#Online Fellowship in Obstetrics and Gynecology
medvantagesolution · 7 months
Navigating the Next Chapter of womanhood: Embracing Change After Menopause and Empowering Women's Health
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Menopause is a physiological landmark that signifies the end of a woman's reproductive journey. It is typified by complex hormonal changes that impact multiple facets of health. This normal shift, which usually happens between 45 and 55 years of age, calls for a deeper investigation into its medical complexities and the possibility of empowering women via all-encompassing healthcare approaches. That’s why a Fellowship in Obs & Gynae India is one of the most relevant courses that any health care professional should pursue.
Fundamentally, the slow decrease in the ovaries' ability to produce progesterone and estrogen causes menopause. Numerous symptoms are brought on by these hormonal changes, including vasomotor symptoms like night sweats and hot flashes as well as mood swings, sleep problems, and genitourinary problems. Understanding the biological causes of these symptoms is essential to developing therapeutic strategies that work.
Online Fellowship Course in Obs & Gynae teaches about the hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) has long been a mainstay in the treatment of menopausal symptoms. It entails adding estrogen and occasionally progesterone. HRT's hazards and benefits can vary, thus using it properly needs taking into account each person's unique health circumstances. Making an informed decision on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) requires a complete assessment of a woman's medical history, including her cardiovascular health and breast cancer risk.
Fellowship in Obstetrics and Gynecology In addition to medication therapies also guides about lifestyle changes are essential for controlling menopausal symptoms and enhancing general health. Frequent exercise has been demonstrated to improve bone density and cardiovascular health while reducing symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings. A healthy diet that includes enough calcium and vitamin D is essential for reducing the risk of osteoporosis, which is heightened by hormonal changes that occur after menopause.
During this stage, it's important to pay attention to mental health in addition to physical problems. Menopause can be accompanied by mood swings, anxiety, and sadness; the effects these conditions can have on a woman's health should not be understated. When healthcare doctors and mental health specialists work together, they can provide complete support that includes counseling, psychoeducation, and, when needed, pharmaceutical therapies.
Menopause also signals a shift in emphasis toward preventative healthcare. In light of the changing health landscape, routine screenings for diseases including osteoporosis, breast cancer, and cardiovascular disease become essential. Long-term results can be enhanced by educating women about these exams and encouraging a proactive attitude toward healthcare. Therefore, Fellowship Obs & Gynae is an essential course for healthcare practitioners.
Beyond providing for the specific needs of each patient, the medical community also has a role in promoting greater public awareness and menopausal health research projects. To improve menopausal healthcare, it is imperative to de-stigmatize menopause, create a safe space where women may talk candidly about their experiences, and promote research into cutting-edge therapies.
In summary, menopause is a complicated medical condition that calls for an all-encompassing approach to treatment. A comprehensive plan is necessary, encompassing everything from hormone treatment and lifestyle modifications to mental health support and preventive measures which can only be learned after doing a Fellowship Course in Obstetrics and Gynecology India.
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fellowshipprograms · 10 months
A fellowship in Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB-GYN) is a transformative journey that equips medical professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to provide comprehensive care to women. In this blog, we will explore the significance of pursuing a Fellowship in Obstetrics and Gynecology with MediCOLL Learning, delving into the unique features, benefits, and distinctive features of this educational program.
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meg2md · 1 year
Wow, you're off Tumblr for months and the UI gets more fucked up than ever! Nice. How does Tumblr do it? Keep getting worse and worse? And yet I still come back to this website occasionally, because I'm also trash.
Residency makes it hard to keep a blog. I barely have time for household chores and hobbies, let alone ONLINE journaling when I'm also pouring out my heart occasionally on my actual, IRL written journal and trying to maintain friendships.
Anyway. Started R2. It's actually better so far, as much as I felt I was never going to be ready. Don't get me wrong, I still feel woefully inadequate approximately all of the time. But wow, does it feel good to not hold the gyne and OB pager, to not have to fight with the nurses about pitocin on the floor, to do something other than manage labor on OB days. I started on nights, which I thought was going to be a disaster, but actually ended up being fine. I think I got lucky, because usually the R2 gets blown up since they manage antepartum AND gynecology overnight, but the ED and antepartum nurses were relatively benign to me.
And just... the FREEDOM of not having to write q2h strip and mag notes, to not have to pay hawk-like attention to the strips... and the nurses and I get along better than ever now that
A) they have new intern prey to feast upon, and
B) I'm not riding everyone's ass about the strips
Literally, my LEAST FAVORITE PART OF MY JOB is being a labor intern because you're expected to make sure the pitocin keeps going up, up, up but the nurses don't always want to with a category 2 strip, but like, category 2 doesn't mean it's not reassuring, and also you can't have a baby without contractions, but there's always a "policy" for why we can't do XYZ.... and it's like... why am I even here then, just run the labor floor without me if everything is 100% policy-driven, lol. Category 2 isn't BAD guys!!! It's not always bad. And I know the strips aren't always amazing but dude.... we either pit enough we can get a baby out vaginally or they might as well get cut here and now instead of spinning our wheels with inadequate pitocin dosing.
Anyway... rant over hahaha. Ooooh I hated labor as an intern. I loved it in the beginning, but I QUICKLY, QUICKLY came to dread it for the above reasons. And now, as an R2 on OB days, my primary job will be c-sections! Which is incredible because right now I feel like I'm so bad at them. I've done a few over 20 since I started residency. Other programs have you do more as an intern, but I did end up with >200 vaginal deliveries, so I really can't complain. And like I said, my OB days blocks will be me doing 2-5 sections per day... so I'll get real good real fast. I just don't do it for awhile (nights > family planning > oncology > OB days) so I feel nervous when I'm assigned sections on nights and call, but I'll get there eventually. TRUST THE PROCESS, they say. I mean, I guess I thought I'd never figure out how to insert a hysteroscope into a uterus and chomp off an intracavitary leiomyoma, and I figured that out by the end of R1, so there's got to be something to it.
Things I still don't feel good about that I should have gotten better at by the end of R1: LACERATION REPAIRS. But whatever. I'm sure it will improve as my surgical skills improve.
Now I'm starting to stress because in the middle of having more responsibility, figuring out C-sections and basic laparoscopy, etc, I have to get research started and decide once and for all if I want to do fellowship. I've been waffling between generalist practice and MIGS for ages.
On one hand, I do like obstetrics more than I initially expected, I like that I'll have more freedom to do abortion care, and the thought of MORE training when I'm already almost 32 and have 2.5 years left of residency makes me want to vomit. On the other hand, the MIGS lifestyle is much better than OB lifestyle, I may still be able to do abortions, and I really, REALLY want to have elite surgical training. I'm sure I'll figure it out more on my gynecology and oncology blocks when I do more minimally invasive/generally spend more time in the OR. Not sure how much I like the thought of running a chronic pain and endometriosis clinic. But also... I feel like I went to a decently-tiered medical school and graduated with the assumption I would do fellowship, and to cut my training short and arguably without satisfactory surgical training feels bad. Because at the end of the day, I'm not actually sure how well general OB/GYN residency prepares you for surgery. I'm not sure I trust it yet.
C'est la vie. Back to other things. Studying hormonal contraception in patients with medical co-morbidities before biking back to my house to play MASS EFFECT 3. I'm also a pickle ball fanatic now.
