#Once you JimIN you can't JimOUT
Come Doused In Mud
[contortionist!jimin x reader] [3.1k+ smut, yandere, ‼️ nonconsensual/dubious con sex, kidnapping, allusion to drugs, dark themes] This is the next and final part of Come As You Are. Thank you to everyone who gave this fic a chance and read it. Love u!
"I'm telling you, it was really weird, Tae," you complain to your friend as you pull him out of the tent—away from the show, away from the creepy man. "He was staring the whole time, and I couldn't break away, but I wanted to."
Taehyung chuckles, strangely finding amusement in what you are saying. "It was probably an act—fixate on one of the audience. Either way, these shows, they're all smoke and mirrors. We came here to have fun, yes?"
Your nerves were still buzzing with unease. Taehyung sees you close off and offers you his drink to appease you while his thumb circles your knuckles in an attempt to ground you. "We should at least go on a few rides," he suggests. "And while we go around, I'll make sure to protect you from creepy contortionists." Your friend makes a big show of puffing out his chest. His obvious gleaming mood is a huge contrast to yours. It almost doesn't bother you that despite your attempt to convey your discomfort, he had been too consumed with his high from the show.
But you realize you like him like this. You like that you're someone whose company he enjoys, and he's comfortable enough with you to let loose and be childish.
With a newfound determination to keep that boxy grin on Taehyung's face, you nod and agree to stay a little longer—go on a ride of his choice and maybe go back to the burger stand you skipped last week.
Also, if you allow yourself to be deluded, you can pretend you were out on a date with him. Tonight could be a fleeting glimpse of what it means to be like a couple. And here, you were in your own bubble with Taehyung. It truly felt like bliss, minus the creepy show you just witnessed.
“Come on," Taehyung tugs at your intertwined hands, pulling you out of your inner monologue. "Let’s see what’s there.” His free hand points to a mirror maze while he swings both your arms as he leads you to the labyrinth.
“Are we supposed to do something here?” You and Taehyung walk deeper into the center of the maze and as you go further, the light dims. "I mean, what's the point?"
Taehung shrugs in response. “The man said there was a prize in the middle of the maze.” His head turns left and right, hands still clasped together as he leads you through the maze.
You stop walking as you encounter another crossroad, the endless mirrors on each end and lack of light making you dizzy and nauseous. Not to mention that the longer you've been in the maze, with each passing second, your lulled anxiety resurges.
A shudder runs through you, and you can't help but feel the weight of unseen gazes following you and Taehyung. Reaching for Taehyung's hand, you pull him to take the lead. "Come on, Tae," your voice strained with anxiety. "In rigged games like this, left is always the shortest path to the exit, I'm sure of it."
Taehyung, on the other hand, wanted to take in everything. For some reason, he remained unbothered by your growing unease. Usually, he was good at sensing and reading you, but today, he remained partly oblivious. "What's the rush?" He tugs his limbs back, hands gripping yours tighter. "Come on, Y/N. I think we should go right. It could be fun."
"What fun can you have here?" You reason, free hand gesturing to the dingy mirrors and dusty panels.
Great. Not only do you feel nauseous, but you're pretty sure you now feel an oncoming migraine.
Your disagreement echoed off the mirrors, each reasoning bouncing back and forth. You were now growing frustrated. Meanwhile, Taehyung looked unperturbed, excited even—fueled by adrenaline and his 'sense of adventure'.
“Okay, you know what? Why don’t we split, and we'll just meet outside after,” he proposes.
It was a compromise. Sure. But if you were honest, you were also scared of walking alone. You look at Taehyung one last time, hoping he takes pity on you, but he remains unmoved. With a resigned sigh, you agree with a nod. Taehyung lets you walk your way first, and when you disappear from his sight after taking another turn, he takes his.
Frustration gnawed at your insides as you tried to jump and peek through the panels and mirrors, attempting to catch a glimpse of Taehyung or anything that would get you the fuck out of here. Yet, somehow, as the sun sets outside, the place only seemed to grow darker as nothingness bounced off of each surface.
