#Opened the window to chill with the stray kitten that come by from time to time
bellflower-goat · 1 year
man I'm vibing rn
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Marked By Him
Part 1 | ?????
Pairings: Lee Know(SKZ)/OC, Secretssssss here
Summary: Vampyres dominate the entertainment world with their otherworldly beauty and talent. It's a world you must be born into, but a few lucky ones are Marked. Stripped from her home and everything she knows, Minji's Marking means that she has to rely on the Devil himself, Lee Minho, to be her mentor. He's cute and sweet to the public, but behind closed doors the monster comes out to play.
Content: Angst, slow burn romance, lotsa plot, eventual smut, vampires, darkish romance, original characters, first person perspective, general 18+ content, asshole Lee Know, alternate idol universe, love triangle (Surprise), pet names: kitten/mouse
WC: 2,208
Minors do NOT interact. Do NOT repost my work in anyway. This includes translations or sharing to sites such as Wattpad or Ao3.
Notes: I have risen from the dead through the power of Stray Kids. This one is intended to be a long form story, probably around 20 parts or so or until it reaches a natural end. Individual parts will be labeled as smut and smut warnings will be included for future parts. Ngl, it's mostly wish fulfillment and because not many people seem to write longer SKZ content. Enjoy, my dirty dirty friends.
"He will meet you in Conference Room Number Zero."
I waited for his arrival with anticipation creating a knot in the pit of my stomach. Not even meeting the CEO of JYP Entertainment had caused such nerves to take root. This was the person I would be spending most of my time with - the one who would integrate me into my new life. He would be my mentor and teacher. I could only guess at what kind of person he would be.
Would he be kind? Smart? As ethereal and graceful as they usually are?
They were known for their cold beauty - so chilling and unreal that it haunted people as well as it enamored them. I am sure, just like humans, they varied but every single one that graced the media was the image of physical perfection. They were Gods come to life amongst mortals. If even the average ones were half as good looking, they still had to be pretty damn exceptional compared to humans.
And so I waited.
The dusty, peculiarly ancient looking grandfather clock chimed in the corner of the room. It didn't fit the image JYP was associated with: a sleek and modern entertainment company that housed some of the brightest talents in Korea. As a matter of fact, the entire 'conference room' felt out of place compared to the rest of the building. The modernity of the outside was forgotten in the confines of the four walls that surrounded me.
The wallpaper was reminiscent of an ancient mansion: a dark royal blue with silver feligreses interspersed through the length. All of the windows in the building were tinted darkly to ward off paparazzi but also natural light, but the windows in this room were completely covered. The only light source came from elegant sconces that dotted the walls and an antique lamp that sat in on the corner of the desk I was seated at. The rest of the room was filled with shelves of books and peculiar looking items that my frazzled brain refused to make sense of.
All I could do was marvel at where life had taken me: at how I was going from ordinary to extraordinary.
The doorknob twisting had me sitting up straighter in my seat and my eyes widening in alert. I held my breath as the door disengaged and opened. It felt like life had gone into slow motion as he entered. As I took in my mentor, the world stopped as my heart sped up and heat rose in my cheeks.
He was beautiful. He had sharp facial features that only God himself could have chiseled: perfectly pouty lips that would put most human women to shame, large dark eyes that captured the soul at a glance, perfectly styled black hair that looked so thick and soft I wanted to run my hands through it just to see if it was real, and clear skin without a single blemish. He could have been a painting, a true work of art.
And even more insane: I knew who he was.
I watched music videos with him in them. I bought his group's albums at every release. I had posters of him on my bedroom walls back in Busan. I had spent countless hours of my youth being a dedicated fan.
"Minji?" Lee Minho questioned with a raised brow.
I was so enraptured I hadn't even noticed the door shut. I hadn't even noticed that he had crossed the room to stand behind the chair opposite of me. I had also completely forgotten my manners. I pushed back from my chair in a haste and stood up. I bowed deeply, partly out of how much respect I had for him but also as an apology for forgetting myself.
