#Op killer x reader
fanaticsnail · 2 months
Will You Let Me?
Masterlist Here, Pollen Masterlist Here
Word count: 4,500+
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Synopsis: Your crew was docked at a port, exploring a new land while you requested to remain behind. Enjoying being without the unruly bunch, your momentary calm was disrupted by the staggering step of your superior. Coughs, grunts and stuttering over his words: your concern grew more severe as you offered to help him through it.
Themes: pollen!killer x gn!reader, NSFW, mdni, 18+, smut, penetration reader!receiving, swearing, dubcon, begging, pleading, apologising, bruising, crying, rough, do not read if you do not enjoy the trope, fluff at the end, semi-ooc.
Notes: first time writing gn!reader smut! I enjoyed the challenge, but forgive me if there's a word that is used incorrectly! I am still learning inclusive language.
Pollen is a fun trope to play with, but please do not read if you don't enjoy.
Apprehensive Tag List: @sordidmusings @remisloves @tremendoushorsepatrolgoth @since-im-already-here @mfreedomstuff @icy-spicy
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The hot sun shone over the wooden deck of the Victoria Punk. The soft waves gently rocked the boat with a subtle lull, the screech of gulls only aiding your heart to swell in merry solitude.
It was a rare occasion that you were tasked to remain behind while the crew explored a foreign area. Your skills as a linguistics specialist usually meant your silver tongue was called for to coax a good deal, or to decipher scratchings on cave walls. Considering this area was only a port meant for resupply, Captain Kid deemed your skills unnecessary for the journey in land.
Never one to complain, and genuinely giddy at the notion of being secluded and alone for a change, you jumped at the opportunity to stay with the Victoria Punk. You adored your ship, and decided to utilise the opportunity to check over her planks, ropes, and panels that may be in need for repair.
As the day went on, you did not expect a member of your crew to return so suddenly: especially the hulking masked figure of Massacre Soldier Killer. Being the first-mate, he was usually by Kid's side, no matter the circumstances.
Coughing, sneezing and sputtering: Killer’s right hand shot out to grasp your left shoulder. The firmness of his grip was bordering on painful, prompting you to wince in response to the hard strangulation of flesh.
“Something gross hit me in the face,” he strained from behind the teal and ivory mask, “Stuck in my chest and my throat. Not feeling good. Gotta-... fuck-... I gotta lie down or something.”
Concern and worry knit itself over your face, examining the staggering movement of Killer’s body as he retreated below deck. He stuttered and gripped onto the wooden beams, walls and ceiling to stabilize his movement: his body almost giving way beneath the pressure.
“Kil, do you need-,” you began, halting as his voice raised over the top of yours.
“-‘M fine. D-Don’t worry, ‘kay?” he called over his shoulder before disappearing below deck. His large figure seemed to both be inflated and deflated with a foreign paralysis in his choppy, staggered steps. The waves did nothing to sooth him in his glide throughout the halls.
As soon as he reached crew-quarters, he all but shredded his clothes and cast them away from his body. His skin was alite with violent lust, his hands moving against his will to fist, claw and paw at the erogenous zones of his torso, stomach, legs, and his puckered nipples.
He arched his back as his hands gripped the base of his already steel-like cock, immediately pumping it in his right fist. His left hand clawed at the flesh of his chest and lay flat over his heart as he felt the rise in fluttered rapidity.
Scraping and gripping downwards with his left hand, he pushed hard on the base of his stomach, feeling how tightly wound the banded coil was wound in the pit of his stomach: bound hard enough to snap. Every muscle was tense, firm and aching for relief. He began sniffling and sobbing behind his mask, never truly experiencing the shame in the desperation his body was craving before.
He was the only one who managed to not avoid the hessian bag of powdered flowers falling from the rooftop of the naturopathic remedy building. Apologetic calls echoed down from the roof before panic began to rise in the workers. Killer could scarcely process voices above the throbbing ache in his lower abdomen.
Barely hearing several repetitions of Kid’s voice calling: “Killer, are you alright? Kil, are you alright?” All Killer could do was splutter and cough through the burning in his chest.
Golden flecks danced over his eyes beneath the mask, the pollen sucked immediately through the holes and embedded several clusters within the circular orifices. No matter how many times he wiped at the mask with his hands, he continued to inhale the sticky-sweet smell of herbal flowers within deep gulps of his lungs.
“Get him back home!” a hushed voice hurriedly spat at Captain Kid, “He needs a companion, someone to take care of him while he's going through this. Someone caring and kind enough to-.”
“-Don't tell me what to do! Kil, you know the way back to the ship from here?” Kid’s voice barked at Killer, prompting the blonde to spark a moment of clarity in his progressingly foggy mind, “The linguist is back there. They'll take care of ya’ if ya’ need it, okay?”
“Okay,” Killer managed to stutter out, his body scorching hot and violently in need.
“Okay!” Kid parrotted back, looking at the shopkeeper, “Okay, great. Now that's settled, we need a couple things from you. Let's get that sorted before-."
As Killer continued fisting at his cock, he felt release on the tip of his tongue. His eyes were scrunched tightly shut and his lips were parted wide. Unbeknownst to him, each time he panted through his heavy inhales and exhales; more of the toxic pollen punctured his lungs and poisoned his bloodstream with arousal.
He was consumed with lust, a beast untamed and unbridled. There was no release for him, no relief that came thereafter. He was isolated, confused, scared and manic. He needed something, someone, anyone-.
“-No,” Killer spoke aloud in a strangled whisper, “Not anyone. I need the linguist. I n-need-... fuck-... I need my linguist. Where i-is my linguist?”
Continuing about your task of ensuring all of the ropes were properly coiled and laid, your heart began to pang with guilt. You decided to cast aside all further self-induced tasks and seek out the first-mate you serve beside, attempting to offer him comfort through his illness. He seemed so adamant about isolation, but you felt called to be by his side.
Venturing below deck, his painful strain of wanton moans called to you. Muffled groans of pain exhumed from the room, cries of anguish falling through the door. Your deepest sympathies clawed at you to push through the door. Your hand hesitated it's rise against the wooden panel, your body almost walking away before you heard a gentle and heartfelt cry of your name falling from Killers lips.
“I-If you're there,” Killer’s voice again called for you, “Please come in. Please,” he chanted your name with a soft, strangled moan, “Please. I need you.”
Immediately, your body moved against your will. Twisting the knob to crew quarters, you swung the door wide and was immediately met with the sight of your first mate: glistening in beads of sweat and shed of all but his teal and ivory face covering, and viciously pulling at his cock.
“Killer! Why did you tell me to come in if you were doing that?” you shouted in a harsh whisper, immediately slamming the door shut behind you and scrunching your eyes tightly shut, “I don't want to watch that!”
Thick silence aside from the cruel pistoning of his firm hand slapping against his lower stimach engulfed the air. Soft huffs of muffled pants escaped gritted teeth, Killer's mask doing the heavy lifting in silencing his cries for you.
“I don't want you to watch,” Killer confessed in a soft, breathy whine, “Please don't watch,” he keened for you, “Participate.”
“Killer!” you shot over your shoulder at him with a warning tone, “What are you-?”
“-I would never a-ask if I didn't-...” He trained off in a strangled whimper, desperately clenching down on his tongue with his teeth and biting back his needy sobs, “...I-I need you. I need you. Only you.”
“Kil,” you sighed at him, your concern written over you'd face, “Have you taken something? Was it the gross thing from earlier? Did that have an effect on you? Like a drug-?”
“-Look at me,” a barked command exited the holes in the mask, “Please, look at me,” he pleaded, gasping as he grasped at his cock, fisting the flesh and whimpering as he was brought to the brink of ecstacy once again, “Just look at me, please. I just need your eyes on me. Eyes on me.”
“Killer,” you whimpered, finally turning to face him. As soon as your eyes met with the icy stare beneath his mask, you were entranced. Your body propelled you against forward, called to serve the needs of the first mate in a hypnotic trance.
“I need you,” he sobbed, reaching for you with his left hand as his right continued beating his weeping cock, “Only you. Please, let me have you?”
Your body continued reacting against your will, your brain becoming foggy as Killer’s lust thickened the air with all-consuming need. Shame coursed just as heavily throughout your body as the arousal at just the thought of taking Killer’s cock into you began coursing through your veins.
“Please,” he whined, his eyes holding your own as you stripped yourself of your clothes, “Please,” his lips spilt as you straddled his lap, “Please,” as you immediately began sinking yourself down over the tip of his knob.
His precum did little to prepare you your your descent, focussing on your wanton need to have him within you to open your body up to receive him. Killer moaned your name, crying out with baited breath as you slowly consumed all of his length with the grip of your tight hole.
As soon as he felt your heat take his entire length, he was already a babbling mess. There was no strings of cohesive thought as his length became strangled within your tight center. He immediately began shooting your body full of ropes of thick release, ribbon after ribbon of his pale translucent ecstasy.
He cried out for you in warning before painting your walls white with his sticky cum. The pearly beads of his lust coated your tight hole immediately, strings of praise falling from his lips as he rode through his high with you fully impaled on his thick cock.
But he remained firm, hard and desperate for more.
“Wha-...” he began, his understanding of his own arousal and relief not aiding him in the slightest as he thrust up into you. He moaned as he sheathed his lengthy shaft deep within you again, your own arousal now taking over as you started to roll your hips against him while sat fully engulfed by him.
“Killer, what's going on?” you questioned him, your confusion and worry knit on your face, “You're s-still hard.”
“I-I am,” he confirmed, a soft mewl of bliss echoed beneath his mask as he rolled his hips up into you, “What’s happening to me?”
His hands found your hips, rocking you above him as he began feeling another wave of need course through his veins. As his hands embedded into your hips, you winced at the sting. His strength depicted in his grasp, gripping you like a lifeline anchoring himself to the world surrounding him.
He tried.
He tried so hard to be gentle.
He wanted to be gentle for you. Needed to be gentle for you.
But his grip turned sinister, turned brutal and unforgiving as he thrust up into you. His end was coming to a close as he chased it with you writhing and pleading on his lap. His desperation enticed him to continue bullying your tight center with vicious snaps of his bruising slaps.
“Kil,” you called for him, feeling his cock touch a depth within you that had your back arching and mewling for him, “Oh, Kil. I'm close.”
“Please,” he begged, desperately thrusting up into your lap as his end stampeded before his eyes, “Please cum. Please. N-Need it.”
“Killer,” you called for him, feeling the band weave ever tighter within your abdomen, spiraling and coiling within the pit of your stomach, “Kil I'm gonna-.”
“-Oh, fuck!” he roared, his body immediately betraying him as he coated your insides with ropes of hot, sticky, and heavy cum for the second time. His balls sucked up inside his body, his entire being screaming in relief as his release was once again began satisfying his unbridled lust for you.
But his cock still remained firm.
Your eyes clenched firmly shut, the corners wincing at the slight pinch as the coil snapped deep within you. White-hot ecstacy coursed through your veins, your body releasing your bliss over yours, and Killers, bodies as you rode through your high seated on his lap.
His hands were firm, rocking you atop him with a guiding, harsh rhythm as you called his name. Your whole being was alight with passion, your eyes now opening and looking down at the man beneath you.
Killer didn't realize it until he felt his eyes roll back in his skull, his body immediately ushered into a third orgasm as your body milked him with the rhythmic thumps of your warm orgasm. But he still remained firm, hard and needy. He inhaled a deep, shaky breath: particles of pollen immediately spiraling in a cylindrical vacuum deep into his lungs.
“I c-can’t,” Killer called for you, immediately grappling you in his arms. He threw you beneath him, his vice-grip clawing at your hips as he pummeled down into your body, “I can't stop, I can't stop, I can't stop.”
You bit back a whimper, your body barely recovering from the prior spend of your hot release. Overstimulated, ill-prepared and encumbered with your new task at hand: Massacre Soldier Killer never let up. Not even for a moment.
In fact, he only got more intense, ferocious and brutal the moment your body began to milk his cock.
“P-Please know I'm sorry,” he choked out a strangled whimper. His fingers ached with the intensity he was gripping onto you with, leaving punctures of purple intents over your hip bones due to the butality he was burrowing into you.
“O-Oh fuck,” you sucked in your bottom lip, biting down hard as the corners of your eyes began pricking with tears, “It's okay, it's okay. I know. I can t-take it.”
You spoke through those words of confirmation, truly attempting to convince yourself of the ability to endure this rough treatment for as long as Killer needed to use your body for. Rough slaps of his hips smacked against your body, his veiny cock scraping itself through your body as his knob hit angles you didn't realize you could experience. It would equate to bliss if his grip wasn't so intense.
Excruciating agony and white-hot ecstacy were in a perfect marriage within your body beneath the hulking form of Massacre Soldier Killer. The harmonious entanglement driven further by the grunts, growls, roars from the man above you, only for them to turn into begging whimpers and pleas for you to endure just a moment longer.
“I kn-know this isn't-... f-fucking nnghm-... this isn't g-good for you,” his breathy whisper cut through his growls like a pick through ice, “I can't stop. I can't fucking stop.”
“It's okay, Kil. I p-promise it's okay,” you grit your teeth as his grip intensified on your hips, "You're good. You're b-being so good." His rhythm was unforgiving, the pace and rate his body rut into you was tormenting, brutal and punishing.
This was not the first-mate you knew. The beast in his stead was as violent as Killer was in battle, ripping bones and slashing through flesh. This was not at all what you anticipated from aiding Killer through this feat of lust.
His desperation was abhorrent, something he was repulsed by. He never dreamed of joining his body with yours in this strenuous and savage manner. He wanted to be kind, always kind, only ever kind, should you grant him the access to you he so desperately longed for from afar.
Softly spoken, dutiful and almost loving. That's who you knew him to be, and that's who he wanted to be for you. Your friend, your comrade in arms, your senior serving crewmate who you trusted to have your back.
How would you ever trust him again after this? How could he ever trust himself? That push and pull of chasing his relief with you caged beneath him coincided with the tug of his heart and the fog of his mind. He wants you to trust him after this. He wants you to look him in the eye and tell him you still want him. He needed that from you; the confirmation this was not only simply for now, but something he could have once again.
“I'm sorry, I'm so sorry,” he sobbed into your neck, the cool surface of his mask grounded you. Huffs of his breath poked through the holes in his mask, his icy-blue eyes were scrunched tightly shut while his body remained alight like a beacon in darkness.
He had already reached his climax three times, shooting burst after burst of his sticky cum deep within you. Although relief was found immediately afterwards, his cock continued to remain stiff as the steel of a blade in a snow storm.
He just couldn't stop. Why couldn't he stop?
“Kil, I-I think you n-need-... ahh,” you mewled as he moved his hands up to your waist, his broad fingers splayed out to perch like a bird of prey against your skin. He rammed his full length in and out, your stomach beginning to ache with the bulge protruding deep within your abdomen.
“N-Need you,” he groaned in your ear, his hips stapling you against the floor with each cruel slap, “Need to keep going. Almost th-there again.”
“I know, Kil. I know,” you soothed his hair in your hands, trails of wet tears streaked your cheeks with how much sensations your body was taking, “Take what you need, I'm here.”
“I’m gonna-... I'm gonna- f-fuck. I'm gonna cum again,” he groaned deep within his mask, his voice picking up at the end in a small shuddery whimper, “Oh fuck, oh fuck. I'm cumming.”
Your head rolled back, eyes wide as you felt him empty himself within you for a fourth time. The sticky splashback of his hot cum trickled out of your needy hole, his cock buried up to the hilt with his spend leaking over his pubic hair and thighs. He huffed against your shoulder, his mask almost becoming loose over his face as he recovered.
“Good boy,” you cooed at him, pressing a soft kiss onto his bare shoulder as he shuddered and shook through his fourth spurt of ecstacy, “Good boy, Kil. Get it all out.” His cock twitched at your title bestowment, the hardness of his steely cock refusing to deflate no matter the amount of release he pumped into you.
“I-It’s not going down,” he whimpered into you, his hips beginning to roll against yours once more, “It's not going down. I don't know what to do,” his sobs began to shake at his shoulders.