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cerificatecoursegma · 3 months
Fellowship in Gynecology and Obstetrics Online After MBBS: A Comprehensive Guide
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The field of medicine is continuously evolving, offering numerous pathways for specialization and advanced training. One such pathway is pursuing a fellowship in Gynecology and Obstetrics (OB-GYN) after completing a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS). With advancements in technology and education, it's now possible to undertake this fellowship online. This mode of education has opened doors for many medical graduates to enhance their knowledge and skills without the constraints of geographical boundaries. This article explores the benefits, structure, and process of enrolling in an online fellowship in Gynecology and Obstetrics after MBBS.
Why Choose a Fellowship in Gynecology and Obstetrics?
Gynecology and Obstetrics is a critical specialty that focuses on women's reproductive health, pregnancy, and childbirth. A fellowship in this field allows medical practitioners to:
Gain Specialized Knowledge: The fellowship provides in-depth knowledge about various aspects of female reproductive health, including fertility, prenatal care, and postnatal care.
Enhance Clinical Skills: Hands-on training and clinical exposure are integral parts of the fellowship, helping doctors refine their practical skills.
Improve Patient Outcomes: Specialized training enables practitioners to offer better care, leading to improved patient outcomes in areas such as maternal and fetal health.
Career Advancement: Specialization can lead to higher positions within medical institutions, research opportunities, and the ability to open specialized clinics.
Benefits of Online Fellowships
Online fellowships have become increasingly popular for several reasons:
Flexibility: Online programs offer the flexibility to study from anywhere, making it easier for doctors to balance work, study, and personal commitments.
Accessibility: They provide access to high-quality education and resources that may not be available locally.
Cost-Effective: Online programs often have lower tuition fees compared to traditional on-campus programs. Additionally, there are savings on relocation and commuting expenses.
Self-Paced Learning: Many online fellowships allow for self-paced learning, enabling students to progress at their own speed.
Global Networking: Online programs often have a diverse student body, allowing for networking and collaboration with peers from around the world.
Structure of an Online Fellowship in Gynecology and Obstetrics
An online fellowship in Gynecology and Obstetrics typically includes the following components:
Didactic Learning: This includes lectures, seminars, and tutorials conducted through video conferencing, webinars, and online modules. Topics covered may include reproductive endocrinology, maternal-fetal medicine, gynecologic oncology, and more.
Clinical Training: While the fellowship is online, clinical training remains a crucial component. This may involve partnerships with local hospitals or clinics where fellows can gain hands-on experience. Some programs may also utilize virtual simulations to enhance clinical skills.
Research Projects: Fellows are often required to engage in research projects, which help develop critical thinking and contribute to the advancement of the field.
Examinations and Assessments: Regular assessments, both theoretical and practical, ensure that fellows are meeting the program's academic and professional standards.
Mentorship and Support: Online fellowships often provide mentorship from experienced professionals, offering guidance and support throughout the program.
Enrollment Process
The enrollment process for an online fellowship in Gynecology and Obstetrics generally involves the following steps:
Eligibility Check: Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria, which typically includes having an MBBS degree and relevant work experience.
Application Submission: Submit an online application form along with required documents, such as academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a statement of purpose.
Entrance Examination: Some programs may require you to take an entrance examination to assess your knowledge and aptitude for the specialty.
Interview: An interview, either online or in-person, may be part of the selection process to evaluate your suitability for the fellowship.
Admission Offer: Successful candidates will receive an admission offer, detailing the program's start date, curriculum, and other relevant information.
Challenges and Considerations
While online fellowships offer numerous benefits, there are also challenges to consider:
Limited Hands-On Experience: The online format can limit direct patient interaction and hands-on practice, which are crucial in medical training.
Self-Discipline and Motivation: Online learning requires a high degree of self-discipline and motivation, as students must manage their own study schedules.
Technology Requirements: Reliable internet access and adequate technological tools are essential for participating in online courses.
Accreditation: Ensure that the fellowship program is accredited and recognized by relevant medical boards and institutions.
Pursuing an online fellowship in Gynecology and Obstetrics after completing an MBBS degree is a viable and advantageous option for many medical professionals. It offers flexibility, accessibility, and the opportunity to gain specialized knowledge and skills. However, it is essential to carefully consider the structure, requirements, and accreditation of the program to ensure it meets your career goals and professional standards. With the right approach and dedication, an online fellowship can significantly enhance your expertise and career prospects in the field of Gynecology and Obstetrics.
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icareheal · 6 months
Trusted Gynecologic Oncologist: Personalized Solutions for Women's Cancer Needs
When it comes to women's health, a gynecologist is often the first point of contact. But what if you're facing a cancer diagnosis within the female reproductive system? This is where a gynecologic oncologist steps in, offering specialized expertise and support during a critical time.
Who is a Gynecologic Oncologist?
A gynecologic oncologist is a physician who has completed extensive training beyond standard obstetrics and gynecology (OB-GYN) residency. They undergo an additional fellowship program specifically focused on diagnosing and treating cancers of the female reproductive system. This includes cancers of the:
Uterus (womb)
Fallopian tubes
Why Choose a Gynecologic Oncologist?
Gynecologic oncologists possess a unique skillset that sets them apart from general OB-GYNs. Here's why their expertise is invaluable:
In-depth knowledge of gynecologic cancers: They have a deep understanding of the biology, risk factors, and latest advancements in treating these cancers.
Surgical expertise: Gynecologic oncologists are highly skilled surgeons trained in minimally invasive and complex surgical procedures for removing cancerous tumors and preserving healthy tissue whenever possible.
Treatment planning and integration: They work collaboratively with other cancer specialists like radiation and medical oncologists to develop a comprehensive and personalized treatment plan for each patient.
Genetic counseling: Gynecologic oncologists can offer genetic testing and counseling to assess a woman's risk of developing certain gynecologic cancers based on her family history.
Emotional support: Cancer diagnoses can be overwhelming. Gynecologic oncologists understand the emotional toll of the disease and provide compassionate support and guidance throughout the treatment journey.
What Services Does a Gynecologic Oncologist Offer?
The scope of a gynecologic oncologists services is extensive, encompassing various aspects of cancer care:
Diagnosis: This includes performing biopsies, pelvic exams, imaging tests, and other diagnostic procedures to identify and stage gynecologic cancers.
Surgery: They perform a variety of surgical procedures, ranging from minimally invasive laparoscopic surgeries to complex open surgeries, depending on the type and stage of the cancer.
Treatment recommendations: Gynecologic oncologists will discuss and recommend the most appropriate treatment options, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy, or a combination of these.
Clinical trials: They might also offer opportunities to participate in clinical trials for new and promising cancer treatment approaches.
Survivorship care: Once treatment is complete, gynecologic oncologists provide ongoing care to monitor for recurrence, manage any side effects, and ensure long-term well-being.
Finding the Right Gynecologic Oncologist for You
A gynecologic oncologist becomes a vital partner in navigating a cancer diagnosis. Here are some tips for finding the right specialist for your needs:
Seek referrals: Talk to your primary care physician or OB-GYN for recommendations.
Consider your specific needs: Do you require expertise in a particular type of gynecologic cancer?
Research and compare: Check hospital websites or online databases to find gynecologic oncologists in your area and read patient reviews.
Insurance coverage: Ensure your chosen oncologist is within your insurance network.
Schedule a consultation: This provides an opportunity to discuss your diagnosis, treatment options, and overall approach to care, ensuring a good fit.
