#On Pasio! like safe and sound!
illdothehotvoice · 1 year
I cannot wait for more Hisui characters to end up on Pasio and also for Masters EX to just completely avoid the Ingo problem by being like "Oh ha ha this guy from Hisui looks just like you and you share a name he must be your ancestor and you're named after him ha ha!" (probably) dshgjkfnsgfdh
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erikalentz · 9 months
Half Moon Datas #11
Not at home for the moment, but I can still write some HMD.
* Before having her facility, Althea didn’t have a true place to work or even live. She went from rented apartment to rented apartment around the world to solve cases, and even if she gains enough money to live normally and afford traveling, she wanted a place she could call home. One day, Lear called for her services to solve the disappearance of his father in secret (the International Police was busy dealing with numerous attacks from evil organizations, so he had to call for a private detective), and promised to give her something she wishes as a reward on top of the money for her work. Althea did solve the case and bring back the man - abducted by an Ultra Wormhole - safe and sound, and he went only missing for two days. Relieved to know his father is alright (even if he doesn’t want to show it), Lear thanked the young woman… Then he felt that Althea is a good trainer just like she’s a good detective, so he wanted to fight her in a Pokemon battle - with Pasio’s rules - before keeping his part of the deal, which ended up in a tie between Lunala and Hoopa. Lear gave his word later on and asked her what she wanted, and the detective answered that she wants a place where she can live and work on various subjects. The prince of Pasio thus built a huge modern facility in Sinnoh, with the most advanced technology coming from around the world and with enough space to have both a professional and personal life. Thanks to him, Althea now has a home just for her and her Pokemon, and the two became good friends over time. This event happened one year before she met Hilbert and Hilda.
* During a talk with Akari, Hilda revealed that she used to be a battle-hungry trainer who would challenge any battler she meets whom she felt would give a good fight. She quickly gained experience and became a powerful trainer thanks to it, but it ended up alienating her about more mundane activities her age like hanging out with her friends, going to non-battle events like cinema or festivals, and such. On a trip in Kalos, a man she challenged told her he pitied trainers who would only find fun and passion in Pokemon battling because they don’t see the importance of their relationships with their closed ones until it’s too late because of their blind desire to feel the thrill of battles… She learned this the hard way when Hilbert almost got abducted by an Ultra Wormhole in front of her eyes because he did a secret training to battle her in a friendly fight the next morning. The trauma of this event made her stop battling for a long time even after becoming a Rift Hunter, only fighting when it was necessary until Hilbert and Althea helped her to overcome it. By now, Hilda is one of the strongest trainers of Unova and won’t say no to a fight, but she grew out of her extreme battling tendencies and prefers spending time with her loved ones rather than fighting.
* In a walk for recording Pokemon, Akari saw Dawn’s pearl in Hilda’s bag when the latter was fighting a group of Pokemon blocking a way. She touched it out of curiosity, and thus saw Dawn’s memories courtesy of the Lake Trio’s blessings. After the shock and the wave of emotions she felt in an instant, she not only learned Rei’s true identity but also what his disappearance caused in his time, especially to the girl who appears to be her descendant. Akari isn’t happy in the least to discover that a young man from the future was taken away from his loved ones to solve problems from the past, and she’s even more furious because she could have done Arceus’ task if he actually asked her to do it since she wants to change the old and heavy air of Hisui and live peacefully with Pokemon.
* Lucas has been in Hisui for eight months, and he completed the Pokedex with all the common Pokemon who could be found there (224 Pokemon). All that was left was the Legendary Pokemon. He also helped Akari completed her own Pokedex, and she recorded the same number of Pokemon.
* After his fight with Dawn, Barry stopped doing Pokemon battles. He felt guilty for unwillingly hurting his friend and he refused to continue being a trainer before having a better mental state and apologizing to her.
* Althea was able to create a portal that could lead to the world of an Ultra Beast, another dimension or another time thanks to her Lunala and her research on Ultra Wormholes and space-time rifts. After the portal is used, it needs four hours to fully recharge the energy.
* Hilbert and Hilda discovered they can use a 100% Symbiosis with their Pokemon during a mission in another dimension. A 100% Symbiosis happens when their hairs fully change color than just the tips of them and their eyes are the same than their Pokemon. They and their Pokemon become really strong to the point of matching Mega-evolved Pokemon, but the sheer strength and powers of the Pokemon is hard to maintain for a long time for their bodies, and the phenomenon disappears in ten minutes to not exhaust them. To this day, Hilbert and Hilda only used a 100% Symbiosis once (because it was an emergency).
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sterling-starlight · 3 years
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Okay get comfy kids. I have a lot of Feelings (tm) about how Ingo is portrayed in Masters. So keep in mind that I’m not an expert on neurodevelopmental disorders, I’m just one of the people who was diagnosed with one. So this is coming entirely from my perspective as someone who was diagnosed with AS (asperger syndrome). Autism is a spectrum and no two cases are identical so this is less an accurate diagnosis and what I’ve noticed.
