#Omniel's followers
unreone · 2 years
Omniel's Followers
Star - Aster ☆
Diamond - Zinnia ◇
Club - Fickle ♧
Heart - Hasty ♡
Spade - Crackle ♤
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doodlyreone · 2 years
Omniel's Followers: THEIR LORE
For basis development, here is like the main idea: Theres a village that is somehow involved with working with angelic beings in the past. I havent really work with the why and the how of it, but they ends up worshipping the notion that free will is uselless if painless immortality is something to be achieve.
Every 6 months of a year, a group lead by one of the "Markers" (the demi angel beings appointed to show the taste of joining this 'religion', which is Niel/Omniel's role) will do a tour around surrounding tows and villages and recruit critters into joining them. Their current target is Happy Tree Town.
☆ Aster
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- lowest rank. He is a curious case since he is actually not marked yet, as evident by the lackness of a cross in his pupils, but still considered part of the group. Omniel refuse to mark him to see how she will affect those who are not directly linked to her soul. That way, she can minimize the amount of critters that becomes a brainwashed member that adores her. Interestingly, he acts just like the others, singing praises and willing to do anything she says.
♧ Fickle
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- The most recently marked member, a young roe buck that cant grow any antler. And since he have been marked at this state, he will remain thatcway. He is recruited in another town. He is still freaked out by the fact that he can still maintain awareness without pain for so long in any state, when normally he couldve just died. While he doesn't really have any friends in his old home, he is wondering what life could have been like if he never gets involved with this group.
◇ Zinnia
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- A squirrel tasked with memorizing and carrying out rituals and holy invocations. She may or may not have a crush on Aster. Wait, that can't be possible, the mark should make her heart to be only devoted to Lady Omniel. Still, what's with this fluttering feeling when she's with him? Gah, focus, task is ahead. You can not fail for the sake of her Holiness. Presents herself as a logical being.
♡ Hasty
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- Need to eliminate a sacrifice in a jiffy? Worry not for here is Hasty! A raccoon specializing in quick and easy kills. She always does her job with a sweet smile. She has been a member of this wonderful group for the long time now, she can't even remember the faces of her family! Actually, she bares not a single memory. Phooey to that, who needs memories when she feels the happiest serving Omniel?
And finally
♤ Crackle
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- The only critter in this group, aside from Omniel, that was born and raised in the village. This bear is known to have a calm, soothing voice to the point that it is almost hypnotizing. You just can't pull away from looking into his eyes without struggle. It feels so much easier to fall into his command... what's that? Join a friendly group where there is no suffferring and only happiness??? That sounds quite nice.... I want to be included too...
Feel free to ask or share your thoughts about them!
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siderealxmelody · 3 years
Narel looked at the dancing flames trying to calm his racing heart. This - was Michael mad? Had he simply forgotten?
Narel tried not to let that sting, sure he had hid his abuse well but Michael had always said he'd protect him...so why had he done this?
Narel stood and walked past the suites in his small sanctuary. Ezekiel lay curled on his side staring blankly at the wall.
He didn't think he was truly free, he remembered that feeling.
He turned away and went to his office and made a FaceTime call to Michael.
Omniel was working late trying to pass some type of legislation to label Amitiel a fugitive. Narel closed his eyes trying to calm himself again.
120 years, Amitiel had disappeared for 120 years many had presumed her dead but no. Not only had she survived she'd broken Heylel out of the most secure prison in this universe.
And for what? For revenge? To bring down the archangels? What about her children? What happened her mate who would have followed her into the sun? As far as he was concerned Amitiel was just as selfish and self centered as Heylel.
He wondered if Heylel had always been like that and he had just not wanted to see it.
He smiled as he saw Michael's face.
"Hello Starlight, how was your day. We got a new angel at the sanctuary. I was wondering if we could talk about them."
