#Or an SI fucks up and Xanxus gets a downright vicious Cloud.
grey-eyed-menace · 2 years
"I am not a kind person, Tsunayoshi-kun."
Tsuna jerks sideways, eyes blown wide, and scrambles up onto his feet, "Don't say that about yourself Sensei! I'm sure-"
Viné's eyes sharpen, and suddenly Tsuna isn't on is his feet so much as he's pushing against a wall, his arm secured behind back painfully.
"Let me rephrase that Tsunayoshi-kun," she all but drawled, grin bearing down on him, "I'm refashioning this into a lesson."
She moved his arm so that even more pain flared through the socket.
"If you want to survive the Mafia, don't ever discredit a single person's capabilities simply because of how they look. We've all killed to get to where we are, we've all had to slit someone's throats to stay there."
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