#Onision vs alleged ex-classmate
Onision vs Alleged Ex-Classmate Part 1: Intro
So, recently Greg responded to an interview an alleged ex-classmate did around three years ago. He had already discussed some of the claims a few years ago in a tumblr post but this video is much longer and covers more. The interview was done by Someguy who confirmed that Michael was telling the truth about going to school with Greg. The proof was not made public however so take that with a grain of salt. What I am going to focus on is Greg’s rebuttals as he tends to self-incriminate which I think is the real thing that will prove any legitimacy to the claims. This is going to be split into parts because otherwise, this post will be too long. Greg’s video is BvS levels of too long for its own good. Btw, Greg, next time don’t interrupt the interview during random points because it doesn’t prove any points, and your nervous, forced laughter isn’t fooling anyone. It’s just more suspicious
False argument 1: this is totally fake because it’s known Greg was a loner and didn’t talk to most people.
This is a bad rebuttal cause you can still know things about the “loner kid” in high school, and there was a reason why people didn’t talk to him much. Plus this guy said he knew about Greg cause his bff slept with Greg as well as by being mutual friends with Skye. Greg has also documented his many ex-girlfriends in his blogs so even by his own admission he’s talked to many people. Also Michael could have been one of the few people to talk to him. Things like this make me feel like there is truth to Michael’s claim because Greg doesn’t really refute his claims
False argument 2: the interviewer didn’t identify the school Michael and Greg went to
If the interviewer had mentioned your school by name you would have freaked out about “privacy”. Michael also clearly didn’t want to be identified because he has a life outside of this. Also saying the school name also doesn’t prove anything cause finding your school is a quick google search away. No way was a guy trying to protect his identity going to submit photos of himself as a kid at school or his report card publicly. Either bring up actual contradictions or just focus on defending your character Greg. You’re digging a hole for yourself here
Meh argument 1: Gregory Jackson is not my name, I went by G Daniel in HS (his middle name)
That was your name Greg, and the guy likely didn’t remember your last name because in normal highschool life you don’t know your classmates’ last names so he went with the legal name he found online of you. Though this isn’t a horrible argument to make so I’ll give you that. Though side note, how was this guy supposed to know Daniel is on your birth certificate?
False argument 2: no consistent high school
This contradicts his blog, how long he apparently knew Skye, and his family’s whereabouts. So one of these is the lie and I’m going to assume it’s now when it’s a defence vs when it was an innocent blog
Storytime with Onision 1: Kicked out of class + vandalism + accidentally confirms M is legit
So M said "he was always the quiet, somewhat awkward kid who would have the occasional loud outburst in class over something he thought was funny” and mentioned he was kicked out of class for this multiple times. Greg says it only happened one time FOR LAUGHING AT EVERYTHING THE TEACHER WAS SAYING. Tell me Greg, if M is lying, how could he have perfectly described one time you were kicked out of class? Greg doesn’t seem to realise this for the rest of the video
Also Greg went into the aftermath of this story and holy shit, after getting kicked out of class for his rude and childish behaviour he took a quarter and used it to fiddle with the school lights and shut off the hallways lights and laughed cause this resulted in scaring some kid in the hallway. This is him apparently “laughing at the crazy people in this world”. YOU TURNED YOUR SCHOOL LIGHTS OFF AND YOU’RE ACTING LIKE THIS WAS A TOTALLY FINE AND GOOD THING. wtf???
Also “I was never reprimanded for laughing”, but you were kicked out of class for it... Also, you admit you laughed before, after, and while the teacher was mad but “it was just laughing”. Clearly you were being rude and disrespectful so the laughter wasn’t innocent, especially after the teacher got mad
This is the end of part one, next part is on the cheating allegations which will be long enough on its own. Stay tuned :)
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Greg vs Alleged Classmate Part 6: Abuse
So this is the final part of the video starts with a secret child of Greg but mostly involved Greg talking about his relationship with Lainey. This was a tough one to get through and I’m sorry if it isn’t my most coherent one. I didn’t edit this one that much and Greg rambled a lot but I couldn’t go back and re-read most of my work. I’m sorry
It’s not creepy to mention kids Greg, holy shit
Ok, so this needs to be said. If I say my aunt has 5 kids, that isn’t talking about the kids, it’s talking about the aunt. If I say my aunt’s kids are all in school, that’s talking about the kids but it’s vague and just mildly descriptive. If I say “my aunt’s eldest female child whose name is Sansa Stark married Tyrion Lannister at age 14″, THAT is getting creepy in terms of how much I’m talking about the child who probably should remain more anonymous than that. We got that? Good, Greg still doesn’t so he wastes my time talking about how creepy it is to say he has a secret kid for the kid’s sake despite nothing actually being told about the kid and then skips the video. He misses a lot, and hilariously, it wasn’t even about the kid still
What Greg missed in the full minute he skips
It’s second-hand information again but M trusts the source
Lainey doesn’t know
He’s gone from small annoyances which have now blown up into very large, unmanaged problems since high school. These issues now define him as a person
“I don’t have any chemistry with Lainey???”
