#Open Conference Units online Dubai
dreamscapeestate · 2 months
The Rise of Arabic-Speaking Real Estate Investors: Strategies for Success
In recent years, the global real estate market has witnessed a significant surge in the participation of Arabic-speaking investors. This trend reflects not only the growing economic influence of Arabic-speaking countries but also the savvy investment strategies employed by individuals and institutions from these regions. In this article, we'll explore the factors driving the rise of Arabic-speaking real estate investors and delve into effective strategies for success in this dynamic and competitive market.
Understanding the Landscape
Arabic-speaking investors have been increasingly active in real estate markets around the world, from the bustling metropolises of Dubai and Riyadh to major Western capitals like London, New York, and Paris. This surge in investment can be attributed to several key factors:
Wealth Accumulation: Economic growth in countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar has led to a rise in disposable income and wealth accumulation among Arabic-speaking individuals and institutions. This newfound wealth is often channeled into real estate investments, both domestically and internationally.
Diversification: Arabic-speaking investors recognize the importance of diversifying their investment portfolios to mitigate risks and maximize returns. Real estate, with its potential for long-term capital appreciation and income generation, serves as an attractive asset class for diversification purposes.
Global Mobility: Many Arabic-speaking investors are globally mobile, with interests and connections spanning multiple continents. This global outlook drives them to seek investment opportunities beyond their home countries, leading to increased activity in international real estate markets.
Safe Haven Investments: Political stability and robust legal frameworks in countries like the UAE and Qatar have positioned them as safe havens for investment. This perception of stability attracts Arabic-speaking investors looking to safeguard their wealth and assets.
Strategies for Success
To succeed in the competitive world of real estate investment, Arabic-speaking investors can adopt several strategies tailored to their unique preferences and objectives:
Partnering with a Local Arabic-Speaking Realtor: Collaborating with a real estate agent or agency that understands the cultural nuances and preferences of Arabic-speaking investors can be immensely beneficial. A knowledgeable Arabic-speaking realtor can provide valuable insights, assist with negotiations, and facilitate smoother transactions.
Market Research and Due Diligence: Conducting thorough market research and due diligence is essential before making any real estate investment. Arabic-speaking investors should analyze market trends, assess property values, and evaluate potential risks to make informed investment decisions.
Diversification across Asset Classes: While real estate is a popular investment choice, diversifying across different asset classes can enhance portfolio resilience. Arabic-speaking investors may consider allocating funds to equities, bonds, commodities, and other alternative investments alongside real estate holdings.
Long-Term Vision: Real estate investments often yield returns over the long term. Arabic-speaking investors should adopt a patient and strategic approach, focusing on properties with strong growth potential and income-generating capabilities that align with their long-term financial goals.
Building Relationships: Establishing strong relationships with industry professionals, fellow investors, and key stakeholders can open doors to new opportunities and valuable insights. Networking events, industry conferences, and online forums are avenues for Arabic-speaking investors to connect and collaborate with like-minded individuals.
Embracing Technology: Leveraging technology tools and platforms can streamline the investment process and provide access to real-time data and analytics. Arabic-speaking investors can utilize digital platforms for property searches, market analysis, and portfolio management.
Adaptability and Flexibility: Real estate markets are dynamic and subject to fluctuations. Arabic-speaking investors should remain adaptable and flexible in their strategies, adjusting their approach based on changing market conditions, regulatory developments, and economic trends.
The rise of Arabic-speaking real estate investors reflects a dynamic and evolving landscape characterized by wealth accumulation, diversification strategies, and global mobility. By partnering with knowledgeable real estate professionals, conducting thorough due diligence, embracing technology, and maintaining a long-term vision, Arabic-speaking investors can navigate the real estate market successfully and achieve their financial objectives. As opportunities continue to emerge in both domestic and international markets, strategic and informed investment strategies will remain key to unlocking success in real estate investment for Arabic-speaking investors.
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saniya054 · 2 months
Exploring the USA: Your Pathway from Dubai with a USA Visa
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In a world brimming with diverse cultures and mesmerizing landscapes, the United States of America stands as a beacon of opportunity and adventure. For residents of Dubai yearning to explore the wonders of the USA, obtaining a USA visa opens the door to a myriad of possibilities. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the journey of obtaining a USA visa from Dubai and explore the boundless experiences awaiting you in the land of the free. Understanding the USA Visa Process from Dubai Types of USA Visas Before embarking on your journey, it's essential to understand the various types of USA visas available to Dubai residents:
Tourist Visa (B-2 Visa): Designed for individuals visiting the USA for tourism, leisure, or visiting family and friends.
Business Visa (B-1 Visa): Intended for individuals traveling to the USA for business purposes, such as meetings, conferences, or negotiations.
Student Visa (F-1 Visa): For individuals enrolled in academic programs or educational institutions in the USA.
Work Visa (H-1B Visa): Facilitates employment opportunities for skilled workers seeking employment in the USA.
Family Visa (IR-1/CR-1 Visa): Allows Dubai residents to join family members who are US citizens or permanent residents.
Key Steps in the USA Visa Application Process
Determine Visa Type: Identify the most suitable visa category based on your purpose of travel and eligibility criteria.
Gather Required Documentation: Collect all necessary documents, including a valid passport, visa application form, passport-sized photographs, proof of financial means, travel itinerary, and any additional documents specific to your visa category.
Complete the Application Form: Fill out the visa application form accurately, providing all required information and ensuring consistency with the supporting documents.
Submit the Application: Submit your completed visa application along with the supporting documents to the US embassy or consulate in Dubai. Pay the applicable visa processing fees.
Attend Visa Interview (if required): Depending on your visa category, you may be required to attend a visa interview at the US embassy or consulate. Prepare thoroughly and provide honest and concise responses to the interviewer's questions.
Biometric Data Collection: Some visa categories may require biometric data collection, including fingerprints and photographs. Follow the instructions provided to schedule an appointment at the designated collection center.
Track Application Progress: Monitor the status of your visa application online through the US embassy or consulate's website or the application tracking system.
Receive Visa Decision: Once your visa application is processed, you will receive notification of the outcome. If approved, your USA visa will be stamped in your passport, allowing you to travel to the USA within the specified validity period.
Read More- https://gettravelindia.weebly.com/blog/exploring-the-usa-your-pathway-from-dubai-with-a-usa-visa
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travellingpanda · 3 months
Introduction to Dubai Visit Visa for GCC Residents
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Planning a visit to Dubai, the dazzling gem of the Middle East, is an exciting prospect for GCC residents. However, before embarking on your journey, it's essential to understand the process of obtaining a visit visa. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about acquiring a Dubai visit visa as a GCC resident.
Eligibility Criteria for GCC Residents
GCC residents, including citizens of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, are eligible to apply for a visit visa to Dubai. However, certain criteria must be met, such as having a valid GCC residency permit.
Types of Visit Visas Available
There are various types of visit visas available for GCC residents, depending on the purpose of the visit:
Tourist Visit Visa: For leisure travel and sightseeing.
Family Visit Visa: For visiting relatives or family members residing in Dubai.
Business Visit Visa: For attending meetings, conferences, or exploring business opportunities.
Application Process
Online Application Procedure
The process of applying for a Dubai visit visa has been streamlined, allowing GCC residents to apply online through the official channels. The online application typically involves filling out a form, uploading required documents, and paying the visa fee.
Required Documents
The documents required for a Dubai visit visa application may include a valid GCC residency permit, passport copies, photographs, proof of accommodation, and a return ticket.
Fees and Processing Time
The visa fees for Dubai visit visas vary depending on the type of visa and duration of stay. Processing times also vary but typically range from a few days to a couple of weeks.
Duration of Stay
The duration of stay permitted on a Dubai visit visa for GCC residents varies based on the type of visa granted. Tourist visas usually allow stays of up to 30 days, while family and business visas may offer longer durations.
Renewal and Extension
In some cases, it may be possible to renew or extend a Dubai visit visa for GCC residents. However, this process typically requires fulfilling certain criteria and may involve additional fees.
