#Ooohhh naughty bunny
hellcatinnc · 6 months
Happy Easter!!
To all who celebrate it I want to wish you a happy easter and even if you don't you can still enjoy the naughty bunny below ;)
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la2yn0va · 15 days
So if you are accepting request can you do something like yandere HSR girls of your choice (and include feixiao please) X Male Reader who's trying to kinda keep them from killing some people like Reader gives them puppy dog eyes and "wouldn't you rather spend time with me?"
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Characters: Feixiao, Lingsha, Jingliu
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“See ya around, handsome~” the woman promised, waving at him while walking away. M/n stared back with nervousness, waving back at the woman. hoping his lover wasn’t around. He walked back but was quickly stopped when he bumped into a woman.
“Oh…heeey feixiao…!” He greeted, laughing nervously. Feixiao could only stare at him with possessiveness and malicious intent. “Vixen. Who might that woman be?” She asked, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him down to her level. (Shorter—Grabs you by your collar and pulls you towards her)
“Oh her…. No one important! Just someone who helped me out with the abominations of abundance!” He quickly explained. Feixiao seemed unconvinced, glaring deeper into his soul “Don’t lie to me vixen! Who is she!” She demanded, as m/n repeated his original statement.
Feixiao growled lowly, soft pushing him away and walking towards where the woman walked “If what you say it’s true, then I should go and thank her…” she said with a smile full of murderous intent.
M/n acted quickly. Grabbing Feixiao’s hand and flicking her around to face him, much to the generals shock. “Hey— come on now…! Your seriously gonna give that random girl more attention then me?”
Feixiao’s eyes glimmered with a mixture of speculation and offense. “What? I’m not giving some nobody my attention over you!” She claimed, now giving you her full attention.
“You sure? You seem oddly fixated with her” “Y-YES! I’m positive! Some nameless woman isn’t gonna have my eyes on them longer than they are on YOU!”
M/n swallowed his nervousness and slight pride, knowing this was a dangerous game he was forced to play. He closed his eyes, silently praying this would work, opening them and trying his best puppy eyes.
“Come on… don’t you wanna talk with me instead?” Feixiao stared with widned eyes. She hadn’t ever seen you like this! Why are you…why’re you being so damn adorable!?
Feixiao’s lips quivered, showing her internal struggle. Her body wanted to just go and murder that woman for daring to call you handsome! But her body also just wanted to kiss you right here and now!
M/n began to sweat as he held this look on his face. In this actually working…? Or is she just trying to freak him out so he can let her go and she goes and kills the woman…!
Feixiao sighed. She hadn’t trained herself to resist that look. So she picked you up and walked off. M/n sighed happily, realizing he had managed to save a woman from his girlfriend’s wrath.
“Don’t think your off the hook vixen~” she sung lowly, before lightly slamming you against a wall “You dare help that woman from escaping MY lesson~? And using those pretty eyes of yours to save her and manipulate my decision~?”
She leaned in, her breath attacking your neck making you jump from the shock of this whole turnout of events. “You’re in for a LOOONG day. My Naughty little vixen~”
She said with lustful intent, licking her lips before chomping down on your neck, making you yelp out a surprised moan. In the end, feixiao still gets her way.
(I’m breaking F2P for her)
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“Thank you for your help” A woman said, shaking m/n’s hand and winking before bringing his hand up and kissing it, as if she were a gentlemen.
M/n froze, feeling a cold sweat drop from his nape. The woman giggled, believing that m/n froze due to embarrassment. “See ya around cutie” “ooohhh fuck…” he said to himself, turning to see an enraged and bloodthirsty Vidyadhara brunette.
“Wait just a mo—” M/n quickly put one of his hand over lingsha’s mouth, much to her shock and surprise. Being forced to watch the woman walk away, she created a small bunny and made it chase after her while keeping your eyes on her.
“WHAT. WAS. THAT.” She demanded an answer, her eyes twitching from anger as she pushed him onto a chair. M/n chuckled nervously, realizing he hadn’t thought this far ahead.
“Well? What do you have to say for yourself, little rabbit?” She pinched his ear roughly. “Ow—!! Wait—!!” “ANSWER ME!” She yelled, growing more irritated, her mind quickly filling with delusions.
“I-I just… well… you were paying too much attention to her!” He quickly spouted out, making lingsha freeze and widen her eyes. “…Huh?” She said as m/n realized he might’ve fucked up or is about to save a life.
“Y-You just seemed TO interested in her! A-and well—” “Oh? Is that why you’re worried? Aren’t you just adorable~” she said, stopping her harsh tugging of his ear and moving her hand to caress his face.
“Don’t worry. I’m proving she means nothing to me as we speak~” She said with a dark smile, m/n swallowed decided to shoot in the dark. He tried his best, and morphed his eyes to becoming similar to a sad puppy.
“Come on. Just forget about here… and pay attention to me.. please~?” Lingsha instantly got red on the face, feeling an arrow pierce her heart. Her entire body and focused was disturbed, which also led to the bunny she made completely disappearing.