Nope, you didn’t then and you don’t now
Apparently, he defines chemistry with kissing on camera. His proof of chemistry is that with Skye they never kissed on camera but with Lainey he does. Also he again forgets this interview is old because he says how they both kiss in her videos. Also is claiming M said him and Skye were passionate which isn’t the case, just that Greg flip-flopped a lot and abused her then left her out to dry.
Yay, another gay joke. Even dressed as a boy, kissing Lainey, if anything, proves how little you love them because you show no passion in the kiss, push her away, belittle her in your videos, shit on her, scare her, etc. Your videos prove you don’t love her. It is heartbreaking even if you don’t like Lainey.
Also, years don’t count when it’s abusive, it just shows how long you’ve groomed and manipulated her Greg. Also, THIS INTERVIEW IS 3 YEARS OLD
And now I’d say Lainey does know you, she’s just so stuck on you. I don’t need to know the victim to hate the abuser, I don’t have to know the victim to feel sympathy for them. I don’t need to know Skye, I don’t need to know Shiloh, I don’t need to know Adrienne, I don’t need to know Billie, I don’t need to know Lainey, I don’t need to know Sarah, I don’t need to know Maya, I don’t need to know Madison. They’re all women you’ve used and abused. The last three you did so through Lainey
Billie blame
If we want to see Lainey be abused by someone we should watch “My Side of the Story” by Lainey. But the main shitty person there isn’t Greg apparently, it’s Billie for how she responded to what they did to her and putting all the blame on her when at most it was half. With Greg pulling all the strings
And Greg is claiming she basically told Lainey to kill herself using vague imagery using a hateful and direct way because he needs to make sure we can’t turn around and showcase the many times Greg has told someone to kill themselves.
So Billie is the horrible, violent, abusive person while Greg stood by his spouse, If by “stand by” he means standing in front of his pregnant spouse and signing his two kids to her because he’s leaving her for Billie then yes, he did “stand by” her. The only reason he’s “still here” is because Billie didn’t take him back
Holy manipulation of a situation Batman!
Also, this interview is pre-Billie so this argument makes even less sense
ALSO, he very specifically describes abuse as violent. I want him to try and refute his actual abuse which is much quieter than that. Especially abuse they’re talking about which is pre-Billie, but I’m glad to know anytime he thinks of a time he was shitty, he at least thinks of the time he cheated on Lainey and told her to deal with it then told her he was leaving and didn’t give to shits about her, their son, and their unborn child while also thinking he wasn’t that bad
I don’t want to listen to this: skips the good stuff and makes out like M is creepy for thinking of Greg’s child-filled audience
He skips:
M predicting what Greg was going to do if he ever responded (pretend it’s all a lie)
His millions of audience members will believe him. Thankfully, no. This video has 20k views and only 300 good comments (with some bad ones he hasn’t deleted yet). Likes/dislikes turned off
“You know this is just a grand version of what he would do back in high school. As opposed to saying “I have problems, I did some messed up things” ; he’ll say “I don't have problems, I don’t do messed up things. None of this is true“ --> sounds about right
“Watching him so easily be all right with making himself a role model to hundreds of thousands of children out there, teenagers are frankly still children“ ----> Greg skips here and hears “thousands of children” before going “yuck” and skipping, building a retoric that M is a creepy pedo as per usual
“Some of these kids, my son and my daughter, are going to be the same age as these kids that watch him right now one day.. and it breaks my heart that a lot of these kids are gonna sit there and think ‘that is how I should be in life. I should be someone that judges other people, whom I don’t know, for things that aren’t any of my business.’“ ---> I wish Greg had responded to this
“How could I have changed since high school?” also “Cycle of abuse? What’s that?”