A gynecologic oncologist is a highly skilled and dedicated medical professional who plays a critical role in the fight against women's cancers. By understanding their expertise and the services they offer, you can make informed decisions about your healthcare and feel empowered throughout your cancer journey. Don't hesitate to seek a second opinion from a gynecologic oncologist if you have any concerns or questions about your diagnosis or treatment plan. Remember, early detection and intervention are key to successful cancer treatment.
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starclinic · 8 months
Take Charge of Your Health: How to Find a Urogynecologist Nearby
Your health is your most valuable asset, and when it comes to issues related to urogynecology, finding the right specialist is paramount. Whether you're dealing with pelvic floor disorders, urinary incontinence, or pelvic organ prolapse, seeking the expertise of a urogynecologist is essential for proper diagnosis and treatment. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about finding a Urogynecologist Near Me, empowering you to take charge of your health and well-being.
Understanding Urogynecology
Before delving into the process of finding a urogynecologist, let's first understand what this specialized field entails. Urogynecology is a subspecialty of obstetrics and gynecology that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of pelvic floor disorders in women. These disorders can encompass a wide range of conditions, including:
Urinary Incontinence: The involuntary leakage of urine, which can occur with activities such as coughing, sneezing, or exercising.
Pelvic Organ Prolapse: The descent or dropping of pelvic organs, such as the bladder, uterus, or rectum, into the vaginal canal.
Pelvic Pain: Chronic or acute pain in the pelvic region, which may be caused by various underlying factors.
Overactive Bladder: A condition characterized by frequent and urgent urination, often accompanied by urinary incontinence.
Fecal Incontinence: Involuntary bowel movements or leakage of stool.
Urogynecologists are specially trained to diagnose and treat these conditions using a combination of medical, surgical, and nonsurgical interventions. They have expertise in both obstetrics and gynecology, as well as additional training in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery.
The Importance of Finding a Qualified Urogynecologist
When dealing with urogynecological issues, seeking care from a qualified specialist is crucial for several reasons:
Specialized Expertise: Urogynecologists have specific training and experience in managing complex pelvic floor disorders, ensuring that you receive the highest standard of care.
Comprehensive Evaluation: These specialists conduct thorough evaluations, which may include pelvic exams, imaging studies, and urodynamic testing, to accurately diagnose your condition.
Tailored Treatment Plans: A urogynecologist will develop a personalized treatment plan based on your unique symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle preferences, ensuring optimal outcomes.
Advanced Treatment Options: Urogynecologists are proficient in a wide range of treatment modalities, including conservative therapies, minimally invasive procedures, and complex reconstructive surgery, allowing for tailored solutions to your specific needs.
Continuity of Care: By establishing a relationship with a urogynecologist, you benefit from ongoing management and support for your condition, promoting long-term health and well-being.
How to Find a Urogynecologist Nearby
Now that we understand the importance of urogynecological care, let's explore the steps you can take to find a qualified specialist in your area:
1. Ask for Referrals
Start by asking your primary care physician, gynecologist, or friends and family for recommendations. They may know of reputable urogynecologists in your community who have a proven track record of excellence.
2. Research Online
Utilize online resources to research urogynecologists in your area. Visit reputable medical websites, such as the American Urogynecologic Society (AUGS) or the International Urogynecological Association (IUGA), to find directories of board-certified specialists.
3. Check Credentials
Verify the credentials and qualifications of potential urogynecologists. Ensure they are board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology, and ideally, have completed a fellowship in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery (FPMRS).
4. Consider Experience
Look for urogynecologists with extensive experience in treating your specific condition. Ask about the number of procedures they perform annually related to pelvic floor disorders and their success rates.
5. Read Patient Reviews
Read reviews and testimonials from previous patients to gauge the quality of care provided by a urogynecologist. Pay attention to feedback regarding communication, bedside manner, and treatment outcomes.
6. Schedule Consultations
Once you've narrowed down your options, schedule consultations with prospective urogynecologists. Use this opportunity to discuss your concerns, ask questions about their approach to treatment, and assess your comfort level with the physician.
7. Consider Logistics
Take into account practical considerations such as the urogynecologist's location, office hours, and hospital affiliations. Choose a provider whose practice is conveniently located and aligns with your scheduling needs.
8. Verify Insurance Coverage
Check with your insurance provider to verify coverage for urogynecological services. Understand your policy's benefits, including any co-pays, deductibles, or out-of-network expenses.
9. Trust Your Instincts
Ultimately, trust your instincts when selecting a urogynecologist. Choose a provider who listens to your concerns, respects your preferences, and makes you feel comfortable and confident in your care.
Taking charge of your urogynecological health begins with finding the right specialist who understands your unique needs and concerns. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can locate a qualified urogynecologist nearby who will partner with you to achieve optimal health and well-being. Remember, your health is too important to ignore, so don't hesitate to seek the care you deserve.
Welcome to Star Urogynecology in Peoria, Arizona. We are dedicated to providing extensive counseling and empowering our patients to make informed decisions for the restoration of their quality of life. Our specialized team of experts is committed to addressing urogynecological concerns with compassion and expertise. With cutting-edge treatments and a patient-centered approach, we offer personalized care to ensure the highest level of comfort and well-being. At Star Urogynecology, we believe in restoring not just physical health but also the confidence and joy in our patients' lives. Your journey to improved urogynecological health begins here, in Peoria, Arizona.
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themedicity099 · 9 months
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Top Institutions for Gynae Endoscopic Training: A Comprehensive Guide
Understanding the intricacies of gynae endoscopic training is pivotal for any medical practitioner aiming to specialize in this field. This blog explores some of the top institutions that offer quality endoscopic training, focusing on hands-on training and FOGSI accreditation.
Explanation of gynae endoscopic training
Gynae endoscopic training encompasses the medical studies related to minimally invasive surgical techniques used in gynecology. These techniques include laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. The training equips healthcare professionals to diagnose, operate, and manage patients with gynaecological conditions more efficiently.
Importance of hands-on training for gynae endoscopy
Hands-on training forms the core of gynae endoscopic training. It allows trainees to understand and practice the actual surgical procedures in a controlled environment. This aspect of training helps to enhance surgical accuracy, reduce operation time, and improve patient care.
Overview of FOGSI accreditation for endoscopy fellowships
The Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Societies of India’s (FOGSI) accreditation is a crucial factor that adds credibility to endoscopy fellowships. FOGSI-accredited institutions consistently adhere to high-standard training protocols and educational guidelines. Hence, undertaking a fellowship from a FOGSI-recognized institution is highly coveted in the medical fraternity.
Top Institutions for Gynae Endoscopic Training
Pursuing gynae endoscopic training demands effort, dedication, and a top-rated institution. Let us now delve into the world of some exceptional institutions that offer high-quality, comprehensive training programs.
Institution 1 — The Johns Hopkins Hospital, USA
Curriculum Details
The Johns Hopkins Hospital offers an extensive gynae endoscopic training program, focusing on advanced laparoscopic procedures, hysteroscopy, and robotic-assisted surgeries. The trainees are exposed to a wide range of clinical conditions with an emphasis on hands-on training and intensive surgical exposure.
Features and Benefits
- The program quality is top-notch with the latest technological instruments. - The hands-on training allows the trainees to gain experience on actual cases. - World-renowned faculty assist the learning process.