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doodlyreone · 2 years
Sometime in the future, Niel would find followers. Curiously, they are not loyal to Om but to HER. And this kinda gives her the courage to trick Om and do a separation ritual with her new found tree friends
Hilarious thing is they were successful, but now the other problem is that they literally have an Ethereal at the Happy Tree Town. They just gotta find a way to banish that darn Ethereal back and let it burn in heaven and that can be done with the power and magic of ☆ happy tree friendship☆
Characters here from left to right
Crackle Hasty Niel Zinnia Aster Fickle
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how does that work?
uhhhh I guess after the separation ritual is done, they'll roast the shyde outta Om to the point that the stupid Ethereal realise it is cringe and cries its way back to heaven
Zinnia x Aster can finally real since there would be no more mind controlling halos limiting their heart
and Fickle can finally grow some horns and reunite with his many classmates back at his hometown
Hasty will work at Cro Marmots meat shop as a butcher
Crackle will use his hypnotic and relaxing voice for podcasts
And for Niel, she'll pursue a stress free, no responsible life by just enjoying the novelty of no angelic restrictions and dying yay
"So what now"
"We're still friends right"
"Can we still see each other?"
"Sure! We have gone through thick and thin, we still have a bond, but please don't call me lady or highness or any titles anymore. Just call me your friend, Niel"
But yeeee daz my manic infodump
imma go and brew some hot cocoa now aaaaa
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unreone · 2 years
♡♡♡ Omniel ♡♡♡
For Reference, the following are my earlier posts of her:
I Had a foken Mary Sue OC
Omniel Got A Voice Now
Aight so there are 3 charas one must know of:
Om, a high rank Ethereal
Niel, a normal cat villager
Omniel, the combination of the two
Niel and Om are different figures
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Om is an ancient narcissistic Ethereal from archaic plane and is good friends with the Ethereal that is possessing the cursed idol in my AU, hence the heartless and the power hungry behavior. Om loves the feeling of being dependent on so it uses the fact that it can revive critters to have many followers.
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Niel is just a humble villager that's neckdeep into a religion that praises Om and she got no choice but be the host. Host usually dies when they reach 40s, and when they do, there's like a lottery of names and the candidates are female children of the village. That year, the lottery picked Niel, who was 12 at the time, and she was chosen to be Om's host. She is now 19 and tasked on a quest to go travel outside the village and recruit more followers.
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Omniel happens when Om overpowers Niel's mind and convince her that things would be better if she let Om be in control.
(Ah yes, definitely is not like how Venom, Flowey!Sans, Bipper, Darcy, Possessed!Hunter works. This is totally unique and original--)
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siderealxmelody · 3 years
"I know Narel that it's not safe but that is what Alex's inscriptions say to go."
Narel sighed and paced in Michael's rooms. New Delphi wasn't nice to humans never mind the angels that lived there.
He turned to the small flame he had lit on Michael's balcony railing. Father had no voice, no body with which to communicate to His children.
It was why they'd trusted beings like Chuck. He was to be Father's voice - the Voice passing from father to son. Till Chuck's family had gotten greedy and set themselves up as living gods, as being above the archangels.
But Chuck was gone, and before Father had gone silent he'd spoken one last time through Chuck. Follow the inscriptions, for they would lead to unity.
Narel still wasn't convinced Chuck and Amara hadn't done something. Perhaps they'd taken the Voices with them.
In any case Father was silent now. The Eternal Flame that had held Heaven together was gone. This war was futile in the grand scheme of things.
Narel could almost feel the demons breathing down his neck. He wouldn't be surprised they hsd the whole cradle surrounded.
And this was saying nothing of the Jinn. They'd remained neutral with everything but they always collected on their debt. What debt did angels owe for asking them to care for their children?
He jumped as he felt a touch on his arm. Michael gave him a soft smile.
"I know you worry Starburst, it's in your nature to worry -"
"How can I not? Bernael is gone and even if the rumors of having him children are true where are they? Who will lead us? You or Gabriel? Or - there are so many things that are waiting in the woods to destroy us. If the inscriptions speak of finding His Light is true we must go. It will be irresponsible and ignorant not to. The only thing I pray is Father is barred from us, that something or someone keeps Him from us. I refuse to believe He has abandoned us."