Greg states he’s confused because in high school he had to rely on his mom and now he controls others
People change, though you still act as if the government is going to act like your mom and not ever punish you for doing things wrong
People who experience abuse tend to inflict it on other. You admit your mom was abusive Greg, these two stages in your life link together quite well
My spouse is a psych major, how can she be abused?
“good thing Greg doesn’t hit me”
“Oh, it’s different when he does it”
“but he wouldn’t be nice if he hated me”
“we have kids”
“he kisses me on camera” (Like Jaclyn)
“he came back to me after he left”
Also, not all psych degrees cover abuse and Lainey only has her bachelor's degree. Or at least as in-depth as Greg seems to think. It’s possible to miss things in your own life. That’s why therapists have their own therapists, that’s why doctors can’t prescribe things for themselves or family. Not to mention you’d already sunk your claws into your obsessed fan before she ever read a psych book. When you’re gaslit and abused, something as simple as logic or googling “am I in an abusive relationship” does not register to you as a red flag. The latter happened to me, I googled it at least once every six months, ticked all the red flags, then said no, doesn’t apply here. But it did, and it does the moment you had to google that phrase. Lainey went through the motions in a video, she came up with the same bullshit I did and elected to ignore the questions even she couldn’t pretend didn’t apply as many do. People who are abused don’t tend to know they’re abused until it’s too late. If we knew we’d have left long before being raped or beaten by our “loving” partners. As I’ve said before, fuck you Greg
“I paid for their school”
Irrelevant, but glad to know you hold it over her head. Also glad you decided to put in how much money it was in your statement.
Also, her father was paying her tuition and board, as well as giving her an allowance. All while she was secretly married to you. You simply wasted your own and his money. Yeah, her father had every right to threaten to pull her college fund, she wasn’t owed it, and it was a desperate attempt to get his essentially kidnapped daughter to come home from the adult man who had preyed on her and took her away as his own.
His argument here is, “deflection to her dad without context”, “look, I saved her”, and finally “I gave her her college education of 50k, this isn’t abuse because I gave her this massive gift that saved her life”. Wow, if that isn’t a nice abuse tactic...
“You guys aren’t psych majors, she is”
See the point of her being a psych major above plus the fact that experience helps identify it, almost all your former partners calling you abusive (“we get it, Greg, you like hurting young girls”), you filling all the checkboxes for abuse, outsider perspective, former friends calling you abusive, Social Fucking Repose identifying your abuse (I’d say he’s an expert in that field), and anyone who is a decent person can identify shit when they smell it
Also Lainey doesn’t have more psychology experience than all of us combined, she got a bachelor’s in psych degree online many years ago, never worked in the field or as a co-op student as far as I’m aware, never got her master’s, and her intention was to be a children’s social worker. She’s as qualified to talk about abuse as Kati Fuckface Morton is to talk about diagnosing and treating personality disorders as a marriage counsellor. Lainey should work for BetterHelp, at least she does have one degree
Concluding statements on abuse by Greg
And so we end with Greg attempting to gaslight the audience by calling us the crazy ones who are actually abusing Lainey by invalidating her feelings and the misunderstanding the cycle of abuse. Things Greg is gaslighting us as doing:
We’re acting like Lainey is stupid
That Lainey can’t think for herself
We’re belittling Lainey
We’re acting superior to Lainey
We’re attacking her intelligence and calling her nothing like a blob of goo on the pavement, essentially a vegetable
(See Lainey’s “Hater Listens to 21 Pilots” and see if this checks any of Greg’s behaviours on screen)
Greg now describes the cycle of abuse as the victim replicating their abusive dynamic. Sometimes it results in people running from one abusive relationship to another, other times it results in the victim never wanting to be a victim again and wanting power so they then become the next abuser. Greg himself calls himself the dom of his relationship, the “father figure” or “guider”. Also notes he pays for the bills in most relationships which is a typical sign of a power imbalance. We see two iterations with this with Greg, Greg being abused by his mom. She tried kicking him out before becoming an adult, yelled at him when he cried, beat him with a fire extinguisher, etc. Now Greg is the abuser, laughing at Lainey when she cries, makes her cry, talks down to her, uses her mercilessly, etc. And now Lainey uses children like Sarah the same way Greg uses and hurts her. Lainey also defends herself with these girls as her shield against Greg.