“It's okay,” you winced out, feeling the heat of release exiting from your overspent body with ooze of fluid, “I-I think you need to take your mask off.”
“Wh-What?” he gasped at you, his hands continuing to hold you firmly against the mattress of his bed, “The mask off?”
“Some-... fuck, Kil-... something hit you in the face, ri-right?” your voice was several notes higher than your usual cadence, crying beneath him as he pummeled into you, “Might be still in your mask. Take it off. I'll close my eyes, I'll not tell a soul,” you winced, clamping your eyes tightly shut, “I'll be good. I'll tell no-one.”
Killer immediately halted his thrusting, his body in momentary stasis as your words reached him. His body screamed at him to keep going, to keep pummeling into you, to keep chasing his high that was just within reach. But he stopped, his cock sheathed deep within you.
“Look at me,” he purred down at you, his hands still firm on your waist. His grip grasped you tighter, misbehaving beneath Killer's pleading to hold you more gently.
Unclenching your scrunched eyes, you gazed up at him as his hands left your body and unclasped the mask from shrouding his face. Icy blue eyes, as pale as the sky and as deep as the ocean pierced you as his gaze met with yours. Your breath was stolen from within your lungs, choking back on your surprise at his appearance.
Massacre Soldier Killer was beautiful.
“Look up at m-me,” he stammered, his hips rolling against yours as his cock burrowed deep within your body, “Look at me. I n-need you to see me. I need you to see how desperately I need you.”
His eyelashes fluttered, his eyelids growing heavy as his rhythmic thrusts began to pick up their intensity. Your eyes never left his for a moment: not to look at his lips, not his beard, nor his angular cheekbones, nor his nose. His eyes were what captivated you most, holding you hostage as their glassy hue glazed over to chase his high within you.
“Y-You were right,” he huffed between thrusts, “My lungs aren't burning, and I-I think this is it. Th-This one is it.” His pace was excruciating, but the satisfaction you were beginning to feel build itself within you screamed at you to let him continue using you.
“You can do it, Kil,” you rolled your hips to match his pace, staring up through half-hooded lashes into his eyes, “Use me. Take me, I'm yours.”
“You're mine,” he moaned his growling voice down at you, leaning forward and pressing his forehead against your neck, “Perfect for me. Made for me.” His cock twitched deep within you, your body reacting to his needy chase and toppling over with his final release.
“F-Fuck, Kil!” you cried, your body beginning to throb, your thumps of bliss coaxing Killers balls to empty deep within, “I-I’m-... I’m cumming. Killer, I'm cumming!”
“Cum with me, cum with m-me,” he begged, his pace picking up as his cock finally began weeping it's spend for the fifth time deep within you, “With me. F-Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Pants of breath, fluttering of elevated heartbeats and joint cries of bliss ricocheted off the wooden walls of the crew-quarters of the Victoria Punk. Killer's mask lay discarded beside the door, lulling in the subtle rock of the waves over the floorboards as you both fell away from your mutual highs.
Killer moved his head away from your shoulder, gazing down to where your bodies remained joined together in awe. His lips were agape, his eyelashes fluttering as he pulled himself away from you. Watching the floodgates open from your abused entrance, your mutual juices coating both of your stomachs, thighs and soaking the mattress beneath you.
Killer looked to your hips, his lips parting and eyes becoming teary as he noticed the damage showcased on your body.
Marks littered your skin, deep hues of purple branded your flesh, depicting Killer's unrestrained lust and need for you. His bliss was eclipsed by deep sorrow as his fingers gently caressed the elevated indents in your skin. Sensing his unease, you immediately flung your hands up and collected his cheeks in your palms.
“I can handle it,” your eyes searched his, looking between his deep, blue orbs with your eyes only depicting support and affection, “I wouldn't have let you do it if I couldn't handle it.”
Killer turned his head, his lips meeting your palm with his whiskered chin tickling your flesh. This small moment of affection felt more sacred, more secret, and more intimate than the emassment of bodily fluids you shared moments prior.
“I shouldn't have been so rough with you,” he scolded himself, “I will never be rough with you again.” His fingertips caressed your hips, soothing over your aching flesh and wordlessly apologizing with deep, intentional touches.
“Are you feeling okay, Kil?” you asked him, lazily cocking your head to the side, “Don't need to go again?”
“Fuck, no,” he huffed through a small, squeak of laughter, “Not right now, at least.”
Smiling up at him, you propped yourself up on your elbows and gazed deeply into his eyes. You couldn't get enough of the luxury it was to gawk at the handsome man who just spent himself within you five times in consecutive succession.
He truly was beautiful.
“Does that mean you want to do this again?” you asked him while attempting to not show how eager you were. You began taking your time to examine his muscular physique before snapping your eyes back up to his blue orbs. A red hue tinted his cheeks, his eyes darting around the room before rejoining your own.
“I would like to, yes,” Killer admitted at last, sucking in a breath as he anticipated your refusal. Your smile spread up your face, prompting you to immediately spring yourself up to meet his body with your own.
“Crew’s still out for a while,” you shrugged, looking around the crew-quarters you had both tainted with the stains of your aroused fluids, “We should clean this up,” you drew your eyes up to meet his, coy and bashful, “And maybe we could have a bath together-?”
“-Please,” he spoke over you, far too quickly for his liking but too lost to hold back the floodgates of emotional excitement, “Let me bathe with you. I'll wash your hair, massage your body. I'll make sure you're so, so spoiled after all this, if you'll let me?”
A small squeal of joy found its way to your lips, buzzing at the notion that he not only wants to be with you again physically, but he desired to treat you to the luxury of continuing to gawk at his uncovered face further by bathing with you.
“Will you let me?” Killer asked, his voice still holding that eager anticipation that caused you to both melt and soar in unison. You eagerly nodded, prompting Killer to hook his arms beneath you and elevate you into his chest.
Your fingers quickly drew themselves up to his lengthy blonde hair, detangling the sweat-damp strands and toying with the soft curls framing his face. You hummed in contentment as his smile freed itself on his face, glancing at you as you continued enjoying his luscious, thick locks.
“Let's go then,” he cooed down at you, his lips finding your forehead as he cradled you against him, “Let me spoil you for being so good to me. I need to treat you right.”
“Don't forget your mask!” you quickly uttered, causing him to pause and search your face for clarification. You smiled at him, gently reaching your lips up to press against his cheek, “Gotta clean the damn thing, unless you want to experience all that again?”
“Good point,” he huffed, using his feet to kick along his mask to the bathroom as he chaperoned you within his arms, “I prefer my own desire to come from me,” he confessed as soon as he reached the door, “And I want to show you how much I truly do desire you.”
“I can't wait,” you smiled in return, wincing as your body’s adrenaline seeped out of your body and the pain caught up to you.
“I promise I'll be gentle with you,” he confessed, his eyes innocent and brows triangulating in a peak in the center of his forehead, “I won't be rough.”
“I can take a bit of rough treatment,” you challenged him in return, smiling into his bare chest as he began to run the bath.
“I know you can,” he smiled down at you, pressing a small kiss against your temple, “But you don't have to, unless you really want to.”
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henrioo · 10 months
Relationships: Eustass Kid x Gn! Reader x Killer (Poly), Kid x Killer (Suggested)
Synopsis: What would it be like to wake up only to discover that you didn't sleep with one crewmate, but two!
Warnings: Mention of sexual intercourse, waking up naked among people without clothes, mention of drunk (consenting) sex, mention of regret, mention of consequences, Soft Kid and Killer, Healthy Relationship, Polyamorous Relationship, Threesome
Word Count: 1,0k
Notes: Oh yeah baby, I really love this duo, this is the first part of a "series" of waking up the next day with a trio, I plan to do more now that I'm back but to debut we have my favorites, the next ones will probably be Zoro and sanji or Luffy and Law, hope you like it
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It was so soft and warm… You were under a hard surface, but it was so hot that it somehow became soft? There was something around your waist and it warmed you even more. There was a layer of soft blanket under you and everything felt even better, when was the last time you slept so well? His bed wasn't even that comfortable...
Yes, your bed was not comfortable… For some reason it was a hard mattress that you always said you would change on the next island you stopped on, but you always forgot and continued on the hard bed. Also, what was that breath on your neck? Breathing? Weren't you alone?!
Still groggy and confused, you forced yourself to open your eyes to try to figure out where the hell you fell asleep this time. His head began to throb and hurt as his eyes got used to the low light in the room, the windows were covered, preventing the sun's rays from illuminating everything.
You yawned loudly and shifted, or at least you tried to since there was something… someone holding you in place. You looked around and your face burned as your jaw dropped open in shock. You were lying on the chest of none other than Eustass Kid, your captain. Also, around your waist and curled around you like a puppy was Killer, the first mate.
You suppressed a scream and began to rummage through your memories in search of what had happened. You remembered very little, you had entered a drinking contest, won and then tried to stumble back to the ship to sleep. At some point you met Killer who would help you get back safely, maybe you found Kid on the ship, but nothing really explained how you ended up there.
And to make matters worse… Where were your clothes? Oh no… You couldn't believe you made a cliché like that, did you even sleep with your superiors just because you were drunk?!
Killer squeezed your waist a little more and settled on your back, you felt a shiver running through your body. Of course, you couldn't deny that they were very attractive and maybe you had a crush on them, besides obviously, it was a celebration night and the three of you must have been completely drunk and crazy… But still, that shouldn't have happened!
Not that you didn't want to… On the contrary, what situation would that put you in?! Would your peers say you were trying to curry favor? What if the two got mad and threw you off the ship?! There were so many possibilities for everything to go wrong that her head started to spin…
But you couldn't deny it, being there, in the grip of Killer's arms and the comfort of Kid's body was so lovely. You definitely wouldn't use that word for anything related to those two monstrous men, but it felt so right.
"Fuck my head" you heard Kid mumbling and closed your eyes at the time, maybe it would be better to just pretend you were sleeping.
He shifted a bit until he realized where he was, then there was silence until he finally spoke.
"Y/n" you bit your lip, that he didn't realize you were sleeping, it was his wish "I know you're awake" Damn! How did he know?!
"Captain…" you mumbled shyly and opened your eyes to stare at him. There was no negative emotion in that gaze, no anger, no disgust, he just stared at you... peacefully?
"Shut up, I still don't want to wake up" Killer said and then he buried his head in your neck and inhaled deeply, making you shiver and let out a small cry of fright.
"Killer, let go, they don't want to" Kid spoke quickly and not long after Killer released you with a disappointed mutter.
"Sorry" he said and then sat down on the bed.
You stood there looking confused at both of them, what was going on?
"You can go back to your room, let's not say anything to anyone" Kid said and yawned again, wasn't he going to tell? Did he… had he regretted it?
"Are we just going to pretend this didn't happen?" You let out with some sadness, you couldn't help but show your disappointment… Were you really that bad?
"Well, it's not exactly weird Killer waking up in my bed" Kid said teasing the other man who just swore under his breath "But by the look of you you definitely didn't want to be here, so let's just pretend it didn't happen, blah blah, you know" he said with little patience.
"But… What if I wanted to be here?" You said in a sad whisper. It was no secret to many that you really wanted both men, you just hadn't done anything imagining that your superiors would never hook up with their own subordinates.
"You want?" It was Killer who spoke, turning and facing you, at least that's what it looked like since his bangs covered his eyes.
"Maybe…" you said nervously and sat up, using the blanket to cover yourself.
"So does that stuff you said yesterday about you being in love with us being true?" Kid said, staring at you deathly.
"I said that?!" You screamed in shock, you had assumed that while drunk?!
"No" he smirked "But by your reaction it's true…"
"You idiot…" you cursed in embarrassment.
"So… Can we go back to sleep?" Killer said approaching you "Let's deal with the romantic talk after coffee"
"Yes definitely" Kid said and pulled you back into his chest, Killer then clung to you again.
"So…" you said after a few minutes of silence "If Killer is already a regular here… Can I be too?" That was her request to try and turn something from one night into much more, you had the chance to have those two men in your hand and you weren't going to waste it.
"You don't even have to ask, we're tired of hearing you complain about your bed" Killer said happily.
"Yeah, now shut up and go to sleep or I'll expel you both" Kid yelled with his eyes closed.
"Ah… And y/n" Killer whispered in his ear "We love you too…"
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astelren · 2 years
OP to you being clueless to their flirting/feelings II
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ೃ⁀➷ TW/CW: Fluff, Gender Neutral Reader, Teasing, Nothing much, Doflamingo being extra like always, let me know if I need to add more TW/Tags ♡ Minors please interact with me only by liking or reblogs. ➳ Characters: Nico Robin, Nami, Eustass Kid, Killer, Donquixote Doflamingo, Crocodile, Dracule Mihawk, Koby
⤠ Part I ⤟ One Piece Masterlist ⤠ Cbat Song ⤟
someone asked for Doflamingo, Mihawk, and Crocodile so here they are 💞💞 I hope you will like this, I'm not so sure about certain characters fhfkf
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In Robin's eyes, you are the cutest thing she ever saw in her life. You are so adorable over how completely oblivious you are to her flirting or everyone else's, she doesn't really have the heart to tease you that much. Still expect a very soft and kind "I like you very much" from her while she caresses your cheek in a very intimate moment.
Truth to be told, Kid hates you just a little bit. How fucking oblivious can you actually be?? Like, hello??? He's being flirting with you for ages, why don't you get the hint already??? Does he have to scream at you his love?! Because he won't do it. Just no. Accept his gifts of love which consisting of intense bullying (with love)
Killer doesn't mind that much. Sure, sometimes he does get slightly annoyed by it, but seeing you smile makes him forget about it. He also seems the type to not confess and prefers to watch you from afar, so it doesn't surprise me that you didn't get his "flirting", since he just clearly favours you (don't say it in front of Kidd though, he might get pissed about it lmao)
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Just endless teasing from Nami, we can end it there. You are just so cute, so oblivious, so adorable that she wants to squeeze you! Doesn't mind that much that you don't get it when she is flirting you, she just makes it very hard to not get the hint when she is so straightforward with her feelings, loving to see you getting so embarrassed.
How the fuck did you managed to think that Doflamingo is just being friendly (or nice) is beyond me. But okay. He clearly favours you with; luxurious gifts (even if you try to reject them), his attention only on you, and his not at all subtle flirting. Why should he hide his feelings when he can say time and time again how he likes you and wishes you to be a part of his family, he swears you will make a new beautiful addition.
The same could be said about Crocodile, much to his despise. He clearly favours you over others and doesn't mind flirting to the point of calling you different pet names without shame (I feel like he's the type of calling you doll, pretty face, beauty, etc). More protective of you since your obliviousness, but overall just finds it a charme. Sometimes he wishes you will get the hint though, deeply sighing whatever you comment over how nice Crocodile is.
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I feel like Mihawk would be very similar to Killer; just a lot more open with his feelings, his eyebrows frowning whatever you say what good friends you two are when he thought his way of courting you was very obvious but it's not like he minds it that much, he finds it quite cute how clueless you are. More excuses to protect you!
Koby is as bad as you are, so don't worry. He can't fathom the idea that his biggest crush ever has feelings for him, he simply can't accept it. However that doesn't mean he won't stop flirting with you even if you don't it get, he finds it a bit cute to be honest, but he will make sure you get how much his heart beats for you. He is very determined.
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This work belongs to @/sevywy, do not repost, translate, copy, rewrite or share on tiktok without my permission. Reblogs are appreciated and encouraged♡
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buckysxgal · 6 months
OH [18+]
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Massacre Soldier Killer x AFAB!Reader
Summary: Killer and YN are close friends and Killer trusts them enough to show them his face. The reaction he gets is unexpected to say the least. Unexpected but not unwelcome.
Prompt: “I’m so so sorry oh my god I should definitely not have done that I’m so so sorry I-“ “name” “I’m just so-“ *pulls them by their shirt and kisses them again and the other character is like oh OH*
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Oral Sex (f receiving), Size Kink, Penetrative Sex, Killer calls the reader 'darling' and 'doll'.