"Hello. I am Minji," I greeted formally.
He nodded with an air of boredom about him in return before taking the seat he was behind. Even the way he sat was gracefully beautiful. The man could burn whole cities and he would be forgiven based on his looks alone.
"Sit," he commanded simply. I did as I was told and resumed my seat immediately. I couldn't help but to study his features further, committing them to memory to paint later. His sharp jaw, his soft looking mouth, and his eyes. Eyes that were staring at me with something scarily remicent of disdain under a dark cocked brow.
Suddenly, I felt inferior. I felt unworthy to look at him so blatantly. Who was I to stare at someone like him? My eyes fell to the table before me in something akin to shame.
"I am assuming the Tracker gave you all the usual information pamphlets?" he asked in a bored tone. I got the impression he wanted to be anywhere other than in that room with me. It hurt that the man I idolized seemed to be so disinterested in me, but what did I expect? He had millions of fans all over the world.
"Yes," I answered as steadily as I could. I heard him rustling through papers and waited as patiently as I could for him to offer more information or even ask something else, but he didn't. I only willed myself to glance up at the loud thud of something being dropped onto the desk in front of me. It was a large book - a textbook. It was eerily new and modern compared to the rest of the contents in the room. The title was simply "Marked."
"This book has been approved by the Association to help guide you into your new life," he said with a small but beautiful chuckle at the end as if he found the book amusing more than anything. "You will finish a chapter every two days in-between normal idol training."
"I- I can do that," I stuttered when he paused as if waiting for a response.
"Good girl," he almost scoffed in mockery at my answer. My cheeks heated again and strangely a small tingle made itself known between my legs at the insincere praise. I did my best to ignore it. When he didn't continue, I chanced a glance up at him to find him smirking in amusement before he continued. "After each chapter, we will meet here for any questions and to review what you have learned."
He paused again, and I nodded to show I understood without daring another look at him. I was never a loud or overly confident person, I was simply quiet. That didn't mean I was a doormat, until Lee Minho walked through the door. I was fairly certain at that moment I was wearing a shirt inviting him to step on me.
"I was told to make myself available to you for further questions and help in between meetings," he continued. I heard a rustling as he stood from his chair. I refused to look up even as his shoes appeared in my peripheral. I could feel his presence next to me like a reaper come to take my life, but the normal feeling of body heat was absent. A cold hand pushed the long loose hair back from my shoulder, exposing the bare column of my neck to the chill of him and the room. I involuntarily shuddered.
"You won't have any questions or need any help, will you?" he asked with a faux saccharine in his voice that somehow chilled me to my core. The blood in my veins had turned to ice as my heart pumped harder to compensate. My words stuck in my throat as a strange panic set in.
I knew they were dangerous. I knew they could hurt me, but this was Lee Minho - Lee Know of Stray Kids. He was the weird but sweet one who showed his affection by spanking his fellow members. He was not the kind of person who discreetly threatened strangers, but I felt like that's exactly what he was doing.
"Answer me, Mouse," he all but demanded with the fake sweetness fading and the chill boredom returning to his voice.
Insanity comes in all forms and from all places. Sometimes it's as simple as someone making a noise that gets on your nerves that makes you snap. In my case: I had traveled to a whole new city on my own and uprooted my life in a move that was not of my choosing. I was alone. I was scared. I was changing into something I couldn't even begin to comprehend in a world I had only read about, and the man I had considered to be my ultimate kpop bias was threatening me and treating me like a burden. The actual audacity.
My head snapped up and my eyes found his. I stared at him with a newfound sense of annoyance. I didn't ask for this - I wasn't even sure if I wanted it. How could he treat me so badly when he was fully aware of the situation?
"My name is Minji," I snapped with as much force in my voice as I could muster. "If we are to be forced into this situation together, at least call me by my proper name."