You kept your finances separate because you didn’t want a Skye situation, Lainey has a degree she cannot use to get a job, Lainey’s youtube was dependent on you and still mostly is. Lainey requires you for all emotional issues she has but yet you will wake up a guest in your house so she can deal with it instead of you.
Food for thought Greg, your mom abused you all your life, yet you always returned to her and tried keeping her happy until now. It’s almost as if you let your abuser get away with things
The video ends before the end of the interview, Greg never addresses the alleged death of two of his dogs
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Onision vs Alleged Ex-Classmate Part 3: Odd Moralities
This next part, like with the cheating section includes rebuttals Greg has already made against this interview. In my last section I neglected to mention this but his gasp when Michael accused him of being a cheater amused me as he had already addressed it. Now again we (or at least I) shall hear Greg act like this is his first time refuting or ignoring these claims while acting as if M should know information Greg has said within the last few years, after Michael’s interview. Now, of course, one could assume Greg forgot about this interview in the last three years but we all know Greg does not forget a slight any more than he forgets the first and last name of the girl he kissed in second grade
False claim: I’ve never said [that drugs/alcohol were worse than murder]
Besides that the guy was looking for a way to explain your exaggerated hatred of these things and not saying you’ve actually said that, this is accurate to your view on them. I would also like to bring up a comparison. Greg has more freely chosen to interact with known rapists and abusers like Toby Turner/Tobuscus than he has with pot users, even those who legally smoke in their state. Another thing, Greg has said he wishes that drug users would overdose and die yet appears to be against the death penalty He has even taken extreme views on psychiatric medicines calling them “head drugs” and stating parents who give their kids medication don’t love their kids. Now I’m not going to refute the idea that many “problem children” have been over-prescribed things like ADHD medication (though we have gotten better than the early 2000s), but to simplify all drugs and situations as the same and going to the other extreme is just as horrible. Kids with schizophrenia deserve help and relief from their symptoms, and children who do have ADHD can have it literally stop them from doing anything, including the things they want to do like read a book (shocking, I know) or play a video game that involves concentration (aka, all of them). It can also make their responsibilities actual torture, who wants to spend a whole night on a page of math homework because you literally can’t concentrate on the question for more than a minute at a time. Sure I prefer therapy over harsh medications for children, but therapy alone cannot help serious chemical imbalances, just help you through the fallout of these chemical imbalances. To refuse a child medicine can doom the child to become another statistic in childhood suicide
Greg is a coward: skipping ahead
Greg chooses to skip ahead because they’re talking about his morality instead of defending his points of view. Coward His excuse is “let’s talk about high school instead of just, opinions of me”. This is high school, it his M talking about how you had extreme and also stupid/uneducated viewpoints even then demonstrating that your current rhetoric of “character” is bullshit. You are the equivalent of Alex Jones saying it’s all just an exaggerated act despite everyone who knows him expressing that it is not one. If anything this is all even more valid now than back then when it was just Lainey saying that you were different off camera. You didn’t even try to manipulate your way out of this one. So I say again, coward Here is the stuff he skipped:
Reportedly acted superior for not trying drugs in school, even towards others who also never tried these things
Reportadly treated people different based on their looks, something Greg has been shown to do today and is criticized over
Bad rebuttal: I wasn’t a vegetarian, therefore, I didn’t shame meat eaters
Here Greg was so close to making a proper rebuttal! M says that Greg would try and start shit with people who were eating meat at lunch. Greg’s rebuttal to this is that between the ages of 12 and 23 he was not a vegetarian. His life and reasons for this are quite interesting (until age 12 he followed his mom’s rules based on the religion she followed, past that he was able to choose and didn’t understand the reasons to be vegetarian so he wasn’t one until he was older), and I found evidence to support this (when he turned 23 his yahoo account started asking if things were vegan/vegetarian and he mentioned that a dish he liked in Korea included meat at age 22-23, plus Greg says he has stated this age in many videos, didn’t bother looking though as I had my proof). If M only mentioned Greg shamed meat eaters in this interview, one would assume it was due to Greg being vegetarian as he is now and Greg would have a good point here which would negatively affect M’s credibility. However, it does not end there
M states the shaming was weird because Greg ate meat during the time which he knew Greg, throwing Greg’s rebuttal out because it hung on the fact that Michael didn’t know Greg ate meat in high school and potentially assumed Greg was vegetarian his whole life. But clearly Michael did know this information. It could have been from Greg’s videos instead of knowing Greg, but regardless, Greg’s rebuttal no longer works and Greg would have benefitted to a prepared video (though I’m glad he didn’t do one)
Gasp! A good point!