"I know Narel, I know. I would like you there if I'm honest. New Delphi is not friendly to Gabriel or I, having one of their own by my side may help out cause."
Michael kissed Narel softly, pulling him into a tight hug before they went to meet Alex at the courtyard. Omniel walked with David Wheele and Claire, his wings relaxed. He gave a smile and wave to Michael and Narel but didn't leave.
*Come back to me.*
*We will Stardust, stay safe.*
Michael answered for them. He turned to watch Narel doing a quick inventory of their weapons and supplies.
Omniel was in his element, he thrived off the politics here. It was just like court had been back in Olapireta.
Michael moved away from the car to meet Alex halfway.
"Are you ready? Did the inscriptions say anything else over night? Who to speak to in New Delphi?"
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siderealxmelody · 4 years
Extra Cash
Narel hissed at the angels tended to his wounds, he looked up to see that silvered mask watching him again.
He raised his arm to greet them but they had already turned away.
Narel looked at the healer tending to him.
"Who is that?"
He shouldn't be asking, no one made friends here. They got paid if they were someone like him - if not they just tried to survive.
The Galaerii gave him a wide berth, they were her supporters many of them. He recognized the fire in their eyes - just like Heylel's.
He supposed he should be happy Heylel's followers weren't out in the cold suffering. But he wasn't sure how much better this was.
A demon moved past him tossing him a small packet.
Narel caught it, the tremors hadn't set in yet - they would soon. Thankfully he had had enough to get him through these last few days.
The Galaerii were more than accommodating to allowing him to go before he was scheduled. After all, he had fallen like them all - he was just like their savior.
If only they knew.
He reached out in vein to his mates, Omniel as always answered back - but he could feel the sadness and anger there.
He wasn't okay - and Michael? Still silent as ever.
Was he mad at them? He understood his hesitance to let him in like this. But Omniel? Didn't everyone know about them?
They'd been ordained hadn't they?
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siderealxmelody · 4 years
Morning After
Omniel woke up gradually, confused when he realized he wasn't in his own bed.
He was more confused to see Narel there, slowly more and more came into focus.
This was Michael's room, they were naked.
Suddenly parts of last night came back to him.
The drinking, Michael's heated stare following him around all night....
Narel walking in on them and trying to leave in clear embarrassment.
Michael instead pulling him closer and kissing him hard on the lips.
The heat, the kissing, the sheer ecstacy that happened over and over again.
Narel groaned softly as he opened his eyes. His head was spinning, he found Omniel watching him. As their eyes met they both seemed to realize something.
Where was Michael?
Narel slowly sat up and looked around in confusion. He saw the two mugs of now lukewarm tea.
He handed one to Omniel.
He didn't see the note flutter to the ground.
Perhaps he wanted them to leave?
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siderealxmelody · 4 years
The Masquerade Ball
Och leaned against the wall standing next to Michael.
"You know if you keep doing that people are going to think you're waiting for someone."
He grinned at his best friend and elbowed him in the side affectionately.
He grabbed a drink, his voice going low so only Michael could hear him.
"Relax Mica, Omni will be here. He wouldn't miss the ball."
He grinned at him.
"100 more years, you going to finally make a move tonight?"
Omniel was laughing with Meba as they came in with Oriel. He was wearing a gold and black mask. His clothes were black stitched in silver.
His pale grey wings twinkled, he had added stardust to them. They shimmered a rainbow of colors.
Judging by the looks he was getting he would keep doing the Stardust.
It was the first time he had tried it.
His brown eyes were lined in black making them amber.
He followed Meba and Oriel up to the High Angels section of the venue. They could look down at the dance floor now.
Mebahiah was dressed was ombre like a sunset and it shimmered as she moved.
She beamed at Michael.
"Hi Michael! You look so nice! Are you going to dance?"