A/N: This was not supposed to be a smut, but I wrote this at 1:30 a.m. so... Also I found the prompt on Pinterest but it cut off who posted the prompt originally, if you know who did please let me know so I can credit them appropriately
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I was practically vibrating from my place on the edge of Killer’s bed. He closed the door and turned around to look at me, letting out a soft chuckle I had to strain to hear. We’d been friends ever since I joined the Kid Pirates, slowly over time I fell for the masked man.
“I don’t think its that big of a deal darling.” He muttered, unclicking the clasp in his mask. I stood up from his bed and walked closer to him.
“It’s the biggest deal Kil, it means you trust me enough to show me your face.” I smiled up at him. His hands paused. He may have still had the mask on but I could tell he was looking down at me.
As I stared up at the mask, I couldn’t help but wonder what to expect. I knew his skin was slightly tanned and that his hair was blonde but that was about it. Did he have brown eyes? A big nose? A wide smile? There were endless thoughts going through my mind trying to piece together what this man might look like. He continued on, moving to lift his mask off his face. Little by little his face was revealed to me.
A strong jawline.
Lips tainted purple.
A sharp nose.
Eyes, large and blue.
Bangs hanging slightly over his eyes.
The mask was now fully off, he placed it on the dresser beside him. As if my body was moving on its own, I launched myself onto him pressing my lips hungrily to his, before I gave him any chance to respond or push me away, I pushed myself away pressing myself into his door.
“I’m so so sorry oh god I should not have done that. I’m so sor-“ I stumbled over my words. I finally got to see the man behind the mask and I may have just messed up this whole thing. I was never going to get to see this mans face again, his beautiful face. I kept my eyes trained on
“Y/N” his voice was horse.
“I’m just so sorr-“ before I was able to finish my sentence Killer grabbed onto my shirt and pressed his lips to mine heatedly.
I quickly reciprocated the kiss, leaning up on the tips of my toes, hands gripping onto his shirt. His hands moved from my shirt to cup my cheeks. As the kiss deepened, he bent down slightly, shifting his hands from my face down to my thighs and lifting me onto his hips, I wrapped my legs around his large waist and hooked my ankles behind his back.
This was better than any dream.
I sighed into the kiss and moved my own hands to the back of his neck. I pulled back, looking down at Killer from my position. I was suddenly aware of his large hands squeezed against my outer thighs.
I leaned back down, connecting our lips feverishly. He turned around and pushed me into the wall. He ran his tongue against my bottom lip and at the same time moved a hand to my ass and squeezed causing me to open my mouth in a moan. He moved his tongue into my mouth, licking into it.
He broke the kiss and began leaving open-mouthed kisses down my neck. I bared my neck to him, giving him easier access, moaning out.
“Fuck Kil~” I groaned out at he bit down on my neck, quickly running his tongue over the mark.
The door flung open and hit into the wall.
“Hey Killer, I need- Oh” Kid. Killer pulled away from my neck, huffing slightly. He turned his head to look towards our captain and I could only imagine the look on his face. I looked over at the Captain who had a shit-eating grin on his face.
“Well well well, what do we have here.” He said in a mocking town. Killer waved his hand towards the door.
“Get out Kid.” His voice was hoarse. Fuck. My hips moved involuntarily at the sound of his voice, hoarse and laced with aggression at being interrupted. Killer whipped his head back to me and raised his eyebrow at me.
“Have fun kiddos!” Kid yelled as he slammed the door shut with a laugh.
Killer shifted his focus back to me, looking down to see that I was now moving my hips in an attempt to get any sort of friction. He smirked and leaned in close to my ear.
“Do you like my voice that much doll?” He nipped at my ear. I let out a moan as his mouth continued its journey down my neck, nipping at my collarbone. He grabbed onto the zipper of my sweater and began taking it off.
“You’re wearing nothing underneath this doll...” He groaned out, raising his hand to flick his thumb across my nipple.
“Mmm… Kil~” I whimpered. He slid my sweater off and maneuvered me down onto the floor. He hooked his thumbs into the side of my leggings, pulling them down and helping me step out of them. From his place on the floor, he ran a finger over my clothed center, hooking my legs over his shoulders. I bit my lip and covered my mouth with the back of my hand, holding in what I expected to be a particularly loud moan. Killer looked up at me.
“Don’t hold back the moans doll… please.” I nodded and took my hand away from my mouth, instead placing my hand on his head. Killer moved my underwear to the side and focused his finger on my clit. I clenched around nothing and let out a whimper.
“Please Kil.” I looked down at him. He made eye contact with me as he connected his mouth with my clit, moving his finger down to my entrance. Maintaining eye contact with me he began suckling on my clit. My mouth fell open with a groan.
“Oh, fuck Kil~” I moaned out, chest heaving. He slid two fingers into my entrance and curled them, reaching spots in me I could never hope to reach myself. He began alternating between pumping his fingers and curling them to rub against the spongy spot within my core. He pulled away from my clit slightly.
“You taste so good doll~” I tightened my grip in his hair and pulled slightly. He returned his attention to my clit, licking it a few times before sucking it into his mouth. I arched my back off the wall, feet digging into his back. His fingers began rubbing against my g-spot as his tongue continued its assault on my clit.
I pushed his head further into my cunt, rutting against his tongue. He groaned into my clit and began moving his fingers quicker.
“Kil I- I’m gonna… Killerrr.” I squealed out as he sucked hard on my clit. My core fluttered around his fingers and I felt a white-hot pleasure burn through my body. He removed his fingers and replaced them with his tongue, licking up my release. I let out a pathetic moan and grinded my core against his tongue.
I attempted to shove his head away. He moved back as my legs loosened up. He moved my legs off his shoulders and wiped his mouth with the back of his hands. He moved his hands up to grip my waist, as he stood to his full height, he pulled me up with him, guiding me to his bed. He laid me down and removed his shirt and began removing his belt. I bit my lip and spread my legs, exposing my bare cunt to him.
“Come fill me Kil~” He groaned and quickly removed his pants, pulling on my legs to move me so that my ass was at the end of the bed. He grabbed my ankles and hooked them onto his shoulders, he removed his hands, trusting me to keep my legs where they were. He grabbed onto his hard shaft and pumped a few times before placing the tip at my core, the tip entered in and I arched my back off the bed and moaned. He continued pushing in as I squirmed.
“S’big.” I whined as he bottomed out.
“Yeah?” He said grinning. I nodded.
“Hng, I feel so full Kil~” I whimpered out. He pulled out slightly before slamming back in as I let out a guttural moan. Killer began moving his hips, bullying his cock into me. He moved a hand up to tweak my nipple and pushed my legs so that they were against my chest.
“You got another one in you doll?” He asked, voice strained. I nodded and moaned out, clenching around his cock.
“Wanna be on top Kil.” I said as I looked up at him. He groaned and pulled out, shifting our position so that I was sitting on his hips and he was laying on his back. I lifted up and sunk down on his cock, both of us letting out matching moans. Killer gripped onto my hips, helping me move on his cock.
“Come on babydoll, cum on my cock.” I moaned, moving my hips faster against him. He moved a hand to rub my clit with his thumb as I threw my head back, letting out stuttering moans as I rode him like my life depended on it.
“Gon’ cum Kil.” I moaned out.
“Cum for me baby, come on.” He said as his fingers began circling my clit faster.
"Yes, yes, yessss~" My cunt clenched around him as I drenched his abs and hand.
“Fuck” Killer groaned out. He grabbed my waist and snapped his hips up into mine, bouncing me on his cock as he chased his own orgasm. He sat up quickly pulling me closer to him by the hips.
“Cum for me Killer.” I moaned as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.
“Where do you-”
“Inside me Killer, please.” I groaned into his neck as his hips stuttered.
“Fill me up.” I left kisses against his neck.
“Wan’ your cum.” I whimpered pathetically. He let out a loud groan as his hips snapped up into mine harder. He slammed his hips up and held the position as he unloaded his cum into me. My cunt fluttered around him again. I leaned back and took a moment to look at Killer. He was breathing heavily, and looked up at me. He cupped his hand on the back of my neck and brought me into a soft kiss.
“If I had known showing you my face would’ve led to this I would’ve done it years ago.” I giggled at his comment and smacked his chest. He lifted me off his softening cock and laid me down on the bed. He stood up and made his way to the connected bathroom, perks of being First Mate. I heard him rummaging through a drawer and water running. I snuggled into his bed, taking in the smell of him. He returned from the bathroom with a damp towel, he grabbed my leg softly prying them open and running the towel gently against my core and inner thighs.
I looked at him from my spot and smiled softly. I moved my hands to brush his bangs back.
“Such a gentle giant” I whispered. His cheeks flushed as he continued focusing on cleaning up our mess. Once he was done he laid down beside me, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me closer.
“I am serious doll, I should’ve done this years ago.” He muttered against my hair.
“And I should’ve listened to Kid years ago.” I muttered back. I could feel him grin against my hair, his hand rubbing soft circles on my back as I drifted off to sleep.
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erii-ya · 4 months
Massacre Soldier Killer being a dad?
One Piece FanFic Killer x FemReader
A/N: I know it’s already so late, but still, belated Happy Birthday to our adorable vice-captain Killer. I’ve been so busy lately and couldn’t properly organize my thoughts, so my KillerxReader stories have been on a long pause. Anyway, I accidentally saw a YT vid about different types of writers and discovered that I am a ‘Pantser’ - a term most commonly applied to fiction writers, especially novelists, who write their stories "by the seat of their pants."—someone who doesn’t plan out much (or anything) in advance. So meeee. 😅
Content warning: Long story ahead. Swear words. Killing. Pregnancy. Abortion. WC: 7,9k *I decided not to split the story into multiple parts to make it up to whoever reads my stories*
As a responsible vice-captain, Killer doesn’t plan on having a child with you until his partner, Eustass Kid, fulfills his dream of becoming the Pirate King. First, because the environment won't suit a child, he knows how dangerous it is in the New World. Second, he won’t be able to fully take care of you while you're pregnant with his child. And third, he’s unsure if he will be a good father.
However, by the time everything had been settled, his next priority would be you, probably thinking of building a future with you. He can’t promise to give you a perfect life, but he’ll try his best to make it fulfilling and worthwhile for you. He’s already blessed to have met you and still thinks about why the hell did you chose him when there are better men out there that are more deserving.
BUT, fate wants to make a prank out of it, and because of a slight miscalculation on your part, you end up conceiving. What’s worse is that you only confirmed it on his birthday.
“Hey, are you alright? You’re pale.” Killer asked you while you were both in the middle of making Lunch. You've been pretty under the weather for a couple of days now.
“I’m fine. Just got a bit dizzy, is all.” giving him a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry. I can take a rest after this.”
You caught a bad case of the flu last month; recovery took a whole week.  Emma, the crew’s doctor, said it may be because of fatigue, so your captain, Eustass Kid, ordered you not to do everything simultaneously and to look out for yourself more. You tend to overwork yourself constantly, and everyone on the ship gets disoriented when you go sick. Mainly because you managed everyone’s daily tasks so that they would be organized.
“It’s better if you take a rest now. I’ll handle everything else.” 
“Hell no! You’re the one who should be taking your sweet time relaxing since today’s your day. You should leave this to me instead.” trying to shoo him away.
“Nah. It’s just like any other day. Nothing special.” You still want to argue about it, but another wave of nausea hits you. This gives Killer all the more reason to kick you out of the kitchen. He insists you see Emma first to give you a check-up and meds, which you do since your uneasiness is getting annoying.
“Overworking yourself again, I see.” was the first thing the doctor told you once you entered her clinic.
“Not really. Captain’s keeping an eye on everything I do, so I can’t really move around like I always do. Told me to regain my strength first when it’s already been a month since I caught the flu.” you said after she gestured for you to sit on the medical bed.
“Can’t blame the captain. If you only saw the chaos out there while you’re in recovery. It was bad.”
“That bad?”
“It’s terrible.” you only answered with a sigh. When you first joined the Kid Pirates, you saw how disorderly the environment was and corrected that, although it took you quite a while to do so.
Emma started to ask you questions about your symptoms. After writing everything down and examining you, she returned to your charts to analyze the data for a diagnosis. A few minutes passed, and you saw her raising one of her brows while looking at your charts, making you curious.
“What? Did I end up with another flu? ‘Cause I swear, it’s no fun.” you commented, crossing your arms.
“Well, uhm, I actually have some good news for you.” she answered, then looked at you. “Two, to be exact.” Now, it was your turn to raise a brow. Usually, you’ll get both good and bad news, but having two good news?
“I’m dying here, Emma. Spill it already.” 
“So, you don’t have a flu.” then silenced. It seems like Emma’s having some hesitation before telling you the other ‘good’ news.
“Emma!” you yelled, breaking her from her thoughts. She looked at your charts, then back at you, and did that at least three more times. The suspense is killing you.
Instead of saying the second one, she started asking you again. “Y/N, when was the last time you took the contraceptive pill I gave you?”
“This morning. Why?”
“Were you diligently taking those pills even while you were sick last month?” her question made you think back. If memory serves you right, you held off on taking the birth control pills while you were on a sick bed and never had contact with Killer around that time, either.
“I started retaking the pills after I recovered, though.”
“And when was your first contact with Killer-san after your recovery?”
“Well, it was the same day I retake the pill. The reason I remembered retaking it.”
“Ok, so was it the blue or the pink pill?” The what now? At this point, you’re at a loss.
“Emma, you’re confusing me. What blue and pink? It was always a pink pill. Never had a blue one.”
Emma face-palmed. By now, she was sure about your diagnosis. You were slow to catch on, but you eventually did after a couple of silences. And when you did…
“Holy shizz… Are you telling me that I’m..?” you can’t even say it. Emma didn’t say anything either and just nodded her head in agreement. The face that you’re making this time can’t be explained. A lot of emotions were bubbling up inside of you.
“Oh no. Oh fuck. Oh no.” you started to panic and became paler. Emma was quick to approach you after seeing you start a panic attack. You gripped her shirt and said, “This can’t be, Emma. THIS is not supposed to happen! I religiously took those pink pills you gave me for a year! Why now?! What’s with blue pills?! The pink?!” you’re practically screaming at her now with tears flowing down your face.
Emma covered your mouth tightly to suppress your screams. She told you to come down, or else the others would hear you unless you wanted them to know the big news. She’s right. No one should know, so you tried to calm yourself upon hearing her suggestion. 
You inhaled and exhaled sharply while trying to suppress your emotions and tears. When Emma saw you had calmed down, she began to explain about the blue and pink pills. She said that she gave you two different bottles of pills before, which are colored blue and pink. Pink is for daily use, while the blue one should be consumed right after intercourse if, by any chance, you stop taking the pink pills regularly.
Since you were out with the flu for a whole week last month, you couldn’t take your regular pink pills, and Killer, being Killer, once he was sure you had recovered, took his time to ‘recharge’ you with ‘Vitamin K’ or as he’d like to call it. The miscalculation on your part was forgetting about Emma’s advice about how to consume the two pills properly. 
You totally forgot about the blue pills since you never had a skip of the regular pink ones for over a year until you got sick. You thought by then, if you start retaking the pink pills, it’ll work just the same.
You wipe the tears continuously escaping your eyes and grab Emma by her shoulder. “This conversation will stay between the both of us. You hear me, Emma? No words about this can leave this room, and I’m dead serious.”
“Of course. My patients' records are confidential. Like you, I may be a pirate, but I still follow medical ethics. However…” she looked at you straight in the eyes, “I think Killer-san has the right to know about this too.”
Your eyes widen at her advice. “NO! Definitely not!”
“But he’s the father, Y/N!” 
“And he’s also our vice-captain, Emma! He has his priorities, and that’s Kid. Captain won’t be happy to know about this too, and I don’t want to be a burden to anyone.” you insist. The doctor gave you a sympathetic look and didn’t say another word. You left and went to your and Killer’s shared bedroom. Your mind is too occupied with what happened in the clinic, but the exhaustion pulls you into a deep sleep.
When you wake up, it’s already dark. You don’t know how long you’ve been out, and the first thing that came to mind was the revelation you heard earlier. Getting the flu again seems a better diagnosis, after all. You tried to shift in bed when you realized big, strong arms were wrapped around you and a leg locking you in place—warm breath blowing on your left temple. 