“You cheeky little… Come here!” She yanked him forward, unable to stop herself from kissing him. She used her superior strength to keep him in place while she increases the intensity of her kiss.
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“You’re a lifesaver pretty boy!” A woman gratefully hugged m/n, who simply patted her head. The women blushed embarrassed at the gesture but then bowed and walked away.
M/n watched her walk away before realization struck him like a semi-truck. He swallowed nervously before feeling the air suddenly grow cold. VERY cold.
He turned to see his girlfriend, a blindfolded woman with light blue hair. M/n swallowed once more, managing to see her eyes through the blindfold. Her eyes glowed red, holding nothing but malice, insanity, and delusion.
“Darling” she greeted coldly, walking towards him. “H-Hey jingliu..!! H-how are you—?” He was ignored. She walked past him, glaring down the woman with pure hatred.
“H-Hey—! Jingliu—?!” He yelled out, quickly jumping infront of her. “You okay…..?” He dragged out the ‘okay’ realizing that was a stupid question. Jingliu patted his face “Get out of my way dear” she warned him, her hand beginning to shake with murderous intent.
“H-hold on—! You’re really gonna pay attention to some random woman and not me…?” He quickly spouted out, trying to prevent the inevitable. Jingliu’s face turned more stoic, her blindfold slipping off to revel an apathetic yet insane stare.
“Is that how you feel dear? Don’t worry. I’ll alleviate your worries~” she promised, kissing him softly and walking off, quickly speeding up but m/n once again stopped her, grabbing her hand.
She flicked her head back, clear aggression in her face. He quickly acted, not think. His eyes became that of a puppy. “Wouldn’t you rather spend time with me…?” He said, seeing jingliu’s face calm into confusion before seeing her blush slightly.
She stared for a few seconds before turning fully to face him, bringing him in closer and cupping his face in her hands. She smiled softly and brought him in for a kiss.
“Forgive me love. But you brought this on yourself” she whispered, before knocking him out. “I will not take the slightest chance with you” She proclaimed. Lifting him up and turning, taking out her sword and running off the end the woman’s life.
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wayward-persephone · 2 years
Ok but. Russell? Fluffy bunny man? Either he's house-sitting and you're at work, or he's at his new employment? And you send him a naughty pic??Perhaps even encouraging him to send one back??? And then what happens you think???????
Ooohhh! I like this! In the movie he's so technological challenged. I mean...he used the "hunt and peck" method while typing on a keyboard 🥺
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So I can see this maybe after he gets his first cellphone, something you cheerfully helped him with, and he's still getting used to texting and you find this all so adorable.
He would be enjoying his off day at your place, doing some chores so you won't have to worry about it when you get home, and he's in a pleasant mood. Humming to himself as he putters around.
Unfortunately, he has no idea that you're bored out of your skull at work and can only think about jumping his bones.
The devious plan was already forming in your head as you make an excuse to head to the back room and then you promptly locked yourself in the storage closet. You scrambled with your clothes and took a few pictures of yourself against the door, grinning mischievously as you browse through your new selection, and picked out a few favorites to send Russell. Your heart thumping like a hummingbird's wings in your chest from sheer giddiness as you hit "send"
Russell hears the tell-tale chime of his phone and thinks nothing of it when he checks the messages. He smiled happily seeing it's from you and, after a few slow confused moments, he finally manages to open the pictures you sent.
He nearly drops the phone as his legs almost give out.
The first picture is you with your legs spread and your dress bunched around your waist, your panties shoved to your thighs, and your free hand is teasingly placed right over you exposed pussy. Your fingers splayed in a way that he can clearly see them pressed against your glistening slit.
'I miss you.'
Is what the caption reads and Russell has to brace himself to see the next picture.
You're in the same pose, but this time your dress is pushed down at the top to expose your bare breasts and reveal a hint of your devilish smile. Your hand was cupping one breast and your back was subtly arched in a beautiful curve.
'Do you miss me?'
The new caption read.
Russell realized with a start that he was openly palming himself through his pants, his cock hard and aching within the restricting material, and he only spared a few moments to think about what he was doing before he unzipped his pants.
You could barely contain your glee when your phone buzzed in your hand and you briskly excused yourself to the bathroom. Securely locked in a stall you opened the message and felt a white-hot thrill surge through you before seeming to liquefy your bones at the picture he sent you. It was a little blurry, but you could clearly see what he was doing.
His jeans opened just enough to get his cock out, making your mouth water at the sight of him hard and leaking precum, and he was clearly in the process of jerking off.
'Come home soon'
His caption read.
When you arrived home thirty minutes later, you don't know who reached for who first, all you know is that you were sprawled on the living room floor with your dress hastily pushed aside and your panties hanging by a thread on your ankle, while Russell fucked into you almost frantically. His mouth attacking your breasts with kisses as his hands tangled in your hair and gripped your waist to hold you steady.
Later that night, after he cuddled with you in the shower and made you both dinner, you had to explain to him why it wouldn't be a good idea for him to save your pictures as the wallpaper on his phone.
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