As if to mock you, the dull fluorescent overhead began to flicker erratically, the flashing lights and shadows worsening your migraine and fueling your paranoia.
You really needed to get out of here. Now.
Screaming Taehyung's name, tears start to well up in your eyes. The weight of isolation began to sink into you, and your breaths came in shallow gasps as fear tightened its grip around you.
Oh god. Not now.
You feel around your pockets for your phone and curse when your hands come empty. Remembering you forgot to take your phone from Taehyung, you curse at everything around you—fuck this maze, fuck your jeans for having tiny pockets. Fuck everything. Your vision blurs as you let a sob out.
Looking up, you're met with your reflection. And you could not shake the unnerving sensation that someone—or something—else lurked just beyond your reflection. Mustering up your courage, you resume navigating around the mirror maze with hesitant steps. Suddenly, you hit your face in a mirror from abruptly turning around at the sight of a passing figure from your peripheral vision. You let out a pained groan, your hands shooting up to hold your assaulted nose.
“Tae, is that you?” You wince, eyes squinting, trying to make out your friend's face in the dim room.
"Tae, come on. You're not being funny. I'm really creeped out."
A minute of silence passed before you were answered. “Your friend is gone,” the voice singsongs.
A shaky breath leaves your lips. Okay, it's not Taehyung. But you refuse to think of the worst yet. Maybe this person can help you out. You clear your throat and address the man, “Hi, do you work here?” Feeling your way through mirrors, not wanting to slam your face again, you carefully feel your way around the maze. You’re not even sure if you’re walking closer to a mirrored image or the man himself.
“Could you please show me the way out? I think I broke my nose.” Though you don’t really think your nose is broken, you just hope he would feel sorry for you. And not to point fingers, but you getting hurt was partly his fault for appearing out of nowhere.
A light from outside pierces and bounces through the mirrors, briefly illuminating the place brighter, allowing you to get a quick glimpse of the man.
You freeze at the familiar face you're confronted with. The performer, contortionist, the man from the show earlier was already looking at you when your eyes found his. It wasn’t like a perchance glance like yours but more of a fixed glare. As if he knew exactly where you stood.
You stop shuffling within the space, hands getting clammy, and the room closes in on you. You don't know where to move, but you need to distance yourself from this man.
The shrieking laughter of a child running outside the tent breaks the eerie silence, and your head turns towards the noise. Resigning to the fact that no one could help you, especially this man, you try to follow the sound of mixed chatters and fanfare.
Heart pounding in your chest, you picked up your heavy feet forward. But with every turn you took, every corridor you rushed towards, you found yourself face to face with yet another dead end.
You refuse to give up.
You screamed Taehyung's name again, shrieked for help, and made any noise that would alarm anyone outside.
You will get out of here.
Hearing another laugh from outside, you turn to the source and run with desperation.
Your view turns dark as the bulb completely burns out. You could no longer see anything. As if the entrance to the maze disappeared into the dark. Immobilized by fear, all you could do was crouch. You'll fucking crawl your way out of here if you have to. You're pawing at the dry grass and dirt, telling yourself to put aside your disgust. You.have.to.get.out.of.here.
Then, just as you think you're making progress in the right direction, your fingers freeze upon feeling something unexpected—a sudden, jarring sensation freezes you in place. You recoiled instinctively, heart pounding in your chest as you realized what you had touched.
A foot.
The realization added a surge of fear coursing through your veins, your mind racing with a thousand terrifying possibilities. Again, you refuse to jump to the worst possibility.
Not long after, you feel a warm breath ghost across your face, followed by a soft voice. "There you are."
It sounded so mellow, as if harmless. But your gut tells you it's anything but that. You feel a pair of rough hands hoist you up by your underarms. You squeal like caged piglets and fight against the person holding you. But before you can scream bloody murder, a striking force knocks you out.