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FOGSI Accreditation Status
While the program presents globally recognized certification, it’s crucial to note that it doesn’t hold a specific FOGSI accreditation.
Institution 2 — World Laparoscopy Hospital, India
Curriculum Details
The gynae endoscopic training curriculum at World Laparoscopy Hospital is a four-week course that effectively blends theory with practical sessions. The program encompasses Basic and Advanced laparoscopy with a deep-dive exploration of endoscopy.
Features and Benefits
- The course provides intensive hands-on training, bolstering surgical skills. - Learners get access to expansive online educational resources. - The program uses real-life case studies to enhance practical understanding.
FOGSI Accreditation Status
The World Laparoscopy Hospital’s program is FOGSI accredited, underscoring its commitment to high-level gynecological education.
Institution 3 — Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, UK
Curriculum Details
The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists’ training courses cover a range of endoscopic techniques, including hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, and culdoscopy. They maintain a strong focus on safety measures and potential complications.
Features and Benefits
- The training involves skill-building sessions and case discussions. - You have access to numerous e-learning resources and regular assessment opportunities. - The training also instills a deep understanding of patient communication and ethical considerations.
FOGSI Accreditation Status
This institution’s courses are FOGSI-recognized, demonstrating its dedication to providing quality education.
Institution 4 — The Cleveland Clinic, USA
Curriculum Details
The Cleveland Clinic offers a gynae endoscopic training program focusing on standard and advanced endoscopic procedures, including the use of robotics in such surgeries.
Features and Benefits
- The program offers an immersive surgical experience and a high volume of cases. - Training is provided using a simulation lab for hands-on experience. - It hosts renowned faculty from various sub-specialties.
FOGSI Accreditation Status
This program does not hold specific FOGSI accreditation.
Institution 5 — All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India
Curriculum Details
AIIMS provides a structured program for hands-on exploration of gynae endoscopy, stressing both diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy techniques.
Features and Benefits
- The program ensures access to a vast patient pool, diverse case experiences, and state-of-the-art facilities. - Extensive hands-on training helps to refine surgical skills. - The institution boasts an excellent faculty lineup.
FOGSI Accreditation Status
The gynae endoscopic training program at AIIMS is accredited by FOGSI.
Institution 6 — European Academy of Gynaecological Surgery, Belgium
Curriculum Details
The Academy offers a comprehensive fellowship program that equips trainees with a broad range of endoscopic techniques and specialized gynae procedures.
Features and Benefits
- The fellowship provides extensive hands-on training. - It promotes an interactive learning experience with operations, case discussions, and journal clubs. - There’s a focus on peer review and feedback.
FOGSI Accreditation Status
While this fellowship program does recognize FOGSI, it does not hold a specific FOGSI accreditation.
Institution 7 — RCOG (Royal College) Advanced Skills Training Modules, UK
Curriculum Details
RCOG provides advanced skills training modules in gynae endoscopy techniques, including hysteroscopy and laparoscopy.
Features and Benefits
- The program focuses on case-based learning. - It provides an opportunity to gain confidence in managing high-risk pregnancies. - It offers continuing post-course support.
FOGSI Accreditation Status
RCOG’s advanced skills training modules are recognized by FOGSI, demonstrating their commitment to upstanding training standards. By considering the curriculum, features, and FOGSI accreditation status, you can select the institution that best aligns with your career objectives in gynae endoscopic training.
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Comparison of Institutions
Choosing the right institution for your gynae endoscopic training can be a tough decision. Our comprehensive guide equips you with detailed comparisons of top institutions, helping to simplify the selection process.
Overview of Key Similarities and Differences among the Top Institutions
All top-notch institutions provide rigorous training and exposure, a chance to work under distinguished faculties, and hands-on practice experience. Each of them is unique in its own way though. Some may excel in offering more research oriented programs, while others may have an intense focus on clinical excellence or technology-driven practices in gynecology endoscopy.
Factors to Consider When Choosing an Institution for Gynae Endoscopic Training
When selecting an institution, consider the following: - The curriculum: Look for comprehensive coverage of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. - FOGSI accreditation: Institutions recognized by FOGSI, which stands for Federation of Obstetric and Gynecological Societies of India, are deemed credible. - Hands-on practice: The more practice you get, the more proficient you become, so ensure that the institution makes this a priority. - Faculty expertise: The experience and reputation of teaching staff are critical factors. - Lastly, the infrastructure and technologies available in the institution can significantly impact your training. Remember, it’s about finding the institution that best aligns with your career goals and learning style!
Recap of the importance of gynae endoscopic training
Excelling in gynae endoscopic procedures not only enhances your surgical skills but also elevates the level of care you can provide to your patients. Embracing an endoscopy fellowship offers an invaluable in-depth understanding of the female reproductive system, enabling the mastery of minimally invasive procedures. Essentially, comprehensive hands-on training at a top institution is a foundational step to becoming an expert in this field.
Recommendations for further research and decision-making
- Always verify the accreditation: A FOGSI-endorsed course is an excellent marker of quality training. - Consider the curriculum and training methods: Some courses offer an immersive practical experience which can be advantageous. - Consult with alumni or current students of the program: They can offer personal insights and experiences. - Examine the course length: Depending on your career trajectory and time commitments, select a course that best fits your needs.
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themedicity · 1 year
Latest Medical Training & Courses Offered by The Medicity Institute in Distinct Specialities
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The Medicity Institute is an online platform for medical professionals, offering different medical training and courses for various medical graduates, post graduates and already practicing doctors touching a distinct mark of 3700+ students. Under the training offered by Medicity Research Institute, students get real Hands-on Experiences.
Medicity backend team is continuously working to simplify the UI for on-site visitors but if any visitor is facing an issue in order to find the desired course or training, then The Medicity enquiry team is there, just send enquiry or call on a toll-free number (mentioned in last paragraph) in order to clear any doubt or consultation.
The Specialities Offered by Medicity Research Institute:
This part explains what are the different departments or specialities, The Medicity Institute offers to its students. These specialities include Gynecology, Cosmetology and various departments like Cardiology, Neurology, Orthopedics, Dental, ENT and many more in upcoming phases. So, Let’s discuss about our first specialization i.e. Gynecology-
Gynecology Department:
Gynecology involves the treatments of the female reproductive system who are concerned with its well being and health of related organs and ability of reproduction. Sometimes people, even medical professionals, mis-match gynecology with obstetrics, but both are different in terms of study and dealing problems. This is true that both involve the female reproductive system, but an obstetrics deals with pregnancy related problems whereas a gynecologist deals with those females who are not able to get pregnant.
The Medicity offers different training programs and courses which are directly related to gynecology such as laparoscopy, embryology, IVF, semenology & IUI, and cryopreservation etc.
Programs listed on Medicity:
There is more than 15 programs listed on Medicity Research Institute are mentioned below-
ART (IVF) & Laparoscopy Training
Andrology & Embryology and OPU, ET
Clinical Andrology and Embryology
Hands-on approach on high-risk pregnancy
Early pregnancy ultrasound
Certificate course in ART
Basic course in semenology and IUI
Certificate Course in Embryology
Laparoscopic hysterectomy and myomectomy
Basic gynecology and early pregnancy
Fellowships in Laparoscopy Surgery
Hysteroscopy Fellowships
Hands-on training in IVF
Cosmetology Department:
Cosmetology is all about the study and applications of different treatments to make someone beautiful and the person who is expert in it, is known as Cosmetologist. Cosmetology has different branches such as specialist in Hairstyle, expert in skin care, permanent and non permanent hair removal process expert etc. More often people compare cosmetologists with beauticians but the thing is that these may be related to the beauty industry but actually both are different. Basically a beautician focuses on learning hair care and basic skin treatments whereas a cosmetologist has an extensive knowledge of more different areas like hair treatment, nail treatment, skin care, cosmetic products etc.