Tips for a Smooth Visa Application Process
To ensure a smooth visa application process, it's essential to double-check all documents, provide accurate information, and submit the application well in advance of the intended travel date. Additionally, staying updated on any changes to visa regulations can help avoid delays or complications.
Benefits of Dubai Visit Visa for GCC Residents
Obtaining a Dubai visit visa as a GCC resident opens up a world of opportunities to explore the vibrant culture, stunning landmarks, and luxurious experiences that the city has to offer. Whether it's shopping in extravagant malls, indulging in world-class dining, or experiencing thrilling adventures, Dubai has something for everyone.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
When applying for a Dubai visit visa, it's crucial to avoid common mistakes such as providing incomplete or inaccurate information, submitting fake documents, or waiting until the last minute to apply. These errors can lead to delays or even rejection of the visa application.
In conclusion, acquiring a Dubai visit visa for GCC residents is a straightforward process that allows you to experience all that this dynamic city has to offer. By following the guidelines outlined in this article and preparing adequately, you can ensure a smooth and memorable visit to Dubai.
Q: Can GCC residents apply for a Dubai visit visa online?
A: Yes, GCC residents can apply for a Dubai visit visa online through the official channels.
Q: How long does it take to process a Dubai visit visa for GCC residents?
A: Processing times vary but typically range from a few days to a couple of weeks.
Q: Is it possible to renew or extend a Dubai visit visa for GCC residents?
A: In some cases, it may be possible to renew or extend a Dubai visit visa, subject to certain conditions.
Q: What are the common documents required for a Dubai visit visa application?
A: Common documents include a valid GCC residency permit, passport copies, photographs, proof of accommodation, and a return ticket.
Q: Are there any restrictions on the activities allowed on a Dubai visit visa for GCC residents?
A: While on a visit visa, GCC residents are typically not permitted to work or engage in any form of employment in Dubai.
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happensss · 7 months
Best Online Business Setup Ideas in Dubai
Dubai, a cross-cultural melting pot and center of business, has long drawn entrepreneurs looking to launch their businesses. Online businesses have grown in popularity in the digital age due to its scalability and flexibility. These are some excellent online business setup ideas to consider if you're thinking about joining Dubai's bustling business scene.
E-Commerce Empire
E-commerce is one of Dubai's most profitable online business options. Dubai is a perfect entry point for international trade because of its advantageous location that unites East and West. Establishing an online store enables business owners to take advantage of the city's strong logistical network and broaden their customer base. Fashion, electronics, and specialty goods are just a few of the categories that Dubai's e-commerce industry has room for expansion and innovation.
Virtual Consultancy Services:
The need for specialized consultancy services is rising as Dubai establishes itself as a major international commercial hub. Entrepreneurs can open online consulting businesses that offer services in marketing, company development, and law. Businesses may serve both domestic and foreign consumers thanks to the flexibility of virtual consultations, which broadens their clientele and increases their market reach.
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Digital Marketing Agencies:
In a digitally driven world, businesses in Dubai are recognizing the importance of a strong online presence. Starting a digital marketing agency can be a lucrative venture, assisting businesses in the region with SEO, social media management, and online advertising. As companies strive to enhance their visibility in the competitive market, the demand for digital marketing expertise is on the rise.
E-Learning Platforms:
Dubai places a high value on education, and the emergence of e-learning platforms offers a substantial business opportunity. Building an online learning environment with an emphasis on skill development and lifelong learning can serve both professional and academic audiences. Offering classes in technology, languages, and practical skills can be a profitable endeavor in a city that places a high importance on education.
Management of Virtual Events:
World-class events are often held in Dubai, and in recent years, there has been an increase in demand for virtual events. Startups can profit from this trend by starting online companies that handle events. The range is extensive, encompassing virtual exhibitions and online conferences. Businesses may provide participants and clients with smooth and interesting virtual experiences with the correct technology infrastructure.
Subscription Box Services:
Dubai is not an exception to the global trend of subscription box popularity. By developing localized subscription box services, business owners can capitalize on this trend. Subscription boxes provide a distinctive approach to connect with customers and foster brand loyalty, whether they are filled with carefully chosen local goods, gourmet delicacies, or cosmetics.
Online business owners have a plethora of opportunities thanks to Dubai's dynamic business environment. From virtual consulting to e-commerce, the secret is to find a niche and take advantage of the city's strategic assets. Those who embrace innovation and adaptation will find themselves at the forefront of Dubai's flourishing online business sector as the digital landscape continues to grow. you can setup an online business setup by consulting a business setup consultants in Dubai.
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Speaker Announcement!!! Registration is open for the 13th World Gastroenterology & Hepatology Conference happening from December 15-17, 2023 in Dubai, UAE & Online approved. Join us in  Dubai, It unites international speakers and insider insights to study the most recent studies and trends. WhatsApp:+442033222718 Register here: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/registration/   #gastroenterology #gastro #endoscopy #gastroenterologist #health #doctor #medicine #colonoscopy #gastroenterologia #ibd #chronicillness #guthealth #gastroparesis #spoonie #invisibleillness #medical
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What is Advanced Nursing Practice?
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Advanced nursing practice is a pliable option for a career that is in high demand for nurses wishing to expand their professions or get a higher-level degree.
Today’s health care system in the United States must deal with primary care provider shortages, cater to the requirements of an aging populace, and deliver high-quality care at lower costs. Advanced practice nurses can help with that.
Although advanced nursing practice necessitates a master’s degree, the job market is increasing after graduation. The predicted increase in employment is 26% from 2018 to 2028.
“REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN” We’re back with another unmissable online summit: 12th Nursing, Healthcare & Patient Safety Conference on July 25–27,2023 Dubai UAE Join and interact with thought leaders as they present emerging research and discuss critical nursing and healthcare networking areas. Reserve your seat where you will learn the skills essential to producing and releasing high-quality experiences in healthcare.” Reserve your seat here: https://nursing-healthcare.universeconferences.com/
Advanced Nursing Practice: What Is It?
Advanced nursing practice is “a branch of nursing that extends and widens the boundaries of nursing’s scope of practice, contributes to nursing knowledge, and fosters the growth of the profession,” according to the International Council of Nurses.
Advanced practice nurses (APNs) or advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) are nurses who have earned a master’s or doctoral degree, allowing them to pursue more senior positions in their industry. Nursing professionals can become more independent and adaptable in their work and patient care with advanced nursing practice credentials.
Join our upcoming Nursing, Healthcare & Patient Safety Conference to be held on July 25–27, 2023 Dubai, UAE.
What are the duties of advanced practice nurses?
Nurses are equipped to handle a range of tasks in patient care and the larger health care system with the help of advanced nursing practice education. Examples of tasks carried out by APRNs include:
· Analyze the symptoms and medical background of the patient.
· Create diagnoses
· a test order
· provide medical advice
· Create and alter treatment strategies
· send recommendations for additional treatment
Advanced practice nurses may carry out comparable tasks as registered nurses, but they are given more independence and have the opportunity to lead other nurses on staff. They can also work to enhance the treatment programs and general patient care in their area of employment.
Don’t miss this opportunity to join the 12th International Nursing, Healthcare & Patient Safety Conference and get CME/CPD certification.
Advanced Practice Provider Types
Members of the healthcare team with advanced degrees are known as advanced practice providers. The following roles are among them:
· Physician’s Assistants (PAs) PAs are employed by doctors and have graduate-level education. PAs, however, can offer primary care in a variety of situations.
· Compared to RNs, nurse practitioners (NPs) have more autonomy and are free to either focus on primary care as a whole or narrow their attention to a particular population or field of medicine.
· expert clinical nurse (CNS) A CNS frequently serves as a consultant and subject-matter authority for nursing staff. They frequently focus on a particular population, health concern, or setting for healthcare.
· CRNAs (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists) CRNAs are licensed to administer anesthesia to patients in a range of healthcare facilities. For patients with needs ranging from life-threatening to situational, they cover anesthesia and other sedation-related care.
