#One time i told my roommate the band Fever 333 should have it said Fever Three Three and she was like no shut up
tadashidumba · 5 months
So is it pronounced "Interstella Four Five" in the tadition of Galaxy Express 999 or like
Reasonably and not like that
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Characters: GERARD WAY x Reader
Author’s note: There’s some cursing but nothing too much to worry about. I’m considering doing a part 2 but I’m not sure yet. Tell me if you’ll be interested ?
Word Count: 2k225
1.    The name’s Y/N
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You walk into the empty parking lot , looking back at your friend and bandmate Dex , who is just getting out of your tour bus. To say that you were nervous was the least, but you wanted to look cool and relax or else it would be extremely awkward . When your friend finally arrived beside you, you started walking towards the empty venue , quickly followed by the three crew member, Max your sound engineer ,Billy and Ames both your bus drivers and stage managers.
This morning , the air was chill and you were already cursing to yourself not to had dressed yourself warmer. You were just wearing a camo pant with a large white t-shirt and your leather jacket with your ranger’s boots. You lightened up a smoke hoping to get warmer at the nauseous smell, Dex threw you a disapproving glance .
The arena wasn’t open just yet, so you waited .
 “First time we’re gonna play in an arena huh?” asked Ames .
 Ames was Indian , had short black hair and dark eyes which he almost always narrowed looking pretty distant and angry , but as soon as you get to know him he was very kind and funny. He was pretty tall (6 feet tall) . He’s been around for three years now . Helping packing, and driving the bus , he was the one to introduce you to Billy, his roommate, one year ago. Ames was a sweetheart always willing to help , he truly was part of you band now.
 “Yeah pretty scary I have to admit . So scared I’m gonna screw up during the show.” Explained Dex fingering his blue hoodie nervously.
Dex was always pretty nervous about anything so it wasn’t a surprise to you. Dex drunked a lot of coffee , he hated any kind of smoke . You and Dex knew each other since you were 10 . You never were the one to discuss with people in elementary school ,always more attracted to drawing to something, than talk about a new Barbie with the girls of your class and boys were pricks so you preferred to be left alone , day dreaming alone. It’s not that you weren’t talkative and social , you were a lot in fact . But you didn’t find anyone worth having a discussion with . You though they were all kinda assholes to be honest . Than Dex arrived at your school they were from Ireland . Everyone in your class started to befriend them , but you were their best friend . In fact you even had a crush on them at the time. They were an explosion of colors and were pretty fun to be around , and most important, not an asshole . They confide you that they were non binary during the summer before the start of high school. Dex was short and almost just skin and flesh . with a flamboyant white hair and hazel eyes. Today they were wearing their favorite hoodie which was more a plaid than an hoodie to be honest, some vans and a destroyed red wine jean .
You took a long drag of your cigarette not wanting to participate in the discussion. You had already so much on your mind , you didn’t want to show it to the guys.
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 “You screwing up ? Nah can’t happen men . Never had since I’m here at least .” Said Billy trying his best to reassure your bandmate , patting them on the right shoulder . Billy and Dex were best friends since he tagged along after one of our show back to one year ago. Billy was also Irish , but more like a ‘stereotypical’ Irish than Dex . He was more pale than the snow itself , had sweet freckles all over his face and body , you knew it because you couldn’t not remark the gentles dots all over his arms whenever he was packing your instrument in his metal merch T-shirt, he had long natural wave ginger hair, eyebrows and beard . He was much more massive than Ames who looked like a sixteen years old . He could be quite frightening when you jut looked at his appearance unlike Ames who looked like a cinnamon roll but had this angry vibe whenever he went , Billy on his side was the most kind and attentive guy you had ever met . Billy was tall, much more taller than anyone you knew.
 “It’s because you’re around since only 1 year mate !” Laughed Ames , making me smirk along .
 Max was listening without really doing it, more worried about freezing his ass off in the empty parking lot than to engage with the group. Max was an okay guy. Not one of the most talkative, except for when he had a drink or two. Max was from England just like you. He was quite pale too . He had brown straight hair , a little peach fuzz, couldn’t seemed to grow a bear . Max had little ring earrings and transparent olive glasses , he often wore grey beanies . He was pretty short and was the oldest of your little group. He was working for you since four years already, you knew him from this little bar where you used to perform at your debut .
As you were lost in your thoughts two other tour bus pulled up in the parking lot, soon followed by a third.
 “Ha ! Finally !” sighed Max.
 You took a long drag of your cigarette , eyeing closely for the crew to come out of it .
A large group of people were descending from it, laughing between them . They seemed a whole lot warmer than you, dressed appropriately in coats and beanies . They all looked older than the four of you, most of them probably stage manager and crew members.  A guy came up running to you, he looked older than the group of guys chatting in front of their buses and a little more ‘polished’ in way.
 “Hi! You must be Violent Gasoline ? I’m Damien, the tour manager. » The guy presented himself , extending his left hand.
 You gave a quick nod in agreement, your smoke still stuck between your lips. Max extended his own hand to the guy activating his ‘business mode’ on.