Medicity offers different training and certification for beginners, intermediates and expert level to those professionals who are willing to enter the cosmetic world.
Programs listed on Medicity:
Cosmetology Course for Beginners
Cosmetology Course for Besic
Cosmetology Course for Advanced
Cardiology Department:
Cardiology is a specialty of medicine that deals with different disorders related to the heart, diagnoses the problems of heart and treats the defects and is concerned with the well-being of the patient’s heart. The doctors, who deal with issues related to heart and blood vessels are designated as Cardiologists.
The Medicity Research Institute is ready to come with various training and courses in Cardiology for those who want to specialize in different sub specializations in cardiology as specialists. So, get in touch with the Medicity team.
Final Notes-
The Medicity is a platform for doctors who want to upskill and want to gain specialization in any sub-branch of their respective departments under a highly experienced and well qualified expert mentor trainer. In present time, Dec 2021, Medicity is offering various courses and training in Gynaecology, and Cosmetology but very soon, Cardiology is going to introduce following with other departments like ENT, dental, orthopedics etc. So the departments and courses which have been discussed in this blog are not limited and can be varied with more different training, courses and fellowship options. So, keep yourself in touch with The Medicity to get updated with the latest developments and changes.
Moreover, still have any confusion or doubt, feel free to consult with a highly experienced person from the Medicity Team. Call toll-free number 857–1057–105 or write us at [email protected]
Source:- https://themedicity.com/2023/06/latest-medical-training-courses-offered-by-the-medicity-institute-in-distinct-specialities/
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surya9115 · 1 year
Dr. Dipika Dhingra
12–2 pm
12–2 pm
12 am–2 pm
12–2 pm
12–2 pm
(Eid al-Adha)
12–2 pm
JEEWAN MULTISPECIALITY CENTRE 414/4, Jacobpura, Gurugram, Haryana 122006
Dr. Dipika Dhingra, ('MBBS', 'MD ', 'DNB, Fellowship in Ultrasound , infertility and laproscopy .') is one of the reputed doctors in Gurugram, India Specialist/Center: - Obstetrics & Gynecology Experience : 20+ years Jeewan Multispecialty & Maternity Centre offers these services: -Normal delivery -High risk pregnancy -Gynae surgeries -Fibroid treatment -Laparoscopy Doctor provides In-Clinic and Online (Audio/ Video) Consultations for which Appointments can be booked online easily via clicking on the Website or Appointment link. Doctor welcomes patient queries as well via the 'Chat' option."
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FAQs on Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine
What are the eligibility criteria for a Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine?
Answer: Eligibility criteria vary among different fellowship programs. However, common requirements include completion of a medical degree, residency in obstetrics and gynecology, and board certification in the respective field.
How long does a Fellowship typically last?
Answer: Fellowships in reproductive medicine usually span one to three years, depending on the program and its specific requirements.
Can international medical graduates apply for a Fellowship?
Answer: Yes, many fellowship programs welcome applications from international medical graduates. However, additional requirements, such as visa sponsorship and English language proficiency, may apply.
What are the career prospects after completing a Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine?
Answer: Graduates of a Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine have various career prospects. They can pursue specialized roles as reproductive endocrinology and infertility specialists, work in academic and research positions, establish private practices, or take up leadership roles in fertility clinics or reproductive medicine departments.
How does a Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine contribute to patient care?
Answer: A Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine equips healthcare professionals with advanced training and clinical experience, enabling them to provide comprehensive and specialized care to patients facing reproductive health challenges. Fellows learn to diagnose and treat various disorders, manage assisted reproductive technologies, and issues, and offer support throughout the fertility journey.
What research opportunities are available during a Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine?
Answer: Many fellowship programs in reproductive medicine emphasize research and innovation. Fellows have the opportunity to contribute to scientific advancements, conduct research studies, explore new treatment modalities, and enhance existing protocols in the field of reproductive medicine.
Are there opportunities for financial assistance or scholarships for pursuing a Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine?
Answer: Some fellowship programs offer financial assistance or scholarships to eligible candidates. It is advisable to research and explore specific fellowship programs to determine the availability of such opportunities and the application process for financial aid or scholarships.
Can a Fellowship be pursued part-time or through online programs?
Answer: The majority of Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine programs are full-time, on-site programs that require active participation in clinical rotations, research activities, and educational sessions. Part-time or online options may be limited, and it is recommended to explore individual program requirements and offerings for specific details.
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medvantagesolution · 9 months
Changing Women's Health: Pioneering Advances in Obstetrics and Gynecology
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Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB/GYN) is a medical specialty that deals in detail with a variety of women’s reproductive health issues. These obstetrics courses, looking at pregnancy and childbirth, and gynecology which focuses on the dysfunction of the female reproductive system play an important role in ensuring the best health care for women Thats why doing Fellowship in Obstetrics and Gynecology is one of the decisions any healthcare professionals make.
A closer examination of the medical challenges in these areas reveals the depth of knowledge and technology required to address the complex challenges of female obstetrics. Obstetricians, primary care providers during pregnancy, use a variety of medical interventions to monitor and support maternal and fetal health. Prenatal care including routine screening, prenatal genetic testing, and ultrasound aims to identify and manage potential complications in early pregnancy in this area, research non-invasive prenatal procedures have improved dramatically, provided more accurate genetic information, and enabled early detection of fetal abnormalities High-risk pregnancy Specialized care is required, and often involves effort a in collaboration with maternal and fetal medicine specialists. These subspecialists use advanced imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to evaluate complex fetal conditions and plan interventions to improve outcomes Fellowship in Obs and Gynae, helps gynecologists navigate the complexity of women’s reproductive health after pregnancy.
Innovations in diagnostic modalities such as colposcopy and hysteroscopy allow more accurate visualization of the uterus and endometrium to diagnose and manage conditions such as endometriosis Advances in molecular diagnosis and treatment targeted on gynecologic cancer contributes to the development of treatment plans for women facing reproductive Obs and in India Doing a Fellowship in Gynae is a laparoscopic approach in robotic surgery. It also helps to integrate potentially revolutionary techniques, enabling less invasive treatments with shorter recovery times and improved patient outcomes.
Thus, any healthcare professional with a Fellowship in Obstetrics and Gynecology by MedVantage can seamlessly collaborate with obstetricians and gynecologists to ensure women are well cared for throughout their reproductive lives. This includes addressing fertility issues, hormone imbalances, and conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome through approaches that integrate medicine, surgery, and reproductive technology the OB/GYN profession leads on medical research, explore new technologies and treatments. From exploring the genetic basis of reproductive disorders to harnessing the potential of regenerative medicine on uterine health, ongoing research holds the promise of making a difference Obstetrics and gynecology stands exists for dynamic and ever-evolving specialty services that utilize state-of-the-art technology and medical expertise to deliver the best possible care.