Omniel's Clothes:
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Mebahiah's Clothes:
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siderealxmelody · 3 years
Asmodel gripped the iron railing, the lightning moved down his body and over the railing shattering potted plants and glass boubles.
Irin quickly ushered Ithuriel from the room. Asmodel stared out at the rings below, the storm clouds were gathering stronger than ever.
Gabriel hadn't come home, burying himself in his work. Noma hadn't left Zefon's room. She hadn't left in the two days since they'd all felt his death.
He wouldn't call it a passing, passings were pleasant. His mother's death had been peaceful, a blessing.
Zefon - he had died a violent death and all for what? To save an Innoncent and purportedly Ierimiel. Though he hadn't been hurt and had walked away unscathed.
Asmodel's grip tightened on the iron, the metal bending under his weight. His family was in tatters, and all because Heylel had the gall to whip her dogs into a frenzy.
No, no he had played nice - he had bit his tongue long enough. He turned and began to walk down the walkway to the perch.
"Where are you going?"
Asmodel turned to see Irin staring down at him. Ithuriel was clinging to her skirts, he looked so lost, and confused.
He wouldn't survive this. Asmodel nearly wanted to cry at the thought - Ithuriel had been raised soft, favored.
Zefon had always doted on him, had loved having a little brother who followed him around. Who wanted to imitate everything he did.
Ithuriel wouldn't survive in this war unless it ended now. Asmodel lifted his eyes from his son to Irin. He called Onyx to him as he snapped his wings open.
"Hunting, it's time to put some dogs down."
He flew off.
Aniyel glared at Asmodel and shook his head.
"Turn around, I don't want Gabriel to loose anymore family -"
"You don't get to pretend to care! You don't get to make demands of me Aniyel! You walked away, you gave up your title and wealth for her!"
Asmodel gestured to Heylel up on the balcony watching them down below.
"Do the Galaerii know that Bernael still speaks to you? That Manakel sends you money?"
"Enough Asmodel! Go -"
All he needed was for Aniyel to lunge at him and Asmodel leaned into it. By the time Azrael and his enforcements arrived to stop him Aniyel was on the ground.
Heylel was being held back by her own people as she sobbed and begged for Asmodel to stop this.
Asmodel looked up from where he had his neck on Aniyel's windpipe.
"Don't stop me Azrael."
"Michael nor will the courts will stop me if I kill him Asmodel. Let me do this for -"
"Give me your most poisonous blade - I want to make it hurt."
Azrael stared at him, Asmodel tensed waiting for him to say no. Azrael sighed and handed over a obsidian dagger. His dagger of shadows and disease.
He plunged it into Aniyel's neck and brought it through his chest. Heylel's scream finally felt like a balm against the hole in his heart.
Asmodel turned to gloat at her when he saw the fire and the commotion. He turned to Azrael his eyes wide.
"This isn't me, what is happening?"
"Raids, not all the Galaerii see her as a shining example to follow."
Heylel was crawling to Aniyel's side, she was sobbing harder now.
Asmodel turned away in disgust. He kicked off with Azrael to see what they could salvage of this night.
"I'll bring you back Ani, I - I promise I'll bring you back. We'll finish this fight together. I promise. I promise..."
Zarall turned away from the fire and to the elderly and children they were housing.
"Go! Go! Through there! Run!"
She turned to meet Jael's eyes. She squeezed his hand.
"We'll get through this, we - we'll be okay."
Jael looked at her worriedly at her but settled for nodding. He looked down at their hands at willed the sparks to appear. He smiled down at them.
"I'll never get tired of this."
Zarall beamed and giggled.
"I should hope not. Would be a pity if you left me for a -"
Zarall looked down at the small boy at her skirts.
"Yes little one?"
"Ms Zarall? I - I left my doll inside can you get it?"
Zarall felt a part of her melt, even against all of this violence all this boy wanted was his doll.
She looked back to where he was pointing. The barracks, she could get there and come back quickly.