I don't know what I was expecting, but I wasn't expecting him to give a dark chuckle and his eyes to fill with - amusement? I also wasn't expecting long elegant fingers to reach up and take hold of my chin in a firm grip. His touch was cold. Despite my efforts to keep it from affecting me, it shot sparks of heat through my entire body in contrast to his temperature.
"Maybe not a mouse, then. A kitten with little ineffective claws," he mused. He held my gaze as he taunted me, keeping his hold firm on my chin. His face came closer and my delusional heart pounded out an encore. His soft lips were right there, just mere inches from my own. I could feel his cool breath on my cheek as he moved to my ear. His next words tickled my skin and had me shivering again. "Careful, Kitten. I like the feisty ones."
Insanity gripped me again. It was madness, pure and simple. I was taunting not a God like I thought, but the devil himself. I was starting to see that, but I did it anyway. "I'm sure they don't feel the same way. Cats are very good judges of character."
A sharp inhale against the side of my face followed a light chuckle as he pulled back to hold my gaze captured yet again. The amusement was still present, boredom all but gone, but it was mixed with something else - something darker, scarier.
"Word of advice kitten," he started. His cool hand released its grip on my chin to trail up my jaw and to the center of my forehead. "This Mark doesn't mean shit. You will never really be one of us - just an imitation - and no one here will praise you for it. It's a target, and you will be surrounded by predators."
"Why?" His words chilled me, actually had me fighting the impulse to shake in my seat, but the confusion weighed out. I didn't understand this world - I didn't understand them.
"Don't ask questions, Kitten, and maybe I'll take care of you if I decide it's worth it." For just a brief moment, his eyes glanced down at my lips. My silly heart almost couldn't take it, but I persevered.
"No," he stated firmly. His hand had fallen back to my chin, and his thumb brushed against my lower lip almost accidentally. My breath hitched. "Listen and behave, Kitten. That Mark already draws attention, don't make it worse by being a brat."
With that, his cool presence was gone. He moved away so fast that I blinked and he was across the room at the door with his sinful fingers wrapped around the door handle. He didn't turn back as he spoke again. "A car is waiting at the front of the building. It will take you to the dorms. Welcome to hell, Kitten."
His words, combined with the entirety of the events that had just transpired, were the icy wake up call I needed. I had been Marked. I was entering a new plane of existence I knew hardly anything about, but I was already learning. It was dangerous. It was not at all like the media and the Association wanted the world to believe. They had painted the things that go bump in the night to be beautiful but perfectly normal parts of society - but the painting was beginning to turn red for me and it was only day one.
An antique mirror wedged between two bookshelves caught my eye. I vacated my seat and went to stand before it. The girl in the mirror was familiar. Long, dark hair, a light complexion with a smattering of freckles across the nose bridge. It was me, yet it wasn't. The mark stood in stark contrast against my skin. It was a dark purple outline in the shape of a crescent moon. It was a sign that I was changing. It was a sign I was becoming one of them.
I was becoming a Vampyre.
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blorbologist · 2 years
Cat’s Cradle
Tiny Perc’ahlia AU I started because I need some good vibes rn: 
TLDR Percy finds a litter of abandoned kittens. Vex can’t take them on with her work schedule, shelters are too full to accept the workload of newborn beans, but Percy hasn’t a clue what to do.
So, naturally, he decides to help Vex foster his kittens. By practically moving in, given overnight feedings and her hours on the job (and Vax and Kiki are on a vacation to write them out of this).
What could possibly go wrong?
“Tsk tsk tsk.” Percival rattles the cup of kibble, the rolling churn loud in the morning chill.
Ten minutes in, he has to admit defeat. She’s been late before. 
With a sigh he places the bowl down in its usual spot and fishes around for his keys. With his other hand he quickly sends a text to Vex before his fingers freeze. 
Sorry, no photos for you. Curio was a no-show.