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medlineacademics · 1 year
Specialized training in Reproductive Medicine: Fellowship Programs
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In vitro fertilization (IVF) and reproductive medicine have revolutionized the way we approach infertility and reproductive health. The use of technology and cutting-edge techniques have increased the success rates of these procedures, and with that, the demand for skilled professionals has grown significantly. As a result, fellowships in IVF and reproductive medicine have become increasingly popular among medical graduates.
The fellowship in IVF and reproductive medicine is a highly specialized program that is offered by leading medical centres and fertility clinics across the world. The duration of the fellowship program can vary from one year to three years, depending on the program and the institution offering it. During the fellowship, trainees will have the opportunity to work closely with experienced reproductive endocrinologists and infertility specialists, learning from their expertise and experience.
Why should you do a fellowship program?
Pursuing a fellowship in IVF and reproductive medicine gives you the opportunity to learn from experienced reproductive endocrinologists and infertility specialists. After completing a fellowship program, trainees will be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to pursue a career in reproductive medicine.
Fellowships Programs are highly competitive, and the selection process can be rigorous. Typically, applicants are required to have completed a residency program in obstetrics and Gynecology or urology, and must demonstrate a strong interest and commitment to the field of reproductive medicine. Applicants are also evaluated based on their academic achievements, research experience, and clinical skills.
Why a hybrid fellowship program in Reproductive Medicine is recommended?
A hybrid fellowship program in reproductive medicine combines both online and in-person training components to provide a comprehensive and effective training experience for medical graduates pursuing a career in this specialized field.
It allows trainees to access high-quality training from anywhere in the world, while still receiving hands-on experience in a clinical setting.
It provides a flexible and personalized training experience. Trainees can customize their learning experience to meet their individual needs and interests, choosing from a wide range of online courses and in-person training opportunities.
A hybrid program provides a comprehensive and well-rounded training experience. The online component of the program covers theory and PCP lectures. The hands-on program is applicable for 15 days and 45 days for simulation training and clinical attachment.
It provides an effective training experience that prepares trainees for a successful career in reproductive medicine. The well-rounded training experience equips trainees with the necessary knowledge and skills to provide high-quality care to patients with fertility issues.
Begin your Journey with Medline Academics
Padma Shri Dr. Kamini Rao’s Medline Academics is a leading provider of online medical education and training, offering a wide range of courses and resources to medical professionals and students worldwide. It offers a range of programs designed to help medical graduates pursue a career in reproductive medicine, including a fellowship in IVF and reproductive medicine.
The fellowship program in reproductive medicine offered by Medline Academics is a highly specialized training program designed to provide trainees with the necessary skills and knowledge to diagnose, manage and treat a wide range of reproductive disorders. The program is conducted by experienced reproductive endocrinologists and infertility specialists, who provide trainees with a comprehensive understanding of the latest techniques and advances in the field of reproductive medicine. The curriculum of the fellowship program in IVF and reproductive medicine offered by Medline Academics is designed to cover a broad range of topics related to reproductive medicine, including the evaluation and management of infertility, fertility preservation, assisted reproductive techniques, reproductive endocrinology, genetics, andrology, embryology, and more. Trainees also receive hands-on training in laboratory techniques such as embryo transfer, oocyte retrieval, and embryo cryopreservation.
Know more about us @ www.medlineacademics.com
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amyhere · 3 years
EBCOG Part 1 Exam 2022; Complete Guidance
The EBCOG exam is the assessment of your knowledge gained during the training in Obstetrics and Gynecology. And it is based on the ESHRE syllabus & training program.
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 EBCOG Examination will have 2 sections: 
 • Part 1 represents Knowledge-Based Assessment (KBA)
• Part 2 is an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) that is intended to test clinical expertise execution and capability in the scope of abilities. 
 How to Participate? 
It depends on the qualification. Candidates who passed in EBCOG Part 1 exam  only can attempt 2 assessments. 
 Test Dates 
KBA – Part 1 Exam 
• Will be on 14th May 2022.  
• Online test and evaluate information (KBA). 
• It will be an online test. 
• Exam will be invigilated remotely and virtually (RIVE). 
• Should complete this test and then only you can appear for part 2.
• Please visit our site for updates. 
OSCE – Part 2 Exam 
• The Part 2 OSCE Exam will be on November 20th and 21st, 2021. 
After EBCOG exam 2022 Effective candidates will be granted the title of European Fellow of Obstetrics and Gynecology (EFOG) - EBCOG and will be allowed to utilize it. Finishing the test doesn't allow to practice obstetrics or gynecology in any country in Europe or somewhere else, however, effective candidates will be assigned as EBCOG Fellows in Obstetrics and Gynecology (EFOG-EBCOG) and will get a Fellowship Certificate. 
The assessment will be held in English and is available to both Europeans and non-Europeans. The final decision will be done by the EBCOG Examination Standing Committee.
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themedicity · 3 years
Laparoscopic Surgery Training Courses - The Medicity
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Laparoscopic Surgery Training Courses are in demand because this technique is way more effective than other surgical operations like open surgery. This is a time saving, low cost surgery which has less infection, small incisions used to look inside the abdomen and uterus with the help of Laparoscope- a cylindrical equipment having a camera attached with. Numerous training and fellowship programs are being offered from different institutes, some of them are Online and some of them are offline.
Laparoscopy & Endoscopy is widely used in Gynecology to treat women, the term endoscopy is a specialized form of laparoscopy used to operate in the uterus and related body parts only rather than checking abdomen also. Like laparoscopy, endoscopy also uses an endoscope to look at the internal uterus part and is used to treat various disorders like internal bleeding in the fetus.
Laparoscopic Surgery Course & Training
The medicity offers hands-on laparoscopic surgery courses and training under highly experienced doctors as mentors in our state-of-the-art facility training center which can be found across the country in various cities. These courses are available for novice doctors as well as experienced doctors for short and long durations depending on the type of course.
Laparoscopic Training courses
This Laparoscopic Training course is all about the learning of concepts and procedures of both laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgeries. The program is two months long which just does not include theories and concepts but real life case studies to give you a brief knowledge of popular terms including set-up the laboratory for gynae laparoscopy training to understand and build foundation of hysterectomy and myomectomy procedures. Since this is a two month long laparoscopic surgery course program, it covers Ovarian Cystectomy, Septum Resection, Tubal Cannulation, Lateral Metroplasty, & Myoma Resection very deeply to make sure your quality competency on the subject and once all these done, you’ll be getting Guidelines and Record-keeping tips & directions to help you in your upcoming career boost.
To enroll in this gynae laparoscopy training course program, you must have any of medical degrees- MBBS, MD, MS, or you must have 3 year of experience in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, or in General Surgery. Once you get registered with the course and complete it, you’ll be inspected by the instructor before issuing the certificate.
Hysteroscopy Fellowship Program
This is a short-term fellowship in gynae endoscopy to learn intrauterine pathology. Usually hysteroscopy involves endoscopic inspection of the uterine cavity through the cervix. The major focus of the fellowship program is to develop eye-hand coordination with equipment involved in various procedures of endoscopy. This is a one week fellowship program in gynae endoscopy including adhesiolysis, oophorectomy, management of endometriosis, synechiolysis, polypectomy, septum resection, radical surgeries & lymphadenectomies. Each and every candidate will get a chance to do hands-on laparoscopic simulators, Basic hand eye coordination exercises, and Suturing training by themselves.