During the time which M is talking about Greg shaming meat eaters, Greg mentions that Someguy never once followed up on that Greg actually did eat meat in high school or brings up the point “why would Greg shame someone else for something which he does?”. When M brings it up, it’s on his own. I’ll hand this to Greg, it does actually lower Someguy’s potential credibility in being able to conduct this interview and cut to the truth vs just enjoying hearing his opinions confirmed instead of trying to think critically about them (Greg goes into a spiel). Part of this could be that this was an impromptu interview he was not prepared for, but that is still something to critique. Good job Greg, here’s your gold star! 🌟
Interesting information: Greg has heart problems
Greg states a good reason he stopped eating meat was to avoid the cholesterol because he has heart problems (but also states this wasn’t why he was discharged). This is interesting because Greg eats shit food from Taco Bell (1 black bean burrito has 4g saturated fat with a total of 11g fats) no problem so is this out of ignorance? Or is this heart problem something he convinced himself he had because he searched some stuff on Google and he was convinced he only got the symptoms from eating red meat? Or does Greg just slip out lies by accident and this was an example of that? Honestly, I’m inclined to believe the former two options given how this information was just casually dropped for extra context for him going vegetarian. I’d like for Greg to address this one day
A comment about Greg’s arguments:
The ones that aren’t blatant contradictions wind up being his word vs Michael’s and honestly, it’s conflicting because while I don’t have solid proof of M being who he says he is, Greg’s current track record is that he himself is not credible. Plus M has circumstancial evidence suggesting he’s legit while I have caught Greg avoiding allegations and in some lies. I dunno, it felt worth mentioning
A stupid argument: assaulted by metalheads
Greg tries to argue that because he listened to metal (Slipknot), there was no reason for three metalheads to jump him at school. This is stupid because the story was that Greg went up to these guys and antagonised them with something to do with his morals, and not anything to do with them actually being metalheads. It was just a descriptor for these three guys. See, if Greg had just continued down his argument of “what’s less crazy” (and going by the logic of the most simple answer is the correct one), he’d have more credibility but he rambles and adds a bunch of extra details and makes false arguments which ignore the actual point which starts making his whole argument/point fall apart. Greg even makes a note that him and his gf (which one, he doesn’t say) were the only ones wearing Slipknot shirts suggesting they were the only real metalheads and the rest were posers. Why state this fact? It makes him seem like he’s saying “I wasn’t jumped by metalheads cause I was one of them, but if they did exist I’d be more legit than them”. Which just puts the image in my head of a scenario where Greg walked up to a group of metalheads and told them just that, that they were posers for not wearing a Slipknot shirt and got beat up for it. Now of course, this is just a scenario I thought up of but that’s the thing, Greg himself creates holes in his arguments and has now given me a good reason why he could have made these guys mad!
Bad rebuttal: Greg finally addresses the meat-eating hypocrisy
Greg hears M state he knows Greg ate meat, and asks why would he claim Greg would yell at people for eating meat if he does it himself? To be honest, that point kind of pushes the idea that it’s true. Who would make up a stupid story like that? Why say this when we all know it is crazy to do something like that? It would ruin your credibility normally, which is why a liar wouldn’t ever make this claim. Greg also brings up that potentially Someguy cut the audio and told M that Greg ate meat in high school then steered the interview in the “Greg is crazy” direction but he contradicts this point by saying Someguy would be better off cutting the whole thing. Again, giving credence to this being fact because why lie about this?
ALSO Greg routinely does that sort of hypocritical thing to this day! Greg preaches that eating meat is unhealthy (saying 100% of meat eaters are unhealthy and cannot be healthy or fit) and puts meat eaters down below all vegetarians automatically for this because eating unhealthy is a horrible, terrible thing. All the while eating lots of unhealthy and processed foods (see the taco bell example above, his now defunct food instagram foods), being really unfit, and having really terrible skin despite being in his early 30s. This is him literally shaming people for doing something he does! How crazy huh Greg? You’re going to need a better argument than that
Greg also states the following: if someone would do this, it would be because they’re a troll and making a joke that no one got, “but that wasn’t him”. Funny, this was Michael’s theory, that you are a troll and a shit-disturber. Also he continually states that Greg told really bad jokes no one got
Bad rebuttal: how could a classmate ever see him at burger king eating a whopper? I thought this was about high school!