"Zarall, no, leave it he can get another at our check points -"
Zarall turned and cupped Jael's cheek, he was trembling under her touch. How old had he been a sword had been thrust into his hands? How much older than this boy had he been when he'd first killed someone?
"I'll be back J, just go with them. You know the way just as I do."
She leaned over to kiss him quickly on the lips. She pulled back and gave him her best flirtatious smile.
"Draw me something hmm? I always love your drawings."
She laughed softly as his cheeks heated up. She turned and ran for the barracks. Finding the doll hadn't been hard, she had seen it with the boy enough times.
She froze as she heard the sound of footsteps. She turned to see soldiers - she couldn't tell in this light, maybe from the capital and from the lower rings? Not everyone believed in her mother's mission.
She squared her shoulders back and stood her ground.
"Let me pass."
They snickered and one of them hit her hard in the stomach. She doubled over but managed to slip past them outside.
Jael and the boy was waiting for her - she reached for them tossing the toy as she was slammed against the wall.
She shook her head as Jael began to run to her.
"T - t - r - run!"
She barely got the words out as the soldiers began to crowd around her. One of them laughed and shot at Jael's leg. He screamed but did as he had been told.
He looked at her frantically and touched her mind once. She smiled at that - he had always been so scared to do this.
*I love you, I'll draw you something beautiful. I - hold on.*
Zarall didn't have the heart to tell him it would be for nought. She saw the intentions of these soldiers, she saw in their eyes what they wished to do to her. She doubted she'd survive it. But she wouldn't damn Jael to this death too.
She sent him a smile as the soldiers began to undo their belts.
*I love you too, run my jade. Run.*
Jael ran and took the boy and any stragglers behind.
Narel could barely comprehend what he was seeing. He - he wasn't sure if the scream and words were coming from him or from someone else.
He tore through the men, he kneeled before Zarall on the stone. She whimpered as he touched her shoulder. He pulled back and opened his mouth to talk to her, to tell her to hold on.
But he didn't have the time, her life faded out before him. He was shaking, Gabriel, Michael, Omniel, and Heylel were distant voices in his mind. He closed his mind and wrapped his neice in his cloak and flew to the temple.
She would get a proper funeral just like Zefon. She would be remembered, she would be enough yes? Their deaths had to be enough for this stop right?
Why was Father allowing this to happen? To his own family? To his own children?
He didn't remember when Heylel came. He cradled Heylel as tightly as he could. The moment she saw Jael however, there was nothing he could do.
"Where were you? Why didn't you protect her? We trusted you with her Jael! We treated you like family! This is how you repay us? This is how you give back all the debt you owe Aniyel and I?!"
Narel looked to Michael at a loss.
*Help me Starlight? Help me Michael please.*
Irin knocked on the door to Gabriel's study and walked in. She hummed looking over the memorabilia and pictures. She smiled at on a windowsill of Gabriel with his mates and sons. They all looked so happy, and the boys had been such adorable fledglings.
She turned to see Gabriel at his desk, she didn't think he knew she was hear. She sighed, she had raised these boys and now they acted like she was just some nanny who knew nothing of their life or responsibilities.
"It's Asmodel, he killed Aniyel. Zarall is dead as well...she was - she was raped."
Her mouth twisted, why should she sugarcoat things for them? She was getting tired of being dismissed and overlooked.
She was thankful that at least Yehudiah and his brothers still heeded her word. There was of course Quaddin, he always listened to her.
Yehudiah's Furiad, the second command to the Viceroy himself. She didn't think Michael had chosen another yet.
"Ithuriel is with Lumiel's twins and -"
Yehudiah sighed and looked at Manakel and ignored Lumiel across the room.
"Do you hear this? They scholars wonder if this is all happening because you aren't on the throne? I wonder if it's because you infected Lumiel will your thoughts."
Manakel looked up from where he was tending to Aniyel's corpse, his hands were shaking.