You saw Killer sleeping peacefully beside you with his mask off. You were blessed to see that gorgeous face every day, and you couldn’t help but caress it. He moved slightly when he felt the warmth of your hand, tightening his grip on you.
“Hey, I’m not going anywhere, love.” you said softly, giggling at his actions. You heard him hum in agreement.
Minutes passed, and you savored the peaceful silence, listening to Killer’s rhythmic breathing beside you. You’re already content with this. Spending your days as a pirate alongside the man you love was challenging, but being in his arms like this at the end of the day makes it all worth it. He makes you feel safe. He makes you happy. He makes you feel…home.
You unconsciously placed your hands on your stomach. Family… You never thought of the idea before. Having a family with Killer. Not because you don’t like it but because of both your current situation. Especially when your captain, Eustass Kid, has come a long way to fulfilling his dreams. 
That’s when you decide on what to do. The child will only be a nuisance, and you won’t let the child drag the crew down. It’s the only way you can think of. There’s no other choice. 
Tears sting your eyes, and you try your best to stifle a cry when someone bangs the door loudly. “Oi, Killer! Get your fuckin’ ass outta here! We’re celebrating your birthday, and you hole yourself up in there? GET OUT! NOW!” it was Kid, banging at the door profusely.
Killer grunts but gets up anyway. He walked over the door to open it, displaying Kid’s grumpy face. “Fucking finally!” your captain said. He looked past Killer to peek at you. “You feeling Okay?” he asked with concern in his voice.
You smiled at him and nodded, “Strong as a bull, captain.”
He bobs his head, satisfied, and looks back at Killer, telling him to dress up and drag you out on the deck. Even added to keep your hands off each other for the time being and just get back to your business after the party before he disappeared. You laughed at his last remark.
You got up and went to hug Killer from behind. “Well, let’s get going, birthday boy, or the captain might feed us to the sharks.”
Killer chuckles, “I doubt it. He loves us too much to do that.”
You both dressed up and went to the others. Everyone is having a blast. You can hear them from where your room is. The night went well, and you’re enjoying the rock session Kid and Killer started with Killer being the drummer when the ship doctor approached you.
“How are you feeling now?” Emma asked. “Is that alcohol?!” snatching away the drink in your hand.
“Come on, Emma. I’m fine, and this’ll be the last time I can enjoy that.” trying to get your drink back from her hands.
“Are you seriously thinking of harming your child, Y/N?” she whispered harshly at you with wide eyes.
You stared at her, then sighed, “I am not. A’ight? Now give that back. I’ll look suspicious if I don’t drink.”
“Not if you’re feeling unwell.” Emma called one of the crew members nearby and gave the alcohol to him. Telling him you can’t drink because of an upset stomach.
Emma stayed by your side all night while Killer enjoyed his time with the other crew members. “He’s so respected, isn’t he?” you suddenly blurted out.
“Of course, he is. He’s the second strongest next to the captain and takes good care of all of us. Not to mention the special care towards you.” she gave you a knowing look. You hummed in agreement, a smile ghosting your face.
“He’ll be a good father, too, Y/N. I can envision it.” she added.
You didn’t answer and just gazed at Killer from a distance. Emma doesn’t need to let you know because you can see it, too. However, the timing isn’t right. There’s so much that Killer wants to do to help his partner, his best friend, and you can’t let yourself hinder that. Not you. Not this child.
Six months later…
Kid approaches Killer, who’s busy thrashing the life out of a pirate from a crew they ambushed. “Killer. We’re done here. Let’s get back to Victoria.”
His words were brushed aside, and Killer continued to use the pirate as a punching bag. Killer’s been like this since you left without a word. He was letting out his frustrations of not being able to find your whereabouts on mindlessly and mercilessly killing anyone, earning him the title of 'Massacre Soldier'.
A few days after his birthday, the Victoria Punk docked on an island to get supplies. You went out with some of your crew members to shop when you split yourself from them in the middle of town and hired a boat to stow away. 
At least, that’s what they all thought.
When, in fact, you return to the ship and hide somewhere you know they won’t find. You then waited for the right time to snuck out. Feeling sorry for the citizens who got hooked up on your own dilemma when your crew, together with Kid and Killer, almost flipped the island upside down just to find you.
You took it as a chance to escape and sailed away with a boat you bought in the morning. Stopped at the nearest island and snuck on a merchant’s ship you didn’t even know where it was heading. You did that a few more times until you ended up on a secluded island. Far from where you’ve been. Far from marines and pirates. Far from the man you love.
It was in an isolated area in the New World where help was impossible. The island's living conditions were poor but peaceful, and the island folks were friendly. You started your new life there, with the little soul blossoming in your belly. 
You changed your name and your looks. Cut your hair. The purple hair Killer loved so much is now dyed silver. Your red eyes, once shining like a sparkling flame that Killer loved to stare at, have now changed to green. You were unrecognizable unless someone assessed you carefully.
You found yourself an abandoned small hut up in the mountains. It looked like no one had ever lived there for a long time, so you settled in and began your single life there.
“Who did you say was pregnant?! Y/N?!” Kid growled at Emma. The doctor felt shivers run down her spine. She’s standing in front of the big four while being circled by the crew.
“Y-yes, captain.” she answered meekly.
“Then why didn’t you tell us immediately?!?!” Kid was furious in disbelief. He was as worried as Killer when you disappeared without a trace. Killer, on the other hand, clenched his fists so hard in an attempt to stop himself from punching the doctor. He doesn’t care if she’s a woman. He’s so mad right now he wants to wring her neck right there and then for keeping your pregnancy a secret from him.
“For the record, captain, I did not PURPOSELY keep it a secret from all of you, especially from Killer-san,” Emma said in a defense. “God knows how hard I persuaded Y/N to get her to confess the matter to him. It didn’t even come to me that she would leave us. In fact…” and she trailed off.
Killer didn’t like the sudden halt. It ticked him off. “Why did you stop, Emma? Continue.” he said, but Emma was hesitant. “I said CONTINUE!” he shouted.
Everyone flinched and was surprised at Killer’s sudden outburst. He was usually calm and collected, but right now, he’s different. He’s trying to suppress his anger because he might go on a rampage if not.
Emma exhaled sharply before saying, “In fact, I thought she would most likely abort the baby.” without missing a beat.
Killer held his breath after hearing the doctor’s words. He was wondering if you really thought of aborting his child. Kid broke the awkward silence and asked the doctor, “What made you think she would do that?”
“Well, because when we confirmed it at the clinic the other day, during Killer-san’s birthday, she had a panic attack, telling me over and over that it shouldn’t happen. The baby, I mean.”
Killer’s shoulders dropped, which Kid noticed. It pains him to see his best friend getting crushed by the news.
The doctor continued, looking at Killer, “Killer-san, please don’t think badly of Y/N. It’s not like she doesn’t want the baby. It was only my initial opinion after seeing her fit in my clinic.”
“I was with her all night during your birthday celebration. I saw how she lovingly stared at you while gently caressing her belly. She was doing it unconsciously, I think. She even stopped drinking alcohol and taking caffeine since then, and you know how she loved her iced coffee.” Emma finished.
“She can’t live without it,” said Killer, to which everyone agreed. They know you can consume up to 8 servings of iced coffee daily.
“I believe she left because she doesn’t want to burden anyone and that the captain wouldn’t be happy to know about it. She was just thinking about all of us and how it may affect everyone.” Emma concluded.
“That dumb woman.” Kid gruffed. “Why the hell won’t I be fucking happy if she’s carrying my niece! Or nephew, whatever!” He turned towards Killer, “We’re going to find that stupid woman of yours, Killer. Even if we need to re-route.”
Killer nods, grateful to his captain, “I owe you, Kid.”
“No, we owe her. Also, she insults me for leaving this crew like that. Doesn’t she know by now that she’s my family, too?” Kid may be violent, stubborn, and grumpy, but he considers you his sister. You took care of him and his crew and did a lot to help him, too, so he’s quite disappointed with your actions. He hoped you could be more selfish than selfless.
Going back to the present, Killer only stopped thrashing the poor pirate when he felt satisfied. There were still no clues about you, and he became increasingly worried as the day passed. Knowing that you’re living by yourself with your growing belly in god knows where for half a year now.
“We’ll stop by the next island we see to get some supplies, and then we’ll continue to look around for Y/N.” Kid said to where Killer only nodded in acknowledgment. They went back to Victoria, and as usual, after cleaning up, Killer went to the kitchen to grab some beer. It has been a routine for him to drown himself in booze because it helps to calm his nerves and fall asleep. He had difficulty getting some sleep since you left, causing him to get insomnia.
A few days later, the Kid Pirates stumbled upon a small island that was quite isolated. It doesn’t seem like they’ll get their needed supplies in there, but they still need to dock to check and do maintenance on the ship. So they did.
“Killer, wake up!” Kid bangs on his door. “We’re docked on an island! Move your ass and get some fresh air before you rot to death!” he called.
Killer eventually went out to walk around the island to see if there were any supplies they could buy. At first, he was hesitant but thought he couldn’t always act like a child and should help the crew with the other tasks to lessen the workload.
He was looking around some stalls when he heard a familiar laugh, making him stop dead in his tracks. It was a laugh he had longed to hear. He did a quick turn to scan his surroundings, hoping to find his favorite purple hair that he hadn’t seen for six months, but to no avail. No purple-haired woman was around, but he could still hear the familiar laughter. 
After carefully examining the area, his eyes then found the source. On a stall a few feet away, there was a silver-haired woman with her back turned against him, talking happily to the stall owner. She was the one laughing. He stared at the woman for a long time until she turned slightly at an angle that made it possible for Killer to see the side of her face. Silver hair and green eyes. He first thought it couldn’t be you until he noticed her bulging belly. 
Was it really you? He felt his heart stopped at that moment. Breaking out in cold sweat, hands trembling, he slowly walked over to where you are—then stopped. He started having doubts. 
Do you hate him? 
Do you still love him?
What will you feel once you see him? Scared? Hatred?
Thoughts were running wild in his head, making it more difficult for him to approach you. So he decided to tail behind you instead, as discreetly as he could. He doesn’t want to surprise you and wants to check how you live your life here on the island.
“Uhm, hey, do you know who that woman is?” Killer asked the owner of the stall he was at.
The owner glanced in the direction he was pointing, “Oh, that was Marie. She’s pretty, right? Such a sweet girl. Poor thing was abandoned by the man who got her pregnant. Tsk, that scumbag…”
Killer looked curiously at the old man. “Abandoned?”
“Well, it wasn’t confirmed, but others said that. She’s a very nice kid but don’t talk much about her life before she ended up here. She lives in the mountains by herself. Occasionally, some of us visit her to buy some of her vegetables. She usually goes down here to sell them, but since her belly is growing fast, we told her to stop going up and down the mountains, or it’ll strain her and her baby. Would you like to buy some of these?” As thanks to the information he heard, Killer bought some of the stuff the old man was selling. 
You started walking away, so he followed behind. You notice a presence following you, but no one is there whenever you turn around to check.
You felt chills but ignored the foreboding feeling. It could’ve been some pregnancy blues. But your anxiety about being discovered by the Kid Pirates was still there. Still, it has already been half a year, and they might’ve been too busy now to even think of you. You could still get some updates about them from time to time. The last thing you read about your former crew was their time in Sabaody two months after you left.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t hurt by the thought that they could move on quickly after your disappearance. Whether Emma told them about your pregnancy or not, it might’ve been unimportant, just as you thought. It only confirms your belief that you and the baby burden the crew. 
However, sometimes you can’t help but think about Killer. What was his reaction after knowing about the baby?
Was he mad? Was he happy?
Did he try to find you?
Did he even know you are pregnant?
Tears would always well up in your eyes whenever you thought of him. You still love him after a long time, but you assumed that what you did was right. Tying Killer in an obligation he didn’t plan to have was the last thing you wanted for him.
Seeing your small abode gave you relief. Ascending and descending the mountains was quite strenuous; even the folks worried about you. But being alone up here can be lonely, and there is a need for someone to talk to. 
Entering your small hut, you went straight to bed to rest. Your belly is protruding, making you consider whether you’re in your 6th month of pregnancy or not. Its size is kind of exaggerated. You can’t do much about it, though, since there’s no doctor available on this island. The things you do to take care of yourself and the baby inside you came from the tips and tricks shared with you by the old folks and fellow mothers living there.
There’s a sudden kick from your belly, a hyper one. It feels like the baby is getting excited for some reason. “Hey bud, what got you so active today, huh? You never kicked me like that before,” you said while caressing your bump. The baby answered with another strong kick, and it made you laugh.
You kept talking to your bump when a knock came on your door. It wasn’t loud, but it was strong. You’re not expecting any visitors from the folks, so you’re curious about who it could be. You slowly got up and went to open it.
“So you just open the door like that without even asking who it is.” says the man standing before you.
You turned pale and were speechless. Heart beating faster than ever you swear he can also hear it. Your grip on the door tightens, making your knuckles turn white.
“How can you be so careless, Y/N.” the man added, staring intently into your eyes.
You can’t find your words; even if you did, you know you’ll choke on them. He caught you by surprise, and you feel cornered. It was Killer. How he’s able to find you, you have no freaking idea. This island is isolated, and it’s rare for pirates, even the marines, to stop by, making it the perfect place to live your life in seclusion.
Trying to maintain your facade, you said, “I-I’m sorry, sir, but you might be mistaken. M-my na-name is Marie and not Y/N. I-is th-there anything I c-can help you?” mentally smacking your head for stuttering.
“Really? We’re going to continue playing this game, Y/N? ‘Cause I’m getting fuckin’ tired of this shit.” his words were like venom. It stings.
Killer slowly entered the hut. He was more buffer than before. If he pounces at you, you’ll be crushed for sure. Then you notice the thing that he’s holding: knives. 
Is he going to kill you?!
Are you and the baby that bothersome that he needed to dispose of you?
You can feel the anxiety building up, and you start to have a panic attack. Breathing became hard, and you felt a sharp pain in your stomach like it was twisting.
Killer noticed how you clenched tightly at your belly, and your face painted an expression of pain. He quickly grabbed you by the arms in worry, but you shuddered at the contact, resulting in you pushing him away by force.
He was stunned. The face you’re making now, never in his dreams did he think he’d see you make that expression towards him. You were utterly terrified.
“Please don’t touch me. Spare me and my child’s life, please. Have mercy.” you kneeled in front of him, eyes closed, crying, clasping your hands like in prayer, begging for him not to kill you and the baby in your tummy. 
Killer can’t believe what he’s seeing. Why did it end up like this? You were both happy and loving one day, but now you see him as a monster trying to kill you.
It breaks his heart to see you in this state. He doesn’t know what he did for you to be this terrified, but if you only knew how hard he tried to look for you. How happy he was to know you’re carrying his child. It may not be at the right time, but to hell with that. 
You were cowering in fear when you heard a metal clasp unfastening and then a loud thud of something hitting the floor. You cautiously opened your eyes to see what it was and saw Killer’s mask. On the floor.
“Hi, baby.” you heard him say. His tone was soft and sweet, like how he lulls you to sleep every night back in Victoria. You feel his hands slowly cupping your face, guiding you to look at him. “Look at me. Please.”
There was a moment of hesitation before you gathered the courage to meet his gaze. For so long, you had hoped to see those beautiful blue eyes again, even for one last time, and now it was staring back at you.
He was looking at you tenderly while he wiped your tears. Not even a minute passed when you saw his tears flowing freely down his face, too. His lips are quivering like he was trying his best not to be so vulnerable in front of you. But he can’t stop. He waited for this moment to see you and finally hold you. 
He pressed his forehead onto yours, and you stayed in that position for a while. No words. Just feeling the presence of each other. It was comforting. It was familiar.
Living alone wasn’t bad, but it sure as hell was lonely, and you bear with it. But now that Killer is here, even with anxiety and fear, the same feeling he gives you is there. You feel safe. You feel at home.