· CNMs (Certified Nurse Midwives) offer prenatal, delivery, and postpartum care as well as support to families in all aspects of reproductive health. CNMs can work in a range of places, such as hospitals, homes, birthing facilities, and emergency or community settings.
Submit your abstract for the Nursing, Healthcare & Patient Safety Conference
Getting into Advanced Practice Nursing
Before they may register and become specialists in one of the aforementioned jobs, advanced practice nurses must complete a number of processes. Getting your RN license is the first step.
Following that, you must enroll in a master’s program and take classes in your chosen specialty. After graduating, pass an exam to complete your certification. Depending on the precise advanced nursing practice field you want to pursue, these can change.
After passing, you are formally registered and qualified to work as an APRN. The need for suppliers of advanced practice services is expanding.
Reach out to us:
Mail: [email protected] | [email protected] WhatsApp: +442033222718 Call: +12073070027 https://nursing-healthcare.universeconferences.com/
Reference Nursing UCGconferences press releases and blogs
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fyexo · 5 years
191009 New K-pop Band SuperM: ‘We Don’t Want to Step on Other Groups to Get to the Top’
With K-pop firmly entrenched in the mainstream, SuperM say it’s time to start raising the bar
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The well-coiffed guys from the new K-pop supergroup, SuperM, are sitting around a conference room at the Capitol Records building in Los Angeles, and feeling like they may have left something on the table.
Two days earlier, the seven-piece unit — put together using members from four established K-pop boy bands — had shut down an intersection in the heart of Hollywood and made their live debut before more than 5,000 frenzied fans, some of whom had lined up for days just to get a prime spot to see the guys perform.
For SuperM, the outdoor show — which was also streamed live worldwide on YouTube — served as their official group debut as well, with the boy band finally being introduced to the world after months of secrecy.
“Going in front of our fans and performing as SuperM was nerve-wracking, and it’s not something we usually feel because we’ve all been in this industry for a while now,” says Kai, the pretty, pouty-mouthed singer who was chosen to join SuperM from the band EXO. “There were some members that felt like maybe we could’ve done better with this or stronger with that, but it’s okay,” he says, smiling. “More than anything, I was just proud that we could finally show everyone what we’ve been preparing for.”
SuperM is the latest creation of Korean management company, SM Entertainment (the band’s name is not exactly subtle). Founded in 1995 by Lee Soo-man, a man so famous in Korea he’s just known as “Mr. Lee,” SM is regarded as one of the pioneers of the global K-pop movement, having first brought Korean artists to North America in the early 2000s at the height of the teen pop craze.
SuperM is the company’s latest attempt to make a dent in the U.S. market. After years of breaking all sorts of records in Asia but remaining relatively unknown in the States, the crossover success of bands like BTS and Blackpink have given entertainment companies like SM a renewed interest in reaching the international market, with the U.S. as a pivotal launching pad.
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For SuperM, it wasn’t about starting from scratch, but rather starting from the top. SuperM culled its members from some of SM’s most popular groups, who collectively have sold more than 14 million adjusted albums combined, and amassed nearly four billion views of their music videos online. SuperM’s fans lovingly refer to them as “the Avengers of K-pop,” stemming from the belief that the group features the most talented and popular members from each of the individual bands.
Baekhyun and Kai are from EXO, a stylish and well-packaged boy band that, as of 2018, had actually sold more records than BTS in Korea (the release of BTS’ Map of the Soul: Persona this past April have tipped the scales back in the latter group’s favor). At 27, Baekhyun is the oldest member of SuperM, and has unofficially acquired the title of group leader.
Taemin, the second oldest member at 26, is from SHINee, considered one of the veterans of K-pop, after having debuted in 2008. The group made news in 2017 after founding member, Jonghyun, died from an apparent suicide, which sparked a debate over working conditions and unreasonably high expectations for these young performers, many of whom are pulled from school to begin “training” for their debut.
The last four members of SuperM were culled from subunits of the massive 21-person K-pop group, NCT (Mr. Lee calls them the first “unlimited” boy band, with a constantly rotating roster of new members). Taeyong and Mark are from NCT 127, and Ten and Lucas are from NCT’s Chinese subset, WayV.
The idea for an all-star group was first discussed last year, though the seven members didn’t actually come together to record until earlier this spring. While the guys had met before — SM organizes an annual “SM Town” concert tour, similar to say, when Diddy took his Bad Boy artists on the road — they had never actually worked together until SuperM was formed.
The group’s debut EP, The 1st Mini Album, hit stores last week. The five-song set opens with lead single, “Jopping,” a turbo-charged track whose name comes from a combination of the words, “jumping” and “popping” (a publicist sighed that the name was both crazy yet catchy at the same time). The song mixes hip-hop with EDM, with the members trading verses in both English and Korean. The video for “Jopping,” meantime, was filmed in Dubai over the summer and has already amassed more than 22 million views online. Fueled by massive buzz for the song and album, SuperM announced this week that they will be hitting the road for a North American tour, kicking off November 11th in Fort Worth, Texas.
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While BTS have blasted into the mainstream, with number one albums, appearances on all the late-night talk shows and even Grammy buzz, the guys in SuperM are motivated to find success on their own terms.
“Yes, the competition exists and we can’t ignore that,” says Taemin, “but we don’t want to step on other groups to get to the top. We want to stand alone as a group and bring something fresh and new to this K-pop scene.”
To that end, the group has been working on carving out a more signature sound for their debut LP, which will still sit comfortably in the hip-hop/pop/R&B arena, but also see them weaving in and out of different genres within a single song. While other groups — such as Blackpink and BTS — primarily perform in Korean, SuperM could also be releasing more English language tracks. (Though Mark was born in Canada and speaks fluent English, the band’s publicist confirms the rest of the group’s members have been taking English lessons.)
They’ve been doing their homework too, listening to the radio while they’re in Los Angeles and streaming an eclectic mix of artists like H.E.R., Ella Mai, Daniel Caesar and Billie Eilish (“Let’s get that collabo!” Taemin hollers).
And while Korean management companies are notorious for controlling their groups’ images and keeping their artists on a short leash (I once arrived to meet EXO in Seoul and was told I couldn’t interview the guys in person because they didn’t have their makeup on), from this perspective, SuperM feels a lot… looser.
On this recent swing through L.A., the young men reveal that their first stop after landing at LAX wasn’t straight to their hotel, but rather to In-N-Out. Though they’ve booked dinners in Malibu, the members also rave about the traditional Korean tofu stew at BCD Tofu House, a 24-hour Southern California chain of cheap eats (“It’s honestly better than Korea,” Taeyong says). During the interview, the guys are decked out in leather jackets and oversized sweats, sipping on iced coffees from Starbucks, and fidgeting with their phones like any other twenty-something, as they dish about trying to take a group vacation after their tour is over. They travel with a translator, but all of them try valiantly to respond to questions in English before they crumble in laughter when they lose their words. If their original groups gave them a crash course in making it in the music business, it seems SuperM will give these guys a chance to be themselves — and in doing so, a chance to grow.
“If I said I didn’t feel any pressure that would be a lie,” says Kai. “We all come from successful, established careers, but in a way, we are still unknowns, at least when it comes to this formation. But with that pressure comes this new level of excitement,” he continues, “because there’s so much more we can try and do, and the possibilities are endless.”
“There are a lot of groups out there and a lot of competition,” Taeyong admits, “but our goal is to make K-pop shine even brighter. The spirit of competition is not necessarily bad, because it pushes us to want to put out better things.”
Kai is more specific: “SuperM is here to level up the K-pop genre,” he asserts. “We are ready for K-pop to start raising the bar.”
source: Tim Chan @ Rolling Stone
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Dubai tour
Dubai has transformed from a humble fishing village to one of the most cosmopolitan and innovative cities in the world today. Tracing its origins back to 3,000 BC, Dubai's inhabitants made their livelihood from fishing, pearl diving, boat building and sea trading, before the discovery of oil in the late 1960s. In 1971, Dubai joined its neighbours to form the United Arab Emirates, safeguarding the area's prosperity.
