#Oh yeah. I also love the sharkdog
shylittlefrogg · 1 year
I just found out there was a new animated barbie movie???
And it's not even new, it's from last year - and honestly, I'm having a stroke over Barbie: Mermaid Power.
So come with me going crazy with my 8 year old self And since this movie is good and bad at the same time.
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First of all I love that both barbies are in this movie, partly because my first thought when I saw the cover on Netflix was 'Hello island, Meet my girlfriend, Barbie. Barbie, Meet Isla, my girlfriend'
Yes Mattel, let Barbie have all the girlfriends she wants-- (Although it makes me sad that they hardly interacted-)
But let's go to one of the points that concerns me. First.
Why is it bad?
I really had no expectations because it's a current Barbie movie and because I just found out about its existence today. But dude, the plot and story leaves a lot to be desired.
The main thing here is that it is trying to promote the care of the oceans and I am happy about that!
But for the plot that doesn't seem relevant except at the beginning and at the end.
One of the things I thought was that there would really be negative effects on the place far beyond just getting dark.
Do you know the garbage Islands? (plastic islands, toxic islands, there are several in many parts of the ocean that are worrisome)
Those are more dangerous in real life than in this movie.
Animals and fauna tend to be harmed by all that pollution and I really would have put a little more emphasis on why it is important to clean up the rubbish, giving a message that humans can also help make changes, what they should do to help. Why is it important for mermaids to solve this problem
(the only thing about the moon seems important to they??? Your Honor--there is probably a turtle drowning in some cans, help-)
It would have been nice if there were more aid campaign-style humans with Barbie, who would obviously stay on top while the plot unfolds without them knowing. But that they are there, and the mermaids see that humans are not bad as some think, that they are also trying, that we are trying...
It really would have been cute and it would have been a good message...
But well, what it's done, is done.
So I'll try to make sense of her screams.
The Moon thing isn't really fully explained, as I said before, there's no precedent for what can go wrong if they don't do the ritual, so it takes a bit of the worry away.
The fact that air mermaids are the only ones that can breathe does not make sense because in the end all mermaids are out of water???? Like, maybe it would serve more like the air ones are the only ones that can form legs or something.
I don't like the 'transformation' after discovering the power. I like how it looks with the pictures and the effect. But I don't like girls getting a crown and guys getting wristbands and nothing else, I'll literally scream for them to get cool fins and tails that relate to their power. It would really be much better and useful for mermaids.
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To finish what I don't like about this movie.
Marlo's redemption.
I actually like redemption! I love when a series or movie knows how to do it well!!
That does not happen here and I refuse to explain why it is obviously meaningless.
Why this is good
Now let's go to why it's good. The characters, they are the only thing that saves this movie from being my worst nightmare about mermaids.
I loved the characters here, hell yeah!
I really like Aquaryah specific , she's a mermaid with a prosthesis!! That's pretty cool and puts her in a good place in my heart (even though looking at her face just sends me into the uncanny valley-)
I really think they could have used more of jer characters, like her father creating her prosthetic!
If he was added to injured animals and fish or mermaids, because of the garbage, to which he makes prostheses, it would have been interesting.
But I'm not complaining.
I love all the Barbie sisters here.
Yes Chelsea, I understand you, I also had a super mermaid stage.
It's interesting how at one point Barbie seems to feel less after her sisters get their powers! I didn't really know how to explain it but hit close with Skipper saying the 'oh wow, I did something before you, that never happens' thing.
As I said before! I also like transformations! Super cute and quite nice!
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And I think good elements they chosen for each one.
Brooklin is emotional and explosive, so I can easily see how her personality aligns with the fire.
Skipper is laid back and tends to move with the tide, so air is pretty much on par with her attitude. (Though she does have a bit of simmering rage)?)
Stacie is tough, she has her thoughts and actions well defined and will stand up for them and fight for them, as well as being somewhat headstrong in some ways so the earth comes as a ring to the finger.
Chelsea is a baby and thanks heavens for her existence, but I honestly can't place anything that defines a water mermaid for her. Maybe they really care about animals? But that's all mermaids.
Barbie in Barbie, she is a tidal wave of changes since she was created, she is like the wind that always continues.
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I would have liked a bit more exploration on other characters, but we barely had them with the mermaid group-
It was enjoyable.
thank you for coming to my Ted Talk about me going crazy over a kids movie
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