Blinking against the harsh stream of light that flooded your vision, you turn sideways to make sense of your surroundings.
"Tae," you mumble—mouth dry and voice hoarse. You feel drilling in your head and your right eye twitches from the prickling pain.
Finally adjusting to the light, you find yourself lying in an unfamiliar room. The first thing you clearly see is the bright bedding draped on you, then a wall adorned with photographs. You force your eyes to make sense of the images, and you regret it. Your breath catches in your throat as you take in the images of you.
Each snapshot was supposed to be a happy memory of you and Taehyung from your first visit to the carnival. But now, you feel repulsed at the immortalized moment, knowing that behind the lights and festivity, darkness lurked. Just as your gut tried to warn you.
You start to wail. And your cries for help grow louder as you realize your hands are chained to the bedpost.
Someone comes closer to you. He plops himself beside you to the bed, demanding your attention. His eyes are alight with a strange mixture of intensity and malice. "Welcome home, Y/N," he smiled. The man reached out a hand, brushing your hair with his fingers. You flinch from his touch and struggle against the restraints.
It takes a minute for your wailing to turn to sensible words. "Who are you? Why are you doing this to me?"
But as you wait for an answer, all you are greeted with is a chilling calmness that you don't share. "Please," you beg.
He remains silent. His fingers still playing with your hair. "Don't you remember me? It's me, Jimin," he introduces himself with a smile.
You thrash around, wanting to mess up his pristine bed, anything that would show him you were against being here.
"Y/N," he calls your name, his voice still calm. Your response is a hard glare. You would curse at him, but you don't trust your voice not to break or turn to sobs again.
"Don't cry, baby." His hands leave your hair to thumb at your creased forehead. "Ever since I saw you, I knew it was you; it had to be you," his words dripping with an unsettling mix of obsession and conviction, "my soulmate."
"You're fucking crazy," you spit your words out; raspy but determined. Disliking your accusation, you stare at you until you shift from discomfort. The weight of his gaze bearing down on you like a suffocating blanket.
"You shouldn't resist, my dear," he deadpans. "We're bound by the red string of fate, tethered together, forever." His face closes in yours and noses at your cheek. His breath was hot against your ear as he resumed talking.
"You felt it too, didn't you?" he whispered, his voice a sinister hiss. "The tug of that thread when you first set foot into my carnival, my home. You cannot deny it any longer."
Your pulse raced with terror as you struggled to comprehend the depth of his delusion. You tried to speak, to protest, but your words were caught in your throat like a knot, choking off any plea, even curse and demeaning words you wanted to shout at him.
How the fuck are you supposed to reason with a crazy man?
Jimin's fingers trail along the curve of your shoulders. "You are finally home, my dear," he murmurs, his touch sending a wave of revulsion coursing through your veins. But you couldn't do anything but take it.
He presses a peck to your cheek. Sensing no movement from you, he slots his lips to yours.
At this, you react violently, your body thrashing to move as far away as you can from him. Your balled fists swing to his face but fall limp, and your feet locked in place tight; you couldn't even push yourself further away from the man.
"Get the fuck away from me," you screech. Guttural screams leave your mouth as you tug at the binds on your limbs.
"Tsk, you're making this difficult, Y/N." He secures your ties, the binds getting tighter, leaving your arms and legs completely immobile.
"I'll show you how good I can be for you, my dear."
"Please," you sob, "Please, enough," the last plea comes out as a moan.
Jimin continuously laps at your cunt, his head locked between your trembling thighs. You twist and turn your body to repel him, but Jimin's head only tilts to look at you. His eyes meet yours, and your breath catches in your throat as you are drawn into the depths of his dilated pupils.
Tingles run on Jimin's back, and if possible, his dick stiffens even more. He's exhilarated as he saw a reflection of his own desire mirrored—a passion so intense it threatened to consume you both. Finally.
He knew you were loving this. He knew he was going to have you. And he thinks he already has.