At first glance, flashy Dubai looks decadent and indecently expensive, but beneath the excesses of the modern metropolis lies a once-modest pearl-trading settlement, still visible between the behemoth buildings and monstrous malls. Even in the new city there are things to do and see cheaply or for free.
Best things to do in Dubai 
Ayyam Gallery
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Since it was founded in 2006, the impressive Ayyam Gallery – which operates across two blue-chip venues in Dubai and runs a third gallery in Beirut
– has showcased brilliant contemporary art by emerging artists from the Middle East. Check the website for details of exhibitions, which are typically free to access and usually thought-provoking. 
Camel Museum
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Beit Al Rekkab (House of Camels) celebrates camels and the role these ‘ships of the desert’ play in Arabic history, culture and literature. When Dubai was just a creek-side settlement, camels were everything to the Bani Yas Bedouin, from beast of burden and status symbol to provider of milk and medicine (camel urine can cure ulcers and alopecia, apparently), racing animals as well.
Dubai Museum
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Al Fahidi Fort, completed in 1787, is the oldest structure in this ever-evolving city – and the former palace and prison now houses Dubai Museum. Inside,
you can learn about Dubai’s past as a pearl-trading settlement and witness the incredible scale of change since 1960, when the modern metropolis began erupting from the sand. Items include instruments and weapons, and displays incorporate souqs, dhows and pearl- diving.
Jaddaf dhow-building yard 
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Nothing quite says Arabia like a dhow – the iconic sailing vessels that have plied the waters around the peninsula for hundreds of years. These ships are still made by hand in a traditional boat yard
in Jaddaf, across the water from Dubai Festival City. Watch artisans working their magic with teak and sheesham wood – using just hammer, saw, chisel, drill and plane – as they have done for time immemorial. Free.
Sheikh Saeed Al Maktoum House
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The former home of the current Emir of Dubai’s grandfather, this palace is now a museum (5a) where a fantastic photography display tells the tale of Dubai’s metamorphosis from Bedouin settlement to modern metropolis. The building itself is an architectural gem and has an ingenious inbuilt pre-air- conditioning cooling system. Nearby, find the Heritage and Diving Villages (5b), both of which are free-entry displays exploring Dubai’s pearl-diving history. Al Shindagha Heritage Village, Bur Dubai;
Indie screen scene 
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Not everyone in Dubai likes blockbusters in characterless multiplexes. The Scene Club meets monthly to screen the cream of world cinema, discuss the films’ themes and provide a networking platform for people interested and involved in independent filmmaking. These sessions typically take place in the main auditorium of the conference centre in Dubai Knowledge Village – just join the group online and register for a free ticket. thesceneclub.com; free.
Rooftop cinema
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Free films are screened under the
stars every Sunday at a rooftop cinema amid the gardens that top Dubai’s Egyptian-themed mall. The movies start rolling at 8.30pm, but rock up early to bag yourself a beanbag and a prime spot. Popcorn, hotdogs and beverages are available at Dubai’s standard scary prices, but at least the flick is free. pyramidsrestaurantsatwafi.com; Pyramids Rooftop Gardens, Wafi Mall, Oud Metha Rd; from 8.30pm Sun; free.
Al Fahidi Historic District 
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Whenever the futuristic glitz of the modern city loses its shine, go for a head- clearing wander through this historic ’hood, formerly known as Bastakia, and take a peek at Dubai’s past. This traditional Arabic area was settled by wealthy pearl traders and textile merchants from Bastak, Iran, in the late 19th-century, and its winding alleyways are now home to galleries in restored houses, bustling cafes and cool boutique hotels.
Beach life in Dubai
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If you’re not staying in a hotel based at a beach, you can either pay to use beach parks, or hit the free public beaches, which generally have fewer facilities. Burj Beach (11a) is gratis, with good views of Burj Al Arab, and Jumeirah Beach (11b) has a new 14km-long corniche running through it, which is perfect for running or walking. Public beaches have barbecues that cost about Dh5 to use. 24hr; admission free.
Take a yoga class
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The augmented reality of life in Dubai’s air-conditioned cityscape may leave you in need of some mental readjustment. If so, consider stretching out to the voluntary Friends of Yoga organisation, which runs free yoga classes every day at 5.30am and 7.30pm at 13 locations around the UAE, including Deira Creek, Bur Dubai Creek, Zabeel Park, JLT Park and Internet City.
Palm Jumeirah
Even if your budget doesn’t quite extend to staying in one of the eye- wateringly expensive hotels that dot
the Palm Jumeirah, you can still go island hopping on this artificial archipelago that blooms out into the Persian Gulf. Walk up the tree for free, or you could splash just a little cash on a return ticket for the monorail (palm-monorail.com; Dh25) that runs right along the trunk of this man- made marvel.
Street nights
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A community-based celebration of street culture, this award-winning festival embarks on an annual mission to entice people out of Dubai’s colossal air-conditioned malls and into the open, using live music, a line-up of street-food- style restaurants and the largest gathering of artists in the UAE, who get busy turning walls and fences into a canvas. Keep an eye on the website for details of the next event
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businessweekme · 6 years
Toursim on the Ascent
Oman’s tourism sector is getting a facelift with significant investment in hospitality infrastructure, prudent policy measures and effective international campaigns, in line with the government’s 2040 strategy
The government of Oman is making tourism a central plank of its economic strategy, with mega plans to enhance its appeal among tourists from across the globe with a series of initiatives such as better air connectivity and airport facilities, hotels and resorts, and an e-visa facility. The idea is to help the country mature from being an ‘emerging’ tourism market into an established one with a high-volume of repeat guests and a diverse range of feeder markets.
An ambitious stride towards making tourism one of the most significant income generators in the Sultanate has been the 2040 Tourism Strategy which provides a comprehensive blueprint for tourism development in Oman and outlines a series of targets for the country’s tourism sector. The strategy unveiled by the Ministry of Tourism is a clearly defined road map aimed at making tourism one of the most important economic pillars for the country’s future. The implementation of the strategy would avail more than 500,000 jobs by the end of 2040, with the total investment in the sector expected to touch RO19bn of which only 12 per cent will be by the public sector. The contribution of tourism sector to the GDP would range between 6 to 10 per cent.
Maitha Saif Al Mahrouqi, undersecretary of the Ministry of Tourism, said: “The tourism sector in the Sultanate is witnessing a remarkable annual growth with statistical indicators pointing out the increase in the number of tourists and visitors; as well as the launch of new tourism projects and hotel facilities around the Sultanate reinforced by the governmental efforts in further developing the vital projects and the infrastructures related to tourism, in addition to facilitating and creating tourism related initiatives.”
The country is investing heavily in its tourism and hospitality infrastructure as it aims to host seven million tourists by 2040, including 2.7 million in Muscat. Investment in the tourism industry will increase the number of jobs within tourism to 45,000 by 2020, as the country looks to expand its economy, moving it from away from traditional oil-and-gas sources of income. According to a projection by Colliers International, tourism arrivals to Oman will increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13 per cent between 2018 and 2021, which will be driven by visitors from across the Gulf region, which accounted for 48 per cent of guests in 2017. In addition, arrivals from India (10 per cent), Germany (6 per cent), the United Kingdom (5 per cent) and the Philippines (3 per cent) are also expected to contribute immensely to the growth, supported by easy visa procedures and improved flight connections.
A report by the Implementation, Support and Follow-up Unit has laid out the long-term strategies for key areas listed under Tanfeedh, the national drive for economic expansion, and plans to increase the contribution of tourism to the country’s GDP to RO1.5 billion by 2020. The contribution of travel and tourism to GDP in 2017 was RO849.5 million, or 3.2 per cent of total GDP, according to the World Travel and Tourism Council’s annual report 2018. In addition, this strategy also plans to increase private sector investment in tourism to RO1.8 billion by 2020.
Investment in integrated tourism complexes and mixed-use developments will run into several billion dollars. These investments are the fruits of partnerships with local and international investors, as well as leading hospitality brands that work hand-in-hand with the government.