Yeah, cause nobody has ever run into a classmate outside of class
Good rebuttal: I am/have been a legit vegetarian
M states he believes Greg has never been a legit vegan/vegetarian (pure speculation, not talking about Greg in school). Greg counters this by saying he’s had enough public ex-friends who exposed him after the end of their friendship and not one ever stated he’s eaten meat near them. Greg is right, he’s pissed off enough people that this would have come out if it were true
And thus we end part 3, I had more written but I think it’s better suited to part 4 so I’ll include it there. I'm surprised I’m actually ending on a note in Greg’s favour but credit, where credit is due. Greg is enough of an ass that the truth eventually is exposed when it comes to him. And I believe some of it really is coming out here
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Onision vs Alleged Ex-Classmate Part 2: cheating allegations
Ok, Greg, let’s see you discuss the cheating allegations in a post-cuddlegate world
But before that, here is some of his known history of cheating:
Cheated on Skye with Shiloh
Potentially cheated on Shiloh with Adrienne and vice versa
Cheated on Lainey with Billie, lied to Billie that it was fine to convince her to do so
Emotionally cheated on Lainey with Vix, desperately tried to get Vix to visit him
Likely kissed Maya without asking Lainey first, definitely didn’t ask Maya first
Now onto the video!
False claim: I didn’t date many people in high school
Greg, You’ve been near-constantly in and out of relationships since your youtube career started. Why would someone believe that wasn’t the case before? Also here are some people you talked about on your blog and in videos:
Christine/Christina (the one he made dress “goth” for a day to prove loyalty to him)
Shiree, claimed she cheated on him (was bisexual so this could have either been projection, her having friends who were girls, or actual cheating)
Tanya/Tanna/Essa, his first big love, tried to get with her again after his divorce in 2011. Could have been during his time with Shiloh
Tashina, two-week relationship in Washington hs
Sharnell, calls her his gf but apparently, he groped her boob then broke up with her... Is one of his “I dated black girls” shields
Ashley, knew her when he knew/was dating Tanisha. She broke it off because of his made-up religion Sicesca
There were potentially others as he talked of three more girls whose age he didn’t mention, plus any others he hasn’t. So that’s minimum 7 girlfriends in high school with two of them part of an Earth club with him together. That’s a decent amount in my humble opinion. Also, the loner was part of high school clubs huh? But I digress
False claim: This “Skye person”
Ok 1, this Skye person is your ex-wife Greg, wtf? And good job dodging Michael’s claim that you cheated on her in high school to instead talk about you cheating on her with Shiloh. His defence is he didn’t meet Shiloh until after him and Skye broke up but that both isn’t true and in this case doesn’t matter. Cyr and Shiloh have admitted to this. Cyr says that on a night he and Skye went to the hospital, he knew Greg was skyping with Shiloh. Adrienne and Greg were in a mostly Skype relationship and he considers them to have been dating during that time, so to him, long distance dating is a true form of dating. Therefore he was cheating on Skye with Shiloh. He was in a secret side relationship, that’s cheating. That also doesn’t go into the time Shiloh was in the US and Greg crashed Skye’s car during a snowstorm while driving to meet Shiloh. Shiloh has also confirmed this was at age 16 and he drove her to a state that was legal. This violates the Mann Act that prevents people from taking advantage of the different state statutory rape laws as he did. Also, the timeline you’re trying to peddle Greg is that within a week and a half of filing for divorce you met and fell in love with Shiloh and flew her to the USA to start dating in person.
Minor claim: “I’m not Social Repose”
You’re both cheating abusers obsessed with Jaclyn Glenn. Sure you didn’t have a long-term affair with Billie before forcing Lainey to be ok with it and it was never secret but still. Though Social Repose is actually more interesting and intelligent than you (plus, ignoring the content, his music is better than Greg’s), which just makes him a more successful shitty cheater than you. You scare your attempts to cheat with away. But go on sir
Minor claim: [the cheating] is insane, cause it’s not real!
Back to Social Repose, but what he did was insane, but we all know it was real. It was insane when you filmed Shiloh having a mental breakdown and seizures then posted it online later instead of getting her to a hospital. But it was also real
False claim: “wouldn’t word get around and people would stop dating me?”