"You're saying this all to me while I tend to own son's corpse? Besides Lumiel is an adult he could make his own damn decisions. He asked me if it had been different if Nahalial had survived and I said yes. It wasn't my fault he didn't know that you tore my children from me!"
Yehudiah rolled his eyes.
"You were never a good father. I didn't do that Manakel, our father did. Let me remind you that your children were only taken away because you kept saying how this world was evil. You kept preaching how you were going to take them from it - you tried to down Bernael! You weren't some Innoncent mourner! I still think had Lumiel succeeded this whole mess could have been avoided."
Manakel ignored his brother. Yehudiah crossed his arms and sighed.
"If you hadn't threatened to drain the power from me maybe I could still do something now. This isn't what I wanted, this isn't what my mates would have wanted...Nahalial wouldn't have wanted -"
Yehudiah took a step back as Manakel raised a dagger to his throat.
"Don't you fucking say her name! Don't you dare! You don't know what she wanted - you don't know her Yehudiah you never did! I threatened to take the power from you and your children because you were only exasperating the problem. The Galaerii wish to be heard, let them speak."
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siderealxmelody · 4 years
The Rest of Eternity
Gift for @silentwcrds
Michael purred softly as he felt Omniel shift slightly curling against him more. His hand moving over his back, fingers carding through his wings.
He let his eyes drift close, letting the touches send him off to one of his best night's sleep he had in eons.
He sat up and yawned, a hand carding through his hair.
Omniel was gone from his bed, for a moment the last few days felt like a dream...
"You're awake! Good you can finally show how to work your kitchen range."
Michael chuckled and turned toward the voice. He felt himself flush seeing Omniel standing in the doorway of his bedroom. He wasn't even doing much of anything just leaning against the doorframe watching him with a soft smile.
But he looked right being there, he looked like he belonged.
It took a moment for Michael to really register what he was wearing. When he finally did he gave a chuckle and a small smile.
"Are you wearing one of my robes?"
Omniel pulled the robe closer around him and pouted at him.
"It - I always wondered what they felt like. I'm not changing."
Michael's face soft even further and he beckoned him closer.
"Come' ere."
Omniel moved toward him making Michael chuckle as he straddled his lap.
"You know sitting on me like this why it has taken me a few days to show you how my kitchen works."
He murmured looking at him, hands on Omniel's hips.
Omniel gave a one shouldered shrug and leaned toward him kissing him softly on the lips.
"I'm not that hungry."
He murmured just as softly.
Michael shook his head in disbelief.
"How? We've barely had anything to eat besides some fruits and tea."
He kissed down Omniel's neck till he reached the edge of his shoulder. He smiled into Omniel's skin as the other angel shivered under his touch.
"You look beautiful in my robes Stardust."
Omniel's feathers puffed up at the praise, he was just about to lean in for another kiss when Michael gently pushed him off of him.
Omniel whined and pouted at him. Michael laughed, holding his chin he pulled him into a quick kiss.
"You may not be hungry but I am, come let's make some food and we can come back and pick up where we left off."
For emphasis Michael nipped at his shoulder causing Omniel to gasp.
Michael chuckled and pulled away, pulling Omniel with him.
The younger angel pouted at him and watched as he put on a soft cream robe.
Michael's breath hitched as he felt hands move up his back and around his waist.
Omniel nipped at the back of his neck.
"Let's not be too long Starlight, I want to pick up right where we left off."
Michael turned and nodded, he laced their fingers together and lead him to the kitchen.
He made them both some eggs, Omniel pouted and he watched. Michael cast him a look and leaned over to kiss his cheek.
"You know how to do it now love, next time you can make the food."
Omniel hummed and nodded. He turned kissing Michael's nose. The gesture made Michael pause and raise an eyebrow at him.
Omniel only giggled at him and hugged him from the side. Michael shook his head.
"I have such an odd mate."
He teased kissing the top of his head. He added in some tomatoes, garlic and onions to the scrambled eggs.
He shivered as Omniel nipped at his neck.