Unable to tear his gaze away, Jimin feels you gradually surrender to the irresistible pull of his hunger. Your defenses dissolved easily like the cotton candy you loved to wrap your tongue around. Arousal spurts from his cock at the thought of having your sweet tongue wrapped around him. Like cotton candy.
He dives back between your thighs and grazes his teeth to your nub. With his fingers prodding inside you in a come-hither motion, you come undone again for the third time. You're full-on panting as you regulate your breathing. Jimin kneels, and your eyes follow him. He was a sinful delight—lips glistening with your arousal, cheeks flushed, and his cock stands tall and weepy.
He notices your lidded eyes as you stare at his cock and chuckles. "Don't worry. I'll let you feel me sooner than later," he cajoles.
You couldn't find your sanity. You should be resisting, screaming, doing anything to make this difficult for him, but your body just resigns—pliant, submissive to his. You hesitantly bend your knees as far as your bounds let you and ready yourself for him.
With one swooping motion, Jimin leans closer to your body and lines his hard cock to your pussy. You moan in unison as he sinks his tip inside you. His other hand caressed your cheek, and you surprised yourself further as you leaned in. At this, Jimin smiles and smashes his lips to yours. Your mouth locks in a heated, hungry kiss.
Letting his love pour from every pore and hole, Jimin pushes his shaft inside you. The feeling of his bare cock and thick girth pulls an animalistic reaction from you—your nails indent his flawless skin, and your teeth sink to his shoulder, devouring him in all ways. Jimin's hand cups your ass to pull you towards his thrusting hips, his hunger for you never-ending.
And finally, he thinks, you've surrendered to your need for him as well.
A sigh leaves his lips as you move your grip from his back to brush through his hair. He trails kisses along your neck going to your collarbones, each peck turning into love bites. You whimper at the sting, and your lover grows feral at the melodies of your pleasure.
If possible, he would weld you two together like this—forever tangled in euphoria and pleasure. Jimin's hand dips between your compressed bodies, fingers traveling from your tits, taking his time tracing patterns on every skin he touches until he reaches his destination—your clit. His eyes stay on your face as he watches your face contort in pleasure to every flick and motion of his fingers to your pussy.
You stare back, as if beckoning him to cum with you. And so he does.
Your body trembles like aftershocks, and Jimin feels his cock protest in sensitivity.
This is wrong, you think as you have your arms wrapped around your captor. But letting him have his way with you, somehow felt right. This felt like home.
Jimin watches you slumber. His index finger softly traces the slope of your nose. "My beautiful Y/N."
He secures your wrist to the bedpost once again after making love to you. He couldn't risk it yet. Sure, you were no longer screaming at his face, but it's too early, he decides. You've been with him for a week now, and in those seven days, you’ve done nothing but fuck.
A patterned knock pulls his gaze from you.
About damn time.
Jimin opens the door to a grinning man. "Took you long enough," he sneers.
His friend only huffs, "Well, excuse you. I had to deal with the missing reports. Her friends are fucking persistent, and I had to play my part."
"Well, is it dealt with?" Jimin pours water for him and his visitor.
"It's not hitting the local news yet, but I feel like it will die down in a few days." His guest waves off the offered water. "You and I know what could be in that water."
Jimin scoffs. "Why the fuck would I want you passed out in my home." The man across from him just shrugs in response, then says his goodbye.
"Hey, Taehyung," your so-called friend raises his brows, awaiting Jimin's next words, "Thanks for the help with Y/N. I owe you one."
Taehyung only wiggles his eyebrows. He chances a look over Jimin's shoulders to peek at you lying on the bed across the room, then pulls the door close as he leaves.