The opening of the Sultanate’s tourism sector would be realised through relaxing entry rules for visas into the country, a large part of which has already been done. Unsponsored visas are now available for nationalities of over 67 countries, and lately include Iran, Russia and China. Indian nationals with a valid US or Schengen Visa, can also apply online.
A fillip for aviation
The recent opening of Oman’s new Muscat International Airport is expected to further strengthen the growth of the aviation sector in the country. The airport has a capacity to handle 40 flights per hour with 86 check-in counters, 40 gates, and 29 aircraft stands with passenger boarding bridges, as well as a new control tower. The decision to build a new airport was taken after studies found that there could be a 40 per cent growth in number of visitors to Oman by 2019.
The new terminal has a capacity to handle 12 million passengers per annum, which can be scaled up to 24 million, 36 million and 48 million in different phases if needed. The new terminal will have the capacity to handle large aircraft such as the Airbus A380 and the Boeing 747. The existing terminal will be used for low-cost carrier operations. The number of passengers at Muscat International Airport exceeded 14 million in 2017, a robust growth of 17 per cent over the previous year.
Similarly, Salalah International Airport also broke its record with a 24 per cent growth at 1.5 million passengers as a result of an increase in both domestic and international travel. Presently, the Muscat International Airport is ranked in the top 10 airports in the Middle East, with an average annual growth forecast of 8 per cent. Apart from international airports in two major cities, there is a move to attract tourists to the interior regions by building airports and other infrastructure in Duqm and Sohar. With Duqm’s new airport now open, projects at the heart of Oman’s future economic powerhouse are all set to speed up, further driving the Sultanate’s economic expansion.
A modern downtown Oman Tourism Development Company (Omran), the executive arm of the government of Oman for the development of the tourism sector, has been entrusted with strengthening and diversifying the national economy to support Oman’s Vision 2040 through pioneering tourism infrastructure and lifestyle development across the Sultanate. Madinat Al Irfan is the Sultanate’s largest urban development project and is set to contribute to Oman Vision 2040. In the years to come, Madinat Al Irfan will have major positive national implications, contributing approximately RO400mn to the local economy. The eastern area (phase 1) currently being developed by Omran sits alongside Wadi Park just minutes from the newly opened Muscat International Airport. It is a multi-use district adjoining the Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre (OCEC), a venue for international conferences, trade shows and concerts. OCEC, which celebrated its second anniversary recently, helps the government to strengthen the country’s position as a leading meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions destination in the region. Talking about the current status of the phase 1, Peter Walichnowski, CEO of Omran, says: “We have different projects going on simultaneously. The first project is the Oman Convection and Exhibition Centre (OCEC), which is currently 90 per cent finished. The construction of OCEC will be finished 100 per cent by the end of 2018. This will allow us to fully open up to the international MICE market. We completed Crowne Plaza Hotel in 2017 and this year we will complete the Marriott Hotel which will support the exhibition centre. We have recently signed a management agreement with AccorHotels to open the first ibis Styles in Oman.”
Omran and Majid Al Futtaim announced a strategic partnership to develop the western area (phase 2) of Madinat Al Irfan. The joint venture will see the development of a vibrant mixed-use community that will serve as the new urban centre for Muscat. This new partnership plays a major role in Oman national economic diversification agenda and reflects Omran’s strategic role as a catalyst of investment that forges solid partnerships with trusted developers like Majid Al Futtaim to create sustainable urban destinations and significant socio-economic benefits to the Sultanate.
The new mixed-use community is located at the western area of Madinat Al Irfan and spans over 4.5 million sqm. The joint venture project investment value is estimated at RO5bn over a period of 20 years and is anticipated to create more than 30,000 direct and indirect jobs in the country. Centrally located in Muscat’s urban corridor, the development will become the gateway to Oman; creating a modern downtown for residents, businesses and visitors.
Mina Qaboos Waterfront
Complementing its hotel pipeline, the Sultanate has made significant investments in other tourism infrastructure facilities. In yet another major initiative, Mina Qaboos Waterfront project planned in Muscat port will usher in a new concept in port developments in the Sultanate. The new port concept is a kind of waterfront port catering to cruise ships, as well as investments in hotels, restaurants, cafes and so on. Omran and Dubai-based DAMAC International, inked a landmark agreement to redevelop Muscat Port into a world-class mix use waterfront destination. The capital expenditure of the project is estimated at $1 billion. The old commercial harbour is proposed to be transformed into an integrated tourist port and lifestyle destination that includes hotels, residences, as well as a dining, retail, leisure and community facilities designed to position Muscat as a top waterfront destination in the governorate. The proposed Mina Sultan Qaboos Waterfront project will include berths for cruise ships, a marina for super yachts and leisure ports, 4 and 5-star marina hotels, hotel-operated branded residential apartments, waterside restaurants, cafes and boutiques, conference and banquet facilities, entertainment and cultural facilities, fisherman’s wharf, and historic souq.
Investment in interiors
Plans to develop the interior areas of the Sultanate as part of the country’s long-term tourism strategy are now underway. Developing these areas was part of the government’s tourism plan under the Future Vision 2040, which involves economic diversification and less reliance on fossil fuels to guard the nation’s economy.
Under this plan, the governorates of Muscat, Musandam, Dakhiliyah and South Sharqiyah will first be targeted.
The government is focusing on developing employment for the future generation, as well as developing other parts of Oman. A key component of the strategy is cluster planning. The strategy will use five planning concepts, namely tourism sites, planning attractions, planning resorts, national interest planning and itinerary planning.
One of the most important objectives that the Oman tourism strategy seeks to achieve is increasing the contribution of tourism sector into the GDP, in collaboration with sustainable development practices currently taking place in other economic sectors.
Musandam has been earmarked as a coastal wilderness destination and Dakhiliyah as a heritage, nature and adventure destination, due to the presence of the governorate’s key UNESCO listed forts, castles, falaj systems and traditional villages.
The post Toursim on the Ascent appeared first on Bloomberg Businessweek Middle East.
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theasianbanker · 3 years
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conficonf · 3 years
Hotel InterContinental Geneva
New Post has been published on http://conferencehotels.eu/conference-hotels-geneva/hotel-intercontinental-geneva/
Hotel InterContinental Geneva
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Hotel InterContinental Geneva
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7-9 Chemin du Petit-Saconnex1209, GenevaSwitzerland
More Infos on Hotel InterContinental Geneva
Luxury has a new expression in Geneva.Extensive conference facilities-totally refurbished in 2005-offer the perfect venue to stage your meetings and congresses.The prestigious location coupled with the excellence of its cuisine have made the hotel a legendary meeting place for people from the worlds of business and politics.Location:Close to the major international organisations, next to the United Nations, and within walking distance to attractive parks and gardens. 10 minutes from Cointrin International Airport, Palexpo exhibition centre, and also the city centre.Accommodation:All 334 elegant guestrooms, including 102 suites, offer panoramic views over the lake and/or mountains. Generous spaces ranging from 45 to 340 m2. Rooms are equiped with ADSL Internet access.Conference and banquets:The dedicated conference floor comprises 2,000 m2 of multi-functional space. Pride of place is the 752 m2 Grand Ballroom, with its enviable 5.2 metre ceiling and direct street access, which can host gatherings up to 850 people. All 16 newly refurbished meeting rooms (majority with floor to ceiling windows) boast cutting edge sound and lighting technology.A business centre is available 24 hours.Public areas such as the hotel lobby, bars and all conference rooms offer WIFI connection.Dinning Options:”Woods”-contemporary restaurant featuring seasonal specialities, complemented by an extensive wine list. Seating for 152 with a further 70 on the delightful patio.”Les Nations”-elegant, library-style lounge and bar on the ground floor, offering a wide variety of drinks and snacks.”O’Bar”-trendy bar overlooking with warm, convivial atmosphere and open fire place.Sport & leisure facilities:Clarins Institute and Day Spa-440m2 dedicated to well-being-6 lavish treatments rooms, sauna and steam bath.24-hour fitness centre featuring the latest Technogym equipment.Set in lush greenery-20 metre heated outdoor pool, summer lounge, bar and restaurant (open May to September).