Your tensed body became more and more relaxed, and you were able to regain even breaths, the panic attack subsiding. It may be the longing that pushed you, but you thoughtlessly kissed him. He jolted in surprise but answered back with the same level of intensity. You lap on each other hungrily while gripping one another tightly as if one of you will suddenly vanish into thin air. It only stopped when you both needed to gasp for air.
“I fucking missed you,” Killer said in between breaths. “Please don’t do that again. You’re killing me.” pain apparent in his voice, and you could only nod in agreement.
“Let’s go home… back to Victoria. Yeah?” he asked, tucking away a strand of your hair behind your ears. You're too emotional to say anything so you nodded profusely.
Killer helped you stand up when you felt the same twisting pain again in your belly. You clenched on your stomach, breathing heavily. You felt something flowing down your legs. When you looked at it, you started to panic again. It was blood.
Blood was streaming down your legs, and you never felt so scared in your life. You were even more afraid now than when you saw Killer a while ago.
“Killer… Oh fuck… Oh fuck… The baby. Our baby. Oh my god…” you were frantic, and then you suddenly fainted. 
Killer was quick to catch you, but he was horrified. He never ran as fast as he did today. He was scared shitless. He sprints back to Victoria with you in his arms, and the first thing he does once aboard is yell out Emma’s name, which startles the crew.
Emma came rushing and saw Killer carrying a woman in a bloodied state. She was confused until Killer said, “It’s Y/N. Sh-she’s bleeding. A lot.” 
“Fuck. To the clinic, quickly.” although shocked, she understood the assignment. 
Upon hearing your name, everyone stopped what they were doing and followed Killer and Emma. The others went to get their captain. The Victoria Punk was in total chaos again that night.
Rugged, heavy footsteps are heard closing in by the clinic area. After hearing what had happened, Kid rushed towards the infirmary. There, he saw a disoriented Killer pacing back and forth in front of the clinic.
“Killer,” he called out to his first mate, but Killer was too occupied to notice his arrival. Kid grabbed him by his right shoulder to let him know he was there. 
When Killer realized it was Kid, he felt a little at ease. “Your mask.” Kid added, giving Killer a knowing look. He had never seen his best friend this lost, even forgetting to wear his precious mask, but he understood how severe the matter was.
“I finally found her, Kid.” Killer said in an anguished voice. He was looking at Kid, but his bangs covered his eyes. “We made up, and she agreed to return. Then she…she was…” his voice started to crack, “she was suddenly bleeding. She fainted, an-and s-she was so pale…”
Kid tightens his grip on Killer’s shoulder, reassuring him. “Oi, Y/N’s going to be fine. Don’t fucking underestimate her. She’s one of us, and there’s no way in hell she won’t pull through this.”
Rubbing a hand down his face, Killer agreed, “Yeah, she is… Of course, she is.”
Kid patted his shoulder, “Get it together, buddy. Take a rest. I’ll wait here.”. He was reluctant, but Kid insisted he take a breather. Being anxious won’t do him any good. He needs to trust that you and the baby are in capable hands. 
But he just can’t leave. You have already suffered enough. The least he could do is stay outside and wait until Emma gives any news about your situation. He also wants to be the first person you’ll see once you wake up. 
“I’m fine. I’ll wait for her here.” Killer declared, walking over to sit on the side of the door. 
Kid didn’t push for it anymore. He knows how stubborn Killer can be if he wants it, so they both wait outside the clinic for the next hour or two when they finally hear the click of the clinic’s door opening. Emma emerges from inside, startled to see the two men towering over her.
“How is she?” they said in unison.
“Ghaaad… Don’t pop out of nowhere like that. You just gave me a mini heart attack.” she remarked, her right hand on her chest.
But Killer doesn’t have time for a chit-chat. He’s been so anxious all this time, “Emma…” he grumbled, which the doctor understood as ‘I don’t give a fuck. Give me an update.’ kind of tone.
“Okay… Okay… First of all, Y/N’s stable, and the reaper won’t be visiting anytime soon.” Hearing it lifts a heavy weight on Killer and Kid’s shoulders. They didn’t even realize they’d been holding their breaths until now. 
“You should see her, although she’s still sleeping.” the doctor mused at Killer. “She’s been calling out your name the whole time.” Killer felt a knot in his chest. You’re probably still scared with all that happened.
“By the way, Cap’n, I need all the help we can get for another matter.“ Emma added, turning over to Kid.
“What is it?”
“You see, Y/N lost a lot of blood because of the bleeding, and it was only fortunate of me to be able to stop it. Thank the heavens. But the damage had been done, and if we don’t find a blood donor for her and do a blood transfusion soon, she might suffer from anemia, which can cause her complications when she finally gives birth. Of course, we don’t want that.” Emma explained. 
Killer tensed at the information. He doesn’t want you to suffer anymore during your pregnancy, and if he could only swap places with you, he would.
He started to turn and walk away, probably to get help, but Kid stopped him. “Didn’t you hear what Emma said? Go to Y/N. I’ll handle the rest.” Kid patted him on his shoulder, then left.
Emma guided Killer to where you were, and there, he saw you peacefully sleeping, with an oxygen mask and other apparatus sticking to your body to help monitor your condition. The doctor then asked to take her leave to help your captain gather the possible blood donors and check their compatibility with you. 
Killer watches over you the entire day and never leaves your side. Some of your crewmates would pass by to ask about your condition and check on their vice-captain. Kid went back to check on both of you as well and to give Killer the new mask he created, but Killer, for the first time, didn’t want to wear it. He said he’d like to make sure you’ll see his face first rather than his mask.
Although a man who doesn’t know emotions, Kid respects his best friend's sentiment and gives him the time he needs to be with you. He strictly told everyone not to bother the first mate and to go directly to him, wire or heat for anything.
The next couple of days that followed were uneventful; the blood transfusion was a success, and who would’ve thought that the best possible match to donate blood to you was your captain, Kid. It's a good thing Kid wasn’t drinking at that time, so he was able to transfer his blood to you readily. You stayed in the infirmary for a whole week until Emma deemed you were well enough to walk around and move again.
Despite that, Killer was stern to keep you in bed. He insists you get more bed rest, or you might bleed again. The poor guy was quite traumatized, but you couldn’t say no, considering that you saw the state he was in when you finally woke up. 
He was sleeping, his head rested on the side of your bed, his hands were on your stomach, and the other was holding yours. You can still remember how tight his grip on your hands was like he was making sure you’ll still be there once he opened his eyes. You caressed his blonde hair with your free hand, and he jerked his head up instantly. You saw how tired he looked, exhaustion obvious in his beautiful face. You were even surprised he wasn’t wearing his mask.
Looking at him tenderly, caressing his face gently, you said his name, and all he could do was kiss your hands and gave you a series of I love you, and I’m sorry.
Emma, fill you in on what happened after you lost consciousness. “I wanna slap you so hard your head would go 360 on me, but then again…” she trailed off a bit before continuing. Guilt showing on her face. If she could’ve just supported you properly and earnestly, you probably wouldn’t have thought of leaving in the first place. “I’m glad you’re alive and now safe. I literally thought of poisoning myself to death if I failed to save you and the baby on time.” she chuckled, teary-eyed.
“Hey, don’t say that! You saved us, see? I’m breathing, and my baby’s well. You’ve already done so much for us, Emma. To be honest, if I only heeded your advice back then…” Emma stopped you, covering your mouth with her hand.
“Let’s not talk about that anymore. All’s well that ends well. Yes?” and you agreed. There’s no point in talking about the past. 
You cleared the misunderstanding between you and Killer. You’re back with your pirate family and the man you love, and everything is returning to normal. 
That is, after a long, heart-to-heart-ish conversation with your captain, though. You found it more challenging to talk to Kid than when you talked it out with Killer. He’s your captain, after all, and what you did was a disrespect to the man you swore your loyalty with. 
You’re resting in your and Killer’s bedroom when you hear a knock on the door, and it opens. Thinking it was Killer, you slowly turned around to greet him, but the one staring back at you wasn’t Killer, but Eustass Kid, and you weren’t ready to have a conversation with him yet.
“Captain…” you mumbled softly.
His face was as grumpy as usual, “Don’t call me captain if you’re not going to stick around with me.”  he said flatly.
You can only bow your head in embarrassment and guilt. No form of apology you can give can amend the trust you broke when you left the crew behind. Kid might be furious but was only trying his best to contain it for Killer’s sake. You felt your eyes getting wet with the tears trying to fall.
“I-I’m so sorry, captain… It was never my intention to disrespect you and to hurt Killer. I-I only did it for the cre-...” You couldn’t finish your words because of what he did next.
Kid sat beside you, facing your direction, and forcedly hugged you. You winced in surprise but then relaxed after a few seconds. “Stupid,” he muttered. “I never asked for you to do everything or anything on your own. Don’t I always tell you to look after yourself more?”
His hug was tight but comforting. His arms were so strong that he could crush you instantly, but he was gentle to you instead. There was no hostility in that hug. Just a pure, genuine, loving hug. Like what a brother would give to his little sister.
Now the tears have finally escaped your eyes, and you could only hug him back while wailing out your apologies, to which Kid only listens. He was never good at emotions and words, so this is how he thought he could express his worries for you. Hoping you get the message and you did.
After a good 10 minutes, he broke the hug and stared at you. “Listen, Y/N. I fucking hate this moment with all this drama and shit, it’s awkward. But I’m fuckin’ doing it for you. Do you understand what I’m getting at?” you gave him a hearty laugh. 
Of course you do. The gesture was enough to make you feel that whatever you do, he’s your captain but is also your friend. The bond you shared with him and your pledge when you first joined his crew won’t change and falter. In fact, it might’ve been more substantial than before. His donating his blood to you says a lot about it. It was as if the transfusion was a blood pact sealing the bond between you.
Kid never hid the fact that he was still disappointed in you, though, and that you should make it up to him. You gladly agreed and promised to make him as many cabbage rolls as you can. 
The awkward, teary conversation ends there because prolonging the drama would surely make Kid sick. His letting you see his soft side was already a big deal on his part, and you sincerely appreciate the gesture.
The Victoria Punk was already sailing when you woke up, and here you are, walking around the deck to get some fresh air. Finally, you’re at peace. Everything has come to the right place after six months of hiding and guilt-tripping. You’ve found yourself back in the arms of the man you love so much, and your baby is safe and sound. What more can you ask for?
Strong, familiar arms wrap around you from behind. Their hands stop at your belly. “What causes you to think so deeply? Hmm?” Killer said while planting a kiss on the top of your head.
“Everything that had happened, I guess. Still can’t believe it was all because of my selfishness and failure to communicate properly with you.” you answered in all honesty.
Killer tensed and slowly turned you around to face him. “Hey, aren’t we done with that?” he asked, cupping your face.
You nod, “Yes, we are. It's just… it would still come to mind occasionally. But I’m fine.” you smile at him while holding his hands.
“Emma said you should stop thinking about stressful things. You shouldn’t even think of it at all.” you didn’t answer and just stared at him lovingly. He’s not perfect, and he has killed a lot of people. The same goes for you. You’re not sure if both of you will be good parents, but as long as the child gets his father’s traits, they will definitely grow as a good person.
You hugged Killer tightly, to his surprise. “I love you, Kil. I really do.”
“Where is this coming from? I love you more, of course.” he hugs you back, though not tightly, so as not to put pressure on your tummy when there’s a sudden kick from your belly. 
Both of you glance at each other before bursting into laughter. But Killer suddenly halted and cleared his throat. “Why’d you stop? You know how much we love hearing your laugh.” then there’s another visible kick from your tummy as if the baby agrees with you. “See? Our baby likes it, too. We love how you laugh, so no need to be ashamed of it.”
Killer only scratches his head, but you know he’s blushing inside that mask. He kneels in front of you to level himself with your belly. “Hey, bud. We love you, too. Please don’t make it too hard for momma. We don’t want to trouble her, right?” The baby kicked again like he was conversing with his father.
“I’m starting to get jealous. They’re more active when it’s you.” you pouted, which Killer only chuckled in return.
“Don’t worry, baby.” he said, standing up, “It only means they’re just like you since you love my attention, too.” he added, which made you blush.
“Stupid.” you retorted—face burning red.
“Hey, fuckin’ lovebirds! C’mere!” Kid shouted from a distance, and you know exactly what it is for.
“He’s still at it?” you ask Killer in disbelief.
“Well, he’s too excited, I guess.” he shrugged.
You made your way to Kid’s workshop to be presented with his current masterpiece. “Think it’s good. This one’s better, aye?” Kid asked.
You face-palmed after seeing the finished ‘project,’ as Kid calls it. “What version is this already?” you asked back.
Kid thought for a minute before answering, “version 9.” he said blatantly.
“Are you trying to open up a baby store?! Because at this rate, I think you do.” Killer grab your shoulders to calm you down.
“Don’t care. The others aren’t perfect.”
Kid’s so-called ‘project’ is creating a baby crib suitable for your child, and he was so passionate about it that he kept making an upgraded version. The one he’s presenting right now is the 9th crib he made this week.
“You do realize that you’re more excited than us parents, right?” you teased Kid—an amused grin forming on your lips.
Kid went silent at the accusation and slowly blushed in embarrassment. “I AM NOT!” he shouted.
You laughed so hard at his reaction and continued teasing, “Uh-huh. If you say so, Uncle Kid.” you said, emphasizing the last part. You grab Killer out of the workshop before you hear Kid yelling profanities at you.
“I think he likes his new title.” you told Killer while you both walked back to your shared room.
“He sure does.” Killer retorted, chuckling.
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bonnymori · 11 months
(1/2) From pasta guy, to boyfriend
A/N: i'm almost at episode 1030, finally the others are showing up more like Kid, Killer and Law; can't find any new Killer fics so decided my next work should be one
WC: 2,3k
Contents/Warnings: n/a, very light fic, modern!au ig, fluff, slice of life, gn!reader, trying out new format
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Synopsis: Your cravings have led you to a small local restaurant, and surprisingly, bring you to a new romantic interest.
Noodles, spaghetti, pasta.
Sometimes they are all over your tiktok's for you page, or your youtube's feed shorts. That's how you end up awake at noon, looking closely at your phone as someone makes pasta from scratch in video. One can't help it, the process is so interesting although you've watched the same thing countless times: throw in a few eggs, flour, milk and salt in a bowl, mixing that soon gives you a puffy dough, from there the process gets overcomplicated– you just know the ingredients are the same every time.
You blame them for making you so hungry, and robbing you of your sleep.
That's also how you end up in front of a small luncherie, after spending too much time craving those delicious dishes, that you actually gave in and decided to go for it.
The front of the building looks so welcoming, a mix of pastel green and beige makes for a nice touch of painting, accompanied by the large window panes that give a view of the inside. Under your feet at the entrance is a doormat that says "benvenuto!" and upon your head, at the front of the shop is written "àite milis" as in the name of the place. Honestly you have no idea of both of their meanings, but you keep the words to yourself to translate them later.
Your entry isn't as peaceful as when you arrived, though, when the door is pushed outwards in the same time as you try to push it in to enter- whoever is inside was stronger, though, as you barely dodge it when it comes swinging your way with force, as if you hadn't even tried to push it.
"Agh!" You can't help but quip as you step back, avoiding being squashed between the door and the wall.
A surprised grunt comes from the doorframe, where a tall guy with a mask stands frozen, probably shocked with what just almost happened. You can't quite see his eyes from under those blond bangs, but he is surely looking at you wide eyed from the rise of his shoulders.
"Oh my, I'm very very sorry, I didn't see you behind the door."
The guy approaches, inspecting your face for any bruises – mainly because you are still spooked and planted to your feet. His warm hand lands on your shoulder, and you can't help but notice his whole arm looks crazy toned, and your face is lined perfectly with his chest since he's crazy tall too.
You don't let those thoughts cloud for long, taking a step back to look at him properly. "Sorry! Didn't see you coming out too, I got distracted by the place, haha."
"I- …" His head tilts slightly at your saying, and you notice how long his blond hair really is, as it weaves behind him when he turns, a few strands falling upon his shoulders by the movement. "Is that so? Why do you say that?"
"Well the colors are nice! What can I say, it's my first time here." You keep yourself from explaining your reasons during every exchange between strangers, but that only gives him more fuel to continue talking.