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BTS members in every MV
Jimin version No More Dream (2013) - We Are Bulletproof pt. 2 (2013) - N.O (2013) - Boy in Luv (2014) - Just One Day (2014) - No More Dream (japanese - 2014) - Boy in Luv (japanese - 2014) - Danger (2014) - War of Hormone (2014) - Danger (japanese - 2014) - I Need U (2015) - For You (2015) - Dope (2015) - On Stage: Prologue (2015) - Run (2015) - I Need U (japanese - 2015) - Epilogue: Young Forever (2016) - Run (japanese - 2016) - Fire (2016) - Save Me (2016) - Lie (2016) - Blood Sweat & Tears (2016) - Spring Day (2017) - Not Today (2017) - Blood Sweat & Tears (japanese - 2017) - Serendipity (2017) - DNA (2017) - MIC Drop (2017) - Euphoria (2018) - Fake Love (2018) - IDOL (2018) - Airplane pt. 2 (japanese - 2018) - Boy With Luv (2019) - Heartbeat (2019) - Lights (2019) - Make it Right (2019) - ON (2020) - ON Kinetic Manifesto Film (2020) - Black Swan (2020) - Stay Gold (2020) - Dynamite (2020) - Life Goes On (2020) - Film Out (2021) - Butter (2021) - Permission to Dance (2021) - My Universe (2021) - Yet to Come (2022) - Yet to Come (Hyundai Version - 2022) - VIBE (2023) - Set Me Free Pt.2 (2023) - Like Crazy (2023) - Angel pt. 1 (2023) - Closer Than This (2023) - Smeraldo Garden Marching Band (2024) - Who (2024)
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lokisasylum · 2 years
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LOL bestie goals
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beautifulpersonpeach · 8 months
To the anon who confessed to feeling surprised that Jungkook wasn't awarded the #1 soldier over Jimin... isn't it nice to have your expectations confounded from time to time? It makes like so much more interesting.
Of course, we all know Jimin is very athletic, trained in martial arts, with amazing hand-eye coordination, yada, yada, yada. But you all are acting like the entire criteria for this award is how well/efficiently you can kill people.
We aren't living in the days of Genghis Khan, people! It's a modern army and there are additional ways to measure leadership and readiness for battle. For example, Jimin's acknowledged proficiency in mathematics will serve him well in long-range artillery.
Finally, this idea that they are surrounded by nothing but toxic, bloodthirsty, and homophobic males is freaking hilarious, considering one of the soldiers expressed his dearest wish was to learn Jimin's skincare routine.
Once you JimIN, you can't JimOUT. Kim Jong Un doesn't stand a chance!
(From one anon to another)
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
This is 2nd time this week I'm saying other member stans/ot7s calling us out for...loving Jimin too much. Idk whether it's a drag or praise LMFAO.
But anyway I can assure that majority of JM stans are not loving him because they are 'infatuated' with him nor they want him to acknowledge each and every events took place during his bday.. these people from different countries are well aware JM maynot even see these events being conducted. They are doing it because they LOVES him.
Yes it is an obsession but hey, as Tae said 'if it's for Jimin it's worth it'. Lmao.. so don't be concerned over us anon.. we good with our mimi obsession 😗😌
Well said 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 once you JimIN you can't JimOUT. Not sure there is even an explanation for why people are drawn to him really.
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chevelleneech · 17 days
I watched all Frankie Biggs videos and he is a red flag for me.
He has stated clearly that he is NOT an Army, just a reactor. So yeah. He chose the biggest global group that has a fan base known for views. Makes sense.
He started with WHO by Jimin and wasn't impressed at all. He said it wasn't a hit. Cool. Thanks for stopping by. Keep it moving.
Next thing you know he has a Once You JimIN you can't JimOut tshirt on!!!????
He invested in that why?? It's sus. Reactors I know don't just run out and get a Jimin shirt like that, especially when they are not floored by Jimin's talent/music. Frankie is hitting Army hard with that "pick me" merch - it feels super manipulative and not genuine at all.
For AYS the guy said some totally random stuff like he heard that JK is married to a woman - like serious real housewives gossip type stuff that is not cool with Army at all. I haven't seen any reactor show up on the scene with rumors but supposedly no knowledge of the group.