The lock snaps - so very satisfying - and warm air buffets him as he makes his way into his workshop. Not strictly his - technically he rents his room, use of the main forge and such from Victor. But he’s one of two with a key and that’s enough to be his, thank you very much.
Out of habit, he flicks on the lights before taking off his boots. 
Percy only gets one stomp to free them of snow before there’s a clatter. A racket, even, as a blur of fur skids out from under his main worktable, sending a jacket left there flying. An array of screwdrivers and his box of drill bits scream as they hit the ground - he barely recognizes the dark tail and paws before it’s gone.
“Curio?” Percy whispers into the sudden quiet. It must have been her - he’s never seen a stray with her colors before, let alone here, and she’s such a flighty thing, despite his best efforts at Keyleth’s behest. It was only a few days ago he got close enough to hear her purr as she ate.
He swears he hadn’t left that window open, given they had been calling for a spring cold snap. The screen lies half-torn on the floor, on closer inspection. With a scowl Percy pads over and slides the glass closed, picks up the mesh. Not sure it can be salvaged. Great.
It’s very quiet, but the buzzing fluorescent lights overhead, so he can indulge in a heartfelt “Fuck” and listen to it echo.
It does.
It also comes back a little shrill. And chorused. 
Percy’s frown deepens. Stalking the noise is easy enough, as is lifting that fallen jacket.
Oh dear. 
Help, he texts Vex, and attaches a photo.
“Are you keeping them warm?” are the first words out of Vex’s mouth when he lets her in. 
Awkwardly, with one arm, he closes the door. She would usually allow time for a smile - Vex today is on a warpath, striding right down the hall. 
It’s a rare day to see her without her massive brown mutt at her side, but the circumstances certainly exclude Trinket from the proceedings.
“Of course,” he says, doing his best to follow her promptly. A touch difficult, given - “I did not have anything on hand, and the forge takes a while to warm, so -”
“Percy, kittens rely on their mother’s body heat to survive. If you’re right and they’re that new-”
“I know - they’re safe.”
Vex spins away once in Victor’s workshop. She procures a bean bag from her purse that’s quickly stuffed in the abused lunch microwave. She has to smack it to get it whirring to life. “Darling, why don’t you give me a hand? Where are the babies?”
“No, and here.”
Vex is looking at him very curiously. So Percy takes it as a command: sits, peels off his sweater, ignores Vex’s quirked brow loaded with innuendo, and untucks the overlarge undershirt.
“I figured,” he says, a touch breathless because oh that tickles, “body heat was better than nothing.”
Her eyes are wide and soft and staring down at a very peculiar angle at the writhing patches clutched tight to Percy’s skin. They’re quieter, now, and he’s not sure if that’s a good or bad thing.
“Oh - they’re so small,” Vex says, downy soft. Percy’s stomach flutters. He blames it on the prick of tiny claws. “Poor things.”
Vex inhales and is immediately back in action, slipping under the tables to find a suitable outlet for something else she tossed on a chair. “Just stay there, darling? I’ll get something a little more convenient set up for them.”
It isn’t long at all before Vex has commandeered the slipper basked, tucked in the electric heating pad and the microwaved one and tucked the whole nest with towels - clean ones, from her place. With a waddle, Percy joins her, kneels, and gingerly holds his shirt open as Vex scoops up each kitten in turn.
“One.” She counts as she goes, setting the squirming kitten down gently. They mewl in protest. 
“Two.” She’s smiling, now, and with the adrenaline beginning to fade Percy feels he can too. 
“Three - oh, sweetie, you’re still damp.” Her face becomes something heartbreaking at the realization.
“Four - and five.” He hands her the last one, hand trembling almost as much as it is. 
Five kittens. All squirming, to some degree or another - none still, at least. Two at least are whimpering, doing their best to knead at the nearest soft thing. Another is pushed over by its siblings and wails. Percy slowly tips it back upright.