So what would you say this is? I’d say word got around and maybe that’s why you stopped cheating on Skye and “got serious” with her. You could have said that you and Skye weren’t actually dating. And let’s be honest, there are plenty of people who cheat and are ok with sleeping with someone in a relationship (again, see social repose)
SUPER FALSE CLAIM: “What website? What girls?” + dodges point of claim (creepy obsession with exes)
So he first pretends to forget his blog yet immediately claims it had exactly 18 girls on it. Says it contains girls from second grade and all the girls he’s dated his entire life which was 18. Actually making himself creepier in the process because M was only mentioning him being obsessed with his hs girlfriends. Also 18 your whole life is a lie here Greg, those posts were made before plenty of future girlfriends (this is a 2005 post if I’m reading the url correctly), AND in your post, you stated you didn’t include those whose last name you had forgotten. Again, extra creepy you remember these girls’ last names too so many years later, especially for those in primary school. Also, just for counting’s sake, Greg didn’t include, Skye, Shiloh, Adrienne, Hannah, Lainey, Billie, Luxymoo, or Maya. That’s a total of 26 people. Wow Greg, if you’d had one more girlfriend at the time of the Blaire picture (24), you couldn’t have claimed the picture was rape according to your logic!
After he accidentally switches to the truth by saying it was from grades 2-12 (still forgetting Skye added to the list makes 19 + the girls he didn’t include on the list to make the point that he couldn’t have cheated on Skye every other week because there weren’t enough girls. Of course ignoring that the point was he did it during the beginning of the relationship until he got serious, ALSO ignoring the point that he has a creepy obsession with his exes even over a decade later. Also yes, 3 girls a year if you average it out, 7 in high school if you go by the actual dates. Wow, such manipulation of facts and numbers. Plus, I loved him stumble over “because it was a few weeks - because it was a few day - because they weren’t long relationships”. Huh, almost as if you admit to having quick relationships of a few days that could have taken place every other week while with Skye, and almost as if it makes your exact memory of them even more disturbing
Anyways, here are some links to his old blog posts: here, here. The first link also mentions a girl from elementary school, lists your religion as Sicesca, and your job as “purification”. Side note, this interview was 3 years ago and Greg is still obsessed with his exes. Plus Shane Dawson years after their last actual interaction beyond, “stop harassing me Greg” and “I don’t want to sue you but I will if I have to”
Jumbled claim: “If I wrote poetry about these affairs, how could I have not cared about these girls?”
Well if you had affairs you clearly didn’t care about Skye, and you don’t care about the person behind the obsession Greg, you have a history of it. You were Cyr’s friend but the moment he had a differing opinion you dropped him showing you didn’t care and then got obsessed with his life. You didn’t care about Shiloh’s well-being yet you were obsessed with her. You loved your turtle yet killed him in a seriously stupid and neglectful way...
Greg has also gone back to pretending his website didn’t exist (slips up and mentions multiple websites when M only mentioned the one which he still has). Here is a site with a list of his journals/blogs, here is one page of his poetry on is Onision site, here is his 2004 MrOdd site with poems and there are more to be found on LifeOfOnion.
Slip up/dodge/manipulation: I thought I was a sociopath, why am I writing so many love letters?
Nowhere in this interview do they mention “sociopath”. The point here is “creepy guy with an unhealthy obsession with the girls who used to be a part of his life. Also states “am I a sociopath or an emotional guy who gets really connected on an emotional level”. Blatant manipulation of his audience. He’s warping what is being said and is making the actual claim into him just being someone who “gets really connected on an emotional level”. Fuck off with that entry-level shit
Well this is interesting: “The worst person in the entire world”
Says he never said that to anyone but apparently, these are words his ex said against him. Saying M is mixing stories. THIS INTERVIEW IS FROM 3 YEARS AGO YOU AUDIENCE-MANIPULATING CUNT. How could M be mixing stories? Is he clairvoyant? No, and you know that Greg cause you know how old this interview is holy shit!
Of course, as usual, Greg fumbles after his lie and makes a bad sentence trying to say M is transparent in his lie with pauses and bad grammar cause the sentence changes halfway to get that out.
Alright, so this is the end of part 2. Cheating might come up again but now we’re moving onto Greg’s morality which should be interesting. I’m going to take a wild guess and assume he’s going to dodge statements, lie, and manipulate the facts. But we shall see, maybe he’ll accidentally incriminate himself again :)
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