The dedicated conference floor comprises 2,000 m2 of multi-functional space. Pride of place is the 752 m2 Grand Ballroom, with its enviable 5.2 metre ceiling and direct street access, which can host gatherings up to 850 people. All 16 newly refurbished meeting rooms (majority with floor to ceiling windows) boast cutting edge sound and lighting technology.A business centre is available 24 hours.Public areas such as the hotel lobby, bars and all conference rooms offer WIFI connection.
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Hotel InterContinental Geneva 7-9 Chemin du Petit-Saconnex1209, GenevaSwitzerland More Infos on Hotel InterContinental Geneva Luxury has a new expression in Geneva.Extensive conference facilities-totally refurbished in 2005-offer the perfect venue to stage your meetings and congresses.The prestigious location coupled with the excellence of its cuisine have made the hotel a legendary meeting place for people from […] Find out more on http://conferencehotels.eu/conference-hotels-geneva/hotel-intercontinental-geneva/ and book online Amsterdam Hotels, Barcelona Hotels, Brussels Hotels, Budapest Hotels, Dubai Hotels, Geneva Hotels, Istanbul Hotels, Lisbon Hotels, London Hotels, Madrid Hotels, Milan Hotels, Paris Hotels, Prague Hotels, Rome Hotels, Vienna Hotels, Zurich Hotels
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newstumblorz · 3 years
What are the Fire Hazards withinside the Workplace?
A hearthplace withinside the administrative center affords large dangers to assets and the fitness of your personnel and the public. It can bodily harm or spoil buildings, contents and device.
It also can be liable for extreme accidents or even death. Common accidents encompass burns, respiration harm from smoke inhalation, oxygen depletion and trauma (which includes damaged bones) from break out attempts.
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Common reassets of fires at work
Fires want 3 matters to start: a supply of ignition (heat), a supply of gas (some thing that burns) and oxygen.
Sources of ignition encompass warmers, lighting, bare flames, electric device, smokers’ substances (cigarettes, matches, etc.), and some thing else that could get very warm or motive sparks.
Sources of gas encompass wood, paper, plastic, rubber, foam, free packaging substances, waste and furniture.
Air is the number one supply of oxygen. Other reassets encompass chemical substances that include oxidizing agents, and oxygen substances from cylinder garage and piped systems.
How to Prevent Fires withinside the Workplace?
Employers (and constructing owners) have to perform a hearthplace protection chance evaluation and maintain it as much as date. This may be completed both as a part of an typical chance evaluation or as a separate exercise.
Based at the findings of the evaluation, employers have to ensure that ok and suitable hearthplace protection measures are in area to decrease the chance of damage or lack of existence withinside the occasion of a hearthplace.
To assist save you hearthplace withinside the administrative center, your chance evaluation have to become aware of what ought to motive a hearthplace to start—that is, reassets of ignition and materials that burn—and the folks who can be at chance. Your chance evaluation have to additionally become aware of risky materials that could bring about fires or explosions.
What to do to save you fires at work
Once you've got got recognized the dangers, you could take suitable motion to govern them. Consider whether or not you could keep away from them altogether or, if this isn't possible, how you could lessen the dangers and control them. Also remember how you'll defend human beings if there's a hearthplace.
Carry out a hearthplace protection chance evaluation.
Keep reassets of ignition and flammable materials apart.
Avoid unintentional fires. For example, ensure warmers can't be knocked over.
Ensure true home tasks in any respect times, which includes averting build-up of garbage that might burn.
Determine how you could stumble on fires and warn human beings quick in the event that they start, which includes through putting in smoke alarms and hearthplace alarms or bells.
Have the appropriate device for placing a hearthplace out quick.
Keep hearthplace exits and break out routes really marked and unobstructed in any respect times.
Ensure your people get hold of suitable education on strategies they want to follow, which include hearthplace drills.
Review and replace your chance evaluation often.
The Importance of Fire Safety Plans
Fires are a extreme chance for organizations of all sorts and might stem from such things as negligent cooking, improperly discarded smoking substances and defective electric device. One of the excellent approaches employers can defend their enterprise from steeply-priced and devastating fires is through setting up a hearthplace protection plan.
Related.. The Importance of Fire Extinguisher Training for Your Employees
A hearthplace protection plan is an in depth record that covers all factors of hearthplace protection for a particular constructing or assets. An powerful plan will encompass the following:
Specific protection and home tasks necessities used to save you fires
Methods for minimizing the harm resulting from fires once they occur
Details concerning emergency strategies, which include a way to sound the alarm, notify the hearthplace branch and evacuate all personnel
Specifics on how hearthplace drills are performed and the way often
Actions associated with hearthplace risk prevention and control
Information concerning worker education on hearthplace risks and prevention
Detailed protection strategies for hearthplace safety systems
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Items to have a look at on this audit encompass web website online layout, factors of access and exit, roadways, use of the constructing, wherein and the way objects are stored, and alarm and sprinkler systems.
In addition to the use of a hearthplace protection plan, corporations can lessen their chance through highlighting hearthplace protection throughout protection conferences and making use of informational sources like a hearthplace prevention checklist.
Case Study: Fire Safety withinside the Workplace
A shopkeeper often placed packing waste through the again door of his save as he stocked the cabinets after a delivery. His people now and again opened the again door to have a cigarette wreck outside.
One week he left the pile of rubbish for numerous days, and a discarded cigarette butt induced it to capture hearthplace. By the time the hearthplace became noticed and placed out, it had induced giant harm to the shopkeeper’s again door and shelving units. There became a large value in broken inventory and repairs.
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Critical Care Nurse (CCN)
A subspecialty of nursing known as critical care nursing deals exclusively with seriously ill, complex patients who are facing life-threatening issues. The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses estimates that critical care nurses make up around 37% of all nurses employed in hospital settings. Critical care nurses are frequently referred to as “ICU Nurses” since approximately half of the more than 500,000 active CCNs in the United States devote the majority of their time to providing care for patients in the ICU.
Advanced nursing skills and an extensive understanding of the sophisticated electronic equipment used for the monitoring and treatment of critically sick patients are prerequisites for nurses working in a critical care setting. Before being allowed to practice as a CCN, a nurse must additionally show that she has clinical skill working with particular population groups. In specialties including adult, pediatric, and neonatal critical care, qualifications at the population level are necessary.
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What Is a Nurse in Critical Care?
In pre-and postoperative medical settings, critical care nurses (CCNs) offer direct, hands-on care to critically ill or injured patients. They are responsible for weighing the advantages and disadvantages of suggested medical measures, providing life-saving care in an emergency, and nursing patients back to health.
Hospitals, intensive care units (ICUs), progressive care units, coronary care units, telemetry units, burn units, step-down units, nursing homes, hospices, outpatient clinics, and some trauma center emergency departments are all places where CCNs operate in the healthcare system. Both private and public health facilities use them.
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Jobs for Critical Care Nurses
Organize with other members of the healthcare team to review, prepare, and carry out patient care plans.
Prepare and give prescribed medications (orally, subcutaneously, or intravenously)
Give the patient basic bedside care, such as changing their clothes, caring for their catheters, helping them to move, and taking their vital signs.
Keep an eye out for any rapid or subtle changes in the patients’ breathing, renal, or cardiac condition.
Report side effects from therapies or medications.
To determine a patient’s condition, you must order, interpret, and evaluate diagnostic tests.
When a patient decompensates, spot it right away and let the rest of the critical care team know.
When a patient exhibits negative symptoms, take appropriate action.
Watch over and make necessary adjustments to specialized electronic devices like oxygen pumps, respirators, and cardiac monitors.
Be a patient advocate by upholding the patient’s fundamental rights, beliefs, and values.
Inform family members and close friends about a patient’s condition in a necessary and suitable manner. comfort and care for the dying.
What Does a Nurse in Critical Care Do?
A critical care nurse’s daily tasks include providing extensive medical care and maintaining the patient's life support systems after surgery, injuries, or life-threatening illnesses. A patient’s health may change suddenly or gradually, and critical care nurses are trained to recognize these changes and administer emergency care right away.