One thing that stood out to me in his A Day  With episode is that he seems to have somewhat of a hard time controlling the volume of his voice when excited (”BRAVO!! “ASTOUNDING!!”) Which is something my family has told me I have trouble with, too. According to Healthline’s page on autism in adults, voice modulation is a symptom. So there’s a box ticked right off the bat. And let’s take a look at Ingo and Emmet’s dialogue
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There’s also their voiced lines:
“My apologies” vs “I’m sorry.” “Much obliged.” vs “Thank you”. “I must refuse” vs “No thank you”.  Ingo is noticeably more formal -even stilted- when played back-to-back with Emmet, but that’s another sign of autism. Some of us have more “eloquent” ways of speaking, or an advanced vocabulary. Ingo is more verbose, Emmet is more clipped. These are both ways that autistics can talk, and I find myself fluctuating between both all the time.
(Also I feel like he messes with his hat more often than Emmet does? Someone correct me if I’m wrong. But if he does, that can be read as him stimming with his clothes.) 
Ingo also mentions trains and various modes of rail transit more than Emmet does. The boy loves his metaphors about trains and tracks and even the various battle facilities and why they were built the way they were.  Things make sense when he applies them to trains and railroads. He also describes feeling lonely without a train system on Pasio the same way an autistic person would describe being without their comfort item. 
He legit starts gushing about trains in other regions out of nowhere because the PC will listen. I can’t even begin to tell you the amount of times I’ve found a hyper fixation and started gushing about it to the first person who would listen. It’s super relatable. “I’d love to show them all to you” is a one-to-one comparison to my “Let’s watch this thing I love!”
There’s also this line of dialogue:
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Which hit me right in the honey-nut feelios. A lot of people on the spectrum, myself included, have trouble with... emoting the “right” way when we talk. I’ve been accused of being stoic, aloof, and distant by my own family members because I just... can’t do facial expressions or emotional inflections the right way. And it clearly *bothers* him since he’s surrounded by all these people who are bright and expressive and energetic (which again, is such a mood. I can tell you from personal experience it’s like being in a glass box). 
His voiced lines as surprisingly upbeat and lively, but that reads to me as as a “customer service” vooce. He works in a high-energy environment where he has to be heard over the subway and the sounds of battle. So as sad as it is, him having a smooth baritone doesn’t really fit (restoroni in pepperoni Japanese anime special voice). I’d bet monopoly money that he tones it way the fuck down when he’s alone or with people he trusts (*cough*Hilda*cough*). 
In fact his voice lines here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRW9ORkJRUk&t=83s from 1:23 are considerably less “GO GO GO” than his battle voice lines.  (Unrelated but “You’re not going to miss the last train, are you? Please, make sure you get home safe.”  Makes me so fucking soft jkshfkdsghd)  Also, throat clearing? Humming? That’s him vocal stimming, my friends. I do it all the time when I’m by myself somewhere quiet.
So to answer the question: He’s definitely somewhere on the spectrum and I’m love him. 
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kyoasatsu76 · 3 years
That night, Kyo was sleeping along with Elekid in her room upstairs. While Ingo was still awake and calling Noland using his laptop. Excadrill was sleeping in the couch next to him. As he presses enter. The kettle starts making a high pitched whistling sound. He went to turned off the stove. And then makes himself a mug of coffee. He went back to the couch and notices Noland fell asleep on his desk. He puts down his coffee on the table. And tries to wake him up.
"Noland. Noland wake up. I'm here." He said.
Noland woke up and starts rubbing his eyes. While Cynthia approaches him. And gave him a warm coffee. Then kisses him on his left cheek.
"Noland, wake up. Ingo wants to talk with you." She said.
"Ah right! Sorry. Uh... So how was Kyo's training? Are you enjoying your stay there? Is she giving you any troubles?" He asked.
Cynthia chuckles as she left the room. Ingo felt overwhelmed by his questions.
"Ahem. To answer your questions. Yes, she's doing well on her training. I'm teaching her everything I know when it comes to Pokémon battles. But, she still needs to practice her tag battles. 2nd, I'm enjoying Pasio so far. It's really different from Unova. I met the Galar Champion and lucky for me. I get to experience on how strong he was. I never thought Kyo and Leon has this rivalry going on. Lastly, she doesn't give any troubles... But... There's something bothering me." He respond.
Noland suddenly gains interest from his response. Ingo suddenly stared at him in a worried expression.
"Do you know Kyo where she's from? Like her home Region?" Ingo asked.
The Factory Head stuns for a second and starts remembering something.
"I did asked her before. And she said she doesn't remember. Like an amnesia or something. Oh, maybe asked her directly. I'm sure you two are getting close." He said with a smile on his face.