Something isn't adding up.
He hates shippers and solos - okay cool - there are other channels that love everyone that supports BTS. I can watch those. Not every reactor gets my views.
Chapter 2 had been all about Solo albums so yes, solos are going to exist. They may have only heard Golden or Face because they got radio play. So there will be naturally born solos in Chapter 2. Old Army need to adapt and realize this is by design. Solos are not the bad guys. Trolls come in every flavor OT7 SHIPPER SOLO - any of them can be rude when hiding behind a keyboard.
Did he deserve death threats - no but that doesn't mean he deserves sympathy views either.
I support a lot of reactors on youtube. But I can't support this guy. He is making it all about himself and I am just not down for his victimization angle.
Also he said Who is mid. I can't support someone that can't see Who is a masterpiece. Our ace duo deserve reactors that can appreciate them from Day 1 and not add to the rumors already surrounding them.
I’m just going to go at this like a bullet point list.
• It’s obvious he’s not army, seeing as he just started reacting to them. Expecting him to be all in already is kind of silly.
• People aren’t obligated to enjoy every song the members put out. I don’t like everything, but I still consider myself a fan, because I enjoy a solid amount and adore them as people.
• Don’t know the story behind this, nor how many reactions he did before getting one, so I won’t say anything about it.
• Like I said, I don’t know his motives. If his wife is Army, maybe she got it for him? As I’m not sure where he’d find one outside of her, if he got it as quickly as your message implies.
• I was told his wife told him this, but I didn’t see whatever video that is in. I haven’t watch all his videos, so idk. That said, if it’s not his wife and I am being led astray… I don’t think him having heard this rumor without knowing anything about the group is that crazy. I see and hear rumors about celebs all the time whom I don’t follow nor listen to. The rumor mill is the rumor mill, it doesn’t prove of disprove much. However, he did have a handful of reactions to the members/group up before AYS, so it’s possible someone in the comments said something. Or his YouTube algorithm started showing him those clickbait titled videos. I don’t watch the people who make them, yet I still get their stuff recommended to me.
As for the rest of your message, cool beans. No one is forcing you to watch the guy, lol. I simply do not think he comes across as a grifter just yet, but that’s me. If I’m wrong then I’m wrong. It’s not the end of the world if someone joined the community just to gain traction to their channel. It sucks that BTS get used, but so do so many other artists and shows and etc. If he’s a fraud, I’ll stop watching him the same way I’ve done with many reactors.
In regard to your opinion on solos, I think you’re treading real close to admitting you are one, lol. I don’t like solos and I don’t care for their excuses. Obviously there will be people who only know one or two members these days, but each member is different enough with their sound and execution of craft, that I can’t take anyone seriously who thinks one member stands out above the group.
All of BTS are extremely talented, and their group music may not be for everyone, but trying to claim you like JK more than everyone else, for example, is just a way to be contrarian. Particularly because he and JM make music that is currently the most similar to the group sound. The only reason someone would get into one member, try BTS, then flat out refuse to listen to the group is because they fell into a toxic solo rabbit hole. No one who genuinely happened across one member, yet never listened to the group, would call themselves a solo, purely because they wouldn’t know what that means.
So again, don’t watch what you don’t want to watch. Don’t listen to whomever you don’t want to listen to, but solos can kick rocks right along with fake reactors. Being Army means actively enjoying BTS. Not without critique, but a minority enjoy more of their work. If you don’t enjoy them or if you only enjoy one member, you’re not Army. Therefore, there is no need for you (using the universal term) to be part of Army conversations.
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jiminsass-istant · 7 months
Jimin is my bias wrecker. My bias is Yoongi.
so change your pinned post??
bc you don't bias jimin 💀
Story time! Let me share a bit of my army journey (about biases).
