omnipointmuses · 4 months
Cue Luna shuffling around the castle grounds, groggy after an all nighter of playing Paper Mario. A simple pajama shirt and sweatpants pulled down low to her thighs exposing her massive blue cheeks as she chews on a piece of toast while half asleep, all the while she's still playing her Ponetendo Switch.
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omnipointmuses · 4 months
Celestia starting her day off right by raising a massive barrel of cake shake and protein and chugging down the sweet slurry. By the time the barrel was emptied the sun princess's steely abs were bloated into a massive orb of a muscle gut.
"Ah~... now I just need my morning coffee and I'll be all set to start the day~" Celestia hummed as she wandered over to her pantry and pulled out a mug as equally massive as the barrel she just emptied.
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omnipointmuses · 4 months
"Hmm, sound argument, however..." Celestia began before standing up from her seat and hefting up her massive, hardy breasts giving a quick peek of her steely abs as the muscular alicorn slammed the car crushing chest mounds onto the slab of marble that was her meeting table, instantly collapsing the legs in on themselves and cracking it's top straight down the middle.
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omnipointmuses · 5 months
Twilight hummed giddily as she brushed of a sizable layer of ancient dust off an equally ancient desk that belonged the Apple family, she was a bit surprised when Applejack asked her to peruse through her families old documents to see if there was anything she needed to keep track of, in return the farm lass offered to give the unicorn a free fresh pie and the first cider of the season when it comes around which really wasn't needed, but she wouldn't turn it down either.
After doing away with the dust and pulling the desk drawer open she reached in with a hand and pulled out a... folded up picture, it was almost akin to a polaroid. "Oh no... I hope it's not too damaged..." Twilight thought aloud as the idea of an important picture for the Apples permanently marred by a crease made her frown while she unfolded the picture to inspect the damage, and then unfolded the picture again... and again and again until eventually she was left with a photo large enough to completely cover a California King sized mattress. Her eyes roamed the picture with a raised eyebrow until she saw something that caught her eye. Along the bottom of the over sized photo the words "For my Bright Mac, P.S, It's actual size~" written in light cursive with light orange ink.
After taking a moment to stare deadpanned at the photo for a moment more, Twilight proceeded to fold the picture back up before stowing it back into it's place in the drawer before closing it and leaning forwards to press her flushed face against the desk cold surface.
"So... that's why she's called Pear Butter huh... ehehe, how fitting..."
Twilight wondered if she could haggle AJ into getting the first two mugs of cider when all of this is sorted.
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omnipointmuses · 8 months
"Nnh~ If that farmgirl uses Trixie as a seat again I might just break in half..." Trixie huffed as the remembered the intense weight, heat, and scent on her back while she was bent down onto her hands and knees.
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omnipointmuses · 9 months
List of things Big Bastard Trixie has done to spite Twilight
Bred and ate all of her friends
Pillage Ponyville and most of his inhabitants
Sat on and nearly smothered Celestia and Luna under her fat ass before shoving them into it
Tonguefucked Discord/Eris's throat before slurping them up like a noodle
Seduced and slushed Cadence and Shining Armor in her breasts
Impregnated Chrysalis before pumping her into a condom along with her hive
Has Twilight permanently digesting and reforming in her gut.
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omnipointmuses · 8 months
Rainbow Dash huffing as she tries to hike up her shorts up past her narrow hips, unfortunately due to the size of her titanic cock and pendulous nuts they're continuously tugged down enough to show the wide base of her member. "Man... I bought these last week..."
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omnipointmuses · 8 months
Cue Pinkie Pie sitting on a bench despite it bending under her heavy form wearing only a simple turtleneck and legging to protect herself from the chill while a bit of her flabby gut was left exposed revealing a tuft of Trixie's hair sticking out of her deep navel.
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omnipointmuses · 8 months
ngl Failwife Trixie kinda gets hot and bothered about the idea of being punished for doing something wrong
Accidently bump into someone? Get pasted along their rump
Accidentally take someone's seat? Becomes their seat and cushion
Take the last cupcake? Bubble away in someone's gut
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omnipointmuses · 19 days
smug shorty celestia
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omnipointmuses · 19 days
Luna sleepily and grumpily tugging her sweatpants up and over her monolithic moonbutt for the umpteenth time today upon waking up an hour ago.
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omnipointmuses · 19 days
Setting Sun (OS)
Celestia sighed as she finished her monthly ritual of draining out her magical energy into the sun to keep it from building up and eventually... spilling out for lack of a better term. It wasn't a painful process, just left her feeling exposed for the most part. Losing much of her magical power left her feeling limited and losing bodymass left her disoriented until she could find her footing again. Though this time around she felt a bit more disoriented than before as she floated down from the air and felt her feet hit the floor of her balcony and almost immediately she noticed how close to the ground she was, even more so than usual after she drained herself. It took just one step to find out what had happened after she felt herself tip over on legs much shorter than what she was used to and flop forwards onto her hefty chest that easily cushioned her short fall.
"Oh... oh no..." Celestia murmured as she pushed herself back onto her feet and scampered away from her balcony and into her room to look herself over in her vanity mirror. Normally after draining herself she was cut down from her 12 foot tall self down to six feet tall, but right now she was down to about half that. Three feet tall in height and still carrying around a bust and butt she'd usually tote in her drained state made her into quite the shortstack, a thought that wasn't lost on her as she cracked a small smirk as she gave her hip a pat. "Goodness... I'm shorter than a pegasus..."
After enjoying the view of herself for a moment and wandered over to her closet in an attempt to scramble together something wearable. Though she did the ritual fairly early in the morning she didn't doubt some of her more keen eyed subjects or savvy enemies could sense her magical power being drained into the sun and she had to at least be decent when they came and attempted to check up on or claim her.
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omnipointmuses · 1 month
Failwife Trixie being torn between actually dating all of her girlfriend (both future and current) or gurgling them all up in her gut.
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omnipointmuses · 1 month
Preyslut!Rainbow Dash proudly showing you a video of a pred belching up her jogging shorts and sending them about 25 and a half meters away, her current record.
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omnipointmuses · 4 months
"Storing my magic in the sun every once in a while is a safety precaution I assure you, it gives me a sort of lifeline in case I am disabled some how or eaten, or permanently transformed or..." Celestia pauses for a moment and coughs into her hand to compose herself. "Anyway besides, if I was at full power and someone were to eat or otherwise steal my power....that would be absolutely dreadful..."
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omnipointmuses · 4 months
@nevermindtheweights Muffled Natsuki groans that turns to moans--
Pinkie Pie giggles and proceeds to lower another cake into Natsuki's maw with one hand while the other gave her fellow pink gal's gut some rubs with those pudgy digits.
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