Meanwhile upstairs, inside Kyo's room. She was having a nightmare.
She was all alone in the dark void. She tries to call Ingo. But there's no voice coming out from her mouth. All she can hear was her own footsteps. As she walks through the endless darkness. She suddenly stops. As a two yellow orbs floating next to each other. As she tries to move. Her body froze. All she can hear were the faint footsteps all over the area. As the yellow orbs slowly approaching her. A shadowy dark hand suddenly grabs her left hand. Gripping her wrist. As bloods starts pouring out from it."
"I finally found you." the unknown figure whispers into her right ears.
Meanwhile, back into the living room. Ingo was video chatting his twin brother Emmet.
"Ahhh. Brother Ingo I can't wait to get there too. I wanna meet Kyo as well. Of course I will be her Sensei too." He said proudly.
Ingo chuckles. When suddenly, they both heard her screaming. Alerting both of them. Excadrill wakes up from his sleep.
"I'll check on her. Stay online Emmet." He said.
Emmet nodded. As Ingo and Excadrill starts running upstairs and opens the door. They both saw Kyo crying while holding her left hand. Covered in blood. He quickly checks up on her injury.
"Excadrill! Cab you get the first aid kit! Quick!" He commands.
Excadrill quickly starts running out from her room. Meanwhile Elekid was worried by her trainer. Kyo was still crying in pain. As Excadrill arrives holding the first aid kit. Then he starts cleaning up the blood from her left hand.
"Did you fall on your sleep? Or broke your left hand?" He asked.
"... No... *sniff* I was just having a nightmare... And then in my dreams someone grab my left hand. And started to bleed... *Sniff* Ingo-sensei... I'm scared." She said tearfully.
"It's okay, I'll take care of you. I'll stay here if that's okay. I'll clean this up and your good to go." He said as he tries to make her not worry and scared.
He tries to clean her palm. But the red blood mark shaped like an upside down "L" won't come off. He tries to wipe it off but it was still there.
"Strange... Is this even a wound? I really can't relax now. There's something strange is going on here. But no matter what it is. I'll make sure my student will be safe."
Meanwhile, back in the Mansion. Kyouka was walking to grab a glass of water. When she notices her dad sitting in the living room. Staring at the full moon. She approaches him.
"Dad, are you okay? You haven't been sleeping for a week. I'm sure Francois is doing his job to protect sis." She asked.
He lifts up his left palm revealing the bloody symbol just like Kyo's blood mark.
"We can't be too sure dear. My curse mark is been aching for Months now. I just hope that he wasn't be able to get to that world. Hopefully your safer there.... My daughter." He said.
Back in Pasio, Ingo was sitting on the chair. Staying up in case Kyo got in an accident again. He was browsing on his laptop about Amnesia. He grabs the mug of coffee on the desk next to him and starts to take a sip. When suddenly a loud thud echoed downstairs. He quickly gazes up on her. But she still remains asleep. As she cuddles Elekid on her arms. He let out a sigh. As he grabs his flashlight and went downstairs. Leaving Excadrill sleeping on her room as well. As he searches for the source of the noise. He suddenly stumbled upon extraordinary. In the living room. His coat seems to be levitating. Like someone is invisible wearing it. Shocked by this. He doesn't even realized that someone was already behind him.
The dark figure grabs him by his neck as he starts lifting him up. Dropping the flashlight on the floor. He saw the dark figure has yellow gleaming eyes. Until the dark figure starts talking in a deep and eerie voice.
"I'll kill everyone who stops me from taking her life!"
After hearing those words. Ingo still tries to free himself. When Excadrill jumps out of nowhere and uses Drill Run hitting the dark figure. And letting Ingo free from it's grasp. And falls down into the floor. And starts coughing. The lights from the living room turns on. As he gazes up. He saw Kyo and Elekid near at the light switch. But she seems worried.
"Ingo-sensei... Are you alright?"
He starts laughing. Pretending that he was fine.
"I'm alright Kyo. I just trip down and started laughing at myself. Cause I looked stupid for that moment. But, you should go back to sleep. You need to rest. We should take a break from training for tomorrow. Besides I want to explore some other locations here in Pasio. Sounds a deal right?"
Kyo started chuckling. As she nodded.
"Okay Ingo-sensei!"
After that she and Elekid went back upstairs along with Excadrill. He walks towards the light switch and turned off the lights. When the cold breeze comes in from the open window. He approaches it. When a black feather was stuck in the window. He grabs it and stares at it. After than he stares up in the night skies from the window. As a Corviknight flies by.
Meanwhile, a few meters away from their house. Corviknight lands next to its trainer. As he started petting him.
"Great job, now it's easy for me to get her since there's only two of them. I can finally taste it. The ultimate power. And I have finally found her!"
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