"Not as odd as the mate I have."
They ate quickly more from hunger on Michael's part than on his eagerness to take Omniel back to bed.
But he definitely wanted to do that. It was as if his usual inhibitions were gone when he was around Omniel - it was exhilarating.
Omniel sighed as he finished his food and moved to wash his plate.
Michael watched him for a long before he followed and curled his arms around him.
Omniel gasped shivering as Michael nuzzled his neck.
"M - Michael I'm going to loose my concentration if you keep doing that."
Michael's only response was a humm of acknowledgment. He nuzzled his neck again, his arms tightening around Omniel.
"Would you like to see the rest of our nest?"
It sent a little thrill through Omniel to hear Michael call his nest theirs.
He turned in Michael's arms cupping his face to make sure he was looking at him.
"Would you be offended if I said it is the furthest thing from my mind?"
Michael burst out laughing kissing him heatedly. He pressed himself against the sink.
"Not in the slightest. In truth I rather do that later, when I can think beyond this haze of lust and love."
Omniel purred and nuzzled their noses.
"I doubt that will ever dissipate my love."
Michael grinned at him and kissed him hard on the lips.
He could get used to this, living an existence where he woke up and fell asleep to Omniel's face for the rest of eternity.
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siderealxmelody · 4 years
Oriel sent Michael a relieved smile.
"Thank you, I - you're wonderful Michael but I- I could never mate for power, even if our parents arranged it."
Oriel had been away for 500 years since Shekimah had died. In that time he'd heard of the archangels defeating the Darkness.
He smiled at his little girls, he'd thought it was finally time to talk to Michael. At the very least beg him to approve of his mating to another.
He looked up at Michael, they were in one of the secluded lakes in the First Heaven. His mate Marmaroth was in their nest, he thought it best to go slow.
He smiled at Michael he couldn't believe they were both 18.
"How is Omniel? He should be starting academy soon. Is he still obsessed with you?"
He was referring to his little brother, Omniel had always tried to follow Michael around ever since he was little.
Oriel had found the whole thing adorable.
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siderealxmelody · 7 years
The Ravages of War (Open)
Samyaza ran through the gutted forest, Kushiel and Omniel on his tail. He turned and began to fight. Wezynna watched, he was weak and dying from a gash in his side.
Samyaza cried out as Kushiel struck him in the side and advanced on him.
He spun as an arrow embedded itself in Omniel’s leg.
Daniel appeared from the fog aiming an arrow at Kushiel who dived and moved to finish Samyaza off.
Daniel let it lose as he moved, cursing when it missed him by a hair.
Temehulchus flew through the air and advanced on Daniel who looked up terrified.
Suddenly the ground erupted in shadow demons and an arm grabbed Samyaza and Wezynna out. Daniel followed along.
Azazel and Daniel didn’t stop till they were safely in their own camp. He knelt down began healing them both.
He went out again, against their protests capturing Ithuriel and slamming him against a tree.
“They live. Samyaza and Wezynna live.”
Ithuriel relied the message back to base camp. Temehulchus hummed.
“That shouldn’t be possible, they don’t have a strong enough healer, he isn’t strong enough to heal that much.”
“What are you saying Teme?”
Jeremiel asked guarded.
“I’m saying, he has help. /powerful/ help.”
“Raphael wouldn’t do that.”
“No knowingly maybe.”
Jeremiel hissed but stepped backward when Teme came in his personal space.
“Why don’t you ask him to rule him out.”
He strolled inside the camp, Kushiel and Ithuriel coming after him.
Jeremiel slipped into Raphael’s office.
“Jeremiel? What is it?”
“Raphael, I - I have a question. Promise me you wont smite me?”
Raphael moved to touch his cheek.
“Whatever it is Jungle Cat I promise I won’t hurt you. The one time I did I will regret for the whole existence. What is your question?”
Jeremiel didn’t look convinced. It really wasn’t his life he was worried about, it was the answer to his question.
“Do you still have it on you?”
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