He nods, something in his posture changes from lax to a more attentive way– actually, he sorta looks… joyful. "I see, come inside then." His hand leaves your shoulder and waves you in, walking back inside with a skip on his step, so he is happy, why?
"It looks even better on the inside."
You can hear him call as you enter behind him, truthfully, you agree. The floor is boarded (but painted white) and the tables are also made with wood material, the brown matches well with the colors on the wall, white and blue that comes in stripes. The counter is the same color as the tables, it counts with a few comfortable looking stools. How cute, the tablecloths are black with white polka dots! Everything looks delicate and under measure, you can tell the owner has put his passion on every detail.
"So, liked it?"
The silence is broken by the mysterious blonde, you maintain a normal face but inside it gave you a big sudden scare.
"Yes! I think the place looks very delicate." You say what you really thought, to you it would be the best way of describing.
He nods more than once and rubs his hands together like a fly, it's hard to guess but from the movement under his mask, he might have smiled at your compliment, who can guess it.
Why are we talking about this anyway?
"Well…" he starts, as if able to listen to your thoughts, turning his body entirely in your direction and gathering himself in a very professional stance, "You are actually my first customer, so I'd like to accompany the experience with you, if you'd let me."
First customer.
"You're the boss!?" Your jaw drops, only slightly so as to not make yourself a complete fool in front of this handsome guy.
He nods, "It's been two days since I first opened the shop, without getting any new people in, so I'm extremely glad you have chosen this establishment. I'm sorry for the, cough, harsh welcoming." His body does all the talking as he speaks, making gestures and looking at the door, apologizing for the scare. He expresses himself very well for someone who's got almost his whole face covered.
…You can't help but giggle at his big introduction, although serious, he's just a silly guy.
"It's alright, can I get your name since you want to accompany me?" You said, following by the introduction of your name to him.
The man nods. "You can call me Killer."
Killer, huh, what?
You nod, not discarding the chance that it might be just his nickname, and make your way to a table near the window. You don't miss how Killer himself hands you the menu – at your curious stare, he answers that he doesn't have staff yet, it's him and him only, for now.
The menu… is a total road map. There's at least ten different types of noodles including lasagna pasta, each has different kinds of prepping and sauces to include. It's like ordering pizza but in italian… wait, pizza is also italian, right? Historically, nobody knows for certain, but… Anyway, you ultimately decide to order a plate from the popular section – not that the other options aren't good! But for today, keep it simple – that are basically those viral dishes that everybody knows from social media, as in a part of the menu that offers simpler options to choose from.
Today's dish will be… fettuccine alfredo! It should be good for starters.
Killer seems to jolt when you finally look his way again, like he wasn't staring at you all along. "I take you have decided what you are having?"
"Yes! Can I have a fettuccine alfredo, please?" You smile at him, such a polite guy.
He nods at the request, doing a small shoulder gesture you've seen him do before, signaling he's 'happy and ready'. Killer leaves to the back, soon you can hear the sounds of pans and pots being retrieved, as well as the smell of mouth watering food begins to waft through the place.
It's so good to smell, and not just watch it through a screen! You think to yourself, looking around and noting the small details all over his luncherie, finding especially interesting the small metal trinket on the counter, is it handmade?
Time goes like seconds, it's actually a really small pause before Killer comes out of the kitchen with a blue plate in hands, his long legs moving swiftly until he's beside your table and placing the dish in front of you. He lingers a little about even after delivering the order, fixing the folds on the tablecloth and thanking you again for coming to his restaurant.
He's really cute, you think, watching him head back to the counter, the way Killer fiddles about with his hands shows that he's maybe a little anxious, I would be nervous too with my first client.
You look down and damn, the dish looks amazing. The fettuccine normally has a whiter aspect thanks to the sauce, that becomes even more vibrant and appetizing in contrast to the blue colored plate. I hope I don't sound like a food critic, you think to yourself while swirling the first string of thick pasta on your fork, watching as it swirls smoothly with help of the white creamy sauce, it's making your mouth water.
Without thinking, you stuffed it in your mouth with no regrets, immediately melting at the way it explodes in your mouth. Yumm… I will definitely bring leftovers home.
It looks like I won't get any new customers besides Y/N, Killer muses to himself as he leans on the window. Sigh, he's a bit disappointed, but it's the reality of many newly established businesses. It doesn't stop the deep bubbling feeling that comes from his chest, knowing he should be starting on the dishes if he wants to close as soon as possible, since his mood has dampened again.
Right, I can't yet, I have someone over today, as if in cue with his thoughts, his head turns from the window to the person in the middle of his shop, who is humming delightfully as they eat the portion of fettuccine.
It puts him in sort of a daze, his cheeks spotting the faintest of blush, the sight of someone feeling so content while eating the result of his studies and hardwork, that's all I wanted. Killer is glad for his blonde bangs that hide the fact he can't bring himself to divert his eyes away, so touched by his work being appreciated. If the guys saw me acting this way, I wouldn't hear the end of it. After what seems ages, he shakes his head at the thought, slumping even more against the wall as all the exhaustion of setting up a business settles down on his shoulders.
Letting his eyes astray to that one table yet again, he can't help but think they're cute, his hard shell has lessened thanks to the excitement of receiving the first person to give a chance to his work, sure, but Killer can't help but watch them in a different glow from the way he would see other people.
And they like my food, that's a good sign- oh, they're looking at me, he jolts when he's suddenly caught staring, his hands twitching by the sudden spook– and now, they're… beckoning me closer?
Killer can't help but straighten up, fixing himself before strolling with newfound confidence to their table and sitting down across from them.
"It was delicious!" You told him with a big smile, patting the pudge on your stomach formed by his delicious, warming meal. "A pretty big portion too, are you sure the price is up to it?"
"Yes." His deep baritone almost filled the room, almost sending a shudder down your back. "It shouldn't be any higher, that would just scare off more people that it has."
He wasn't negative about it, just realistic. And also a tad nervous, not wanting to say anything awkward.
"I think it was great, actually, I promised- like- to bring leftovers for dinner to my family, do you make meals for takeout?"
Killer is at service, sure, but you still felt a little bad for asking this late, since it's probably rounding closing hours.
"Of course, I'd be delighted to." He responded quicker than you thought, more than happy to attend more work, it really shows he loves cooking, "So, how many portions would you want for takeout?"
"Three! I was thinking of bringing different dishes, you know? Another fettuccine so they can try it too, but I wanted to bring this one too, and…!"
Unnoticed by the both of you, soon, a discussion of what would be the best to bring back to your family started with the chef man, he knew how to add in his view on the subject but without suggesting in a way he wanted you to buy more, but like hey that's really good, it could go even better with this topping. Or I like that one, I think it's a really good choice. Killer was glad the conversation flowed so easily, himself also not noticing the fact a whole hour passed and they hadn't stopped talking, he felt like he wanted to get to know you better more and more through each minute, finding himself in a daze again, his brain filled by the thoughts of you entirely.
What brought him back to reality, though, was glancing down from your eyes – it was really hard – only to see the empty plate and silverware still on the table.
"Oh damn, I didn't see the time fly." A quick glance at the clock on the wall told him it was very late. He sat up, exasperatedly.
Still enough to make your family dinner, with how determined he looked.
Killer didn't even protest when you followed him inside the kitchen, the conversation flowing once again casually, he smiled at the way you found another of Kidd's trinkets, like the one – he persisted to gift Killer as decoration – at the counter.
He'd be sure to make them extra good just for you.
"Thank you so much for everything, Killer." You felt bad for keeping him so long, watching as the key chime when locking the door, disappearing along with his big hand inside his pants pocket.
"No such, I am, in fact, delighted for you."
For a moment, his sapphire blue irises stared into yours, drowning in the pools of color- both of you.
His hand on your shoulder was warm.
Fuschia lipstick marked your hand when his lips parted from your skin, smiling at you.
"I'd like to see you again."
At the end of the night, Killer's frustration had vanished - now that he's got your number.
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mofics · 5 months
Like always (Killer x gender neutral Reader)
In which Killer, your boyfriend, comforts you
TW: implied sexual content and implied past trauma.
Also posted on AO3 (maybe it’s best to read it there)
“What’s wrong?” He asks, stopping his kisses all of the sudden
“Huh? W-what do you mean..?” Shit. You thought you were hiding it well… guess your stuttering didn’t quite help
It’s always like this. You always get too nervous for your own good, but then it passes…
You were sitting on his lap, making out in his bed. Killer had been your boyfriend for a month now, but you never actually got to this point before… and you were nervous, like always
“You’re trembling” he says, looking deep into your eyes
“I-… I’m just a little nervous, that’s all” you chuckle awkwardly, trying to pretend it’s nothing
But it was nothing, right? It’s normal. It’s okay. You don’t need to worry… but you’re scared
“This is your first time, isn’t it?” He asks, his hands on his bed again, not touching you
“…no,” that’s the worst part. This isn’t your first time “I’m just usually… I…” you sigh, resting your head against his shoulder, he hugs you
“Hey, it’s okay, we don’t have to-“
“It’s not that! I want it but… at the same time I…” you can’t put it into words, like always
Suddenly, he falls back into the bed with you on top of him, causing you to huff in surprise. He gently caresses your hair, you can feel his heartbeat as you lay your head on his chest
“Take your time… you’re nervous, it’s okay” he looks at you, his tone is soft “no need to rush it. I’ll still be here either way”
You… relax. You’re relieved. You close your eyes, snuggling into his chest softly, taking a deep breath… just feeling your surroundings, feeling him.
“Thank you… this means a lot to me” you begin playing with his golden locks, feeling safe in his arms
And you truly feel alright. You feel okay.
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redpandawritees · 2 years
Ooo! I was wondering how the kid pirates sleep? You can do as many as you want but im so curious. Like, does Kid just sprawl out on the bed? How does Killer sleep??? Do they sleep with clothes???????? So many questions! How would they sleep with a partner???
Doing the main four I know the best, on mobile for a bit as well, I hope you enjoy!!
Kid sleeps like a rock if he is able to get all of his energy out before bed.
He radiates heat but will still take all the blankets he can reach and smother you at the same time.
Sleeps in his underwear or some shorts, sweats if it's cold out.
He says sleeping in clothes is uncomfortable and only sleeps in underwear so he doesn't flash anyone.
His body will just, sense something laying next to him and slowly moves closer to it until he is practically sprawled on top of you.
If he doesn't have a partner/someone in bed with him he does spread out as much as he can but he tosses and turns, eventually ends up using his pillows to kinda cuddle up with.
Despite the fact that he sleeps on top of you he isn't a 'cuddler', he likes physical touch but in bed hes just trying to sleep.
That being said if you ask I'm sure he wouldn't mind, might start murmuring under his breath about it but he'll cling to you through the night.
Only struggles to sleep after difficult days, especially if he feels like he's failed at something or hasn't quite accomplished what he wanted.
Not the biggest morning person, mainly because his bedroom is the one place he isn't captain, but he has to step up for his crew so he gets up early to check on night watch and send them to bed, will do small things around the ship till Killer or Heat wakes up to make breakfast then starts his day.
Killer sleeps facing away from his bedroom door, face buried in his sheets or pillows
Not even due to his worry about people seeing his face, he's just always sleep like that
Is also a furnace but actually hates it, well kick of his blankets but then he's to cold so he grabs a blanket again just to kick it off again.
Can't sleep in pants but sleeps in a shirt and boxers, Killers the person that spreads eagle but only his legs.
Eventually invested in a thin blanket that keeps him warm but doesn't over heat him.
It is then discarded when he has a partner to keep his bed warm when he heads to bed. 'Keeping it warm' because he heads to bed late, will do the most he can to make sure everything is going right on the ship before he sleeps.
He will indulge in cuddling, will now bury his face into whatever body part of yours he can find. May or may not drool on you.
A light sleeper but immediately goes back to sleep if he is waken up and nothing is wrong.
He shoots up, looks around, and is already practically asleep by the time he is laying back down.
Sleeps in a little late but is up to start/help with breakfast, wakes up pretty easy but doesn't want to part with you so sometimes he will make you wake up lol.
Curls in on himself, wraps his arms around himself or you then tucks his legs up.
Sleeps in a shirt and pants, he runs cold but refuses to have a heater in his room, instead has so many blankets to burrow under.
Cold feet!!! And hands, he WILL tuck his hands and feets right next to you to warm them up, but for you it's like ice.
Is your average sleeper minus the insomnia. You heard it here first, that's not eyeliner, that's eye bags from sleepless night.
That being said he is night watch most of the time, helps breakfast then is out like a light.
When it's not his turn to watch but he still can't sleep he spends his night playing with you hair or just laying down with his eyes closed.
Is a cuddler, will latch on and not let go. You will have to fight for your freedom in the morning.
Is just a baby, let him sleep
Back sleeper only, religiously even, and will let you sleep on top of him.
The only normal temperature person out of the four, the safest option to share a bed with.
Boxers or nothing. Doesn't care if he shares a room, they'd see it eventually because he just doesn't care. Nude is natural.
Gropes in his sleep, he swears he can't help it. Will randomly grab at you arms, thighs, waist, whatever is in his reach.
Is unfortunately a heavy sleeper when he gets the chance, could sleep through the rest of the crew finding Roger's treasure if he really wanted.
Is also the worst morning person, he is in a shit mood after he wakes up and has done so many things to try to not be but it's just his nature.
It'll be slightly better if you let him lay in bed for a bit with you, coax him out of it.
Very average sleeper? He tosses and turns some night and might hit you on accident but just wake him up and he'll grab you and trap you in his arms instead.
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suotea · 2 years
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❝ 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐘 𝐃𝐎𝐆 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐄𝐒 ! ❞ killer x gn!reader
info : sfw. 1,200 word count.
commission : reader who’s typically chill but scary when they’re angry! thank u for sending this in (:
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killer finds himself playing the ‘mediator’ roll quite often.
whether it’s forming an alliance or splitting the (very frequent) bickering between you and your captain, he’s used to it. and if he was going to be honest, he can’t say that he hates it. killer likes the side of you that’s a little bolder, likes to see you speak your mind. the way you’re able to argue with anyone without a single trace of fear is one of killer’s favorite things about you.
it took him a while to notice it at first. you seemed so sweet, like someone he needed to protect…and always he wondered how were you a pirate with that carefree attitude. that’s why he was so stunned when he saw it for the first time, the cold glare of your eyes, or the way your eyebrows subtly raise at a snarky comment.
at the very least, he doesn’t think you need to be protected anymore.
“are you sure we should be out right now?”
his attention shifts back to you, humming slowly. it’s true that he had just told everyone earlier to stay undercover…but is there any point in doing so anymore? just minutes ago, their captain knocked out the navy soldiers watching the main entrance to the island after all.
no harm in getting a lunch before setting sail, he thinks. “no, it should be fine. we can head back after we eat.”
killer’s gaze flickers over the group of men sitting just behind you, eyes narrowing at the way they’re clearly looking for trouble. their feet are lazily rested atop the table, traces of dirt smeared across the wood and trash littering the area around them— and to top it off, they’re loud.
they look like the exact kind of people he doesn’t want around you. killer finds himself mumbling a prayer to no one in particular, wishing to himself that they’ll go along with their day and not disturb you. not because he’s scared for you. rather, he’s scared for them.
the time spent waiting for your meals is relaxing at the very least. he watches the way your eyes gleam when he begins to braid the paper straw wrappers, fingers folding and pulling too fast for you to keep up. “that’s so cool,” you mumble, cheek rested on the table to watch him closely. “you can keep it,” he says through a masked grin, gently setting the paper in front of your face. “i can?”
“yeah, you can. you can show kid too.”
his lips curl into a soft smile underneath his mask. you’re so cute like this, intently eyeing the braid and reaching to replicate it— just to start struggling on the first fold. “huh? that’s odd…”
“you fold this under here,” he says, big hands wrapping around your own to guide you. “it’s easy, isn’t it?”
