has Spider-Man ever had like a big rivalry with Scorpion in any way ? Both being arachnids and such.
Gargan is so underutilized I need to reread some of his stuff to jog some memories
Oh dear god over the first 300 issues of Amazing he had only 4 appearances
Anyway Gargan’s whole thing is that he was an investigator who worked off the books for Jameson to dig up some dirt on Peter Parker’s arrangement with Spidey
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He didn’t exactly seem amazing at the job.
When that didn’t work he was then paid to be part of a program to turn him into the hunter of a Spider: Scorpion clearly setting him up as a dangerous threat and foil for Peter.
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All of the power, none of the responsibility. Peter has first evil counterpart how lucky!
After he goes mad with power and Spidey stops him, his enmity with Spider-Man goes from being a job to being personal
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They both have a whole thing with tracking, similar powers and of course the Scorpion and Spider dynamic alongside Scorpion being one of the characters who gets really set off by Spidey’s quips makes it surprising he isn’t more utilized as a member of the Rogues gallery.
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Scorpion’s attempts at revenge would end next issue in Scorpion’s last appearance in Spider-Man books for like 20 years
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In 2004’s Marvel Knights it would be revealed that Scorpion’s grudge fermented for a long while which led him to seek out the power of the Venom symbiote*. with the added knowledge that Spidey was Peter Parker he began to try and psychologically break him with Norman Osborn
So you’d think this would be the day Gargan is getting his big time reinvention right?
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So yes they do have a rivalry, but it is deeply one-sided on Gargan’s part.
*Eddie sold it
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