Those who are already doing level one and level two operation procedures, or Gynae endoscopic surgeons, or medical Postgraduate students who want to start doing hystero-laparoscopies are eligible to join this course. Once you complete your fellowship, you’ll get a certificate of completion after the assessment which will be taken under the supervision of your instructor doctor.
Guide to get these courses
A simple way to get quick and detailed information about these courses is to visit the “hands-on” section on the official website of The Medicity institute. Where you just not find these courses but also get other suggested courses related to your interest, that may help you to make a decision.
Alternatively, you can fill the form mentioned above to the blog, and soon you’ll receive a call from one of our counselors, with whom you can enquire everything you need to know not just related to course but also payment options and coupons.
For more details and questions, just dial our toll-free number 1800-572-9494 or write to us at [email protected].
Source:- https://themedicity.com/blog/laparoscopic-surgery-training-courses-the-medicity
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arunbeniwal-blog · 5 years
Cost of Surrogacy in Kolkata | Sparsha Infertility Centre | Elawoman
Cost of Surrogacy in Kolkata
The best on the off chance that it involves your youngster. A kid is both a fantasy and a reality. Be that as it may, for a significant number of us, a kid remains a fantasy just covered up under foreboding shadows of infertility. In any case, with the escalating achievement of ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) techniques, for example, Surrogacy; this fantasy of parenthood has turned into a reality for some infertile couples or single dads. Surrogacy, therefore, can be comprehended as a treatment convention under ART in which a lady offers agree to convey and convey a tyke for a couple or an individual for material or humanitarian reason. Be that as it may, surrogacy as a therapeutic procedure does not happen through normal insemination and involves manual semen injection and fetus move for pregnancy to happen.If you know more about Best IVF Clinic  so you can click here below links.
Sparsha Infertility Centre
Sparsha Infertility Center is an IVF focus arranged in Madhyamgram, Kolkata. It is the first IVF Center in North 24 parganas. It is a cutting edge, fertility focus with a notoriety for perfection. The board of specialists practicing at this middle have most recent information of treating infertility related issues. It includes wonderful and comfortable interior, cooled waiting parlor, and sumptuous rooms.
The middle likewise includes world class types of gear for IVF, Sonography and Endoscopy. It has maintained adequate vehicle parking space for its guests and staff individuals. The emergency clinic serves its patients 24X7 with the assistance of cutting edge restorative innovations. It likewise gives online booking administration to the patients living outside the nation. The inside gives administrations depending upon the condition and necessity of the patients. Since its inception, the middle has broadened itself from a General ladies care unit offering gynecological and Pre-pregnancy to pregnancy care treatment. The middle includes profoundly qualified and experienced infertility pro, current, conventions and propelled restorative gear, methods and very trained medicinal staffs at the inside who help their patients in each manner. The middle goes for providing the most ideal treatment to its patients. Today the middle has turned into a one stop focus that gives far reaching infertility treatment alternatives to male and female infertility issues.
Urvaraa IVF Fertility Clinic
URVARAA IVF is a cutting edge infertility focus situated in the core of Kolkata, India. The word Urvaraa implies prolific and thus we at URVARAA IVF are devoted to satisfy the fantasies of all the childless couples. Here we give all offices to the conclusion and treatment of infertility, for example, exhaustive clinical assessment alongside Transvaginal sonography, laparoscopy and office hysteroscopy, hormone estimations and semen examination just as the whole scope of ART.
Our ART group is perceived as the chief ART group of the nation and we have confidence in providing affordable and quality care in a world class feel. At URVARAA IVF we endeavor to make infertility treatment cost compelling and within the scope of the regular man. Our clinic is known for rearranged IVF treatment and benevolent and strong staff which causes the patient to adapt to the physical and passionate worry of treatment. Urvaraa IVF in Hazra Road has built up the clinic in 2012 and has gained a reliable demographic in the course of recent years and is likewise much of the time visited by a few big names, aspiring models and other good customers and international patients also. They likewise plan on expanding their business further and providing administrations to a few additional patients owing to its prosperity in the course of recent years. The proficiency, devotion, accuracy and empathy offered at the clinic guarantee that the patient's prosperity, comfort and needs are kept of top need.
Universal Srushti Fertility and Surrogacy Centre
Universal Srushti Fertility and Surrogacy Centre is India's leading chain of fertility centres, offering world class fertility treatment at affordable costs to its patients. We are continuously looking for chances to connect with Leading Gynecologists crosswise over India wanting to branch into fertility treatment.If you a question in you mind related IVF Treatment Cost in Vijayawada get answers from us at elawoman.com.Srushti Test Tube Baby Center-built up in the year 1998. Effectively running centre at Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada and Guntur in Andhra Pradesh, and in Bhubaneshwar, Orissa. Counseling, treatment and ordinary interaction with the central infertility pro with a point of providing better treatment and patient fulfillment starting from the counseling, restorative administration, methodology and till the finish of the treatment will be done by and by.
We satisfied thousands of couples with the achievement rate of 40% - half per cycle at our clinic. Numerous individuals who are over 50 years imagined with the egg gift program and have taken the infants home with complete fulfillment. Surrogacy is likewise influenced accessible at our inside and numerous cases to have been handled and made accomplishment with no complications.Our clinic additionally gives advantages to the activity holders by running the evening infertility clinic hence making the treatment accessible for them. Earlier appointment is to be taken before consulting the specialist.
Gynae Care Clinic
Gynae Care Clinic is a one stop destination for ladies wellbeing. We give master gynae meeting research center testing and ultrasonography under one roof which spares time for the patient and results in fastertreatment.Gynae Care Clinic is one of the leading Gynecology Center at Chowringhee Road Kolkata. It was set up in 2011 to offer first rate pregnancy and premature birth administrations to its customers.
They have cooperation with SRL Religare Diagnostic labs to convey prevalent quality administrations in the least potential rates in West Bengal with the high achievement rate. Administrations offered by clinic are-Gynecology, Obstetrics and Antenatal and postnatal care, Medical terminations of pregnancy, Infertility arrangements (IVF, IUI), Sexology, Diagnostics, Laparoscopic Surgeries, Surrogacy and IVF Treatment.
Genome The Fertility Centre
Genome The Fertility Center is an Infertility and IVF Hospital situated in Uttorayon, Siliguri. Genome fertility center was set up in the year 2005 and has been steady in providing the best of its administrations in the field of infertility medicines with the assistance of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART, for example, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Intrauterine Insemination (IUI).
Other administrations accessible at the fertility center are Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET), Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), Endometrial Receptivity Array (ERA), Embryo Cryopreservation techniques. The emergency clinic is visited by Dr. Priyankur Roy. Dr. Priyankur Roy is an eminent Infertility Specialist and Consultant in infertility medications and Reproductive Medicine and Surgery at Genome - The Fertility Center, Siliguri. He has effectively finished his undergrad training from Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu post which he finished his Junior Residency in Christian Medical College, Vellore. He later attained his post-advanced education in Obstetrics and Gynecology from JSS Medical College, Mysore and go out as a Gold Medalist for scoring most astounding in Surgical Speciality Subjects. He further finished his Clinical Fellowship in Endoscopy and Infertility from IKDRC, Ahmedabad. Dr. Roy is additionally a beneficiary of 'Dr. Leela Krishnamurti Award'. He has been working in the field of infertility medicines and Gynecology for over 10 years and is a most prescribed specialist at the emergency clinic.
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anupsingh11-blog · 5 years
IVF Centre In Guwahati | ElaWoman
What is IVF treatment?