“yeah, that’s pretty!”
you go for attempt number two, fingers back on the paper to meticulously twist and fold the papers the way killer did. “this is harder than it looks…”
so he helps you again. the two of you spent more time like this until he’s done teaching you, smiling when you hold up your messily braided wrapper to him. “good job,” he muses, slipping your work into his pocket so he can show kid your efforts once the two of you return to the ship.
a particularly loud burst of laughter echoes behind you, startling you in your seat. it’s already obnoxious, the men roughly slamming their fists onto the table as they curl over their chairs. “they’re energetic,” killer says in a low whisper.
“i hope they’re not like that the entire time,” you grumble under your breath. killer can’t help but hope so too. as if the world wants to spite him, a louder wave of laughter erupts, their arms swinging wildly and accidentally knowing a few chairs a little too close to you.
“they’re so annoying,” you grumble, “it’s pissing me off now.”
he can practically feel his nervous sweat forming on his forehead. “ah, now now,” he coos, hands coming up to calm you down.
killer’s mind flashes through the words he spoke earlier: “me and y/n are heading out. we won’t attract trouble, so wait for us a bit.” if you were to get angry here, you would definitely attract trouble. not that killer minds, of course, but the timing isn’t good. the navy could be here at any moment, and—
the sound of a splash followed by the deafening shatter of glass startles him. his eyes shoot up to you, heart sinking into his stomach when you sees your lips curled in disgust as you watch the icky soda seep into your shoe. your brand new shoes. the ones killer bought you, to be exact.
you stand up in one swift movement, hands slamming hard against the table as the laughter suddenly pauses. one by one, they turn to look at you, not reacting until one of them finally catches a glimpse of what they just did. “my bad,” one of them chuckles, “didn’t mean to spill it like that..”
killer stands up just as quickly when he sees you narrow your eyes, mouth opening to retort. with this position, they get a look of how big he is— muscles bulging through his shirt as he sighs deeply. they recognize him immediately— he’s one of those kid pirates. “oh dear,” he muses, “you’ve gone and made them mad.”
the way they tremble in their seat doesn’t go unnoticed to killer. ruined shoe or not, his mind was focused on one thing— to get you back to the ship without attracting the navy. he wraps an arm around your shoulder, whispering a “i’ll make it up,” before guiding you out.
“wait, killer!”
“no. we can’t cause trouble, remember?”
you huff, angrily swinging the door open, only to be greeted by a line of curious civilians on each side of the streets. “what the hell,” you grumble, “there’s a whole crowd.”
a crowd? killer looks around to see that there is in fact, a crowd. a big one at that. when did they all get here? and now that he gets a better look…their eyes are all on you. that’s not good.
“they’re watching you, y/n.”
you huff loudly, letting killer pull you closer to him as the two of you walk back. because after all, even if you don’t need it, he can’t help but want to keep you safe. “they’re all looking at you,” your voice is a low whisper, “cuz all your gear is scary maybe.”
“no, he retorts, "you’re scarier to them right now.”
"huh? me?”
“yes, you.”
“i don’t think so.”
“i do.”
the lighthearted bicker continues, leaving you completely unaware of the civilians who had grabbed their transponder snails to contact the navy as soon as they caught sight of two infamous pirates.
“yes! there are two fearsome members of the kid pirates running rampant on the east side of the city,” one of them whispered— perhaps a little too loud, because killer hears it well. fearsome?
there goes your attempts at staying undercover, he thinks. but did the two of you really even try in the first place?
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henrioo · 3 months
꒰ SYNOPSIS ꒱ : "Your period is definitely the moment of the month you most hate, lucky your two boyfriend already know how to handle the situation at this point. And whatever you need, Kid and Killer will always be there for you."
꒰ WARNINGS ꒱ : TRANS MASC! READER, TRANS MALE! READER, FTM READER, PERIOD, man having period, man having uterus, body dysphoria, gender dysphoria, use of the word "breast" and "boobs", the reader didn't make top surgery, mentions about not having money for surgery, little angry and aggressive reader, mentions of chubby body (not fully just a chubby tummy but can be interpret in others ways), mentions of hormonal treatment/therapy, A LOT OF POSITIVE AND ENCOURAGING DIALOGUE ABOUT THE READER'S MALE IDENTITY
꒰ WC ꒱ : 1,6k
꒰ NOTES ꒱ : This become really self indulgence because I finished this story one day and the other day I started my period so fuck this shit. But anyway, enjoy, my little buddies that have an uterus and pass through periods, have a little of Kid and Killer comforting you. And if you don't have a uterus nor a period you still can have them, because Kid and Killer comforting you is perfect in any situation.
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Eustass sighed entering the apartment he shared with his two boyfriends. Today had been a busy day at the workshop and he almost wanted to kill some customers who tried to debate him too much. He dropped his backpack in the entrance hallway and didn't have to walk far to find you two, after all the apartment was really small and compact.
Killer was in the kitchen and seemed to be baking something, he had his hair tied up and was wearing a pink apron with “best mommy” written on it that you had given him in a Valentine's Day prank, the funny thing was that he loved it and accepted wearing it without any problems. He looked for you and it didn't take long to locate you, the point was that he quickly located warning signs that made him pay attention.
Sign 1: You were shirtless, without a top and without a binder, your breasts were out and you hated being like that at home because it gave you a lot of dysphoria and frustration because you hadn't yet had surgery on the top, which meant that something very important thing must have happened for you to ignore all anxiety and triggers and stay like this.
Sign 2: You were wearing Kid's plaid pants, you hated those pants. Which was also very strange since you said that those pants, besides being ugly, were very light and baggy, which was obvious since Kid was twice your size, and the only times you used to wear them were when he was far away and you really missed it to the point of wearing those pants you hated so much. And the reason for wearing them specifically was because Kid wore those pants almost like a second skin, being one of his two favorite clothes and the best choice for missing your boyfriend.
Sign 3: You were surrounded by the stuffed animals that Kid and Killer got for you at the parks and events you used to go to, usually these stuffed animals were on a shelf dedicated to them since the bed couldn't even fit the three of you, imagine more than five plushies of different sizes and shapes. However, Eustass and the blonde knew that you only clung to one of them when they were far away, you had even sent photos of you sleeping with them when the two of you weren't in town.
Sign 4: You were watching some extremely colorful children's cartoons. You and Killer particularly liked that stuff, saying it was nostalgic or some shit like that, so it wasn't exactly weird... The weird thing is that you were crying watching a colorful cartoon with animals, princesses and various things exploding on the screen that looked like anything but a Sad movie to the point of making you cry.
Yeah… You had just started your period. It took a few months of training, swearing, and nights spent sleeping on the couch for Eustass to become a master at guessing when you were on your period or close to it, which was great since you became a bombshell when that happened. In the workshop he had already dealt with some of the menstruating women, generally these were the days when screwdrivers flew and male customers ran away never to return, it was also the day when they ordered so many sweets that Kid received more deliveries from sweet shops than fixed cars.
With all this experience he was certain: menstruating people were scary. And you could be a little more on your period, (Y/N), Kid and Killer's gorgeous boyfriend was extremely scary when was on your period. Probably your hormone therapy made all your emotions twice as sensitive but you really were a ticking time bomb, most of the time you were an aggressive extreme who would yell at them if they dared to get close and then two minutes later you were yelling at them. for not giving you affection in that delicate moment. In Eustass's own words you were a fucking irritating bipolar.
"A warning that the war has started would be nice" Kid muttered to Killer as he kicked off his shoes and prepared for battle.
“No really, when I walked in he literally threw a slipper in my face” Killer laughed and handed Kid a bottle of water that he knew he should use as a peace offering.
“Wow… And I thought sleeping on the couch was the most extreme thing we’ll ever get” he laughed and approached you.
“You keep complaining about that and you’re the next one to get slapped” You grumbled irritably while crossing your arms, you didn’t even look away from the television but it was clear that you had been irritated by your boyfriends’ jokes and teasing.
“Okay my little grenade, drink some water before your anger dehydrates your seductive little body” he laughed and offered you the water which you readily accepted and calmed you down a little so that he could sit on the sofa with you without getting kicked in the face .
“Seductive little body my ass, look at that! I’m super swollen!” You said as soon as you finished seeing the water and started to clutch your stomach “Besides, look at this! I! Argh! I have these things and I hate them!” You said looking at your breast “I hate all of this! My body, my hair, my face, this transition! I hate existing, I want to explode into millions of pieces and become a cloud!”
And now the anger passed and you were crying. Holy crap. That was all Eustass could think, he sighed as he crawled onto the couch closer to you and helped you curl up on top of him, basically like a human ball as he wrapped one arm around your leg and the other around your back stopping at your hair. where he made a light coffee.
“Alright, let’s breathe, okay?” He spoke to you listening to your sniffles “Everyone has a little tummy, okay? You yourself love squeezing mine so you have no right to hate yours” he debated trying to calm his insecurities.
“But yours is cute…” You mumbled rubbing your head against his shirt “You smell like car oil…”
“I work in a mechanic, love, I’m definitely not going to smell lavender, that’s up to Killer” he laughed, continuing to hug you, now you seemed to be coming out of the shell of depression. You turned so you were against his chest, your knees still together and curled up so you could fit completely in his lap, he placed both arms around you and let you play with his big, slightly dirty hands.
“It’s not lavender, it’s pine aftershave” Killer replied irritably as he entered the room with a cat-shaped pot and handed it to you.
"What's this?" Eustass asked curiously and rested her head on his, seeing in the jar a type of chocolate cake and some scoops of cream ice cream with chocolate syrup.
“Brownie with ice cream, to appease the demon that lives in that cute belly” Killer smiled as he sat on the sofa in the part where you were previously and took the opportunity to pinch your cheek, making you groan.
“I hate you” you mumbled but soon your attention was diverted to the candy, you started eating it greedily while letting out cute little noises of approval.
“Where did I stop?” Kid tried to remember his insecurities and soon knew where to continue “Everyone has breasts, particularly Killer's are the biggest I've ever seen” he felt his blonde boyfriend slap him on the head but he ignored “You yourself tried to give me a bra because I said mine were too big!” He commented irritably while pinching your waist.
“But they are,” You and Killer said together and laughed at Kid’s red face.
“Assholes… Huh, anyway, everyone has boobs and that’s normal” Eustass wasn’t the sweetest when it came to comforting someone, but he knew that somehow the brutality and sincerity of their words were always enough for you.
“Except for that dumb bitch who tried to hit on you at the bar” you muttered irritably as you shoved another piece of ice cream into your mouth.
“And thanks to a pot of diabetes we have our boyfriend back, thank you sugar gods” Kid teased and kissed your cheek making you laugh and press yourself closer into his embrace.
“Also, don’t worry too much about your body, you started hormone therapy not long ago so there will still be big changes” Killer smiled gently as he caressed your knee “And as we go to the gym more they will lessen a little.”
“Besides, we’re going to get the surgery anyway so you just need to hold on until then” Kid reminded you of your main goal in the transition.
“I know… I just… It's very expensive, sometimes it seems impossible as if I would never see myself without them” you sighed, laying down on the man and finally releasing your legs over his, now literally sitting on Kid as if he were a chair.
“We'll find a way... If we can't find one then Kid can rob a bank, he gives us the money and he goes to prison alone, then we pay for your surgery and his bail” Killer suggested, laying down next to Eustass to be next to you.
“Or you two go to jail, I become a millionaire and get a sugar baby” you laughed.
“Wow… One slipper and now this, I would never make him a brownie again after that” Eustass said shocked while talking to Killer.
“Yes, definitely, today Mr. (Y/N) is the one sleeping on the couch” Killer laughed as he prepared to give you a tickle attack. Well... I guess your period wouldn't be so bad if you had these two with you all the time.
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killersimp · 1 year
Killer x scared reader
⚠warning⚠ This story contains elements of panic attacks and crying. Do not proceed if you are triggered by any of these.
You were currently hiding in the closet in the bedroom you shared with Killer. Your anxiety had been building up the past few days. Right now, you didn't feel safe. Which was absolutely ridiculous given the ship you were currently on. Tears were flowing down your cheeks and breath escaped short and uneven. You then heard heavy footsteps enter the room. To make yourself as quiet as possible, you covered your mouth.
"(Y/n)," you heard Killer softly call out "you in here love?"
He has a slightly worried tone in his voice. So you tapped on the closet door to let him know your whereabouts. His footsteps approached, and he slowly opened the door. He looked at your trembling form, squeezed in the back of the closet.
"There you are," he sighed with such affection in his voice "what are you doing in here?"
Tears continued to make their way down your flushed cheeks "Don't... feel....s-safe."
Killer proceeded to sit on the floor outside of the closet. A silent sign he was willing to be there and listen. Killer was always good at listening no matter what was being discussed. He always gave you his 100% attention.
"Alright," he said gently "can you tell me why you feel that way?"
While you tried to calm yourself down, the tears started to slow down. However, you found yourself unable to answer his question. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't form any words.
"You're alright love," he said reassuringly "no need to rush yourself, I'm right here."
Nodding was the only way you could answer showing that you understood. You took a couple slow and deep breaths trying to calm down enough to speak.
"Anxiety was building up," you explained "couldn't, hold it in anymore."
Killer said nothing as he listened and waited for you to finish. He was always so patient with you. Knowing that anxiety could be a bitch. You wiped off your face with the back of your hand. Killer held his hand out to you in a silent offer to help. "You want to come out now?"
Nodding your head, you took his hand and slowly crawled out of the closet. Your legs wobbled from being in the same position for a while. Killer helped you to the bed and sat you down. Reaching over, he grabbed the plushie you kept on the bed. He knew it was a comfort item for you. Taking it, you buried your face in its softness. Killer sat next to you in silence. There were a lot of quiet moments with Killer around, because he was just a naturally quiet person. And right now, he knew you needed quiet.
"Kid had noticed you seemed a bit off," he said "he wanted to make sure you were ok."
As you looked over at him, you sniffled and leaned against him. Killer gently wrapped a comforting arm around your shoulders.
"Do you feel better," he asked "or do you need more help calming down?"
Thinking for a moment, you decided you wanted to actually do something. You wanted to take your mind off of everything. "Can we do something?" You asked in a small tired voice.
You couldn't see his face, but you knew he had a small smile. Getting up, he took your hand. "You can even bring the plush with you if you want."
Clutching the plush to your chest, you let Killer practically drag you around. Eventually the two of you ended up in the kitchen. You sat down in one of the chairs while Killer stood at the pantry.
"Hey love," he said getting your attention "you want me to make you a milkshake?"
Nodding your head, you sank down further into the chair, burying your face into your plush. As Killer prepared your drink, another set of footsteps approached the kitchen. Peeking out from the plush, you saw Kid enter. He looked over at you, to which you gave him a small smile.
Kid walked over and sat in one of the chairs next to you. He then reached into his pocket and pulled something out. Kid took hold of your hand, and slid a small bracelet onto it. The beads were small, but shiny, and were your favorite colors. Looking it over, you noticed that it had a small charm on it. It was a small heart with a tiny red gem in the center.
"I know you've been having a rough time lately," he said quietly "so when you look at this, you know you can count on others to help."
He then reached over and wiped a tear away from your cheek. You hadn't realized that you had been crying till now. Looking at the bracelet, you silently swore to never take it off if it wasn't necessary.
"Kid?" You said with a slight sniffle.
"Thank you for always looking out for your crew."
Kid playfully scoffed "Heh, what kind of captain would I be if I didn't?"
Both of you laughed at that, as Killer came and set down your milkshake. He then took the chair opposite from Kid.
"You're not alone anymore," Killer said taking your hand in his "you can count on people to help you now."
Taking a sip of your milkshake, and enjoying the sweet, cold of it, you now knew things could be different. Because you had friends who cared now.
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uvbnr21-killer · 2 years
I need more Killer fanfics/headcanons or scenarios. This man deserves more love. 🫶🫶
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loguetowns · 2 years
Killer + color dandelion if you want to, please, and happy holidays!❤️
daffodil yellow.
hand in hand. warm sunshine. blue skies. a quaint town. humming. giggling. laughing. interlaced fingers. gentle smiles. a wonderfully, extraordinarily ordinary day.
