#Only in a dream could Manfred be portrayed with any humanity
imsosocold · 1 year
 I had a dream about an Ace Attorney musical about the first game ( I don’t remember if Rise From The Ashes was included) with the most distinct feature being each murderer got their own song . Sawhit and White had theirs at the beginning of the  “chapters” while Von Karma and Vasquez did theirs after their crimes were revealed. The only one I remember clearly is Von Karma doing a cool quiet rap outside the   “ elevator”, in which he debates predeterminism and the concept of karma and the weight the justice system bears onto him. Other primary moments are when he stroked young Miles’s unconscious face, Gregory’s eyes briefly fluttering open when he got shot, and a short scene of young Franziska meeting and befriending Miles while Von Karma watches wistfully from a distance. Also for some reason he was wearing flowery frocks? I wish I remembered more, it was a really pleasant dream.  
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