 “Nice to meet you in person Damien. My name’s Max I’m the sound engineer and I guess you could also say the tour manager. This is Billy and Ames , our stage crew and finally Dex and Y/N from Violent Gasoline!”
You jumped on your foots trying to warm up yourself , while everyone shook Damien’s hand. Yours were put away in your pant pockets too cold to even move .
 “So I have called the arena crew and they’re supposed to open the private gate any minute now.” Warned Damien , giving us an apologizing look . “I hope you didn’t wait for too long …”
“No, it’s okay mate .” Said Billy lying , not wanting to make him feel responsible of anything.
“By the way, those are our staff/crew members” told us Damien , pointing at the crew next to the buses. “The guys should be here in an hour they went to have breakfast, before starting the day. Did you had any?”
“Yeah just before we arrived , in the tour bus.” Smiled Dex . They did , you just had coffee .
 Than a guy dressed entirely in black from head to toe opened to us , you dumped your cigarette on the cold pavement , soon enough the crew joined you and you all went inside . You gladly welcomed the warmth of the space eating you up, relaxing a little. Dex seemed to have regained some colors on their side , while you felt comfortable enough to get your hands out of your pockets. As you were the one being here first you started soundcheck pretty early , adjusting lights and balance check . You placed yourself behind your drums as soon as Ames and Billy installed your kit. You were now playing since three hours and had removed two of your songs off your song list to replaced them by news songs from your next album in writing . Dex had some difficulties with the solo bass line from one of your new song .
 “Dex, you know what , just let’s not do this one . We’ll replace it with ‘Do ré mi’ as usual ”You shouted to your bandmate, referring to your Nirvana cover, you used to finish every gig with this one. “We’re almost done anyway.”
“Y/N , no way, I’m not-“ Dex started turning to look at you , before being cut in the middle of their sentence by a loud ‘bang’ from a door closing .
 Soon followed by loud chatting and laughter from a group of guys entering the venue from the left side in front of the stage. Quickly Damien arrived ruining up to them , hushing directly at them pointing the stage to them. Everything went silent.
 “Awkward…” You whispered to yourself as no one moved .
“Sorry , we didn’t mean to be rude .” Excused one of the guys with blond hair. They all went to sit in the arena crowd.
 You stand up from your kit , you went for your bottle of water. “ It’s okay, we were done anyway.” You took a sip at the bottle , before catching Dex looking frustrated over you not letting them redo his solo for the one hundred and fiftieth time of the day. They’ll get over it.
You left the stage , Dex jogging up to you trying to catch up their breath before proposing to grab a bite in your dressing-room for launch with Max, Ames and Billy . You were starving since you didn’t ate this morning. Billy and Ames had gone catch the rest of yesterday dinner in your bus which consisted to a pasta salad, with orange juice and clementines for dessert . Max was in the hallway talking on the phone with your label. Once you finished your plate you brought back to your bus the dishes and started cleaning it up, you were tired of your rehearsal so you went to your bunk to get some sleep setting your alarm to five pm and took a well deserved nap.
‘Prey for me’ from The fever 333 echoed into the room waking you up , you groan not really wanting to wake up from bed at this point. With a long sigh you stopped your phone from doing any more sounds, and got up. Once dressed you searched your leather jacket at the research of your pack of cigarettes.
 “Where the fu-“
“Here” Ames was handing to you your pack of cigarette looking as you had just woken him up from his own nap on your couch . You jumped , taken by surprised by his presence but soon regain posture reaching for your cigarettes. Ames often borrowed some of yours paying you back later on so you weren’t even surprised.
“Where are the guys ?” You asked before he got back to his nap .
“Still hanging out in your lodge .” He said before resting his face on the pillow he found and closing his eyes , almost already snoring .
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 You got out welcomed by the cold from outside , winter was a pain in the ass. You reached for a cigarette before lightening it up and taking a long drag from it . By the time you crossed all the parking lot to the arena your smoke was long gone. Once inside you headed straight to your lodge. Before opening the door the room, you heard laughter coming from inside.
 “Hey guys, what’s the joke ?” You said opening the door with a smirk.
 Suddenly six eyes land on you. What was happening …? ‘Awkward’ you murmured yet again . On the red velvet sofa was seated three guys from earlier, on the couch next to them was slumped Billy, Dex and the blonde from earlier.
 “Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt guys !” you said trying to play it cool with a sly smirk on your face.
 “No haha don’t worry dude ! They’re My Chemical Romance!” Stated Billy lifting up his beer to prove his point . The blonde stood up welcoming you by kissing your cheeks .
“Hi my name’s Mikey ! I’m the bass player , nice to meet you!” You gave a nod
 “The name’s Y/N .” You said debating over whether to or not to kiss the other members. The browned haired boy with a lot of tattoos decided to help you out by lifting himself up to welcomed you.
“Hey , Frank. I’m the guitarist.” He said calmly handing out his hand for you to shake. Once done he returned on right side of the couch, while the guy on the left side got up to kiss both of your cheeks.
“Ray ! Also guitarist.” He had a sincere smile . Then the last one got up, he had dark hair, hazel eyes, red make up and was pretty pale.
“I’m Gerard , the lead singer” He said shaking your hand. You had to admit he was good looking, they all were to be honest.
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