“They’re disgusting,” Vex whispers with affection. “I was going to - I expected these to be a week or two old, because no one really gets what newborn animals are like. But - these really are newborn. Mom did not even finish cleaning them.”
He huffs. Could be amused, could be humorless. He’s just tired and it’s not even ten am. Vex echoes him, and it’s murmuring quiet as the kittens get settled.
“Alright,” Percy sighs. Five kittens. He hadn’t exactly taken time to count them, in the rush to scoop them up once he had Vex on the phone relaying instructions.
(Five is a bad number. For Percival, specifically.)
“Alright,” he repeats. “What’s next?”
Vex steels herself. “We have to find their mother.” 
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fawnandshadows · 2 years
Fawn Fest - Walking Through Velaris On a Chilly Night
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prompt: Nyx crunching leaves in his tiny galoshes on an autumn walk through Velaris with his uncle Cass. Also a love letter for Cassian Week <3 Requested by @impossiblescissorspeachpaper
Word Count: 827.
Warnings: None. Fluff.
The air was crisp, almost bitterly so, which was unusual for the time of year. Only a few weeks prior had the air started to chill and the sun started to spend less time in the sky, and all of the residents of Velaris found themselves spending more and more time indoors. Their fireplaces coming to life with the flickers of orange flames, their ovens constantly full of fresh bread while their stews stayed hot over open fire, and mothers would bundle their children up in bulky, woolen sweaters.
It was the time of year where one’s own home was at its coziest — a warm, welcoming place that everyone was thinking of as they went about their day. And when the week was coming to its end, home was where everyone could be found.
Well, almost everyone.
If anyone had looked out their window just before evening they would have found the Lord of Bloodshed and his nephew walking along the Sidra.
They owned the streets as everyone else was tucked safely into their houses, and their only companions were the fallen leaves that littered the ground — small piles of red, orange, and yellow could be seen on the corners of the streets, and the uncle would place his hand on his nephews shoulder to stop him from jumping into the piles that weren’t quite large enough to truly cushion his fall.
The pair continued to walk through the streets aimlessly, when they left the house earlier that day they didn’t have a destination in mind. Cassian saw the restless energy in Nyx, the energy that he himself felt so often, as his nephew was staring out the bay window of the townhouse after lunch. His parents were sleepy from the large feast Elain had prepared with the twins, and they were snoring on top of each other on the couch when Cassian asked Nyx if he wanted to go for an adventure — his nephew looked at him with excited blue eyes and immediately jumped into his bright yellow galoshes, his wings flapping excitedly behind him.
Cassian knelt in front of him after grabbing Nyx’s scarf from where it hung by the door and slowly wrapped it around him, and Cassian tucked it into his jacket after he helped guide Nyx’s tiny arms through the sleeves.
He contemplated leaving a note for his brother and sister in law, but he decided just to tell Elain, who was still puttering around the kitchen. And when he poked his head through the doorway Cassian tucked away his surprise at seeing Elain sitting at the table, sharing a cup of hot coffee with Azriel. A small bundle of fur laid on Azriel’s lap. After a second Cassian recognized Jasmine, the stray that Elain had brought home and adopted a few weeks ago. The little kitten had packed on some healthy weight since then, and its black fur had regained its shine, but the little beast never got over Cassian calling her a rat.
She growled a little every time she saw him.
In fact, it was her growl that alerted his brother and Elain to his arrival.
Cassian had the unnerving feeling that he was interrupting something private, so he simply asked them to tell Feyre and Rhysand that he was out with Nyx when they woke up. And left before either of them decided to give him a flimsy excuse as to why there was only one steaming cup of coffee being shared between them, or why the tips of Elain’s fingers were placed delicately next to Azriel’s on the table.
Cassian simply nodded his head towards them and left the room. He slipped his feet into his own sturdy galoshes, slipped on a coat he was pretty sure belonged to Azriel, grabbed his nephew's tiny hand, and headed out.