Critically ill patients need more frequent nursing assessments and 24-hour supervision since their conditions can change suddenly and unexpectedly. Because their patients need continual care, CCNs often only have one or two patients under their care at once.
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Basic Patient Care
Basic patient care tasks including cleaning and bandaging a patient’s wounds, taking vital signs, turning, moving, or bathing patients would typically be assigned to a patient care technician or nurse’s aide in many other nursing specialties. Intensive care However, because a critically ill or injured patient’s health might deteriorate quickly, nurses must give all of the patient’s care.
Advanced Nursing Care
A critical care nurse is in charge of sophisticated patient care plans, highly technical patient assessments, and the administration of comprehensive pharmaceutical regimes in addition to providing basic patient care. A critical care nurse’s work description frequently includes responsibilities including keeping track of life support equipment, giving extra oxygen, giving IV drugs, monitoring cardiac and renal status, caring for catheters, and changing dressings.
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Mail: [email protected] | [email protected] WhatsApp: +442033222718 Call: +12076890407 https://nursing-healthcare.universeconferences.com
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phgq · 3 years
Tough year for tourism: Exploring ways to restart, recover
#PHnews: Tough year for tourism: Exploring ways to restart, recover
MANILA – The year 2020 is unlike any other for the country's travel industry, which by yearend, often produce record-breaking figures on revenues and arrivals.
In January, the year started with Taal's eruption, forcing thousands of people to evacuate. At that time, it was the industry's biggest challenge as it affected hundreds of flights and compelled numerous tourism establishments in Calabarzon to suspend operations.
But the worst came the following weeks as the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) reached the Philippines and locally-transmitted cases surfaced.
On March 16, air travel was brought to a screeching halt where people had no choice but to stay home as the government placed Luzon under lockdown.
Michelle Taylan, president of the Philippine Travel Agencies Association (PTAA), said the crisis forced all of its members to temporarily close or scale down operations.
"Our member travel agencies have been forced to pivot to other businesses to tide them over. Airlines have suffered heavy losses. Hotels were used as quarantine facilities. Tourism was at a standstill," she said in an email to the Philippine News Agency.
Amid the uncertainties this year, Taylan said the PTAA looks forward to 2021 with "a lot of optimism".
"We will still stage our annual Travel Tour Expo and International Travel Trade Expo. They will be springboards as we assist in the revival of Philippine tourism," she shared.
"We will also hold talks with other stakeholders in the tourism industry and will come out with a united front in our pursuit to further open tourism in the country," she added.
From January to November 2020, the country's tourism receipts fell by 81 percent to PHP81.05 billion, a significant drop from PHP437.9 billion in the same period in 2019.
International arrivals also dropped by 82.4 percent to 1.3 million compared to the 7.4 million recorded from January to November in 2019.
But while the coronavirus pandemic has grounded most tourism activities, the sector continues to explore ways to restart and offset the crisis's impact on tourism.
The Department of Tourism (DOT) continued to engage with relevant agencies to craft health and safety protocols that could be used when travel gradually starts.
Since April, it has successfully organized a handful of online learning courses that aim to help local tourism players become more competitive, with new knowledge, technological advances, and ways to innovate and be able to cater to a new breed of travelers.
To adapt to the travel trends due to the pandemic, the Tourism Promotions Board also developed a strategic marketing program for the medium and long-term.
"The toughest challenge was the fact that we could not promote tourism destinations the way we used to simply because they were closed to tourists. Or that we could not even promote at all. This compelled us to creatively explore ways to keep the connection with our tourists, while at the same time, gradually assist our local government units (LGUs) and our stakeholders prepare for the new normal in travel," TPB chief Anthonette Velasco said.
'Domestic tourism'
Uncertain when the foreign market will come back, the DOT banked on domestic tourism to slowly revive the sector and capitalized on the low-hanging fruit within its borders -- the local travelers.
The DOT believed that by tapping into these short-haul markets through targeted marketing, the country can "bypass some of the considerable challenges" it faced following the pandemic.
It looked at introducing travel corridors or the so-called "travel bubble" to allow the reopening of Philippine destinations with zero coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) cases to foreign tourists from infection-free nations. By the second half of 2020, the DOT initiated talks with Australia, which at that time has touted a low to zero case count.
While this vision did not push through, a similar concept was applied domestically and piloted in El Nido, Palawan connecting resorts in the island to tourists from Metro Manila.
In June, the Philippines gradually reopened the world-class Boracay Island, initially to visitors within Aklan province, and eventually to other regions provided the traveler has been tested negative for Covid-19.
By the latter part of the year, several domestic destinations followed suit and started accepting visitors but with strict health and border control protocols, some with a test-before-travel requirement. Among these are Bohol, Batangas, Ilocos Region, Baguio, Siargao, and Palawan.
Last October, Bohol also hosted the hybrid Philippine Travel Exchange 2020, the first physical MICE event since the pandemic started. MICE stands for meetings, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions, an emerging niche market in the tourism industry before the health crisis.
Joel Pascual, president of the Philippine Association of Conventions, Exhibition Organizers & Suppliers Inc. (PACEOS), said 2020 was a "really terrible year" for all MICE stakeholders as all its planned events had to be postponed or canceled.
For most of the year, PACEOS lobbied for MICE to be separated from “mass gatherings” as the industry works in a controlled environment where there is clear accountability and where safety protocols are more effectively implemented.
"Towards the end of the year, some events have been approved on a national level but are still subject to the approval of the LGUs but there are still some confusions on implementation of such guidelines," he said.
Pascual said no events equates to zero revenue, which meant that MICE companies were merely trying to survive, trying to keep staff employed through the pandemic.
As the new year nears, Pascual hopes for more consultation between the government and the private sector while the pandemic is still a pervading issue.
"Our biggest hope is that we can build the confidence of government that the professional MICE sector is more than capable of adhering to safety protocols," he said. 
'Chinese retirees'
Aside from the pandemic, the DOT this year also focused on introducing reforms at the Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA) following a public backlash on its current policy that allows foreigners as young as 35 years old to retire in the Philippines.
Senators questioned if the PRA, an attached agency of the DOT, can ensure that young Chinese retirees are not working nor engaged in the operations of Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators (POGO).
Based on PRA data, some 26,969 Chinese nationals have been allowed to retire in the Philippines, topping the list as of December 2019, followed by 13,912 Koreans; 5,951 Indians; 4,801 Taiwanese; and 3,950 Japanese.
There are a total of 14,987 active retirees or those who continue to keep the retirement visa as their status of stay in the Philippines with ages ranging from 34 to 49 years old. Of this number, more than 50 percent, or 8,130 of whom are Chinese nationals from mainland China, followed by the Koreans at 2,257 and Indians at 1,891.
Despite this calamitous year for the tourism industry, the Philippines carried on and has even bagged accolades that recognized the timeless beauty of its destinations.
The Philippines’ dive spots and the old walled city of Intramuros were hailed as this year's World's Leading Dive Destination and World's Leading Tourist Attraction, respectively, by the 2020 World Travel Awards (WTA).
This is the Philippines’ second time to win the world title for dive, besting eight different popular dive hubs, such as the Azores Islands, Bora Bora, French Polynesia, Cayman Islands, Fiji, Galapagos Islands, Great Barrier Reef in Australia, Maldives, and Mexico.
Meanwhile, it was Intramuros’s first time to win the World's Leading Tourist Attraction, beating 15 different attractions, such as the Acropolis of Greece, Burj Khalifa of Dubai, the Grand Canyon National Park of the US, Mount Kilimanjaro of Tanzania, and Taj Mahal of India. Albeit virtually, the Philippines remained on the world's radar.
Earlier, Tourism Secretary Bernadette Romulo-Puyat said international travel might not happen soon amid the existing travel restrictions of other countries, especially now that a new strain of SARS-CoV-2 is spreading fast in the United Kingdom.
"Our (focus) is still domestic tourism. Domestic tourism is 10.8 percent in the 12.7 percent contribution of the tourism industry to the country's GDP that's why we will strengthen this," she told reporters on Dec. 28.
