tobiramamonmari29 · 2 years
omoi point of view:
I was in class, but I didn't feel like listening to my French teacher. I couldn't concentrate, as usual I was thinking way too much. Ah, to tell the truth, it's not that I think a lot about the possibilities that I fail, it's just considered. OK, maybe I'm thinking way too much.
But how I could concentrate or not consider the fact that I should perhaps declare myself. Silk what could go wrong in a statement?
Maybe this sunny weather could turn into a disaster. maybe he wouldn't even come! Maybe he doesn't like the fact that I asked him to find me after school. Maybe he doesn't like me being unoriginal in choosing to go behind school to tell him. what if he hadn't understood that I was going to declare myself to him? What if he wasn't gay? What if I change my mind and he thinks I'm a coward? I'm not a coward I'm considering just in case.
What if he didn't like me and didn't know me? maybe he ignored me thinking the request was from a girl. I should have signed the letter with my last name and class in addition to my first name. What if he knew me and didn't like me at all.
and let's say I fall down the stairs or slip in the toilet before going to see him. What if I'm considering doing that there's something to do rather than see me? And if I had an impediment.
Teacher: classes are over, see you on Monday.
omoi: I'm not ready.
Karui: omoi, you're always worrying for nothing.
Omoi: But Karui, let's say-
Karui: let's say you don't tell him anything, then let's say I kill you for it. Will it make you happy?
Omoi: no.
I put my things away with sweaty palms. What if my clothes get stained before I get to see it? What if he didn't come at all? What if I was a coward, really, a coward. Can I turn around? Nah, I'm brave, it turns out he's waiting for me with beating heart in the hope of seeing me. I am the great omoi after all.
kankuro: omoi!
Omoi: oh my god... Sorry god.
Kankuro: is that you? Who asked me to come.
Omoi: do you know me?
Kankuro: Well yeah, karui is my friend you know. I have already come to your house.
Does that mean he's spying on me? Or does that mean he saw me at home? Damn I should wear my headphones less when my sister invites people over. And maybe less ignoring his friends would have seemed less stupid in front of my crush.
Omoi: I-yes.
Kankuro: About the letter.
omoi: be my girlfriend, I mean my husband no my boyfriend fuck my girlfriend fuck. Will you go out with me? Whore ! Can I start over? I thought about several ways how I was going to ask you and I really screwed up.
kankuro: omoi, he chuckled before bursting into laughter. I love this part of you. Actually, I agree to go out with you.
Omoi: do you want to go out with me? Damn....I'm gonna have to consider dating.
Kankuro: kiss me already.
Omoi: ok.
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