They explored almost all of Velaris that day, Cassian telling Nyx all of the historical tidbits that he knew — and he took Nyx to one of his most favorite spots in the city. He watched his nephew’s face glaze over in wonder as he heard about the legend of a dragon that appeared in Velaris, one that was brought about by love and heartache to protect the city.
And the entire time they roamed about the city, they walked in the oddest, most impractical way.
Rather than walking in straight lines, they took giant, oblong steps.
Sometimes walking side to side. Or hopping onto one foot a few feet in front of where they stood. Anyone looking out at them undoubtedly tilted their head in confusion, but the actions of the Lord of Bloodshed and the Princeling of the Night Court made perfect sense.
To themselves, at least.
They were crunching leaves.
To Nyx, it was the satisfying crunch of the leaves crumbling beneath his galoshes that sent him into a fit of giggles that drove his actions.
And to Cassian, he was simply following where his prince led.
tagging: @thefangirlofhp @sakurakittypeach @impossiblescissorspeachpaper @feyredarlinq @alwayssara @nyxreads @rinadragomir @secretpuppyflower @captainbrucebanner @ultadverb @irisesforelain @shedoessoshedoes @magnolia-blossom87 @sheena-beene @nivem565
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What kind of pets do you think Sevika would have or want? I have an au where she's a fighting dog rescuer, but I could also see her being a snake person if she had the time? Your thoughts? (Also how cute would it be if she had a kitten) hc/fic whatever is fine :)
Okay this is so cute I couldn't wait to do this request and I love that au! I can honestly see her having a soft spot for dogs, cats, snakes and how funny would it be for her to be sitting at a card game with a bearded dragon chilling on her shoulder.
If she's a dog person, she'd definitely have a big one. And no matter how big, she'd hold that thing like a damn baby
I think she'd be a pushover when it comes to strays. Maybe not enough to take them into her home (right away) but they'd definitely hang around her place because she feeds them
After a while she'd cave and have a variety of breeds in her home (idk if y'all have ever seen the TV show Hannibal but like Will does)
Practically a dog whisperer. Really good at training them. Will get upset with you for teaching them bad habits like begging
If a dog licks her in the face, the most girlish giggle will come out of that woman
She maybe had a dog that protected her when she was younger
Definitely likes animals more than people (me too, Sev)
If she's a cat person, she's a kitten magnet. Would know all the tricks to get even the most hateful cat to like her
Like the dog hc, she'd take in strays. Her window would be left open so they can come and go as they please
Imagine she's working on her arm at the table and one jumps up, she pauses what she's doing to give it a little scratch behind the ears
Imagine a little kitten just attacking her hand
She will swear and pout whenever she's clawed
She wouldn't hate hairless cats but they kind of unnerve her because they remind her of Silco lol
Needless to say but any kind of rodent does too
If she has a snake, she kisses it's snoot habitually
She'd have to stop it from getting caught in the mechanisms of her arm so she probably has a shirt pocket for it, if it's small
I find it really funny if she has a phobia of spiders
If you have a pet tarantula, she will literally question dating you because she thinks you're insane
Whenever you have it out she finds somewhere to be. You probably manage to convince her to try and sit near it's cage for five minutes, at least
Her eyes would be glued to its every movement
If she loses track of it for a second, she's frantically asking you where it is, and her voice definitely isn't high pitched
Sometime during her work for Silco, she yelped when she noticed a spider get close to her and it scared the shit out of him
They agreed (after some thinly veiled threatening) to never talk about it again
Okay but Jinx capitalizes on this fear and tortures this poor woman
She'd put fake(?) ones on Sevika when she's napping, in her desk drawers, etc
I can not see her giving a shit about fish, and if you got a tank she'd probably put her cigs out in it
Doesn't like crabs, one pinched her as a child and she flung it at the wall
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