Physical distancing and health protocols had been the most associated words to the "new normal". And in the years beyond, this is likely to stay as safety becomes the traveler's paramount concern.
Puyat is optimistic that DOT's partnerships with public hospitals, such as the Philippine General Hospital and the Philippine Children's Medical Center, would help transcend the prohibitive barrier of testing requirements for travelers.
"Working hand in hand not only with our tourism stakeholders and LGU, but also with government health facilities ensures that success of safety protocols will strengthen our collective efforts to gradually and safely reopen domestic tourism," she said.
Basing on previous major viral epidemics, experts earlier said the average recovery time for visitor numbers to a destination was 19 months.
The worldwide economic impact of H1N1 was estimated at up to USD55 billion, according to the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC).
A similar economic crisis affected China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Canada after the 2003 SARS outbreak impacted the global travel and tourism sector by around USD30 billion and USD50 billion.
But for a global health crisis that has lasted for almost a year now, how can the industry today regain its momentum and recover?
For the WTTC, governments must coordinate to provide certainty for travelers with regards to travel restrictions and policies.
In a December 21 statement, Gloria Guevara, WTTC President, and CEO, said: “If a comprehensive and quick turnaround testing regime were in place at airports across the country to test all travelers before they depart, it would ensure only those infected with Covid-19 are isolated and are prevented from traveling. There would be no need for countries to introduce damaging and counterproductive wholesale bans on UK travelers." (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "Tough year for tourism: Exploring ways to restart, recover." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1125790 (accessed December 29, 2020 at 01:30AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Tough year for tourism: Exploring ways to restart, recover." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1125790 (archived).
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freenewstoday · 3 years
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New Post has been published on https://freenews.today/2020/12/06/middle-east-facing-cyber-pandemic-as-covid-exposes-security-vulnerabilities-cyber-chief-says/
Middle East facing 'cyber pandemic' as Covid exposes security vulnerabilities, cyber chief says
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DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — The Middle East region is facing a “cyber pandemic” with Covid-19 related attacks skyrocketing this year, according to the United Arab Emirates government’s top cyber security chief.
“As we moved into a full online life, we saw a huge increase in many of those attacks,” Mohamed al-Kuwaiti, head of UAE Government Cyber Security, told a CNBC-moderated panel at the Gulf Information Security Expo and Conference in Dubai on Sunday.
The UAE has seen an “at least 250% increase” in cyberattacks this year, Al Kuwaiti said, as the pandemic forced organizations around the world to reconsider how and where they work and hackers and malicious actors took advantage of increased digital adoption.
“There is a cyber pandemic, not only a biological pandemic,” he said.
Al Kuwaiti also said that the United Arab Emirates was the target of “huge attacks” from “activists” against the UAE after it established formal ties with Israel in August.
“The financial sector was one of the most attacked areas, as well as the health sector,” Al-Kuwaiti revealed, without going into specific detail about the nature of the incidents in the UAE or whether they were successful.
The comments offer a snapshot into the increasingly challenging cybersecurity environment in the UAE and the wider Middle East region, where security breaches and attacks are widespread, frequently undetected and often state-sponsored.
Al Kuwaiti said a variety of sources were responsible for the attacks. “We see it coming from the whole region, but one is Iran,” he said, reflecting ongoing tensions in the region. Iran has also said that it has been a victim of hacking. The Iranian Foreign Ministry and Iran’s mission to the United Nations did not respond to a CNBC request for comment.
When asked what type of attacks were occurring most, Al Kuwaiti said “phishing” and “ransomware” were becoming more sophisticated and increasing in frequency. A phishing attack occurs when a cybercriminal masquerades as a legitimate person or business to extract sensitive information from a victim voluntarily. Ransomware occurs when a hacker blocks access to a victim’s files, then demands payment to restore access.
New research by multinational cyber security firm, TrendMicro, says critical public infrastructure and government IT systems were becoming a primary focus for hackers globally, with ransomware being their preferred weapon of choice.
“Current malicious actors have opted to demand heftier ransoms from targets that are more likely to pay, such as healthcare companies and local governments,” the report said.
Al Kuwaiti said the UAE had established a new National Cyber Security Council to develop policies and laws to strengthen cyber security, and ensure the country is not vulnerable to the types of attacks that could easily affect its society, government or businesses.
“The UAE has gone through a whole digital transformation,” he said. “The vision of our leadership is to build on top of that transformation.”
Lifting WhatsApp ban still under consideration
Al Kuwaiti said discussions were ongoing regarding lifting the ban on some Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services in the UAE, such as WhatsApp and FaceTime calling.
“WhatsApp was opened for a specific part of time and it was used for some testing procedures, with the collaboration from WhatsApp themselves. There are some regulations that they still need to adhere to, and they are working on that,” he said, though he did not elaborate on what those regulations were.
“2021, we are optimistic towards that,” he added.
Popular services like Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Skype for Business are now unlocked, allowing remote work and learning, but WhatsApp and Facetime remain blocked for voice and video calls, meaning residents typically have to use fee-based services from one of the state’s telecoms providers, Etisalat and Du.
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jaeyloaded · 4 years
How We Spent N80m On Lawmakers Wives Dubai Trip – Lagos Speaker, Obasa Speaks
The Speaker of the Lagos State House of Assembly, Mr Mudashiru Obasa, on Saturday appeared before the House panel of enquiry on the corruption allegations levelled against him by an online medium. Obasa told the panel that the allegations were untrue and that they were the handiwork of his enemies.
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The Speaker appeared before the nine-man fact-finding panel of the House headed by Mr Victor Akande (Ojo Constituency I) at the House chamber. The News Agency of Nigeria reports that an online medium had reported on May 23 that at least 64 bank accounts had been discovered and linked to the Bank Verification Number of the Speaker. The online medium said that it discovered that the accounts registered with various names were being used to siphon public funds and many other allegations against the Speaker. Responding to questions from members of the committee, Obasa said all the allegations made by the online medium in the reports were unfounded. The Speaker explained that the vehicles bought for the members of the House and other expenses made by the House were done with the approval of the House and that of the Fund Management Committee of the House headed by him. “We bought (Toyota) Land Cruisers for principal officers of the House. The cars we bought for them were more expensive than those of other members and we followed due process in the purchase. “Also, it is not true that my wife collects N10m monthly from the House. Anyone who says she does should come with proof and evidence. “My approval limit as the Speaker is N100m and anything above that would have to be approved by the Fund Management Committee,” he said. Obasa, while explaining the expenditure of N80m as estacode for the training of women in Dubai, said that wives of the 20 lawmakers attended the event and that he was there to declare the event open. “We gave N4m to each of the participants for air ticket, hotels, feedings and local travel. “Air ticket to Dubai alone cost about N2m. Some of these allegations were raised for a crusade to get the Speaker out of office. “The House of Assembly is above common standard of excellence and we have to train people, and this comes at a cost. Learning is not cheap and I have never collected N80m for estacode at a go before,” he said. Obasa also denied the allegation that he spent N53m on a trip to the United States of America with his mistress. “We were invited by the Consular General for a programme in the United States. Later, the programme was postponed, but I had gone ahead. “I had to return home and I told others not to bother to come until the new dates,” the Speaker said. “On the issue of awarding contracts to companies belonging to me, they should come and show evidence of where I awarded contracts to myself,” he told the panel. On the report that he tricked ex-governor Akinwunmi Ambode to spend N350m on hosting a meeting of Conference of Speakers, Obasa told the committee that this was not possible. He said such a situation was not possible since Ambode was an accountant, who rose to be the chief accountant of the state. “All these allegations are deliberate actions of my enemies to achieve their aims that they could not achieve in the House to remove me as the Speaker, which was why they came up with such reports,” he said. The Deputy Speaker of the House, Mr Wasiu Eshinlokun-Sanni, who also appeared before the panel, denied attending a meeting in Dubai as against the report of an online medium. The Clerk of the House, Mr. Azeez Sanni, also defended the estacode for the trip to the United States, saying that it followed the standard procedure. Read the full article
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