Daechwita was the first ever music video I watched related to BTS. I then went on to watch Agust D MV and listened to the D2 album. While I was also exploring BTS MVs, I was following Yoongi's lyricism and personal journey. I related a lot to him on a personal level and felt seen- his struggles, his comments on society and humans, his initial inability to show emotions, and usually being the quieter one. I gradually saw how his personality and attitude changed in content over the years and finally with DDay album, he shared his healing journey which was nothing but inspiring.
After Yoongi, RM and Jhope have bias wrecked me, in that order, but the wreckage didn't stay. I appreciated them but the obsession didn't stay. But then Jimin was the first vocal line member who had caught my attention from the start. My eyes were always drawn to him in every choreo and performance. My love for performance and dance were the first things that attracted me to Jimin. The love for Jimin grew gradually, as I discovered that he's not only a great performer, but also a very dedicated hard worker, creative genius, mature and artistic person. And the obsession STAYED. I realised his words always had a lot of weight, wisdom and diplomacy. I realised the 'once you jimin, you can't jimout' is literally real. Once he has charmed you, there's no going back.
This made me wonder if my bias had finally changed to Jimin. But apparently in kpop, bias is someone who you can most relate to. So I thought about it, and no, Jimin is very different than me. He's a hard worker ( I'm a procrastinator), he's always so ready to love and open to love people (not me), he loves being around people and lastly he's very very introspective, and thinks big. Even his introspection is self-less and he thinks about the bigger picture. Me and Jimin are very different. So what is Jimin to me then? Not bias, but wrecker. ( If we go by kpop rules)
But if you look at it, Jimin is the idol i obsess over. Jimin's music is the one I stream the most. Jimin makes me want to work hard for him. Everytime there's a jimin related content, i run to watch it. And I never get tired of praising him for his performances. Yesterday, I was trying to plan a concert for Jimin in my head- the song sequence, the concept, the costumes lol.
That's why in my pinned post, i decided to ditch the technical meanings of bias and bias wrecker. I just thought if Jimin is the one I think about most, it's just safe to call him my bias.
Yoongi will always have a sweet spot in my heart because he makes me feel seen. D2 will always be one of my most cherished albums and I will always look out for his work.
But I am still more excited for pjm2 more than anything, lol.
While my love for Yoongi is more calm, for Jimin it's more energetic, makes me want to do stuff and occupies my mind most of the time. That's why my love for Yoongi is what I keep to myself, but my love for Jimin is something i want to shout out and talk about endlessly.
While I can aspire to be like Yoongi, I cannot aspire to be like Jimin, because I will never be Jimin. He's a once in a lifetime artist and I'm here to thank my fate everyday that I was born in the same timeline as him.
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jimimn · 11 months
i saw a pin/button today that said 'once you jimin, you can't jimout' and i've never felt something so deeply accurately before in my entire life
its a really old fandom saying/joke im surprised you saw it the first time today 😭😭😭 but yes so true 😎
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thedreg · 2 years
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jimin once again slaying me with his perfection 
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psycoantisocial · 7 years
Once you Jimin you can't Jimout
I will forever stand by this statement
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wothearteu-blog · 7 years
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Blessin ur soul with jimin
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miyakyo · 7 years
Ok so my mom has been fangirling over Jimin for 1 hour straight. She literally watched the same fancam of him dancing to Fire over and over saying how “charming and handsome and cute” he is, seriously I think she’s feeling like a teenager again lol this is so funny, I love Jimin’s effect on people, that’s my boy!
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lokisasylum · 4 years
The mistake and blessing of asking BTS stans “who is that guy?”
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We don’t just drop a name for free, we give you A WHOLE ASS REASON TO STAN 4 LIFE.  And that’s on borahae~ 😎😎
Credit [ X ]
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BPP, since you're talking about it, plus explain why so many K-pop fans that got into K-pop through BTS dislike them so much after??