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the last place you'd expect to find killer would be in a flower shop. with a stature that is (quite literally) giant, he would've never dreamed of trying to navigate such delicate florals. leave it to you to bring killer to a place that he'd always thought he didn't belong.
then again, that's the beauty in the way you love him.
you are a force of nature, challenging him to reconsider the things he thought would've been impossible for him (who would've thought he'd be capable of making ceramics?) and the things that he's never even given second thought (like the 10-step skincare routine he swears by now).
your presence has brought new adventure to his life in the most amazingly mundane ways.
it's perfect.
killer turns towards you and even just the sight of your tiny frame, navigating through carnations and lilies and magnolias, is enough to make his heart swell with complete adoration.
you spin around with pastel hydrangeas in your hand, "thoughts? what should we pair with these?"
he surveys the options, considering each one carefully. "the roses could be nice."
"ooh, yes! the white ones would look so good with them!"
"and" — killer pulls some nearby greenery — "maybe some eucalyptus?"
delighted and impressed, you grin at him.
"look at you with the eucalyptus! maybe we should swap your scythes for a pair of garden shears instead," you tease.
"baby, the sign is right there. you could've brought kid here and he could've done the same."
"yeah, but eustass kid" — you take the stems from killer — "would've been waiting outside the door, complaining about how this is a waste of time."
"and besides," you wink at him. "i like you way better."
his heart flutters as you walk towards the counter, and killer can't help but marvel. he marvels at how someone significantly smaller than him can have such a hold on his heart.
he watches as you chat up the shopowner, hands animated as you gesture from one display to another. the sun shines through, making it look like the errant pollen is dancing in the afternoon light. floating around you, it looks like fairy dust, and it's beautiful.
you're beautiful, is what killer thinks to himself when you look over your shoulder to smile at him.
"all done!"
"you got what you wanted?"
you're wonderful, is what killer thinks to himself as you approach him with giant blossoms in hand.
"want me to hold them for you?"
"no, silly. they're for you."
you beam at him, and he falls even harder for you.
you're the love of my life, is what killer thinks to himself while you hand him the bouquet that you've built together.
the last place you'd expect to find killer is in a flower shop, blushing underneath his mask with a heart so full of affection that it may burst. he accepts your proclamation of love and it's here, in this flower shop, that killer swears to himself that he'll return your gift with one of his own — and he's already got the perfect thing.
a glittering diamond ring in a small velvet box.
(and maybe he'll get a bouquet of hydrangeas, roses, and eucalyptus to go with it.)
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send me a character + a colour and i might write you a lil something!
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erii-ya · 5 months
‘If it’s you….’ Part 1
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Killer x FemReader
Sypnosis: You're one of the Strawhats, and after hearing the news about your captain being caught and imprisoned by Kaido, you join Raizo in infiltrating Udon to save him. There, you again met the man you've been obsessing with for a long time since you saw him for the first time in Sabaody. However, you discovered what happened to him, and you sure as fuck won't let it slide. No one's messing with your Milý and gets away with it.
WC: 2,333
A/N: One Piece is the beautiful creation of the genius Eiichiro Oda-sensei. It has heavy *spoilers* for the Wano Arc since the context revolves around Udon Prison. Please remember that the flow of the story is just a fantasy in my head, and English is not my mother tongue.
Luffy was defeated by Kaido and was imprisoned in Udon. Raizo, a member of the Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance that your crew was a part of, plans to infiltrate the Udon prison to save him, and you won't pass the chance of joining in. The plan was to enter the prison, find Luffy, and escape as quickly as possible before anyone could find out.
That WAS the plan.
But since Luffy is your captain, plans sometimes work differently than intended. You've got stuck in Udon with the person you're supposed to save, and Raizo is nowhere to be found.
"You're not even going to give me something to eat?!" Luffy whines beside you.
The escape plan failed, and Queen, who ruled the prison, forced Luffy to join a Sumo match he started for entertainment. So, both of you fought the whole day. 
"I'm hungry..." his stomach growls on cue.
"Shut up and go to sleep!" says one of the Beast pirate members guarding you three while staying in the makeshift arena. 
You shot a glare at him, hoping he'd drop dead only if shooting daggers could kill. You saw him shudder and quickly turn his back on you. 'That's right. Be scared. 'cause once I get the chance, I'll dice you all into fine pieces.'
Luffy continues to whine about turning into a mummy by the next day if he doesn't get something to eat and you can do nothing but sit quietly. Old man Hyo stepped closer to him and apologized for being a hindrance on the escape mission. 
"Don't worry about it, gramps," you stated. Putting both your hands at the back of your head. "It was the captain's decision, and honestly, it'll leave a bad taste in my mouth knowing that we left you behind." you finished. Old man Hyo clenched his fist. He was still visibly guilty and probably blaming himself, thinking it was his fault you and Luffy couldn't get out of there on time.
"But still, Y/N-dono, you could've gotten awa-" You shushed him, waving your right hand, gesturing to stop. "It doesn't matter now, is it? It wasn't that bad. I haven't beaten people up for quite a while, so it's a fun time." You grinned. The old man looked at you unexpectedly and shook his head in defeat. 
"Strawhat..." He called Luffy. "Why do you still want to fight Kaido? Knowing that you lost to him once already?" 
As if on reflex, the Beast pirates around you all turned towards the three of you after hearing what the old man said. Curious to know the answer. Your captain got annoyed and released a wave of his conqueror's haki to knock them all down. He then proceeded to explain the four emperors of the sea to the old man and that Kaido was one of them. 
"I'm going to become the king of the pirates, so I have to take them all down." Luffy finished with conviction.
You smiled widely. You've heard it countless times, but the ecstatic feeling it gives you doesn't get old. It brought back memories from before you became an official part of the crew.
"Oi, Y/N! Join my crew!" you almost drown yourself in the glass of water you're drinking to the sudden outburst of the guy beside you. Whipping your head towards him with furrowed eyebrows, giving him a look like he grew an extra head, you retorted, "And what-in-the-holy-meatballs made you think I would want to play pirates with you? More or else BECOME a pirate?!".
"What? It'll be fun, I swear!" raising his right hand as if to promise. "Sanji's the best cook, and you'll enjoy all the dishes he'll serve! We can even have different eating contests occasionally.", he babbled.
Just thinking about it made you salivate.
It's really, really tempting...
But… "No, Thank you!".
As much as you're tempted by the idea of eating the 'best' dishes this Sanji person can cook, just thinking about living with a diverse group of individuals on a ship and floating for days in the vast sea made you cringe. You're okay with being alone, going from one place to another since social gathering is not your cup of tea. Being alone gives you freedom, not to mention the peace of mind of not causing trouble to anyone. Aside from being a petite woman with a huge appetite, you have no exceptional talent to boast. You only have an appetite that surpassed even this guy’s, the reason he lost to you in this meat-eating competition where you met. 
Standing up, you gathered your things and swiftly left the place without turning back. You thought that was the last time you'd see the guy, so you brushed it off as an uncanny encounter. 'He's a pirate, so they'll probably leave this island immediately.' you forethought. 
Boy, were you wrong! Because for the next couple of days, you always 'coincidentally' bumped into each other, and a series of back-and-forth barrage of why you should be joining his crew and why you shouldn't would always start. And the rest was history…
*End of Flashback*
You’re unsure if it's his persuasion, hidden charms, or just him being Luffy that you finally said 'Yes' to join his crew. Whatever it may be, you surprisingly never regretted it.
Your trip down memory lane was cut short when a mud-like entity appeared behind old man Hyo. It was Caribou, and on his stomach was Raizo, much to the old man's surprise. Questions were fired at the ninja, and he happily answered and explained to the old man what had been happening.
What was awesome was when Caribou stole Queen's share of Red Bean Soup!
"Fucking food finally! I was already thinking about chopping one of the Beast pirates." you nonchalantly said, which earned you weirded-out looks from Raizo, Caribou, and the old man. "Relax.", you said. " 's a joke.", and you smiled innocently at them. They can only nervously laugh at the awkward atmosphere while Luffy, knowing you, just laughs off his head.
The next day, Kaido shared some news with Queen. Komurasaki, the famous Oiran of the flower capital, died. Queen was devastated and hurriedly commanded to hook up the light-scroll snail to confirm the news. Your team, on the other hand, was so eager to start the sumo match.
"Did you idiots gain weight from yesterday?!" Queen was astonished. Eyes popped out after seeing Luffy and the old man, all plump and round than they were yesterday. 'Stupid captain,' you scratched your head in annoyance. 'I told him to eat only enough to regain his strength. Not to the point of bursting!' The beast pirates probably know by now that Queen's casserole of Red Bean Soup was missing, and the culprits are not too hard to guess.
You pinched the bridge of your nose like it would help stop the upcoming headache. "I also think finishing all that soup was too much. I'm surprised he survived this long as a captain." Caribou muttered. "Well, that's Luffy for you." is all you can say.
The light-scroll snail was rolling, showing a place somewhere in Wano. Queen was frantically looking for any signs or news about Komurasaki but to no avail. The view was changed from one place to another until it showed a scene where Zoro and Sanji saved a little girl. 
Both you and your captain's face lit up. You excitedly run towards the arena, propping yourself up to stand behind your captain and to get a clearer view of the scene. Everything happened so fast, and now your crew was all in combat mode. "Go get them, guys! Kick their dirty asses!" you cheered even though they won't hear you. Arms stretching upwards.
Queen looked at you and asked if you knew the green-haired man shown on the screen. It was Zoro. ‘Shoot!’ You should have remembered. You shouldn't know that you knew them as part of your crew's disguise. The excitement of seeing everyone again and in action had you slip the crucial details in your mind. Luffy turns to you with knowing eyes, and you both 'tried' to deny the fact. Lips pouting, eyes looking elsewhere in an attempt to lie. 
Unfortunately, you two sucked at lying, "It's too obvious, you liars!" Queen hissed. Clicking your tongue in annoyance, you couldn't care less about the consequences. To hell with the disguise! Everything was already fucked up since the escape mission failed. You’re almost at your limit anyway, and the itch of wanting to go wild is growing stronger by the minute. You focused your attention back on the screen instead. You have already decided that when all hell breaks loose in here, that’ll be your cue to go on a rampage. But for now, you’ll simply enjoy watching your friends break some legs.
In your peripheral vision, you saw one of Queen’s underlings approach him. You used one of your hidden skills to make out whatever he’s reporting. 
Ultrasonic hearing. 
Sounds cool, right? 
Of course, it is. After all, you put so much effort into naming this skill in another fancy way to mask the truth that it was only talent in picking up gossip. So helpful in hunting new delicacies.
Kidding aside, you heard Babanuki speak about a criminal arriving soon from the Flower Capital. Queen seems not to expect any new prisoners and is curious about who they might be.
Not long after, Udon Prison's main gate opened, and more of the Beast pirates walked in. You noticed one of them on a horse carrying a vertical red flag with the words ‘HITOKIRI.’ Queen asked who it was. “He’s a piece of garbage that couldn't complete a mission given by the Shogun of the Flower Capital,” answered Babanuki.
“We have a message from Orochi saying that we can punish him however we like.” announced the man leading in front of the newcomers. “We brought you, Hitokiri Kamazo!” he shouted. 
The prisoner started laughing manically, and you turned your head in his direction for some reason. Escorted was a tall man wearing a brown kimono, blonde hair, and a face covered with bandages. The only visible features you’ll see are his eyes and purple-colored lip. ‘Nice fashion sense.’
“Oh, so you’re Kamazo? I’ve heard a lot about you.” - Queen.
The prisoner continues laughing, not giving a shit about what the baboon said. 
“We also caught another one,” another beast guy added. “This one was stupid enough to show himself to us while yelling something. So, I shot him multiple times and didn’t even try to run.” the guy laughed.
Much to the surprise so far, the other prisoner turns out to be Eustass Kid, captain of the Kid pirates. He was holed up in the same prison cell as Luffy, and when you’re trying to escape the other night with your captain, he beat you all to it. ‘What the hellhole do you think you’re doing, you Oni (demon)!’ You can’t help but think you’re surrounded with morons.
Luffy called out to Kid. He stood beside you, and you didn’t even notice. The shock on his face after seeing his fellow captain being brought back inside was evident. You turn your attention back to Kid, now kneeling on the ground. ‘Hey, what’s going on.’ Confused by his sudden action, you started to move toward the kid pirate’s captain, but Luffy stopped you. You looked at him, and he wasn’t even looking at you. He still has his attention on Kid. However, his grip on your wrist says otherwise. It was firm enough to tell you not to do anything. Yet.
You sighed, then nodded at Luffy; only then did he release his grip on you. Looking back at Eustass Kid, you saw an expression you never thought you’d see in him. Mixed emotions danced throughout his face, but bewilderment was more prominent.
He spoke to the other prisoner, Kamazo, who was still manically laughing. “Oi, what happened? Why are you laughing?! Stop! I said stop!” tears started forming in his eyes. He continued, “I remember how you hate the way you laugh…” staring at Kamazo but more like seeing a distant memory of the past, “...and you even stop laughing out loud at some point.”
Jerking your head to the side, thinking, ‘I’ve heard this before.’. It was somewhat familiar, but you can’t remember where or when you heard about it.
“Anyone who mocked the way you laughed was easily beaten to death.” - Kid
Then it hit you.
Your body froze.
An unwelcoming chill runs down your spine.
The next thing you knew, your lips moved, mouthing what Kid said, like you knew the next thing he’d say, like the back of your hand.
“Until you started wearing a mask to hide your face.” - You
“Until you started wearing a mask to hide your face.” - Kid
“No shit..” was what followed after the statement came out of your mouth. Blood ran cold, and your hands started to tremble out of control. You couldn’t believe it. You were just guessing and were instead hoping you were mistaken. 
Now crying, Kid said, “That’s the person I knew. So please stop.” his tears flowed freely down his face. He’s hurt and in rage, and so are you. Your lips quivered to suppress the waterfall about to burst at the sudden realization. ‘What in the actual fuck…’ 
“Stop and look at me! What happened to our crew?! What happened to you?! Did Orochi do this to you?! Answer me!” Kid yells back at Kamazo with enraged eyes,
Hearing the confirmation made your eyes wide and your body tremble. The person you long to see after a long time is standing a few feet away from you. As much as you want to jump for joy, whatever you’re feeling right now is far from happy nor sad but rage. This is not the reunion you’re expecting to have with him.
“Milý-sama…”  you whispered.
Continue on Part 2....
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sleepytoby · 1 year
also might plan on posting a kid or killer x reader but it's ponyo...
ngl that'd be cute tho.
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cookiepie111 · 1 year
A/N: This idea came from an old post about a historical au with Killer x reader. I wanted to write a little introduction for him! I really loved writing this, so please enjoy! I might write more to this?
Im still new writing, so any feedback would be appreciated 👍🏾 Cathal means ruler of battle. I thought it worked well for a family name for Killer
Violins, clarinets, and the lighthearted conversation of nobles spread throughout the hall. To think that such a peaceful atmosphere could be ruined by one man. Boom. First it was laughter. Boom. Then the talking, boom. Soon even the music came to a stop.
Every step this man made sent silence through the room. Soon, the quiet was replaced with murmurs and whispers as their nervous eyes shifted around the room. "What is he doing here!? " Panic had swept through the ballroom.
If you were to look upon this man, you would not know that he was a son from cathal House. Metal studs took the place of buttons on his suit jacket, and traditional flat shoes were replaced by heavy army boots that reach his shin. Medals sat proudly across his chest, and chains drapped across the back of his suit. His manner of dressing, so close to the nobles yet so far away. A blue ribbon kept most of his hair out his face, though he made sure to hide half his face with bangs. Best (worst) of all that gaudy blue lipstick his father cringed and frowned at was nowhere to be found. 'You actually look like a human being' he sighed, remembering his father's words only made him angry, killer's face felt bare and empty without the colour.
Nobles rushed to make way for him, and as he continued across the hall, some men even shielding their lovers from the man, as if they could do any harm against him. The thudding boots only came to a halt when he found a quiet part of the hall walls to stick to, where no one would bother him. So there he stood glued to the wall for the rest of the night, unsure why his father had sent him of all people to this event. A quick glance was enough to deter any unwanted conversation. 'Wonderfull, just another 7 hours of this...'
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