#Onverse- Blue Stem
Cider Blitz
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Race: Pegasus
Gender: Male
Nickname(s): Blitz, Lil' Fizzer (by Applejack)
Parents: Applejack x Rainbow Dash (w/ help of unknown donor)
Other Family/Relationships:
(Apple Family Member)
-Blue Stem (twin sister)
-Crumble (older cousin)
-Burner, Shiver Snowhoof, Golden Strokes, Two Pair, Mixer, Amp, Power Chord, Silver Sword, Trident (friends)
-Nightly Storm (assistant coach/friendly rival)
-A couple years after his parents got married, they decided to have foals. With the help of an anonymous donor (who, judging by Stem and Blitz's builds, was likely a massive BEEFCAKE), Applejack and Rainbow Dash were able to have twins. Rainbow Dash was thrilled upon finding that her son was a pegasus, as she always wanted to teach her potential foal how to fly. Over time, Cider Blitz and Blue Stem took to calling Applejack "Ma" and Rainbow Dash "Mum" to differentiate the two.
-He was really close to his cousin Crumble, them being the only non-earth pony offspring in their immediate family at the time.
-Like many Apple Family members born on the farm, Blitz and Stem worked in the orchard a lot growing up. Blitz especially loved working with his ma to prepare for Cider Season. Because he was so dedicated to working on the farm, he was allowed to drop out of school before sixth grade. While Blue Stem stayed at school discovering an affinity for art, Blitz stayed at home and helped his family prepare for the big apple sale seasons. He got his cutie mark, a jug of cider with wings and a lightning bolt, when he made his first pot of cider all on his own during the Cider Season when they had graduated fifth grade, and it was at the exact same time Stem would earn her cutie mark.
-Blitz would turn out to be a very effective worker on the farm, and when he would get done with his morning chores, Rainbow Dash and Applejack thought it would be a good idea for him to work at the Cutie Mark Sanctuary. It was there that Blitz met Nightly Storm, who happened to be dating his sister's friend Golden Strokes. They got along well, but as they were both strong in flight and general muscle, they would sometimes get into stupid competitions. It became an inside joke among the Sanctuary regulars. (Credit for Cutie Mark Sanctuary concept goes to MiaMaha)
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Blue Stem
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Race: Earth Pony
Gender: Female
Nickname(s): Penny (by anyone; introductory name) Stem, Blue Pen (by her moms and her brother), Sketchy (by Rainbow Dash)
Parents: Applejack x Rainbow Dash (w/ help of unknown donor)
Other Family/Relationships:
(Apple Family Member)
-Cider Blitz (twin brother)
-Crumble (older cousin)
-Burner (boyfriend)
-Nightly Storm (best friend)
-Shiver Snowhoof, Mixer, Amp, Power Chord, Silver Sword, Trident (friends)
-Two Pair, Golden Strokes (foalhood friends)
-While Rainbow Dash was away for a Wonderbolt's tour, Applejack stayed on the farm pregnant with their children. About a month into the three-month tour, she and her brother were born. A week before the tour's completion, Applejack decided to visit her wife in Fillydelphia and show off their children. Upon meeting her children, Rainbow Dash immediately dropped from the tour and went home to help take care of them. As they grew up, Cider Blitz and Blue Stem took to calling Applejack "Ma" and calling Rainbow Dash "Mum" to differentiate the two.
-Like many apple family members born on the farm, Blue Stem and Cider Blitz grew up working on the orchard. However, at school, Stem met Golden Strokes and Two Pair. Strokes inspired Stem to take up art, and she got her cutie mark; a blue pen drawing a lightning bolt. It was at the exact same time that Blitz would get his cutie mark for working at Sweet Apple Acres.
-Unlike her brother, Stem stayed at school for the full 13 years. She grew very close to Strokes and Two Pair and they ended up becoming inseparable.
-After graduating, Blue Stem would sit around the farm doodling, contemplating wether she wanted to stay on the farm and work part time as a freelance artist, or go to college and make artistry a career. One day, she got bored and sat outside the barn doodling and watching her family work. While Applejack worked on the trees, Stem decided to draw her mom in the various poses she took when kicking. Upon doing this, Stem realized that she had managed to make an image move by simply drawing it. Excitedly, she tried a walk cycle, and then a pony taking flight. Blue Stem had discovered animation.
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Felt indulgent and drew the Apple kids.
When Blitz, Penny, and Crumbs grew up and pursued their own interests, their one mutual love was Buckball. Inspired by the presence of their Aunt Pinkie Pie, family friend Fluttershy, and Snails throughout their childhood, the Appledash twins and the Sugarmac boy always dreamed of forming their own Buckball team, and after Penny finally graduated college, their dream became a reality.
With Blue Stem on offense, Cider Blitz on defense, and Crumble Sweets as catcher, team Sweet Apple Acres were practically unstoppable (except for by team Ponyville, because, duh). They’ve only played local, unofficial games against unprofessional teams (except for team Ponyville, because, duh), but their big dream for the team is to take it pro.
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