Many couples who locate it tough to get pregnant flip to In Vitro Fertilization as a manner to conceive a child. Commonly shortened to IVF, the basics of this 30-year-antique fertility treatment involves retrieving a woman’s eggs from her ovaries and pairing them with a sperm pattern. According to the American Pregnancy Association, those  components are then mixed in a laboratory, and the ensuing embryos are planted in a girl’s uterus. If IVF is successful, the embryos will embed themselves into the uterus and develop; within some weeks, the couple may be well on their way to becoming dad and mom.
While the bare-bones description of IVF seems quite easy, there’s a purpose why this fertility treatment is understood for its charge tag: the manner consists of more than one steps that require more than one physician’s visits, fertility medicinal drugs, surgical techniques, and laboratory work.
Step 1: Boosting Egg Production
A reproductive professional will decide in case you are a candidate for IVF, and the high-quality path of motion transferring ahead. During this time, you'll be prescribed fertility medications that help stimulate egg manufacturing and increase hormone ranges. You’ll also go through diverse assessments to decide how your body reaction.
Step 2: Egg and Sperm Retrieval
After a physician determines the exceptional time for collecting eggs from your ovaries based on your hormone degrees, you’ll go through minor surgical treatment. Sperm can also be gathered, whether from an associate or a donor.
Step 3: Insemination
Laboratory professionals will combine the sperm and eggs — what’s referred to as “insemination.” This technique lets in the eggs to be fertilized, where they can develop into embryos.
Step 4: Embryo Transfer
Several days after the eggs are retrieved and fertilized, embryos are then planted within the uterus, wherein they will (or won't) implant. If the embryos implant and expand, the IVF cycle is considered a fulfillment, and soon after, a pregnancy check need to provide a fantastic end result.
Who is an IVF candidate?
Many couples who battle with conceiving certainly appearance to IVF. While most effective a doctor or fertility professional can decide if IVF is the satisfactory direction of movement for infertility, a few patients can be better acceptable than others. IVF is normally utilized for people or couples who:
Have damaged, blocked, or eliminated fallopian tubes
Have a decreased sperm count, or sperm with mobility problems or abnormalities
Have irregular ovulation
Have endometriosis, uterine fibroid, or other uterine and ovarian conditions
Genetic issues that a pair is attempting to prevent
Have had cancer, a preceding reproductive sterilization, ovarian failure, or other health circumstance that makes it difficult to get pregnant
Unexplained infertility troubles
Knowing what goes into the IVF procedure is simply as crucial as expertise the way to pay for it. Before you get bogged down with the aid of the info, know that in some instances, reasonably-priced IVF treatments are feasible. For some people, unfastened IVF treatment are a possibility thanks to positive organizations. And, reducing IVF expenses with egg donation or frozen embryos is likewise an opportunity.
What are the aspect outcomes of IVF?
Like all medicines and scientific processes, IVF has some dangers and possible facet outcomes. These consist of:
breast tenderness
mood swings
bruising from pictures
allergic reaction to drugs
Your doctor can speak with you about any questions or worries you have got approximately IVF dangers and side effects.
IVF also can be tough emotionally, each for the person having the processes and for their associate and/or circle of relatives. Many humans doing IVF treatments warfare with melancholy and anxiety at some point of the manner.
Talking with folks who’ve been via fertility struggles and IVF may be truly useful in case you’re feeling crushed or discouraged. Online and in-man or woman groups are also right locations to meet individuals who recognize what you’re going through and might provide advice and assist. Counselors and therapists also can be assets of comfort.
Dr. Mujibur Rahman
Dr. Mujibur Rahman ranks the various high-quality Gynecologist and IVF Specialist in Guwahati. He is specialised in IVF, Infertility Evaluation/Treatment, IUI, Pregnancy Care, Laparoscopy Surgery, Egg Freezing, Embryo Freezing, Myomectomy and Metroplasty. He has finished MBBS and MD from elite institutions with quality outcomes. He also did DOUGIE from america , that is enormously valued inside the enterprise. He is a professional in identifying, diagnosing and treating the numerous fitness troubles and problems associated with women and infertility he is working in one of the best IVF Centre In Guwahati.
Dr. Mujibur Rahman has presented several of his research papers at numerous national and international conferences. Dr. Rahman has an extended tune document of coaching in Medical College of Assam. He has been appointed as a reputed member in lots of institutions and employer which includes, Assam Medical Council. Moreover, Dr. Rahman has presented several of his studies papers at various national and international meetings. He is presently training as an infertility professional at Pratiksha Hospital.
Dr. Pramod Kumar Sharma
Dr. Pramod Kumar Sharma in Greater Kailash 2, Delhi is known for presenting brilliant affected person care. The sanatorium is placed centrally in Greater Kailash 2, an outstanding locality within the town. It stands near Near M Block Market which no longer most effective makes it handy for humans from the vicinity to consult the health practitioner however also for the ones from different neighbourhoods to are trying to find scientific steering.  Dr. Pramod Kumar Sharma is a Gynecologist at Pratiksha Hospital in Guwahati. He is specialized in Gynecological Problems Care, Obstetrics Antenatal Care, Pregnancy control, Minimal Invasive Surgery, IVF and Infertility Evaluation/ treatment She is working in one of the best IVF Centre In Guwahati.
Dr. Arpita Sarmah
Dr. Arpita Sarmah did her fellowship in 2011 in assisted Reproduction & Endoscopy in Pune. She Joined Hayat Hospital, Guwahati in 2012 as an ART Consultant, and labored there for decades. In 2016, Dr. Arpita Sarmah opened a brand new fertility sanatorium as Janitor in Guwahati in which she gives services are Patient Selection & Counselling, IUI, Ovarian Stimulation, IVF, ICSI, Hysteroscopy, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOD), Ovarian Reserve Testing, Uterine Evaluation, PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis), Cryopreservation of (Semen), Embryo Cryopreservation and Donor Programme in IVF, etc and he is working in one of the best IVF Centre In Guwahati.
Dr. Alka Goswami
Dr. Alka Goswami in Silpukhuri, Guwahati is one many of the celebrated Gynaecologist & Obstetrician Doctors, having practiced the scientific specialization for many years. This clinical practitioner's medical institution turned into installed some time in the past and on the grounds that then, it has drawn rankings of patients no longer handiest from in and across the neighbourhood but also from the neighbouring regions as well. This scientific professional is talented in identifying, diagnosing and treating the various fitness issues and troubles related to the scientific discipline. Dr. Alka Goswami is a Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist at Apollo Hospital in Guwahati. She is specialised in Gynecological Problems Care, IVF, Infertility treatment, Reproductive medicinal drug, Fetal Genetic counselling, Obstetrics Antenatal Care. She has also plan on expanding their enterprise further and presenting services to numerous more patients owing to its success over the last few years.
Dr. Kamal Katihar
Dr. Kamal Katihar is Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist at Apollo Hospital in Guwahati. She is specialized in Gynecological Problems Care, Reproductive medication, In Vitro fertilization, IUI, Infertility Management, Pregnancy Care and Baby Delivery. Dr. Kamal Katihar has carried out her qualification of Diploma in Gynaecology and Obstetrics (DGO). Dr. Kamal Kathar in Guwahati treats the numerous illnesses of the sufferers with the aid of helping them go through first-rate treatments and methods. She is currently working at Apollo Hospital.
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