Hi Anon,
I imagine it’s similar to how people become antis of specific members and could be down to a whole host of things. Based on what I’ve seen, it’s these three things:
1. Dashed expectations
2. A bad experience in the fandom
3. Social influence or bandwagoning
I’ve said before that k-pop offers up the veneer of perfection but is actually extremely messy, cut-throat, and filled with distinct Korean cultural markers that could seem to Western foreigners as odd at best and stupid/deplorable in the worst case. Since BTS has the widest and furthest global reach, many of the people who get into k-pop through BTS are complete k-pop noobs who have no understanding of the history of the genre/industry, much less BTS’s history within the wider context of k-pop, and once those people get past the honeymoon phase they get to see how the sausage is really made… and they hate it. Lol.
Basically, the perfect expectations they have of BTS aren’t met because duh, and while I think this happens for practically everyone and is actually a good and expected thing, for certain types of people it kickstarts a chain reaction where they remain in k-pop spaces, absorb all kinds of narratives but can’t let go of BTS in some way or other. Something I've noticed since being into k-pop for (too many) years is that nobody who has ever come into contact with anything related to BTS has ever been able to stop keeping up with them. Not one. I've said before that Jimin is the perfect microcosm of everything BTS is, so they're the og 'once you Jimin you can't Jimout'. The BTS equivalent isn't as pretty syntax-wise, but you get the idea. So like a toxic ex-boyfriend who knows the relationship isn’t working for him anymore and even if he has a new boy/girlfriend, he can’t seem to stop Googling his ex, keeping up with what they’re doing. Maybe they shared a pet before breaking up and he uses that as the excuse to keep up with whatever his ex is up to. This might seem like a dramatic comparison to make after all we're just discussing music and fans and it's not that deep, but k-pop is different. Anybody who has made a fan account is already in too deep there's no point acting coy about it. So yeah, the way some people respond to unmet expectations is anger and/or dislike directed at the subject that failed to meet those expectations.
Another reason is bad experiences within the fandom, and the places you're guaranteed to have bad experiences are shooter, shipper, and solo stan spaces. Like if you're exposed to any of these spaces for a long period of time, just the mention of the word 'ARMY' is likely enough to induce vomit. In my opinion. I've seen worse behaviour from other fandoms at significantly bigger scales and in other generations, but the sort that has found its way into this fandom is ugly and self-destructive. So far the majority of this fandom has kept these factions in check, but lol, everything trends towards entropy hence the byline of this blog.
The third reason is banwagonning. A lot of people are very easily influenced by what people around them think. It's not always a bad thing, but sometimes it works in favour of BTS and other times it accomplishes the opposite effect. As BTS has become so big the group has eclipsed k-pop as a whole, reception to BTS from the wider k-pop space has become increasingly antagonistic, given the competitive nature of the space. So while people might discover k-pop through BTS, what they’ll also discover over time is that an overwhelming amount of k-pop stans have millions of reasons to hate BTS. So for the sorts of people who got into BTS because they thought BTS is popular, once getting into k-pop and entering an environment where BTS and fans of BTS are hated, these sorts of people are more likely to be influenced into disliking BTS.
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sugaspringdays · 7 years
I can’t stop thinking about how warm and full of love the holidays would be with Jimin. Holding hands even though it’s cold, but you can’t feel the chill past the warmth of his soft fingers. His smile lighting up snowy skies, and his laugh putting sleigh bells to shame. Each night through the holiday season the way he looks at you and tells you with all the love he has in his heart how thankful he is to have you by his side. 
Jimin is soft, golden warmth and sweet frosting on holiday cookies. He is the lights on Christmas trees twinkling gently, illuminating the dark rooms of winter. He is the calm warmth of a bubble bath on a stormy night, and the clothes fresh from the dryer that remind you that you are warm and safe and worth more than you believe. He is the scent of lavender candles that make you remember the love that fills your every passing moment. He is the empty moments that somehow don’t feel lonely and the butterflies in your stomach when you hear your favorite song. 
Jimin is love and light and joy, and I am so thankful that he exists.
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